Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 06, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    ; The of 3 ~ Overproductions^ of 3 1
Big Manufacturers Enter IJY /M (vl 111 Il3fl Big Manufacturers Enter 1
, r £ a * une 1 fflli The Great June Economy <
1 1[Event, Tomorrow, Wednesday| MlMillllmaJliilEvent, Tomorrow, Wednesday
iNow For the Biggest Sale of Its Kind Ever Held in Harrisbur£
Over4oooWash & Silk Dresses, Wash Dress Skirts & Kimonos
At Prices Positively Less Than Half Their Actual Value
I More Than 900 Wash Dresses For Girls 2to 14 Years I More Than 400 Full Length kimonos <&\\y
I 'II I1 The ° verproduction of the Carlisle Garment Co., Carlisle, Pa. 1 The Overproduction o£ the
II > wXt L hlc 0 3® rl for WashD : e ! ses :| l|/» w n or^to 0f 8 9 ?f S or WaShDresSes { Garment Co. Carlisle, Pa. Vjjftgj £ 1
II *?*?* , 0f P T A,e " a "« d ginKhama; M J-Vv/ Made of percale. and ginghams; as'-MfJl, ONE OF LONG KIMONOS, Worth (fcft IT# K
{ I I ' BOrted colors, sizes 2 to 6 years. sorted colors; sizes 6 to 14 years. 69c For Jr firl k
I I *l.. Ji One Lot of Girls Wash Dresses, One Lot of Girls M/ ash Dresses, Made t.f tin™r quality limiiK in now-erod designs. ah ww-s to » . sv'/ ]
I n«NBpKf-> Worth to «- 25 - for JVtdP Worth to $1.50. for /hP ««, c„, r„„ , WWV Hf# .29 f
I jS" 1 " "• * ***-' 1 ONE LOT OF LONG KIMONOS, Worth iB A - ji|||— (
I> Ihe Overproduction of the Carlisle Garment Co., Carlisle, Pa. niMF IOTOF I onp k-jmomoq w M -r i 11
, r /7 IA v One Lot of Women's House J One Lot of Women's HOUSEtPI ° F LONG KIMON °S, Worth Od ■ £ |J3 |l
Tf M)> DRESSES ' Worth to $1.00... DRESSES, Worth to $1.25... /fl/i to $2.50, For £ M( f 1}
jVx Z-Uy Made of good quality percale and ging- «la|l I Elegant made Presses of extra quality M 2|l I Plain and silk trimmed. Made of line quality crepe. Assorted pat- IQr tj 3 &
CS\S; LC»m ham; cut full, assorted colors and all X* I percale, gingham and lawn; assorted col- ■ V ■ terns - All cut full length. All sizes. |f
'■ sizes. ors ■
EXTRA SPECIAL one Lot of House Dresses For Extra AA —I
For Large Women }l,(||) Over 400 Women's &Misses' Silk DRESSES I>
l : r ~- J The over D roductions of J. FERBER and COMPANY, of New York l>
VI II i'"ii" 11[.in|" ' B THE entire lot divided to sell at two special prices |
I Overl2oo W omen's & Misses' Summer W ash Dresses I wlEs?. S .$2J5 3lH s i r .54.49 1
} The Overproduction of the Carlisle Garment Co. Carlisle. Pa. I lin. in this season's most desirable new models. All lof a superior grade of silk poplin, In all this season's I v
% * the best colors and all sizes. Wonderful bargain. most desirable colors. In blacks, blues, greens, etc.,
3 11; I i> >i< t /_, \ _ Every dress costs more wholesale to-day. Be prompt, and made to sell at SB.OO. Your choice to-morrow 1
l! Women si Misses £% F® ,ZkWomen AC 1 "whil, ,h e y 1... r.r 8 ..,». AU ,
€ : One Piece ~Jf One Piece 4sl •
{ Asi /$L E S S S !E? SES "*' = More Than 700 Women's and Misses' Wash Dress Skirts i
%■ Made of crisp, fresh, new, striped Iff") ✓ /A. big variety of the season's most attrac- I The Over Production of M. Blitz & Co., Phila~
IB checked Ginghams and Percales; also tive styles, fashioned of pretty new striped '/ / TftHpfih \ K.
■I e d Lawns and plain black Lawns in this sea- r\? n< * c^ec^e( i Ginghams and Percales, Lawns I Women's and Misses' Wash DRESS SKIRTS, AA // jf |UI \\\ \ 11
31 son's most charming new styles and colors. | Ufk in new floral and figured eflFects. New color Worth to $1 00 For Will lib % %
K All sizes. L |$L—J ZJttei gM i\ \; combinations. Regular and extra sizes. i , N» • » *■ ' • f / lIU lla \ $
S IIWwM\ 111 K*"&r '"\ \ Entirely new model,s made of good white llnene. In all sizes »>thll§f I J ISi lKtfk B M
~ ~~~—■i —— \wkwffl ' I i Vx ) Cljarlle Chaplin pockets and trimmed with soutaeh braid. Very smart I llwl « \
WoM'sMisses'H-j Pi |\ Women's & Misses'ig skirts, nA |ll
I One Piece I * ffll ill lil\ \ m.«H «»"' X—— Worth to $1.75, For U(| A'J II II f
"™" ! illnilll Irll If I' ' * \II I ' \ IDI i■! I'SILS "I I ver >' nfWM t belted effects, with pockets and trinin d with pearl but- l||||||l|| I l||l»|\ I >
i Worth to $2.75 For .., * I,|| J \ I / LjWorth to $4.50 For .. . | - > on* so. J Hj I,
# tu i. . j , , ;I II I'll i V i Scores of the season's newest models, I Women s and Misses Wash Dress Skirts, Ax M a n Si Will II II I 1
| The latest models stunning new styles Vl I b ' LJ made of the best and prettiest Ginghams and I Worth to $2 50 For fir 1 >1 C liti 11, I I I
i of pretty striped Ginghams and Percales; fl J Lawns. Stripes, Checks, Floral and Figur- I \l
% also dainty figured Lawns. A bisr assort- / I H I *A r»f PV nrv \<l • I These are of white Ramie and (Gabardines in this season's *ll ■ a | fff W MM
I n,c,„„f a u,,,,„0d,,-^„, all s. i ;s. ic ■ - :| -■ • | V«Wf ff [{
II Here ' sYOlJ ß chance MEN! Tomorrow, Wednesday More June Economies ,h e Bargain Basement Si
11 Mr wo Bi ?" 0ut - of - the -° rtl ' nar y SUMMER SUIT SPECIALS WASH GOODS and WHITE GOODS C
! 1 (foC) one Lot of Men ' S ft nr in » . O- AT JUNE ECONOMY SAVINGS I
i newest 7S Newest summer suits SI 175 ::::r~:rir:ir & i
I I m M a d e of good all-wool fabrics, in the latest Pinch- The same styles, the same materials, the same B io<- Windsor Hhsse Crepe: remnants: yard.. . 2.'»«- I'lain white Fiaxon, as in<iies wide: j
*1 Til ' " Wfffl Back models and new English effects. This sea- suits other stores about town are asking $16.50 for. I ls '' ' awns; 27 i.ui.es wide; yard |Q g 39e Xeat Stripe Maxon; yard rf » if
il ,iill son's most popular styles that are shown every- Blue Ser g es - English Honespuns, Pinch-Backs and J | a.v nia. k and White Printed Voiles, to m. : yd. 39c I'ancy Novel v White Goods; yard n C
where for 15 - 00 - ° ur every-day price $12.50. Your 4
j the time to buy and pocket a big saving. All sizes. of-the-ordinary bargain. i I 2Q<- rrinied white <;round Vo<ies; yard 33c 81-89 K " gllsh K>-.vani pieces /
1 Men's Pants-Special For the Economy Event
_ , , , * II 111 __ I P"L fl with seam in 4Q „ flower pots and sewing Q _ J
One lot of good, well made MEN S I One lot of stylish New Worsted Pants I One lot of Men's New Worsted Pants || fsOOl BID T6 center ba^ tt V„ e , ach t) L
KHAKI PANTS. Special, to- Qr| for Men; all sizes; durable -| [- (\ The best in this city; dj -| AH | S ® ' 1216 c Pillow cases, hemmed; pl ££,: feV.. 43 c #
. morrow only ZJ \J | patterns; pair 1. JU lin all sizes, at nair ih I.jH I rTT* M size 42 and 45x36, OC. $2.50 Aluminum' Tea kettles. J
! 1 -I FOR 34 H.S 3for ZbC &, B Tac a h nd , extra ....51.85 I
rt . -a I N-K ® $3.50 Satin Marseilles Bed $2.50 Porch Swings, d»| QQ m
Special Economy Event in It's Kaufman's For the Best Boys' Wash' | nl , (i .. i.?".:'.'..'.'.'..'.'. *2.19 4 li"i |
ft nv c» CI.OTH «nrl WASH SUITS , Suits and the Lowest Prices I 9x12 teet Attract V 3 JI.OO Hemstitched Pattern Table Str iT7c a wUa°r°d d Mop Combination; |
Doys ana WAM ijUi 1 .r^^ce^lona.ly 1 loS re on thi S n ;eL C oT 8 m b y e S t E « e I deSIgUS. Limited nUIII- Cloth, full 85c L^duVclorh 0 "' aUSt6r 97c 1
I BOYS' NEW NORFOLK Boys' New Norfolk SUITS; tf» A OA morrow we oner I ber to <;pll 64xb4 inches $1 25 Lo unirtng "chiirV, well I
JI SUITS; Worth itOAQ Worth to $7.50 $4.89 gg I 95c I
CH to $3.50 M/»« $7.50 is what you'll have to pay anvwhere w „nh si (in rr,.. »OC Worth 81.25, for I.V U ■ $2.50 c.nn iron tirk . « nPC i a | „ Hf . h JfOC 19c Camp Stools, with back, seat M
j| , . „ , . else outside of Kaufman's Boys' Clothing De- « 0 «h SI.OO, for .. Extraordinary values- I A with "'older and «ck, special, each covered with 91- C
£■ Made of good all wool materials. partment for the same kind of a Boy's Suit All the best materials. truly sold at $1 50 anv- I W m ff « feet metal tub. 15c Turklsh Ba < h Towels, large duck, 2 for WC J
)g well tailored and built to stand hard selling for 54.89 special to-morrow. They c,.i„„ where else'one nriee in I °-rW*% ft i nu t-,..,., sine and quality, or"— $1.50 Aluminum Saucepan; set M
11 wear; all sizes and all new patterns OP co n |S« h a^ U ?- bt" th *„ b< t "orrow'' g " 2 for ....... 25C 95c I
ll —a good $3.60 value for $2.49. sizes. arusan a colors, all sizes. A " a ' zei '' wv f CI SI.OO Large Bath Towels. AQ C Seven'rolls of - flni Crepe" Off (
% E "1 k-# colored border®; each Toilet Paper for «3C 9
The Rev. A. S. Easick and the Rev.
J. H. Morgan will be among' the speak
ers who will talk at tbe annual outing
•Vsed successfully for eight years by
thin men ajid women who want to put
on flesh and increase weight. Eat with
jour meals. Pleasant, harmless and
lncxpenslve. Sold In Harrishurg by
jG. A. Oorgas and leading- druggists
je very where.—Advertisement.
of the Methodist Preachers' Association .
'2,. be , held at Reservoir Park. June 1!>.
"The General Conference of liilG" will
be the subject. An interesting talk 011
the problems and tendencies of modern
education by Dr. J. George Recht. sec- !
retary of the State Roard of Education, ,
featured yesterday's meeting of the as- -
soclatlon In the Young Men s Christian
I Association.
3,000 Car Workers to Get
20 Per Cent. Wage Increase
Berwick, Pa., June 6.—Announce
ment was made here yesterday of an
increase of 20 per cent, in all piece
work rates throughout the Berwick
car departments of the American Car;
and Foundry Company. The Increase
1 dates from June 1 and will affect 3.000 j
men. The piecework increase goes]
I higher than the rate asked by the 1
| strikers in the steel plant.
The announcement was also made
that a revision cf day schedules I
! throughout the car departments will
soon be effected. An Increase in the
day rates in the steel plant, where 800
I men are on strike, was also an-
I nounced. It Is thought an agreement
; will he reached soon.
$150,000 Bridge to Be
Built at Montgomery
Williamsport. Pa., June 6.—Judge j
Harvey W. Whitehead yesterday di- |
; rected the Lycoming county commis- j
; sioners to huild a bridge across the
1 west branch of the Susquehanna river
| at Montgomery.
| The bridge will cost $150,000. The
| commissioners were ordered weeks ago
j to build a bridge ovei the stream at 1
! Dubolstown. The cost of this will be
$1 80,000. A bond Issue will be neces- j
sary to secure the money.
Washington, D. C.. June 6.—The
seventeen loyal provinces in China j
i have agreed to continue their support ■
Ito President Yuan S?hi Kai. Minister
Reinsch, at Peking, telegraphed to
day that representatives of the prov
inces had reached this decision at a
| meeting in Nanking.
SALE OF 930,(MM),000 LAND
I Washington, D. C„ June 6.—The
House yesterday adopted a conference
report on the bill to reclaim and sell
$30,000,000 worth of land granted to
tlie California und Uregon Railroad.
It was adopted last week by the'
j Senate.
Russia Is in Market For
Many More Big Locomotives
Inquiries are being made here by
Russia for between 800 and 1,000 laco
! motives of the same type as those pur
chased last year, costing between $27,-!
000 and $30,000. Last year Russia
made inquiries for from 400 to 600 lo
comotives. and placed orders for 350
here and 50 in Canada.
Last year business went to the Am
erican Locomotive Company and the
Baldwin Locomotive Works.
Chihuahua <'ity, Mexico, June <s.
Pablo Lopez, Villa''» cliiel lieutea&ut iui
JUNE 6, 1016.
I the raid upon Columbus, N. M. t yes- |
| terday paid the penalty for his crimes,
I facing a firing squad of Constitutional- j
j ist soldiers at Santa. Rosa, Chihuahua's I
j place of execution.
Enola, Pa., June 6. Oh Saturday
next bide for the erection of the new
school building on Summit street,
! will be opened by the School Board.
C. Howard Lloyd of Harrisburg Is the
The building is to be 115 feet long
end 62 feet wide, and when com- !
pleted will be the most modernly
| equipped fireproof building on the
I West Shore. It will contain eight
'school rooms and an auditorium j
I wJUch will a{&OJBUUQcUte 50Q,
Lebanon, Pa., June 6. ■ Six cows,
I valued at S9OO, owned by D. R. Royer,
; a farmer living north of this city,
were killed by a stroke of lightning on
Saturday afternoon while huddled un
der an oak tree.
Elizabethville, Pa., June 6. Bur
ins a severe thunder storm that passed
over this valley on Saturday evening,
lightning struck the house occupied
by A. E. Koppenheffer, west of town,
shattering the west side of the house.
MUlerstown, Pa., June 6. Samuel
! Taylor, one of the oldest citizens of
j town, died on Sunday evening after
Illness of about three weeks.