Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7
VISIT The Old Show Lot at 17th and Chestnut Streets Next Week , THE Col. Francis Fe r a r i Shows United will fur nish attractions. The ROYAL Fire Co. expect a week of fun and frolic. Harrisburg's Volun teer FIRE Department receives part of the proceeds of all attractions, and as sure you the Ferari COMPANY'S shows are all first class, clean and moral. The Bostock-Ferari BIG Wild Animal Arena is a circus in itself, fero cious Animals wonder fully trained. Beginning June 1 9th. the CARNIVAL will continue all week. Five popularity con tests are going already. See Diener's Window on Market St. for par ticulars. VOTE NOW - ■> Paxtang Park THEATER The Gallerini Four THE MASTER MOXARCHS OF MUSIC Evelyn May & Co. I The Youngers EQUILIBRISTS Gordon & Posty CLASSY VAUDE VILLI AN S Frank Gabby VENTRILOQUIST LADIES ADMITTED FREE THIS EVENING GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAY FRIDAY EVENING I MBli TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW ->lae Marnh and Tully Marahall in "A CHILD OF THE PARIS S STREETS A five-reel drama of mother love I that every woman should see FRED MACE in a comedy that will pleas© both old and young:, called "BATHTUB PERILS" Keystone Comedy In Two Reels 1 • ; i/EESKB ACTKI'S .0 RR WW PICTU«CB I RE BOOKEDTHHOU«»( v ™lPiJtazuUu, MM COMPANY or PMILA. f' V MM MTARTMTMBOOO' Km MOPC-JONES UNIT PIPE O«A» Mm EQUAL OF 90 PIECE ORCHESTRA MM To-day Only \gm "THE HAI.F MILLION I fm BIIIDH" 'm A sensational drama In W Ave acts, featuring f HAMILTON REVELLB and k MARGUERITE SNOW ► To-morrow i •A FOOLS PARADISE" •■ ' . Try Telegraph Want Ads MONDAY EVENING, gAMUSE^KENTsg THEATRICAL DIRECTORY MAJESTIC Vaudeville and Motion Pictures. PAXTANG—-Vaudeville. COLONIAL—"A Child of the Paris Streets." REGENT—"The Love Mask." VICTORIA—"The Half Million Bride." PLAYS A\D PLAYERS Madge Kennedy will head the corn- Rany which is to present the farce, "All Ight Long," which the Shuberts will soon produce. Ralph Herz and Cecil Lean will be aniong the auctioneers to sell the first •night Winter Garden seats for the bene fit of the Permanent Blind War Rellel Fund at the Winter Garden next Tues j day afternoon. ! An entertainment given entirely by the blind children of the public schools to°K pla.ee one evening last week at the Washington Irving High School, j New York City, when Shjeridah's "The Rivals" was presented by eight pupils of Wadleigh and DeWitt Clinton high schools. Four of these eight children, j whose ages range from 13 to. 17 years, were totally blind the other four pos- J sessed from 2 to 10 per cent, vision. To i many persons In the audience there was nothing to indicate that these chil | dren could not see. They acted as na i turally, as gracefully and with just as , much expression as any perfectly nor | mal children might have been expected to do. Having carefully reconnoltered I the limits of the stage they were able I to find the exits easily with the aid of some one calling from the wings. Their j different parts had been copied from j one volume of raised type or the play | and learned and rehearsed during the j regular school activities. LOCAL THEATERS A fantastic comedy, with music, en | titled "Temptation," appearing at the Majestic the first half "Temptation" of this week, tells the at Majestic story of the "Tempa tion woman, who dwells In a lurid nook of Hades, and whose work is made up of luring men there. After a time she becomes bored by her work, so she tells Mephlsto that unless he can furnish her some excite- I ment to vary the monotony of her work, [she will quit her Job. Mephisto goes in to the midnight streets of New York to ] seek a man who will be able to resist ! her charms. Such a man Is found in i the person of Murray Hill, a young j | clubman, who has decided to seek con- I solation In the night life because he i was jilted by a wealthy society girl. I Murray meets the "Temptation" wo- J man, and the outcome of their meet ' ing is told by ten people. Four other 1 acts complete the bill. j Map Marsh and Tully Marshall will j J be co-starred to-day and to-morrow at ] the Colonial Theater I'lne Mnrsh nt in a new Ince.produc- | j the Colonial tion entitled, "A Child of the Paris Streets." I | The interesting plot of this plav is laid ! jin the underworld of Paris. Mile. Dur- | ! frane, queen of the Apaches, pleads | | with a judge to spare her boy, hut he ; [ sentences her boy to the galleys. The ! I old woman swears revenge. She steals! the judge's daughter, Julia, and raises i her as a pickpocket. But heredity tells, j and she rebels against her tutors, sue j ceeds in running away, and finds shel- I ter in the studio of an American, who j is studying art in the Latin Quarter. He | finds her there and falls in love with her. and tries to protect her from the j jvengeance of the gang. After many! thrilling adventures he succeeds in re storing her to her father, and wins I her hand in marriage. Fred Mace will ; present a new two-reel comedy, en titled, "Bathtub Perils." Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid will j be seen In "The Love Mask" to-day and j to-morrow. "Th* I/ove Mask" The story of the nt the Regent "Love Mask" has to do with the adven tures of Kate Kenner, who, owing to ' i the death of her parents. Is forced to | ; earn her living by panning gold. | Through an accident Kate uncovers a I lode of "virgin" gold. While having it I ; assayed, her claim is jumped by un scrupulous miners. Kate takes her find |to Deering. the local blacksmith and I sheriff. While away, "Sliver Spurs." a' notorious bandit, so-called on account I |of his heel adornments, enters the! I blacksmith shop, sees the reward for j ; his capture, steals the sheriff's watch 1 and disappears. This Is the beginning I of the story. ! Wednesday and Thursday—Margue , rite Clark will appear In a charming | | photoplay based on the ponular and en ! chanting story, "Molly Make-Believe," j by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott. This week's bill at the Paxtang Park ! Theater offers a headliner that has been a feature attraction in > Vaudeville most of America's lead- | nt Pnjlanc ing vaudeville theaters. but is entirely new to Harrisburg. The act is the Gallerini ; Four. The Gallerinis present an in- I strumental musical offering that the city press gives credit for being about j the best thing on the variety stage In the way of musical entertainment. Other acts that will appear on the I new bill at the park plavhouse this | evening will be: Evelyn C. May and i company in a new comedy sketch; The ' Voitngers. European sensational equil ibrists; Gordon and Posty and Frank ! Gabby, in a novel ventriloquist offer ing To-night will be ladies' night at the park theater. All ladies will be admit" ted free. On Friday evening the park manage ment will present the first free fire works display of the season. j To-day the Victoria presents an ori ! ginal photoplay In five acts. "The Half Million Bride," fea- ! !At the Victoria turing Hamilton Re- j Theater Today velle and Marguerite Snow. In this so- [ cietv drama these artists are seen In most powerful roles. It Is the old storv ! of riches and idleness. There will also I be presented the fifth complete drama ! of that great series. "Who's Guilty?" | featuring Tom Moore and Alice Nillson. I Accompanied by the music of Bene- 1 f i -JI AMUSEMENTS To-day nnil To-morrow, CLEO ■mfil.RY A WAI.I.ACB HKID In a photoplay of exciting adventure and love, | "THE IjOVE MASK." Added Attraction Paramount-Bnr ton Holmes Travelogue, Wednenday and Thursday, MAR GUERITE CLARK In "MOLLY MAKE-BELIEVE." V»_— ,* 7 m _ ! j (MATS. 2:30 IQ.tIS<: EVEJJOTO 10-30IQ.ISKS^ George Damerel and a bouquet of pretty srlrla In "TEMPTATION" j 4 OTHER HIGH-GRADE 4CTS | v :Ir C,I P CLIPPING DAY/"5) CLIP ! 1 I aw J M WHh Thl " CH »» |B *- I Cambric CI ID Clin ,7 39 C , value " 9 Embroidery, ' f Will/ 27-inch Swiss g Embroidery With Thl. Clipping W 9 a 9 1 1 "" U " to ' 10c value. ma aj a / jj3 with Thi. <lipping. I t Point de Paris "" I Laces and I i I %% 29c value. Jel Clip TOMORROW %^>c«p" tlr 1 J. ( W'th Thu tu »»l»*' Embroidered 0u; ' or mother of these popular monthly events, bringing to you an extensive assemblage of won- 50c va]ue Crepes, derful Values in seasonable merchandise in a big one-day sale. Stamped Infants' w„> J?. 0 .,,,..... Prices For To-morrow Only—Tuesday, June 13th " " 5 2.->c and .iOc values. 19c value. 29c value. 39c value. 10c value. 10c value. 10c value. <-"PI»"»«- 9 T n !r »* Soiled Colored Pongee 40-inch Black and Ladies' Mercerized Hand Brushes, One lot of Ladies' Fancy Buttons 12j4c value. Ladies Neckwear, Cloth, White Stripe Skirts, C_ Ribbed Card, ' Ecru Linen Lace, | olce » Qf Voiles, 1 Q r *7 , Undervests C. 3 yards for Q„ 2JC 1"C with Thi. ciip P i-«. DC •J C With Thl. Clipping. J[ With This Clipping. —————Ok« 10c value. 2 ?c value. , , 10<: v ?! u <', <""■■"• " """" wm &?£»«« 5c Value. plain and Figured 19 C value Lot of Ladies' a oini »« tt, 10c value. ' Toilet Paper, roll. Crepes, 40-inch Fancy Black Aprons, 6c Socks, Shell Hair Pins, *jteV 3C 5C Dress Stripe Voiles, 10 C sue 4, 6 ™ d 7 ch». With Thl. CHDDIHK. With Thl. Cllpplu ß . 15c With Thl. Clipping. j ]oc value 5c oc Gowns, sizes 6 1 25c value. with Thi. cupping. 25c value. One lot of Sheet Wlth T||l| , clipping. with Thi. clipping to 12, nlt cf va Colored Stripe Children's Dresses, Music, choice, ' cn. v „ llw> Ofk Ohiss, Ratine Cloths, 3c Ready- 20C tn. IOC Stripes. with Thi. clipping. 2 for Children s .tock- made Linen with Thi. < lipping 'wC with This ciippins * a 9-™"^™™C ,n S s > black, white Cushions, j? , W'lth Thi. cupping —————— 14c ~^ c va ' ue - OC an( l tan, OC value. — ————— 25c value. Ladies' Wash W ith TIH. cupping. ZOC One lot of Ladies' 25c value. Colored Corduroy " Uh ll ' 1 " ' """ >ng - Skirts, —————— 3C with Tin. clipping. Brassieres, Black Waterproof Cloths, 1254 c value. 12'IZC ?, C v * lu £ , 4 W "" Th " 50c value. 1C- j Lunch Boxes, lA/> One lot of Figured *f* 1 . Children s Gold XiJt* 1 r\ lUC rrptnnne« 1 iippinc- d__j_ 2sc value. -Stamped Ready- with Thu ciippin* lyC with This clipping. >v 19c value. , - Misses' Hose, tan, " la . de Combination with Thi. cupping. 19c value ladies' Percale 15C all sizes; black, size Suits, small sizes, 25c value. lOne'clT'odd Colors, »"J«. 10 C 12'/2C Saucers, choice, 10c Turkish Towel's wi.bTM. One lot of Rings. Revalue. ' O— with Thl. Clipping. lUIM.II UHCIS, choice, Scrim Dresser Ihr 1n , XWZC 25c value. Q 10c value. Scarfs, white, with Thi. clipping with Thi. clipping. lOc value. Amd / v p. i . r ■/ C Hair Nets 3 for i f c with Thi. cupping. One lot of Lhu- ~,, , J lur cream and ecru, ——— 10c value. Curtam Scrims, dren's Suii Bonnets, , 1 0 C 15 C M - 25c . v l ? ,uc " One lot of 7-inch OC 42x72 Bolster 2c 10c value. with Thi. cupping. with Thi. ciippi*. 'S'u lTu Plates,'choice, win, Thi. « imping. with Thi. ciippi... Lace Pins, 2on a ; S,zes 4 . and 16 > C r 25c value. OV - ' v Card, 10c value. 10c to 25c values. choice, with TH c„ . Embroidered 25c „ n 5 r ' C r Dress Shields, Stan^. d L,nen IC r with ihi. clipping. t ,. _ A _ with Thi. cupping Men s Pad uarters, OC P* Collars, luC , rigurea crepes, q with Thi. clipping Sc C Wlth Th,M c»pp«"«t 19c value. 1 4f* 12}4c value. ** C c „ «3C —————— One Large with Sipping. Bleached Pillow Wlth *•'""■■■"• 25c value. with Thi. cupping. _.. 10c value. Size Platters, Cases, 7c value Gold Finish Waist 10c value Children's Draw lOC 32-inch^Pink'Check 10c Sets, 3on a Card, children'. Garters, "'f 1 with ihi. clipping. D ress Ginghams, with Thi. cupping. • ' UC OC made Laundry ZC 25c value. 39c value. 5C with TI.I. cupping. Wl(h Tb| . c)IDDInK Rags, with Thi. clipping ° n T l? t . 0f S i ,gar with Thi. c„pp„g. Heavy Mercerized w »" t,". cippi.g. 39c value JS C TT^Z and Cream Sets, Damask, 25c value. California value. with TM. clipping. 0 H , ( T , choice, 1254 c value. ' Boys' Straw Hats, Rose Beads Ladies'Sew-On ; One lot of Ladies IP,, 32-inch Chambray ZOC tr\ KoseJ.cads, Sunnorters 25c value. Untnmmd Hats, *OC Gin chains, in blue, with Thi. clipping 10c 1 t— Drawn Work OK/» With Thl. Clipping. ® ' —————K/» Stanrl fnvprs 7n 614 c value. with TI.I. Clipping. with Tl.i. Clipping. U J? L. 7. with Thl. Clipping 10c value. . n ne i n t of 25-inch 1(1 , ————————— WMh ThU c „ , 1 O rsjj tj x' with Thi. clipping. ullc lIJL U1 j() c value. X *•* __ Odd House Num- Drapers, choice, At»n'c t- ,r , Wlth cupping. SI.OO value, bers, Clothes 12}4c value. «Men s Poulard Gold Finish 15c value. One lot of Chil- Hooks and Picture 36-inch Figured «57 2 C - 15 S ' Brooches and Ladies' Hair 39c vahie. dren's Trimmed Hangers, doz., Challies, with Thi. cupping. 10c LaVallieres, Brushes, stain ed ' Hats ' 5c 7c 10c value. IW' < I. Thl. Clipping. I lie 9c %T:- 39C With Thl. Clipping. With Thl. Clipping One lot of White i: r ,--,l llr f..' lipping. With Thl. Clipping. With Thl. Cllnnlns ———— —"———— T J. T • - 3C value. —————— With Thl. Clipping 15c value. 25c value. , ? Ladies' Hand 5c value. 15c value. c n . 1 Glass Fgg and Flash Cloth For - horts, choice, Embroidered Beauty Pins, Dressing Combs, _. c a ' ue - „ i C t^ a f U c 11 Cream Beaters, Skirts and Suits, 5 C Handkerchiefs, 2on a Card, Q Filled Cretonne One lot of Small mm ' r\ , m*%., 1_ J/C Cushions, Boys Hats, 7c 9c Will. Thl. Clipping. 12//2 C W'llh Thl. Clipping Or 1 A With Till. Clipping. With TI.I. Clipping. 12'/cvalue. With Thl. Clipping. W'lth Tl.lw Clipping. lUC ————— ————— „ /- , _ ... . ... _ JUC value. _____ with Thi. clipping | 10c value. 7c value. One lot of Brown j c va | ue _ I'lags for Mag Day, Human Hair 15c value. ~I One lot of Ivory Best Quality Cot- . er £ e Ladies' Lawn a " mounted. Switches, all One lot of Stickerei 25c and 50c values, i Finish Glassware, ton Towel Crash, 1 wills, Handkerchiefs, ast c °l° rs > colors, strand, Braids, piece, Trimmings, choice, I 3c 5c 7c 2c H ' V a " d 25c 5c 10c With Thl. Clipping. With Till. Clipping. With Thl. Clipping. With Thl. Clipping With Thl. Clipping. With ThU Clipping. W'lth Thl. Clipping With Thl. Clipping Soutter's lc to 25c Department Store IV ll Where Every Y^DEPARTMENTJE X§t2|j|Z 215 Market Street Opposite Courthouse dlcto Corado's twenty-two-piece band, the tooting of horns Ferarl'a Showk and the raucous notes Next Week of the ballyhoos 1 voices, the Royal Fire Company's carnival will open at Sev enteenth and Chestnut streets, on Mon day, June 19, and continue one week. The Colonel Francis Ferari Shows United will provide the many midway attractions. Not only will the Bostock-Ferari HARRISBURG MAENNERCHOR MEMBERS WHO WILL SING AT ALTOONA IN ANNUAL SONGFEST CONTEST K. IBHF MEIHIEP ' * JBH EL JL II —Photo by Dougnten. ! singers 1 "honors 1 Th°.°lirUt v'h«'^ a 2ln t^£?'. ri ; ~,bUr|r Maennerchor Socletv promlss to he a strong contender for prizes."" Las! 0 year °t he* vavL *vi A o ii-i*!? / The society has been practicing each week under the direction of Professor Alfred C. Kuschwa Last ni*ht the «ocii»tv w*ek, appearing in "he'Thofe X'urT a" Maennerchor Hal1 ' Nc "-th and Grace streets. The members who will pa«iclpate and who will ro "to AUoona° nlx^ ; Pau. F ß o o n 8 l ., r Antho"y 8 " Kreld,er - Qeor * e Sutton ' Pro,eßßor A " ° Kuachwa. director; Edward Moesleln, Car, Ott. Augustus Seeger, : B. Gibbon" 1 Ralph - Thomp.on Martin. Augustus Rose, Jack Beck. Joseph W. Look, Max Zahn, Gottlelb Stalger, John i Uebhardt, Bw^art I GMdee? rman ' J °" n Klßcheld> Schubauer. Henry Mueller, E. E. Fuhrman. Clarence H. Slgler, William Furber, R. G. Llppman, John HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Trained Wild Animal Arena be there, but the most remarkable traveling elec tric novelty of the age, the La Rose Electric Fountain, will delight all who see Its wondrous beauty. There's the dog and pony circus, with its attractive entertainment; the Hin doo Mystic Temple, the Katzenjammer Kastle, the Whip, the merry-go-round, i the snake charmer and all the other attractions. Including the Ferris Wheel, which go to make up a regular car nival. In connection with the carnival Ave contests are being conducted by the Royal Fire Company—popular lady, popular schoolboy, popular schoolgirl, pretty baby, and homely man—the vari ous prizes, all of which are handsome and valuable, >re on exhibition In P. G. Diener's window, In Market street. JUNE 12, 1916. Fell Into Lake Hiss Helen Jackson, a student at Central high school, fell through the boat landing and was seriously Injured Saturday alternoon at the Senior pic nic at Hershey park. Gen. Hartranft can link || a good name to a cigar but that doesn't make a cigar a good smoke. We satisfied ourselves that we had a cigar above the average nickel quality before we linked it to the name. CIGAR 5c CIGAR i • Try Telegraph Want Ads 7