Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 06, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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illustration Courtesy oi tangling Bros.
When the Clowns Come
to Town You Can See the
Circus As the Guest of
Vt ni. St rouse—
Ringling Bros.' Big Circus is coming to town next week,
(Wednesday, June 14th). There'll be lots and lots of funny
faced clowns, a big herd of elephants and a whole menagerie of
queer-looking animals. There'll be chariot races, trapeze per
formers, acrobats, trick riders and all the rest that goes with <
"The Big Show."
Any man or boy can go at our expense. With every pur
chase of $5 in our Boys' Department we'll give a ticket to the
circus, and in our Men's Department, a ticket goes with every
$lO purchase. Come, it's our treat!
The New Store of
IF Stomach Hurts
Drink Hot Water
A Physician'* Adilrc
"If dyspeptics, sufferers from sras.
wind or flatulence, stomach acidity or
sourness, gastric catarrh, heartburn,
etc., would take a teaspoonful of pure
bluurntrd magnesia in half a glass of
hot water immediately after eating,
they would soon forget they were ever
afflicted with stomach trouble, and
doctors would have to look elsewhere
for patients. In explanation of those
words a well known New York physi
cian stated that most forms of stomach
trouble are due to stomach ac'ditv and
fermentation of the food contents <>f the
stomach combined with an insufficient
blood supply to the stomach. Hot water
incieases the blood supply and liUurnt
cd magnesia instantly neutralizes the
excessive stoma- h acid and stops food
fermentation, the combination of the
two. therefore, being marvelouslv suc
< essful and decidedly preferable to the
use of artificial digestents. stimulants
or medicines for digestion.—Advertise
Steelton Snapshots
Steelton Honor Roll. —The exercises
of the senior class of the Steelton high
school were held Thursday evening.
Stops Inflammation
lon-o-lex is probably the most remarkable discovery that
has been made in the field of medicine in fifty years.
It ranks in importance with the discovery of anaesthetics
or with the development of the use of antiseptics.
lon-o-lex is not a drug.
It contains no narcotics or opiates and is perfectly harmless.
Its action is entirely mechanical and it only does one thing.
It stops inflammation.
Anywhere that inflammation occurs.
In Neuritis or Acute Rheumatism. In Tonsillitis, Bronchitis
or Pneumonia.
In Croup, Coughs, Colds or Catarrh.
In Eczema or Erysipelas. In burns, wounds, bruises. Any
where that there is inflammation—lon-o-lex
Used for years by most prominent phy
sicians in England and in English Military j| : .Mjf
Guaranteed not to fail.
lon-o-lex liquid for internal use— gjf .
lon-o-lex Unguent for external use. iT. ifmV
r °"*° by IWouxl kill
Kennedy s IJ —*(U«U7D?~» iI :
Medicine Store I
:12 1 Market St. Ifljj j (djlli **"«"" tSV* 1, i|§
„ , . . iilj "~7" " T "" 1 Jfl) THQwotKiHiy JII
and other prominent HI! —s 1— : | |
nil;l ">• low o ttx c«.»>««» | Hli "" IOH-0 LEX Cow>«»>l I
druggists J I
June 1. The class received Its stand- j
his Friday morning, June 2. The |
honor roll as is follows: First, Azalea ;
Wis field; second, Paul Hocker; third,
Margaret Franke: fourth, George |
Wolf; fifth, Florence Finger; sixth. j
Esther Kelm: seventh. Millie Zimmer
man; eighth. Hairy Trawitz.
Honor Pupils \nmed. Through
some error honor pupils in the class of
1916 Steelton High School were not;
named on the honor roll of the class.
These pupils are; Azalea Wigfleld, Paul
Hocker. Margaret Franke. George
Wolf, Florence Finger, Ksther Keim,
Lillie Zimmerman and Harry Trawitz.
Deniiii-lte.vrent. Charles A. Demmy
and Miss Bertha H. Beyrent, both of the
borough., were married at Mt. Airy, Sat
urday morning. June at 11.4.". o'clock.
The wedding was held in the Methodist
Church with the Rev. H. W. Westwood
officiating. \fter a honeymoon trip
to Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Dcmmy
will be "At Hume" at 130 South Second
*TEELTO\ IT It so \ \|,<s
Miss Mae Baker and Harry Thursh
of Shippensburg, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Mowery, North Front street
Mrs. Effie Johnson, South Front
street, is visiting Mrs. Ira Morthal at
Trlndle Springs.
Wilson Hampton and Miss Sequett
Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs'
J. M. Karncst, Pine street.
Mrs. Gertrude Brandt. Lawrence
Brandt and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Fckles are on a motor trip to Albany
nl President Rcynders Selects
The men who will direct the wor 1
tem in Steclton and govern the borough
Top row, left to right, Robert M. Rut he
Rupp; bottom row, John B. Malehorr
Passed Finally Alter Opposi
tion Councilmen Say Prices
Will Go Up
f— \
President J. V. \Y. Reynders re
Appoint John C. Craig his suc
Elect T. J. Nelly president of
Pass license boosting ordinance
after long debate.
Raise pay of borough employes.
Prepare for suit against paving
Pass ordinance authorizing sale
| of bonds for paving and purchase
of fire apparatus. Bonds to pay
j 4
Receive petition requesting more
police protection in day time.
Appropriate SSO to Fourth of
I July celebration committee.
Accept resignation of J. T. Brosey
as assistant tire chief.
Appoint Harry Martzon, of Pax- ,
j tang Hook and Ladder Co., second
I assistant Are chief.
Give janitor at East End Hose i
i Co. increase of $2 monthly pay. !
Purchase 150 keys and a Siamese !
coupling for Baldwin Hose Co.
Make President Nelly chairman
| of finance committee and T. T. Me- i
I Entee chairman of police commit- '
, tee.
Bills amounting to $5,273.94 were i
ordered paid.
Set tax rate at !) ' 3 mills, same i
, as at present.
v i /
President J. V. W. Reynders last
I evening sent to Steelton's council a
letter of resignation, which that body
I accepted with the deepest regrets. On
I motion of Mr. Henderson, unani
mously carried, it was decided to send
the retiring chief officer an engraved
parchment expressing esteem. John
C. Craig. Pine street, was elected
councilman to fill the vacancy.
On motion of Mr. Reisch, T. J. Nelly
of the First ward, was nominated as
president. He was elected unanl
j mously. The new president has been
■ a member of council.for ten years and
lis the oldest in point of service In
j that body. He has been the father of
' much progressive legislation and will
I make a capable presiding officer.
In assuming the chair, Mr. Nelly
said: "You have conferred upon me
an office which it will be difficult to
fill. 1 shall try to be fair with you
all and will do my utmost to please
you and to work to the best interests
of the entire borough. We must watch
our finances most of all. We are just
entering a campaign of civic improve
ment, street paving, garbage collection
and better fire protection, and we must
come here prepared to work har
moniously and to the best interest of
our constituents."
Most of the session was taken up
with a debate on the license code
drawn and submitted In behalf of the
Mel-chants' Association. The measure
was finally passed but only after bit
ter opposition on the part of Messrs.
Henderson and McEntee who pointed
out how the measure was discrimina
tory and how it would automatically
become a burden upon residents of
the borough.
Section 3 of the measure, which
puts a heavy license tax upon every
team or automobile used for hauling
freight or passengers for hire was
stricken from the bill.
A tax of $1 on every mile of wire
and each pole of a public service cor
poration is imposed by the measure.
1 Pipe lines of gas companies are as
sessed S2O per mile each year.
Don't Own Two Wagons
These items were opposed by Mr.
Henderson and Mr. McEntee on the
ground that they would impose an In
creased cpst upon every man who
wished to connect his home with gas
or light and will not prove a big reve
nue to the borough.
Section 7 imposed a tax of SSO a
year upon every huckster or peddler or
salesman who should desire to sell
groceries, produce, patent articles or
in fact, anything else in the borough.
A $5 additional tax is imposed if the
huckster should own another wagon.
This prohibitive fee was reduced to
$lO annually.
While a tax of SSO was proposed by
the measure upon anyone who should
sell meat, fish, vegetables or other
food, the ordinance in Section 7, would
permit anyone to take out a license to
solicit orders for beer, ale or other
alcoholic beverages from door to door
by laying a fee of sls.
Bankrupt, tire and similar sales by
out-of-town merchants may he con
ducted only upon paying a license fee
k of establishing a playgrounds sys
ti's parks are shown above. They are:
erford, C. S. Davis and H. Russell
n and Ross M. Kiev.
<>f SIOO each month, or for n part of
any month. Theaters and other amuse
■ ments are assessed fees ranging from
! S.T a day for a merry-go-round or side 1
I show to $75 a year for a theater.
Each show and concession of a car
nival must hereafter pay a separate
I fee.
In opposing the measure. Mr. Hen- !
derson time and again pointed out that j
its passage would surely result in fore- i
ing Steelton housekeepers to pay ;
higher prices for their produce than
; the> pay at present. Builders and
contractors will also lie hit hard, it
wag pointed out, became gas and elec
tric companies may increase their
rates to moo! the new tax.
Il was pointed out by the «-ouncil- j
men favoring the measure "that it j
was just like Harrisburg's license code
and what is fair in Harrisburg should
tie fair in Steelton." This was shown
bj Mr. McEntee and Henderson to be \
'an erroneous impression as the code
there has heen amended and fees I
\ greatly reduced in many instances j
: since adoption of the code.
To Sue Paving Company
I On account of the late hour, action 1
; nn the traffic ordinance and the rail
: road ordinance was postponed.
In contemplation of a suit against
I the United States Wood Paving Co..
; New York < 'ity, to compel the firm
; to live up to its agreement to keep
Front street repaired until next year,
j Chairman Henderson of the highway
committee was authorized to retain an
! engineer of national reputation to go
| over the borough's side of the dispute.
| Council received reports on the re-
I cent election at which bond issues of
; $25,000 for purchase of motor tire ap
! paratus and garbage collection and
$50,000 for street paving was author
ized. Tt was decided to make the
bonds bear interest at 4 per cent. An
j ordinance authorizing sale of the pa
pers was passed tirst reading.
Hold Conference on
Railroad Ordinance
j The highway committee of Steel
ton's borough council met this after
! noon with officials of the Pennsylvania
j Railroad to discuss terms of the ordi
nance now before council granting the
railroad the privilege of building its
I proposed freight spur into the bor-
I ough to tap the steel works yards.
By the terms of the present meas
ure. which is now or. third and final
I reading, the company is permitted to
I establish grade crossings at Franklin.
I Trewick and Conestnga streets. As the
! ordinance stands no return is given
the borough for these valuable fran
i chises.
| Since passage of the measure on
■second reading there have been a
I number of conferences, offers and
I counter offers, but so far none of the
negotia<ions have Open made public.
At last evening's meeting of the
Middletown school board the follow
ing teachers were elected for the com
ing term: High school. H. B. Garver,
P. K. Gotwalt, Miss Kathryn Aumiller,
Miss Margaret Potter; grammar school,
A. S. Quickel, J. B. Martin. W. B. Mor
row: intermediate. Miss Grace Kieffer,
Miss Clara Beck, Miss Elizabeth Over
deer. E. D. Kelper: fourth grade. Miss
Florence Beard, Miss Fannie Hatz,
Miss Jennie MeClure, William Hoff
man: second primary, Miss Margaret
Smith. Miss Elizabeth Neagle. Miss
Kathryn Ettele, Miss Anna M. Bletz:
first primary, Miss Harriet Keever,
.Miss Rlanche Yost, Miss Mary Fritz,
Miss Rena Park. The following jani
tors were elected: C. H. Hardy, W. H.
Pliindle, W. H. Stli,e and Mrs. Alice
Hoffman. The teachers will be as
signed to the buildings in which they
will teach at the next meeting of the
board on .Tune 12. The contract for
175 tons of bituminous coal was let to
Carson Long. The contract for an-
J thracite coal will be divided among
j the local dealers.
Alkali Makes Soap
Bad For Washing Hair
Most, soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which is very
injurious, as it dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is just plain
mtilsified eocoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greaseless. Tt's very
cheap, and beats the most expensive
soaps or anything else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store, and
] a few ounces will last the whole family
! for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
II cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
I easily The hair dries quickly and
■ | evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and takes
• out every particle of dust, dirt and
si dandruff.
Commission. Each ts named for the
term opposite his name.
Appointment of a Park and Play- 1
grounds Commission in Steelton was
authorized by council at the May |
meeting when an ordinance submitted j
by the Municipal league was adopted. |
This measure confers large powers
upon the commission and gives it sole j
power to administer all affairs per- I
taining to parks, playgrounds or other j
recreation facilities in the borough.
Following somewhat the lines of the
ordinance under which Harrisburg's
old park commission worked with so
much success, the measure in a com
prehensive manner prescribes how
parks and playgrounds shall be gov
erned in the borough. It is so de- ;
signed that with a commission of fore
moot citizens such as the one just an
nounced by Mr. Reynders, it is al
most impossible to inject partisan poli
tics into recreation work in the bor
Men of Highest Type
Mr. Davis, the tirst named commis
sioner and the man who will be elect
ed chairman of the noard, is principal
of the Steelton High school and the
leader in the campaign waged for sev
eral years to obtain adequate rec-rea-
S tion facilities for the borough. He
|is also chairman of the Shade Tree
,I'ommission which is now practically
incorporated with the park board.
I John li. Malehorn. secretary of the
j Shade Tree commission, is a mem
jber of the firm of .Malehorn Bros.,
painters, and has always been identi
fied with the best civic interests of
| the borough.
' H. Russell Rupp is an employe of
; the Pennsylvania Steel company,
prominent in church and civic affairs
jof the borough. lie also is a mem
ber of the Shade Tree commission.
Robert M. Rutherford is president
iof the Steelton National Bank and of
the Steelton Trust company. He has
| always taken an active interest in ev
, cry project for the advancement of the
j borough. His appointment to the
new commission will give the borough,
the services of 0..e of her ablest citi
Ross M. Frey the last named mem
ber of the body is proprietor of a large
retail shoe store and. while he has
; never held public office, has always
,bcen identified with civic pdogress.
The commission in its entirety is
one which, in the opinion of most
men in municipal circles, it would be
hard to improve upon. The new
! board will meet within ten days to
j organize and will then proceed {o di
rect establishment of an adequate plav
grounds. system.
Legal Notices
NOTICE is hereby given that the ex
aminations of the suggested registrars
|to be appointed for the election pre
cints of the City of Harrisburg will be
held at the office of the County Coni
; missionera. al the Courthouse. Harris
burg. Pa., on Monday. June 12, and Wed
nesday, June 14, 1910, at 10 o'clock
jA. M.
County Commissioners,
i Attest:—E. H. FISHER.
Chief Cleik.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa., No. 664, January
'Term. 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
i matrimonii, Mary Baltimore vs. Jackson
Baltimore. The subpena and alias sub-
I pena in the above-stated case have been
I returned "nou est Inventus." You,
I Jackson Baltimore, are therefore di-
I rected to appear in the court at Harris
i burg, Pa., on the second Monday of
jJune. A. D. 1916, to answer the nm
plaint therein tiled.
Harrisburg. Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 106, January
Term, 1916. Libel In divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Florence L. Williams vs.
Joseph A. Williams. The subpena and
alias subpena In the above-stated case
j have been returned "non est Inventus."
You, Joseph A. Williams, are therefore
I directed to appear in the court at Har
risburg. Pa., on the second Monday of
June. A. D. 1916, to answer the com
plaint therein filed.
j Harrisburg. Pa., May 16, 191 C.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 665, January
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii. Anna Miller vs. Ralph Mil
ler. The subpena and alias subpena In
the above-stated case have been return
ed 'non est inventus." You. Ralph
Miller, are therefore d'rected to appear
in the court at Harrisbur-* Pa., on the
second Monday of June. A. D. 1915, to
answer the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg. Pa.. May 10, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
I Dauphin County, ss:
! In the Court of Common Pleas of
! Dauphin County, Pa., No. 711. January
Term. 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Eleanor E. Martin vs.
Alonza R. Martin. The subpena and
alias subpena in the above-stated case
liiave beeu returned "non eat Inventus.'
JUNE 6, 1916.
' "--We Do"
JPVERY day prospective patrons ask us
this question, "Do you make a charge
for eye-examinations? And our reply is,
"we do."
TjITK believe that the eye is worthy the most
careful consideration that can he accorded
it—regardless of the time involved. Not how
quickly, but how well, is the dominating factor
in Belsinger eye examinations.
A ND because this service requires a little more
jj time and a little more attention, we charge
a little more than nothing for the service—sl.oo
—and it's worth it.
VOU may need glasses—if so. we'll tell you.
Possibly you may not —and we'll be just as
quick to tell you that, too, for in either event you
pay for the examination, and we do not have to
sell you glasses to reimburse us for the time in
Out-of-town veterans who ma,v not have at their com
mand in their home towns the services of an experienced
optician should take advantage of Hclsinccr eye service
during tlieir stay in Harrisburft.
J. S. Belsinger j
Examining one T Q«- Prescription
Optometrists C\Ju -L/OCUSI 01. Optician
(No Drops)
Opposite Orplieum Theater
Belsinger Glasses as low as $2.00.
Agents for KRYITOK Invisible Bifocal I-coses.
You. Alonza R. Martin, are therefore
directed to appear in the court at Jlar-
I'isbure. Pa., on the second Monday of
June. A. D. I S# I*s. to answer the com
plaint therein filed.
w. w. caldwell.
Harrisburg May 16. 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court >-f Comnimon Fleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 149, March
Term, 1915. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Fannie Krenicran vs Mai ko
Krenican. The subpena and alias sub
pena In the above-stated case have been
returned "non est Inventus." You,
Marko Krenlcan are therefore directed
to appear In the court at Harrisburjj.
Pa.. on the second Monday of June. A.
I>. 1916, to answer the complaint there
in tiled.
Harrisburgr. Pa.. May 16. 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Daupiiin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa., No. 504, January
Term. 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Mary J. Kirk vs. Karl M.
Kirk. The subpena and alias subpena
in the above-stated case have been re
turned non est inventus." You, Earl
M. Kirk, are therefore directed to ap
pear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa.,
on the second Monday of June. A. D.
1916, to answer the complaint therein
I Harrlsbursr. Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 470, January
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce —a vinculo |
matrimonii. Mary K. First vs. George W. !
First. The subpena and alias subpena
in the abovs-stated case have been re- 1
turned "non est inventus." You, Georsre
W. l'irst. are therefore- directed to ap- j
pear in the court at Harrisbur", Pa.,
on the second Monday of June, A. D.
1916. to answer the complaint therein:
Sheriff. j
Harrisburg. Pn., May 16. 1916. i
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. la.. No. 51, January,
Term. 1916. Libel in divorce —a vinculo
matrimonii. John R. Weibley vs. Alma
Weiblev. The subpena and alias sub
pena In the above-stated case have been
returned "non est inventus." You. Alma
Weiblev, are therefore directed to ap
pear in'the court at Harrisburg, Pa., o
the fourth Monday of Ju..o, A. D. 1916,
to answer the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg. Pa- Mar 16. 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Co-union Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 660, January
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce —a vinculo
matrimonii. Anna Katharine Cobaugh
vs. Melvin Perry Cobaugh. The subpena
and alias subpena in the above-stated
case have been returned "non est in
ventus." You. Melvin Perry Cobaugh,
are therefore directed to appear in the
court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the second
Monday of June, A. D. 1916, to answer
the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg, Pa., May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauo'.ln Cou.-.ty, Pa.. No. 426, January
Term. 1916. Libel In divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii. Edna Maguire vs. Franc.s
Maguire. The subpena and alias sub
pena in the above-stated case have been
returned "non est inventus.' You. Fran
cis Maguire. are therefore directed to
appear In the court at Harrisburg. Pa.,
on the Fourth Monday of June. A. D.
I'Jl6. to answer the complaint therein
Harrisburg, Pa., May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa.. No. 148, March
Term, 1915. Libel In divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Ralph E. Spink vs. Lulu
Spink. The subpena and alias subpena
in the above-stated case have been re
turned "non est Inventus." You. Lulu
Spink, are therefore directed to appear
in the court at Harrisburg. Pa., on the
second Monday of June, A. D. 1916, to
answer the complaint therein filed.
Harrisburg. Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In tho Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 523, June
Term. 1915. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii. Edna B. Diehl vs. Charles
B. Diehl. The subpena and alias sub
pena in the above-stated case have been
returned "non est inventus." You,
Charles B. Diehl, are therefore directed
to appear in the court at Harrisburg,
Pa., on the second Monday of June. A.
I I). 1916. to answer the complaint there
in filed.
Harrisburg Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
lu the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauihin County, Pa., No. 577, January
Term. 1916. Libel In divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Mabel M. Houdeshel vs.
j Robert W. Houdeshel. The subpena and
alias auhpena In the above-stated case
i have been returned "son est Inventus."
You, Robert W. Houdeshel, are there
fore directed to appear In the court at
i riaiiurg. Pp., on the second Monday
of June, A. D. 1916, to answer the com
plaint therein filed.
Harrisburg, Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 295 June
Term, 1915. Libel In divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Peter Raduklc vs. Anna
Raduklc. The subpena and alias sub
pena In the above-stated case have been
returned "non est inventus. ' You, Anna
Raduklc, are therefore directed to ap
pear in the court at Harrlsburg, Pa., on
the second Monday of June, A. D. 1915,
to answer the complaint therein filed.
| Harrisburg. Pa., May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
I In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County. Pa., No. 484, June
I Term. 1915. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
I matrimonii. Page Muckley vs, David
Muckley The subpena and alias sub
, pena in the above-stated case have been
! returned "non est inventus." You, Da
! vld Muckley, are therefore directed to
: appear in the court at Harrisburg. Pa ,
lon the second Monday of June, A. D.
,1916, to answer the complaint therein
Harrlsburs;, Pa., May 16. 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin Count- Pa.. No. 309, Januarv
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
I matrimonii, Caroline S. Nye vs. Robert
J. Nye. The subpena and alias subpena
j In the above-stated case have been re
turned "non est inventus." You, Rob
; ert J. Nye, are therefore directed to ap
| pear in the court at Harrisburg, i'a., on
the second Monday of June. A. D. into,
i to answer the complaint therein filed.
| Harrisburg. Pa.. May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
i Dauphin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
j Dauphin County. Pa., No. 238, March
Term. 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinc ulo
| matrimonii, Lottie L. Oerrrian vs. Wil
; liam H. Oerman. The subpena and alias
1 subpena in the above-stated case ltav«
been returned "non est Inventus." You.
William H. Oerman. are thertefore di
rected to appear in the court at Har
risburg. Pa., on the second Monday of
June, A. D. 1916, to answer the com
plaint therein filed.
Harrisburg, Pa., May 16, 1916.
Proclamation in Divorce
Deupliin County, ss:
In the Court of Common Pleas of
Dauphin County, Pa., No. 561, January
Term, 1916. Libel in divorce—a vinculo
matrimonii, Viola E. Miller vs. George
W. Miller. The subpena and alias sub
| pena in the above-stated case, have been
returned 'non est inventus." You,
George W. Miller, are therefore direct
ed to appear in the court at Harrisburg,
Pa., on the second Monday of June. A.
D. 1916, tu answer the complaint there
in filec*.
Harrisburg. Pa., May 16, 1916.
Agents Wanted
Wonder Truck
Ford Cars
A few agencies open jet
We are producing a sim
ple device that will trans
form a
FORI) CAR into
a MOTOR TRUCK of one
ton capacity in a few
This device is of proven
merit, and is solving the
delivery problem for many
retail and wholesale mer
chants all over the United
States. It is the most
economical Truck in the
world to-day.
Demand is large. Kasy
to sell. Good commission
allowed. Hig opportunity
for a few live men with a
little money.
For full details write or
Johnstown, Pa,