Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, June 01, 1916, Page 13, Image 12
Wait to' Buy or Sell SometMig? Use ai id on lis Page IDeatbs It F.ED Mrs. Lydla Reed.onWedne*- day evening, at 9 ° SlffL '« aii«- Imme of her daughter, Mrs 8 Alle man. 1903 North Cameron street, agea l-'uneraf'services Saturday at 2 o',clock, from her >e»'dence. th*» Rf>v Thomas Roisch oftu latinfe. Burial Sli oo ps , Churoh C.n.otcry, Relatives and friends invited to at tend without further notice. KENNEDY Annie E. Kennedy, on Wednesday, May 31, 1916. at ner home, 1413 North / arncron street, aecd 59 years and 7 days. She ts sur vived by her husband, two sons and afternoon from the above address. , ThC .Jeid without friends are invited to attend itnout further notice. 9NYDER Died. May 29, 1910 sud denly. John S. Snyder, in his bsth Funeral services will be held at his late residence. 1509 Green street, on Thursday evening, at < :4o o clocK. Relatives and friends are attend. Further services will!be held at Columbia, Cookman Methodist Church, on Friday afternoon, at i o'clock. Burial at Columbia. KOUKKB—On Tuesday, May 30,1916, Mrs. Rosa Gronlnger Kourke, wife of Bernard Rourke, at her home, 101 l North Sixth street, aged 57 years. Funeral on Friday, June 2, at « F. m.. from her late residence. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial pn vate, in Harrisburg Cemetery. Lost and Found LOST Eastman 3A kodak and car rying case, containing exposure ♦ab'es, on Friday. May 26. Liberal reward if returned to H. F. Bronson, 1855 Zarker street. _____ LOST Roll of money, either Mon 11m\ afternoon or Tuesday morning, liberal reward will be paid to finder. Ueturn to 203 Pine street. LOST ln Harrisburg Cemetery. Decoration Day. round, black pin with poarl center. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. Help Wanted —Male WANTED A young man for store work. .Must furnisli reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Company, 20S Nortn Second street. WANTED Reliable handy man. with tools, to do general work. Must be sober and honest. Permanent posi tion. Address L., 4082, care of 'lele graph. WANTED A thorough automobile repairman. Permanent position. State reference. Address M., 40;53, care of Teelgrapli. WANTED Experienced electricians. Steady work at good wages. Apply Dauphin Electrical Supply Co. WANTED One carpenter foreman, two carpenters and two laborers. Rob ert Ross Jones, 214 North Third. lIANDY MAN WANTED to make himself useful around awning works. Apply E. Sinims, 802 North Third street. WANTED Young man to do gen eral work in a busy office. Must have some knowledge of bookkeeping. Ad dress J„ 4081, care of Telegraph. BOYS WANTED—Over 16. Apply to Devine & Yungel Shoe Co., Sixteenth and State streets. WANTED First-class butcher, one that can drive a wagon. Apply 622 Emerald street. WANTED All-around printer to - take management of well equipped job office in a city of 25,000. Must have , t xperience and references. Address 8., 51107, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED Eight painters for rough iron and wood work; pay per hour plus 50 per cent, j bonus. Steady jobs for sober men. j Apply in person or letter to j Aetna Chemical Co., Newton Hamilton, Pa. WANTED A few flrst-class ma chinists and toolmakers. No war busi- | ness. All fine, light work. Will pay | first-clasci machinists 40 cents per hour, first-class toolmakers 50 cents, pet hour. Positions are positively pernia- j nent. No night work. Apply in person j to W. W. Gallagher, Metropolitan ; notel, between 9 A. M. and 9 P. M., Wednesday and Thursday. WANTED Two more good automo- | bile mechanics. Will pay $"o per week. Auto Transportation Machine Shop and Garage, 25-29 North Cameron street. WANTED Salesmen of ability to place article largely used daily with: all retail stores on new profit-sharing basis. Commission, fifty to seventy- \ five dollars per week. See G. A. Gard- j ncr. Sales Manager, evenings, Metro- j politnn Hotel. ' WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for SSO, easy payments, and guarantee 80c per hour as scon as competent. Wo have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL 25-27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED All-around union Job ' printc. Steady position. Write, giv- i ing references, Ash by Printing Com- [ puny, Erie, Pa. > Beautiful Suburban Home FOR SALE I m il » Sharon and Swan Streets Paxtang A well-built 2V4-story brick house with eleven rooms—bath and hot I water heat—sleeping porch—cemented cellar with laundry—porches—gas and electricity. T«ot 90x120 ft. This property has been placed with us for sale on account of the .iwner's business taking him to another city. Some one is going to get a fine suburban home at a bargain figure. Miller Brothers & Co., oS'sSli, THURSDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced plumber. Apply 1427 Hunter street. WANTED—An engineer. Ap ply Columbus Hotel. , WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladies' shoes. Utas & Dunn Co., 37 Canal street, Rochester. N. Y. Help Wanted —Female UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATES again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and indi vidual Instruction. Enroll for the Bun[J mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School. J1 North Second. WANTED Boarders. Ex perienced. Steady work and good pay. New Idea Hosiery Co., South Fourteenth street. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and typists assisted in securing office em ployment without charge or obligation; register to-day with our Employment Department. The Office Training School, 4 South Market Square. WANTED A reliable girl for cook ing and general housework; no wash ing; small family. Apply 2003 North Second street. WANTED Two girls for hotel work. Apply Galen and Hetrick, Pal myra. Pa. WANTED White woman as cook in private family, one willing to go to Williams Grove from middle or June until September. Telephone 1216R, or address M„ 4 080. care of Telegraph. WANTED - Good washwoman. Apply at once to 430 Boas street. WANTED We can use two addi tional salesladies experienced in selling ladies' suits, cloaks and waists. Apply at once. Robinson's Woman shop, 20 North Fourth street. LAUNDRESS WANTED White wo man. Apply Bolton Hotel. ' COUNTRY GIRL for general house work; fair education; chance for ad vancement. Address Box S, 5006, care of Telegraph. HOUSEKEEPER, at widower's home; four children; wages, $3 to $4 per week. Apply at 912 North Third street. WANTED White girl for general housework and cooking two in family. Call at 1212 North Fifteenth street. WANTED Girl for chamber work Apply to 441 Market street. WANTED Ten ladies for house-to house work in city. No selling or col lecting. Straight weekly salary. Call Room 66, Morrell Hotel, Locust and Court, this week. WANTED For a small hotel, a 1 plain cook, 38 or 40 years of age, ana chambermaid; no experience necessary \ for chambermaid. Apply to J>o. .046 Susquehanna street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Stenographer, experienc ed in office work. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second street. WANTED Experienced sewing-ma chine operators, trimmers and learn i crs, to work on women's and children's i wear. Harrisbarg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street rear entrance. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har : risburg Shoe Mfg. Co.. Vernon street. : Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. Salesmen Wanted BIG DAILY PROFITS Introducing 1 Royal Lily Silverware. $2.60 Premium with every $1.98 sale and 70 cents Profit to you. Free samples. Albert ! Grier, filoß Green street, Philadelphia, \ Pa. j j WANTED—Truckers and contractors wanted. Apply Paxtang Quarry. WANTED A presser. Call at E. liggert's, 1245 Market street. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Young man desires po sition as traveling salesman; seven ! years' experience in Central and West [ ern Pennsylvania. Address M„ 4187, care of Telegraph. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Cornetist, age 21, clean habits, Ave years' experience, will ex change services for permanent position with a future. Have nad four years' ex perience a 9 carpenter and have knowl edge of double-entry bookkeeping and office work, but will accept any work paying fair salary. Can transpose for Sunday school orchestra. Box B. 5008, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced white chau-- feur wishes position in private family; has had five years' experience. Address 0., 4188, care of Telegraph. ■ Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Washing, and ironing to do at home Apply 823 Susquehanna street, City. WANTED Middle-aged woman wishes a position as dishwasher, or to assist in kitchen or chambermaid. Ad dress 1307 V 4 Wallace street. WANTED A widow would keep house for a refined widower or bach elor apartments good manager capable of taking full charge. Address G., 4184, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE House, 14,000.00, in de lightful suburb of Harrisburg. In l quire Cummings, 1020 Market street. ! FOR SALE—Business property, apart i ments and storeroom. Inquire Cum ! mlngs, 1020 Market street; 10 per cent, i rental basis. FOR SALE Four houses, Cameron land Walnut streets; priced low. Inquire Cummings, 1020 Market street. | FOR SALE Biggest bargain In Camp Hill. Property 80x142. Good house. Lots of fruit. Main street. In quire George Sadler, Contractor and Builder, Camp Hill. I FOR SALE Plot 80x200, adjoining Reservoir Park a most desirable plot. ! We also offer for sale other suburban plots at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE Six rooms and bath owner leaving town —gas electric light steam heat porch front lot, 16x100. Price is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build | ing. j SEVERAL DESIRABLE SUBURBAN properties for sale all improvements large lota two with steam heat. I Let us show these properties to you. : Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. OCEAN CITY, N. J. I LOCKSLEY HALL furnished apart | ments; directly on Ocean front; full ocean view from every room; also cot -1 tages. Send for photos. C. A. Doe, | Owner, 121 North Seventh street, Phila delphia. FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-storv brick residence In one of the finest locations in the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner tot, 60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All improvements, r'ine lawn and shrubbery, sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A Slngmaster. Gettysburg, Pa. FOR SALE 645 Boyd Street. 3- story brick, 8 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, gas. furnace, front and rear porches. Price, $2,300.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE 909 and 911 Capital Street. 2-story frame dwelling's, 5 rooms each. No. 911 has gas and water. Price for pair, $2,500.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut. Streets. FOR SALE 2120 Boas Street. 2H story frame dwelling, 6 rooms and at tic, electric lights, front, side and rear porches, lot 60x110. stable 18x20. Price, $2,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second nnd Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Two-story cottage at Paxtonia, in first-class condition. Lots of fruit trees on premises. Special price if sold before June 12. C. B. CARE. Care's Grocery, Ltnglestown. Descrip- i tlon at St. James Hotel, 405 Market Street, Harrisburg. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas—electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE 1943 Rudy street $1,200 916 South Twenty-first street.. $2,000 JOHN C. ORR, 222 Mrrket Street. THE NEW 3UNGALOW i An entirely new type of Bungalow ! Houses now being built on Fifth i street. This particular type of house has never been built in tills city and | olTers many ntw advantages in Bun ! gulow architecture In Ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kollastoiie construction; slate roofs; tile porches (English); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing; scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar- I tered oak and African Clrca slan walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price. $5,600.00. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Designers and Builders. 2105 N. 6th Street, Harrisburg. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT Furnished house for the summer; ali Improvements; fine lo cation; fifteen minutes' ride to city; will rent part of house if desired. Ad dress A., 4190, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Small frame house. No. 1532 Thompson avenue, suitable for a small family of adults. Rent, $lO per month, in advance. Reference required, j George L Kepner, 114H Liberty street. CORNER GROCERY STORE and | dwelling for rent at S3O per month. The fixtures can be bought at about one half their real value. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. j Heal Estate For Sale This Property Will Be Sold 1423 Market St. | Three-story brownstone and brick dwelling nine rooms—bath—fur j nace oemented cellar—front bay | window. Lot 14 1-3x75 ft. Make an appointment to Inspect I this house i then tell use wh«l It la north to you. Any reasonable propo- I altlon vrlll lie considered. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Honda , .Locust and Court Streets HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT House at 1826 Penn street; eight rooma and bath. Good con dition. Call, or address, 1826 Penn street. FOR RKNT Brick factory building. 4,800 square feet. Inquire Cummlngs, 1020 Market street. FOR RENT No. 1713 Revere Street and gar age $25.00 No. 1500 Walnut Street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Six-room cottage at Fort Hunter, Pa.; nice location; near post oftlce, store, steam cars and trol ley; good bathing and boating. F. H. Davis, Fort Hunter. Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; located corner of Rossmoyne and Her man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co. Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone 3198-J. Farms FARM OF 16 ACRES Located In York County , about 2% miles from New Cumberland. Good soil. Brick house, with basement. Barn. Good water. Possession at once. Inquire of J. H. Reiff or F. E. Coover, New Cum berland. VAUGHN Very beautiful. healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables and chickens; price only $169; easy pay ments; see these lots. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Llnglestown, Pa., or j 400 Market street. Apartments tor Kent FOR RENT Apartment at 20 North Fourth street; 5 rooms, bath, gas range, electric light; nil conveniences. Inquire 20 North Fourth street. Second Floor. CENTRALLY LOCATED, daylight apartment. Second and Walnut streets., second floor. Belvedere Apartment build ing. 1 rooms and bath, all fronting on Second or Walnut streets; bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas ] stove, hot water heater. Rent includes city steam. Immediate possession. Ap r>ly Jacob Tausig's Sons, Jewelers, 420 Market street. MacDANIEL'S FAMILY APARTMENTS Furnished complete light housekeep ing One large livlngroom, bay win dow; cool; kitchen with gas range; pri vate meter; stationary wash tub; large porch. Phone 897 J. 1417 Market street. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT, large bay windows and front porch; 5 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, and ull latest conveniences; located corner Sixth and Kelker streetß. Apply, L. Silbert. 1742 North Sixth street, Bell phone 3713-W. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, on Market street. Hill; use of bath and | porch; also kitchen, if desired, for light housekeeping. Address K., 4189, care of Telegraph. | FOR RENT Newly-furnished, sec ond floor front room, to single person (or married couple; central location; rea l sonable terms. 22« Briggs street. | 1 FOR RENT Three or four unfur nished rooms; all improvements; use of porch and yard. -ipply 755 Twenty ' Art street. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nished, second floor one large, suitable | for two gentlemen; electric lights and I telephone service. Apply 125 Pine street. I - Rooms Wanted WANTED One or two furnished or unfurnished rooms: must be within two or three squares of Market Square. Ad dress H.. 1191, « are of Telograph. Board and Rooms NEATLY furnished room, with board, ! If desired; all conveniences; everything j new and up-to-date. Bell phone. Call 426 North street. DESIRABLE ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman of good_ character; rates reasonable. Phone 495 J. FOR RENT Good, airy rooms for rent, with table board, at reasonable rates. Call 1002 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RKNT—AIso special 26c ! meals. The Home Dining Room. 123 j Sounth Second street, city. For Sale —Miscellaneous CONCRETE MIXERS FOR SALE Just received at the Branch Office of the Good Roads Machinery Company, Me chanicsburg, Penna., a car load of their famous concrete mixers; 5 and 10-foot ca pacity, mounted with gaso line engines, with and with out loaders. Address, Geo. W. Owen, Manager. FOR SALE New folding camera. Uses either plates or films. Original cost, $lB. Big bargain. Call, or ad dress, Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. FOR SALE Honest Irving Range for sale, cheap. Slightly used. Call, or address. 1819 Park street. City. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 31 Vols., fine condition, at only one-eighth coat. Many other book bargains. Au rand's Book Store, 913 North Third street. • FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. UNITED STATES ARMY hats, shoes and coats. Bargain/prices. All sizes. Best kind of mateilrfl for worklngmen. Money back if not satisfied. S. Meltzer. 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE Water motor In good condition, suitable for operating Pipe Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl vester Jackson, 402 Telegraph Building. Bell phone 441. FOR SALE One pair scales, one show case, counter, shelving, coffee mill and delivery wagon. Apply 1800 North Cameron street. PLANTS A.\L> FLOWERS GERANIUMS and Pansles. Spruce Glen Greenhouse, Eighteenth and Herr streets. Bell phone 1420 W. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board. Doors. Sash. Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Paper baler. Bales from 80 to 12f> pounds. Address Box R, 4156, care ot Telegraph. For Sale —Miscellaneous BARGAINS IN TYPEWRIT ERS —Another shipment of those fine rebuilts. Attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street, opposite Orpheum. DIAMOND TIRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub ber" In these Urea gives them more toughDess. elasticity and long-wearing qualities than were ever known in tlr»a before. Special Discounts. HARRIS BURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Two large store rooms, 18x72; located on corner Slxtn and Kel ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all conveniences; ~ood for any line of busi ness, except poolroom. Apply to L. 811- bert. 1742 North Sixth strea*. Bell phone 3713-W. FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire, Superintendent, Room 100. | i STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable j for piano store, confectionery, furniture ! or any other kind of a large store; rea j sonable. Apply. 1101 North Sixth street. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Wanted —Miscellaneous ■WANTED, TO RENT Young man, 25, married, desires to rent a building suitable for an Auto Accessory Store and Garage, situated in a live and pro gressive town of 500 to 3.000. Must be along a pike on a main thoroughfare where a live, hustling and experienced man can get the business.- To secure attention, state full particulars con cerning town, competition, building rent and number of cars within town limits. Address Box 145, Fawn Grove, York County, Pa. WANTED Good home for full bred, splayed Fox Terrier. No other need apply. Address, at once, 1852 North Seventh street, City. WANTED A good home for a lit tle girl 10 years old. Apply to Mrs. Simmonettl, 439 Walnut street, Har risburg, Pa. WANTED A good, Christian home, in city of country, for boy of 13 years. Apply 1926 North Fifth street. AUTOMOBILE WANTED I have a Piano or Player Piano to exchango on good auto. 315 Broad street. Business Opportunities . FOR SALE Job printing plant with good buslnesr. Fine proposition for one or two young men. Nice class of commercial work. Owner has interests that take all his time. Will sacrifice for $1,250.00 cash for quick sale. Apply to Gelbach & Company, Ijebanon, Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding; for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 79S L.ock port, N. Y. FOR SALE Retail Cigar and Tobacco Store, well located and doing good business. Quick tale desired re gardless of price. J. E. Gipple, 120 l Market street. FOR SAUK White Hill Garage, do- I Ing fine business. Will sell cheap to quick buyer; instalment payments; also several second-hand automobiles; one j motorcycle. Reason for selling, taking wife away for her health. H. S. Fort- j ney. Camp Hill, Pa., Rural Route. Business Personals CASH PAID for good cast-off Toadies' and Men's Clothing, Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL, TO 636 HERR STREET. PAINTING in all its branches, also paperhanging. Only tirst-class work done. Prices always right. A trial job will convince you that there is a dif ference in painting. D. W. BIXLER, 2130 SUSQUEHANNA STREET. Bell phone 4006 J. ARCADE BARBER SHOP, 36 North Court street, llair cut, 25c; shave, 10c; massage. 26c. Haircuttlng given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D. Richwlne, Prop. White Detective Agency- Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Hquart,. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods st low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers ot pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth anu Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. AUTO BUS LINE From Rockvllle Trolley Cars to Heckton and Dauphin. Fare. 10 cents. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP Keys made, Locks. Electric Bells. Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth street. 801 l phone 3995. Money to Loan READY MONEY for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Immediate necessities in amounts of sls to S3OO, at legal rates. Payments and time arranged to suit your \ convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rntes; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society. Room 7, Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Financial WANTED SSOO at 5 per cent., for six months—second mortgage. Address P. O. Box 348. storage "FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE In S-storv brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener. Jeweler. 408 Markftst St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, |1 to |3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply 0. Cooper & Co., 411 jjroad street JUNE 1, 1916. GYM CARNIVAL IS BIG SUCCESS Adds to Reputation of Hassctt School of Gymnastics in Training of Young The seventh arinual gymnastic carni val of the Hassett School of Gymnas tics, held In Cathedral hall last night, added to the reputation of that Institu tion for the development of athletes. Boys and girls who have heen in train ing under able instructors gave exhi bitions last night that won much fav orable comment. Praises were heard for Edward H. Smith, Miss Edna Santamaria and Miss Margaret Turner, who had charge of the physical Instructions. Every number on the program was a big hit. Summer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT "Ferncliffe," furnished cottage at Stoverdale. Week, month, or season Inquire Mts. Gertrude Barnard, Plainsboro, N. J. Motorcycles and Bicycles GIRLS* BICYCLES GIRLS' bT CYCLES—See them to-day. Prices to suit your pocketbook. Terms to suit. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE— -1912, rebuilt; fine shape; new tires, horn, tandem, Presto and lamp; a big bargain and an A 1 machine through out; easy terms. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. , Musical FOR SALE High-grade upright piano, full sized case, flrst-class con | dltion. Will sell for $65.00. Address Piano, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One fine up j right piano and one player, used not over two months, parties in whose houses they are plac»d un able to pay, will sell half price, j easy terms and guaranteed. Ad | dress Quality Piano Co., care of I Telegraph. ! EXPERT PIANO TUNING, repairing ( and tone production. Professor C. W. Wallace, formerly organist at Regent , Theater, 1506 State street. Bell phone ! 3885 M. Prompt service guaranteed. FOR SALE Small talking machine ' and records. Value, about sl6. Address, giving your best offer. Box A, 6003. care of Telegraph Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Fine lot of pure bred Berkshire hogs and Holstein-Fresian cattle, my herd boar, "Brookside Home I King," several nice young sows and | boars, also pigs of both sexes; one bull large enough for service, eligible to I registry; one heifer, fresh. L. L. Trlm- I mer, R. D., No. 3, Mechanicsburg, Pa. C. V. phone BF. . Automobiles DELIVERY TRUCK, in running con dltlon, for $50.00 to quick buyer. Tires worth that much. Bell phone 100. FOR SALE New Ford truck, Used only three days and driven not quite 50 miles. Can't be used In owner's busi ness, reason for selling. Rargain for quick buyer. Apply to .T. W. Wright, New Cumberland. Bell phone 3002 M AUTOMOBILE Run less than 10,- 000 miles, driven by the owner; car is in first-class condition; 5-passtnger 40- H.-P.: can be seen any time. Phone 446R for appointment. FOR SALE Ford touring car, with starter. Apply 1614 Regina street. MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER; If you have an automobile that you want to sell, let us find you a buyer. No sale, no pay. Keystone Oarage. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. FOR SALE— 1914 Cadil lac car. In elegant shape. Run 10,000 miles. J., 4185, care of Telegraph. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it or exchange It with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges If car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. t--- - - < ► Front Street Property For Sale < ■< k One hundred feet north of Seneca Street with 100- < foot frontage and 185-foot depth; extends 100 feet 4 along 12-foot alley in rear; paying and 40 feet of < ► riparian rights; old trees well preserved and well i ► spaced. Two houses in rear will take care of taxes ] ► until purchaser is ready to build. Make application i " through broker or direct to 4 ► BOWMAN & COMPANY ] * " 4 r 1 MATftD ' iave J ust ' ssue d a valuable Market ITIU IUK Letter and Supplement 011 the motor FMFNT stocks which have made such a sen jUi rLLl'lLlil sational advance in the past ten days. Foil details are given about CHEVROLET SAXON UNITED MOTORS PEERLESS Our Market Letter dated May 26th, mentions several new mining and Industrial Issues, notably ACME TEA NEW YORK AND ALASKA-WESTOVER HONDURAS MINING FLEMISH-LYNN DUNDER-ARIZONA COPPER The same letter contains, valuable Information on such standard favor ites as MIDVALE MAXIM SUBMARINE BOAT MAGMA KENNECOTT OERRO DE PASCO IRON BLOSSOM TONOPAH BELMONT TONOPAH EXT. (13th annual report) (Annual report) MOJAVE TUNGSTEN CALEDONIA YELLOW PINE Copies of our Motor Supplement and Weekly Market Uettcr will be found Invaluable to investors and speculators alike. They will he sent free upon request. Howard A. Riley & Co. I,anil Title Building, Philadelphia Telephones! Spruce 4410 ~3I» Hroad St. Race 130 INetv York Those who participated were: Wand Drill Misses Eileen Malo ney, Virginia Burns, Irene Cashman, Alice Sullivan, Margaret Dunn, Jennie Liddick, Heen Keiiy, Anna Emanuel, Elizabeth Maguire, Esther Sweeney, Margaret Stephenson, B. Snoddy, Ger trude Miller. Indian Club itelay, Second form Boys. A. Sariano, R. Leahy, J. Shlmp, C. Taylor. Girls. N. Burns, I. Cash man, A. Sullivan, E. Maloney. Race ended In tie. Dutch Dan'-e Leah May Winand, Eleanor Dclaney, Catharine Ulrich, Margaret Cunningham, Mildred Cash man, Geneva Burns. Anna Sullivan. Pauline Bitner, Lillian Sullivan, Mary Sheehey, Adella Green, Mary Flnley. Emma Sweeney, Agnes Wall, Gladys Santamaria, Dutch Boy, leader. Parallef Bar A. Sariano. Timothy Sullivan, C. Taylor. V. Shlmp. T. Shimp, Charles Smith, Esther Sweeney, Eliz abeth Maguire, Irene Cashman, Vir ginia Burns, Alice Sullivan, Eileen Ma loney. Callsthenic .Fourth form Girls, an excellent number illustrating calls thenic moves and gymnastic dancing steps. Preparedness Military drill by 10 first form boys. Colonial Dance, in full colonial cos tume A. Sariano and Helen Stapf. Joseph Sinarsh and Mildred McCurdy. John Wall and Mario Snyder, Charles Smith and Anna Eyde, I.onian Seitx. and Leonore Sourbier, Henry Delaney and Gladys Santamaria. Apparatus Messrs. John Barr, Rodney Miller and Maurice Mustin. Bears, first form Boys, John Fet ternian. Earl Fetterman, George Green, William Smith, John Delaney, Joseph Santamaria, Irvin Santamaria. Brownies, first form Girls, Geneva Burns, Adelia Green, Mary Sheehey, i Lillian Sullivan, Pauline Bitner, Mil dred Cashman, Agnes Wall. Highland Fling Alice Smith, Irene Cashman, Margaret Gaffney, Mary Wall, Gladys Santamaria, Eileen Malo ney, Alice Sullivan. Virginia Burns. "24 Squad", second and third form —Boys, 24 in military and fancy drill work. AID SOCIETY TO MEET The Women's Aid Society of the Harrisburg hospital will meet to-mor row afternoon at 3 o'clock in the man ! agers' room. Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted i will preside. 1 " 5=3 Agents Wanted Wonder Truck Attachment For Ford Ca A few agencies open yet We arc producing a sim ple device that will trans form a FORD CAR into a MOTOR TRUCK of one ton capacity ill a few hours. This device is of proven merit, and is solving the delivery problem for many retail and wholesale mer chants all over the United States. It is the most economical Truck ill the world to-day. Demand is large. Easy lo sell. Good commission allowed. Big opportunity for a few live men with a little money. For full details write or wire $ W.W.Hoffman Johnstown, Pa. niIBBER STAMnn UIB SEALS & STENCILS UV |1 MFG.BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ | 111 130 LOCUST ST. HBG. PA. II 13