Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 20, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Township School Board Selects
Instructors For Various Build
ings Throughout District
I'ppcr End Contractors Busy
Improving Highways With
Teams and Rollers
By Special Correspondence
Rife, Pa., May 20.-—The Upper Paxton
school board has chosen teachers for
the coming term as follows: Rife,
John W. Rombcrger; Rising Sun,
George 11. Weaver; l.enkervitle, J. I.
Gmbb and Dora Hoy; Feidt's, C. K.
Heard: Paxton. W. K. Ivemon; Kil
ling«<r. J. E. Keefer; Xeagley's J. K.
Reefer: Reefer's and Falrview, vu
«-ant.—Seven Rife men who are em
ployed at Small Valley pealing bark
t-pent Sunday at their homes.—Mrs.
K.'te Wise and children spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Ellen Ditty.—Mr.
ant! Mrs. Isaac Weaver called at the
home of Oeorge Novinger on Sunday.
—l>ester N'ovinger. of Harrifburg.
spent several days at home.—Mr. and
Mr*. l>evi Shaffer took a trip to Wil
liamsport on Sunday. Mrs. 8. A.
Holtzinan went to Elisabethvllle on
"Wednesday on business.—Curt Schwalui
has a team on the State road running
H roller, while the Warner brothers
sin* running the road machinery.—
Wilson is working at Millers burg
for Contractor Helwig.
Girls' Cooking Class
Prepares Fine Luncheon
By Sf*ciai Corrtsp<m4t*£*
Wnwnisco. Pa.. May 2u. Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Mossop and Mazgle Evans
«re sjtendine several day* at Philadel
phia. Miss Olwyn Phillips spent
Sunday with Mrs. Walter Gordon at
Williamstown. Mr. and Mrs. John
Acaley spent Sunday with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Malich at Dayton. -
Charles Suavely of Harrisburg called
<>n friends here on Wednesday. El
mer Maholtz has returned home after
spending some time at Harrisburg.—
Mrs. Clar Keen and daughter Elma
were Harrisburg visitors. - Students
of the cooking class of which Eliza
beth MoWilllains is teacher, met in
their laboratory Monday afternoon and
prepared a luncheon for some of their
friends. lllss ICthel Dissinger and
Vesper Smith of Harrisburg visited
Miss Esther Botdorff. Roy Acaley
spent Saturday evening at Tower City.
—Harper Weist left for Yeagertown
where he has secured employment.
$ 0.00
Hound Trip
Sunday, May 28
Special Train Leaves
Harrisburg - - 5.45 A.M.
RKTVR3ST7ICS. leave* 1* ninny I.
Ivnnia MaUon. York, P.M. I
Pennsylvania R. R. |
Try Telegraph Want Ads
"St. Paul Road" to the Fore
Makes Mountain Travel Clean and Mountain Vistas Clear
Achievements in the railroad world have been manifold and splendid. In
this great work "The St. Paul Road" since its inception has been a
leader. It is particularly fitting, therefore, that this railway should accom
plish the first extensive main line electrification in the world. For 440 miles
from Harlowton, Mont., to Avery, Idaho, across the Belt, Rocky and Bitter
Root Mountains, this railway has electrified its main line.
This colossal undertaking has claimed the attention of the nation. The giant
locomotives, fed with the limitless energy of mountain streams, the marvel
of regenerative braking on down grades, the increased efficiency and econ
omy of operation and the notable increase in travel delights, appeal alike
to engineers, scientists and the traveling public.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.
On your next trip to the Pacific North Coast take either the all-steel "Olympian" or "Cotunu
trian over the great electrical highway. Equipment, roadbed, scenery and service alt combine to
mahe this the premier transcontinental route, between Chicago, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma.
Booklets giving complete information about thit electrification project fit* on request.
J. R. POTT, Dist. Pass. Agt.
Room* M5-M Park Hid*.. Ilttflburich, Pa.
Talented Elocutionist Wins
in Normal School Contest
-#, -, t ;^ : ' ■• , ;„ ;.y.'
: M v '
.?' *. •; ' : f ; ; ". ' , •'' I '-- V; "-T-f,
Columbia. Pa_ May 20. Miss
Sara daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Glatfelter. a member of
the graduating class of the High
School, won the elocutionary contest
In Ihe annual Spring day exercises at
the Mlllersvllle Normal School,
which vsw open to pupils of high
schools. Miss Glatfelter's mother is
a popular elocutionist and Shake
spearean reciter. She has appeared
before audiences in ILancaster. York
and other towns and possesses rara
literary attainments. Her daughter
has exhibited the same literary ability
and is an elocutionist of more than
ordinary talent.
Dauphin Minister Attends
Assembly at Atlantic City
Dauphin. Pa., May 20.- William Bell
Gross left on Tuesday for Salisbury
Beach. Mass.. where he will spend tho
summer. Howard Bayley, of The
Touraine. New York City, spent the
week-end at his summer bungalow, on
the mountainside. Mrs. Alice B.
Hess and Mrs. Ira Fisk, of New York
City, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Patterson >'lark. Thomas < 'raw
ford. who was the guest of T. A.
Sweitaer. has returned to his home in
Pittsburgh. Mrs. Robert Fulton
Stirling has returned home from a visit
with relatives at ISaltimore. Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Bowman and Harry
Bowman, of Harrisburg, and Mrs.
Charles Bailetts and sons. Earl and
Marlln Balletts. of Halifax, were re
cent guess of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Bowman ai Speeoeville. The Rev.
Robert Fultln Stirling, pastor <«f the
Presbyterian Church, attended the
Presbyterian GaneraJ Assembly at At
lantic City this week. - Miss Mary
Ijeib and Miss Rudy, of Harrisburs,
were the guests of Miss Bertha Sellers
on Saturday. Mrs. John Bowman,
of Mt. Pleasant, was the week-end
guest of Mrs. 1. Lane Long. Miss
Helen Henijinger has returned home
from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Chas.
Bowman, of Kenovo. Miss Amy
Walker, of Steel ton. was the week-end
gues* of Mrs. i. K_ Williams. Mrs. j
Botuxer, of Cr»-ssotLa; 11m George By- I
ers. of High spire, and Mrs. Lawrence j
Banks, of Harrisburg. spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. John I-oter. — 1
Miss Anna Hoffman has returned |
home from the Harrisburg Hospital
where site had her tonsils removed. —
Mrs. William Coiver and sons. Floyd
and William, of Speeoeville, spent ,
Wednesday at Harrisburg.
Lancaster. Pa., May 20.—While flit
ting grass outside the county prison
walls esterday afternoon Frank Rog
ers. a trusty, escaped and is still at
large. He was serving a three-.vear
term for burglary and only had three
montiis yet to serve.
Wilkes-Bane, Pa.. May 20. The
bodies of four men who lost their lives
in an explosion and tiro in the Hollen
back Mine on March 9 were recovered
to-day. after the mine had been un
sealed. The body of William Kuzlnsky I
is missing.
Descendents of Late RobL
Kennedy Visit Homestead
By Carrmtvmdnx*
Gnwaidle, Pa., May 20. —Miss Su- i
vHI» Brendlo wu graduated from th»
GexOeld Training School tor nurses at
W«ihln<t<in. D. C.. on Thursday. Mis.,
Urendle has been appointed night 1
superlntenda: at the Qarfleld hospi
tal- Mrs. Alice Hollar has entered
the Hagerolow-n hospital fior treatment |
for a nervous breakdown. —The Rev. !
William B. Cooke of Harris burg ooru
piedl the pulpit of the Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. A congregational
meeting will be held next Sunday for
the purpose of calling a pastor. —,
James Bbbert and family of York are
guests In the homo of Mrs. J&nnle Hu
bert. Mian Jennie Helsey of Balti
more is the guest of Mrs. Gertrude 1
PhUUps. Mrs. Watson Coleman of I
Washington, D. C., Is vluttfaig A. J. |
McUaihaS. J. O. Craig has been'
elected a member of the Qroencastle
school board to succeed the late Dr.
K. W. Palmer. Ura El Ira.both Hary
of Pittsburgh, la visiting her parents.
Mr. and Km J. K. Kelbert. Harvey '
D. Blnklev h» the honor of having
the (Jypei's Incubator Company adopt
his method of oooltng eggs Cor hatch
ing purposes. Mr. Blnkley has suc
ooasfully handloC 4,000 eggs this
Spring, making the remarkable record !
of 76 per cent, of eggs handled batch- j
ed successfully. Memorial Day will
be observed In GreencasNe next Tucs- i
day, an Interesting program has been
arranged for Cedar IflU Cemetery —j
Nine of the deooendanta of the late
Robert Kennedy came to ureenoaatle
from Philadelphia Wednesday. and
visited the John Miller farm, the old
Kennedy homstnad. T. W. Brendle
and daughter. Miss BUaaboth, spent 1
the past woek at Washington. D. C.
Union C. E. Society
Awards Attendance Banner
By Sprcial Corrttpondnct
Mniianinilraic. Pa.. May 10.—At a
rawttag of the executive board of the
I'nion Christian Endeavor Society In
the Presbyterian Church on Monday
evening. Robert H. HOSP was elected
president. The banner for the larg
est percentage of members present at
the last meeting goes to the Grace
I'nited Evangelical Society.—The Rev.
.lames Spear, of Orange. Gal., enrotite
to attend the Presbyterian assembly in
session at -Atlantic City, spent some
time here, the guest of his sister-in
law. Miss Clara Tltael.—The Rev. Mr.
Stonesifer, of Wilmington. Del., for
merly pastor of the Church of God
here, was the guest of Dr. J. B. Span-
Rler this week. The Rev. H. Hall
Sharp, pastor of Trinity Lutheran
Church; the Rev. S. S. Games, pastor
of Trindle Spring Lutheran Church,
and George B. Hoover ware In Cham
bersburg attending the Cumberland
Valley Conference of the Lutheran
Church. Dr. G. M. Eckels, who was
undergoing treatment at the Harrls-
burg Hospital, has returned to his
home, greatly improved. Mrs. J. V.
Miller was a week-end visitor at Car
lisle. Miss Mary Myers has returned
home after spending some time in
Rutherford. N. J., and New York. She
wi" leave shortly for the Children's
House in Chelsea, where she
has accepted a positon for the sum
mer. The annual Spring festival of
the Citiien Fire Company will be held
at the enginehouse on Saturday even
ing. June 3.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Z.
Ployer were Carlisle visitors. On
Thursday evening the St. Mark's Lu
theran Bible Class held a social at the
home of Mrs. Henry Hertaler.
By Sptcial Comsfondtnc*
Blain, P«.. May 30.—The Rev. J. W.
Keener and delegate-elder, J. A. Sny
der attended the meeting of Carlisle
Cl&ssls of the Reformed Church held
at Marysville.—B. B. Balthazer of Har
risburg. visited his home here.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Fliokinger. of Lancaster,
visited the Rev. and Mrs. Knox.—The
Re\. J. C. Keighard attended a direc
tors meeting at the Lutheran Theologi
cal Seminary at Gettysburg on Thurs
day.—Dr. W. H. Fllckinger went to
Maryland.—Miss Florence Gutshall and
George Shreffler. of KUiottsburg. visit
ed here on Sunday.—Cyrus Stoke, Ed
mund Book. John Martin, Miss Edith
Bistline and Miss Myrtle Shuman mo
tored to Shippensburg Saturday.
Burns Readily and Specimens Have Been Sent Away For
Analysis; Gettysburg's A'eu> Fire Truck to Arrive in June
Gettysburg, Pa., May 20. Geltys
buries new motor fire engine, pur
chased some time ago will he deliver
ed here during June and will be a six
cylinder engine instead of four, the
company having noyiied the borough
authorities to that effect. ln digging
a well at his residence in l.atlmore
township David Wagner discovered a
rein of black rock much resembling
ooal and which burns readily. Speci
mens of the rock have been sent to a
chemist for analysis. Ex-Judge 8.
MoC. Swops has accepted an invita
tion to deliver the Memorial Day
oration at Hanover. The girls of
the High School staged a three-act
comedy entitled "Catching Clara" for
the benefit of the boys' athletic club.
Miss Helen Hupp was given a
kitchen shower by the members of the
choir of St. James 1-utheran church,
of which she is a member. Miss Rupp
will be married next month to the
Mrs. Jennie Hoy Hostess
to Missionary Society
By Sptaial Corrttpondence
Montaudon. Pa., May 20.—Members
of the Missionary Society of the Iyevris
bwrg Evangelical Church spent Tues
da) at the home of Mrs. Jennie Hoy.
At the noon hour dinner was served
to Mrs. Crumbling, Mrs. William Far
ley and son, Mrs. J. A. Hummel, Mrs.
H. Groover, Mrs. A. G. Brown, Mi9s
Prnith, Mrs. F. L Dershem, Mrs. Jack
son Gellinger, Mrs. Arthur Helm and
son. Mm John Smith. Mrs. Weinck,
Mrs. H. Lebklcker and daughter, Mrs.
H. Baamgardner, Mrs. Edith Allen,
Mrs. A brain Mertz. Mrs. J. W. Delffen
derfer. Mrs. James Farley, Mrs. H.
Cornelius. Miss Dorothy lrvin. of
Lewisburg: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hock
enberry and son and Mrs. Cotner, of
Sunbury; the Rev. and Mrs. F L. Art
ley Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hockenberry,
Mrs. Frank Friep. Mrs. James Stiner.
Mrs. Myron Fail child, Mrs. Angus
Fail-child, Mrs. Dewitt Fairchild, .sirs.
Michael Faubeon. Mrs. James Kooncy.
Mrs. Elmer Kooney, Mrs. Jennie Hoy,
Anna IJneberg, Anna Fairchild, May
and Viola Hockenberry, Verna Ker
stfctter, of Montandon. Mrs. P. J.
Roberts has returned from a visit at
Shamokin with her sister, Mrs. Fred
Barr.—Mrs. Alice Garber was a vis
itor at Mifflinburg.—Earl Shuck ami
family spent Sunday at Mitlon.—Mrs.
Frank Fries spent Sunday with Miss
Anna Baker at Vicksburg.—Mrs. l.ee
Grimm is visiting her parents at Hem
Some Came Home by Jitney
and Some by Lykens Train
Hy Special Correspondence
Halifax. Pa., May 20.—George Get
terholY and family, of Kishervllle, spent
Sunday at the home of P. W. Fetter
hofl.—-Charles Sweigard. of Altoona,
Is spending some time with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Sweigard.—
August Baughinan and family, of
Steelton, spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Glace.—Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cooper and son Joseph,
of Dauphin, spent Sunday at the home
of George Cooper.—John E. Meredith,
of Matamoras, and Mrs. Susan Kreiner,
of this place, were married at Lykens
on Wednesday evening by the Kev.
Charles Slinghoff. The young couple
will make their home at Matamoras-. -
■Miss Margaret Wolstenholme, of Phila
delphia, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Frederick Smith.—Mrs. W. A. Millard
and two sons. Daniel and Abner, of
PI) mouth, are spending some time at
the home of her mother. Mrs. Sarah
Pike.—On Sunday John Clemson took
a number of his Iriends on an auto
mobile ride. Between Halifax and
Elizabethville they had five blow-outs.
Seine came home Sunday evening by
jitney, while the others were com
peiled to wait for Lykens Accommo
dation Monday morning. The car was
taken to a garage at Elizabethville.—
Elmer E. Datigherty spent several
days at Harrisburg and Carlisle.—State
High School Inspector Koch, of Har
risburg, visited the high school here
on Monday afternoon.—The Rev. and
Mrs. George Richter, of Coatesviile,
spent several days with his mother,
Mrs. Anna Richter. —Mr. and Mrs. M.
11. Gingerioh, of Middletown, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Detweiler were visitors at
the I'nited Brethren parsonage on Sat
urday.—Mrs. E. F. Blever. of Wat
sontown, was the guest of Mrs. Mary
Biever on Sunday.—Curt Cratzer, of
Atlantic City, X. J., spent Sunday at
the home of his father, John Cratzer.
—Mrs. Raymond Em'-ers and children
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Helt, at Enders.—The
Halifax Boy Scouts have ordered new
uniforms.—Earnest Brubaker, of Al
toona, spent Sunday at the home of
his mother. Mrs. B. B. Brubaker.
Aluminum Shower For Girl
Who Was Married Today
By Special Correspondence
Waynesboro, Pa.. May 20.—Miss Cor
nelia Potter, daughter of Justice of the
Peace J. A. Potter and Mrs. Potter, was
tendered an aluminum shower at her
home Monday evening by a number of
her girl friends. Miss Potter will be
married this afternoon to Jules Bernd
fo'~>er!v of Texas, but who has resided
here for several years. Wayne N.
Clugston has been elected assistant
business manager of The the
official organ of Lafayette College
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Shank and
daughter. Miss Nellie Shank, left this
week for a six weeks' trip to the West.
—Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Todd and
daughter. Miss Isabel Todd, spent gome
time in Baltimore. Postmaster and
Mrs. J. W. Warehime and Mr. and Mrs
John M. Newcomer spent the week-end
at Baltimore. Mrs. Carl Westerblad
entertained the members of the Stan- i
dard Bearers of the Methodist Episco
pal Church. Howard S. Coble who
recently returned to his home here from
Shanghai. China, has gone to Reming- 1
ton. Conn., where he will spend several
} Irß - J «hn B. Epply. of Union
Bridge. Md.. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Letter, Hagerstown, Md., spent the 1
week-end a* the guests of Mr. and Mrs ;
William B. Enn'- Wilfred Har- :
baugh. George Good and Ambrose
Thompson, of Gettysburg College, sDent
the week-end with their parents, here.
—Mrs. M. J. Davis and daughter have
returned from a visit with relatives in
By Special Correspondence
Sliipopnsburg, Pa., May 20. Mrs
Herbert Green, who spent the last
three weeks at Newv!lle. has returned
home. A Shakespeare pageant was
given In the normal chapel on Thurs
day evening.—The veterans and sons
and daughters of veterans marched In
a body to the Church of God Sundav
where a special Mother s Day sermon
was preached by the Rev. S. N Good
—The Memorial Day sermon will be
preached on Sunday, May 28, at the
Presbyterian Church by the Rev. John
D. Lindsay. Andrew Kvilhawk has
been appointed street commissioner to
succeed John Deihl. —Mrs. Renjamin
Mozingo went to visit, her son in
Philadelphia and while there suffered
two strokes of paralysis.
Rev. David Bhalter, who graduates
from the seminary this year. A
summer school will bo conducted at
Gettysburg College for six weeks this
summer. When the norse which
they were driving scared at an auto
mobile Misses l>lehl and DeardorfT, of
Arendtsville, and Miss Janie Wible.
of this place, were thrown from the
buggy and all were slightb injured.
A party of town people consisting of
Miss Elizabeth VanCleve, Messrs.
I Charles and John Butt, Philip R.
i Blkle, and Fleck and Hurd, of the col
lege, are being entertained at a house
party at Virginia Beach. Two hun-
I dred thousand bricks are lost at the
Carhaugh Brick Manufacturing plant
at Berlin Junction, because limestone
got mixed with the clay before burn
ing. A collection was taken in the
j College Church on Sunday to be given
to the tire company towards the new
l engine and almost S3U was raised.
, Fifty New Houses Being
Built in Ephrata Borough
By Special Cotrrtpondtnct
Kphrata, Pa., May SO. Ephrata is
enjoying a building boom this season
and between fifty and sixty new homes
:tre in process of erection or plans
are being made for their building.
Builders and contractors and their
forces of men are kept busy. Com- j
mencement exercises of the Ephrata
high school will be held In the Grand
theater on Thursday evening. May
-5. There are twenty graduates. ,
eleven boys and nine girls. An excel
lent and varied program has been ar-1
ranged. The baccalaureate sermon to !
the graduates will be preached In the;
I'nited Brethren Church on to-mor
row evening by the Rev. J. M. Wal-1
ters. The Alumni Association of the
Ephrata high school will hold the an
nual public meeting in the Grand the
ater on Wednesday evening, May 24,
at which time the class of 1906 will
celebrate the tenth anniversary of
their graduation. Dr. Harry B. Bal
thoser. 'O6. of Philadelphia, will de
liver the address.—Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Clay Hauck, of Portland, Ore., visit
ed relatives here during the week. Mr.
Hauck left this section in 1879. .17 1
years ago. and this is his first visit!
East. Joseph T. Evans, who has!
been seriously ill at his home here for;
it he past ten days, is slowly improving!
| —Sixty-three members of Lancaster,'
Ephrata, Lincoln and Hopeland P. O. t
! 8. of A. camps recently paid a frater-|
nal visit to Lebanon P. O. S. of A. Xo.
254. and witnessed a class initiation
of 21 members.
Theater Receipts Given to
Lykens High School Team
IHy Special Correspondence
Lykens, Pa., May 20. Mrs. W. H.
I Cooper spent several days at Harr's
i burg recently. Mrs. John Helden
i way spent several days with her par
j ents at Cressona. —Miss Vera Cooper,
ja dressmaker of Lykens, has moved
(to Wllliamstown. Mrs. Harry l,ow.
iof Harrisburg spent a few days with
i her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John O'-
Gorek. W. V. Barrett went to Eddy
stone. X. J., where he has secured em
ployment. ltay Good resigned his
position with the Prudential Insurance
; Company and went to Steelton where
he has secured employment. The
athletic association of the Lykens high
school rented Budd's theatorium on
Friday evening. The proceeds of the
evening were turned over to the fin
ance committee to pay for guarantees
of visiting teams and for the suits
bought for the baseball team this year.
| —Charles Beldenmiller of Wilkes-
Barre, spent a short time in Lykens
this week. George and Homer Bea
dle returned to Detroit, Mich., after
ispending some time with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beadle. The
] Rev. A. H. Soulliard spent some time
at Harrisburg recently. S. E. Blyler,
proprietor of the Glen House, spent
several days at Harrisburg.
War Veteran Goes to Capitol
to See Flag He Carried
By Special Correspondence
Tower City. Pa.. May 20. Mr. \
and Mrs. Reiser of Wiconlsco, spent 1
Sunday with their son here. Missj
Grace Kuntzieman and her mother l
were Harrisburg visitors this week.—
Mrs. Wm. A. Kutz was sent as a dele- I
gate to the Women's Missionary So- !
ciety from the United Evangelical
, church and Mrs. Thomas Moscr as
delegate of the Society of the United |
i Evangelical church at Muir, to Myers-!
town, where the annual convention Is,
being held. flenry Bressler spent;
the week-end with his daughter at j
' Philadelphia. William Searer spent j
several days in Philadelphia, making j
the trip by auto. Mrs. S. Good and
her father. Mr. Stout, are enjoying aj
I visit to relatives at Harrisburg. Mr. j
Stout is a veteran of the Civil War
and is about 87 years old. He expressed |
a desire to go to Harrisburg to see
the flag he carried in the war, which
is kept in the capitol. Mrs. David
Miller and children returned from
; Mahantonga where she enjoyed a two
weeks' visit to her parents. Mrs.
| Harry Houtz was $ Williamstown
visitor during the week.
By Special Correspondence
Thompaontonn. Pa., May 20.—Mr.
iand Mrs. Thompson Leonard, of Mexico,
i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Sam
juel Leonard on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs.
Solomon Bashore, of MifHintown; Mr.,
and Mrs. Ira Bashore and daughter, of !
near Oakland Mills, were guests of W.
\R. I>on k on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. H. I
Z. Powers spent the week-end l with |
James A. Cameron at Millersville.—Mrs.
j Samuel Thomas and four children, of
! Altoona, are visiting her parents, Mr.
' and Mrs. Robert Colyer.—Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Zeigler," E. G. Jones and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long. Mrs. J.
|G. Haldeman and Miss Pearl Halde
man were recent guests of Mr. andl
j Mrs. A. P. Dumm. of Kurtz Valley.—
| Mrs. Cyrus Carvell, Mrs. Almyra Lo-|
'gan, Mrs. William Smith and the Rev.!
and Mrs. J. A. Garver were delegates
i from the Methodist Sunday school, and
the Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Trelbley, Mrs.
iC. A. Melser. Misses Bertha Kearns,
j Mary Melser, Flo Treiblef, the dele- j
gates from the Lutheran Sunday school, |
attended the county convention at Aca
demia.—Mrs. Harry Lloyd, of Altoona,
was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. ,
Edward S. Thompson. Miss Jennie
Herr, of Altoona. was called home on [
account of the illness of her sister, I
Miss Mary Herr.—Mr. and Mrs. \
uel Zeiders, of Philadelphia. and i
daughter, of New York, are guests of,
Mrs. Joseph Wetzler.—The Rev. J. C. !
j Collins. D. L>.. of Newport, lectured on i
("Smiles" In the Methodist Church on!
i Wednesday evening.
MAY 20. 1016.
Girl Student Has Perfect
Record For Six Years
i By Special Correspondence
Blaln. Pa., May 20. Miss Sara
Margaret Smith, •who is In her six
teenth year, has attended the public
school at Stony Point, about a mile
from her home for six successive
years without missing a day. Miss
Smith, Is the youngest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith. She
entered the Blaln Joint High School
last Fall and won the s;> gold medal
prize for the best average at the re
cent examination of the Junior class.
She is also a good musician.
Students at Susquehanna
University Organize Band
By Special I'nrresfontlrncr
Selinsjtro* I'a., May 20.
Sflioch, employed at Milton, has re
turned home for a short visit.—Ros
<oe C. Xorth. cashier of the First Na
tional Bank, here, was out of town.—
Mr. anil Mrs. K. A. Wood, of Shamo
kin, were Selinstjrove visitors this
week. —Work on a new sewerage .--ys
tem for SelinsKTOve, it is understood,
will start in the near future. The
work is held hack by a scarcity of
workmen. fusciuehanna University
has purchased a complete set of band
has purchased a complete set of l and
instruments and the students nave
effected an organization, to he led by
I.er Donach.v, an expert cornet player.
—Charles Hendricks has purchased
the Amis property In Market street.
DO YOU know | HER HAIR ceased falling oat
WHAT I saw today? I THE ITCHING stopped.
A GIRL with the most SHE WAS delighted
RIGHT THEN to find out IS THE finest thing
WHERE SHE got it, THERE IS to make
SO I asked her. J THE HAIR soft and fluffy
SHE WAS just as nice AND INCREASE its beauty.
ABOUT IT as could be. 1 D,DN ' T like
WHAT DO you think she said; WHEN SHC told m ®
LOOK JUST like mine.
THEN SHE went on . mnlu , T .
rr . . I DIDN'T know my
TO TELL me .. ~„ . nm;r .
HER HAIR used to be
DULL. BRITTLE and lifeless. VJ™ ** told
TO ACCUMULATE. r,c u I Herp,C,d *
IT IS sold everywhere
HER SCALP itched YOl) CAN get
AND WAS hot and feverish. | A SMALL sample bottle
SHE TRIED everything. BY SENDING ten cents
NOTHING DID much good, TO THE Herpicide Company
SHE COULD see DEPT. 138-B, Detroit, Michigan.
THE FIRST application ; A BOOK about hair
THE DANDRUFF disappeared. | | MET th at today>
J Soft Scouring Compound
1 \
;! The mighty FOUR cent punch at dirt J
jj It's good FOUR all cleaning S
J It's bad FOUR all dirt J
J It's wonderful FOUR washing the hands jfe
It's fine FOUR housecleaning
!• Does more work than powders—does not waste >
| Only FOUR Cents j
I At Your Grocers jj
An Amount You Can Easily Set Aside Month by j;
Month Will Make You Independent
€1 We shall be glad to explain the details of our system of monthly !'
saving. 11
«J Through 30 years these monthly deposits have earned nor less than ''
6.64%. ;!
O If you do not live to mature your shares with us, we pay SIOOO to ''
your beneficiary in addition to your savings with interest at 5% to date. <'
H This is worth investigating.
j Harris. B. &L. Ass'n. Penn Mutual Life Ins. Co. i |
Harrtsburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa.
! Address all communications to ; |
E. R Eckenrode 604 Kunkel Building jj
Big Audience Greatly Enjoys
Vocal and Instrumental Num
bers and Artistic Readings
New Employes' Association
Will Meet at Garrett House,
Elizabeth town, Wednesday
Hersliey, Pa., May 19.—The concert
I given last evening by the Hershey
Choral Society was an important mu
sical event. An audience that filled
the park theater enjoyed the well
j arranged program,/ which Included
vocal and instrumental numbers. Miss
Elizabeth It. Johnson's violin solos,
I "Ave Maria," by Schubert, "Pigandoit,"
by Monsigny, and "Rondtno," by Kreis
ler, were artistically rendered. A read
ing by Miss Kathryn lvreider. "Michael
Comes Into His Own," was a pleasing
feature. The men's chorus gave sev
eral selections and the society scored
in its classical numbers. —Employes of
lho Hershey Store Company have
formed an association with S. D. Clark,
president; R. F. Hull, vice-president;
Miss Anna secretary; John R.
Zoll, treasurer. They will hold a ban
quet at the Garrett House. Elizabeth
town. Wednesday evening.—TheSprlng
entertainment of the Young Women's
Christian Association was held Tues
day evening in the Hershey Park The-
I ater. The glee club gave a delightful
i rendition of the cantata, "The T>ady of
! Slialott." Mrs. Ada C. Bowman. Miss
Ethel Henry and Miss Alice E. Rolli
sor. were the sololsls. "The Dress lte
, hearsal," a comedy In one act, received
much applause. Miss Martha Trace,
Miss Mary G. Burcli and Miss Nancy
W.*7anan directed the entertainment.
—A striking feature of the park is
the handsome statue of a deer, on a
large new concrete base, with artistic
urns filled with flowers. It stands near
I the entrance. James Putt made the
designs and the molds.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Marris Wenger was the
scene of a pretty wedding when Mr.
Wenger's sister, Miss Fannie Weneer,
and C. Park Mowery were married by
| the Rev. Ira Klick.—The volunteer fire
company realized more than $ 1 ,X(Mi
from its fair, attended by nearly 4,000
; persons. Amnion Gingrich has re
j turned from the Harrisburg Hospital,
| where he was confined for twenty-one
] weeks with compound fracture of hoth
' legs, sustained in a fall of seventy-lve
feet through an open elevator shaft.