Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 12, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
Founded 187 1 TOMORROW 9A.M.T09 P. M. - JSjowmanZ- Bell—l99l—United lATi • Li fx - i Our Store Family Is Clothed in Its Springtime Smile. wnite nemp, UntnrnniCQ Delighted to we'eome you—this is always true. Pleas- Sail nr Ha f c ant ' courteous serv i c e is a part of our everyday life, and % JrW' OdllOr OatS just now the brightness and cheerfulness of springtime //r\ /i Vt /T^^\ In a Special Saturday out doors is reflected in new merchandise. // Ja\\4 |\ /i\ \|\ Sale at Like Meeting An Old Friend — lnf\ New Crepe De Chine Blouses |\|n H ,\ (Similar 111 shape and size to 1 /If \| I \/i r~T*ff 3\l illustration.) Will Find a Hearty Welcome I /\X AS \ 1/ (i n Bjjr - ' ' lu ' quality hemp. With all the popularity of Georgette blouses many of our i 1 ' \ BprJi I Popular, large brims and patrons still cling to these of crepe de chine, as to any other old, v \ \ JJj J I | // / J-jjAjT some with wide flange. | true friend. y "/J J( l V / l/Am ii Peanit Hats And after all, crepe de chine blouses are really very practical, | I Ww v v\ V~ \ wJ/J Ij| if . . and always dependable for all occasions. Jj) o|\ \r<&J asi> ott ' lt . c tl . to l ! Xovv being shown in new models —white, with several varia- Lp /M^ Vo «#ei s P. ort wcar: • nlst . ! tions of the frill the main feature. U sp® trimming is required, Jpl.ws , .. . . . . V uowMAx s—Third Kioor ' he quality is an unusually substantial one at the price, «JVS..JU — Often, Black Waists Are Going! Going! Going! There Is Just Now in Full And About Gloves Essential to the Woman The Best of Savings Are Passing Rapidly Bloom in This Store -yes, here are the newest in kid We're showing some new blouses in black Georgette crepe— F rnn nmv WICP Wnmpn Will Nr*t and silk cloves just the kind practical —dependable—for mourning or general wear —Jpo.Jlo. y "» lot YT Ulilwil ill liUl Summer Neckwear you-n want —of the best that can HO "'- MAN ' s -' r ""' v i " luol - r\ 1 i_ o i_ - .. And summer neckwear is taking ']«>*, ic h Kid Gloves, 16-button | Summer Footwear Delay tuC iUFCha.SC OI cl NCW unto itself most extreme shapes. length: pair, #3 to #4.T<5. . . T p,-, £ rr Tjr • , rpi * «-* . Here we see a quite severely tailor- French Kid Gloves in the popu- I ashlOll Has ChOSen LOW Shoes for the Very Warm Olllt &t 1 tICSC LOW 1 FICCS ed collar of cape like proportions, * hades: such as pearl gray, cham- Months, With High Shoes the Alternative— I All Must Be Neat and Trim Your Ideal of a Real Suit Value Can Be Best Found many 1916 features shown in this > !?!'f'r' nVk .... c:n- ( 1 , V( .- Our pen has a natural tendency to write about the immensity of our This Early Season Sale of the Season S Best exquisite display. j (( . hutu ; n n „ ths £ shoe stocks for women; but we're sure you are well enough acquainted Models, at Prices That Buy the Most Georgette collars and sets, .10<' V»c" to #•> 00 " ' ' with this fact to grasp our message with a passing glance—that of to s:{..-»0. ' ! ,i owiu-:"and Kaysers Silk Gloves: ability to show you all the latest models in sufficient numbers for an ft (hi P fIH (DIQCA Organdie collars and sets, 2-elasp: in white, black and colors; easy selection. ipiU.UU QIO.UU (plv/.OU collars. v es - pai"'ilT'to wSii!" 81 tml "' oidCry; Summer Weight High Shoes, $4.00 to $7.50 At each of the above prices which constitute the new lowered tecs, collar and cuff sets, 'i.lr to White I -Me Gloves, in all sizes; I LOW Shoes $3.00 to $5.50 I schedule of prices on all our usual medium-priced suits, you'll secure I #1.95. pair, .">Or\ ———————.——,J more than the purchase amount, in style, in quality of material, and in BOWMAN'S—Main h'loor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor _ _ workmanship. ¥"> I T1 * 1 XT' - gabardines, poiret twills, poplins, and several others; and smarter stvles Doys!— 1 his is Your Day Underwear Must Go «*.«»<*b«de.i«d. j BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 1 his Is i our Story. We Hope You Will Read It It > s been going< going , go ing-graduaiiy. Through Summer weights have been coming rapidly. T"U*» C, mm C> - 1 ri O . , . And now our stocks are complete with underwear for the en- 1 JTIC DUlTllJlCr L CrgOlSl OIIOWS K3FC isn t it ,i;re'at thai vMiitei is over and you can now tire family in most wanted kinds. __ 4 put on your summer clothes. Dun t you want to select your \\ umci rs bleached Vests, tape CHILDREN'S BeailtVin Porch FurnitlirP new summer suit. One thatjou will be proud to wear and lic d< and sleeves; 18'.i*, lit, S3*, Bleached Vests; light weight; ill a UIUI L. UIUUUit one that will be so cool and "colllfv ou have to wear your and short sleeves and sleeveless; pants The Pergola is a beautiful spot to visit; more beautiful in its collection suit, don't you want to select it.- Come to us and we will '* . . f Cut Vests rec- to match; cuff and lace knees, of so many rare finds in distinctive Porch furniture, show you something that not onlv voti will be satisfied with, • ' i o ) S n,on Suits, short sleeves I but Mother will also. The suits'here arc the kind the rugged. ular and extra sizes, la,*?, and sleeveless; knee length. Bal- . Jgg3s&&& t . boyish boy like you will wear. Sturdy suits for sturdv bovs. ' oC ' iiU ' f! ld * ,o f . . b "£S an ' Poros Knit and Nai "sook, g a Durable fabrics that will never fail vou when put to test. ' Athena mon tuts ioi women , •> . MEN'S />( light weight; bleached cotton; all mr.iN a | ||lll ' Oc+prmnAt* Double-Wear Norfolk Suits styles; regular and extra sizes, 650, Underwear, 850 and Hill ! U Bhle'Serge and rain- ggk \ Women's bleached Vests; shap- Suks; J>J c a^ cd ; peeler and^ecru proof; wool: tjlJ{.9s, Sjfcl and f /Cm « cd; regular and extra sizes; pants to colors, Jpl.<K> and 91.00. ' 1 Wash Suits f /%"» \ ,natch Mr. *, MP. 30e and . D. and Olus Un.on bmts. More than a hundred styles to se- fl » «•»'• Oxford mixed Union Suit,, short \l V* Ostermoor Mattresses . fiom, no\cities _ and eonim- |l I tlrTTl \ /iJ Women's silk lisle Union Suits; sleeves; ankle drawers, 59# and Sold exclusively in Harrisburg at nations._ to S _\eais, .>OO to #4..>0. w, ljl[ ( /A. \'ja low neck; sleeveless; lacc knees; Bowman's. Boys' Hats K/Hli J'S regular and extra sizes, 700. Nainsook and open mesh Union I ! Built, not stuffed. And hats for small children; V ■ \_\jJj ROWMAN\S— Main Floor Suits, 500. BOWMAN-S— Main Floor Porch Rockers, Special, 79c A. C. A. ticking; full size, two straw, canvas, linen and galatea in \L'/ < vff v.. W j<vvrai, parts, #ls.(K>. popular shapes, .>Of to $1.50. 1 *JI/n t-« » \kT IT I n 7 Made of white maple; natural fin- Hotel style: satin finished art Blouses "V4Lw^ 5 DcIDV VV CCxi IS tllC Shortest ish; double reed seat. Limit, one to ticking; full size; two parts, Boys' blouses, with collars at- B M \ . a customer. | $1(5.50. tached, detached or sport style; in ■ J fe" B M WpAlr in f-jk A VpQr BOWMAN'S— Fifth Floor. white, tan. blue and stripes; 6 to 16 111 X years. 500. 750 and SI.OO. fi Already the time is almost here r TI % A 1 * T/ _ _ _7 • _ __ Shirts, in white, blue chambray ' S to bid farewell to the mountain of jf ll@ f\(sOLICLTL V OCCLLtOTT and stripes; 12 to 14 years, 50<*. ! balloons, the photograph man and ....... . second the tell-tale scales. ' •« have you heard such depth and purity of tone from ""———. _ • But babies will continue to come an - r phonograph as this wonderful new instrument calls The Home Beautiful Can Even Be Improved Upon With hc . r ,V 1 a i u - vful anticipation. forth from every record. _ _ I lie past week has been one ot cfl ~ 1 1 And the new delight of playlncr each record with your Window and Porch Boxes SsHiS^row^^'you s^ 3118 " own personal expression, words cannot consey. Only deinon r , , "it in, jinAii iipinfiii tn mnthirs stration will let you know how greatlv tins revolutionary In line with the widespread movement to make Harrisburg the flnuor 1 neipiui to .moincis . J .» •.. . . . .- cit ' larnsDurg tne Mower who will purchase later on, things T&iljLj feature —exclusive with the Vocahon—adds to the pleasure the > that will contribute to baby's com- phonograph may grant, you. •>nri ni,t«Mi r .°sn X V"j 7 P,n °i iber. smoothly tuushed; painted green inside fort during the summer. \\ Come in, we invite vou, and play this greatest of sound and W.S3. '.ch lengths. Pr.ces are 59 f . «()<•. Tl.e, Bfle, Baby Week ends to-morrow even- l> & reproducing instruments. „ '»§. BOWM.VN'S—Fifth Floor. Benx MAN S—Easement. 1 Bringing Liy Father # # <$ # <s> By McMamts HAINDKERCHIE? return WOULDN'T , ( WITH - ] TO •[ ] f BRETME T ° **■« J"O CHANCE OP THE WORLD YOURSELF? V_ , J -J PICKIN'UPONE —, CHIEF- THE LACE ON IT 16 OVER I «' J M W IE - «!L i "'••ui' 1 CT! Tn. .1 "1J 1 "J I I FRTDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 12. 1016 3