Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 02, 1916, Image 1

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    French in Violent All Night Fighting Force Germans Back From Verdon
LXXXV— No. 126
Kaiser's High Sea Force
Meets English in North Sea
and Sinks One of Their Lat
est Dreadnoughts, Two
Battle Cruisers, Two Ar
mored Cruisers and Numer
ous Smaller Craft, While a
Large Number of British
Battleships Are Damaged
by Gunfire and Torpedo
Craft of Great Britain Sent to
Bottom Are the Battleship
Warspite, Battle Cruisers
Queen Mary and Indefatig
able and Smaller Cruisers
of Achilles Type; Germans
Lost Battleship, Pommern,
Cruiser Fraienlob and
Several Torpedoboats
Berlin, June 2. Germany's
high sea fleet met the .main part
nf the British fleet in battle in the
Northeastern section of the North
Sea on May 31.
Tn the heavy" engagement which
followed the German fleet, ac
cording to a report issued by the
German Admiralty sank the
British battleship W arspite. the
British battle cruisers Queen
Mary and Indefatigable, two
armored cruisers, believed In be
of the Achilles type, and a large
number of warships of smaller
tonnage. Several other British
battleships are reported to have
been damaged, including the bat
tleship Marlborough, which was
struck by a torpedo.
Ihe German losses are an
nounced as the battleship Pom
mern, sunk by a torpedo; the
cruiser Wiesbaden, sent to the
bottom by gunfire; the protected
cruiser Frauenlob reported miss
ing and several torpedoboats
which did not return to port.
London, June 2.—The British
Admiralty announced to-day that
a battle had occurred in the North
Sea between the British and Ger
man fleets, in the course of which
a number of German warships
were sunk.
The British battle cruisers
Queen Mary and Indefatigable
and the battlecruiser Invincible
were sunk.
The cruisers Defense and
For Ilarrishiirg mill vicinity I Part
ly cloudy weather to-night mid
Saturday, probably thuiidermhow
er«| warmer to-night.
For Knutern Pennsylvania: Partly
cloudy to-night and Saturitny,
probably thundershowera; warmer
to-night { fresh to strong south
The Sicxiuehanna river and prob
ably all Its branches will fall
slowly or reiaaln nearly atatlon
ary. A stage of about 4.« feet In
Indicated for Hurrlsli'irs Satur
day morning.
fieneral Conditions
The renter of the Wenteru ilisltirh
ancr ha* moved from Kansas to
W iM'onalii during the Inst twenty
four hours, enuslng ahowera and
thunderntorms In the Lake Re
gion. Mlsnnurl and Upper Missis
sippi valleya and scattered show
era In Utah, Wyoming anil Wash
Temperature: K a. m., IU.
Sunt Rises, 4i,lH a. M.i sets. 7:28
p. m.
Moon: First quarter, January K,
•s:.">n p. m.
River stage: 4.9 feet above low
water mark.
Ve*terday's Weather
Highest temperature, 75.
I.owest temperature. SO.
Mean temperature, Wi.
Normal temnerature. H7.
)■ " j
Have the Harrisburg
Telegraph Follow You
If you are leaving the city, if
only for a day, do not fail to
have the Harrisburg Telegraph
follow you. It is the only way
you can keep informed about
home affairs.
The Telegraph mailed to any
address in ♦he United States or
Canada is the same as when de
livered to your home, six cents a
week. Address may be changed
as often as desired.
The tedious work of selecting a jury to try W.H.Orpet fo rtlie murder of Marian Lambert is progressing slowly. This photograph shows selected
members and court attendants amusing themselves by playing cards and listening to a phonograph while waiting for the additional members to be
Black Prince also were sunk, and
the cruiser Warrior was disabled.
The German losses arc described
as serious.
The announcement says two
German battle cruisers were sunk
and two German light cruisers
were disabled and probably sunk.
Battle Was Not Fought to
Determine Mastery of Seas
From the advices thus fur received,
it would appear that the greatest na
val battle of history has taken place.
Never before have two naval tones
of such magnitude a? the British and
German high sea ileets engaged in
combat. Bui apparently the battle
was not fought out to a point to deter
mine mastery of the seas, for the
losses, serious as they are reported to
have been, will not impair the strength
of either fleet to a vital extent.
The scene of battle was in the east
ern waters of the North Sea. It is
probable that the German fleet was on
one of the excursions into the North
Sea which it has taken from time to
time during the war and met, whether
or not by design, with the British
One Hundred Mile- From Base
Skagerrak is an arm of the North
j Sea between Norway and Denmark.
The point referred to in the official
J German statement as Horn Riff prob-
I ably Is thp reef off the horn on the
I southwestern extremity of Denmark.
! From the reef to Helgoland, the main
German naval base in the North Sea,
is about 100 miles.
News of the engagement was held
i back by the British authorities, pos
i sibly pending the return home of the
j fleet, and the first word received of the
j ba'ttle came by wireless from Berlin,
by which means the Germans are able
to escape the censorship over cable
British l,osl Dreadnaught
According to Berlin, the sea fight
resulted disastrously for the British,
who lost one of their latest dread
i naughts, two battle cruisers, two ar
mored cruisers and numerous smaller
craft, while a large number of British
I battleships were damaged.
The Germans admit only the loss of
one battleship and a small cruiser,
while the fate of one cruiser and of
some torpedo boats is unknown.
The British dreadnalight sunk was
the Warspiie, of the Queen Elizabeth
class, a 27,000-ton vessel. The battle
cruisers were the Queen Mary and
Indefatigable. The British battleship
Marlborough is reported to have been
hit by a torpedo.
German warships rescued parts of
the crews of the sunken British sea
fighters. It is declared that only two
of the crew of the battle cruiser Inde
fatigable were saved.
The German battleship lost was the
Pom mem, a 13,000-ton vessel, and the
cruiser the fate of which is uncertain
is the Frauenlob, of 2.G72 tons. The
small cruiser sunk was the Wiesbaden.
The British destroyers Tipperary.
;Turbulent, Fortune, Sparrowhawk and
i Ardent were lost and six others have
1 not yet been accounted for. The Ad
miralty announcement says no British
battleships or light cruisers were sunk.
German Admiralty Gives
Oat Statement on Fight
Py Associated rress
Berlin. June 2. (By Wireless)
—The (triman Admiralty an
nounced to-day t-liaat the German
high sea fleet on May 31 had en
countered a British fighting fleet.
T.hc engagement whieli developed,
the admiralty says, was favorable
to the Germans. The battle con
tinued all night.
The (ii'rnwn Admiralty an
nounces that the large British
battleship Warspitc, the battle
cruisers Queen Mary and Inde
fatigable and two armored
cruisers were destroyed.
It Is also reported that a small
British cruiser, a number of tor
pedolxmt destroyers and torpedo
boats were sunk.
Suffer From Gunfire
The German Admiralty statement
.adds that by observation It was es- j
(Continued on Page l&J
Two Women Killed and Ten
Persons Injured in Another
Railway Accident
Bloomlngton. 111., June 2. A
tornado blew the Chicago-St. Louis
fust mail train on the Wabash rail
road from the tracks near Saunemln,
Ills., early to-day, injurying 18 persons
ont probably fatally. The accident oc
curred in a deep cut which kept the
cars from overturning and probably
prevented heavy loss of life.
The combination baggage and
smoking car and four coaches were
blown from the track. A Pullman
sleeper crashed through the smoking
car, tearing it to pieces. It was in
the smoking car that the most In
juries to passengers occurred.
Packard. la., June 2. Two women
were killed and ten persons were in
jured as the result of the collapse of
the bridge over Coldwater creek near
here early to-day under the weight
of a northbound passenger trairf on
the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific
Railroad. In addition to the two
dead, seven persons are missing and
ate believed to be dead, either by
drowning or as the result of their in
Paris, June 1. - The engagement of
Edward, Prince of Wales, heir-appar
ent to the British throne, and Princess
Jolander, eldest i aughter of the King
of Italy, is shortly to be announced,
reports from Rome declare.
The Prince of Wales recently visited
Rome and went to the Italian front as
a guest of King Victor Emmanuel. On
his return, it is said that the King
summoned the Princess, with her
mother, to army headquarters to ex
tend his congratulations. Returning
from this trip, the Queen and the
Princess were in peril when Austrian
aviators attacked the royal train.
Prince Edward is 22 years old.
Princess Jolanda, already noted for
her beauty, was 15 years old to-day.
New Form of Government
Fails; Spcer Re-elected
Dispatches from Denver state that
Robert W. Speer has again been
chosen to lead the constructive forces
of that city as mayor. Four years ago
he retired as head of the Denver gov
ernment and barely escaped being
elected United States Senator while
traveling with the Boston Chamber of
Commerce party through Europe.
They wanted to give him a great re
ception on his return from abroad,
but, modest man that he Is, he de
clined this expression of good will and
popular appreciation.
Mayor Speer is not unknown in Har
risburg, where he has some warm
[Continued on Page 11]
Py Associated Press
Allentown, Pa., June 2.—Following
closely on the heels of an increase in
wages, ihe Lehigh Valley Transit Com
pany has posted notices that another
raise of a cent an hour became effect
ive yesterday. Four hundred and fifty
motormen and conductors are affected.
The rate gives tlrst-year men 25 cents
per hour, with 28 cents for fifteen
year men.
Looks Like Fight to Finish Be
tween Them on Floor of
By Associated i'tcsj
Chicago. June 2. Republican
leaders from all parts of the country
arc arriving in Chicago on every train
ami the crowds of politicians in hotel
lobbies are increasing proportionately
as the time for the Republican na
tional convention approaches.
While the managers of the different
"favorite son' presidential candidates
insist that if they are able to keep
their delegates in line one of their
number may win, they are beginning
to admit that the final contest may
de velop into a light to a finish between
Roosevelt and Hughes on the floor of
the convention.
An informal poll of a number of
the States which have candidates indi
cate. that after the first few ballots
have been taken and the "favorite
sons" begin to drop out of the contest
m&ny of the instructed delegates will
[Continued on Pago 15]
Jury in Orpet Trial Is
No Nearer Completion
Ry Associated Press
Waukecgan, 111., June 2.—The open
ing of court to-day found the jury
in the trial of W. H. Orpet for mur
der was no nearer completion than
it was at the end of last week when
eight jurors had been sworn for serv
The trial has been in progress for
sixteen days, during which time more
than 800 prospective jurors have been
examined. A further panel of fifty
men has been summoned.
By Associated Press
Ossining, N. Y., June 2.—Two mur
derers, Hoy Champlin and John Supe. I
were put to death this morning in the
electric chair at the State prison. '
Successors Named For Miss
Evans and Professor
Professors L. B. Nye, W. A. JtcCune
I and Roscoe Bowman were recoru
i mended for election as teachers In
Technical High School by the teach
ers' committee of the city school board
late this afternoon, and Miss Dorothy
Fahnestock and Mary Boyd Robinson
as teachers at Central High School.
It Is understood that Miss Robinson
will succeed Miss J.orena G. Evans as
teacher of, German at the institution,
Miss Evans having resigned. Other
items in the report include Miss Mil
dred Williams to he elected as a regu
lar teacher instead of substitute. Prof.
Bowman will succeed Prof. Strawinski
who also resigned this year. Substi
tute teachers for re-election follow:
Edna Mutzabaugh, Sara Hannan,
Ruth Holbert, Katharine Aldlnger.
[Continued 011 Page IS]
City police are looking for the per
sons who stole an automobile owned
by the Pine Street Presbyterian
Church. The niA.ehme was taken last
night while standing in front of the
church. Two men were seen getting
in the car and hurrying away with It.
Bull Moose to Hold Club Over
Republicans by Delaying
Chicago, 111., .June 2.—Terms on
which the Roosevelt managers are
ready to dicker with the Old Line Re
publicans, predicated on Roosevelt's
nomination for President, were put
out along convention row to-day. The
tentative slate is:
For President—Theodore Roosevelt.
For Vice-President Charles W.
For Secretary of State—Ellhu Root.
For Secretary of the Treasury—
Theodore E. Burton.
To bring the Progressives into line,
[Continued on Page 4]
Lynch Confers With Wilson
on Convention Chairman
Ry Associated Press
Washington, June 2. Selection of
the permanent chairman of the Demo
cratic national convention at St. Louis
was expected late to-day at a con
ference between President Wilson and
Fred B. Lynch, chairman of the
executive committee of the national
Senator James is said to be most
prominently considered for the per
manent chairmanship. Senator Kern
of Indiana, and Senator Stone of
Missouri, are under consideration.
Ry Associated Press
Washington. D. C., June 2. When
inquiry was made of Justice Hughes
to-day whether Frank H. Hitchcock
was representing him at Chicago, the
justice's secretary, Lawrence H. Green
made the following authorized state
"It 's perfectly well understood
that Justice Hughes has no repre
Tells Graduating Class at An
napolis They Saw Him
"Get Into Trouble"
Annapolis, Md„ June 2. —President
Wilson unexpectedly made an address
to the Naval Academy graduates at
| the commencement exercises here to
[Continued on Page 20]
Harrisburg Man at
Cornell Sued For $5,000
By Associated Press
Ithaca. N. Y.. June 2. W. k. Pat
j terson, a sophomore In the college of
| mechanical engineering at Cornell Uni
versity. has been sued for $5,000 dam
ages here by Michael Gosh, father of
Mary Uosh, aged 8, who was run down
and seriously injured by Pattersons
motorcycle in this city May 20. The
action will be tried here in September
In the Supreme Court. Patterson has
retained counsel here to defend. The
little Klrl is In the Ithaca Hospital |
suffering from a fractured leg and i
other injuries, which, the plaintiff
claims, will be permanent. Following
the uccident Patterson was arrested on
a charge of exceeding the speed limit
but was discharged In court jesterdav
afternoon. Patterson Is 20 vears old
and the son of H. R. Patterson. 208
South Thirteenth street, Harrtabur*.
Delivering What May Prove
Decisive Stroke Against Main
Defenses of Verdun
Weight and Power of Tremen
dous German Force Directed i
Against French
With all the weight and power of ,
tremendous masses of men and metal '
(he Germans have been delivering}
what may prove to be their decisive 1
stroke against the main defenses of
The German attack of yesterday
northeast of the fortress which gained |
them first line French trenches In the J
crucial sector between Fort Douaumont |
and Vaux has been followed by fight- !
Ing of extreme violence. This after
noon's official bulletin from Paris re
ports the continuance of the struggle
throughout the night but fails to re
cord the outcome, the implication be
ing that the result so far is indecisive.
French Heat Them Rack
The Crown Prince's drive is being
pressed along a front little more than
two miles in width between the
Thlaumont farm and Vaux. German
progress here has been slight since the
early days of the fighting. The recent
pushing back of the French lines on
the west bank of the Em use, however,
is claimed to have stopped the French
flanking fire from that bank which
hitherto had handicapped German at
tempts to advance on the opposite of
the river.
West of the Meuse, the French have
been endeavoring to regain some of
the ground recently lost on (he south
ward drive of the Germans there and
they claim to have made progress last
[Continued on Page 15]
By Associated Press
Detroit, Mich., June 2. Battling
Xeleon, former lightweight champion,
was operated on for appendicitis at a
local hospital yesterday. It. was an
nounced that Nelson was recovering.
London, June 2, 7.10 P. M.—The text of the Admiralty |
■' announcement on the sea fight follows; "On the afternoon I
& ol Wednesday, the 31st of May, a naval engagement took (
J '■ the of Jutland. The British ships t
£ the brunt of the fighting fell were the battle cruiser fleet <
; and some cruisers and light cruisers, supported by four fast j
Among t The ( *
man battle fleet, aided by low visibility, avoided a prolonged j
* action with our main forces. As soon as they appeared on I
the scene the enemy returned to port, though not before
! receiving severe damage from our battleships. I
* ® "The battle cruisers Queen Mary, Indefatigable and In-
I vincible and the cruisers Defence and Black Prince were :
j " sunk. The Warrior was disabled and after being towed for '
I some time had to be abandoned by he'- crew. It is also j
I known that the destroyers Tipperary, Turbulent, Fortune, *
; Sparrowhawk and Ardent were lost and six others are not
* ; yet 'accounted for. No British battleships or light cruisers ®
! were sunk. ,
] ' The enemy's losses were serious. At least one battle •
j I < rui : was destroyed and one was severely damaged. One ;
( battleship is reported to have been sunk by our destroyers. |
j I During the night atack two light cruisers were disabled and
probably sunk. The exact number of enemy destroyers
tdi«,p>j..cd of during the action cannot be ascertained with any
certainty but must have been large."
New York, June 2.—The joint conference of railroad
( managers and heads of the four great railroad labor organi-1
zations late to-day took up consideration of the demand
| of the employes for an eight-hour basis of pay. I
1 Washington, June 2. —Final voting on the naval bill
ly in the House with the adoption by a vote ofj
< ® 235 to 136 of an amendment proposed in committee of the '
! whole to appropriate $11,000,000 for a government armor
I plate plant.
I John Smith and Edward Roberts were thrown into the*
Susquehanna shortly after 4 oclock, when their canoe upset.
They swam ashore. <
Samuel Smith Hoffman. Philadelphia, and Cornell Wallcrr, cl«y.
Iloliert llurnlelinh and Prance* IMnlon, Mlddletnwa.
U"rank D. Bryan aAd Carrie E. Tltua, Mlddletown. 1
■MI ii ii WII ml
Melville H. James Named; Will
Have Headquarters in
This City
Will Hcgin Work Soon to Push
Project to Its Com
Melville H. James, of Ebensfiurg—o!
the staff of the Johnstown Democrat —
has been appointed permanent secre
tary of the William Penn Highway As
sociation by William Jennings, of thr
Commonwealth Trust Company of thi.,
city, president of the association.
He will have neadquarters in Har
risljuiff and will come here next. Wed
nesday to assume his duties. Mr.
James will sever his connection with
the Johnstown Democrat and will de
vote his entire time to his new duties
He will not bring his family to Harris
burg until September 1. 1
Mr. James has been very active in
the promotion of the William Penn
Highway and his appointment as sec
[Contlnucd on Pact; 4]
U-mm! 300,000,000 Quarts
of Strawberries in Country
fiy Associated Press
New York, June 2. This year's
strawberry crop will be worth S2O.
0.i0.000 to the growers, exceeding all
previous records, It is estimated in M
summary of the crop's condition pub
lished to-dny by the educational de
partment of the National City Bank
The crop will contain some 300,000
000 quarts.
The value of the 1915 crop was esti
mated at $18,000,000. The total an
nual fruit production of the country
timounts. to about $230,000,000 an
nually, the summary says.
The name of J. Fulnier Reif, Jr .
.ifii'i Woodbine street, a member of tlv
graduating clas of sthe Technical HigJ<
School, was inadvertedly omitted fron.
the list of honor men announced yes
- terday. Reif is a student In the Col
; lege Preparatory department of tlr
i school and will enter college next Fall.
He Is pianist of the Tech orchestra.