Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 02, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
Founded 1871 TOMORROW 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Bell—l99l— United Summer Apparel and Home Comforts—A Delightful Summer Store About this time last year you were edging through the crowded aisles of our old store, and we were trying our best to make the congested floors as attractive as possible during those rebuilding days. Indeed, time has wrought wonders. 'it's Good to Know There Is One Place That Fills Every Need In Blouses And not just a smattering of each style. For you are privileged to choose from a most varied showing of the kinds of blouses, popu- - > lar at this moment. T, Our stocks are constantly being freshened with complete size ranges, and with new A \JI 'iji \ styles, providing the styles are acceptable. jy | \rH 1 \ Note the wide range the following listing bf I \ \ —Lingerie Blouses, 95c to sls —Georgette Blouses, $4.50 to sls //! J 1 Yv/ —Silk Blouses, $1.59 to $5 (/ \ 1 J \\ BOWMAN'S—Third Floor dS? Summer Millinery Huge Stock Resplendent With New IIT L I \ Choice. Chic and Charming; all arc included tHl|I I ' n the exclamations that broke forth'from the J V\VV little circle that watched the opening up of new r summer hats. —White feather turbans —Velour Sport Hats are Oll 'y a ew ' lave been added. • . BOWMAN'S—Third Floor When the Vest Comes Off Then it is men are more particular about shirts and the pat terns. 1 heir desire for real smartness in color and novelty, together with fineness of fabric is to be fulfilled here in that very happy com bination. Silk shirts, $3.75 to $7.00 Percale and madras, 50c to SI.OO. Silk and cotton shirts, $2.35. Sport shirts, 50c. Fine madras, SI.OO to $2.35. Blue chambray shirts, 3 for SI.OO. Summer Underwear B. V. D. Union Suits, SI.OO. Munsing and Spartan Union Suits, short sleeves; three-quarter length • a.nte and peeler color. $1.0() and $1.50. Nainsook Athletic Union Suits, 50*. Balbriggan Lnderwear, double seated drawers; long and short sleeves «iO<*. Open Mesh Underwear, ecru; short sleeves; double-seated drawers. 25* mixed Union Suits, short sleeves, three-quarter length, 59* and BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Men Will Enjoy Their Vacation jr — In a Kirschbaum Suit \r-' rT bWherever well-dressed men gather, Kirschbaum clothes are /TjJ \ When you go on your vacation you want a suit which has - style. But style without comfort means misery. The suits which pf /) \y • Y we are showing have comfort and smart youthful lines: designed UK T by the famous Kirschbaum shops, and made of the latest and most \JTjjli If) durable and stylish materials, absolutely all wool. These suits the jfiNSL J J i well groomed man will wear this summer. Mghl • Y\M> Single and double breasted coats, patch pockets, peaked lapels, VH.J ' j 1; \ \UP sport backs, sloping lapels; some silk lined. • | j/. Smart tweeds, plaids and stripes make up a wonderful collec- JtlH /$' fiffE 3 tion of suits for the particular, conservative, yet stvlish man. ttl 1/ N ||p§* : \ M sls, $lB, S2O, $25 y | 11 Men's Straw Hats Men's Panamas Men's Madagascar OIL 'jl fit SI.OO to $3.00 $2.50 and $3.50 Hats ffi |F yJiiT^ Yachts and turban Indestructible Pana- SI.OO and $1.50 B. JS ££ * mas in telescope, full j ... /|T ' * ~~ shapes, of split, sennet Q ptinn and Alpine Alpine with contrast and satin straws. shapes. ing bands. nuwMANs-Second Floor CLASS KN.IOV S OUTING Shtremanstown, Pa., June 2. —Buds of Promise Class of the United Breth ren Sunday School, with their teacher, Mrs. Samuel Drawbaugh, enjoyed an outing on Ascension Day at Cedar run. The little folks Indulged In various eanies, contests and bathing. A bas ket luncheon was served. WILL BUILD NEW HOME Shlremanstown, Pa., June 2.—Frank Sipe, of New Cumberland, has pur chased an acre of ground from Ellla Elchelberger. at Eichelberger Curve. Mr. Bip* will erect a new home. FRIDAY F.VENING, Deaths and Funerals JOHN DETTI.ING Funeral services for John Dettllng, j aged 57 years, custodian at the city's j Sanitary Hospital, who died at the In stitution yesterday after an illness of several days, will be held at the hos pital Monday afternoon, at " o'clock. The Rev. Heinhold Schmidt, pastor of the St. Michael's German Lutheran • 'hurch, will officiate. Burial will be made In the Paxtang Cemetery. He is survived by his wife. As custodian of the hospital. Mr. Dettllng was very well known. His long stay at the Institution enabled him to make many friends with persons who were confined there. .MR*. SARAH WAI.KKR Funeral services for Mrs. kuLr&h About the Silk In Gloves In the matter of quality you are safe in purchasing these well known brands, shown here in the favored styles. Fownes and Kayser's 8, 12, 16 and 20-button length Silk Gloves, 75# to $2.00. White Silk Gloves, 2-clasp ; double finger tips, 500. Kayser's 2-clasp Silk Gloves in white, black and colors, with self and contrasting embroidery; all sizes, 59* to $1.50. Fownes' Filosette Gloves —wash- able suede with Paris Point and three rows embroidery; 65# and 75#. BOWMAN'S—Main =-loor Summer Footwear For Women of Style Women's Summer Weight High Shoes with turn soles and covered Louis heels. Pair. $5, s(> and $7.50 Low Shoes, pumps and Colonials, at $3, $4 and $5. Women's White Sport Shoes— America's very best products. Pair $5, $6.50 and $7. Canvas Sport Shoes —high or low, $2.50. Children's Shoes Boys' and Girls' Shoes in all the Avanted kinds, in abundance at little prices. Black, tan and white. High and low. Pair sl, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor This Is Truly a Store For Boys Wherein the needs of the boy are carefully studied to be of most ad vantage to parents. Norfolk and Pinch-Back Suits, in gray, tan, green and brown mixtures. Patch pockets: 3-piece belts; well lined and trimmed. Many with extra knickers. Sizes 6 to 18 years. Prices. $2.50. $2.95, $3.1)5, $4.05 up to SIO.OO. Blue Serge Suits—pinch-back, box and side pleat Norfolk styles, with an extra pair of white duck knickers. Guaran teed fast color; sizes 6 to 18 years. Prices 53.115, $4.95, $5.95, $6.95, $7.50 up to $12.00. Norfolk Suits of linen, crash. Palm Beach and cool cloth, for boys 6 to 17 years, at $2.50, $5.95 and $4.95. Wash Suits for boys 2% to 10 years. Middy. Tommy Tucker. Billy Boy, Junior Norfolk. French Blouse and Norfolk Middy styles. All white, and white trim med with cerise, green, blue, cadet, red, lavender, brown and gray. Some have extra pants, collars, cuffs and belts of contrasting colors. Prices range from 50c to $5.00. Knickers, Bloomers and Straight Knee Pants, of duck, khaki, gray, blue and tan linen; sizes 4 to 18. Prices. 50c, 75c, 85c and SI.OO. Genuine South American Panamas for the boys 8 to 1G years. New telescopes with turn-down brims, at 52.98. Boys' ltccfcrs Reduced—blue serges, shepherd checks and gray mixtures, for hoys 2'i to 8 years. Prices, $1.65, 53.25 and $1.25. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Children's Embroidering Class, Saturday, 9.30 to 11 A. M. I Walker, aged 68 years, widow of Jacob K. iv alker, who died yesterday after- I noon at her home, 1914 Market street,! i from penumonla, will be held Monday ! afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. S. W. : ! Herman, pastor of Zion Lutheran 1 I Church, will officiate. Burial will be I made In the Paxton Cemetery, at Pax- I ts.ng. She was a member of the Zion I Lutheran Church for many years. She j is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dan- ! lei Weinhold, and two sons, Percy R. j and Dean F.. all of this city. Auto Spooners Block Roads; They Must Quit j Cleveland, Ohio, June 2. Atten i tloti. lovers! Marshal Matthew F. Slavtn an nounced laat night that the high aoat[ HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH rZhe S IT Years there has never been a more Pn/Vnnr/ £ pronounced tendency to any one type /% w&P ®® of » arment - Almost everything shows the influence of We have made this store the big, outstanding head 111J J fit<|uarters for Summer Sport Apparel with abundant stocks of coats, skirts, dresses, suits, blouses and Tmsiiir ' /JrlpMrx ie mos * stylish and sport-like models of the sea- X iHj ellliF\ \ son are herein corduroy, novelty mixtures, checks, Silk Sport Suits White Skirts An idea greatly enlarged upon, for numer- 1 he season of white skirts is unmistakably ous models are shown in silk poplin, Kayser * n tu " swing judging by the ti emendous quan silk and pongees. ' mies ,hat are constantly coming m and S«<"S 1 " out. Also showing woolen and Tyrolon sport Pique> ]inen< gabardine, basket weave and suits. corduroy. Prices, and up. Smart stripes in variety. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. $1 .00 tO s6.t>o. There's A Wonderful Appeal To a $15.00 Suit Offer particularly when the suits arc this season's finest to be had. Although not all are from the former, most expensive assortments, everyone is of an unusual character in style and fabric. Every suit represents a saving of near half, and sometimes considerably more. Sufficiently light of weight to wear all summer. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Novelty Silks Are here abundantly to meet the silk sports vogue 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta, in street and evening shades; also change able, yard $1.50. 36-inch Coating Pongee, natural shade; yard $1.50. 36-inch Novelty Taffeta Stripes and Plaids, extra fine quality, yard $1 .<>9. 40-inch Indestructible and Pierette Silk Voiles, yard $1.98. 40-inch Genuine Pussy Willow Taffeta; street and evening shades, v ird $2.50. 26-inch Rajah Chuddah Silk, nat ural and oyster white, yard SI.OO. 36-inch Genuine Soiree, in street yard $2.00. 32 and 36-inch Striped Wash Silks and Silk Crepe de Chines, in stripes, yard 89?, sl. $1.25 and $1.50. 36-inch Sport Stripe Pongee Silks, yard. $1.50. 36-inch Black Taffeta and Black Satin Messaline, yard $1.19. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor New Embroideries 27-inch Swiss and Voile Flouncing, for children's dresses or the two-tier skirts 59c, 69c and 89c yd. 27-inch Hemstitch Flouncing. 25c yd. 40-incli Voile Embroidery Flouncing, 59c, SI and $1.50 yd. 36-inch Organdie Flouncing, 59c yd. Venise Lace Edges, 10c to 25c yd. Venise Match Sets, 25c to 50c yd. New Neckwear Small collars and large collars, in sets of white and colors, 25c to $3.50. New Ribbons Hair Ribbons for Children's Day—a fine assortment and an excellent quality, 25c yd. Wide Ribbons for girdles; satins, taf fetas and fancies, 25c to $1.50 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor of living will be comparatively In significant compared to the high cost of loving for those lovers who are caught spooning In automobiles along the dark highways of West Park vil lage. According to Marshal Slavin, young couples In automobiles at night have fairly blocked the dark Puritas Springs, Settlement and Harrington reads of West Park village for the last month. '"This must cease," the marshal said. Hereafter, according to the marshal West Park village law enforcers will not tolerate snail speed automobiles, automobllM with lights taroad out, or automobiles parked on the roadside. "Keep moving with lamps lighted," is the marshal's warning. Must Pay Damages For His Love Notes By Associated Prist Eau Claire, Wis., June 2. James Tt. Watenphul, "the village black smith" of Augusta. Wis., hero of the "As the carburetor Is the heart of thfr automobile, so is love the heart of the home" letter which he wrote among others to the wife of Dr. Fred •lick Smith, ol Galena, 111., and which Children's Day Apparel White Dresses, of fine quality lawn, net and organdie. Empire, Bolero and long waisted models, daintily trimmed with lace and em broidery; some have wide ribbon sashes. Prices, $2.50 to sl2. Lingerie Hats, with pleated brims, of Point De Esprit, net and embroid ery, Poke and close-fitting styles. I Prices, $1 to $5. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Porch and Garden Furniture A Magnificent Display of New And Novel Furniture, Shown On The Huge Veranda Built upon our fifth floor is a reproduction of a hip; veranda upon which new things for the porch and garden are shown. trulv the display is worthy a special visit it sso diffcicnt and unique from the ordinary. Combination colors are featured. These in a large variety of sepa rate chairs, rockers and matched suites. Separate chairs and rockers. 79<! to $2.95. Rustic Birch furniture; chairs, $1.98; rockers, $2.49; settees, $3.95; tables, $3.25. Four-piece suites—-settee, chair, table and rockci, in black and white, green and white and orange and black. Priced at $18.95. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. helped a jury in Circuit Court here several weeks ago to award Dr. Smith $1,500 compensation and S6OO puni tive damages for the alienation of his wife's affections, was denied a motion to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial. In denying the motion. Judge Wick ham said several very vigorous love letters, introduced ,by the plaintiff and admitted by the defendant, seem ed to have struck a responsive chord in the hearts of the two correspond ing parties and for that reason he was forced to deny the motion. Watenphul's attorneys announced they would appeal the case. JUNE 2. 1916. Wavy Switches or Transformations $1.79 For One Day Only —Dependable as to quality. —Desirable as to length. —Durable as to wear, and at this price vou will find them a rare bai gain, $1.79. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Vacation Trips "By Sea" Baltimore-Philadelphia To Boston Savannah-Jacksonville Delightful Sail. Kinr SI minor*. I,«w Farm. Beat SerY- Iff. Plan >our vacation to Include "The Klneal (oattnlar Trip* In the World." Tour Hook Free on Hequeat. A MINKHS TRAMS. CO. W. P. Tl HSiKH. (J. P. A.. IlnNo.. Mil. COIIKIIII nny ticket or tourlat agent. Try Telegraph Want Ads 3