22 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Refreshingly New Are the White Hats Our Entire Stock of Women's and Misses' Suits In This Display of Summer Millinery in an Annual May Clearance Sale All white hats are shown in hemp, in hair lace, in panania and other I Iv. jt fi rp, , lj_ *1 • A j i • styles presenting modes that are refreshingly new and exquisite in their nV% 1116 3dlCl OX A.ITIGI ICS. S XOIGIYIOSt 9 Summery lovdiness Featured in this Opening is an unsurpassed $7? GlTlbraCGCl ill this SpGCia l OUtpOUring of Spring Suit VaIUGS. 1 t) | line ot white and light colored bummer Hats at 94.95 without ques- j , . . . ° ' tion the prettiest and dainties models we have ever shown at this price. /\ 3J\ ' cloth matciials include line qualit) gabtiidinc, poplin and velour chocks and the silk Briefly described are representative types of this group of fine hats — fjV"~jP\ s v gaiments arc de\eloped ot licli, (luiablc taltelas and (iio.s dc Londres. \\ aa*" 4 "" $4.95 $20.00 Suits Are $15.00 $25.00 Suits Are $16.50 and $18.50 r // \ \\ , ilrge Summer option with Milan crown and lace brim faced with *A OR / C . heC * }" fitt f e , d l» o d e| . bo Und $37.50 navy blue serge suit in a semi-tailored V_ 'I / J \ \'' link chiffon, trimmed with pink ribbon a .uci. ol S reen h\ a with silk braid; lining is of lancy floral l'aillc silk. style; slightlv gathered at the waist line with em- V d Handsome large white hemp hat with crown of black velvet QC / I j XjflE ' c .arance ', rlCe .. '• ••• broidercd designs on the bottom of the coat; vest trimmed with white wings and narrow pleated ribbon *D*"r»€7%J / \DfIP SllltS of gabardine, popllll and shepherd . , n f . ' -tt—! I I wT r herk in or re 11 and navv • tailored model with flare and dee P co,lar ot tan colored faille silk. Annual B( ,{( Medium siie white hemp hat faced with Georgette crepe and QC 1 V ~ , ° , ? ?v ' tailorea 'Jioaei with tlaie ... ~. _ ittort V 'l| trimmed with large pink daisies and pink velvet ribbon IP T« JU v skirt and piped in tatleta; button trimmed. Annual L icaiaiuc 11LC < , IT ¥ Clearance Price #10.50 $30.00 tan gabardine suits with broad fevers and prirn'rosps^nd 1 " jn-een*foliage,"'finished QC NeW Tl'lCOrneS For Elderly Y\ Omen \\ f $25.00 gabardine suits ill tan, Copenhagen, trim- full sweeping lines below the hips: garment express hoKs of narrow white ribbon Medium size black hemp hats in this popular shape: ' mct ' > n metal buttons: box plaited back with plaited ing the latest tendency in tailored styles. Annual pinif^hi^'n."flared 0 with*band and ; at^^" 1 trlmmlnga: 54.95 ~ t pcplum and belted effect. Clearance Price, $18.50 I Clearance Price .....$33.50 long ends of French blue $4.95 I ,p "•« V TT'V' . _ _ z-S Trimmed Panamas at $3.95 p.*.™ ™ An Important Gathering of Silk Dresses .... . , . . .. ~ . hand-painted felts, fabric hate in stripes and plaids and I X O '-r'T Wm. Ihaee wonderful vatues, because of the excellent many oth»r , t yie« in straw and cloth • n V quality of the panama and the clever way in which they i tlso r*" at on t tu ln ~ , u. <n/ w\ ] f 1 I Tj • ] ) // / /%y are trimmed with narrow ribbon and flowers. "P—tO •pIU«UU i A OI I T I — "V®! (2b /| Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front. k/ J. X I\/v/Cl $15.00 semi-tailored dresses in black and blue I t'openhagen taffeta dress with futt taffeta skirt; the _ _ -ii ! of Georgette crepe, embroidered in gold and \ Voile and Organdie Blouses in Many Styles "Z ZX ///Pw Frilled Garments in Choice Check Voile Weaves For SI.OO buck »« ; $13.50 o?'rmfcouaro^t a L°"e nd . Uo ! 1 «5.«m! kUAu . , , tafteta dress in green check with ticorgette black taffeta satin striped dress. Georgette crepe IW J ® T \ This week has seen the introduction of • . . »-> sleeves, finished in bullet buttons and lace $27.50 I * r,, lie ■ - I manv new cotton blouse stvles into our . IW» fay.oO navy Georgette crepe dress over foundation of 90 j® H fi 3Ha 3 r ■ ' Xr e . ' . match saUn ill tunic effect, with vest and collar of filet lace. $35.00 *jr 1 sn owine of attractive summer creations , . , T*~- " ? \*r '° . * 1 ui 1 • '1 Combination taffeta and Georgette crepe dress in raisin; Violet plaid taffeta dress with Georgette crepe sieves Y' 1 V K A a probably the most pleasing note 111 the W j th )ace of gold; sides of plaited taffeta and panels and Georgette crepe waist over rose satin; finished with // j \ A / M new arrivals is the moderateness of prices Georgette crepe with bias folds of taffeta $25.00 Georgette collar over rose satin $,15.00 [J <v \ L /fettiisX _ • , . . , , . I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. Jf M roremost in this special exhibit are: ( c » . or collar with tailored sleeve . w . lth . f . nll . a, si"oo Women's Summer Pumps of White j Low Prices Make These Hosiery and ffdf ' JilUe ' S ' acc insertion; pin tucks and lace Canvas In Styles That Are to Be in Vogue | Underwear Items For Women of \\ ' 1 White organdie waists with front trimmed . n c . - s l 'ng I Uncommon Attractiveness mm /A/ * Ul U^ V^, ri " iS t hC ? • Vith S , Call T, d ed f •,i' * V ,<H> ilmwH Se 'the fatr V White cotton ribbed vests; low neck, sleeveless and taped neck. .0, IflK ISJ m 41 White waists trimmed with lacy trill and new ""I .stllKC lltC tanc) Ol e\ei\ White cotton ribbed vests; sleeveless or plain and fancy yoke, ■ cape collar: sleeve tinislied with deep cuff, hav- woman who sees them. I wIIhS liti« O HwIVH e v»-'f 8 . ta i ,M i '"'.V \ •« . • . • , 1 .1 11 .1 • 1 • .• it ; / A.TH. \.r •• •••/• unite lisle ribbed vests: sleeveless, regular and extra sizes 2k \ nilc waists in bolero st\le, embroidery panel ing \ al. insertion and edge .{)•> First view to-morrow I \ ■ ■ White silk lisle ribbed vests: regular and extra sizes ...• and lace trill : cape collar finished with lacc. $1.9.> Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. I Women's white canvas Astor pumps, with ' V"* Black silk lisle hose; fashioned feet; high spliced heols .17' Jo ' white Ivory soles and French heels.... $3.50 ■: : \ 4 s\\s }}* * ,""} sizc f . h l ?f e "J V'l" 'j' ,1; M P v | White canvas pumps with small white but- •f ' ! I'-'IK. -ft. i? fashioned feet and hiKh spliced heels 50r __ ' ton on \amp seam; welted soles and high ,» *;'■/ a.. vL«» e »Ti« t fhS *li a^iS r i? # >rß ».i'jV vi" i. Furniture For Porph and InHnor i Cubßn hpe,s S3 -«"- - ■" ' " a " 1 black ,hrcad si,k hose; lfl?h,oncd fcet Rnd h,gh ' p,,ccd 13cciuLlI UI UIIllLUie lUI 1 UILII dllU IIIUOOI I White poplin military pumps; handturn soles with covered Cuban Dhes Pomeroy & Stewart—Street rioor. I heels 52.50 Parasols Use Reflecting the Tendency I .rr..".rf.£& „ , . „ : rdidbutb - ?T:. .f Exclusive Styles in Fine Dress Cottons New designs arc ready tor the de- HQV yyl||QVy 3,11(1 IVlflD P White Xubuck Colonial pumps, large square covered buckles; hand mand that will soon be'in evidence. P ' turncd SO,e8 D W«/pomlrov Y & n alU h Floor: R«r. s< '°° i Btripos and r norai e deslgns nC yard Wide ' WhUC K '° Und Wlth Colored sp ° rt Many of the season s prettiest para- "r/"' a " d r ° Und arms Special ' 111 l s,,k Plaid Voll<; - tol ' or(d W 'th' plaids in Van,'iighV blue" sols are in bordered patterns or Willow tables ill', r rp - nij-i and pink; yard 45c with shirred or ruffled edges. Prices Wf arm S**o FOY the OutdOOrS LaWll TeimiS RaCKetS st rlnes Vn 1 Igh t"bt ue° ptn k" Kold "nlte U " h ribbon range from $1.25 to SIO.OO Three-piece " tered Se " Bnil ba ° k s*"''o Porch swintrs SI 98 to S5 OO Regular size . . OOe to S(?.."»0 Sport Stripes in cotton oxford, beach cloth,'linen finish Suiting a'nd Parasols tor children and misses. •»Of* to 53.50 Four-piece 5 Colo'™af Colored umbrellas in coaching Four-piece mahogany bedroom suite ! ! STfiloo 1 Couch hammocks, S«» to StO Tennis nets $2.25 ,e °Ratlne r Siiitlng W 36 a ?nches : green' 'Alice' blue'^^'and C 'e?e«n 75c and designs SS.jiH) to 55.00 eane sea e t°". P,eCe , P ° rCh S6t ° f WhltP oak frames - stenciled green; douWe | ].' o | c ]ing camp chairs .... 25* Racket presses 50* Hurmuda Cloth, linen flni'sh, all 'shades, r!G Inches; yard'!!!!! Mi- Dives, Pomeroy *• Stewart, Street Floor. Dives Pomeroy & Stewart Third Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Basement. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Men's Shirts in a Sale of Unusual Values A New Suit Goes a Long Way Toward Woven Stripe Madras Patterns at Attractive Savings TTplr)iri o* a IVTan Maintain TTIS PrP^tl'^P Jl. 50 woven stripe madras shirts, with Pure silk and fibre silk shirts in new J. JL V-/ X W Ov -i-TJLOvAx XTXOvJLJL-L l/dlll XXikJ JL X W V-/ French cuffs; sizes 12H to 17. Special combination stripe designs. 92.50 to $5.00 m[i fly i C—7 CJ Satin stripe madras and high gVade shins'at 8 . 69C MD'fSc I HI/ Carelessness in dress indicates an indifference that is inexcusable considering the good F. perrale shirts; sizes 13H to 18; ea., SI.OO Boys' nepii«ee shirts with reversible I/XaJ iI I stvle and good quality in clothing that can be bought to-day at a reasonable price. Our Summer I v /II wh nf madris'shlm; r soft a ffoldo d ld "and laun* "C* and""o«h. : 'fine' grade® madras" Suits are an example of the dependability of clothing values at a minimumof cost that en- j J | hzt dered cufts; sixes to IS; each si.oo silk stripe and novelty silk shtrta r i ables any man to be well dressed. And just now with Summer weather likely to make its 111 \ II Anderson woven stripe negligee shirts; SI.OO to $2.00 —— I j ani fl I Ii with French or laundered cuffs „ c , Boys' sport shirts with plain and fV^ eia debut at any moment it behooves men to be prepared for ' ' I I I I 51.50 and $1.98 fancy silk stripe collar 50c to SI.OO | Belts For Men and Boys the clothes change for the comfort as well as the prestige A showing of the best quality leather belts in black, tan and grey, at I H \ to the wearer. <"• — 25*, aOf, »o* and SI.OO I IV i mi "K.T \\X "i> i Inspect These New L 7% ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men s Store. X \ j Full Stock of Silk Gloves Children's and Boys' st y i es f Qr m en an d y oun g me n. coa ts are fun uned. \ T7i T7l ___ J half lined, and skeleton lined with alpaca or silk. A \ \ nS // / r rom r ownes and ivaysei T T~n rl y* Rt great variety of patterns and fabrics including— \v \ n... „ littlp for i durable trlove with LJ lILIvJX Wt/d/I (jL> JLl.VJolt/1 V Blue Ncrges. naimcls and homespuns \ I ay as> little as .UC lor a ciuraDie giO\e Willi */ Carlton check worsted® in green, (an and black \ double finger ends in this special showing of Children's fancv top sox: colored tops ... Banjo strlpo blue and black worsteds ■ \ \f ji Urn \ e «-i -i i . 1 « , , Strips blue and black unllnlslird worste<ls \ \ Ni l' lit " ' bummer requisites. Children s white cotton ribbed seamless hose. «re>* overpaid ea»«lmoi*s« ami wo»««h \ \ xJt*'!-*!/# [ Fownes and Kaj'ser two-clasp silk gloves; * 12'/Jt t.rey tweeds and grey and Krecn Scotch mixtures double finger ends; in black, white and colors. Boys* white nainsook athletic union suits, 50c tmvFSk?^neis U ' lpc caM * merea \ J) \ , 500 10^1.50 Boys' white open mesh union suits; short nark and medium «re.v »-assimere9 \ \ fownes and Kavser 12-button silk gloves; sleeves and knee length double finger ends; black and white. White cotton ribbed vests; sleeveless; taped st* -4 r\ r\ st* ~4 s\ /~\ 1 \ 15f and 91.25 neck and sleeves 10c and Fownes and Kayser 16-button silk gloves; Children's white lisle ribbed vests; sleeveless tpJLLJeW I Y V It. A •'1 . double finger ends; in black, white and colors, or short sleeves 25< k \ J* 'tfelt/ SI.OO to 52.50 Children's white cotton ribbed waists; union A "1 rXll \ / - 1 16-button length long silk gloves in white with suits; sleeveless and knee length .. 25C and 50? ATI fl I[) PTI \ JT double finger ends. Special ."59C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. J XXV-/XX 1 Washable kid gloves, with Prix seam and one- .. ... V /f ( , ' I clasp; ivor>-and pearl. Pair 51.75 M IT * m 1 -There s a host of styles in English one, two and three-button \ Al-ft* tWBmM. mves, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. n K s to skeleton linings, in sizes 34 to 44 regular \ yf II -fi ,1 _ ~ ® and 36 to 48 stouts— \ HPi Undermuslin Finery sinnn <ti9p;n (fciKnn «on nn It 1 1 I \ In the May Sale of White Stfw-pT/cr^s h " co ,:« 1 u • uu 'P i^-0U iO ' UU ZU,UU //' V Combination negiiKee and night sown, trimmed with windows and hang screen doors before a single Tweeds, Mixtures, Homespuns, Flannels, Serges, Worsteds and Cassimeres. / i A *f AttraptivpVfllnpqin Snitq / p;mpire nainsook srowns with neck, sleeves and hem _ . -°e 1° 49c JjX C\\s UJ V C V dl IXI I*\J V O k_/ LI 1 L/IO I '/ 1 of pirik batiste bands $1.95 Screen doors, natural finish. 3 panels, complete with «/ F J ~ / l, v Marcella crepe drawers, finished with lace edge, ,50c fixtures, all regular nl»es 9tk-. $1.19 ami #1.39 si»*« 7to 1R v.ars I / I I 'li ■ Marcella drawers of nainsook, finished with embrol- ICELAND REFRIGERATORS s>l *« B ' to 115 y ears - If. J , > dery edge 59c The Iceland has given close to SO years' satisfactory m n r\ r>t • , ft* A r\l~ /U AA n • I 111 If, A'U sertion e !'. a dra . Werg °. f . n . a,n *° ok '. . n . n W !*. tr, .! aCe M '*HllSsiwood cases, antique llnish 1916 models have $6.50 SUItS, $4.95 $5.00 SUItS, $3.75 T I IYM Marcella drawers of nainsook, trimmed with blind rounded corners, vacuum insulated solid bronze bard- • 7 t T 7 t I . I 1 1\ embroidery ruffle }|e ware, all parte removable for cleaning, heavy plated A . AA 1 /n J S\ r* • i ak 1' ? 1) - ; Marcella combinations of nainsook, trimmed with em- wire shelves, white enameled or porcelain lined; 37 U* A 111 1 OVI H Sk./I I J UFv fcwS k,-;| I - I broidery insertion and lacc SI.OO styles to select from; white enamel lined Icelands tDltUv dllU tD'l.uU OUI to« M 1 Marcella combination, finished with lace edge. .$1.25 $5.98 to $20.00 t T ' i \ t I embroidery and te"*® 10 "". 0 ' nal . n " Ook: . yoke . of I 1". 64 . . K ' e, .* na * 9 *!mh u, si?:so Boys' Suits with extra pair trousers Wi.95, #4.50, #5.00 and #0.50 % Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second i-'loor. ... Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. Dives. Pomeroy & btewart. Second Hoor. Rear. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG 3&S& TELEGRAPH MAY 12, 1916.
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