Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 12, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Parents Should
This Splend
Simple Laxative Compound Helps
to Correct Constipation
in Children.
With all children there are times
when the bowels fail to act naturally
and it becomes necessary for the par
ents to administer a remedy. Cathar
tics and purgatives should never be
used as these agents afford only tem
porary relief while their violent action
ahocks the system unduly. Mrs. Eva
V. Gaff, 517 10th St., Washington, D.
0,, says that her little girl, Marie, had
been subject to constipation, and that
she found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin the best remedy because of its
mildness, and now always keeps a bot
tle of it in the house.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
compound of simple laxative herbs,
free from opiates or narcotic drugs of
any kind, and is an ideal remedy for
children because of its mild action and
positive effect. Its use tends to
strengthen the Impaired bowel action
and restore normal regularity.
It is important that parents should
know of a dependable remedy with
no unpleasant after effects, griping or
Vandals Damage Famous
Monument to Washington
Special to the Telegraph
Hagerstown, Md., May 12. lt has
been discovered that a large section of
the famous Washington monument on
South Mountain, near Boonsboro, has
been damaged by vandals. The monu
ment was erected in 18L'6 to the mem
ory of George Washington, and was one
of the first monuments to his memory
in the country. It is built of stone and
originally about 100 feet high and about
thirty feet in diameter at the base. It
is believed that dynamite was used in
blowing in a portion of the wall.
9100.000 1,1 >1 lit:lt KIRK
Special to the Telegraph
Hagerstown. Sid., Slay 12.—The large
mill and two-thirds of the lumber in tiie
yard of the Laurel River Lumber Com
pany. at Jennington, W. Va.. were de
stroyed by fire lste Wednesday night,
the loss being estimated al over SIOO,-
I Nature Needs Aid
You need Health
tascaß&yal Pilli
I Relieve Constipation B
15 doses, 10 cts. 43 doses, 25c I
Nou-greasy Toilet Cream Keep*
the Skin Soft and Velvety In Hough
Weather. An Exquisite Toilet Prep
aration. 25c.
16 K. Third St- and P. R. H. Stattoa
GIBNEY solid tires
No Mastery-Just the Best
50-100 S. Cameron Street
Bdl 2767 Cumberland 711-W
Put on^l ,jjljj
jr your dwelling-house—your barn i
f —your silo —all farm buildings. Use iJ
r Lucas Paint. It will pay premiums in
/ longer life, better protection, higher mar- Y
Jr ket value, better appearance. *
| —Purpotely Made For Every Purpoit— ' |
I are made to unifonn standard—the highest. I
I You can always rely on Lucas long-wear working I
1 quality—real economy. 67 years of paint-making /
I reputation in every can. Lucas Paint cov- /
k crs doublt the space of cheap "mixed" i
I OfeS? |§e! P a ' nt - I* withstands the storms. V
71 Send for important bulletin "Save /
/ Money on Paint" which tolls how. /
iIKTIV 2,9 mark£t st - y
TSw Whenever You Seen Painter— R
Think of LUCAS.
I I T&Gtanl Pahtfr
u 1111 ii! u 1111 nfii mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimilUPHi
strain, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
costs only fifty cents a bottle and can
be procured at any drug; store. To
obtain a trial bottle, free of charge,
write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 454 Wash
ington St.. Monttcello, 111.
Varsity Crews Have Busy Day
in Trials; Trophies For
' Philadelphia, Slay 12. The annual
I Henley regatta takes place to-morrow
|on the Schuylkill. Columbia, Annapolis
and Princeton varsity eights are hei'e
and will have trial spins to-day. Indi
cations pointed to a busy day on the
I river.
There will be a meeting of the Inter
collegiate Rowing Association at a din
i ner to-night, at the Adelphia Hotel.
Settle All Argument*
This organization settled all matters
1 1 concerning boat races between the
various organizations, and to-night's
i meeting- will be attended by the man
agers of the crews representing Har
vard. Yale, Princeton. Cornell, Colum
bia. Pennsylvania and the United States
I Naval Academy, together with many
of the assistant managers.
j There is an act on the Malestlc's bill
I for the last halt of the week that must
not be overlooked, and
l.eo /.nrrell that is the Leo Zarroll
| Trio nt Trio, three men in a won-
Majentlc derful equilibrist ie act.
They have a routine of
very good feats which they put over in
neat stvle. The popular team. Van and
I Sfehenck, are offering a repertoire of
, : new sonfts. and at e duplicating their
hit of the first half of the weekf Three
other pleasing acts complete the bill.
| They are: Mason and Pagan, two men
I in blackface makeup, who offer a good
singing and talking act; Billv "Swede"
I Hal! and Company, presenting a com
edy sketch entitled, "Bud-Weiser," and
the Three Dolce Sisters, three charming
girls, in a refined singing act.
Governor Will Make a Personal
Appeal by Means of Letters
Sent From Capitol
Hundreds of letters will be sent ;
from Governor Brumbaugh's office to
personal friends and to persons who
have been suggested to him as interest- !
ed in his candidacy, asking for their j
support at the primary election next !
Tuesday. Preparation of this list hns j
been under way for some time and in !
addition to persons connected with the
State government, friends of the Gov- !
ernor throughout the State have been
furnishing names. The letters will be 1
on the State's official stationery and
signed by the Governor.
Brumbaugh headquarters is sen-ling
out circulars by the ton in behalf of
the Governor's candidacy and the latest
paper to makes its appearance contains!
the names of the Governor for presi
dent and his slate for delegates and al-;
ternateß-nt-large, Knox for Senator
and Ambler for Auditor General, but:
only John R. K. Scott and D. F. Lafean
for Gongress-at-Large. Senarate cir-1
culars are being sent to each Congres
sional district for the local candidates
j favored by the Governor.
Penrose people are issuing publicity ,
matter containing the pictures of the
| twelve candidates for delegates-at- i
large headed by the Senator.
The people who are boosting the Ford 1
movement have been sending bales of |
the Ford stickers to this city
) Capitol Hill's usual pre-primary exo- !
■ B hegan to-day, the attaches living j
distant parts of the State going to I
their homes. While they all dented or- j
ders to "line up" almost everyone was
proclaiming "personal loyalty" to the
Harmon M. Kephart. who was here
I to-day for a short time, declared there
i n ? doubt whatever of his itotnin- !
! atlon for Stale Treasurer.
I _____
Turn 529 Woodbine St.
Into $3,300 Apartments
I Work on the remodeling of n pri
vate dwelling Into another attractive
' apartment house for the west end of the
l city will begin In a few days when op
erations are started by W. H. Sliue on
52» Woodbine street. The house is
owned by W. C. Helm and the changes
| which are planned by Mr. Helm will
j cost approximately $.1,300. The neees
j snry permit was taken out to-day.
I Milton T. Meyers got a permit to build !
! a single story frame garage In the rear j
|or jf>24 Woodbine street, at a cost of
To-day's realty transfers Included the
I following:
Mary J. Vallerchamp to I. B. Swartz. ;
I pper Paxton; Annie K. Good's assignee i
to John W. Metzger, Londonderry; 11.
I'. Jones to 11. I>. Jackson. Susquehanna
I . Pl n " f " v " each; Katrhia
Matjaslc to ,1. Shunimerlc, Steelton.
,8350; J. Olewlne's executor to Thomas
\\ . Hlosaer, Susquehanna, $1,800; George
A. .'threlner to E. E. Kennedy. Itm
; North Seyententh. and John S. Harris to
L. Sllbert, 1105 North Fifth street, »1
khkrk to ritild
Harry A. Sherk took out a permit j
this afternoon to build a two-and-a
lialf story brick dwelling in Boas 1
street, 120 feet east of Seventeenth,
street at a cost of $3,600.
Failure of the Home Building and
Loan association to make a report for !
1915 to the State banking authorities
led the banking department this after- !
j noon to ask the court for the dissolu
j tion of the institution and the ap
j polntment of a receiver. The court
J fixed May 22 for the hearing. The
officers are T. A. Thorley, president,
H. H. Freeburn, secretary and D. S.
j Blessing, treasurer.
William K. Meyers, this city, and |
| J. B. Calahan, Philadelphia, this aft
ernoon, were appointed auditors by i
the Dauphin county court to examine j
j the accounts of James A. Tanner, re
ceiver for the Liberty and the Lincoln 1
Mutual Fire Insurance Companies of!
| Philadelphia.
32 Local Rotarians
Assist at Organization
of York Rotary Club
I Thirty-two members of the Harris
i burg Rotary Club journeyed to York
i last night where they assisted in the
organization of the York Rotary
Club. Morgan C. Gipe was elected
president. Twenty-five members were
Dinner was served at the Colonial
Hotel. Delegations were present from
this city, Lancaster and Reading. Ar
thur D. Bacon, president of the local
club, was master of ceremonies and j
acting district governor, and the t'ol- !
lowing spoke: President Meek, of the
Reading Club: William S. Essiek, the'
Rev. Mr. Walters of York, Morgan C. j
Gipe of York. Attorney Glessner of j
York, and W. M. Robison of this city, j
Those present from this city were:
Arthur D. Bacon, Ralph W. Dowdell, 1
D. K. Ebersole, George E. Whitney, T.!
B. Carey, Phil. B. Edelsen, H. K. i
Curll, Ed. F. Rowe, C. Harry Kain, j
Jos. H. Wallazz, A. W. Myers. William |
S. Esslck, E. J. Lewis, C. L. Scott, P.'
11. Bailey, Edward B. Black, Clark E.!
Delhi, W. R. MeCord, George E. Brat
tan, S. S. Rutherford, Howard C. Fry,
,1. F. Maclary, D. D. Hanimelbaugh,
David H. Wltman, P. G. Diener, Au
gustus Wildman, George W. Bogar,
John Ileathcote, John H. Nixon, R. C.
Jobe and W. M. Robison.
Big Audience Hears
Lecture on L. V. C.
Graduates of Lebanon Valley Col- j
lege together with persons Interested
in the institrtion, crowded Tech High
School Auditorium, last night to hear a I
lecture given by Prof. 11. H. Shenk
of the college faculty. Prof. Shenk as
sisted by lantern slides showed the ac
complishments made by the college in
the past and what the future will re
Samuel 55. Sliope, president of the
Pennsylvania Educational League,
made the address of welcome and an
nounced the numbers ol' the program.
Dr. G. D. Gossard, president of Leba
non Valley College, gave a short ad
dress. Selections were given by the
musical clubs of the college.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for Miss Mary
Steever, aged .">1 years, who died at the
home of her sister. Mrs. Llllie Stur
geon. 438 Pear street, will be held to
morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Burial
will be made in the Paxtang Cemetery.
Charles E. Kunkle, aged 41 years,
lormerly a resident of this city, died at
his home. In Homestead. Pa., yesterday.
The body will be brought here to-mor
row by Undertaker Charles Mauk. Ser
vices and burial will he made In the
F.ast Harrlshurg Cemetery. He was a
memner of the Good Will Fire Com
pany and the Loyal Order of Moose.
Women's Coats, Suits, Dresses —Millinery—Children's Wear —Men's, Young Men's & Boys' Clothing
9S.lfeitaS<i.l IUIMBSTBH'S ißS.WarktlSt
The first preparedness sale starts to-morrow. ! ING. We're abnormally supplied with so much
The hand-writing was on the wall. Every merchant wearing apparel that we are in a position to set the
must have seen what was coming. But we ACTED! pace in selling, this month, unequalled in our own
Prosperity isn't uniform at present; it's a one-sided history—and that's going some. We aren't holding
affair.' The shoe-making, the munition makers, the back scarce merchandise—customer making is too
automobile makers are at it day and night. But the important; we're seizing this opportunity to make
heads of hundreds of factories have been spending the biggest number of customers, to win the largest
their nights walking the floor, scheming ways to number of friends. To inaugurate an event like this
survive. Our own warehouses are filled with mer- is too much of a challenge to the united competition
chandise. When the advance began we bought of the city to dare attempt it without the values and
heavily on all lines which common sense told us volumes which will substantiate our proposition,
would keep growing dearer as the war kept on— Buy NOW, BUY HERE, buy HEAVILY, buy at
IT DOESN'T TAKE MORE THAN ONE TOOTH tremendous savings which will grow in significance
OF A DOG TO LET YOU KNOW WHAT'S BIT- , as the war goes on.
Women's Reduced Women's Apparel DfCSSCS
Tailored Coats Ladies' Suits wM,ie »t an a e -
Serges, whipcords, worsteds, script ions. Silks, serges, pop
double-face sports cloth, wool XN orsteds, gaberdines, pop- lies, combinations, crepes, won
velonrs and poplins—fashionable IS ' taffetas and silk poplins. >»avy, derful models, at wonderful sav
plain colors, checks and mix- smart, checks, green, white, black and ings.
lerna Jrtmolrt KwUriels- »car. stn™h"and' dSu-tXS, Dresses, $1.98
plain and trimmed—all sizes in ?P»rts, travel and dressy models- H<'_> V ashab e Dresses, $2.48
the lot, but not in each stvle nor included are copies of foreign suits— J>-3o Washable Dresses, $3.98
fabric. * all from high-class makers—all sizes sb.7o Washable Dresses, $4.85
$6 00 Coats S3 98 " lot * $12.50 Silk and Serge Dresses,
dn'ry- 1, Sr 'of $16.50 value, $9.98 $15.00 Silk and Poplin Dresses,
$9.75 Coats $5.35 $20.00 value, $12.48 $7 §5
$10.75 Coats $7.50 $22.50 value, $16.85 $18.75 Silk and Crepe Dresses,
$12.50 Coats $9.98 $27.50 value, $19.35 $9.98
$15.00 Coats $10.85 This is the balance of our Spring Also a number of stout Dresses
$20.00 Coats $12.50 stock of suits —take advantage. at remarkable savings.
$25.00 Coats $16.35
Vm & IJI j Hundreds to go during this
o- j x 1 ci A j All of them well worth seeing, event—Wash Skirt* R»oW
£1 nrf UP i ® atnr i^ a > v Styles for the bride and bridesmaid, weaves Linen ftahprHinp
—41.50 and $2.00 values—Jap. the sweet girl graduate, as well as for Serges Ponlins Taffptacs
Silk, A oiles, Crepe Silk Stripes every matron and maiden who wants Plaids, Palm Beach etc '
0 to look smart and summery. ' '
jr/wf Hundreds of Trimmed and Un- $1.25 Skirts, 79^
trimmed Hats, at exactly l/o what $1.50 Skirts, 98<*
—————— every other house in town is selling $2.00 Skirts, $1.48
10 dozen —wonderful collection f° r » $2.50 Skirts, $1.79
—53.00 and $3.50 values—all ma- SI.OO Hats, 48# $2.50 Hats, $1.29 $2.75 Skirts', $1.98
tend, and styles- $1.25 Hats, 59* S3M Hatg> n<4B $3.50 Skirts, $2.19
CI OP ll 50 Hat:
4? A • S $2.00 Hats,
Men's & Young Specials! Specials! &OYS Suits
Men'c flnthe>c Mlddyß,ouses 49*and98* New Spring and Sum.
n ouse Dresses— mer Styles—Special
New shipments this week of All colors 51.50 Ca#ii»W«m
Pinch-Backs. English and con- value vU V DaiUrQay
servative styles, mid-summer $3.00 value, $1.98
fashions. We can fit anvone, no ■/. _ o c rt I. "
matter how slim or stout, short KimOHOS SPECIAL $4.00 Aalue, $2.95
°rtaU;tryus. Blue, Pink, Lavender ££
$lO to S3O Ji- JSSS——"
Reception For Officials
at Philadelphia Association
Special to the Telegraph
Philadelphia, Pa., May 12. A re
ception to the newly appointed offi
cials of the Pennsylvania Railroad will
be given to-night at the Railroad
Branch of the Y. M. C. A. More than
2,000 employes of the road will be
present including many from Harris
burg and other cities. Following a
musical program there will be an ex
hibition of the films shown by the
Pennsylvania Railroad at the San
Francisco Kxposition.
Among the officers who will be pres
ent will be S. C. Long, general man
ager; Klisha Lee. assistant general
maanger; Frank Iloff, assistant to the
general manager; Joseph H. Gumbles,
superintendent of the Philadelphia
terminal division, together with the
superintendents and assistants of
other divisions of the road east of
Pittsburgh. The reception will be
conducted by W. A. Patton, assistant
to President Rca. and general chair
man of the P. R. R. Young Men's
Christian Association.
The Baldwin I«ocomotive Works has
received orders for the following loco
motives: Two ten-wheeled type for
Ijouisiana and Arkansas Railway, one
0-4-t type for Mindin Coal Company,
of Mindlln Mines, Mo.; one 0-4-0 type
for American Steel and Wire Company,
of Cleveland. Ohio; one 0-6-0 type for
Caluntet, Hammond and Southeastern
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears y?
Signature of
It is the Bright, Active, Clear-eyed, Healthy
individual who meets success, at work or at play,
(socially or financially.
Health is Life, Strength, Vitality, Ambition,
the ability, the dcsjre to live, to enjoy, to ac
complish. Without health and strength in fullest
measure you may not hope to enjoy the fullest
measure of success in any undertaking. You
cannot make the best of conditions and oppor
tunities. If your mind, your power of reasoning
and concentration are dulled or inactive, to any
extent, naturally you are less capable to the same
extent to make them perform as you would have
them to. •
CADOMENE TABLETS represent a scien
tific combination of the most vital elements for
building and strengthening cell and tissue.
Cadomene Tablets produce buoyancy of spirit,
a regaining of vitality and endurance, renewed
efficiency of body and mind. Amazing and last
ing improvement results from Cadomene Tablets
in chronic or recent cases of Nervousness or
Failing Vitality.
So if you are a victim of overwork, worry,
disease, excesses or dissipation of the mental
and physical forces—if you feel tired, weak,
nervous, trembling, and suffer with headaches,
melancholy, pain in spine and back of head, cold
extremities, dreadful dreams of direful disasters,
a feeling of timidity and a general inability to
act naturally at all times, if you have "the blues"
and the pleasures of life arc no longer enjoyable,
then you need Cadomene Tablets to brace and
build you up—to put new ambition, energy and
strength into your system and reinforce and
nourish the bodily structures. Cadomene Tablets
are sold on a money-back-if-not-satisfied-guar
antee, and if you are not pleased with results
you get every cent of your money back. It be
longs to you and we want you to have it.
Cadomene Tablets help men out of the rut of
nervous discontent and ill-health, and restore to
them the capacity of more complete enjoyment
of the pleasures of life. All druggists sell 3-
grain Cadomene Tablets in sealed tubes.