MQama^a IIEI.L—IOOI—UNITED FOUNDED 1871 July Sale of Blankets j And Pillows Offers great numbers of blankets averaging t one-fourth under price. In time for camp \ ing and for general summer use. Excellent summer weights. 1 QC Plaid wool .finish blankets; double bed size; * weight 3 1 /2 lbs., blue and white, pink and white and brown and white plaids. A notable quality. <£ 1 CQ White cotton blankets, extra large size; good * weight and nap; blue and pink borders. QC Grey and white cotton blankets; 70x80 inches; * colored borders; just the right weight for these cool evenings. A Saving On Five Lots of Pillows Medium size pillows, filled with new feathers and fancy tick cover; 18x25 inches. Pair, 98{*. Bolsters to match. Double bed size pillows, filled with mixed feathers; moth proof and sanitary covered with art ticking; tan and blue striped. Pair, #1 ..>O. Bolsters to match. Special Anchor brand pillows; 21x27 inches; made of white and blue striped ticking, with fancy borders; filled with extra fine feathers. Pair, $2.50. Special down pillows, full size; filled with down; cover • of blue and white striped linen tick. Pair, $3.98. Special prices on all pillows and bolsters, range from 98<j to $6.00. BOWMAN'S—Basement. pairs of White | trasting stitching; full » range of sizes. BOWMAN'S—Main Flooi AMUSEMENTS rgriima The Coolmt Theater In the City TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW William Foi Present* DOROTHY BERNARD AND STUART HOLMES in "SINS, OF MEN" A dramatic arraignment of the evil that men do. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WM. S. HART in "THE APOSTLE OF VENGEANCE" *■ —> Thin theater la 30 degreed cooler Inside than out. To-day and to-morrow. Para mount present* MAE MURRAY, star of "To Have and To Hold," In "SWEET KITTV BELLAIRS." Added Attraction Paramount- Burton Holme* Travel Picture*. Friday, M AH \~PICKFORD ill "CINDERELLA." Added Attraction nth chapter of Blllle Burke In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE," also Pathe News. 1 ' Bringing Up Father # # # # # By McManus S>A>-JLCCB-VOU WELL • T'LL <,O IF 1 T JUW TELL HER THE \ I WAIT ITT""* TZ FF / " V 7 ' NUSTIMT MIVS DINTYC, WALK UP -no 'T A L V/A\B ; I 4UET>^ CHOWDER PARTX- ZJ THE HOUSE WHILE <MSD >'LL IB£T .- /*T> LJ|s ~$ H { <JJV KLAI NO TO ' Q» ' WEDNESDAY EVENING, | AT BOOSTER MEETING j New Cumberland, Pa., July 19. ,On Monday evening a delegation of [ninety members of the Independent [Order of America went to Mechanics burg, where they attended the Booster | meeting and took part in the exercises. PARALY SIS By DR. CHASE'S Special Blood and Nerve Tablets \Vrite for Proof and Booklet Pr- Chase. 224 N. 10th St. Philadelphia. 80-SAN-KO'B PILE REMEDY M HO Gives instant relief in Itchin*. Bleeding or Protruding Piles. oOe The Dr. Bownko Co. Philadelphia. Pa. AMCSEMENTS . PiCTuRCt tes: JbmSm ffa To-day Only A?mm "THE MYSTERIES OF JM MYRA" # featuring Howard Esta f brook and Jean Sothern. ' Also "NAKED HEARTS" » presented by an all-star p cast. To-morrows "THAT SORT" Watch papers for show \ng date of Bon-man A Co. Plculc Pictures.. TELLS OF BTH'S TRIP TO BORDER Going Wasn't So Bad, Thanks to Quartermastei' Ed. H. Schell [By Special Correspondence] El Paso. Texas, July 14. Well here we are at El Paso and believe a tired private, if you will, we are mighty glad to have arrived at last. At that we had an interesting and not altogether unpleasant Journey. Each one of the privates had a full seat to himself. From a point in Kansas, the name of which I have forgotten, we rodo in tourist sleeper cars, which was a great improvement. We have no complaint to make plenty of ice, plenty of good water and as much comfort as day coaches could alTord. Of course it was not traveling Pull nrau. but then, what can a soldier ex pect on an emergency call? Every man here will tell you that this was largely due to Ed. H. Schell, the best regimental quartermaster the division has. Schell had experience in thf; coal strikes and he knows all about handling men under difficulties and what they need. AVe got out of Mt. Gretna a day after the Fourth Regiment and got here ahead of them. Schell was the man who greased the ways and made it easy for the boys. Hailed With Joy The people here hailed us with joy as we piled out of the cars. They lool: on us as protectors. All along the way, also, we were well received and at various places where there were lakes they "shooed" the crowds back while we shook ourselves out of oui clothes and plunged into the cooling waters. The camp nere is not ir. a very pleasant place, but we are putting it into condition rapidly. Lads who a few days ago were scratching away over desks are now plugging away clearing company streets of cactus roots, which are turned over to the cooks for firewood, killing horned toads, lizards and a million kinds of bugs that conspire against our peace of mind. After we left the cars last night we had only a few hundred yards to march until we were told to camp, and camp we did where we now are on the sands of Texas. The evening was warm but the night was cool. To-day delegations of Elks. Knights of Columbus, Masons and other lodge men visited the camp and men who are fortunate enough to belong to these orders were told that the El Paso lodges would make them wel come. The Y. M. C. A. also sent out agents to make us welcome and we have some hopes of enjoying a bath or two there, for there is not such luxury as yet at camp and water is scarce. Men and women of the town have joined together in an organiza tion to provide entertainments each evening for the troops, so time may not hang heavy on our Hands while we are here. This morning we were surprised to receive mail, some of which had ac cumulated here in advance of us. and among the lot was a bundle of Tele graphs, which we eagerly devoured. Our health is generally good, but the officers have cautioned evervbody to "go slow on the eats" until we get used to the climate. . \Ams&x)ex)fs To-day will be presented at the Vic toria the twelfth part of "The Mysteries j d ... $S Myra," in which "Naked Hearts" Howard Estabrook 2 nd Jea " Sothern are > Ictiorla Today featured. To-day « 11. _ will also be shown for the first time in this city "Naked Hearts, a Bluebird photoplay. In which an all-star cast is featured. It is a story of the love of a woman for a man whom fate has decreed she shall never marry. Watch dailv papers for announcement of the showing date of the Bowman and Company Picnic Pic tures taken at their annual outing on Friday last. Mae Murray will be seen at the Re gent to-day and to-morrow in "Sweet %• -r, ■ Kitty Bellairs." Mne M urr av Today Lady Julia and loraorow bride of a few at the Regent weeks, heart infatuation of her husband Cn sir V Jasper Jor Lady Barbara Flyte, calls Mistress Kitty in for advice. Mistress Kittv sug gests that Lady Julia make her hus band Jealous, and to do this end gives her a ringlet of red hair and a tender missive, which Mistress Kittv received that morning. Lady Barbara is very fTo Overcome Eczema % » Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itch ing eczema quickly by applying a little zemo furnished by any druggist for 25c. Extra large bottle, $l.OO. Heal ing begins the moment zemo is ap plied. In a short time usually every trace of pimples, black heads, rash, eczema, tetter and similar skin dis ease will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it vigorously healthy, zemo is an ex ceptional remedy. It is not greasy, sticky or watery and it does not stain. When others fail It is the one de pendable treatment for all skin trou bles. Zemo. Cleveland. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 1916, BEI,U_IOI»I—UNITED HARRISBURG. WEDNESDAY. JULY 10, 1910. FOUNDED 1871 The start; the arrival; the numerous events; the hundreds of laughs and everything of interest which took place at the Bow man Picnic last Friday will be shown in moving pictures at the Victoria Theater soon. Watch for announcement. To the Men and Young Men Who Have Not Visited Our Summer Clearance Sale, We Say: RI W^ tyin representingourgoods I MA MiIB 1 and our prices—whether it be through the medium of the ■""■l""written or spoken word. Of course,this great clothing event will attract its imitators, but keep in mind, men and young men, these essential differences: - 1. That this is a genuine clear-away sale with a Here Boys! ' 2 /" '7°, nil „ 2. 1 hat the reductions are made from the origi- Teii mother she can save nal plain maiked figures, conscientiously 1 and truthfully. . One-Fourth On a 3. That the goods are of the highest standards New Suit obtainable—such as Kirschbaum Clothes of national fame. —for you. Weights for summer wear in fine grade A Reduction of O mixtures and blue serges. Most of which ® have two pair of trousers. The Sdle PriCCS DoiVll tO Sizes 7 to 18 years. n Sa,eprices; 25 $1 1 25 $2.25—53.50-$4.25-$5.95- *+" •=) H' 1 1 •==) $6.95—57.50 1 r A A d> t O 7K BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. | J | anxious to overthrow Mistress Kitty as ' the reigning beauty and tells one of her ] ardent suitors, Captain Spicer, that i she will accept his suit if he can cre ate a scandal about Sweet Kitty. On ! Ladies' Day, when the Inniskillings Regiment from Dublin is the guest of ! the English Fifty-lirst Regiment. Lieu tenant Verney falls madly in love with Kitty. Lady Julia sees her husband ! with Lady Barbara and faints in Ver ney's arms. Jasper, seeing this and reading the note which Kitty has given ; her. promptly challenges Verney to a 1 duel. This is the beginning of the stoiy which later has its melodramatic points. Dorothy Bernard and Stuart Holmes 1 will make their appearance at the Colo nial Theater to-day and "Sinn of Men" to-morrow in a new at the Colonial Fox offering entitled, "Sins of Men." The in teresting story of this powerful motion picture has to do with Schuman, an au thor, disheartened because his books I are not a success. He determines to j write one which will rival a famous ] errotlc novel written by an English wo- I man. His wife remonstrates with him 1 about publishing the book. But in time the book is published and then the ter rible effects of its teachings are shown. The author's daughter becomes rebel- , llous and finally takes the road to ruin, ! and the author becomes very wealthy, but loses all his happiness. A delight ful surprise ending helps to make this photoplay a rare treat. ! Friday and Saturday, William S. Hart will be shown in a new Ince pro duction called 'The Apostle of Venge ance." ' CAROTHERS IS WORKING ON PLAN I Farmers' Institute to Be Con ducted on More Economic Basis Next Winter Deputy Secretary of Agriculture C. E. Carothers, who is head of far mers' institutes, is working out plans for the Farmers' Institutes to be held in every county of the State during [the winter and every effort is being made to have the 1918-17 season the ! most successful since these instruc- I lion schools for the farmers of the i State were underlaken. County chairmen have already se : lectetl and notified the Department of Agriculture of the places selected and dates desired for the meetings and i Secretary Carothers is now arranging 'a. general schedule and for the assign- Iment of instructors. The institute 1 work will start about November 13 ;and will continue throughout the win ter until early in March. There will he several new features connected with the work this season! The local chairmen will be relieved CAROTHERS IS WORKING ON PLAN JULY 19, 1916. the work of issuing posters and help will be extended in advertising the meetings. Each year the interest in the Farmers' Institutes is growing and special efforts will be made this year I to have the instruction in each coun ty bear especially upon the most im- j portant agricultural industries of each i section. Three features will be dwelt! upon by the State speakers, dairying, I poultry husbandry and horticulture. The usual custom of having two day meetings in one place will be followed and one of the sessions will be devoted : to educational work that will bring out the farm and home interest to the boys j Beautiful Bust and Shoulders fWfilF Bre P os "' ble if you will wear a scientifically constructed is] VwSjyfi Bicn Jolie Brassiere. t.-isi ('•'fSSl The dragging weight of on uneonflned bust so stretches the =S gL \ ,) jUiMtj ■upportin# muscle* that the contour of.tlie figure is spoiled. 3n lf» iHw V P ut the h,,st back where it be- «1 •t -fA . __ jong«, prevent the full bust from in pA HA. /' JO havmar tlie appearance of flab- fj§ feaSl ' 'ilA thJti'lMT, (ts-AH 00-I.CE) bines*, eliminate the danrer of VI Hi EBB A ma BRASS"IER.ES <J"W«in; musdesnnd confine the 'j SwjS- flesh of the shoulder giving a fi 1 i&K " -'p X I*«e to the entire upper body, r.-.fli y W They are the daintiest ajid moft serviceable garments imagi- <fi jAiRJRi ' V'ii ST'J nable—come in all materials and styles: Cross Back, Hook M f font. Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Boned with "Walohn," the I 4 Kwlf '' ftS rustless boning— pennitt ing washing without removal. I * BBtoSSSS' M Have your dealer show ynu Bien Jo! |e Brassieres, i f not stock- H i "S CrMgf «<). we Will gladly send him, prepaid, samples to show you. 1 1 ' BENJAMIN & JOHNES, 51 Warren Street, Newark, N. J. tN 3 and girls and be helpful to the farm-" ers' wives. The department will sup ervise the arrangement of local pro grams and entire sessions will be giv- I on over to the special topic which are of most importance to the community. During the past year the attendance at institutes was 155,969 and there were 398 regularly scheduled insti tutes, 11 specials and three days of movable schools. There was a total of 999 sessions and every county in the ' State was i overed. In addition the 1 State speakers were present at many agricultural meetings not under State • control.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers