HARVARD WINS IN FRESHMEN RACE Chang* Made in Course For Second Event; Varsity Con test This Evening By Associated Press New London, Conn., June 23. —The Harvard freshmen eight won a thrill ing victory over Yale In their two mile race over the Thames course to day. Overtaking the Yale men in the last half mile, the Crimson oarsmen flashed into the front and slid over finish line three-quarters of a >nprth ahead of their rivals. Yale led until near the finish when her crew seemed to tire and go to pieces. The race was rowed in rough water. The offical time: Harvard, 10:35 3-6; Yale 10:30. Because of rough water the referee has decided to change the course of the second contest. The race was rowed two miles down stream from Bartlett's Cove to the navy yard. Yale caught the water first at the start of the second 'varsity eight race. Harvard defeated Yale by two lengtha in the second varsity eight race of two miles. Johnny Evers Hit Timely; Wins For Boston Team Special to the Telegraph New York, June 23. —Boston made it three out of four from New York yesterday by giving the Giants their eighth extra-inning defeat on the local field this season, winning inthe eleventh inning, 8 to 1. Evers decided a pitch ers' battle between Schauer ajid Nehf in the latter's favor. Nehf opened the eleventh Inning with a single, took sec ond on Maran ville's sacrifice, and scored on Evers' single. Collins' pass und Compton's single then filled the liases and Evers stole home on a triple steal. There was much wrangling with the umpires, Gowdy and , Snodgrass, of Boston, being ordered out of the game by Umpire Byron In the seventh in ning, while Manager McGraw, of New ■York, was ordered off the coaching line by Umpire Quigley in the sixth inning. Want to Go Skating in July? It Can Be Done Glassy surfaces of salt and chemi cal substances have heen devised by scientists 'o take the place of Ice, and thus make skating a summer sport. Some years aero, according to the June Popular Science Monthly, a Ger man patented a process, in which thick pasteboard plates are immersed in very hot linseed oil and varnish, mixed with glue. After becoming thoroughly permeated with this mix ture, they are subjected to a powerful pressure, which squeezes out the ex cess of oil and gives them great strength. When dry, the plates are immersed in hot paraffin and again put under pressure. To one side of each plate a layer of parchment is applied; the other side is coated with gypsum and tar. The plates, with the parchment sides up, are then fitted together on the floor and united bv • ement. The finished surface of the rink Is ooated with a material consist ing of one part of glycerine, two parts of wax, and three parts of oil. An un usually smooth floor is thus formed; "hut ordinary skates cannot be used, since their sharp edges would soon cut up the surface beyond repair. Another compound contains soluble glass, fluor-caldum, asbestos, ground glass or flint, paraffin, and soapstone. These substances, when thoroughly mixed, are applied to the floor. A thin coating of soluble glass and a layer of paraffin are then added. Absolute smoothness is obtained by passing a ■heated roller over the surface. If the surface becomes scratched, more heat Is applied, or fresh coats of glass and paraffin are added. The Idea of using crystalline Halts, such as the carbon ates and sulphates of sodium, potas sium and other substances having like properties, has also been suggest ed. The salts are boiled and then poured directly on a water-tight floor, having raised edges. The floor should be laid In sections, by means of a frame for holding the melted salts. After they solidify, the frame can be used for an adjacent section. This sajne method has been im proved so that a good permanent slid ing-surface is obtained. When the rink becomes badly scratched, due to excessive use, heat is applied bv means of a rectangular frame supporting a wire lattice-work. The frame is plac ed on the floor and a rubber bag, fill ed with steam, is laid on the lattice work. The action of the heat melts the salts, so that a flat, smooth sur face Is formed. Although the nearest approach to perfection Is a combination of sub stances now being used in Germanv with success several English inventors have accomplished excellent results with chemicals of their own creation. WHITE SLAVERY AND WAR "Just before this war wo were work ing ourselves up about 'White Slav ery." says Garle Harrison in the July Woman's Home Companion. "The loss of only one pure girl was given pages of space in the newspapers. But imagine your country attacked from outside; put half a dozen drunk en soldiers in your house, and the loss of your own daughter will be such a small incident that nobodv will notice it—except you." SPECIAL MALTAX SERVICE Special memorial services will be observed by the five commanderies of the Dames and Knights of Malta of Harrisburg and Steelton on Sunday evening at the Fourth Street Church of God. The Rev. Dr. William N. i ates will deliver the sermon. M. K. FIELD DAY Field day will be observed on Sun day by the members of the Epworth Clutrch, Twenty-first and Derry streets. District Superintendent A. S. Fasick will preach at the evening services. Plans will be made for rais ing funds for a new church building curing the exercises. FIRE DAMAGES POOLROOM Fire starting in the rear of a build ing at Third and Sayford streets early •«iis morning damaged the poolroom ,L. J ' Savercool to the extent of JoOO. The fire was discovered by Pa trolman Lowr.v, who turned In the niarm from Third and Verbeke streets. iwo pool tables were carried out of the building to the street bv a number of men. enlist in navy Three new applicants for service In the I'nited States Navy have been ac cepted by the local recruiting officers snd sent to Norfolk for six months' training. The recruits are George Tfridges. 1 Grace street: T. 8. Wlkel, .14S Front street. Steelton. and R. A Oouchnaur, Mlddletown. Ten citizens of Harrisburg have enlisted for the summer cruise of the naval reserve. FRIDAY EVENING, BKLI,—I99I—UNITED TOMORROW, 0 A. M. TO n P. M. • I,'OC\UED 18Tt The Stars and Stripes on our building will wave a " Goodbye "to our city's soldier boys to-morrow. In camp, or wherever duty may call you, yu will ever remember the sublime trust, and the who e-hearted gratitude that go with you hom your city,, your friends and your home. Keep uppermost in your minds, until you return, the thought that the cause of Humanity is a just cause, and that the eternal right of man is Peace, for which America contends. Sheer, Summer Frocks in the ~ZTZ- Summer Millinery in a Most Prettiest Styles Yet Shown iSSrCHS Remarkable Sale They're a little world of their own— 5 Offering the whole of our 200 or more better numbers of f these gay, pretty, fashionable dresses. ed. All are so P™ <° »■«>• 11l- Cs rr t/ VJIIKJI LLL M-sUMsC'I black and colors. Pair, $1.50. BOWMANS— Third Floor. y-j . M AT / i Fancy Silk Stockings, pair, $1.25, Prices Are Not Cheap Coats. »» fine rib, double heels and toes. Pair, famous "Indestructo" Wardrobe sheer voile; daintily embroidered, prices could not match these excel- "'r' rnttnn ctnrkina* fine rih Tr^f ks ' , . yd i , i 1 • . •t' Boys Cotton Stockings, fine rib These are the trunks with a 5- 45-inch Batiste Flouncing excel lent models in any one point. A// bed, medium and heavy weight, j year guarantee against breakage; or lent quality, $ 1.00 yd They came to us. and to you, through a special Floor • losS ' by fire ' water or theft Venise Edges, %to 1-inch widths, purchase that brought prices in most cases down I ________ to $75 10* to yd. to half ' >£* r> , Other grades in Wardrobe Venise Bands, 2to 6-inch widths, You can save half if you will buy now. jfi 1 m\\ DOWman S. ror Trunks, range from sls to S4O. 25? to SI.OO yd. You can select one of the season's most fash- U-I W Dependable Underwear BOWMAN'S— Second Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor ionable dress coats, or the most daring of sport —iffW' models. «*«■«■ \ Women's Union Suits, silk lisle, « , I I \ \ \ sleeveless; knee length; white or __ < pri esare u jj Sijits N e w Sweaters Are Hurrying $3.98, $5.98, $9.981 M& pink or whi,e silk „., In , _ . , . _ , . [I JJ Athena Union Suits, sleeveless, ™ -The latter includes some very fine exclusive W lace or cuff knees; fine CQtton and T)omnnri models, certain of which are from our own stock. i lisle thread> $1 (K) and IJVIUUJIU BOWSIAN'S—Third Floor. UM V*T ' D, , , . . fne past week has seen some dozens of new sweaters appear in Women s Bleached Vests, sleeve- stock tQ meet a demand that ig constantly owin PP ar , | C ~l' r a e n T-,Oc eS ' | Bowman sweaters possess an outstanding feature of unrivaled Bowmans! For Women S Style Children's "wSt ' Union Suits, smartness. Little wonder they are so popular. The Best in Silks Shoes Are sleeveless, knee length, 50*. / rOn LA £W* s ® rv,ce ? b ,l e m ° del at 4 r,o > the stock ranges up . Boys* Athletic Union Suits, of ard to f ° r beautifully colored solid fibre silk—a mottled ef -72-inch Silk Jersey, plain shades in every reS pect up to the nainsook, 250 and 50c. fect tnmmed in P lai " gr«en of rose, emerald and delft. Yard, . l i r v » i BOWMAN'S —Main Floor Others in stripes of color with r— ** » 4 a '- standard of quality you d white . plain shades o( rose in great | 72-inch Silk Jersey Sport Stripes. expect to find at each price. i ; H i_ abundance; blazer effects and num of rose, emerald and delft. Yard, „ 1 t-lliie JOiungs or $4.T5. Women's white lace and button n- , bers ot others. 36-inch La Gerz Silk, in plain boots. Pair, $4, $5 and $6. Blg Im P ortance 1?\ shades of rose, emerald and delft. Women's white pumps and Co- ~ to women. Light Weight Woolen Yard, $2.()0. lonials, finest in the land. Pair, $4. Taffeta and Moire Ribhons, 5 and 6 ffly 1 J fv* 1 irfvi!; l\ 40-inch Crepe Silk Pongee, in inches wide; fine line of shades; yd., 2.m: Sweaters at $5 50 fiiW - ! P ! Vr 1 \ cjn.c V„J u:« $° and $(). Hat Bands, Roman stxipes, gresgrains. uwcuiu O 111 ..>o. High, s(} and $7. 2 cans Old Dutch Cleanser 15« " Xicut OtrVlCt. n,w., . »..o ... No plionc orders sent C. O. I). n , , BOWMAN S-Main Floor BOWMAN'S Main Floor BOWMAN'S-Basement Reduced CI'CX Gl'clSS RUg*S ——————— _______««__ _____-- saving for all to share in at nu J. 1 ±1 1- 71/r 117 1 w.» these prices, $2,2.-5, $3.25 and -in green or brown plain band, Cheerful Clothes For Men Who Some These cassimeres, cheviots and 6 to Be Well Groomed and Comfortable Z HTZt S H TL a.* i i , .. , , two pair trousers. Sizes 6to 18. 54x90 inches SRS -lV ese par lcular suits are made to give the dressed-up —— Five different model coats to select I 6x9 ft., s.'{.4.»'. appearance without the dressed-up feeling. We men like to be from- 6x12 ft '' comfortable in the summer especially and we don't like to ap- er^e Norfolks of all-wool 1 pear at business or in the evening to be dressed in clothes that 3r sun-proof serge; well lined with al- J2 xls | t ' '^\ 4 are too apparently uncomfortable. =V» paca - Pinch and pleated back m ° d " Crex Hall Runners plain or fie. TL J. .. .1 . 1. , . . , MMwP els. Sizes 6to 18. $4,9.7, $5.95, „„j. 0A ~ These distinctly summer suits are very light in weight; as » $6.95, $7.50 and up to SIO.OO. J-V. t a " d 4> 1 2 mches light as air and as cool as a breeze from the ocean. An extra pair white duck knickers ' ' 0 '~' K Carefully tailored and every seam firmly bound. accompanies each serge suit. Bozart Rugs Cool Cloth Suits l»p| Was/i . v ; u , have '° l>u " ' shades down to save the colors in $7..50. .$8.50, $lO and $12.50 JW Mothers will find here the most Bozart Rugs. They thrive on sun- Pinch-backs for the youth; conservative models for quiet dressers. 1 foTbiys' - wear well an f cost little. Ab xr ii! , , , JD I hundred different colors, fabrics and Cutely water-proof. You should not overlook our assortment of models to pick from Middies, Tom- lv !^° lors r -WMI T7" 1 1_ T»l n ji „ . . // ■ < my Tuckers, Jr. Norfolks, Billy 27x54 inches, SI.OO. ivirsenbaum olue bergesi the acme 01 tailorino* SM'ia Boys ' Tomm y Navai Reef- 36x72 inches, $1.09. ir* j» j • i » ers, and Smocked models, in plain 6x9 ft., $4.50. anCl fineneSS OI material. i white, also cerise, green, lavender, 8.3x10.6 ft., SB.OO. |p' navy, and brown. Prices range 9x12 ft., $9.00. (t 1 tZ (t 1 O O/'l 'O C // I'"^ rom to Three colors— t Boys' Knickers, in serge, cassi- 6x9 ft., $(5.00. BOWMAN'S—SECONRT meres - linen - duck a °d khaki, 50?, 8.3x10.6 ft., SIO.OO A-—sl.oo and $1.25. 9x12 ft., $12.00. ——J. 13UWALANS—Second Floor tDWMAX'S-i'ouitU i'looa HARmSBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 23, 1916. 3