Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 07, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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11 mO r Jl
Sixth Anniversary Sale
Anniversary Special
For Thursday Only
50c all-silk Ribbon in Satin, Taffeta and Fan- Ofi
:ies, all wide; Thursday only, yard
Rig Reductions in
Colored Hats in Milan Hemp and Jap Lisere Straws, ||
in all the wanted shapes, have been marked 'way down.
Large assortment of trimmings, too, in Roses, Wings, |[
Novelties, etc., at striking price reductions.
Friday morning we shall show an entirely new line of
in Leghorn, Hemp, Tuscan and Panama, in the season's !j
smartest shapes. Also first showing of the new colored
Felt Sport Hats in leading colors.
lc to 23c Department Store jj
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
215 Market St. opp. Courthouse *
Capt. Harman A. Perkins
Seriously 111 in N. Y.
Mrs. Albert B. Boyd, of 1328 Green
street, received word this morning that
her brother. Captain Harman A. Per
kins, was seriously ill In the Roosevelt
hospital. New York city. Captain Per
kins was for several years commander
of the Governor's Troop, of this city,
and was in the jewelry business at
23 North Third street ,as senior mem
ber of the firm of Perkins & P.vne. He
went to New York about twenty-live
years ago.
Mrs. Hale Willis of Washington, D.
C., is spending several weeks among
relatives in this vicinity.
Jbr B/4BY
caps - sacques
dresses - slamped
ready 'made-
Many yft novelties
The Woman's Exchange
Third St., at Herr
Out Door Laundry X
J has been opened. All articles %
■ washed and dried in the fresh m
m air and Ironed for 5c each. %
C Small articles 4 for sc. W
0 Phone us for trial. All work 3
■ guaranteed. %
& Work called for and delivered. M
f Out Door Laundry Co. /
1 Bell Phone 5172-J \
i * !
Oriental Rug
Contrary to announced intentions, George
Moradian tinds it necessary to continue his stay
in Harrisburg for an indefinite period. His up
right dealings during the past years he has been
coming to Harrisburg, has gained him the con
fidence of an increasing number of patrons. The
repeat orders from the many who have purchased
and their recommendation to others, has caused
a business increase greater than that of any pre
ceding visit to this city.
Those who have not had the opportunity of in
specting this beautiful assortment of best quality
Oriental Rugs are urged to do so at their earliest
convenience, without being placed under any ob
ligation whatever. It's an art collection of the
finest in rug wearing.
225 North Second Street |
Woman's Mission Guild
Has an Outdoor Meeting
The Woman's Missionary Guild of
Pine Street Presbyterian Church held
its final meeting for the summer at
jthe home of the Misses Rutherford,
■ Paxtang, on Tuesday afternoon. The
1 meeting was held outdoors on the
1 broad veranda of the house and at the
(conclusion of the program a delight
j ful social hour was spent by the niem
j bers, thirty-five of whom were present.
l At 5 o'clock a delicious supper was
The officers of the society are, presi
dent, Miss Martha Buehler; vice-presi
dents, Mrs. Carl Willis Davis. Mrs. J.
Miley Jones. Mrs. George Whitney;
secretary, Miss Annie K. Laurie; treas
urer, Miss Jennie J. Dull; secretary of
literature. Miss Esther Attlck.
Mrs. Christian W. Lynch and Miss
Carolyn Lynch of 13 South Front
street, are home from the Baldwin
school, Bryn Mawr, where Miss Lynch
has Pnished her studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert and
children of Second and Harris streets,
leave in a few days for their country
place, "Gilbert Hall," near Bowmans
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Kent and
small daughter, Elizabeth Kent of Bal
timore are stopping for a while with
their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
Burns of North Third street.
Miss Lucy Thompson of Pittsburgh
is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Ralph F.
Grant of Stat'; street.
Mrs. Hunsecker of 348 Nectarine
street spent some time with friends
in Marysville.
The Commonweal Club of the Young
Women's Christian Association, was
obliged to postpone its outing in the
country on Saturday because of the
inclement weather. If the weather is
favorable on Saturday of this week
the party will leave Market Square on
the Rocktille car at 2 o'clock and later
walk either through Wildwood Park of
Shady Glen, under the guidance of
Professor John J. Brehm well-known
as a naturalist.
Summerdale Park
Two orchestras Tuesday and Thurs
day evenings. Band and orchestra
Saturday evenings.—Advertisement.
Miss Coulter Leaves Commencement For Altar
- •>»
*> , -
•■' • •
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Popular Park Superintendent
Marries Young Nurse To
day at Reedsville
Less than twenty-four hours after
she received her diploma as a trained
nurse at the commencement exercises
of the Harrisburg training
school, Miss Pearl Rosanna Coulter,
daughter of John H. Coulter, a retired
merchant and contractor of Reedsviile,
Pa., became the bride of V. Grant
Forrer, assistant superintendent of
Harrishurg's park department.
Commencement was held at 8
o'clock last evening and Miss Coulter
was one of the eight principals in the
program. The wedding occurred at
high noon to-day at the residence of
the bride's sister, Mrs. B. B.
New Bloomfleld. Only the immediate
relatives attended.
The Rev. H. C. Knox, pastor of the
New Bloomfield Methodist Church,
performed the ceremony, assisted by
Rev. Edgar E. Snyder, pastor of
St. Matthew's* Lutheran Church, this
City, a brother-in-law of tho bride
groom. Following a wedding break
fast Mr. and Mrs. Forrer motored
back to Harrisburg, accompanied by
the Rev. Mr. and M S.srdenyrtaoia
the Rev. and Mrs. Snyder and Miss
Edna Forrer, a sister of the bride
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Forrer left for
a brief trip to Philadelphia, Atlantic
City and New York. They expect to
return early next week, to be "At
Home" in their newly furnished apart
ments, 2514 North Sixth street.
Mrs. Forrer is a graduate of Reeds
ville high school. Mageo Maternity
hospital, Pittsburgh, and the Harris
burg hospital. She is an accomplished
musician and for some years had been
organist of the Methodist church at
Reedsville. Incidentally she has al
ways been active in the work of the
Mr. Forrer, of course, needs no in
troduction. Long before he became
secretary, then superintendent of
parks under the old park, commission,
he was prominently known in athletic
circles. During his school days at
Central high school he was a star foot
ball player and shot putter and later
won many medals and similar laurels
as a long distance bicyclist. As the
prime mover in the organization and
development of Harrisburg's park
and playground system, however, Mr.
Forrer is more generally known. Prac
tically all the improvements in the
system that placed Harrisburg on the
plaground and recreation map of the
country, were suggested and establish
ed by the new bridegroom.
Mrs. Kase Is Hostess
For Embroidery Club
Mrs. Jay H. K.vse of 15 North Seven
teenth street, was hostess yesterday
afternoon for the Tuesday Embroidery
Club at its closing session of the sea
son. Some beautiful pieces in em
broidery and crochet were displayed
and a pleasant social time enjoyed.
The porch was decorated in clover and
daisies, while indoors, roses and peon
ies in their beauty and fragrance added
to the attractiveness of the rooms.
A buffet supper was served to Mrs.
Roger Care and Mrs. Chester Johnson,
Steelton: Mrs. Lou S. M. Bailor, Mrs.
Reel Daugherty. Mrs. Elias E. Fry,
Mrs. H. M. Weigel, Mrs. Clayton A.
Smucker. Miss Snyder, Mrs. William E.
Elder, Miss Claribel Elder, Mrs. Paul
Hess, Mrs. J. R. Plank, Mrs. L. H.
Walters, Miss Florence Myers of Steel
ton; Mrs. H. A. McKelvey and Mrs.
Miss Margaret Forster of Buffalo,
X. Y., a former Harrisburger, is visit
ing Miss Ellen K. McCulloch at 1202
North Second street.
Mrs. S. J. M. McCarrell, who has
been ill for several months at her Lo
cust street home, is able to be out.
Mrs. John L. Butler Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Percy Oliver Smith in
West Roxbury. Mass.
Miss Betty Peaie, who has been vis
iting Miss Frances Bailey of Cottage
Ridge, left yesterday for her home in
New York city.
Miss Mary Adeline Lemer, head of
the art department of the Ely school,
Greenwich, Conn., is at her home, 213
South Front street, for the summer
Mrs. E. L. Clark of Wyoming, Pa.,
is the guest of Mrs. George F. Luml) at
2111 Walnut street.
Ft. Washington Pavilion
Dancing from 8 to 11 Thursday and
Saturday evenings. Excellent music,
splendid floor, attractive surroundings.
I good patronttfe.—Advertisement.
G. Dixon Garner Makes
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Jar iOB
O. Dixon Garner of 218 Forster
street, was elected to the Phi Beta
Kappa society for excellence In schol
arship. Mr. Garner Is an alumnus of
the Central high school class of 1912.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Garner,
are attending the commencement fes
tivities at Dickinson this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Watt of the
Elphinstone are home after a pleasure
trip to Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Laurence C. Moore and son
Laurence, of Detroit, are guests of the
former's mother, Mrs. Reglna L. Mad
den, of Elkwood.
Miss Salome H. Metzger, of Phila
delphia, returned yesterday after
spending several weeks with Miss Em
ma Walton at Hummclstown, and
Mrs. Charles W. 8011, 131 North Thir
teenth street.
"Wilbur Towsen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. Towsen, 616 North Second street,
a member of this year's class of State
College, has accepted a position as
chemist with the United States Rub
ber Company, of Willlamsport.
Mrs. W. Domer Harris of 221 North
Second street will attend commence
ment at State college this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Seitz of 1211
North Second street went to their coun
try home at Overview, to-day to re
main for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mitchell and
their daughter Miss Kathleen Mitchell
started for their home in Cincinnati
to-day after visiting relatives here for
a month.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kinsman of 2145
Derry street left to-day for Merchant
ville, N. J., for a ten days' visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cleckner and
Miss Alice Cusack are going to State
College the last of the week for the
commencement festivities. Frederick
Cleckner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cleck
ner, is a member of the class of 1916.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sourbier and
son, of Greensburg, have arrived to
spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Brlnton, Fifteenth and Swatara
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arthur Wat
kins and daught Lucy of South street
are spending the week in Stamford,
Miss Henrietta Sebring of Belle
fonte is the gueSt of Miss Mary Hawes,
127 West State street.
Miss Amy R. Harner of 14 50 Market
street left to-day for Canton, Pa., to
spend the summer at Camp Nepha
Yale Men Enjoy Chicken
and Waffles at Inglenook
The Yule Alumni Association of
Harrisburg and surrounding towns will
hold its annual opting at Inglenook to
morrow afternoon. Automobiles will
leave the Harrisburg Club at 2.30 and
there will be accommodations for all
who come. For those who cannot
leave in tlfe afternoon there will be a
machine going up in the late after
noon that will pick up any latecomers
who will be able to reach the club by
dinner time. Ehrman B. Mitchell is
in charge of the transportation.
A chicken and waffle dinner will be
served, with all the trimmings, and
baseball, canoeing and swimming will
provide the entertainment, which will
be entirely informal. If rain prevents
the outing, It will be held at some
later date. It will be impossible to ac
commodate any who have not signified
to accommodate any who have not
their intention of attending
by so informing the secretary, Carl
i Davis, by this afternoon.
Fourth and Market Streets
Due to the inclement weather of to-day we will continue our
*/* Price Suit Sale
All day to-morrow, Thursda]^
"■mil' i^— imwnii mat
Intermediate Department
Picnic at Reservoir
Officers, teachers and scholars of
the intermediate department were the
guests of Miss Caroline It. Keefer at
an afternoon outing at Reservoir Park
yesterday from 4 o'clock until 8. A
most enjoyable time was spent with
tennis, games and various contests.
A picnic supper was served to the
officers, Miss Caroline R. Keefer, Miss
Elizabeth Fahnestock, Miss Isabelle A.
Ryder, Miss Katharine Miller and Miss
Emily Cummings, to the following
teachers: George W. Reily. Miss
Georßianna Weigle, Mrs. A. T. Hub
ley, Miss Helen Strayer, Miss Bertha
Wittenmyer, Mrs. G. E. Hawes, Ed
ward Stackpole, Jr., Miss Martha E.
Fleming, James Reed, Lawrence
Phipps, Karl Richards, Miss Pauline
Hauck, Miss Ruth Brownewell and
Miss Mabel Wright and to the scholars
who included the Misses Dorothy Tay
lor, Dorothy Arnold, Llle Fisher,
Minerva Van Horn, Trudell Llndley,
Ruth Etter, Katherine Nye, Martha
Cresswell, Sabra Clark, Katlierine Mc-
Farland, Bertha Hogentogler, Eliza
beth Leakway, Katherine Aldinger,
Katherine V. Machamer, Romaine
Fry, Ella Adams, Ethel Klinger, Elsie
Werner, Alice V. Cooper, Josephine
Roberts, Dorothy Whlttaker, Helen
Davis, Mary Hawes, Judith March,
Darthea Davis, Janie Hiekok, Frances
Hause, Henrietta Sebring, Nancy Mc-
Cullough, Sara Nunemaker, Mildred
Shoop, Marian Black, Sara Beck,
Marie Rodemaker, Sara Rauch, Mary
Louise Hubley, Margaret Oves, Eliza
beth Fisher, Louis Kraybill, Donald
Moyer, Bernard Aldinger, Arthur Hlb
ler, Robert Spicer, Harry Anderson,
Stewart Taylor, Lee Monnyer, Harold
Fisher, William Sparrow, Harold Mc-
Cord, Donald Miller and Frederick
A. M. Eby of Hazleton is in the city
to attend the G. A. R. convention.
Miss Anne Y. Crowl entertained at
supper last evening at the Suburban
Inn, Oyster Point, Camp Hill.
Mrs. Wiimer H. Shellaman of 1205
Walnut street entertained the Tuesday
Embroidery Circle yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roeder and son
Harry of Harrisburg spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Douden and
family in Stone creek valley.
Charles B. Thompson, director of
the Boyd Memorial Building, left Sun
day for a month's vacation at his home
in Lake George, N. T. He will go later
to the Adirondacks where he will
spend several weeks.
Wayland Dickerman and Donald
McDougal, students at the Harrisburg
Academy, have gone to Philadelphia to
spend the vacation with their par
Paul Zimmerman, a student at the
Harrisburg Academy, has gone home
to spend the summer vacation with
his parents at Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Armentrout
and son James S. Armentrout, Jr., of
228 Woodbine street, left yesterday to
spend the summer vacation with Mr.
Armentrout's parents in Tennessee.
Mrs. R. G. Woodrig of Renovo has
returned home r>ftcr a visit with her
daughter, Mrs. R. H. Heller of 127
South Fourteenth street.
Miss Irene Mae Wagner
the Bride of Roy Mikle
The marriage of Miss Irene Mae
Wagner to Roy Mikle, of 315 Maelay
street, was a quiet event of yesterday
noon, at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. W. T. Rodgers, 1847 Whitehall
street, with the Rev. A. E. Hansen,
pastor of the Park Street United Evan
gelical Church, officiating.
The bride who was unattended wore
a traveling suit of dark blue with
white summer hat and a corsage bou
quet of tiny rosebuds. Following a
wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Mikle
started for a trip to Willlamsport,
Niagara Falls. Buffalo and Toronto.
They will reside at 1847 Whitehall
street, on their return.
Mrs. Mtkle is known throughout the
State as the "Daughter of Post 58, O.
A. R." because of the innumerable
times she has played "taps" on her
cornet at the graves of soldiers on Me
morial Day. She is u graduate of Cen
tral High School. 1908, and the Har
risburg Business College and has been
private secretary and bookkeeper for
the C. M. Sigler Co., inc., for some time
past. Mr. Mikle is an alumnus of the
Central High School, class of 1906,
and a Bucknell University man. He
is connected with the passenger serv
ice of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
Susannah Rebekah Lodge, 247,
I. O. O. P., will install officers to
morrow evening, June 8, with Miss
Jennie Keller, deputy president of
Dauphin county, conducting the event.
The following grand lodge officers
have been invited to be present: Rob
ert Montgomery, D. G. M., of Phila
delphia; C. W. Myers, P. G. M.. of this
city; Roy D. Beman, grand warden,
of "this city, and E. C. Dewey, a mem
ber of one of the grand lodge com
Susannah Rebekah Lodge has the
honor of having two past grand mas
ters and the present grand warden as
members of their lodge. The Rev.
B. H. Hart, of Willlamsport, and C. W.
Myers are the two past grand mas
The members of sister lodges are in
vited to be present. Refreshments will
be served at the close of the lodge.
The C. A. O. Society has issued invi
tations for a dance at Summerdale on
Friday, June 23. The Sara Lemer or
chestra will play. The committee on
arrangements are Helen Gerdes,
Miriam Landia, Mary Witmer and
Katharine Peters.
Mr. and Mrs. Leldy of suburban
Carthage, Mo., had as guests over Sun
day, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eastridge, of
Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moore
and daughter. Miss Annie ' Monroe.
Miss Annie has been confined to her
I home for three years, with illness, this
being h«r first visit during that time.
TUNE 7, 1916.
Attaches of State Workmen's
Insurance Fund Present Gilt
to Albert L. Allen
hen Albert L. Allen, assistant
manager of the State .Workmen's In
surance Fund, returned to his office
from lunch yesterday he found the en
tire office force assembled in his rooms
with a great air of "something doing."
Looking about in surprise Mr. Allen
was greeted by Eli B. Betser, chief of
the claim department, who called his
attention to a chest of handsome sil
ver displayed on his desk which he
proceeded to present to the popular
manager with best wishes from the
entire force. Eloquently in the origin
al Latin of Virgil, Mr. Betsei; spoke of
the joys of home life, of the love of the
force for Mr. Allen and the motto of
the department, "Duty, First, Last and
Mr. Allen replied in a clever way,
heartily thanking his friends for the
gifts to be used in his new home, as
his marriage to Miss Alice L. Von
Keller, daughter of Mrs. Jessie Green
Von Keller will take place in New
York city at the bride's home on Tues
day, June 20. They will reside at
2220 North Second street, this city.
Mr. Allen, a native of Worcester,
Mass., came here last November to
open the Workmen's Insurance Fund
for this State, after successfully in
augurating the same work In New
York and Massachusetts. Taking an
entirely inexperienced force, he has
brought his workers to the highest
standard of efficiency with everything
harmonious no matter how hard the
labor or how much overtime must be
Miss Constance Ferrida.v, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A. Reeder Ferriday,
1617 Nort' ont street, is entertain
ing infon at a dance this even
ing at her laiuie. The guests will ap
pear as phantoms, donning the regula
tion "sheet and pillowcase" costumes
for the event.
The slrls of the Cenchrean Circle
of the Zion Lutheran Church enjoyed
e Yourself
Out Doors
traj as illustrated.
Just the Thing For Porch or Summer Cottage
A New Shipment Just Received
Made of heavy Khaki Canvas—adjustable head
rest and windshield, with magazine pockets. Strong,
comfortable springs with detachable mattress../
8 styles, priced $7.50 to $25.00
/Tl "1 1 Make your porch
§ J?f ft cool. No sun
wM plenty of air. All
Poreh Shades "£».»»T.g«>
Moth-l'roof J|
Cedar Chests
Protect your clothing, furs j
and woolens against moths,
North Market Square
an outing at Reservoir Park Monday
afternoon. The crowd was chaperoned
by the ladies in charge of the organi
zation, Sister Carrie Gick, Miss Mary
Chadwick and Airs. Mary Klnzer. The
afternoon was spent in tennis, ganit-s
and various sports and a delightful
picnic supper was served to the Misses
Mumle Clue, Mary Taylor, Margaret
Taylor, Helen Keller, Irene Coble,
Ruth Parthemore, Esther Weisman.
Jane Klnzer, Gertrude Weisinan, Ella
Carroll and Ruth Etter.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Douden and
daughter, Miss Olive, have returned
home after participating in the 89th
birthday anniversary of Mrs. L. J.
Douden's grandmother and the latter's
great-grandinother at Philadelphia.
Miss Rita Jones, of Wilson college.
Chambersburg.is spending the summer
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Jones, 338 South Thirteenth street.
Mrs. Charles Webb and Misa Esther
Webb, 428 South Thirteenth street,
leave to-morrow for Philadelphia.
The Harrisburg Civic Club members
are invited to inspect the new clubhouse
recently acquired from the Fleming
estate on Monday afternoon, June 12,
at 4 o'clock. The entire building and
grounds will be gone over and sugges
tions made for remodeling for future
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Etter, Miss
Katherine Etter, Miss Mary Mitchell,
Ehrman R. Mitchell and Harold Fox
leave on Friday by machine for Prince
ton where they will attend the Yalc-
Princeton baseball game.
Mrs. Hickman and Miss Jane Hick
man of Germantown were In the city
to attend the commencement exercises
of the Academy, where Francis Hick
man was graduated with this year's
class. Mrs. Hickman visited Mrs.
Michael E. Stroup at 1509 North Sec
ond street, and Miss Hickman was the
guests of Mrs. Frederick L. Morgan
Mrs. Roy Galbraith Cox Is home
after a little visit in New York.
Lewis N. Snyder, this city, who was
graduated yesterday at Pennsylvania
College, Gettysburg, has been elected
to teach Greek in the preparatory
school at Gettysburg.
Miss Margaret E. Wilson, Miss Dor
othy Helman, Miss Helen Craig and
Miss I.enore Graber are home from
Gettysburg, where they attended a
dance at Pennsylvania College.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C. Gilbert will
j open their country house at "Summer
I Hill" to-morrow for the season.