22 ft- ~ > Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Inexpensive Summer Hats of Rare Individual Neckwear Styles Charm in White and Light Shades New Styles Appear in the -j-. ttt A * Beautiful white hemps, line panamas and picturesque leghorns Vrfjfcy CU ~ -C TT7 J rOF W omen Jr rom Ameri" are the leading shapes in summer millinery presenting effects of Ol W 0111011 S rare charm with their daintv floral trimmings. Our trimmed hats TT7I •j_ t~\ ca's Best Makers at $3 * 95 are of this class and are exce P tional valu «- White Fumps » Large white hemp hats with Georg- Sport Hats MmSL .... . , , . , . . . _ An Assemblage of Styles Worth Seeing ette cn? P e flange trimmed with flow- Soft felt hats that can he folded for ff/fjliliullJl 11te 1S ' e onunant siare in women * . ummer ootwear An AbbeniUldge Ui nuiui occuig carrying in pocket; white, blue, red. WMM we know our snowing of white shoes, oxfords, pumps and Georgette and crepe de chine collars in scores of distinctive Sea Grass hats with crepe facings green and light blue ."300 sport styles excel in point of style, variety and other essentials. [I styles are being shown at the department o omens . ct. - an( j r Jbbon bands $3.95 -Soft duvetvne hats in white and old While kid Mary Ann pumpi with small tongue nnd white button wear. Prices go to $2.00, but of special interest this week is , , . . rot;f . * ■;(>* /I V 5 V lon vamp collar. white Ivory sole* an.i covered heels S4..v> i the disnlav at 50f*. 590. 75C and SI.OO. White hemp hats trimmed with '' ' ' M\\V/ V\ Grey kid crimped pumps. Brey kid covered Louis heels sr..on cuff cpts nf rrenp flc ,-liine and (Teoreette at wheat and black velvet ribbon, $3.95 White linen hats .. >OO U\ V \\ White Arabian cloth Marv Ann pu.nps, small button on vamp Collar and cult sets or crepe cle cnine ana Vjeorgette, at White and linen ratine bats (»!)«* p\(J \ \ © seam, white ivory soles and heels si.no 590 to $2.00 Trimmed Panamas at , • , , . . , , , Vail \ 1 \ f *' , White Sea Island duck pumps, Ivory soles and covered Cuban hee|» usi nn ♦ «•> in <»•>(,- Crash hats in white and blue, blue \ \ j *350 \ estees of (leoigette 1* ' 0 «•« « < an( j rccn anr j grey and green . . 1 \ \\ \ I White canvas I'olonial pumps, large tongue and large covered . Oriental lace vestees <>oo to s„..><> Large white hemp hats trimmed with Strioed linen and ratine hats —————J 1 ' ™Y.. c . ov £ "V ' V." . ul - . - ; Mo ° r- 1 • j 1 j• Uit tw\ . i*ii* i L* *i_i . 1 g\m otripcu linen aiyi laiinc nats .. •focr White Nubuck sport shoes, straight lace stvle with white welted Embroidered organdie \estec*. • J 1 water li 1 lies and satin ribbon. #4,95 Black rough straw sailor hats with white facing .... #55.95 sotes and low heels jia.oo Imperial frills in white and flesh . . 000 Trimmed leghorns. Untrimmed panama hats in mannish shapes. Wh,le Nubuck " por ' ox,ord 1,98 wlth wh,,e B " |M and hee '« „ Pique collars and sets 450 to JJJI.UU «3. 9 .j and $4.95 $3.95, $3.95 and $4.95 j White Sea Island duck sport shoe, .nd oxford., white rubber sole" Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. j Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Front. | and heels $2.50 ' j . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. Fifty Dozen Cotton Waists A Very Exceptional Sale of Women's Suits Hosi With Style to It as In a Special Sale Has Been Arranged For To-morrow! ~ Sizes run from 36 to 42 and the actual values are 59c to 89c. Garments From Regular Stock Below Actual Cost _ r . WUall iy The garments represent one of the most important special lots . ° The vogue of striped hosierv for women finds our stock of the early summer season and it js not likely that they will Jpf $20.00 Suits Are $12.50 $30.00 to $42.50 Suits Are $20.00 ri^ht U P to th f minute in st - vle - ' Notab,e patterns of this de last through the day. Choose at y v r ; scription are shown in newest stripe and embroidery effects at Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Basement. M* s ) This sale presents one of the season's rare opportunities in scription are shown in fine fancy >ilk in newest stripe and cin . . -i tt- • Women's and Misses' Cloth and Silk Suits; the garments assembled kroiderv effects at SLIO Princess -nCI JLVIITIOIIOS for so sweeping a clearance are the best in our regular stock, of which double""re"". . la J I I ana Dronze ....... . SBt . organdie embroidery medallions on yoke; a flounce of lace finishes the JO ll | 20 . 0 0 shepherd check suit; tailored style, $42.50 check velour suit; tailored model, K rev . hosiery, lisle tops, seamless, black and skirt ••• ■• ■ •■■ Si—s ami *i.»* . , flare' bound In white silk braid- wliite bound in black silk braid; white broadcloth ' Crepe de chine kimonos in many Rood shades; Empire style with / , \\ i t la e, jo Draict, oollar and cuffs fancv llnln* (on OH MEN'S HOSIKRY loose back or titled waist, trimmed with hemstitching /['„ \\ faille collar and fancy floral $12.50 Clearance l.ow Mrnonwi of plain or llgiired crepe, Iri Empire or" fitted style' ( I \ \ Hninß- Clearance Price ...... $M 5. 8 " k SenmlPSS hoßlerv ' whlte ' «reV and' cham- Sl.oo to 55.00 I • $30.00 tan Rabardine suit, belted model; button trim men, tun gatnerea -C tQ fill pagne 25c .. , .... . «o sn , I r — . .. . . , ...... „ ~ , skirt. Clearance Price wuv.wv Navy silk lisle seamless hosierv i\.. wv!i! e nituJ-'ontl SI '*"» to «'•V> J J button trimmed vith fancy collar in green $30.00, $35.00 and $39.50 taffeta silk suits Thread silk seamless hosiery in black, Krev, champagne purple v \ 20 '°° 1 S2O - 00 "" d; - sw Summer Union Suits For w ..» WhiteShoesfo'Children'sDay pockets, excellent styles, 1 25 white, black and white and blue and white, finished v Men and Women A Special Showing for Misses & Girls Cool comfortable, well-fitting union suits are the choice of rep and'iinen skirts', with pearl sJ # 9g pocLets 1 ". 1 !" $3.50 $4.50 Misses' and children's white Nti-Buck button shoe* of fine many men and women for Summer wear. Our stock offers a '"'.Many skirts of%abardine. linen and cordu- Oyster white linen Skirts with broad girdle 56 50 M»ahty tor Summer wear cplprtinn of stvles ill Madras nainsook lisle and cotton roy, with full gathered back; deep belt CJO QO anfl laige pearl buttons gjzeß 5 to g $2.00 Wide selection Ol styles in lViaatas. nainiSOUK, IIMC anu tuuuu and * pearl , )Utton trimming Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Sizes 84 to 11. are 52.50 ribbed. Sizes 11 4 to 2, are ft.1.00 Girls' and Children's White Dresses of Sheer mw «*i^ White nainsook athletic union suits, sleeveless, knee length 75<- -. -j . -| T T • 1 c-' eS 'c i !° *! •"" lo ! ,R0 "Varsity" white madras athletic union suits, sleeveless, knee length T) fiof p FjlTI brOl d orQfailCll6 ailQ Voll6 S,ZeB 11 at *1.25 !" HZI "Madeweii" white lisle ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee length, si Ddtl&lC, -UIII LU UiUCI CU ClliU VWIIC Misses' and children's white canvas Man lane pumps— Women's Union Suits Children's Day festivities on Sunday will make for increased activity to-morrow among the scores Sjz( . s B to g nt 85r (n ~ 23 , ~ of charmine eirls' dresses on the second floor. Low in price but rich in quality arc these— Sizes B>,j to it," at si.oo to siiiio White cotton ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee length 50< K S ~u llj . ul , A , . _ Sizes 114 to 2, at SI.OO to S2 00 White lisle ribbed union suits, sleeveless, knee length, lace trim- Children's white batiste dresses, front of waist trim- Children s white organdie dresses, trimmed with fine , _ mod , , med with German Val. Swiss insertion and tucks; skirt P«» ZltVlll 8 " d , b f, U , IS ? CS 3 , cll, ! drcn s whltc Canvas Mary Jane pumps and White Lo«on b "r2mfv Sn est t unton"sitts! Mh!'.SIS ""«®hed with tucks, Insertion and German Val. lace; Son; size, 6to U years ... °. d . le . .' B . $4.95 oxford ties with white rubber soles ; sizes Bc and belt finished with Baby Irish beading and ribbon; Girls' intermediate dresses of fine white organdie, white rlk <;olo / 2 cans salmon 2i r jrjitKL: g In -Preparation For Children's / t - Ft /®W -i- I 1 1 4 lbs. rice ••*«. 25c voiles in floral designs; on f Iwy I —' 4 lbs. peaches and co.ored gronnds. LBL , T> Q 1 S 29c seed voiles and marquisettes, j t ®SLX Ull OUIlUdy I I > ~ Special yard w / , 1— w f hoie ham. lb. 20r 39c satin stripe voiles with floral fc&W / EvCr - V »' art " f tlle , St ° re W,U be . allve w,th '"teresting displays to-morrow for girls and boys who g| Sr.^lsSJ. b i^I!!I!!i!! j 2f)& Bfil llr % are active in Children s Day exercises and in many sections special values will be offered. EE AUentown boiled h»m. it. 4 sumhisb buci'lTS ..„j -c Qnorial' '2Q# White madras blouse waists with collar attached or French and reversible four-in-hand ties 2Sc '/ ■ ' Lunch combination- Stripes and eneews. special. >a i =1 band style: sizes 6 to 16; each 50c ami SI.OO Windsor ties in nlairi and ntnin ~„w jC°* / A /Yxs; J packH,tc Lunch finrden Gate voile ' inches wide* White sport shirts with adjustable collar, Soc and St . . ' A JuSmV 1 package Saltlnes 33^ (warden t.ate \ one , t? incnes xmqc , Whilp s l port Rhlrtß wlth adjustable collar Leather belts; size* 2fi to 32; each 2lir and SOo I Jar olives i in wide sport stripes of black and /I X 50c, S9c and SI.OO I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. /// 1 \Vi ldil) 4 bo "' d ''"n l J rnc. and hlark anH bllip vard rose and math, ana »iue, _\aru . ,*»rnr /vi \« \ 1 pack»«e of (.'lover I.eaves fre». Columbia voile ;44 inches wide; f\ \l Vl\ /nvvflL/y Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Basement. eKrou " d! : i,h ' ,loraldc i;i Ribbons For Little Girls Picture Binding Silk marquisette in plain shades; Vs. k , Y//lvm v Vf( = r\ 4- 4-* »-» ?6 inches wide vard .»0C s Satin taffeta ribbons in a complete line of colors; *4 | Plaid ribbons in beautiful colored combinations; 4 1 * l_yolTlOnStrai>lol"l * . \uyxT\f ' noh lo 6 ,nches wide; yard 3o to 75c to 8 inches wide; yard 25c to 75c == Sport Stripe skirtings, yard, Warp print ribbons; sto 8 Inches wide; yard ! Roman stripe ribbons, in beautiful combinations; 6 EE fcx,,, '* RT 250 to 500 I 26c to $2.50 I Inches wide; yard 75c and st.oo = This interesting work will be conducted „ „ „OA in a aection of our Book Department to- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. I I Dlvea, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. <~S = morrow and Monday and we believe that I B It will be thoroushly enjoyed by hun , ~ ( /, drede of the store's friends. Women s Summer I A n n ;«+,T . T n,' r, hand p., nte d »oc and Sl.oo ors, pair 500 to 91.50 g / / a SS Fancy aolld fold brooches $1.75 Washable chainoisette gloves, in W/U = Soiid .old lavaliierje .ji white, pongee, natural and grey. —v toild («M Htniy Hm. and II.M with black embroidery, pair ... 790 3 j£wf* "Hed ilncerie claape. pair » 16 button length silk gloves with = m. * s *j 50,> and • | ®* I Lt £ J a L- . • = M** S"W >. //rrr f\ msrj wK-. V Fancy metal bead nevklacea double hnger ends. Spefcial. pair, = T" ') 7** = n.n and sa.M 850 ~ y dfeya A •£&-/// TrffLTt * aU Pearl bead ueckts.es *ltb aolld Bold 16 button length silk gloves; in "LUIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIH. £*■&. 1 Zrl J I \ V... >N /WHUSTT c,^ P Wii 'a aV« **"l 5?' 00 i.. c •. * . h in ' =aiiiiini'y V? i**mnllllmiiimiiin f / \ y i n m/ / iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiTOsgiM r 17= noid niied hat pms. jmh-,n.tammi sijm k white. Special, pair >9? - iJx?S l |ih " Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart—Street Floor. rl I>Ct\ \ \ / \ mil ''\ V ' \ / I 1 JJ I *' gafcT S«ll«l «<>ld cuff links . ... It.U 1 m • t IC 3 / y \ / \ 111 - r Meah baas In ftsh scale and I»I1« Ine.hes Candy Specials ( 1 %L- "'"irf Lady Mildred assorted chocolates. r S \\ J /H7 mL, \\\\ \ M A\ \ti I SEE PAGE 6 FOR OTHER 1!i Herahey kisses, lb Slh; \st \LUV I STORE NEWS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. rntmm kJ J FRIDAY EVENING, H ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH TUNE 2. 1016.