Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Manufacturers' Relief Sale I
Never Such Values Before
The Sensation of the Manufacturers' Relief Sale
Wff Our Buyer returned from Philadelphia
and New York with additional big pur
chase at prices that enable you to save
"Vlt one-half and more.. Not on sale last Fri
/ da y at t^ie beginning of the Great Manu
facturers' Relief Sale. This is the last- J
minute news and wonderful news, in
-500 Women's $8.50 and QQ
Dresses vT«I/0
B They are fashioned of silk poplins in
R numerous style effects. Each one new
SMNSR rß&lslii !■ and correct f° r tbis season.
fi Women's $12.50 and sls (J» Q *7 EL
Silk Dresses
j Women's $22.50 and tf* 1 O A Q
{j $27.50 Silk Dresses ...
New Flare Women's $12.50 Check Suits for $5
——«■— ——•
Also Most Wonderful Bargain News
$20,122.50 & $25 suits for $12.98 & $14.88
This is clearance from our own higher priced stocks, that created
such wonderful talk for the smartness of the styles and the great
values they embraced at their respective higher prices. They are all
embraced now at these price*—fashioned of all the wanted materials
of the season—all newest styles—and all sizes represented.
Women's Women's Women's
$lO and $12.50 •£-»»
Coats, $4.98 Coats, $7.98 $9.90 & $11.50
I Jumper priced store ]
35 German Socialists
Shot For Peace Activity
Geneva, Switzerland, May 12. —Swiss
Socialists report they have received
information that thren German offi
cers and thirty-two soldiers, all Social
ists. have been shot for distributing in
the trenches a pamphlet concerning
the second Socialist peace conference
Banish Rheumatism
Catarrh, Malaria '
i and all Blood Auistl A
Infections by Nature in HerXM mSIWI
the use of Work
S. S. S. The work of S. S. S. it to pS j IW sm *' ra) -
t>s»t Nature beck to normal E& i «vuuSm!t*r
when the natural process of throw- \rFk\ us^
ing of! poisons becomes unbalanced fn& '
t^lc blood infected, No human \r, Iran i r - "T, L
immnne from Wood infection. But every- IKSJi "
one >ias in S. S. 3. the means to combat blood jjsg j ftto-StOOftrltflte.
impurities, as welt as a way to bring renewed raj **,*** ' JcV
health and rigor *o the entire ay stem. 2& Ar
S. 8. the wonderful vegetable remedy, is fr)
>(Sv in a clmi by itsoM, And has maintain<4 >gj M awe 1 5PCOKQI
its merit orer a period at fifty year*. m'l'rTmmiMi
If yon demand all that's pnre and fgfc,
safe. a H yon should ao. in a Ej* |
blood tonic—then it's S. S. S, lr tlt -
Frem that you demand. *^SfSFS^SfP
•dries |Wen
SirrtJ'f Nbv y<y Get a Bottle of S. S. S. f at
D«pt. Room 324 your druggist and start treat*
The Swift Specific Co. Atlanta, Ca. ment today.
Qasoline 17 Cents
Guaranteed Noninjurious to Motor or Connections
TRIAL PINT CAN Jreatg to 160 Ga , g Gago i ine
SI.OO Sent prepaid upon receipt of price.
MOTOR-VIM CO., Inc. 1270 Broadway, New York
ij When You Have Time ij
i| For a Smoke, Don't Take ij
Any Chances, Light a
j; 5c CIGAR !
]: and Get the Enjoyment
ij You Are Entitled to.
You Play Safe With This
ij 25 Year Old Quality Brand ;
<: John C. Herman & Co. I
s Harrisburg, Pa. i
lat Zinimerwald, near Berne.
At this conference protests were
made by Socialists of many countries
against methods of warfare which the
delegates said had been adopted by
the Germans.
Annville, Pa., May 12.—Samuel Ben
der was named as collector for the
special tax for oiling the town's streets
by the committee of five superintend
Story No. 4
Plot by George Bronson Howard.
Novelization by Huqh C. Weir.
Copyright Kalem Company.
I Continue* from l rntrndar.)
This had given the bearded man
his chance. Mona had learned that he I
was registered as Dr. Ransom, and ha
had managed, in some wav, to in- ;
einuate himself into Mrs. 'MaLean'a
good graces. So it had come about
that It was he. and not Brown, who
was now her physician. Moreover his
treatment had already proved itself
beneficial. After two days Letty was i
able to walk with more freedom and j
her pain seemed considerably reduced.
"They say it's really Dr. Brown s !
treatment that has helped her," Mona
reported. "I've got to be quite friend
ly with her maid. She ea.vn Mrs Mc
]<ean didn't give his treatment a fair
chance—that he had told her from
the start, that the effect wouldn't be
apparent at once, but took time to
"Keep up with her maid," advised
Mary. "I shouldn't wonder at all if
there might be a chance for you to
succeed her."
"I've thought of that, too," said 1
Mona. with a shudder. "Ugh! Think
of having to be a slave to thSt nasty
old woman, even for a few days!
Still— l won't back out, if that seems
to be the way!"
"I'm puzzled about this Dr. Ran- I
som," said Mary. "I wish they'd hur
ry up and answer my telegrams!
Every time I eee him I'm more cer
tain that I've seen or heard of him |
somewhere, but there'e some puzzling
thing- that eludes me when 1 try to
remember him. It's as if he'd changed
his appearance in some fashion."
"I know," Mona nodded. "It bothers
me the same way. There ought to ;
be a mall from the North in now—
I'll go down and see if anything has
In a few minutes she was back, and
brought a couple of letters with her.
K»fh opened one, and each cried out In
"Dr. Hyosclne!" cried Mary.
"That's who it is! The man who was
BO nearly caught and sent to prison In
the Twilight Sleep fraud! Do you re
member? His real name wasn't
known "
"And they called him 'Hyoscine' be
cause he's the man who suggested the
way that drug could be used criminal- 1
ly! Oh. of course! And I know why
•we were puzzled, too—it's that beard!
He has grown that lately."
"Yes—here's a photograph of him I
without the beard," said Mary. "It's
the same man—there's no sort of doubt
about that! And he's I,etty McLean's
doctor!' 1
The Doctor Triet to Bleed Letty.
"Don't you suppose he's become her
doctor just to bleed her and get her
money from her?"
"He couldn't have any other object,
eould he? A man with his record'"
"Of course not!" said Mona.
"Mona—l'd about decided that we
might as well go home! But I think
Dr. Hyoscine may save the dav for
us! We couldn't have done anvthlng
with Letty. But if he gets a lot of
money out of her—why shouldn't we
get it out of him, in turn?"
Mona stared at her.
"I don't see how—•' she said, doubt
"Neither do I—yet! But the man's
a swindler. That's why he has a
chance with Letty! No honest man
could get anything from her! And
unless I'm greatly mistaken we'll find
that this Dr. Hyoscine Isn't so -very
different from some of the other men
we've seen lately. We'll find that he
'has some weakness that will play
into our hands."
"I'd love to think eo!" aaid Mona.
"I loathe the man—lie's the sort I've
never been able to understand. And
that type is supposed to be fascinating
to women, too!
"I think he banks a good deal on
that," said Mary, with a dangerous
glint in her eye. "That's one reason
I'd like to teach him a lesson."
"Well—l'm with you there! what's
the first move? I think I'm under
your orders this time!"
"Try to make Letty's maid as dis
contented as you can. As for me—
I've got to make friends with Dr. Hy
oscine. I think I've had a little re
lapse and that I need a doctor."
"I'll call Dr. Hyoscine, if that's the
case." said Mona.
But Mary had a better plan than i
that even. A day or so later, in the
corridor near her room, she had a
fainting spell—and timed it so that
it was Dr. Hyoscine who saw her and
went to her aid. Under his skilled
ministrations she soon came to her
self, and was touching In her grati
tude. The doctor was greatly im
pressed; Mary was well enough ac
customed to the ways of men to read
the meaning in his eyes.
"You must be careful,' he told her. i
"And I really think you'd better let
me keep an eye on you In a profes
sional way, for the next few days. Un
less, of course, you already have a
doctor of your own."
"I haven't," said Mary wistfully.
"Oh, I'd be so glad If you would. Doc
tor! I'm sure I could trust you—and
I've had so many unfortunate experi
ences with doctors since I have been
! HI."
"You mar depend upon me!" he as
sured her.
Mrs. McLean, meanwhile, became
more and more difficult for her un
fortunate maid to live with. Dr. IHy
; osclne, it seemed, fascinated her. She
submitted without difficulty to his
I rules and instructions, and the man,
even if he was a charlatan, unques
tionably knew the proper treatment
< for her disease. The diet he ordered
! for her, and the course of waters and
baths, brought about a swift Improve
ment in her condition. She was great
ly Impressed, and she was tickled, too.
by the deference of his manner toward
her. He had, moreover done a very
; clever thing. She had mentioned,
timidly, the matter of money, and he
had waved the suggestion aside.
To Be Continue* Tomorrow,
1.1 Yl AX Hl'Nti MADK
Peking, May 11. Dispatches from
Canton announce that the southern ]
provisional government, which has !
been organized at Canton by the revo
lutionary generals, has proclaimed Li j
Yuan-Hung president.
The revolutionists have also formed I
a war cabinet with Tang t'hi-Yao as I
chairman and Tse-Chun-Ssuan vice
Special to the Telegraph
Itlain, Pa.. May I«.—The junior i
class dramatic troupe of the high .
school will repeat its comedy-drama,
",\ Daughter of the Desert." in 'he I
town luUl on Sut urda> evening. j
119 Reasons Why You Should I
Shop Saturday at I
I Cut-Rate Medicine Store, 321 Market Street
M We Are Never Under told; We Meet All Advertised Prices
I Kennedy'* Kennedy's Kennedy's Kennedy's
B Everyday Saturday Sale Kveryday Saturday Sale
Prlees Price IMm Price
34c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream Sic*' 34c Pebeco Tooth Paste 290
j $3.00 Horlick's Malted Milk ... $12.75 17c Woodbury's Facial Cream 150
75c Borden's Malted Milk 090 14c Squibb's Talcum Powder 120
j $1.90 Nestle's Food SI.BO 17c Frostilla 150
§| 67c Bromo Seltzer 570 19c Azurea Talcum Powder 17<•
17c Carbona : 150 83c Azurea Face Powder 790
67c Phelp's Rheumatic Elixir 490 23c Roger & Gallet s Rice Powder >2lO
17c Munyon's Remedies 120 13c Mennen's Talcum 110
I 49c Jad's Salts 410 17c Amolin Powder 150
j 49c Bell's Papayan's t.. 420 34c Palm Olive Cream 290
I 17c Nature's Remedy 150 75c Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder .. 670
17c Tiz 150 17c Hokara Skin Food 150 I •
18c Pond's Extract 150 17c Pond's Vanishing Cream 150
67c Peruna 570 17c Woodbury's Face Powder 150
27c Pluto Water, quart 210 15c Jes Talcum 120
I I 67c Mayr's Stomach Remedy 590 34c Lablache Face Powder 320
34c Lavoris 290 17c Woodbury's Soap 150
49c Hall's Catarrh Cure 450 15c Sanitol Tooth Paste 130
34c Musterole 29c 1 * 27c Java Rice Powder 250
27c Lapactic Pills (S. & D.) 250 34c Milk Weed Cream 290 I
67c Swamp Root 59 0 38c Elcaya Cream , 340
67c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 590 38c Stillman's Freckle Cream 290 B
28c Husband's Magnesia 250 17c Kalpheno Tooth Paste 150
38c Philip's Milk of Magnesia 340 15c Sanitol Tooth Powder 130 I
$1.17 S. S. S SI.OO 12c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum 90
34c Syrup of Figs 290 17c Calox Tooth Powder 150
67c Pierce's Remedies 590 17c Arnica Tooth Soap 120
17c Celery King Tea 150 67c Sal Hepatica 590
17c Omega Oil 150 49c Quinine Pills, 100 390
34c Sloan's Liniment 290 67c Listerine 570
67c Danderine 590. 67c Hood's Sarsaparilla 590
67c Herpicide 59 0 78c Gude's Peptomangan 740
17c Hind's Cold Cream 150 98c Fellow's Syr. Hypophosphites 930
17c Musterine 120 67c Lydia Pinkham's Compound 030
33c Hay's Hair Health 240 34c Canthrox 290
34c Carter's Tea 250 $1.34 Eckman's Alterative $1.19
34c Liquid Veneer 270 75c Resinol Ointment 680
34c Creme de Meridor 240 17c Atwood's Bitters 150
15c Malena Pills 120 38c Cuticura Ointment ,350
34c Make Man Tablets 24 0 55c Mellin's Food 480
14c Carter's Liver Pills 110 67c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur »>9O
17c Neuralgine Tablets 120 23c Castoria, Fletchers > —OO
15c Mentholatum 120 17c Lydia Pinkham's Pills 140
39c Walnutta Hair Stain 250 35c Doan's Kidney Pills 330
34c Sargol Tablets 250 17c Beecham's Pills .150
17c Alexander's Lung Healer 120 34c Diapepsin 290
67c Wampole's Cod Liver Extract 520 17c Lydia Pinkham s Wash 140
17c Hill's Cascara Quinine 120 21c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 190
17c Spiro Powder 120 41c Mary Garden Talcum Powder 360
15c J. &J. Baby Talcum Powder 110 12c William's Talcum Powder 90
17c S-H-A-C Headache Wafers 110 53c Pinaud's Lilac Water ■.. 480
34c Pray's Ongoline 230 19c Roger & Gallet's Talcum 150
17c Pierce's Pellets 120 17c Mum 150
59c Bliss Native Herb Tablets 480 12c Pear's Unscented Soap 90
17c Pray's Rosaline 120 30c Mentholatum 240
17c Palmer's Skin Success 120 8c Acorn Salve 60
17c Euthymol Tooth Paste 120 28c Phenol Sodique 250
17c Jayne's Sanative Pills 110 8c Weber's Alpine Tea 60
I 34c Carmen's Powder 310 17c Colorite 150
1 mr We Have Only One Store in Harrisburg, Which Is
I 321 Market Street
I Opposite Bowman's Department Store