Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 17, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    I here not alone became prices are lower, but because qualities are |
Two Big Selling Events of Supreme Importance
; Summer White Goods
;i Wash Dress Fabrics
i Summer White Goods Summer Colored Wash
! Extensive Assortment of p J
P. 1 I \T l.« MJI. tOJ VJUUUJ I
Staples and Novelties . 1
White India Linon Bc. 10c, 12Hf, lßc, 25c Al- Pi/r P|P|/ia Rof!ll/>h/fns I
Plain White Flaxons 15c, 17c, l»c and 35c rtl LIIH 1 I ICC i\CUUIUUIIS
Plain White Mercerised Batiste . . . 15c, 19c and 25c ' ,
White Long Cloths . . Bc, 10c, 12V4c, 15c, 19c and 35c . '
White ,>alnsook 10c, 12V4C, 15c, 17c, 25c 30 C and 50c Embroidered and Printed Voiles, exclu- %
Kerry Linen 12V4c and 17c
White Organdies 25c slve designs, now 25c M
Dimity Checks 10c, 12% c, 15c and 17c . „.. . .. , . (
White Fancy Checks and Stripes, - 5c Pr!nt «'«l *«"es In all the leading: colors and com- *
lOc, 12M»c, 15c and 17c blnatlons, large UHiortment, now 17c I
White Pique
White Crepe for Underwear 12Vfcc, 15c, 17c 19c Fancy Stripe Drew Voiles, now 12% c #
White Madras Cloth 17c and 25c %
White French Percales 12% c, 17c, 10c and 25c " 5c s l ,ort >kl r tlng*. now 17c J
White Llnene 10c, 12V&C, 15c 12% c and 15c Printed I,awn Organdies and Em- I
White Indian Head 15c and 19c %
White All-Linen Suiting and Ramie Mnen at Special liroldered Crepes, now |>c #
WhUe'volles 15c. 19c, 25c 2Sc C" 1 ""' 1 c « rd «o> Suitings, now 7c &
White Poplins 15c and 25c 10c Colored Pllsse, now r P J
White Rice and Splash Voiles . 25c K
White Fancy Voiles In check, stripe and Embroidered Shepherd Check Suitings, now 0c j
Large^assortment' Fancy White Skirting. .*. *. 10c Dres.-Strtpea and checks, In short lengths, now. <lc E
Imported Kmbroldered Voiles at Special Prices. I®® * hamhray Ginghams, plain and colors, short ■
Pannmn Checks 10c and 12V£c lengths, now # c F
k I 1 Attractive Lace, Embroidery I
I All Summer Millinery In the . u „ a ."^ Trimming , s c ,„ a „ (
Torchon Laces 3c nnd 5c ■
Shadow I.aces. Insertion to matcli. I
s Big Clearance <
9 Plain .Nets ISjje ■
| All-over Laces I
I # Veiling, la rare assortment ... 25c I
, We have re-marked for quick selling all remaining sum- Ch spe"in" p l r ic£s° rKette ' rcpc nt
.... , ... , , , Embroidery Edges .... 5c and Sc , '
imer millinery. The stocks comprise this season s best styles Embroidery Flouncing. * I
10c. 15c and 19c I
and shapes in Milan Hemps, Jap Lisere, Panama, etc., in ad- w " and 1
Convent Edges ... sc, Sc and 10c '
dition to Felt Sport Hats in popular shades, Outing Hats, St if&? , ioc B aVa *'•>"<!' for*™' ar C " 1
pieces. ° r > nr< ' |
and a full line of Trimmings. Black and Colored Braids, '
, . 5c and 10c '
Tassels, black and colors.
PRICES GREATLY REDUCED , lirhf „. ~ „ and 25c 1 |
Light blue and pink trimmings.
(( 25u] lc to2sc Department Store!
V- R /J Where Ev |
215 Market St. Opp. Courthouse (
Messiah Lutheran Pastor
Preaches at Mt Gretna
Mt. Gretna, Pa., July 17. The Rev.
Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor of Mes
siah Lutheran Church. Sixth and Fors
ter streets, Harrlsburg. spent the week
it ♦♦
| 5c CIGARS §i
#» 2
H You take the benefit of 50 §
H years' experience in the |
H manufacture of cigars. H
H This 25 year old quality |
H brand has set a standard H
H for five cent cigars. |j
H John C. Herman & Co. H
Bringing Up Father # # # # $ By McManus
~il £S£ a II hi I i ,i—,
CE J zrr *f^Ji
end here and preached a sermon in the
Chautauqua Auditorium.
Mrs. T. Fred Towsen, of 616 North
| guest of Mrs. Martin Golden, last week.
The Rev. H. F. F. Lisse has returned
to Harrlsburg after spending several
days with his family here.
Martin Lisse. who has been teaching
at Seattle, Wash., will spend a month
with lais parents, here.
Mrs. H. C. Grtttinger, of Lebanon, is
p?iai?t Uests of the pisses Gorgas, on the!
! Chautauqua grounds.
«,» on' -^ r thur Bacon, of Harrlsburg, is 1
at Pilgrim Cottage.
| Mrs. Harry Miller, who was the guest 1
ed to Harrlsburg 1 ' Walzer ' h * s return " J
Special to the Telegraph
Penbrook, Pa.. July 17.—Mx;s. Isabel,
wife of J. H. Arnold, aged 31 years,
died at her home, 158 West Curtin
street, yesterday morning. She is sur
vived by her husband, one son. Edwin;
her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Wiggins, I
and a sister, Mrs. Edna Lippert, of'
Harrisburg. Funeral services will be '
held on Wednesday afternoon, in I
charge of the Rev. Luther Henry, pas
tor of the Lutheran Church.
Ladies' Bazaar Asquires
Additional Store Room
j An important announcement of the J
j leasing of storeroom 8 South Fourth '
j street has been made by M. Schondorf,
| proprietor of the Ladies' Bazaar,
j It was six years ago that this store
| for women's apparel was opened in
storeroom 12 South Fourth street. In
! a few years' time the business grew
to such proportions that additional |
j floor space became necessary, and
| property No. 10 was acquired. Not
withstanding that the acquisition of
| the new room 'oubled the initial floor
I space, increasing business has already
i demanded that additional space be !
j employed, as a consequence negotia- j
tiens were begun looking to securing!
storeroom N. 8.
These negotiations have just been j
consummated, and preparations are
now being made to connect this store !
■ room with the other two. Extensive
remodeling operations will .involve the
interior construction of the three
rooms, new fixtures and floors and an
imposing store front for the exterior
of the three buildings. Mr. Schondorf
! stated to-day that the rebuilding work
j will be started just as quickly as pos-
I siblc after plans are prepared, pror>-
} ably in the course of the next few
j weeks, with the thought of having the
I rew quarters in readiness for the Fall
I business.
Hill Canoeist Suggests Regula
tion For River Navy's Con- j
sideration Tonight
'"Why couldn't the city maintain a
motorboat patrol of the river from
Maclay street to the dam, the craft to '
bo equipped with a pulmotor and 'first
j aid' equipment?
"Why couldn't the 'river navy'
| which is to be permanently organized
this: evening at the meeting of all
Harrishurg's canoeists, motorboatmen
aiul others interested in water sports,
| include a request of the municipal
authorities for that kind or protec
An Allison Hill river enthusiast of
| fered these suggestions to-day in dis
cussing the possibilities of the river
las the coming recreational spot of
i the city and of the benefits thai could
- accrue from permanent organization
j °f the water sportsmen,
j Whether or not the suggestion will
! be considered at to-night's meeting of
I the boatmen, however, is doubtful, al
i though it is understood that the sub-
I ject will be threshed out at an early
| meeting.
The chief purposes of to-night's
meeting will be permanent organiza
j tier., election of officers and the map
ping out of plans for the water
I carnival in September. Resolutions
recently adopted by the aquatic
sports' committee relative to the
j river problem, will likely be endorsed
Iby the assembled boatmen. These
i resolutions, it is expected will be pre
| sented to Council to-morrow. They
| point out the need for permanent de
velopment and improvement of the
I Susquehanna "basin," request definite
| recognition of the needs in the shape
:of councilmanlc appropriation each
j year, and ask an appropriation for at
j least 11000 for conducting a big
! water carnival and regatta, probably
on Labor Day, September 4. George
1 V. Reily will call the meeting to order
at 7:30 at the Dintaman boat pavilion.
Municipal boathouses and bathing
i beaches, boat channels properly
| buoyed and lighted, police patrol pro
j tection, etc., are among the improve
i ments that are to be asked of Council
Iby the boatmen. On the question of
j police facilities the Allison Hill
' conoelst said:
"The suggestion has been made that
a motorboat, equipped with a pul
motor be purchased by the c'.ty for
' the purpose of patrolling the river
ficm the dam to Maclay street for
: the protection of the many canoeists,
motorboatmen and other water sports
, men.
"Regular patrol hours could be
fixed for the summer and Fall months.
Expense of maintaining such a patrol,
after the boat and equipment had been
| purchased, \vill be comparatively
sir all and the installation of such
a service might be the means of saving
human lives. When the boat is not
actually patrolling, it could be an
! cliored, say off the promontory at the
i pumping station where it could readily
answer to an emergency call. In cases
of drowning the boat could be used
to seek the bodies. The patrol boat
I attendant could be given the powers
of a regular police constable. The
I patrolboat of course, could be equip
ped with a searchlight."
Caplan Company Leases
Additional Floor Space
1 I
The P. H. Caplan Company has an
nounced the leading of the second-floor
rooms directly over its jewelry store,
206 Market street, which will be re
| modeled and added to the ground floor
I space. This additional space is re
quired to take tare of the growing
patronage which the present quarters
are inadequate to accommodate. P. H.
Caplan, owner of the business, Is a
firm believer in newspaper advertising
and credits to this force a large share
of l he growth tha thas been enjoyed
by what he titles "The different kind
of jewelry store."
A force of carpenters "is engaged In
remodeling the additional quarters
which will be used for display pur
poses. In addition to the present busi
ness an optical department will be in
stalled. During alterations a special
sale will be conducted, details concern
ing which will be announced from
time to time in this paper.
Wont you go along with us on our Annual Picnic? No, it is not too late, for we are
going to bring the picnic to you. 1,800 feet of film was used by the movie man to catch
all the interesting things at Good Hope Mill last Friday, and moving pictures of the Bowman
Picnic will be shown at the Victoria Theater soon. Watch for announcement.
QR *°the Nearest
and call 1991 (either Bell or United) and our delivery will bring what
you want to your door. 'Phone shopping will be found satisfactory.
are urged to use our Mail Order Department freely.
If merchandise is desired in a hurry go to the nearest 'phone, call 1991
(either Bell or United) and ask operator to reverse the charge.
We will make shipment at once.
Have You Seen Our New Line
of Baby Carriages—
sulkies and strollers?
Proud parents of babies of a baby-carriage-age will delight in knowing
of the comfort for baby and of the convenience of these new vehicles—made
to last a long babytime.
We have a complete line including the various new models, and this line
is dependable in its entirety.
Directing attention to three popular models in each:
A Reed "Sleeper"—made of fine, round reeds; upholstered in buff corduroy to blend
with the white enamel of the body. Reversible hood. Price $36.
Carriages range from $18.50 to $36
Reed Sulky—body of special oval reeds alike on both sides; finished in shellac and
brown; leather cloth seat; steel pole and gearing, $8.75.
Sulkies range from $3.50 upward
Reed Stroller—A stationary, dasher go-cart of reed; finished in shellac and brown:
leather cloth seat; price $11.75.
Strollers range from $6.50 to sls
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor
Three Popular
Dependable Refrigerators
When you purchase a refrigerator here you get quality in the full mean
ing of the word.
The famous Notaseme Refrigerators and the Century (made in the
same factory) are the product of most skillful hands and scientific plans.
A notable saving in ice is enjoyed by all users.
Ml 07 j T XXXJ Notaseme Refrigerator, $26
PgJ Stone lining with rounded corn-
J capacity; side icing style two sets
of double doors.
Century Refrigerator, $18.50
Substantially built; with heavy
enamel lining. 65-pound ice capac
ity. Water tank for drinking water
with spigot attachment.
50-pound ice capacity; convenient
size; galvanized lining; oak case;
Q strong and durable.
i - , I BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor
SI.OO makes you a member of our Refrigrator Club and sends one to
your home.
JULY 17, 1916,