| Convert Useless Furniture Into teafly Cash Through The Wait Ai j Deaths MYERS—Mrs. Sophia Myers died on May 28. 1916, in her 80th year at the . home of her daughter, Mrs. Ira D. Ritner, 330 Harris street. Funeral services will be held at the above address Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend. Burial private at Harrisburg Cemetery. HEAGY On May 29, 1916. William A. Heagy. aged 65 years. Funeral on Thursday, at 12 o clock noon, from his late residence, 4.2 South Sixteenth street. Further ser vices at 2 o'clock, at Kutz's Church, near Middlesex. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial lvutz Church Cemetery. iKER—Mary Ellen Aker, on Tuesday, May 30, 1916. Funeral on Wednesday, at 7 o'clock, at residence. No. 241 North streei. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. CRAIG William D. Craig, on Sunday. May 28, 1916, aged 59 years. Funeral on Thursday, at 2 o'clock, from his residence, No. 1942 North Fifth street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. MARZOLF Michael Marzolf died May 29. 1910, at his late residence, Sec ond and Seneca streets, aged 82 years, 7 months, 18 days. Funeral services will be held Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late residence. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. FOX On Monday. May 29, 1916, Mary Ann Fox, wife of Darius J. Fox, aged 43 years, 5 months and 1 day. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, 2653 Main street, Penbrook. Funeral ser vice and burial strictly private. BAKER On Sunday, May 28, 1#1«. Richard C„ aged 12 years, son of Un dertaker Charles C. Baker, died at the home of his parents, in Halifax, Pa. , Funeral services will be held Thurs day morning, June 1. at 10:30 o clock. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Burial In Halifax M. E. Cemetery. Lost and Found LOST Handbag, at Hill Market, Saturday evening, containing lady's gold watch and chain, money and keys. Reward If returned to 113 North Sev enteenth street, or M., care of Tele graph Office. LOST—Water Spaniel, partly clipped. Bunch of hair on each hip. Answ»rs to name of Buster. If found, return to 1213 Green street. City. Reward. LOST Reward for return to 904 North Second street of umbrella left In Park on Front street, near Fors ter street. LOST Scotch Terrier dog; brown and white spotted, with broken tali, and with a collar on and a bell on the collar. Please return dog to owner. Liberal reward if returned to 1110 James street. Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Young man, 16 to 18 years of age, to work in automobile ac cessory stock room. Apply at office Sheaffer's Garage, 66 South Cameron. W.ANTED—Truckers and contractors wanted. Apply Paxtang Quarry. WANTED A man to work on lawn and garden. Apply J. Heathcote, 50i Telegraph Building. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Experienced plumber. Apply 1427 Hunter street. WANTED Two more good automo bile mechanics. Will pay $25 per week. Auto Transportation Machine Shop and Garage. 25-29 North Cameron street. WANTED Several boys over 16. Apply In person to Moorehead Knitting Company. WANTED A good butler, white preferred, willing to go in the country. Apply 107 North Front. WANTED Several young men to work in bottling plant. Apply Keystone Bottling Works, Eleventh and Mulberry streets. City. j WANTED—A few high grade machinists on fine light work. Permanent positions with best of working conditions and highest wages are offered to steady and industrious men in open shops with modern equipment. No war business. Apply in person to W. W. Gallagher, The Metropolitan Hotel between 10.00 A. M. and 9.00 P. M., on May 31. WANTED Young, or middle-aged man. as clerk in a prominent hotel. I Must be sober and have good references. | Steady position for good man. One with j experience preferred. Address, stating ! full particulars. Box B, 5009, care of Telegraph. WANTED Boarders. Ex- \ perienced. Steady work and good pay. New Idea Hosiery Co., South Fourteenth street. WANTED First-class loomfixer on a mixed section of looms making shaft goods. Must be acquainted with raw and dyed silk goods. A good opportu nity for th# right man. State wages, experience and references, also if mar ried or single. Address Oswegatchie Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn ! to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for SSO, easy payments, and gunrantee 30c per hour as scon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL. 25-27-29 North Cameron street. WANTED—An engineer. Ap ply Columbus Hotel. WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladies' shoes. Utz & Dunn Co., 37 Canal street. Rochester. N. Y. | FOR RENT ;i jSummer Cottages!; ■j BELLA VISTA ![ J 2-story frame 3 rooms and bathjt ! ? —range use of telephone j Pmile from trolley $25 i PERDIX ;! | "Philadelphia Cottage" ? frame 4 rooms furnished. 935 { f PEHDIX J ? "Alabama Cottage" l-story i — 6 rooms partly furnish-% red water in kitchen—front porch% C12x36 ft. side porch 12x36 ft.. $140% f FOXCH \SE f 5 "Spion Kop Cottage" 2-storv% Jfrann furnished j i; MILLER BROTHERS&CO.J rj HEAL ESTATE i| Ji Insurance Surety i:«nds|> >J Locust nnd Court .Streets ij C e : TUESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male WANTED All-around union Job printer. Steady position. Write, giv ing references, Ashby Printing Com pany, Erie, Pa. WANTED 4O able-bodied men between 21 and 40 years of age for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. Help Wanted—Female WANTED Ten ladles for house-to house work In city. No selling or col lecting. Straight weekly salary. Call Room 66, Morrell Hotel. .Locust and Court, this week. WANTED For a small hotel, a plain cook, 38 or 40 years of age, ana chambermaid; no experience necessary for chambermaid. Apply to No. 2046 Susquehanna street, Harrisburg, Pa. UNDERWOOD CERTIFICATES again granted to a number of students, the result of our touch method and indi vidual Instruction. Enroll for the sum mer. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second. WANTED Several blight, steady girls to work In the laundry. Apply Troy Laundry, 1620-26 Kulton street. WANTED An experienced white woman for general housework; no washing. Apply 615 North Front street. WANTED Stenographer, experienc ed in office work. Apply Collins Co., 29 North Second street. WANTED Competent white woman for cook and downstairs work; no washing. Phone 382. 1911 Market street. WANTED A white woman for housework, by day or week. Call Bell phone 559 W. WANTED Girl for Ice cream par lor. Apply Berrler's Ice Cream Parlor, 1204 North Front street. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 216 State street. WANTED Widower wishes young woman, 20 to 35 years of age, for house keeper. Will have good home. No children. Address Mr. Christian Carl son, R. F. D., No. 1, Middletown, Pa. WANTED An experienced book keeper and stenographer. Apply to C. M. Sigler, Inc., this evening, between 6:30 and 9 o'clock. WANTED White girl, not under 18, for general housework in apartment; small family; r.o washing or Ironing. Phone 1936J, or call Leonard. 2518 North Sixth. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers and typists assisted in securing office em ployment without charge or obligation; register to-day with our Employment Department. The Office Training School, 4 South Market Square. WANTED Experienced sewing-ma chine operators, trimmers and learn ers, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State stree:, rear entrance. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. Agents Wanted AGENTS Call on best people, fast seller nettin-r you $1.25 on every sale. Send for particulars. The Joseph Cor ley Co., 2103 Sixty-seventh street, Brooklyn, New York. Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Middle-aged woman wishes a position as dishwasher, or to assist in kitchen or chambermaid. Ad dress 1307 Wallace street. WANTED A widow would keep house for a refined widower or bach elor apartments good manager capable of taking full charge. Address G., 4184, care of Telegraph. WANTED Respectable white wo man wants washing or ironing to do at home; references. Apply 2019 Moltke avenue. WANTED Experienced woman de sires place as chambermaid, or house work without cooking; can give best of reference. Write 1113 Kittattnny street. WANTED Position as house keeper. or hotel work, care of invalid or children; country preferred; could travel. Address M., 4183, care of Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged woman wishes to keep house for widower. Ad dress A. A., care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale 1900 Block, N. Fourth St $5,250 200 Block. Penn St 2,450 2200 Block, Penn St 3,250 200 Block, Hamilton St 4,500 200 Block Muench St 3,400 Two of the most desirable Lots in Bellevue Park. Price on re quest. Lots on Twenty-fourth street, near Derry, sl2 per front foot. RETTEW & BtTSHNELL. 1000 North Third Street, Real Kstate —Insurance. FOR SALE ll ',4-acre farm, four miles cast of Harrisburg, one mile from cnr; house with 8-ft. porch on three sides 75-ft. chlckenhouse and barn; also 300 fruit trees. Call phone 2022J-3. W. Ross Bealor, Paxtang. 193S BERRYHILI, STREET, 3 -story frame dweling, 8 rooms and bath, gas in kitchen, and rear porches. Price, $2,100.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streetsy. FOR SALE BELLEVUE PARK, on Twenty-first near Market, corner Twenty-first street and Park-Hill Lane. Single property, 2%-story brick and stucco, tile roof: S rooms and bath; all hardwood finish with hardwood lioors in ecery room. Tile bath, with shower bath separate. Elegant fixtures; steam jbeat; cemented cellar. Strictly up-to- Ulate house in every respect. Lot, 50x j 125, more or less. j FOR SALE PAXTANG, KELSO ST., | near Rutherford. A fine 2V4-story I brick and tile property; 7 rooms anil 'balh; large porches; front porch tiled; i vacuum cleaning system; steam heat; j pantry and large closets. Large lot. Ready to occupy at once. Price. $3,750. I H. C. BRANDT. 88 North Third Street. 1 FOR SALE Store Property and Stock of General Merchandise, situated ! in Mt. Pleasant. York County. Pa. Real estate consisting of a dwelling house and largr- store room combined and one acre ot land. The store has a well-as sorted stock of Gent rol Merchandise. This is an old stand, located in the fruit district. A hargain for buyers. For further information call on, or write, Mrs. John A. Myers. Siddonsburg, Pa. 1 o:< SALE UenutlZiil. new two and-a-hulf-stor" brick residence in one «f the finest locations in the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot. *oxl2o faet. Eight rooms and attic, i Hall through center. All improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery, bold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A. Sioffmaater, 1 Gettysburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale 1 FOUR Suburban Lots, with car line frontage, S9O each brick house. In city. | *1,960; small suburban frame, $1,200. r Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth street. I , REDUCTION OF »100 mado In that r | steam-heated property at Progress —• > gas, electric lights, 1 ardwood floors In . : two rooms; well finished throughout; lot, 25x125. Bell Realty Co., Bergner , 1 Building. TWO SMALL PROPERTIES on Bank , Street, Penbrook, for sale at $2,800; lot, 30x150; might consider an exchange; both properties rented. Bell Realty ; Co., Bergner Building. EVERGREEN STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 131 Now vacant — jail Improvements. Key at our office. ! Price most reasonable. Do not delay If you are Interested. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. . FOR SALE 1853 Berryhlll Street, on the corner of Berryhlll and Nine teenth Streets; 3-story frame dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, modern plumbing, ! new furnace, front and side porohes, I lot, 24x115, stable on rear of lot. Brln ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. ! FOR SALE 2lBO Brookwood Street, on the corner of Brookwood and I Twenty-second Streets; two-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas, ! furnace, front and rear porches, bay | windows, granolithic walks. Price, | $2,300.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second j and Walnut Streets. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. i front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. PRETTY HOME, Camp Hill, half minute to trolley; lawn; lo grape vines, 1 12 varieties, 5 kinds peaches; 5 kinds I cherries; music room, library, reception | hall, dlningroom, laige kitchen on first l floor, with expensive wall paper on I same. Four large bedrooms, one bath, 1 one large linen room with built-in | drawers; dry and cool cellar in all sea sons; 2-way stairway to second floor. I Large balcony. Large, commodious | front porch. Garage on rear of lot for two autos; concrete floor. Price \ery low. Reason for selling, illness of wife. Cummings, Kunkel Building. FOR SALE 11943 Rudy street $1,200 946 South Twenty-first street.. $2,000 | JOHN C. ORR, 222 Mr rl;et Street. | THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow | Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never beer< built in this city and often, many r.«.w advantages In Bun galow architecture in Ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kellastoiie construction; slate roofs; tile porches (English); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing; scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and sliver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Circa sian walnut Sterling laminated flush doors (the finest made door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price. $5,500.00. j Mac WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO.. Designers and Builders. I 2105 N. oth Street. Harrisburg. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT—I2I7 Swatara St., S2O. 2807 Camby St., Penbrook, sl4. All Improvements. Immediate pos session. 1 A. W. Swengel, 219 S. Thirteenth St. FOR RENT I No. 1713 Revere Street and gar- I age $25.00 I No. 1600 Walnut Street 25.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. i i■ ! FOR RENT Six-room cottage at Fort Hunter, Pa ; nice location; near post office, store, steam cars and trol ley; good bathing and boating. F. H. Davis, Fort Hunter. Pa. Real Estate For Sale or Rent J FOR RENT OR SALE—A 16-room i house, all Improvements, large lawn with stable on rear, located corner Paxtang avenue and Derry street, at Haxtang. Inquire of A. H. Bailey, I Eureka Wagon Works. 614-616-618 i North street, Harrisburg. LARGE 2-story brick building, first floor storeroom and second floor hall; i located corner of Rossmoyne and Her man avenues. Apply West Shore Real ty Co., Baer & Rice. Lemoyne Trust Co. I Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone . 3198-J. Farms FARM OF 16 ACRES Located In York County . about 2% miles from New Cumberland. Good soil. Brick j house, with basement. Barn. Good | water. Possession at once. Inquire of i J. H. Reiff or F. E. Coover, New Cum - | berland. FARMS FOR SALE About 100 acres fine lsnd, excellent location for build ing lot. five miles east of Harrisburg, |an Hummelstown Trolley Line. Water pipe line passes along entire front of property. About twelve acres good wood land. Two (2) houses, barn and ail necessary other buildings. Telephone | connections. Inquire Marshall Ruther ford, 1161 Derry street, Harrisburg, Pa., jor Dr. D. I. Rutherford, 108 North Sec | ond street, Harrisburg, Pa. VAUGHN Very beautiful, healthful suburb along the "L" trolley; lots 100x176 feet; fertile ground, enough for vegetables 'and chickens; price only $169; easy pay- Iments; see these lots. C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Linglestown, Pa, or ; 409 Market street. i vRM of 22 acres, two miles from j New Cumberland, on the York Road, with abundance of frrlt; new bungalow with seven rooms, bath and pantry; hot water heat, cemented cellar, porch, i good running water, new barn. Pos session soon. Price, $4,300. H. C. j Brandt, 36 North Third street. HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8- rooin bungalow, other buildings for summer home, close to station and store; telephone In house immediate | posslon price only $1,450, easy pay -1 ments, C. B. CARE Care's Grocery. Linglestown. Pt.. or l Alarket street. Apartments For Rent I CENTRALLY LOCATED. daylight ] apartment. Second and Walnut streets, second floor, Belvedere Apartment bund ling. 4 rooms and bath, all fronting on I Second or Walnut streets; bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas ' stove, hot water heater. Rent Includes j cltv steam. Immediate possession. Ap iHy Jacob Tauslg's Sons, Jewelers, 420 I Market street. I> DESIRABLE APARTMENT. r» rooms -and bath, bay window on front and fac ! Ing city, all Improvements, large rear I porch: rent, $25.00. Apply I. W. Dill, - Knst End Mulberry Street Bildet'. j LOCUST STREET—Furnished house ; keeping apartment; four rooms and bath; tiled hallway entrance; possession June 1. Penna. Realty Co.. 132 Locust 1 «U-f>ftt- HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Apartments For Rent 520 A SOUTH THIRTEENTH Five room housekeeping apartment private entrance; porch front and rear. Rent, $16.00. Penna. Realty Co.. 132 Locust street. FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT, large bay windows and front porch; 5 room* and bath, hardwood floors, ana ull latest conveniences; located corner Sixth and Kelker streets. Apply, L. Bilbert. 1742 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3715-W. CENTRALLY LOCATED, daylight apartment. Second and Walnut streets, second floor. Belvedere Apartment bulla- Ing, 4 rooms and bath all fronting on Second or Walnut streets, bay windows on both streets. Refrigerator, gas stove, hot water lieater. Rent in cludes city steam. Immediate posses sion. Apply. Jacob Tauslg's Sons. Jew elers. 420 Market street. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; use of bath; hot and cold running water. Apply to 24 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with all conveniences. .Apply 14 North Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Three or four unfur nished rooms; all improvements; use of porch and yard. ,npply 755 Twenty tlrt- street. FOR RENT Two-room suite new ly furnished all conveniences; private porch; five minutes' walk from station; suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent reasonable. Bell phone. Apply 406 North street. FOR RENT Two rooms, nicely fur nished, second floor one large, suitable for two gentlemen; electric lights and telephone service. Apply 125 Pine street. FuR RENT Ten nicely furnished rooms all conveniences. Apply Savoy Hotel, Third and Mulberry streets. FOR RENT Large, well-furnished second floor front room; gentlemen only; aJI conveniences and use of phone. Apply 813 North Second street. Board and Rooms FOR RENT Good, airy rooms for rent, with table boaid, at reasonable rates. Call 1002 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT—AIso special 2oc meals. The Home uinlng Room. 123 Sounth Second street, city For Sale —Miscellaneous TYPEWRITER FOR SALE FOR SALE Underwood type writer practically new; visible writer. Excellent condition. Hardly ever used. Not scratched. Worth $100; at bargain price of S2O If sold quick. SCALE FOR SALE One Fairbanks Physician's of fice scale, weighs up to 500 pounds. Handsomely white en ameled, nickel-plated. Never used by owner. Good as the day it was made. Measuring rod at tached Steel. Cost originally $75. If sold quick at bargain of sls, Stands on floor. Suitable for physician, store or factory. Both scale and typewriter can be seen at 214 Peffer street. City. Owner, Dr. C. L. Zimmerman, is in Oklahoma, and desires to dispose of same at once. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. AT GABLE'S, 113, 116 and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint, Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE Fox Terrier Pups. C. G. Smith, 7 North Baltimore street, Dillsburg, Pa. UNITED STATES ARMY hats, shoes and coats. Bargain prices. All sizes. Best kind of material for workingmen. Money back if not satisfied. S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts, Iron stall guards. Iron troughs and car riage elevator. Good condition. Apply Ober's Old Livery Stand. "ourt and Cranherry streets. FOR SALE Water motor In good condition, suitable for operating Pipe Organ or similar machinery. C. Syl vester Jackson. 402 Telegraph Building. Bell phone 441. FOR SALE One pair scales, one show case, counter, shelving, coffee mill and delivery wagon. Apply 1800 North Cameron street. PLANTS AI\D FLOWERS GERANIUMS and Panßies. Spruce Glen Greenhouse, Eighteenth and Herr streets. Bell phone 1420 W. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 11J-117 South Becond street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board. Doors. Sash. Shutter*. Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE from 80 to 125 pounds. Address Box R, 4156, care of Telegraph. DIAMOND TIRES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub ber" in these tires gives them more toughness, elasticity and long-wearing qualities than were ever known in tlren before. Special Discounts. HARRIS BURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO., SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. AT GABLE'S. 118. 116 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Bra ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acini make. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRIT ERS—Another shipment of those fine rebuilts. Attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street, opposite Orpheum. BIG BARGAINS in Books on Chem istry. Cartoons and Caricatures. Civil Government, Coins, Stamps. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third street. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street. 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo. 12 U primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent —Miscellaneous FOR RENT Two large store rooms, 18x72; located on corner Slxtn and Kel ker streets; latest style ceilings, and all conveniences; ~ood for any line of busl nets, except poolroom. Apply to L. Sil bert. 1742 North Sixth street Bell phone 3713-W. FOR RENT Desirable office In Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire. Superintendent, Room 100. STORE ROOM FOR RENT—Suitable for piano store, confectionery, furniture or any other kind of a large store; rea sonable. Anolv. 1101 North Sixth street. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED A good, Christian homo. In city or country, for boy of 13 years. Apply 1926 North Fifth street. AUTOMOBILE WANTED I have a Piano or Player Piano to exchange on good auto. 315 Broad street. Business Opportunities ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding: for newnpapers; experience unnecessary. Send for put tlculars. Press Syndicate, 798 Ix>ck port, N. Y. FOR SALE Retail Cigar and Tobacco Store, well located and doing good business. Quick sale desired re gardless of price. J. E. Gippie, 1251 Market street. ANY Intelligent person can sarn Income corresponding fur newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7s*B. Lock port. N. Y. FOR SALE White Hill Garage, do ing fine business. Will sell cheap to quick buyer; instalment payments; also several second-hand automobiles; one motorcycle. Reason for selling, taking wife away for her health. H. S. Fort ney. Camp Hill, Pa., Rural Route. Business r'ersonals PAINTING In all its branches, also paperhanglng. Only first-class work done. Prices always right. A trial job will convince you that there is a dif ference in painting. D. W. BIXLER! 2130 SUSQUEHANNA STREET. Bell phone 4006 J. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 North Court street. Hair cut, 25c; shave, 10c; massage, 25c. Halrcutting given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized- P. D. Richwlne, Prop. White Detective Agency Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127W, MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call 'and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHION & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers ot pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. W. H, Lathe, Manager. Fifth ana Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. B. J. Campbell, FEATHER RENOVA-'OR. Tenth and Paxton Streets. AUTO BUS LINE From Rockville Trolley Cars to Heckton and Dauphin. Fare. 10 cents. MEN'S SUITS Sponged and Pressed. Price. 40 cents; Dry Cleaned, $1.25. We do our work on time and make deliv eries. Bell phone 717 J. S. FREEDMAX, 1529 North Third street. RELIABLE LOCKSMITH SHOP ~ Keys made. Locks, Electric Bells. Trunks and Suitcases repaired. Lawn mowers sharpened. 1303 North Sixth street. Bell phone 3995. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 Nor'h Court street. Hair cut, 25c; shave. 10c; massage, 25c. Halrcutting given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D, Richwlne, Prop. White Detective Agency Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 W. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing watches, diamonds and goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at subway. HAULING " R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f llanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Beli phone Na 2603 R. Money to Loan MONUY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharinpr Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Storage FIREPROOF Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 427-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per mopth and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, tor household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. STORAGE 419 Broad street, tor household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 po: month. Apply li. Cooper & Co.. 411 Bioad street. Summer Resorts and Cottages THE place to enjoy your vacation. Furnished cottages, located among pir.es. Accommodate four adults. Fibh lng, canoeing, bathing. Price, $3.00 per week. Address Samuel Homing, Mifflin Pn. Musical FOR SALE One fine up right piano and one player, used not over two months, parties in whose houses they are placed un able to pay, will sell half price, easy terms and guaranteed. Ad dress Quality Piano Co., care of Telegraph. EXPERT PIANO TUNING, repairing and tone production. Professor C. W. Wallace, formerly organist at Regent Theater, 1506 State street. Bell phone 3885 M. Prompt service guaranteed. FOR SALE Small talking machine and records. Value, about sls. Address, giving your best offer. Box A. 5003, care of Telegraph Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Fine lot of pure bred Berkshire hogs and Holstein-Fresian cattle, my herd boar, "Brookslde Home King." several nice young sows and boars, aIEO pigs of both sexes; one bull large enough for service, eligible to registry; one heifer, fresh. L. L. Trim mer, R. D„ No. 3, Mechanicsburg, Pa. C. V. ohone SF. MAY 30, 1916. PLANNING DETAILS OF REPUBLICAN CONVENTION :■<£ ;s»>''?£;• . _ S CHARGES B, J AMES £il arle " Hillcs, chairman of the Republican national committee on ing Republican convention In Chicago. 8 lne com COL MOSBY DIES AT AGE OF 82 [Continued From First l'a^c] cemebr 6, 1833, and graduated from the University of Virginia in 1852, he was practicing law in Bristol. Va., when the war broke out and he began his career in the Confederate army. He proved his daring with such effect that he became a scout for General J. E. B. Stuart and ler the celebrated raid around McClellan's army on the Chickahominy. In Richmond a year later he recruited an independent cav alry troop which became famous as Mosby's Partisan Rangers. They be came night riders and the terror of the Federal troops. Mosby's most brilliant exploit was the capture of General Stoughton. On a March ntght in 186 3 he, with 30 fol lowers, rode through the Federal army to Fairfax Courthouse, only 15 miles from Washington, where General Stoughton was asleep. Although sur rounded by an army said to have been 17,000 strong, the rangers calmly kid napped the general, his staff and many sentries, and turned them over to the Confederate authorities at Culpeper without having lost a man. Friend of Grant General Grant once later saved Mosby from hanging, and two foes of the battlefield became staunch friends. Mosby stumped the State of Virginia for Grant during his presidential cam paign, and was rewarded with an ap pointment as consul at Hong Kong, a post which he held for seven years. When he returned to the United States, Mosby called on the surviving mem » "■ ■ " —a Automobiles WANTED Six-cylinder touring car, electrically equipped; nothing older than 1914. Address P. O. Box 11, Beaver town, Pa. FOR SALE 1914 5-passenger Cadil lac car. In elegant shape. Run 10,000 miles. J„ 4185, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One high-class truck, with top, panel, three-quarter ton ca pacity. Just right for light hauling and express use. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. Apply 1745 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Or.e Mercer touring car, good condition will sell cheap; make offer. 1912 Pullman touring car; new tires all amund; make offer. 1913 Mitchell Roadster, excellent con dition; will sell cheap. Apply P. H. Ke boeh, 15 South Third street. FORD TOURING CAR, 1914, at, a snap; can be . een at 15 South Third; a bargain for some one. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign It or exchange it with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges If car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department, 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. ONE model K Pullman delivery truck for sale or trade on Ford. G. R. Nay lor. Marysvllle. Pa. Motorcycles and Bicycles FOR SALE 1912 Indian motorcycle; rebuilt; fine shape; new tires, horn, tandem. Presto and lamp. A big bar gain and an Al machine throughout. iCasy terms. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. GIRLS' BICYCLES GIRLS' Bl- CYCLES—See them to-day. Prices to suit your pocketbook. Terms to suit. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 R. FOR SALE 1913 model Henderson motorcycle. Good condition. Machine equipped with leak-proof piston rings and new hearings throughout. Reason able. Address John .IJil.er. 223 Roaja. bers of his rangers and, to his aston ishment, he found that a large per centage of them had become ministers. In parting their old colonel said: Well, boys. If you light the Devil like you fought the Yankees there will be something to record on Judgment Day." He next became special land agent for the government in Colorado, and from 1904 to 1910 he was an attorney in the Department of Justice. The closing years of his life were spent In lecturing and authorship. His home lay across the Potomac, at Warren ton, Va., but he was often seen in Washington, his white hair and strong Roman features, making him a pic turesque figure on the streets or lec ture platform. He had written "Mos by's War Reminiscences," "The Dawn of the Real South," and "Stuart's Cav alry Campaign." He was also known as a Greek scholar. "My military creed," he once de clared, "is this: It is better to make a good run than a bad stand." GERMANS MAKE NEW DRIVE AT VERDUN [Continued From First Page] that the Bulgarian advance into Greek territory came about through a secret agreement between Greece and Bulgaria. Shipping Interests Prepare For Economic War Soon By Associated Press Hamburg, May 29, via London, May —Albert Bailln, war manager of . the German railroads and director of the Hamburg American Steamship Company, characterized the war as the "greatest, bloodiest and most idiotic war of all time," in an ad dress delivered to-day at a general meeting of the Weermann Shipping Company. Herr Ballin declared that German shipping interests, after the success ful termination of this war, must be prepared to conduct a new war on the economic battleground against com petitors "extraordinarily strength ened by war profits of fantastic height." He expressed confidence, however, that the old Hanseatic spirit would be able to accept successfully the gage of battle in this struggle. BULGARIANS CONCENTRATE By Associated Press London, May 30. —Great activity on the part of the Bulgarians, following their occupation of several Greek forts in the vicinity of Demir-Hissar, is re ported in a Reuter dispatch from Sa loniki. It is said official information has been received there that impor tant Bulgarian forces are being con centrated at Novrokop, in Bulgaria, near the Greek border, as well as at Xanthia. There have been no fur ther developments in the Demir-Hlssar region. The town remains in the hands of the Greeks, although the inhabi tants have departed. The advance lines of the entente allies on the Var dar and the hamlet of Kilindir are being bombarded. INJURED AFTOIST DIES By Associated Press Jersey City, N. J., May 30. S. D. Kimball, of Hoboken, treasurer of tho J. E. Llnde Paper Company, of New York City, died in a hospital hero to-doy of injuries suffered last night when his automobile was struck by an Erie Railroad train while be tween this city and Newark. Mr. Kimball was thrown under the wreck ed automobile and his skull was frac tured. WORK ON NAVAL BILL By Associated Press Washington, May 30.—The House celebrated Memorial Day by working on the naval aproriation hill. Debate on the measure was continued under the five-minute rule. A final vote probabl ywill be reached late Friday afternoon. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., May 30. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000; weak. Native beef steers, $8.20® 10.76; stockers and feeders. $6.00 W8.90; cows and heifers, $4.50®9.75; calves,-SB.OO (Rill. SO. Sheep Recetpts, 4,000; steady. Wethers, $7.00 8.00; lambs, sß.oo@> 10.25; Springs, $8.50<3>11.50. niIBBER STAMnp Ull SEALS & STENCILS ll\ VI •'MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS' 11 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. II \ FOR SALE i i 1 New brick suburban property ? i[ along trolley line; 5c fare; 20 c minutes to city; S3OO cash, bal- J [i ance as rent. Large plot of J ]i ground; good location; house J has 7 rooms with modern lm- ? <[ provements. For further ds- ? i scrlption, etc., address 4 I; SUBURBAN I; ■i Care Harrlsburg Telegraph *• 11
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