4 Cimcnra Mates HairlMFine And reel Fine to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal all annoy* ing skin and scalp troubles. , Sample Each Free by Mall With 83-p Sldn Book oo request. Ad dress post-card "Cudeura, Dapt. liQ t Boston.'* Sold throughout the world. HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT A SIMPLE. SAFE, RELIABLE WAY. People who are over-burdened with superfluous fat, know only too well the dlscrmifort anil ridicule that over-stout people have to bear. If you are carrying around Ave or ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are unnecessarily weakening your vital or gans and are carrying a burden which destroys the beauty of your figure. There is no need of anyone suffering from superfluous fat. . If you want to reduce your weight in a simple, safe and reliable way, without starvation diet or tiresome exercise, here Is a test worth trying. Spend as much time as vou can in the open air, breaths deeply and .get from any good druggist a box of oil of korein capsules; take one after each meal and one before re tiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week so as to know just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treat n fn; or even skip a single dose until y<_ u yre down to normal. Oil of korein is absolutely harmless, is to take, and help digestion. Even ~ few days' treatment has been leported to show a noticeable reduc tion In weight, footsteps become light er, your work seem easier and a lighter and more buoyant feeling takes pos session of your whole being. Every person who suffers from super fluous fat should give this treatment a trial.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS ——————^ The Second Dance of the MUNICIPAL BAND Thursday Evening, May 11, 1010 WINTERDALE HALL Municipal Band, Thirty Piece* Meyer's Orchestra, Twelve Pieces Continuous Musio Admission, Gents 35c; Indies 15c L ' "■ L/pi TCAHIIo\ l t^rrWW PICTURES MgMlt. BOOKED THROUGH ##COHPANrorPHItA.A v MM HCARTHEC2BOOO ##HOPE-JONES UNIT PIPE OMAR JWEQUAIor 80 PIECE ORCHESTRA MM To-day Only \Mm THE TWIN - TRIANGLE 1M A story of a girl, her W heart and the man —■ W featuring JACKIE SAI'NDERS L AND WM. COVKLIN I To-morrow: THE MYSTERIES OF MYRA MiHiiam TO-DAY Lillian Gish "Sold For Marriage" a story of human beings who re gard marriageable girls a chattel that have a purchasing and selling price. FATTY ARBUCKLE in "THE OTHER MAN" Funny two-reel Keystone comedy WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY William Fox Presents •THE MARBLE HEART" . With Violet Hoerner QRPHEUM LAST 2 Mainees Daily. 2 O'clock Night*. 8 O'clock YOUR I/AST CHANCE TO SEE THE WORLD'S MIGHTIEST SPECTACLE D. W. GRIFFITH'S \I , J BEATS SELLING NOW PRICES First <1 rows $1.00; rvnf * rows $2.00: next 7 rows, $1.50; la.«t 3 rows $1.00: balcony SI.OO, 75c, 50c, gallery 25c mid 500. Matinee, loscf floor. SI.OO. 75c; balcony, 75c, 50c: (tallcry, 25c, • Try Telegraph Want Ads TUESDAY EVENING, ;g^IjE%AYS|KHI^4^ • jre/,ent.an4 Futur^f^' THEATRICAL DIRECTORY ORPHEUM Speolal return engage ment for three days, commencing May J, with daily matinees. "The Birth of a Nation." Friday afternoon and evening. May IS Harrlsburg Choral Society and Philadelphia Or chestra. MAJESTIC Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. Motloa Picture Houses COLONIAL—"SoId For Marriage." REGENT—"Ben Blair." AICTORIA—"The Twin Triangle.* PLAYS AND PLATERS The selection of a cast for "The Bar rier. the Rex Beach novel which the Lubln Company Is preparing to make into an eight or nine-act photoplay classic. Is now engrossing the attention of the company executives. With a powerful story for foundation, the Lu bln Company will endeavor to make the cast equally notable in Its plan to have "The Barrier" represent a new epoch in leature photoplays. Pity poor Eric Campbell! Eric is the .100 pound "heavy" ap pearing In "The Floorwalker." the first Mutual-Chaplin release, which goes to the public May 18. In one of the scenes It falls to Eric to stand still while Chaplin splinters a wooden box over his head. For some reason the box failed to break when Chaplin brought it down with a crash on poor Eric s cranium. A retake, of course was necessary. "Chaplin was satisfied. Eric was the only one who wasn't. "That's all right, old boy," declared the comedian, with a sly wink to the director. "We got a lot more of "em." "Yes, but I haven't got any more of these," replied the "heavy," rubbing his head. In striking contrast Is Mr. Griffith's treatment, In "The Birth of a Nation," of the contrasting "The Rtrth theme of the misery of of a Notion." war. Wane, skeleton like figures are selected. Their dress Is of many lands and na tions, but all suggestive of grime and sordidness. Some of the lean emaciated figures are bare to the waist. Men and women are strewed about the stage like the piled up victims of a battlefield. Utter woe stamps Itself upon that pic ture as pure Joy radiates from the other. Showing -* the Orpheum Tues day and Wednesday, matinee and even ing. Dustln Farnum as Ben Blair, the strong-hearted plainsman in the Pallas picture. "Ben Blair," now »Ren Rlatr showing at the Regent, Is at the given a role that wins the Regent. respect and sympathies of all those who enjoy a stir ring Western story well told. Fannie >s"ard will make her appear ance In her latest picture. "For the De fense." to-morrow and Thursday. The plot of "For the Defense" has to do witn the adventures of the little French girl who was sent to this coun try by the Sisters in France to escape the war zone. How she escapes from a man In New York who persuaded her to go with him. and Is the only witness to a murder, who she afterwards, unknow tnglv. meets the man who is falsely ac cused «f the crime, and falls in love with him and how. by a clever trick, is able to get a confession from the real Hair Often Ruined By Washing With Soap Soap should be used very carefully. If you want to keep your hair looking its best. Most soapa and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is just ordinary mulslfied cocoanut oil (which Is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim ply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rin6es out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair line and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulslfled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months.—Ad vertisement. A Suggestion About Going to California There is only one best way to Cali fornia. and that without extra expense or any inconvenience. Tf you travel on the BURLINGTON* (C. B. & Q. R. R.) you go by way of Denver. Colorado Springs. Pike's Peak, the wonderful Royal Gorge and Salt Lake City—all In daylight. You then soe California—Yosemlte National Park, the biggest trees In the world, the gigantic mountains, the fa mous beaehts, and all the other points of Interest, and then If you wish, you can take one of those magnificent new Great Northern Pacific Steamships—the finest on the Pacific —from San Fran cisco up to Portland, Oregon. On your way back East, you can stop at one of the great National Parks— Glacier, Yellowstone or Rocky Moun tain. I am here just to help you plan your Western trip. There Is no expense to you if you make use of me. Tell me the amount of time you have to spend In the West, and when you want to go, and I will plan a trip specially fitted to your needs. I will also send, without charge, such pictures, maps and printed matter as will be an aid to you in your plan ning. Drop me a postal with your ad dress if you cannot come In. William Austin, General Passenger Depts., C., B. & Q. R. R. Co., 806 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. Advertise ments. AMUSEMENTS V \ IWILMER & VINCENT VAUDEVILLE lITATS. g:3OIQt Is<: EVE.7:3OTO 10-30 10.15.U54l VAN & SCHENCK the pennant-winning battery of songland, an<* / Lasky's Juvenile Act "At the Party" Van and Schenck will remain at the Majestic a full week, changing their songs on Thursday. *■ * .To-day, DCSTIN FARNUM hi "BEN HI.AIR." Paramount, and PARAMOUNT-BI'RTON HOLMES TRAVEL PICTURES To-morrow and Thursday, FAN NIK WARD, «tar of "The Cheat," In "FOR THE DEFENSE." Paramount, and PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS— Something; New, murderer and thus exonerate the man she loves from conviction, tends to make a picture dramatic In Its theme, stirring In Its action and unusual in its motive. On Thursday evening: the Municipal Band In conjunction with Meyers' or chestra will hold their second dance in Winterdal* Hail. The following Is the program: One-step, "Loading Up the Mandy Lee"; waits, "1 Never Knew I Had a Heart"; two-step. "Old Berlin"; waltx, "Love Here Is My Heart"; one-step, "Are You From Dlxl»?" schottlsche. "The Trailing Arbutus"; two-step, "Battle ship Connecticut"; walti, "The Last Farewell"; one-step. "Auntie Skinner's Chicken Dinner"; fox trot, "Tambourine and oranges": one-step, "America, 1 Ix>ve You"; Newport, "Milady": two step, "CO-Ed.": waltx, "Betty Lee ; one step, "Alabama Jubilee"; schottlsche, "Tliey Didn't Believe Me"; two-step, "The Kilties"; waltx, "Shadow Time"; one-step, "You'll Be There"; walta, "When You Arc In Love With Someone"; Good-night. Announcement was made to-day that the management has In reserve for late comers a reasonable sup- Mmc. ply of seats at popular Schumann- prices for the Schumann- Helnk. Heink concert at 8.15 this evening in Chestnut Street Auditorium. Madame Schumann-Helnk wires from Atlantic City, where she is resting after a week of concert work at Cincinnati, thnt she is In tine physical condition, and will be In good voice this evening. It Is also announced that she will sing In addition to the regular numbers on her program a number of additional songs as encores, all of them popular favorites, and that much of her concert will be sung in English, In sharp con trast with her earlier appearances here when most of her selections were sung in German of Italian. "Fatty" Arbuckle Is appearing at the Colonial for the last time to-day, in a two-reel Keystone "Fntty" Arbuckle comedy that keeps at the Colonial. the theater roar ing with laughter. In one role thla new picture "Fatty" plays two separate characters. In one role he appearß as a jolly tramp, and the other as a man of means. Lillian Gish. the daint'- little star that has ap peared at the Colonial In a number of Triangle features, is starred In a new Triangle Fine Arts feature entitled "Sold For Marriage." Wednesday and Thursday William Fox will present Violet Hoerner in a new five-reel production, "The Marble Heart." A photoplay of love and In trigue that has a powerful moral, fear, resulting from a guilty conscience. The Equitable release to be shown at the Victoria theater to-day, will he "The Twin Triangle," with At the Jackie Saunders, the story of Victoria which appears in the May Is- To-day. sue of the Motion Picture Magazine. It is a story of gypsy and camp life Intermingled with scenes in society life. Jackie Saunders playing a dual role in which she is both the gypsy and the society girl. It is a task for an actress so young, but hpr versatility is equal to the emergency and she Is said to give a pleasing fin ished performance. THE MAJESTIC FIRST HALF WEEK A Clean Entertaining Bill Com posed of Variety With Plenty of Music The Majestic for the first half of ] the week seems to be specializing on music, singing and instrumental. There's plenty of it, and its good. To start with there's the Dorothy Soth ern Trio, three girls who present a musical act of absolute merit. They play and sing well, and they over-top the orchestra so that their work might be appreciated from the very rear seats. And the one miss who sings, knows how to sing. Ward and Ray mond offer some comedy that is clever with some kinks most unusual. Their dancing is the prize of their act. Jesse L. Lasky's juvenile act, "At the Party" is a return engagement with a slight ly changed personnel, but the young sters sing and dance as well, if not a bit better than when they were first here. Van and Schenck, singing pair, appear upon the boards next. They made a big hit with the audience, a round of applause greeting them upon their appearance. "Pete and His i Pals" round out the bill. This last I act is ohe of tumbling and pantomime. | There are some clever feats, and j Eome sound slap-stick work which combine to produce a variety act, and Joins the make-up of a bill, clean, wholesome, and entirely entertaining. MAX ROBERTSON. Cook Stove Is So Shocking That Supper Is Delayed Appleton, Wis.—Rain and a low guy wire charged with electricity de layed tile supper at the home of Matt Meyer. ! Mrs. Meyer was unable to remove jthe supper from the kitchen stove on account of electricity. The guy wire jwas in contact with the high tension jline, and lay on the wet roof of the | house. From the eave trough it formed a direct current to the kitch en stove. Every time Mrs. Meyer made an effort to remove the cooking supper she received a shock. The police were called, and removed the wire, but not until Sergeant Meyer was knock ed down. MEAT HOOK RUNS IN FOOT Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa.. May 9. —C. B. Cameron, of Harrlsburg, owner of the Mount Vernon Hotel. Pen Mar Park, who Is spending some time at the summer resort, met with a painful accident when he stepped on a meat hook that had been thrown outside of one of the buildings. BI'RNED BY GASOLINft Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., May 9.—William Miller was severely burned in the face while vulcanizing an automobile tire. Miller happened to pour some gaso line on a hot piece of iron and an explosion resulted. FIND TRUE BILL AGAINST PHIPPS, "DOPE" SUSPECT The Federal Grand Jur*- of the Mid dle District United States Court, yes terday afternoon in Sunbury, found a true bill against William Phipps, this city, charged with violation of the fed eral "dope" laws. Detectives Shuler i snd Speese are in. Sunbury to appear at j! Phipps' trial. MILK TICKETS IN ENGLAND! By Associated Press May 3. The l«su»nc» of milk tickets by the British government, a* In Germany is advocated by the P»lly Mall, in order to control the sup ply. assure proper distribution and pre vent a further rise In the price. Milk has arisen from four -icnce to six pence a uuai t since the beginning of the war. HARRISBURG tflfWV TELEGRAPH) i An unqualified denial— of an utterly false report— A report that is BASELY FALSE, to the effect that the Maxwell Motor Co. has joined in a merger with several other motor car com panies, entailing . change in the policies and management of the Company, has been published in many newspapers throughout the country. Any foundation for this report is so UTTERLY LACKING that we can only attribute it to competitors who are trying to use us as a tool to further their own interests. '• ■ ■ 7 | ' To Maxwell dealers, to Maxwell owners— and to t We wish to state that the Maxwell Motor Co. has not joined in any merger; that no change in owner ship has taken place, nor has there . been any change in the personnel directing the policies. Furthermore, no such changes in the Maxwell or ganization are contemplated. We, therefore, make an unqualified de nial of the ridiculous rumors of con solidations involving the Maxwell name. Maxwell Motor Company, Inc. Walter E. Flanders, President Detroit, Michigan, May 6, 1916. MAY 0, 1016.