Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    Didn't Sleep Well
f Stomach feel uneasy, night 1
wns hot and closo, and you were
nervous? No wonder. Your rood
didn't digest. It fermented, and
the poisons it gave off disturbed
your whole system. If you could
see it, you'd And your stomach
end bowels Inflamed. Perhaps it e
got chronic by now—real catarrh.
Peruna Will
Help You
First place, it's a reliable invig
orating tonic; second place, it has m
special reference to inflamed ■
membranes. Let .them alone, and ■
they will get worse. Indigestion, N
dyspepsia, bowel trouble —all fol- y
low the weakened system In sum- ■
mer. Peruna restores strength, ■
aid, digestion, cleans up catarrh ■
—ln fact, so invigorates your run- H
down bodv that Nature restores K
the balance; you sleep well, digest Kj
your food, resist hot weather, and K
—why, you ar, well.
For forty-fonr years Peruna has H
done this for many thousands. H
Large numbers of them testify to II
It. You can't fool the people all B
the time —they learn what helps, B
and their verdict established l'e- M
runa long ago.
Tablet form for ycmr convent- I
, eSSO] J
A Jr RMM»cDua*cotoi.oT*M«Ai
Outers Me*** A nh*
1 >■ l"i Iwllllt
I'm wintsoai. J
Special to the Telegraph
Hummelstown, Pa., May 9. A
Sunday school convention will be held
next Sunday afternoon in the Luth
eran Parish House. The principal ad
dress will be delivered by B. S.
Forsythe, State field worker. Repre
sentatives of the county association
will be present.
Afc this evening's meeting of Camp
No. 5250, Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica an Illustrated lecture will be given
by Thomas Duffy, Dubuque. Ohio, the
Woodmen's lecturer.
( Attractive prices at jjo«r dealer's. Buy
the largest sizes value. XHey &M
ate firm, tender and sweet —> Calif or*
niers selected oranges. Order now.
California Fruit Growers Exchange
Co Non profit
Soft Scouring Compound
•: I
5 L°«.
;! The mighty FOUR cent punch at dirt
£ It's good FOUR all cleaning
5 It's bad FOUR all dirt
;! It's wonderful FOUR washing the hands
% It's fine FOUR housecleaning
!; Does more work than powders—does not waste
| Only FOUR Cents
At Your Grocers
6er\. /A&rtmnft !
in cigars Ihey
increased the,
value yelling
j power of your \
nickel. j
Ship Quartermaster Starts
on Trip Around Cape Horn
Special to the Teltgraph
Mlfflirrto-wn, Pa,, May 9. Robert
N. Kulp, son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. 1.
Kutp left on Friday for Philadelphia
where he will sail on the steamship
Dakotean, for a four months' cruise.
Mr. Kulp Is one of the quartermasters
of the ship which will leave Phila
delphia and take freight to all the im
portant cities along the Atlantic side
of South America. They will then go
around Cape Horn and stop at im
portant cities oh the Pacific eide,
reaching San Francisco early in Sep
tember. Returning they will sail south
through the Panama Canal and
reach Philadelphia later in the Fall.
Special to the Telegraph
Marietta, Pa., May 9. Yesterday
the annual Spring sessions of the Lan
caster conference of the Ministerium
of Pennsylvania, opened In Christ
Lutheran Church at Elizabethtown.
The presiding officer was the Rev. J. F.
Stolte. The Rev. H. K. Lantz, of
Shiremanstown, delivered the opening
sermon. To-day the principal speaker
was the Rev. J. D. M. Brown, of
Special to the Telegraph
Hummelstown, Pa., May 9. At
the beginning of Lent the members
of the Luther League Society of the
Lutheran Church were each given a
Lenten Box In which was to be kept
all self-denial money during the Len
ten season. This money was gathered
| at a sociable held In the parish house
on Friday evening and amounted to
i 143. which will be contributed to the
I building fund.
Special to the Telegraph
MifTUntown, Pa., May 9. Master
I Ray Page, little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Pagen, of Shawnee, met
! with a painful accident on Friday
| ning when he fell, severely blting*his
I tongue. The tongue was bliten clear
' through the center, requiring five
| stitches to close the wound.
Special to the Telegraph
Dauphin, Pa., May 9. The Har
; risburg Light, Heat and Power Com-
I pany has extended its electric light
! lines on the first slope of the moun
: lain to the residence of Wayne Singer,
I who has had lights Installed.
Story No. 3
Plot by G«org* Bronaon Howard.
Novsliuttlon by Hugh O. W,lr.
Copyright Kalem Company.
So It was arranged. That afternoon
Mona huA a scene with Reynold,. And
that night, wlien he, old Reynolds, re
tired to his own room, he did not un
dress, but waited. He had a plan in his
evil old mind. She had told him ah,
meant to read rather late: he sat wait
ing for her to came upstair,.
But Mona did little reading. As soon
•s all was quiet she disconnected the
burglar alarm system «o far a, eh,
could, cutting some wires, disarrang
ing others. She also, on a sudden Im
pulse, cut the telephone wires. Then
she went upstairs. As she passed Rey
nolds' door he saw that It wa, op,n—
and that he himself, fully dressed, wa,
dozing In a chair. She started at thl,
sight; then smiled. And, In her own
room; she listened breathlessly. Sh,
heard an auto come up In th, road and
•top a little distance away. And then,
taking a revolver, she orept down
stairs. Reynolds still dozed; he had
not heard h,r come up!
Downstairs, Mona waited tensely,
pistol In hand. She heard a window
raised, and a minute later she slipped
into the li/bra/ry. There was a kneeling
figure before the safe, and with a low
laugh Mona called to hlml Han6sup.
Stalllngs swung around In dismay.
At the sight of Mona and her pistol
his Jaw dropped: his hands went up.
"You're a tool!" said Mona, holding
her platol ready. "My safe's burgJ"
proof-—you'd have wasted y? ur l ime
even If I hadn't caught you!
Stallings said ' nothing. But sudden
ly he dropped one hand and sounded
a shrill whistle. Mona remembered—
It was the signal. She hoped that
M'\ry had already carried out their
plan. And now she picked up the tele
phone. as if to calf the police. Sud
denly she laid it down.
"I don't know that I want to have
you sent to prison.' shs said. If that
safe can be broken, I don t want it
in my house. I'll let you go If
can open It, but work and
don't wake the servants.
"Easy'." said Stallings, confidently.
"Why, It's nothing but a cigar box.
He vu as good as his word. in
less than three minutes the safe was
pen he bad worked on the comhlna
lon alone, his practiced ears catching
the click of the tumblers.
"Weill" said Mona. "I m surprised!
I'll have to take that stuff upstairs to
my room —empty the safe, please.
Stallings obeyed, and his eyes lighted
up at the sight of a doien or more
nacka«e, of lettex'S. He had given up
hope of the Jewels, and he piled every
thing neatly together. And then, as
she watched him. tensely. Mona. heard
a step on the stairs. Reynolds had
av.a!tener'. —he was coming down. She
wheeled around, and Stallings seized
his chance to pocket the letters. He
would keep faith with Mary!
The next moment Reynolds came >n
—to find his housekeeper covering a
burglar with her revolver!
"Get up!" said Mona. sharply. to
Stallings. She had seen htm take th,
letters, bjt pretended that she had not.
As he got up he made a sudden
lunge for her, and seized the hand that
held the revolver. Reynolds, a coward
revealed now. cried- out In terror, and
crouched against the wall. And while
they struggled. Mona managed to whls
3«r to Stallings:
"I'm with you—ril let you mak,
your getaway!"
He yielded at once.
"Teiephcne ths police!" cried Mona,
to Reynolds. He made for the instru
ment and then stopped. As Mona had
guessed, ha dared not, with h's record,
call In the police. And the next mo
ment, at a signal from Mona, Stallings
•lipi ed through the window and tied.
' ! Oh, let him go!" cried Mona. "He
didn't get anything—see, all the Jewel,
are there! T saved them for you!"
"You're the bravst woman I ever
knpw!" croaked Reynolds.
"Let me see If they're all here."
He examined the Jewels; then
str lightered up. "Yes—all here," he
said. "Here—take these—as a reward!"
He hold up the necklace he. had
shown h»r before, and a tiara of eijua!
vaiue. Mona levitated, but finally ac
cepted them. And then, with a cry of
dismay, Reynolds saw that the letters
wre gone! He was l'ke a man beside
himself, and in the confusion of his
dismav Mona slipped away, pretendin
ihat sne was going to he> room. Five
■minute* later Mary was speeding back
to the city, with Mona at her side.
In Mnrv's apartment thev talked over
tlie wild affair of the night, well satis
fied with the Jewels Reynolds had given
"But I had to let your burglar get
the letters—and I'm afraid he'll come
here," said Mona.
Her fears were justified. She had I
scarcely spoken when there was a ring
• t the door. Mona hid herself; Mary I
admitted Stallinga. He tossed her tho j
"I took an awful chance for you. j
Mary," he said. "Now—make pood!" :
She recoiled, ana hU face grew dark
with anger.
"Stringing' nit, were you'" he cried.
"Playing me lor a good thing? Weil—" !
He made a dash for her—-and just
then Mona appeared. Stallings started !
In amazement at the Bight of her.
"Don't you «ee? we're all In the
same game!" said Mona.
Stalllnss waa ablt» to smile a minute
"I've got to hand It to you girls!" he !
«ald. "Fou certainly strung me alon'j'! j
Well—l got the letters for you! Maybe i
wo'll meet again!"
"A good sport." said Mona. •as h«
went out. "I like him letter than
some ho lest men I've met!"
They wero badk in the Grand Hote?
a few days later. And Clyde, the
house detective, came up to them
with A beaming face.
"Remember that story I told you?"
he asked. "Well—our friend got her
letters beck in the mall—no sign of
where they -ame from! What do you
know about that?"
Th"sy know a good deal—but the?
didn't 'ell him!
End of Episode No. S.
Connecticut Hon Has Busy liirili<la,\ i
—Booster Acts as Cop
Hartford, Conn.. May 9.—A lien and
a rooster near here have joined the
"super chicken" class. In Willington
a white Leghorn hen celebrated her
birthday by laying six eggs, all at one \
cackle. After she stopped laying a 1
week ago an agricultural college stu- [
dent performed an operation on her, j
which was more than successful.
To-day also a dangerous "blind" |
bridge at Boltch Notch was guarded !
by a rooster. The fowl, which is called |
"Speaker" by his owner, Mrs. Minnie !
Howard, because of his parliamentar- j
ian qualities, did traffic duty ail after
noon, warning automobiles to slow
down before crossing the rickety
Xevadan Has 8-0 Coins on Coat and
$lO on Vest
Kansas City, Mo., May 9.—Travel- I
lers gasped and depot ushers made a !
center rush for the entrance at the
Union station as a tall Westerner, his -
coat gleaming with yellow buttons,
came through the doors.
"Sure," said the stranger. "I'm Fred'
McCormaok, landman at Reno, Nev. i
We grow money in my country."
McCormack used $lO and jtju gold
pieces as buttons. Four S2O f%ina, ur- ;
namented the front of his coat. There
were six $lO gold pieces on his vest,
three $lO gold pieces on each sleeve,
and a SSO gold piece was used as a
New Money-Saving Opportunities Enter This Sale For Wednesday!
i Wanted I JZWX f I-—]{
Extra Saturday M. TV IST T" <4 | now on sale at
Salesladies fcA u ' fll ( \/l I ol,r B "ttertcfc 1 (
I Apply at onoe to jtSuEMffliTfi P-JF \W H J ®» Pattern I>cp't.
. ■ssrsr WmESSm * i* nMI » c HHlftif *K£r
This Season's Newest Suits, Coats and Dresses Are All in !> \ /More New i
This Big Surplus Stock Sale at a Big Saving. j! TfimiTlPfl '
To-morrow's offerings are entirely unusual. Values were never as ureal. \! **SNi ll 111 111 CU ,
11 « ifflKf i~y Prices never so low. The advantage is all yours; make the most of it. ]|
''i /Iy Women's & Misses' Women's & Misses' Women's & Misses' |> JjSSyßp?? IlfttS |
i! I Jmr Jr~~^:)6h*. Spring Suits ( Spring Suits Spring Suits jl
fife 4W Values tip to $12.50 V i™"*" Values to $37.50 j! JOlll the |
liPf? fi W' |j *V Great Sur. ,
&!! j)W\/s // » 1-a 1e s t shepherd styles of poplin, AH our finest new ][ fr!]t tllllC Sto<*K
■'!W 0r r I xHffl checks only; all serge checks, gabar- Suits are involved in <» gsg |fHl« Uiovn I
K! i f ( I n sizes. dine; all sizes. this offer j> SLJ? n ■
j;i[ ,<*y / jie /v. k a l e (
i: Tremendous Big Savings on New Spring Coats \\
The prettiest and most stylishly I #
\A * \l 1 I — — v correct creation our workroom has %
1; k \ V Women's at Misses' Women's & Misses' Women's & Misses' |i turned out this season. All in this C
!! Spring Coats Spring Coats Spring Coats j! sale at U1 « savings. Plenty of g
<! V » ... »• . ».w. .... '! styles for women and children. No K
l il "sale* Price Sul""" J?£ul' W I-rge Sailors and Small 1
!> jBT _ mr . '! Sailors, Turbans and Tricornes, %
M! /\ \7" J *~7' . , :! or ribbon trimmed. J
[ /I I Choice of this sea- Handsome ne w This season s finest '[
Js& \ son's newest checks, styles, belts or semi- and most popular i> Trlmnteil Mats, worth to <t I *7Ck C
J c ■ J serges, etc.; all col- belts; all new fab- models, colors and J[ $2,110; Sale Price' «P A• I ■
(j! Jr ors and all sizes. rics, colors and sizes materials; all sizes ;J Vntrlmn.ed Hats, worth CD. (
Ij! V I to $1.00: Sale PriJ; C
I In the Bargain Basement More Remarkable Wednesday Specials I j
| Medicine Cabinets 1 A " ot^. er . S ® le p ° f . the ' _ rin.-hIH |l
I I, im ' Prettlest W ? Fabrics |r=f*- /
I rr,pe at Unusual Savings boards (
K B7 Q C hams, neat stripe Cravenette Poplin, l|§S Sulr Prior C
B '* a! • %/V* patterns and good in all colors, abso- I
H colorings; Manufac- iutely fast color, 28 g-% mm* I
% n ngu flwhlte with turers' Sale Price im lies wide; special. p I
£ B »!ic yard 19c J Mi/V
9 piii Mirrii p 10c Apron Ging- 25c Fancy Voiles. Ul • no<- vine. i
f, ' on, • ham. fast colors and in npat floral and >■ J |
■ *- ' neat check patterns, striped patterns. 40
K ———l"" standard qual- inches wide; yd.. 19c < ,
■ IT ity; Manufacturers' _ , . ■ I
Toilet Paper Sale Price 7c Finp Grade Silk rSambOO 1 ables 1 I
]fl B _ . „„ ... . n .j Muslin, in all shades. B. I
I I crepe. 30 inches i ) , "- , " d . ,ns ,. ne^ n *~Trft I
I Ii r0 ""' i v ' de ' K , ood wide; yard' .... 25c A fj \\ C
% "i} Sale I'rlre, for underwear and _ (J gl J
. sV kimonos: Manufac- r „ , T 1 «7 I. // LwvJt M
—— fci-' :i roll* for turers' Sale Price, Fancy, Moral ILASSw\ m
* ea,.h in,. a nd Stripe Orsandie, . 7 1 fl s w
f O/i in many different 30 Inelie* high. J T1 ff
\ 25c Fine Colored colors and designs; -la-Inch Mqunrep > %
M Wash Fabrics, 27 Manufacturers' Sale top, Hko cut. ■
% Inches wide; big as- Price, yard .... 15c ■* S
3 sortment of weaves _ . . _ ~ _ M
C f ■ v and colors; Manu- Irish I oplin, C
I Bamboo Tabourette £ c r t d urers ' Ba,e Pr i c 0 e t : America 2 P B° P inches $1 Food Choppers (
\ , >ara 1 wide; all colors; yd. ff j
M I.arae ulre; Many beautiful de- 25 ° Vjr*S|fc " Sale Prlc«, S
m Mt It* signs and colorings, Fine Figured and ■
P Made ntrnnic Mm 111. in line Voiles, 40 Striped Seed Voiles: aajy/" 'Ta /-% I
%H ... a n wo inches wide; all new all new colors and -ff n *
J| and nicely HM goods; yardv 25c designs; yard .. .35c f| Ut/L £
f 1 P —M Sheets, Pillow Cases, Bed Spreads J \ n knlveM II S
II If n HI 12'.ic Hemmed 85c Large Heavy J£jJs II I" cleans'
w H OA 3IS 11 Pillow Cases, size 42 Muslin Sheets, full Jr II ... I «
/Up 5 ' h™ and 45x36 inches: 81x90 inches: the C&) jl ' ll * " B 2
i? y fcrf H II Sale Price, each, JOc kind for hard wear; jjjjj dlimi, tine Br
il L, 16c Mnen Finish Sale Price, each, 69c ( , onr „. H
fiL M Pillow Cases, 42 and Hemmed Crochet i—i—^—J H (
i | Z ' * , \ D inches : ? ood " ual - Bed Spreads, good Iff
I I Set of Aluminum 1y: speclal, ea^ ,, heavy quality and It
II Saucenans Marseilles patterns- $2.00 Aluminum I#
f i Oducepans 1!) c Fine Qnallty , 1%
II t Hemmed and Hem- Regular $1.25 values Percolator IJ
| J «i SE: 'L£5 ! ' low Cases. 52 and $1.50 Fringed Cro- s " lr | J
Bfl JftLJ 48-inch, 3-in. hems; c h e t Bed Spreads, .... ) Is
| Sale Price, each, 15c large size and heavy |f
s l l 1 I'M 590 Extra Heavy Quality; Sale Price p, Q --4-Jt 11
>■ll Muslin Sheets, size f\ f*.—Bß. I mm
#| 81x90 inches, extra Two Extra Special \! ||||i ' K %
f a \W flm heavy quality; Sale j n Satin Marseilles \jj <—« l ffl ■ /
A I XB. mar Price, each .... 19c Bed Spreads; large «•'»*■ 1 |TB fl
□ 75c Extra Good size and beautiful Top, ;! « ; V K #
f | 51.50 value: QP Linen Finish Muslin patterns — 8-enn ! l U-4W *
S for, set I/OC Sheets, 81x90; free «, vn i,.-, << »• %■ ?WJ I M
I Made of pure aluminum from dressing; Sale "' »l*e. Mff
<L ■ Price 59c $3.50 values . .$2.49 | ■
I I —lWlllllll ■!> lll! '■!■■ II ■I II 111 I 111 III!■ I IWMMIM 111 ■ illlllllllllMH I I HUB 'i
# I If You Are Wise, Mr. Man, You'll Buy That Suit You Need |j
I I at Kaufman's; We Actually Save You $5.00 and More. (ftOl/L> <TI 11
i m That's the reason hundreds of men took advantage of the remarkable low / JsS u I j '/ V I J
S| price of the Great May Sale. There isn't a style, material or color missing from i r-A f (L
| the bewildering array of the up-to-the-minute collection of new Suits. Come '%¥// \/ V g
B to-morrow for yours. (\y/J YK /Nv K
fl Smart Sack Suits For Men and j Kaufman's Extra Special New A /f \
11 Young Men; Manufacturers' I Model Suits; Manufacturers' ( Z, l yY /£\ \ #
| pr!L $9.75 kt $11.75 <
1 , Ca . n u f I h °.,-°l nd °l hfir .,f toreß - f m Wonderful values; the coats are all \ '/] I / f
B loss thai? $15.00. Among them you'll I . _ 4 ,, , . . . . „ . v —// . %
find the finest Sun-Proof Blue Serges. H lianil tailored; material of all wool. A> #
M .Men's Strong Working Men's Worsteil l'anls Men's Worsted Pants L J I'A | m
■ l*aiil>: QQ- Sale I'rii-e Sale Price JT /wV ZSS B#
f Sale Price $1.95 $149 // / i^vll
I Strongly made of Of dark mixed fancy ! 1 I / 1%
K good, sturdy cassi- worsted with beft loops Well made with belt 1 / L/'' ' ft 11 s
m meres. and side buckles. loops and side buckles. \ ; II
C | The Great Surplus Stock Sale offers immense opportunities to buy W I %*
g | at a big saving. ff l 1
11 Norfolk Suits and EXTRA SPECIAFj Boys' Norfolk Suits; { y 1 fndgrvp-
Cfl Keefers: Values to $3.50 Hoys St 11 f>llcr; Values to $7.50 "* "" I HkVßa'/£'
V ■ . _ . _ Sale Price , _ „ |
(I $2.49 $3.89 $4.89 | Wi
g | Sizes 6to 17 years. This lot consists of Handsome new pinch- yJW 1
C I At their regular price fancy worsteds, cassi- back, nobby Suits, In / I £-fJ
1| these Suits and Reefers meres andlcJwrioU. In the newest fancy chev-
K ■ would prove economy. the latest styles and are 9CA
] I So thts special sale is positively sold else- * ots . ' )lue series and M I
m I worthy of particular where in the city at fine cheviots; sizes Bto
MAYO, 1916.
Ask The
For Whom
!|ra We Work
rain ° Ur
OLI Ability
We will gladly furnish you
1 with the list, but here's a
good plan: Notice the clean
est windows —
Harrisburg Window
Cleaning Co.
Bell Phono 3526
School of Commerce
Troup Iliillriins 15 So. Market Sq«
Day and Night School
Kd Year
Commercial nnil Stenographic Course*
Hell Phone 1040-J
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night
llookkeeplnK. Shorthand, Civil ftervlea
Thirtieth Year
IKO Market St. Tlurrldburgr, Pa.
Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq,
Training That Secures
Salary Increasing Positions
In the Office
Call- or send to-day for Interesting?
booklet. "The Art of netting Alouu In
(lie World." Bell phone 694-11.
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect June 27, 1916.
; TRAINS leave Harrisburg—
For Winchester and Martinsburg at
! 5:03, *7:52 a. in., *3.40 p. m.
For Hagerstown. Chantbersburg. Car
lisle, Mechunicsburg and Intermediate
stations at *5:03, *7:52, *11.53 a. m..
•3:40, f>:37, *7:45, *11:00 p. m.
1 Additional traiiyj for Carlisle and
j Mechanicsburg at 9:4S a. in., 3:16, 3:26.
I 6:30. 9.35 p. m.
For Dilisburg at 5:03, *7:52 and
•11:53 a. m„ .2:16, *3:40. 5:37 and 6:30
p. ni.
•Daily. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE,
J. H. TONGE. G. P. A.
/■ ' ' - >
> I. .j
\ Stock Transfer ;•!
\ Ledger |i :
\ : i
\ The Pennsylvania Stock 1 ,,
Transfer Tax Law (aot of .Tvne I l '
S 4, 1916) which la now In effect.
5 requires all corporations In the !'
i State, no matter how large or '!
7 how small they may be. to keep !»
i a Stock Transfer Ledger. We 'J
f are prepared to supply these
1 J Ledgers promptly ai a vary 'I
: f nominal price. I*
jj The Telegraph \
Printing Co.
|» Printing—Binding—Designing 5
{ Ph<yo Engraving %
i }
Try Telegraph Want Ads