Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 21, 1916, Page 18, Image 18
18 ff ~_ ~~ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart i ♦ . " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart SummeiMjloves For Women Women's Undervests and arc chic and refined aPP Hwß J j[* X|f I A n r> Prices arc low enough to warrant buying several pair for - " I■ ■■ Attractive Items tOY VaCatlOU Needs 16-button lenpth silk Kloves in navy, tan and ponftee; our actual $1.50 *—n Price l.>^ Kayser and Fownes double finger, lfi-button length gloves, in white ' ' ■ , ' **]) Price 20«S and black. Mill and Factory Sale price #1.75 __ > - n "' , ' * with double fingers. Mill and Factory Sale price. in whlteand bla 7sc During August the Store Will Be Open Fr'd xy All Day Until 9 cngth. Mill and Factory Sale Price JiOe^ " ,k -™° O'clock in the Evenin g &Will Close at One O'clock Saturdays S& .^.^..^..^J "Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. An Auto Hat For the Woman VACATION N E Q/f° R EVE RYP)® DV Wash Weaves in Dainty Colorings Who's Planning a Tour . Designed to Provide Lovely Dresses Automobile caps and hats in individual stripe and plaid In Our Disposal of Fashionahlp white grounds, rosebud designs and |and Factory Sale Price, yard, 15c designs as well as a eood ranee of solid colors .. . 50C to $2.00 ■*- - 1 - solid shades. Mill and Factory 25c voiles; 36 inches wide; floral ' Sale price, yard 12 designs and stripes. Mill and Fac- Chifton auto veils, in black and white and other wanted 0-.1 A 1 A l T"1 1 £°. c and 2 5 c ma j lri ? s shirting in tory Sale price, yard, i»c »s« .o 83.30 bummer Apparel Are to Be Found ss f •s»%« l ?s££ mi Tl/T'll -j—i . rt l /"v/*v» J- a. VU.IIU yard 17c Factory Sale priqe, yard, ... 23c Ihp Vh STlfl H API nrv Sp P ( )tTOT*C ,°^ c silk stri P e madras in white 35c linen pongee in solid shades. i-V-Llll dtlU X OdltJ VyllCl i 5 T T 1 T "t • with a silk and colored stripe. Mill Mill and Factory Sale price, yard, Laces at Interesting Reductions (jSTOISIItS 01 UnUSUaI LiOVelineSS __ „ . ,_ , ' stripes. Mill and Factory Sale price, inches wide. Mill and Factorv Two to four inch linen torchon laces; values to 10c. Reduced to, A i , i • t . , , . yard 25c Sale Drice vard io. yard 5 C A sa^e to-morrow which presents out of the common advantages to women who Dives, pomeroy & stewart, street pioor. One to two-inch vai. laces; values to ioc. Reduced to. yard. 5c are replenishing their summer apparel for wear at seashore, mountain at home in the One to two-inch Cotton Cluny laces and insertions. Reduced to, CGUFItFY DT traveling ' liac One to two-inch Cotton fillet laces and insertions, values to 10c en :n i- j i_ • i , « . a XjtictLl LllLll XX-L LllG VjOIOI S OT Reduced to, yard ...... 5c grey hnen dress with white embroidered $9.50 dark blue linen sport dress with hem- o \j± Cotton cluny laces, 2'-j to 3** inches wide, values to 15c. Reduced cuffs and collar; white kid belt; flare skirt. Mill stitched collar; smoke pearl button trimmed. J_l ~\T TH 11 1i TT i "»• ioc an e d n^ c , tor - v ale Pnce •. * 4 - 95 Mill and Factory Sale Price $6.50 tJI6 JN 6W P Ell T 6lt HatS Linen cluny laces and insertions, to 5 inches wide; values to $9.50 linen dresses in pink and blue; white cir- $9.50 Peter Thompson linen dresses in blue 39c. Reduce to yard .. 25c cular collar; flare skirt; patch pockets. Mill and and white, in juniors' and misses'size's, from 14 We never saw such attrac- ' r ree oor " Factory .ale Price $0.90 to 18 years. Mill and Factory Sale Price, $7.50 tive shades as are featured in The Distinct Vogue For Cotton Bloses White Tub Skirts of Genuine Quality SSSHSS Comes From Their Style Possibilities . a u>.« ** i„di SP e„ sa bi, fo , summer w , has j0 « b«„ ready for /££r£- V T C ' V, " g t .°- I ' he st y| es are f "" of attractiveness, and many of them are novel in design. light grey, light blue and ! v ■ ®bJU u r . , Low in P nce > and bound to win your favor are— white ® M&t ried" awal with !hf Jwrin \VWt piqUC ? at ? ?° cketS J flare , model - Mill and Factory Sale Price, 98* Some styles are creased like ' ' ned awa y lth . the election. \\ hite trench pique skirts; gathered back ; inserted circular pockets with wide crushed belt. Mill the National Guardsmen's hats. First m the hSt of special values &S ory i.? u C A-""X: •• $2.98 There are kid bands, rope WV ( /Y,/ / M are ~ -. . % ?0 whlte gabardine skirt; gathered back; girdle effect; pearl-button trimmed. Mill and Factorv cords and self-colored bands \J /%£// 1/ W /m} brS^M" 5a Pnce f , These hats , f out Hke QiJx T • * front - Cluster tucks and organdie collar. Vv7 M 1» sale Price si.oo _i Prices—sl.so, $1.95 and $2.25. The New Speed Films Trimmed and Untrimmed Panamas Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. . . ..... , _ „ (JWiner to the wide latltlldp of Fastman tilmc imrl<=t- „ Every popular shape in panamas is featured in our display which wvwiig IU uie vviue lailiuue OI MSiman nims under conditions of over-exposure, affordß a variety of styles tn trimmed Panamas as well as shapes, there is no danger of getting into trouble with this film. A large percentage of the fail- si.os to so.so £ resh Mid - Summer Undermuslins ures are the result of under-exposure. There are few failures from over-exposure. With Dives ' P ° mer ° y & Stewart - Second Floor - Front ■pv -1 n in t 7 . • . these new speed films the average results will be greatlv improved. ttt , orn i t» i TT • Keady lor All Vacation Requirements Dives - pom^y & stew ar t-street noor, Rea r. Women s Silk and Lisle Hosiery «« sr: TZXJZrSLZZWppT, Fnfl arnppw A Qoln Reduced in the Lill and Factory Sale grocery JNews. A bale 01 Sugar Qu .iiti«sthat h .«b« n three quarter or short sleeves; dainty trimmings of lace or embroidery. Three pounds sugar will be sold to-morrow for with each purchase of one nound coffee mills are very materially price lowered in the Mill and Factory Mill and Factory Sale price Si.oo !or tea. LUllw I Sale for to-morrow. One hundred silk taffeta petticoats, with trimmed flounce; in Cop- 5 cans corn . „ 25c fast hlack silk lisle hose. 50c thread silk boot hose. Mill enhagen, rose. navy. Russian, wistaria, two tone effect and black. Mill 5 cans 'l<»r fine - cans spaghetti 9 C Mill and Factory Sale price, .. 19c and Factory Sale price 30c and Factory Sale Special 5 cans beans !!!!!!!!!." 3!)o 1 ' lbs dried S One can •'herries 10e 19c and 25c black silk lisle seam- 19c black cotton hose. Mill and Nainsook corset covers with dainty trimmings of lace or embrold- es * S " »"o*aP." 111111! 3Jc I 4 lbs! rice .'.'.WW.WW.2Sc Une b0,,1d maplo syrup 12e p"o e h ° Se ' M 1" Factory Fa wh r ite S rhread C siik 'boot' hose^MiU ery insertion; with lace or embroidery edge to trim neck and armholes. 2 cakes^Dutch Cleanser «nh 2 C o"* bot L le R ° na cocoa 80 $10 ' ) fast lllack thread siik'hose; and Factory Sale price ". ,50c Mill and Factory Sale price - ft „ ' ' ea mixed spices ac One package Cream of Wheat, ...lie lisle garter tops. Mill and Factory 12% c black cotton seamless hose. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor l Pomeroy & Stewart. Basement. Sale price 79c Mill and Factory Sale price, ... i»c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Front. I 1 y ™" | J \ There'sGoodPickinginThese Those Reduced Fancy Suits For Men) [A Full Third Off the Price of h^ en '! Shl fS Are Going Out at a Lively Pace Men ' s Oxfords in the Sale prove welcome these hot days to the many men who are laying nrAn ~ FhlS 15 a SpeC,al lot of men ' s oxfor(1 tics ordcrcd for this in a supply for the Summer. $12.50 Suits C?O HZ $20.00 Suits (Pi pT r7jr I sale. Regular $3.00 values in tan calf, dull calf and patent colt I ..... *i-5° woven-istripe madras negiigee shirts, French cuffs. d»1 1Q RedUCed tO I O RpHllPPfl J- 0» I 0 With Goodyear welted soles, at $1.98 Mill and Factory Sale price sl.ll* HCUULCU LU T IVeUUteU LO Mens $2.50 brown elkskin scout shoes. Mill and Factory Sale SI.OO mercerized and panama rep, negligee shirts, French *7o*% CPI C AA O *j_ /-v /->- • price $lB5 ~rE « I. F S r , y -w-;- i $15.00 Suits <PI 1 17rr $25.00 Suits d»1 f\ ETA m»..u.««~™i„„, RpHllPPf] tn 3)11. I O SLT u fO M h Mill and Factory Sale price, <ll fill riiniri uj t , i-i „ XVeU.U-LeU LO iCeCIUCeQ to \J Boys $2.00 oxford ties in gun metal calf and patent coltskiiv, with cuJ'-MllfLnd ?^'o".■ o ' , . f ° la 59c „ T and atllched aolee. Mill and Factory Sale price g ! S9t P erca ' e shirts with laundered cuffs. Mill and Factory 54c SIB.OO Suits <M Q7c $30.00 Suits (POO CA I sizes Bto 11%. Mill and Factory Sale Price »8c J 50c percale oat shirts, fast colors. Mill and Factory Sale 35c Reduced to *P-LO. t O Reduced to 3tr '" saieX.*"'": 19 .' Bort ." h ! n, -.. M ' u ." aF * cto, : > : 79c These are the suits remaining in stock from our Spring and Summer lines of Mpn'Q TInHoTOMV Qr^iolc 50c novelty striped sport shirts. Mill and Factory 39c tanc y weav es and patterns. Naturally these were the best selling styles for the lines o U llLlt/I W \3CII O|JcL/lctlo Sale price boys' kport cktrt* that move quickest leave the largest number of broken sizes. The lot is made up of Grey mixed union suits with short sleeves and ankle length. Mill I I cassimeres, worsteds, mixtures, homespuns and flannels in English and conserve- I and Factory Sale price 590 I I •""sTSHsHHi- '""mii V""d f : ° V " 790tiVe SaCkS and pinch " backs - We can fit ">y ma " fa the total range of sizes. " \)X SS STZZZTS* Sale price! ,f?f. ??. , r '..... . c x 39C « _ T> 1 O. • , I Sale price ! 7g c I Sport blouse'waists,' '.' oB " and en UOOI, OlTIRri, III6XD6nSIV 6 25C 50C 7 9 V V 1 CCIIII 11 UUI tO 50c Egypian poros-knit knee drawers. Mill and Factory Sale price n. FO tare. Why Swelter in Warm Clothes When I Such Comfortable Suits Are at Neat Summer Neckwear Styles ' Factory Sale price Rumchunda polka dot wide-end tics, silk \ •' 12V4c cotton socks; black and colors. Mill and VaII v» ns-\ CPr7 ETA and satin finish 50ft . n srjr„s^i-^ ac k lour service tor M,u an<l Factory Sale P rlce 7c There never has been a suit so comfortable and neat for hot weather as the Pilm tub tics in panel stn P cs - P lain whlte and #1 b i*up"c*e. Beach Suit Like any other suit it must be well tailored to hold its shape. Our figured patterns, 35*, or 3 for #I.OO - m Children's 25c fast black silk lisie hose; seajn- "aim Beachs are tailored with that degree of care that insures lasting style and Hundreds of styles in bias Roman stripes K less and fashioned feet. Mill and Factory Sale shapeliness shown in COOI, natural Colors, plain Or with neat strines in belted harks at and # % prlce "c and plain sacks. All sizes. Price $7.50. Reversible tubular tub four-in-hands, \ ® 2* Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor „ I<2iX* m — V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Mens Store 7 \ —— —' >* ■ it FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 21, 1916.