10 is America's headquarters for Used Cars at low prices. Cars practically equal to new, come to us from all sur- I rounding States—and are sold as quickly as they can be | overhauled. IW9 HCPMOBILB: Mi-feat ron<11»1»n 1014 CADIUAC tonrlne cart Summer | from start to finish. ton and Winter enclosure* 1(160 1818 BlhcK "D-45" tmirln* ear: only 1»16 BLIOK touring ruuonlr I ullrttiv used. 3000 mlle« 1916 OOI.F. tourlnr: 8-crl.: boueht new 1916 PILI.MAN ton rim 1 car: brand S two month.') a*o. new: $476 H 1910 PAIGE touring car: Falrtleld 191(1 GRANT tourlnr car: liiitit Sis- mode): extra eaulrnnrnt. SBOO SI 1918 STI7TZ: fire wire wlieelc: hie 1915 MOON tourlnr car: ivTan naa- S 1816 YwiDOtO tourlnr: run 2000 mllea: PACKARD "ourfne C "ar' tlo °e»en-nas- H 1016 SING tomin*: S crl.: «uied only ' 191 ftl'r * car° U 'iuT coTera, U |kw tut demonstrator. shlu rims- 1276 1910 OHALMBRB: A-l conation: two 1914 WHITR tourtns car: electric % * -j „ starter: t»00. 1914 MbROMt tourin* car: All elec- 1916 SAXON touTlne car: ltrht six; trie #onlpments: rrest ralne. Draotlcslir new: 1525. 191G OVERLAND tourlnr car: boaotl- 1914 DUICK tourin* ~8 -2S:" all fsc- H torv eoulomtnt*. OtVKRLAXD tonrtmr car: ttaorouchly BCIOK tourloe; elsctrlo llrfits and ♦ « *«*ner*tor: demountable rJms: o HLTMOBIT/B roadster: coats lFttle to |§ will sell at a sscrlfleo. run: 5228 s - llrhts and starter: 5450. tirrs: shook absorbers: S2OO. I fjrTZ roadster: verr attractive: MM. 1918 CADILLAC tourlnsr rar: »»<»rfect § g 1918 I'AIGK tourlnr oar: lleht six: from radiator to rear axle: S4KO. £§ S _ brand new: at nrent's price. FORD runabout* tourlnr cars at all a| PAIOF: dcinounlnhh rims: all electric nrlees accordlnr to model. S AMERICAN tourlnr car: inerbanicallT § Bs 1910 SCRIPFS-BOOfH roadster: very Dorfect: electric eouimnents: Terr Is attractive: extra tlr". ronnonnhlp I Complete line of TRUCKS AND DELIVERY WAGONS I GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE I 238-240 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia Apents Wanted Open Sunday 9to 2 .^fjr NewßianchSerxice Signs of a new standard of service* Service worthy of Harrisburg and the courtesy and efficiency its motorists have a right to demand. Service of that specialized, intensive quality which motorists and dealers everywhere have learned to expect from Firestone men and Firestone tires. Inspect the new quarters at your earliest convenience. Complete > service for truck operators. The Tire Shop Temporary Address t. i 108 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. I Dtntrfbutor. for Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Akron. Ohio LNRTNT EXCIU.IT* Tire and R|„, Maker." Firestone " 1 - - i __________ "No Hill Too Steep— No Sand Too Deep" Jackson Light "Eight" has one horsepower for every 57 pounds. Here is a Jackson extraordinary. It is an "Eight." It is light in weight—it is light in price. 45 H. P51195 Weight, 2565 lbs. A Demonstration Cheerfully Given at Any Time P. H. KEBOCH L Distributor, 15 South Third Street Try Telegraph Want Ads SATURDAY EVENING, Experimenting With Car Is Not Advisable "If you would have the moat enjoy ment out of your car don't be a tink er," said Charles Ensminger, local Dort distributer. "There are certain things every man should know about this car, and attend to himself relig iously; but there are other things that should be left to the experienced me chanic and the less the owner has to do with these the happier he is going to be." "The owner who is continually ex perimenting with his car usually has his hands full of trouble. There are somo men who are naturally of a me chanical turn of mind, and these men keenly enjoy working about their cars. They are capable and they do not get themselves into trouble, but the aver age owner who attempts fine adjust ments, experiments, rear axle, motor bearings, valve tappets, etc., usually wishes he had let his car alone before he is through. "An example of the grief tinkering can cause both owner and dealer was very strongly brought to my notice several years ago. The owner in ques tion attempted an adjustment on his front wheel bearings. As luck would have it he got one of them too tight. Tho bearing quite naturally got hot and was badly scored. It. was replaced at about ten dollars expense, (bearings cost more in those days than they do now), and the owner went on his way. "About two weeks later as he was turning a corner at low Bpeed, one of his front wheels dropped off. Me was quite indignant at the happening and blamed it all on the car. 1 fixed him up without charge and sent the broken spindle to the factory for cre dit. Imagine my surprise when I re ceived a letter from the service man at the factory refusing this and claim ing that the crystalization in the spin dle was obviously due to It having been overheated at some tlmft. Well, I put two and two together and on askln gthe owner a few questions found that the spindle that had broken was the same one which carried the bearing he had burnt up. That bear ing had simply got so hot that it had burnt the spindle too. "Now just see what tinkering had brought down on this fellow. He had burned out a bearing at a cost of about ten dollars and he had been actually taking his life in his hands every moment he had been driving his car, for If ho had been going at twenty miles an hour when that spindle broke and let the wheel drop off, his car would certainly have turned over with him, and perhaps fatally injured him, and added to It all I had been obliged to pay for a new spindle for him and listen to his abuse of the car. [ "Wlien we sell a Dort we always ] Impress upon the owner the simplicity jof its construction and we warn him j against experimenting. We point out to him the things that he should at j tend to himself and those things he | should come to us about. Most own j ers appreciate this and we have very | little trouble. As a matter of fact our j cost of giving service to Dort owners doesn't amount to enough to speak about. The men who build the Dort have provided against practically every contingency of hard service and rarely are we called upon to make any more than tho minor adjustments, which are ; necessary to every car no matter how [well built, unless the owner has given 1 his car out and out abuse of the worst j sort, and no car will stand up under j that." Predicts Benzol Will Substitute For Gasoline Benzol, in the opinion of Elwood Haynes, of the Haynes Automobile Company and the man who built the first American gasoline driven automo biles, is the most, probable substitute for gasoline. "If care were taken," says Mr. Ilaynes, "to reclaim the benzol which goes to waste each year In the dry distillation of coal for coke, this fuel could be placed on the market at a price that would make it as economical for the automobile owner as gasoline. In past years Germany has produced the major part of the world's supply of benzol for use in her dye Industries. In the United States, the residue con taining benzol, which has accounted in good share for Teuton commercial prestige in past years, has been per mitted to go to waste. "The American production of benzol, during this year, will amount to 22,- 000,000 gallons, most of which will be used for the production of dyes, chem icals and explosives. By wider appli cation of tho methods in present use this production could easily be raised to 600,000,000 gallons yearly. "The reclamation of benzol from the coal that goes to waste through archaic mining methods, would swell these figures to even greater amounts. If benzol comes Into common use, we have no shortage to fear. "Benzol contains tho same elements as gasoline, but tho carbon and hydro gen are combined in equal parts. While the two liquids differ widely in their chemical actions, both are read ily volatile into highly explosive gases, when properly mixed with air. "The entente countries, which are now cut off from the American supply are using benzol in their military mo tors without changing the design of either the motor or carburetor. The application of benzol as a motor fuel must receive a marked Impetus In this country at the close of the European conflict, since the supply that Is being consumed in the manufacture of ex plosives wll be diverted to the motor fuel market. Hupp Driven to Top of Famous Chinese Wall A cablegram from Peking, China, from Charles Denby, vice-president of the Hupp Motor Car Corporation, an nounces the latest performance of the Hupmobile which is noted for Its many feats all over the world. To demonstrate the hill-climbing ability of the Model "N" Hupmobile, Charles De Wette, representative of the Hupmobile agency at Pekln, China, drove one of the cars up the Tartar City wall at Pekin carrying five pas sengers. This is the first time an automobile has ever been driven to tho top of the famous Chinese wall and it re mained for an American car to be the first to accomplish the feat. Moving pictures were made of the perform ance of the Hupmobile going up the incline, used by the troops, to the summit of the wall and several hun dred spectators saw the performance. De Wette In making this climb car ried a distinguished list of passengers which Included the American minister to China, Paul S. Relnch; Colonel Don ald of the American Range; Charles Denby, former American consul gen eral at Shanghai, also vice-president of the Hupp Motor Car Corporation, and a Chinese Journalist. The climb up the Tartar City wall was made last Monday, May 15, the cablegram having been received by President Drake at the Hupp factory of Ihe successful attempt to make the wall. The Tartar City wall is the wall around the inner or Imperial City of Peking. It is higher and much more difficult to climb than the outer Peking wall. The Tartar City wall is 50 feet high and 60 feet wide at the base tapering to 40 feet wide at the top. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! «jgj Js® Jj^jpflfl, Canvass the world and you will not find as big a car as the Overland Six at anywhere near so low a price, $1145. , You who prefer seven passenger capacity, must pay a heavy excess in price to get so much real seven pas senger comfort in any other car. And to back up its big roomy seven passenger carry ing capacity there is the powerful six cylinder Overland . motor. Take your full quota of seven big passengers and see how smoothly and easily, without a sign of effort, your powerful motor speeds away with even an overload. Sill Slow down to a crawl—don't touch the gear shifts 111 k Cep iC *** — but i UBt touc k your accelerator. I LJ Without a tremor, smoothly, easily, swiftly, you acquire any desired speed. f*f>> ffl ill I ESI That's genuine six cylinder pick-up—a bigoutstand (sr) II I Overland Six fact. ilj 111 |l| And it's that big fact about this big car that makes *. . . . its price, $1145, so small in comparison. Model 86—f.0.b. Toledo Overland four cylinder models will "pick up" with many another six. Our only purpose in building a six at all is to supply with genuine Overland finality and economy that ex tremist demand for the luxury of bigness and lightning fast pickup. Overland production—double that of any other builder of cars of like class—makes possible the unap proached value which you get in so big and exceptional a car at so low a price—$1145. Have the Overland dealer overload the six and dem onstrate its comfort and lightning fast pickup. You cannot equal it for anywhere near the price. The Overland-Harrisbiirg Co. 212 NORTH SECOND ST. Open Evenings Both Phones The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "Mad* In V. S. A." Time Payment Plan No need to wait any longer. Get your new car now. No need now to dig deep into your savings or to scrimp for months in order to pay for your car in one lump sum. The "GUARANTY PLAN" makes that unnecessary. You can now get any Overland or Willys-Knight Car for a small payment down. Then you can pay the balance monthly—a little at H time. That in a word is the "GUARANTY PLAN" a thoroughly organized, financially sound system of time payments to help people buy Overland or Willys-Knight Cars. The "GUARANTY PLAN" is one which we can heartily recommend to all. Come in right away, learn all about it and pick out your car. It's just the sort of plan everyone has been waiting for. And now it's here—an accomplished fact. Of course there'll be a rush to take advantage of it. So don't wait until we're slowed up on deliveries. Get your order in now—specify immediate or later delivery as you wish, but make sure of your car to-day. ffSi'f ■ '■** Pit Open Evenings The Orerland-Harrisburg Co. 212 NORTH SECOND STREET MAY 27, IQI6.