Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 09, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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IUFFLE —On Sunday, May* I* l .®-
Hannah E., wife of William A. Riffle.
5-4 South Seventeenth street, aged «U
> ears. .
High mass at St. Francis Church.
Thursday morning. 9 o clock. The
relatives and friends arc invlt * d l'. 1
attend without further notice. Huriai
Mt. Calvary Cemetery.
I'RALK Theresa Elisabeth Feale died
Monday morning at 6 o clock at the
home of her niece, Mrs. Horace IS.
. Sheibley, New Bloomfleld. Pa.
■Funeral services Wednesday morning
at 11 o'clock. Burial New Bloomtield
Cemetery. Relatives and friends are
invited to attend without further 110-
Card of Thanks
WE take this means of thanking our
friends and neighbors for the many
kindnesses shown us during our late
bereavement, and for t lie many no were
sent us; also Stroh Bros, for their ef
forts in finding the body.
MR. AND MKS. 11. H. RICk.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Uar wish to
thank their friends and neighbors for
their kindness and sympathy during
their recent bereavement.
They wish to especially thank the lit
tle ones who sent beautiful flowers with
h card "From Ills Playmates of Regina
Street." %
WE desire to thank our many kind
neighbors and friends for their assist
ance and kindness shown during our
recent bereavement. Mrs. Wright, 405
South Front street. Stcelton.
Lost and Founa
LOST Topaz gold ring somewhere
between Fifth and Third street and Ma
cla\ and Kelker streets. Reward if re
turned to 2031 Logan street, was re
membrance of dead mother.
LOST Open faced wrist watch,
Swiss movement; gold tilled; party re
turning watch will be liberally reward
ed. Return, F. E. Bailey. 7 South Front
street, Steelton.
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED—Farmer, married, to take
position on dairy farm. Apply E. B.
Mitchell. Beaufort Farms, near Rock
\llle. Phone 2801-M.
WANTED Man with a selling abil
ity Inside work, guaranteed salary
$15.00 per week. Rapid advancement.
Call, 269 Broad street.
WANTED First-class machinists.
Address P. O. Box 446.
WANTED Janitor; American for
Park worK; good pay ant', steady worif.
Apply at once at Hershey Employment
Bureau. Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Lunchbar man. also as
sistant cook, American, good pay.
steady work. Apply at once at Hershey
Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Men and boys over 16
jears of age. American or foreign, for
factory and outside work, good wages
and steady work. Apply at once at
Hershey Employment Bureau. Hershey,
WANTED An experienced butcher.
Must have good reference. Apply 226
Chestnut street.
WANTED Elderly colored man for
porter in factory, good recommenda
tion required. Apply In person at the
office of Moorehead Knitting Co.
WANTED Boy or young man be
tween 17 and 25 years. Should be handy
with carpenter tools; also laborer. Ap- ,
ply in evening, 327 South Front street. I
WANTED First-class painters. Ap-
C. A. Sibbett, 922 Capital street at
< a. in. or 5 p. m.
WANTED At once, experienced
pretzel rollers. Apply, C. E. Nelth, 338
j-teily street.
WANTED Solicitors and collectors.
Permanent and remunerative connec
tion tor a producer. Salary and com
mission. Apply to Manager, Room 206,
Sli Walnut street, city.
WANTED Experienced sewing-ma
chine operators, trimmers anil learn
ers, to work on women's and children's
wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over
City Star laundry, 414-416 State street,
rear entrance.
WANTED Several extra salesmen
for Saturday only; to young men who
prove capable a good opportunity for
advancement. Apply at once. Superin
tendent Kaufman Underselling Store.
WANTED An experienced salesman
fin our Bargain Basement; must be a
capable all around salesman with
knowledge of dry goods and house-
I iirnishLngs. Apply at once. Kaufman
Underselling Store.
WANTED Boys over 16 years for
cutting room. Apply Harrisburg Leath
er Products Co., 1420 Wyeth street.
WANTED Strong men to chip bil- '
lets with pneumatic tools. Steady
work and good wages. See Mr. Arms- 1
East Works Office, of American Iron
and Steel Co., Lebanon. Pa.
WANTED Young men wanted for ;
locomotive firemen. No school. Write, I
Box A 4201, care Telegraph.
WANTED Bright young
man over 16 years of age, who is
willing to start on moderate sal-!
ary, with opportunity for quick j
advancement. Address, enclosing j
references, Box A-4102, care Tel
WANTED Laborers for concrete
nml pick and shovel work. Wages
22',4 c per hour. Apply to Hubert
(Jrace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa.
BOY WANTED with bicycle, about
two hours each day. Apply, 1911 Chest
nut street.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
to become practical chauffeurs. We
give our unlimited course for S6O. easy
payments, and guarantee 30c per hour
as scon as competent. We have 30 cars
to overhaul during the Spring- AUTO
Cameron street.
!; Suburban Homes in The!;
J, City For Sale j
J" 214-story brick and stucco withS
{eight rooms, bath, furnace, elec-5
• t iriclty and gas. The property is in?
•.splendid repair and the location Ist
%finc, c
•J A 2 Vi-story frame with 6 room«V
'.hath, stram heat, gas and electric-i
sits*, l ot 23x100 ft.; garage for two',
/machines. j,
Ji I nun ranee Surety Oondriji
,J l.neurt and Court Streets J
Help Wanted —Male
wealth Hotel, white or colored; steady
WANTED Boy to work evenings in
ice cream parlor. Apply at McNeal's, l
1015 North Third street.
WANTED Young man IS years okl
to operate elevator. Apply at Astrich's,
Fourth and Market streets.
opening for hustler to sell from factory i
to wearer direct our strictly all-wool
worsted and casslmere suits for men
and young men. Guaranteed made to
measure. Price only *l2. Same retail
$lB-20 in readv made. References re
quired. Fit-U-Well Tailoring Co., 817-
819 Broadway. New York.
'Wanted—Can give steady work to a
i number of good men. All conditions
I good and no trouble. Paying $5.25 per |
| ton basis. Transportation advanced
when necessary. Reply by letter to Lo
; pan Iron and Steel Company, Burn
ham, Pa.
I First-class lathe, horizontal boring mill
Mid chucking lathe hands. American
! Engineering Company. Aramingo ave
nue and Cumberland street, Philadel
i phia, Pa.
WANTED —Messengers, over 18 years
with bicycles preferred. Can make
good wanes, f.eport at once. Western
Union Telegraph Co. !
Help Wanted —Female
WE teach our students to read and
write shorthand; also transcribe rapidly
on a blank keyboard by our touch
method. Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Short
hand School. 31 North Second. j
WANTED Middle-aged lady for
general housework; one who will ap
preciate a good home. Apply 458'Cum-j
berland street.
WANTED A chambermaid. Apply
St. James Hotel, 405 Market street.
WANTED Half-grown colored girl, I
for light housework, no washing; must
go home nights. Apply, 1815 Rudy j
si reet.
WANTED Young lady for dlstribu- I
tion work. Apt. Apply at once. 1335
Market street, city.
WANTED Experienced
sewing-machine operators, trim-j
mers and learners, to . work on j
women's and children's wear. |
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over;
City Star Laundry, 414-416 State j
street, rear entrance.
WANTED Girls experienced on I
power sewing machines. Apply Har- i
risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street,
Ilarrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
l'iller and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com- r
pany, 500 Race street.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for
Housekeeper, family of two. Address G. i
••122, care Telegraph.
WANTED An intelligent white i
girl, who can mend neatly, as child's
nurse. Wages $5. Address Box G 4119,
care Telegraph.
WANTED An assistant female
cook, dishwasher and two diningroom
¥• ?: New Restaurant, 124
.\orth Third avenue, Coatesville, Pa. |
$2.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each
town to distribute free circulars for
concentrated flavoring in tubes. Per
manent position, t. E. Barr Co.. Chi
THE KAUFMAN Underselling Store
requires extra salesladies for .Satur
day only; a good opportunity for those
of experience and ability to secure a
permanent and lucrative position. Apply
at once, Superintendent .
WANTED An experienced girl for
i . s tailoring, also one apprentice I
girl. Apply to Louis, 621 North Second
WANTED Cook and second girl.
Place near city in country. Private
bath and pleasant surroundings. Apply i
BeTl 'rViV 'M or Mrs - Flanagan,
WANTED Girls over 16 years to
work in laundry. Good wages to right
parties. Sanitary Family Washing
Company. Sixteenth and Elm streets.
WANTED Wait resses, experienced,
for dining hall in the country. Good
wages and steady work. Apply at once <
at Hershey Employment Bureau.
Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Cook, experienced, for 1
park restaurant, good salary. Apply at '
Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey. 1
| W ANTED Girls experienced on
! power machines to make infants' shoes.
I Apply at Dauphin Shoe Co., .120 Mar
ket street, fourth floor, over "Hub."
WANTED Ten thoroughly ex
pet ienced operators on power sewing
mac hines on aprons and children's wash
suits. Steady work. At Jennings Mfg
t 0.. 414-416 State St., City.
WANTED An experienced white
diningroom girl, good wages for right
kind of girl. Address, Mingle Hotel,
Newport. Pa.
Help Wanted—
« Male and Female
WANTED—We have openings
for 12 more bright girls and boys.
Apply Silk Mill, Corner North
and Second streets.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS WANTED to solicit orders
for men s clothes from factory direct
10 wearer at wholesale prices. Refer
ence required, p. o. Box sPhiladel
phia. Pu.
Salesmen Wanted
SALESMAN in local territory: one
familiar with auto tires can make big
money with guarantee. Address H
-4125, care Telegraph.
ACTIVE MAN, experienced in ac
counts, business matters, etc., desires
situation as office or outside man with
progressive concern, jury l. Best local
references. Would consider moderate
investment alter becoming familiar
with conditions. Address. New Eng
land er,_4l 27, care Telegraph.
WANTED General housework "tor
companion for aged lady. Address. U
-4123. care Telegraph.
i. Young man~wlth no bad
habits wishes position of any kind. Ad
dress, 0-4118, care Telegraph.
BOOKKEEPER or office manager,
*•8. thoroughly experienced in account
ing methods and office detail 3 vears
with present firm. Excellent refer
ences. Address Box B, 4203. care Tele
WANTED Man 38 years of age
would like a position of any kind; verv
handy with tools and not afraid to
work. Address. C„ 415 Hummel street.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED By middle-aged woman,
position as first-class laundress, Mon
days and Tuesdays, private or hotel.
Inquire 35 S. Summit street.
RESPECTABLE girl wishes place in
private family. Call Bell phone 20278
or address 1613 Apricot avenue.
MIDDLE-AGED woman desires posi
tion for general housework or as house
keeper. Address, 20 North Cameron
HOUSEKEEPER wants position. No
objection to small children. Call or
write, 2030 Kensington street.
WANTEu Day's work by a good
reliable woman. Address, Louisa Briggs,
1424 Reese avenue.
.WANTED Middleaged colored lady
wishes position as rook or work bv the
day of any kind. Address, 38 Mulberry
A GIRL 15 years, would like light
work several hours each day. Address,
M-4126, care Telegraph.
WANTED Washing and ironing to
do at home or by day by an experienced
white woman. Mrs. J. A., 1 734 North
Fifth street.
WANTEu Day's work of any kind,
ilousecleaning. etc. Can give refer
ences. Address, Mrs. E. M. Kapp, Marys
ville, Pa., Front street.
WANTED Washing and ironing to
do at home or by day by an experienced
white woman. 342 Fifth street.
Real Estate For Sale
433 H/VRRIB STREET Three-story
brick house for sale; nine rooms, bath,
gas, furnace. This property can be
| bought at a reasonable price. Bell
! Realty Co., Bergner Building.
INSPEOT 705 North Eighteenth
(street; frame house with all improve
ments; lot 20x120; drive alley on rear;
1 side entrance. For sale on easy terms.
Hell Healty Co., Bergner Building.
prices ranging from $1,600 to $3,300;
! some with large lots near trolley, bet
us show you these properties. Bell
| Realty Co., Befgner Building.
| BRICK HOUSE with six rooms and
| bath for sale; owner leaving town; gas,
< electric light, steam heat; porch front;
lot 18x100. ISIS Rudy street. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
i Priced right low. Camp Hill Realty
I Co., 906 Kunkel Building. •
CAMP HILL Very desirable home;
! 4 large rooms flrst floor; second floor, 4
bedrooms and bath. Brick, slate roof;
location North Bowman avenue. Price,
$4,800,00 net. Camp Hill Realty Com
pany, 905 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg.
tiful home, 3-story brick building, 9
rooms and bath, vestibule and bath
beautifully tiled, electric and gas
lights, hot water heat, gas range, cel
lar perfect, large yard with entrance
on two streets, the interior of this
i house must be seen to be appreciated;
price low. $5,500; a great deal of the
I money can remain in the property if so
desired; this is an opportunity for a
quick buyer; if interested apply on
premises, and you will be accorded
courtesies. C. S. Weakley, 1816 North
Second street.
FOR SALE Beautiful, new two
and-a-half-storv brick residence In one
of the finest locations in the city, 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic.
Hall through center. All improvements.
' Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy
: terms. Inquire of J. A. Slngrmaster,
*»3ttysburg. Pa.
FOR SALE Do you want a very
! pretty home In the city? Choice of two
very desirable ones. Apply to M. A.
Sigier, 617 North Sixteenth street.
| FOR SALE Attractive frame house
—roomy—well located—cheap for caßh.
Camp Hill Realty Co., 905 Kunkel Build
2y, -STORY brick house, good loca
tion; lot.extends to paved alley. Near
Thirteenth and Market. Bargain price
$1,950. Edgar B. Lerew, 4 North Fifth
FOR SALE Paxtang, Kelso street;
fine 2\ a -story brick house, built in pair.
Seven rooms and bath, gas, electric,
large porches, front porch tiled; va
cuum cleaning system, steam heat, cold
Storage and pantry. H. C. Brandt. 36
North Third street.
story, brick and stucco. Beautiful
neighborhood. Lot. 25x110. Price, in
i eluding fitted screens, storm windows,
hot water coil, cabinet gas range,
shades, $3,800. Apply on premises.
FOR SALE Desirable summer cot
tage near Dauphin; choice of three, well
water at the doors 20 minutes walk
from depot. Apply to M. A. Sigier. 617
j North Sixteenth street.
MT, GRETNA cottage for sale, or ex
change on city property. Inquire 192s
North Third street.
FOR SALE Bargain to quick buyer,
Crescent and Berryhill streets. Seven
i rooms, bath, gas, furnace, porches,
lawn,'front and back, paved streets.
Small cash payment and remainder on
mortgage. Address M-4205, care Tele
| graph.
| FARM—The place for your summer
; home—Farm of 91 acres, close to Dau
phin Station, good buildings; creek on
! 'he "roperty. 11. G. l'edlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
CIGAR STORE Doing a nice busi
ness, good fixtures. If bought this
month ran be had at a bargain. H. G. I
Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. |
An entirely new type of Bungalow
Houses now being built on Fifth
street. This particular type of house
has never been built in tills city and |
offers many new advantages In Bun- :
galow architecture in Ideal Houses.
Semi-brick and Kellastone
construction; slate roofs; tile
porches < Engitsli); dust proof
cellars, laundry, parquet floors;
new system of plumbing: scien
tific lighting; using only solid
brass and silver fixtures; quar
tered oak and African Circa
sian walnut Sterling laminated
flush doors (the finest made 1
door In the world).
Houses Fully Equipped
Built Under Personal Supervision.
Price, $5,500.00.
Designers ami Builders.
2105 N. sth Street, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid 1
opportunity for builder. Inquire I
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,;
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,!
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk-'
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft.
front up to one-half acre plots —■
sewer water gas —electricity. !
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT Three-story building, '
225 Verbeke street; all modern Improve- I
■nents; possession given immediately. I
Inquire, 919 North Seventeenth street.
115 PRICE STREET Three-story
brick ten rooms— two baths city
steam heat laundry in basement. A j
most delightful downtown hxation—.
SSO. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and I
Court streets. 1
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT 2218 North Second
street 2H-story brick and stucco —
eight rooms bath steam heat —
$45. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and
Court streets.
FOR RENT Summer home at Hus
tons' Mill, situated along the Conouo
guinet creek. 9 miles from Harrisburg
and 1 mUe from Hogestown; con
veniences and furnished for light house
keeping. Inquire A. J. Huston, Me
chanicsburg, Pa.
FOR RENT A very pleasant house
wish all improvements at 2807 Camby
street, Penbrook, tor $14.00. A. W.
Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street.
No. 1713 Revere Street and gar
age $25.00
No. 1500 Walnut Street 26.00
1532 N'audain Street . 20.00
1251 Market Street.
Real Estate For Sale or Rent
LARGE 2-story building, first
flooi- storeroom and second floor hall;
located corner of Rossmo.vne and Her
man avenues. Apply West Shore Real
ty Co., Baer & Rice, Lemoyne Trust Co.
Building, Lemoyne, Pa., Bell phone
room house, with electric light, along
Philadelphia ahd Reading. Suitable for
summer outing. Inquire P. 0. Box 67,
Grantham, Pa.
Very beautiful. healthful suburb
along the "L" trolley; lots 100x175 feet;
fertile ground, enough for vegetables
and chickens; price only $169; easy pay
ments; see these lots.
Care's Grocery. Linglestown, Pa., or
409 Market street.
HUNTER'S RUN 4 acres, new 8-
room bungalow, other buildings for
summer home, close to station and
store; telephone in house Immediate
possion price only $1,450, easy pay
ments. *
Care's Grocery, Linglestown. Pa., or
40!) Market street.
Apartments For Rent
apartment. Second and Walnut streets,
second floor, Belvedere Apartment build
ing, 4 rooms and bath all fronting on
Second or Walnut streets, bay windows
on both streets. Refrigerator, »as
stove, hot water heater. Rent In
cludes city steam. Immediate posses
sion. Apply, Jacob Tausig's Sons, Jew
elers, 420 Market street.
FOR RENT A suite of six rooms
and bath, in Riverside Apartments, 1909
North Front street, immediate posses-
Bi-in. Apply, Commonwealth Trust
; FOR RENT Four room apartment;
bath; electric light; city vapor heat;
porch In rear; central location. Inquire
222 Federal Square (dwelling).
Rooms For Kent
DESIRABLE fut'nished room, with or
without private bath; city steam; elec
tric lighting:; stationery washstand;
reference required. 218 Pine street.
I FOR RENT—Sleeping or light house
| keeping, pleasantly located, five min
utes' walk north of Capital, gas and
I use of bath, 427 Boas street, city. Terms
TWO nicely furnished rooms. Gen
tlemen preferred. All conveniences.
! Use of bath and phone. Call Bell
j 1515-Sl, or Inquire 1610 Derry street.
nished with all modern improvements,
Roslyn Apartments, 209 Walnut street.
| Inquire, 22# North Third street, Milli
nery store.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnlshed
second lloor front room; gentlemen
< only; all conveniences and use of phone.
Apply BX3 North Second street.
FURNISHED ROOMS for light house
keeping; every convenience. Apply,
1814 Green street.
FOR RENT 3 second floor rooms
: and bath, suitable for li<rht house-
I keeping, located at 1844 Derry street,
rtcnt $13.00. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms,
all conveniences, including use of Bell
phone. Apply 1015 North Front street.
FOR RENT—Three newly furnished
rooms, singly or ensulte, second floor,
facing park, large and airy, 5-niinute
walk from station, all conveniences,
phone, rent reasonable. 406 North
; street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
| room for lady or gentleman, from May
| 15. Call Trombino Bros., No. 4 South
Fourth street, Room No. 1.
RENT FREE To elderly man and
wife, private communicating sleeping
room and kitchen, with improvements;
electric lights and phone. 'lnquire No.
431 Broad street.
FOR RENV Parlor and adjoining
bedroom, furnished complete, for two
gentlemen; use of Bell phone Address
71!) North Sixth street.
Board and Rooms
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
board, if desired; references exchang
ed. Inquire !>2!t North Third street.
WANTED We want the people of
Ilitrrisburg to know that we are serv
ing the best 25c DINNER in the city.
Second street.
WANTED One or two unfurnished
front rooms on 2nd Moor. Must be
above North street. Please state price.
Address E. 4121 care Tele-rr-iph.
YOUNG MAN of refinement desires
nicely furnished room and good board
in a strictly private family, preferably
one where there are no other boarders.
Must keep first-class table and desires
sunny and airy room, with congenial
people who would be inclined to do
everything to make his surroundings
pleasant and homelike. In answering
give details, as to convenience and :
accessibility of location, how many peo
ple In home, what church attended,
etc. Will pay good board. Address Box
H-4207 care Telegraph.
WANTED Harley-Davidson Side
car. Must be In good condition. Call
Bell phone U926-R.
WANTED One set of O.
Henry's works. Must be a bar
gain and in fairly good condition.
Address, Box A-4104, care Tele
WANTED Small general store;
suburban location. Walter H. Cum
mingß, 905 Kunkel Building.
For Sale —Miscellaneous
Bale it—don't burn it! An ECONOMY
all-steel, fireproof baler will pay for
itself over and over. Every business
place needs one. Different styles at
different prices. Consult me about your
requirements. E. R. Seidel, 2109 Green
street, Harrisburg.
For Sale —Miscellaneous I
FOR SALE Up-to-date chicken I
house and yard. Call at 2027 Logan I
or Bell phone 1387-R.
PENINSULAR range. Will soil cheap I
on account of Installing gas range. Ap- j
ply 245 Woodbine street or call Bell
phone 59-J.
FOR HALE One foui;-burner Vul
can double oven, gas range; good con
dition; will sell very reasonable. Ap
ply 227 Boas street.
PUBLIC SALE—The following house
hold goods of Buck Benford, Tom
Murphy and Don Miller will be sold at
Public Sale, 1I» V 11, at 1 P. M„ f r stor
age, unless redeemed before the above I
421 Broad Street.
FOR SALE Perfection Blue Flame'
3-hurner oil stove, only used three I
months, $5.00. Oak bed, $2.50; spring, |
75c. .ripply, 346 South Thirteenth street,
or phone Bell 1411-R.
BICYCLE FOR SALE Practically i
new, has been used only four weeks, j
Willing to sell at low iigure to quick !
buyer. Can be seen any time.
Box F-4212, care Telegraph.
FOR SALE - Soda fountain, twelve !
feet marble counter and marble draft; j
three soda spigots; one ice water; elec- I
trie globe on top; good condition. Ap
ply 1025 North Seventh street. Bell
ANY QUANTITY of Mazda Lamps, 25
and 40 watts, 20c each. Address, C. H.
Motter, 211 Chestnut street. Grocery
FOR SALE Racine skiff, complete
with oars, sail and rudder. Cheap to a
quick buyer. Address, "Racine," P. O.
Bo:; 612, Harrisburg.
AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub
ber" in these tires gives them more
toughness, elasticity and long-wearing
qualities than were ever known In tires
before. Special Discounts. HARRIS
on astrology, clairvoyance, hypnotism
and occultism generally; not usuallv
found in stores. Aurand's Book Store,
913 North Third street.
FOR SALE—One Real Apollo
kitchen range. In excellent con
dition. Address, Box C.-1021,
care Telegraph.
FOR SALE Three-quarter iron bed
complete; 3-burner oil stove; spinning
wheel clialr; child's high chair; one
sulky and one folding go-cart. Call or
address, 1216 Berryhlll street.
Remington, $16.00; Smith Premier,
$15.00; Underwood, Remington. No. 10,
at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson,
211 Locust street.
FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts,
iron stall guards, iron troughs and car
riage elevator. Good condition. Apply
Ober's Old Livery Stand, "'ourt and
Cranberry streets.
FOR SALE All the counters, shelv
ings, stools and tables from Cook's De
partment Store, 308 Market street, Na
tional Cash Register and mirrors.
Bought by S. Meltzer, 613 Walnut
street. Bell phone 282 J.
FOR SALE Brunswick-Balke
pocket billiard table; good as new. Ap
ply, F. S. Morrow, Sixteenth and Wal
nut street.
FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South
Second street, Lawn Fence. Field Fence,
Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard
ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board,
Compo-Board. Doors, Sash, Shutters,
Mouldings. Porch Posts, etc.
secured at tbe Telegraph Business
AT GABLE'S, 113. 115 and 117 South
Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. AU
the full line of the Acme make.
AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second
street. 5,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L.
primed' and glazed, a t >1.30 per set.
Also other sizes. Also doors and shut
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
( telegraph Business Office.
For Rent—Miscellaneous
I FOR RENT Largr eoocrtto cellar.
[Suitable for storage purposes. Best in
j the city. Call Live Wire Exchange,
10w8 North Third street, or Bell phone
j 4083-M.
FOR RENT Desirable office in
Telegraph Building, size 14x.i9. Inquire,
Superintendent, Room 100.
for piano store, confectionery, furniture
or any other kind of a large store; rea
sonable. Apply, 1101 North Sixth street.
' FOR RENT—Desk room in a desir
-1 able office in the Telegraph Building,
, llarrisburg's largest and best office
building. Inquire Superintendent, Room
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
I purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
; you have any old bicycles or parts of
! bicycles around that you wish to dis
pose of. better call Bell phone 385-It, or
drop a postal to Dayton Cyvle Co., 912
North Third street, and a buyer will
, dlnn, four two-speed Harleys, line
shape; one two-speed Dayton, like new.
Davton Cvcle Co., 1)12 North Third
I street.
BICYCLE RiDEKS— List your stolen
wheels with us. We will help you get
them. Dayton Cycle Co., »12 North
Third street. Bell phone -'<Bs-11.
FOR SALE—Preferred stock in Cum
nilngs Realty Company at Fifty Dollars
per share, ('an be paid in installments,
3 per cent, interest allowed while pay
inn. Dividends from date of final.pay
ment. Office, 906 Kunkel Building,
. 1 iarrisburg.
I POSSESS the material for a big
| money' making business half share of
fered to man with good credentials and
I $3,000 to $5,000. Apply, C-4120, care
WANTED TO borrow 25 per eent.
to 50 per cent, of value of lease notes
on short time loans. Will assign lease,
notes, etc., and pay 8 per cent, interest.
Address. Box A-4204, care Telegraph.
WANTED—Assistant with from SSOO
to SI,OOO capital. Will guarantee 10
per cent, on short Investments and can i
arrange your own security. Permanent I
position to right party: must posses* !
salesmanship ability and be able to take
care of accounts and collections. Lib
eral salary to right party. Address.
S-4213, care Telegraph.
FOR SALE Candy, Ice cream and ■
cigar store; 5-cent fare limit from !
Market Square; income was over $27 on
last Sunday. April 30; priced right;
good buy. Walter H. Cummings. 905 ;
Kunkel Building.
ANY Intelligent person can »arn -rood
Incomv corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 7»«. Lock
fiort. N. Y. 1
MAY 9, 1916.
Only Slocks to Buck General
Pressure; Munitions
Yield Easily
New York, May 9. Rails were
fho only stocks to manifest marked
resistance to general pressure. Union
Pacific made an extreme rise of 2 %
points on persistent reports of a forth
coming "extra" dividend and New
York Central's strength, proceeded
from similar causes.
Crucible Steel and Baldwin Locomo
tive were most susceptible to bear at
tacks but munitions as a whole yield
ed easily. Motors added 1o vogtpr
dny's gains, together with United
States Rubber, but reactions soon oc
curred in that group. Mexicans made
further recessions on news that the
militia of the border States had been
called out to patrol the frontier. At
noon price changes showed greater
uncertainty. Bonds were lower.
Chandler Bros. & Co.. members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street. New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York. May 9.
Open. Clos.
Allis-Chalmers 27 26^
American Beet Sugar . ... 69% 70
Business Personals
Court street. Hair cut. 25c; shave, 10c:
massage, 25c. Haircutting given special
attention. Everything thorouixhly
sterilized. P. D Richwine, Prop.
NEW and second-hand furniture
bought and sold; we pay the highest
cash prices and sell r.t reasonable
prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell
phone «085 J.
White Detective Agency
Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square.
AU lines of detective work handled.
Bell phone 127 W.
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
14 6. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth
FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at
.highest cash prices and sold at rea
sonable prices. Phone and we will calL
Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street.
Leather traveling bags ana suitcases
(drummers' samples) positively at the
lowest prices in the city. Call and be
convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goods
at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable
Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at
B. J. Campbell,
Tenth and Paxton Streets.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug
gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street,
Harrisburg. Telephone orders given
prompt attention. Bell 1960.
R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
i lug. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
Livestock and Poultry
HATCHING l5 for SI,OO, delivered.
Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar
-1 anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box
123, Loygville, Pa.
$3!i.00 worth of records for $30.00 to
quick buyer. R-4106, care Telegraph.
with reliable parties—use of piano for
storage, or would sacrifice to quick
buyers to make room for new shipment.
M-4105, care Telegraph.
$1.60 Bell 146
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St.
WE BUY any kind of talking ma
chines and records, or trade them In on
new up-to-date machine. 815 Broad
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We invite Inspection.
Low insurance. 427-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 c jnti
pei month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street.
Money to Loan
MONEY" advanced to housekeepers at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing L«oan Society, Room 7, Spooner
Building, 9 North Market Square.
CADILLAC CAR in first- class condi
tion; then nil good and new inner tubes;
S3OO 111 quick buyer. Address, T-4124,
care Telegraph.
One new truck, express type body,
worth $1,540.00, will sell at big reduc
tion; make offer: one Kline roadster,
fine condition, electric lights, big bar
gain, $390.00; one light roadster, good
condition; new paint; big bargain;
$•'90.00; on Reo touring car, s2ao,-
00; thirty otner used cars and parts of
cars, including tops, seats, electric mo
tors, wheels, axles, etc. Andrew Red
mond, Third and Boyd streets.
ONE model K Pullman delivery truck
for sale or trade on Ford. G. R. Nay
lor, Marysvillc, Pa.
FOR — 1914 model; Metz road
ster; good condition, tires practically
new. Will sell reasonable. Call,
72-W-2 United phone, Meclianicsburg
FOR HADE ileal automobile bar
gain. 1912 Buick five-passenger in
good condition. :10 H. Apply, 4116 North
Hanover street. C. O. Minnich, Carlisle,
MAWVEUj 2-cyllnder roadster; new
paint and tires; good top; windshield,
tools; best running order; need room
for new car; price $125. Horst, Jr., Route
4. Harrisburg, Pa.
Legal Notices
IN the matter of David P. Raker,
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of Penn
sylvania. In bankrupt. No.
To the creditors of David P Haker. of
Steelton, in the county of Dauphin, and
district aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that the said
bankrupt was duly adjudicated as such
on May •>. 1916. and that the first meet
ing of the creditors will be held at the
office of the referee. No. 7 North Third
street. Harrlsbui" Pa., at 2 p. m..
on May 19. 19lfi, at which lime the said
creditors ma»- attend. prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
bankrupt and transit such other busi
ness as may properly come before said
Referee In Bankruptcy.
D»ted May 9, 1816.
I American Can 56% 55%
| American C& F 60% r.9 ->*
| American Cotton Oil ... 53 53 %
| American Ice Securities . I'M 29 U
American Locomotive .. 69 68%
American Smelting .... 98 97
American Sugar 110% 110%
American T& T 128 Vi 128 Vi,
Anaconda 85 % 84 %
Atchison 103% 103%
Baldwin Locomotive ... 87% 85"*
Baltimore & Ohio 86% 86%
Hethlehem Steel 445 445
B K Goodrich 76% 76%
Butte Copper 92% 91%
California Petroleum ... 23% 23%
Canadian Pacific 167% 168 -
Central Leather 53% 53 %
Chesapeake & Ohio .... 62 62%
C, MftSt P 94 % 95%
C, B 14 p
Chino Con Copper 53% 52%
Colorado Euel & 1r0n... 42 41 %
Corn Products 19% 19
Crucible Steel 81% 79%
Crucible Steel pfd 114 li t
Distilling Securities .... 50% 50%
Erie 36% 36%
Erie Ist pfd 52% 52 V*
General Electric Co .... 166% 166
Great Northern pfd 120% 120
Great Northern Ore subs 41 40%
Inspiration Copper 45% 45
Interboro-Met. pfd. ... 74 74
Kennecott 56% 56
Kansas City Southern .. 26% 26%
Lackawanna Steel 69 68%
Lehigh Valley 78% 79%
Maxwell Motors 83% 82%
Merc. Mar. ctfs 24% 25
Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. .. 86 87 %
Mex. Petroleum 107 Vi 105%
Miami Copper 36% 36%
Misouri Pacific 5% 5%
National Lead 66 • 65%
New York Central 105% 105%
N. Y„ N. H. and H 60 59%
New York Ont. and West 27% 27%
Nor. and West 124 124 %
Northern Pacific 112% 112%
Pacific Mail 24% 24%
Pennsylvania Railroad . 56% 56%
Pittsburgh Coat 28 27%
Press Sfeel Car 47 46%
Railway Steel Spg 42 4 2
Ray Con Copper 23 22%
Reading 88% 88%
Republic Iron and Steel 47 46 %
Southern Pacific 98 98
Southern Ry 21% 21%
Southern Ry pfd 61% 62
Studebaker 131% 131
Tennessee Copper 46 44%
Union Pacific 135% 135%
U S I Alcohol 1 49 1 48%
U S Rubber 54% 55 Vi
U S Steel 83% 83 Vi
U S Steel pfd 116% 116
Utah Copper 80% 80
W *st Union Telegraph.. 91 91
Westinghouse Mfg 60% 60
Texas Oil 194 193
Philadelphia. Pa., May 9. Wheat
Firm: No. 2. red, spot and May,
51.17® 1.20; No. 2 southern, red $1.15®
Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local,
84 ® 84% c steamer. No. 2, yellow, local.
82® 83c.
Ooats Steady; No. 2 white 51%®
52c; No. 5. white, 4ft(fusoc.
Bran The market is firm;
city mills, winter, per ton, $26.50; west
ern, winter, pur ton. $26.50;; Spring, per
ion. $23.50'"'24.00.
Refined Sugars Market is firm;
powdered, $7.70®7.75; fine granulated,
$7.60®7.65; confectioners A. $7.50%®
Butter Mainet is lower; western
creamery, extra, 31®32c; nearby prints,
fancy, 34c.
Eggs The market Is firm;
Peniiovlvani;- and other neai ny rtin*
free cases, $6.90 per case; do., current
receipts, rree cases, S6.So per case,
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.7s
?er ■ »se; western, firsts, tree cases,
6.60 per case.
Live Poultry—The market Is steady;
fowls, 19(?j>20c; roosters, 130-l3c;
Spring chickens. 14®21c; do., broilers,
30®38c; ducks, 18@20c; geese, 17@19c;
turkeys, 20®22c.
Chicago, May 9.—Flogs—Receipts, 14,-
000; slow. Bulk. $9.70®9.85; light, $9.30
®9.90; mixed. $i*.45®9.90; heavy, $9.40®
9.95; rough. $9.40®9.75; pigs, $7.25@9.00.
Cattle Receipts, 4,000; steady. Na
tive beef steers, $7.70®9.85; stockers
and feeders, $5.60(08.40; cows and heif
ers. $4.20®9.35; calves, $6.35®9.50.
Sheep Receipts 9,000; strong
Weathers, $6.20®9.:30; lambs, $7.75®
11.75; springs. sll.oo® 13.00. w
llogs Receipts 14,000; slow. BulK.
$9.65® 9.85; light, 9.30®9.85; mixed,
$9.40®9.90; heavy. 19.8509.90; rough,
$9.35®9.50; pigs, $7.25®9.00.
Chicago. May 9. Close:
Wheat May. $1.14%; July, $1,16.
Corn May, 75% c; July, 74% c.
Oats May, 47 %c; July. 43% c.
Pork—July, 23.65; September, $23.30,
Lard—July. $12.92; September, $13.05.
Ribs —July, $12.72; September, $12.82.
Have you received your copy of
our current market letter? The
underlying reasons for the ad
vance in Silver Metal is told In
concise and simple language.
Is Silver going higher? If so,
how high? We have answered
these absorbing questions accord
ing to our understanding of tU»
Investors and speculators Inter
ested in the above securities
should have a copy of our letter.'
It will be sent free on request.
You are invited to call at our
offices where up-to-the-minute
quotations and information are at
your service.
Our direct private wires put you
In Instantaneous touch tvitli the
New York t'urli mill Toronto Ks
eliaiiKC. IVrsoHiil attention to
your wauls Is assured l»y our own
represent ati \e* at tlieae markets.
Howard A Riley A, fo.
Land Title Building
Spruce 4410 •• Broad B*.
Race ISO New York __
Thursday, May 11,
10 O'clock A. M.
Property belonging to Wilson
Felty, tenant on the David Nissley
farm, situate 3 miles west of Lin*
giestown, along the Linglestosvn
road. A complete line of farming
stock and Implements—including
horses, cows, heifers, bogs, chick
ens, wagons, harness, oats, corn
and all necessary implements. Sale
begins 10 o'clock a. m„ Thursday,
May 11th,