16 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart I Women's Morning & House The Annual May Sale of Misses' and j Dresses in Styles That Are Women's Suits Show a Range of Iff,' Charmingly Attractive * 8883111 \WMN : H 111 MOT Thc Ra>e,,,cnt rr/l/ ll\\ :> *>->- rm r • . i « i ™ ,4 1 if 1 . Y V 1 maaras in cream allo\er pattern with flowered edge; /f«- *!/ |\ 1 i i J \\-r s2*\oo suits of gabardine, poplin 111 the back. Ihe style is embellish- to 4ft inches wide; yard 25c to 50c L; / ( JJ^' 0S "'P'a'" " ty aS m and shepherd check in preen and ed b - v a cut ' out cffect on eithcr * ide . hemmed e,lKe n,,d °*" n work Hks >i' -f LXsgfr A well as dressier effects for //.IN y\\ naw tailored model with flarr o oil Cretonnes in many beautiful patterns alul colorines for dranerv Mouse dresses of hiue and grey chambray, with high neck and long / \ ' \\\ *1« learance rnce .. .. *««.«*« P uses, cushions and box coverings; yard «Sn «o W sleeves; sizes 36 to tG. ill $1.25 J[ - JS\ Wl O.iMI R lc h $30.00 tail gabardine "Slllt I 50-inch cretonne; vard " Win SIOO sa.'ja i hJ~" jj *****»•■«>■»>«,.&- I «broad r «-«r»,„d«.»»w^.i., K patch pockets; sizes ::h to 4«. ai #i.;r ft — . P en hagen, trimmed 111 metal but- lines below the hips; a garment ex- Silk Aurora curtains for doorways; 'in red ' ere en' ht-own r.,^""or •I •] esses of light percale, «itii surplice collar, trimmed with braid f\ 11 tons J box plaited back with plaited prcssilis the latest tendency ill blue; pair si imi to "47 VI and small pearl buttons; belted waist line and fril gathered skirt; si.es f\ ncnliim and . t , V j , i a i \ V f Window. awnings in tan and blue and blue and whlfe sixes -ft 36 to 46, at Im pcpium and Pelted effect. Annual ; tailored styles. Annual May C lear- 6 in., 3 ft., 3 ft. 4 in. and 4ft • each wntte, sizes - rt. cdged wlfh B whlle"Pll!ue* l^! zes*"'"to"Jit CO " nr ° f B ° lid s°l2s C,earancc l>rice JKIH.SO ance Price #23.50 Green and white and lan with blue and white';'each | ! Sl!«5 Mouse dresses of grey and w°hite" stripe gingham; waist is made ' Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Second Floor. j Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Third Floor, with vest effect, trimmed with embroidery and pearl buttons; sizes Sfi i . —— to 46. at $1.75 —— Mouse dresses in extra sizes, for stout women; made of fancy t Plnnn T) c\ 1-r 4 Annual May Clearance of Embroideries V'f X . ss Ba T , mg Dlshes .j A Demonstration Illustrating the Special May Sale of the and bouncings, Bringing Values Not Manner of Making Delicious Food Renowned H3.rdWß.ter SOED Heretofore Offered This Yecir in flavor than foods prepared in ordinary household"! utensUs J.VVIIU vv 11V/U ixaiu j I lor the reason that Pyrex does not permit the absorption of For Laundry and Bath ' 1C ' attached to this Ma\ Sale ot embroideries on ac- Pyrex withstands heat in an unlimited degree and besides count 01 tne unusualness of the values presented and on account of the difficulties it saves time ami fuel Owing to frequent demands at our Drug Sundries Depart- confronted in procuring worth-while imported natterns f/' Ces r , a V ge from ViV >* to * l 75 - ment for this well-known article for toilet and laundry uses, a ' patterns. vou f o || ow vour inclination to attend this demonstration complete stock of hard water soap will be on sale at all'times. ! A considerable amount of work was necessary in order to bring to thc store what had been >' ou will ,'f arn things about bakin'g that will help you every day The customary price of hardwater soap is 10c, but in order gatheied in mills with which we are associated in Switzerland. Along with the new arrivals we of \oui life. Dly#(| Pomeroy A thoroughly introduce it into Ilarrisburg homes, we have en- have gathered a representative stvle assortment from our own staple stock so you may depend 1 tered into an arrangement with the manufacturer whereby we upon it that we shall offer, beginning to-morrow very interesting values in corset cover em- ' « -v T _ . bro ; deries ' A New One-Piece Paiama 10c size will be ( cover embroidery, 17 inches wide. 1 Swiss ruffled baby flouncing, 27 inches 7c _ Hardwater soap lathers tr e „ y in either ho. or cold water "T" ** J " d ' """ 75 The MOSt Comfort- A and its purity is guaranteed. It gives an odor of almonds and is Corset cover embroidery. 17 inches wMde. Yard Embroidered voile flouncing, 45 inches wide, in . PAJUNION very acceptable for the bath. ISf, 2i>«rd OIJC and pants. Shown in white col- 11 II I » weaves and introduce many new effects in checks and stripes. «nd showy patterns, values CQ_ Swiss embroidery edges and insertions i n ored and striped madras. .SIML 1 Plain white voile; yard 1»c. 25e. »9o to s|.«o | Special, yard OV C values to 20c. Social, yard '.....10 Cln silk at j nTFill White orKnndlT; tt ynrd ar< \r.y.V.V.;y.; ;;;;;;;;; so'!' 2!•{{!! lMVe s. p,, meroy & Stewart— Street Floor. j . White and striped madras pajamas /1/ | M White batiste; yard ' ' 25c anil SOr i m i i « ♦ st.o« f l 1 White voile in seed, tape and sport stripes; yd.. 2*. 30c 50r to 551 Si Mercerized pajamas in tan. blue \ White stripe marquisette in 3 widths of stripes vard %o r i • «. a " V A''' A J*' • V I 1 \ ...=- --£ SI.OO Va ues in the May White Sale » White English check oxford skirtings' vard -Ja T T MUfl Boys one-piece-pajamas. 50c. $1.0(1 , UJUUJ "UUUI 1 Small check white English cheviot. 4 0 inches';' vard n ( ■ * i , , ■ , Ro> 7'. f^ Cy trimmed nl * hf shl !l t " : \ - A , Dives Pomerov & Stewart i-i ' D Gowns ot nainsook and cambric at , usi /m sizes 4to 16 .>o<- RPtGHTON \ i| 1 ®tewart Street Floor, Rear. . . , .SM .00 Men s muslin night shirts in white iMVjKntwßiij fWiU Envelope chemise 111 pink and white at and fancy trimmed.soc. 75c ami st.oo 'surpiNGv^R \ \ IT n -i-i ■» . r - on K skirts trimmed with lace and embroidery at si OO Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart— An Assemblage of Fashion- Xi,insMk dravvcrs ,rimmed ,vi,h la ™ ° r « Underbodices with lace sleeves at qq 1 1 T • • T~l able Corduroy For Sport W ear :E::E::: Si : Here s the Inspiration For Beautiful styles for smart sport coats and skirts that are ' l j tc * awn deques a,t Vi o T^|TllYl (T S^nlTlTY^Py , enjoying such widespread popularity. The newest weaves in White and colored cotton blouses at $| L vuu i au hnwn lieic in all tlu leading shades. 13., P. & S., American Lady and Warners Rust-proof Corsets at WI.(M) silk organdie, white ground with sport stripes and floral printings, Corduroy in rose, salmon, peach, fern, preen, silver and jrrev 28 i i* « u » ..... inches; yard 59c inches, yard * 'oj;.. Nonp skirts in cambric and nainsook dallions, lace insertion and lace edge or embroidery Plaid voile, white ground with large plaid designs in rose, light blue, c orduroy with white and ivory included in the color line: yd *1 00 i 50c, «sc, SI.OO. $1.95. $2.95 to $5.00 ruffle $2.95, $3.95 and $5 00 pink, hello and gold, 38 inches; yard 35c Oolfme < orduroy in sand, rose, fern grren. old blue and 'silvpr finish cambric skirts, trimmed with blind or Nainsook c orset covers, trimmings of lace ami Sport stripe Georgette crepe, cluster sport stripes in brown, blue • vard c •••/•;•. , ' *125 open mesh embroidery flounce 50c embroidery medallions, insertion and edge and green, half silk. 36 inches; yard 50c ii , p ?r i corduroy, stripes of green, blue, rose, tan brown and Nainsook and soft finish cambric skirts, trimmed 50c. 75c SI oo $i <»> to *\o Silk plaid voile, colored grounds with fancy silk plaid designs in black 2< inches; yard .. . ' Tan ; D . roWn J ,f^ | with embroidery or lace trimmed flounce . Nainsook underbodices with lace sleeves yoke tan, light blue, green and pink, 32 inches; yard 45c hpoi tMi ipe corduroy, 54 inches, »rooORP R ,o, E for '"* VEN ' T OPAL RINCi 1 I ZT! A DANDY? CAN'T VEAR i T BECAUSE WORRY YOt) ThAT 9 V —| V