Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 06, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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>se«s On Friday, May ». J 9 }®-■?*"'
Frederick, son of Haul and Ruth Hess,
aged 2 months and 2S days. _ . .
Funeral on Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock from tlu< parents residence,
IMS Bailey street. The relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
further notnioe.
ARBAI'GH Henry U Arbaugh,Jr..
Hied this morning at 1.00 a.t hla home,
L'ftOK Kensington street, a-f
Funeral services Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Peavor,
-ing. Burial in the Paxtang ceraetei>.
lUelative.s and frienda arc invited to
attend without further notice.
in Memoriam
In loving memory of
Entered into rest M»v «, lS'Ji.
I'ntil the morning br*»aketh and
The shadows flee away.
Card of Thanks
\\ E desire to tliank uui many kind
neignbors and friends for their assist
ance ami kindness shown during our
recent bereavement. Mrs. right. 405
h.'iiiii !• imiu street, Steeltoli.
Lost and Found
I.OST _ Topaz sold ring somewhere
between Fifth and Third street and Ma
clav and Keiker streets, lieward if re
lurnetl to 2031 Logan street, was re
membrance of dead mother.
LOST Open faced wrist watch,
Swiss movement; gold tilled; party re
turning watuh will be liberally reward
ed. Return, F. E. Bailey, 7 South * ront
street. Steelton.
l/JST Brown and white fox ter
rier. Answers to name of Hilly. Re
ward if returned to 92 Worth Eigh
teenth street.
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED Solicitors and collectors.
Permanent and remunerative connec
tion lor a producer. Salary and com
mission. Apply to Manager, Room 20t>,
jl.l Walnut street, clt>;.
1 WILL PAY any honest man up to
SSO monthly for part of spare time.
.\o canvassing. No capital, vv'lite to
day. Voorhtea. Desk 15.i, Utnaha, Neb.
WANTED Stories, articles, poems,
etc. We pay on acceptance, utters sub
mitted handwritten Mss. acceptable.
I'iease send prepaid with return post
age. Cosmos .Magazine, 220 Stewart
Building. Washington, 1). C.
AGENTS Enormous profits. Quick
sales. Cooper inakiftg $65 weekly. Sell
"Kantleak' Raincoats, Auto Coats,
Palm Beaoh Suits. No capital required.
\\ e deliver and collect. samples free
for demonstrating. Comer Mfg. Co., 31
] lelco street, Dayton, Ohio.
SALESMAN residing in Harrisburg or
vicinity lo handle old established litis
ol oil* and greases in this territory,
i ommiasion 1 asls. references required.
.1 Jones £• Brother, 429 Locust street.
I'iiiladelphia, Pa.
WANTED Helper for pipe fitting.
Apply at 123 Pine street, alter 6 p. to.
WANTED Heflned young man as
door tender. Apply, Hegent Theater.
WANTED Strong men to ohip bil
lets with pneumatic tools. Steady
wi->rk and good wages. See Mr. Arms-
East Works Office, of American Iron
and Steel Co., Lebanon. Pa.
WANTED—A young married man,
experienced In farming, to take .charge
of a farm. Good opportunity. Address
g«r« Telegraph.
WANTED 5 union barbers. Apply,
Application. Secretary Barbers' Union,
1519 North Fifth street, E. L. Wagner.
BOY WANTED 54.00 a week to
start, good chaace for a llvewire. Capi
tal Optical Co., 27 South Third street.
WANTED Young men wanted for
locomotive firemen. No school. Write,
Box A 4201, care Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced job press
feeders. Apply at once, The Patriot
Job Print, 320 Market street.
WANTED Bright young
man over 16 years of age, who is
willing to start on moderate sal
ary, with opportunity for quick
advancement. Address, enclosing
references, Box A-4-102, care Tel
WANTED Cigarmaker; good hand
workman. Apply, 200 Market street.
WANTED Laborers for concrete
and pick and shovel work. Wages
23Hc per hour. Apply to Robert
Grace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa.
BOY WAITED with bicycle, about
two hours'eitch day. Apply, 1911 Chest
nut street.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Hamburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
to become practical chauffeurs. We
(five our unlimited course for SSO, easy
payments, and guarantee 30c per hour
as soon as competent. We b?-ve 30 cars
to overhaul during the Sprfng. AUTO
North Cameron street.
] lelp Wanted—Female
ADD $5 to S2O per week to you* sal
ary. Pleasant, profitable wol'K. No
<anvsssingor soliciting. No money re
quired. Something new. JSmploved
people preferred. Irving Silver Com
pain. South Market strep!, Chicago.
WANTED Persons to colOr art pic
tures at home; easy work; no expe
rience; good pay; sample fre«. Wheel
er Co., 337 Madison, Chicago.
WOMEN to represent established
guaranteed hosiery mill selling "Mill to
earer." Permanent customers, brand
well advertised. Salary or commission,
international Mills, Penn street, Nor
ristown, Pa.
FIVE bright, capable iadles to travel,
demonstrate and sell dealers. $25 to
SSO per week. Ratlroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 520,
Omaha, Neb.
I; For Exchange ;j
:sungalow at Cove Station?
•J A one-story frame building with?
jslx rooms (completely furnished).?
JjLot 200x140 ft. 5
Will Exchange
■j For a house in Harrlsburg thatJ
J. rents for not less than Fifteen J
a month. f
j> Inaurane* Surety Rondti 1 !
,» l.mnnt and Court Street* !■
Help Wanted —Female
WANTED An experienced cham
bermaid. Apply at State Capital Hotei,
2iE walnut street.
WANTED White girl or woman
for light housework In adult family
living downtown; good wages- Bell
phone 568-W.
WANTED—Two neat general house
work girls. Apply, Community Inn,
3619 South Cameron street.
WANTED A diningroom girl and
dish washer; good wages to right par
ties. Apply, 1102 North Third street.
WANTED Experienced
sewing-machine operators, trim
mers and learners, to work on
women's and children's wear.
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over
City Star Laundry, 414-416 State
street, rear entrance.
WANTED AT ONCE—A girl for cleri
cal work. Must be a fair penman. Ad
dress, X 4112, care Telegraph.
WE teach our students to read and
write shorthand; also transcribe rapidly
on a blank keyboard by our touch
method. Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Short
hand School. 31 North Second.
WANTED Girl to help with
housework In family of three. Call In
person, 263 Hummel avenue, Lemoyne,
or call Bell phone 3078-R.
WANTED Girls experienced on
power sewing machines. Apply Har
risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street,
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
Filler and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
WANTED An experienced white
diningroom girl, good wages for right
kind of girl. Address, .Mingle Hotel.
Newport. Pa.
Help Wanted —
Male and Female
WANTED—We have openings
for 12 more bright girls and boys.
Apply Silk Mill, Corner North
und Second streets.
Agents Wanted
AGfc.Ms to sell Grunuels for mak
ing pure candies ana ice cream, con
lorms with all pule food laws. Write
for booklet. Brooklyn Mtg. Co., 77S
liravesenu avenue, Brooklyn. N. *.
AGENTS Transier initials, letters
ana monograms; you apply ttieui on au
tomobiles wnile tliey wait; cost you Jc
each; prorit J1..J8 on $1.60 job; frea par
ticulars. Write to-uay. Auto Mono
gram suupij Co., N&gara Bulging,
-Newark,' Jf.
AGENTS Free catalog and sam
ples, new goods, quick sales. big profits,
make $5 to s2u daily, no experience,
World's greatest specialties. Cruver
Co.. Jackson & Chicago, 111.
NISHED agants plaaing samples of new
necessity with automobile owners on
our I'ARAN'I'BIC credit plan. \\ hole
01 part time. Orolo Manufacturing
Company, t-ouisville, Ky.
GET YOUR SHARK of prosperity.
jFortliny now being made. Uet In bus
iness for yourselt —with otu h«lp -.and
factory privileges. At home, all or
spare time. No canvassing; experience
unnecessary. Write to-aay for tree
book mall order success, incase Manu
facturing Co., Inc., Depv C2'i, 68 Broad
way. Buh'alo, n. V.
S3O yearly; lits every gas range; won
derful demonstration; coats 20c, sells
50c, agents getting rich. American Uas
Reduction Company, Transportation
Builulng, Chicago.
AGENTS To travel by automobile
introducing our big line of fast summer
sellers. The greatest line On eturth.
•Make Jin a day easy. Complete outpt
and automobile furnished to worker's.
Wiite at once for exclusive territory.
American Products Co.. 4868 Third
street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
AGENTS WANTED For high srrade
specialty. Demonstration invariably
results in sale. Write for free booklet
on Salesmanship. The George Cft., Box
129, Allentown, Pa.
AUENTS Chanoe to make big
money calling on automobile owners.
Get our proposition to-day. George
Daniels, li»3 Leushner stree't, Detroit,
HURRY; sell Gasco-tonic, the wiys
tery of motordom. Equals gasoline at
3c per gallon. Eliminates carbon. Dol
lar an hour profit. Sales guaranteed.
Beware of imitators! tiasco-Tonic
stands alone. Has no equal. "Chemists
baflled at its omposition. Details free.
The Wl'"' Mfg. Co., Dept. 40, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
AGENTS WANTED to solicit orders
for men's clothes from factory direct
to wearer at wholesale prices. Refer
ence required. P. O. Box 522, Philadel
phia, Pa.
exceptional proposition to offer whole
or part time agents, policies unique
without restrictions, paying every day
accident or sickness with natural death,
SI.OO per month. Dept. C., 081) Drexel
Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Salesmen Wanted
SALESMAN Vacancy Vacancy Way
IS with old house. Permanent position.
Cover Pennsylvania. Staple line sold
on exceptional terms. High commis
sion. $35.00 weekly advance. Sales
Manager, 53 Suite, 800 Woodward. De
unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write
for large list of openings offering op
portunities to earn from 1100 to »uou a
month While you learn. Address near
est oflice, Dept 24-1 National Salesmen's
Training Association, Chicago. New
York, San Francisco.
WANTED Salesman to call on
grocers, general stores and confection
ers In small country town, 25 per cent
commission. S4O weekly drawing ac
count. Crown Cider Company, 207
South Commercial street, St. Louis. Mo
Dept. 4.
thing new. Business necessity. Re
tails $5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No
competition. Excellent territory. Free
samples. Sayers Co., 457 Walnwrlght
St. Louts.
WANTED -L To pay $1,500 to $3,000
yearly to men to call upon manufactur
ers, wholesale and retail dealers, banks
and dootors. $25 weekly advance. Ex
perience helpful, but not essential. We
pay each Thursday; full Instructions
assure success. Ram opportunity.
Write promptly. H. O. Jones, Secretary,
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED Young man with no bad
habits wisheß position of any kind. Ad
dress, 0-4118, care Telegraph.
BOOKKEEPER or office manager,
28. thoroughly experienced in account
ing methods and office detail. 3 vears
with present firm. Excellent refer
ences. Address Box B, 4203, care Tele
MAN wants position as
cool; for country club or hotel; good
reference*. Address, 110 Mary street.
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED Man 38 years of age
would like a position of any kind; very
handy with tools and not afraid to
work. Address, C., 416 Hummel street.
WANTED Work on the farm by
.voung mail 19 years of age. Address,
Edw. Craiblc. 315 Nectarine street.
WANTED Young man 24 years old
desires position. Four years mechan
ical drafting and office work. Address
P. O. Box 339, city.
Situations Wanted—Female
MIDDLHAUED Christian lady desires
to go as companion to a mtddleaged or
elderly Christian lady for a home. K.
4202, care Telegraph.
Bookkeeper and stenographer de
sires position. Experienced, competent.
Can furnish good references. E. 4116,
care Telegraph.
WANTED—Work at scrubbing floors
In stores and offices in the evening
after 5 o'clock every week. Address.
Mrs. R. H.. Marysvllie, care of Mrs. E.
M. Kapp at Marysvllie, Pa., Front
WANTED Dishwashing or scrub
bing by colored girl. Apply, 1312 North
Currant street, city.
WAN'TEu Day's work by a good
reliable woman. Address, LOuisa Brlggs,
1424 Reese avenue.
WANTED Middleaged colored lady
wishes position as cook or work by the
day of any kind. Address, 38 Mulberry
NURSE Experienced nurse desires
position, nervous cases a specialty;
terms reasonable. Call or address. 24RS
North Sixth street. Bell phone 216-W.
WANTED Young colored girl
would like place as waitress or cham
bermaid in private family. Apply, 620
Forster street.
Real Estate For Sale
Priced right low. Camp Hill Realty
Co.. 906 Kunkel Building.
tiful home, 3-story brick building, 9
rooms and bath, vestibule and bath
beautifully tiled, electric and gas
lights, hot water heat, gas range, cel
lar perfect, large yard with entrance
on two streets, the Interior of this
house must be seen to be appreciated;
price low. $5,500; a great deal of the
money can remain in the property if so
desired; this is an opportunity for a
quick buyer; if interested apply on
premises, and you will be accorded
courtesies. C. S. Weakley, ISIS North
Second street.
FOR SALE Corner Dale Ave. and
Market street, Washington Heights,
frame house, eight rooms, bath, elec
tric lights, hot water heat, gas kitchen,
lot 60 feet front; garage. Inquire J. M.
Tritt, on premises.
FOR SALE Beautiful, new two
and-a-half-storv brick residence In one
of the finest locations in the city. 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
SOxljO fset. Eight rooms and attic.
Hall through Renter. All improvements,
fine lafrn am) shru'-hery. Sold on easy
terms. Inquire of J. A Slnginaster,
Gettysburg, Pa.
FOR SALE • Beautiful new houses
at Riverside; all summer conveniences;
prices low; easy terms. Lewis M. Nelf
fdi*. 222 Market street, E. Moeslein, 424
State street.
3-story frame house, in good con
dition; 20-foot frontage with side
entrance. Price, $1,650. S. W.
Fitzgerald. 317 Walnut street.
FOR SALE Paxtang, Kelso street;
fine 24 -story brick house, built In pair.
Seven rooms and bath, pas, electric,
large porches, front porch tiled; va
cuum cleaning system, steam heat, cold
storage and pantry. H. C. Brandt, 36
North Third street.
story, brick and stucco. Beautiful
neighborhood. Lot, 25x110. Price, in
cluding fitted screens, storm windows,
hot -Hater coil, cabinet gas range,
shades, 93,800. Apply on premises.
CAMP HILL Very desirable home;
4 large rooms first floor; second floor, 4
bedrooms and bath. Brick, slate roof;
location North Bowman avenue. Price,
$4,800.00 net. Cannp Hill Realty Com
pany, 905 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE Regtna street. No.
1836, Detached brick house with eleven
rooms, steam heat, gas and electric
1 lights, side yard. A real home. Price
upon inquiry. J. E. Gipple, 1251 -mar
ket street.
FOR SALE New bungalow on 1%-
acre plot, one mile from Penbrook, at
Raysorsvllle. on Union Deposit Road.
Will sell cheap and allow part of pur
chase money to remain in property. C.
M. Pannell, Secretary, 151 South Fourth
street, Steelton.
FOR SALE Five-room house, with
basement; also cottage. 18x24 feet;
chlckenhouse; good well water; apples,
cherries, peaches, quinces, apricots,
grapes and berries; along river; 5-cent
car fare from Square; all-night ser
vice; 10 minutes' walk from car line;
good fishing and bathing; fine location
lor summer home. Price, $1,300; S3OO
cash, balance to suit purchaser. Frank
J. Harro, Bell phone 3192 H.
INSPECT 705 North Eighteenth
street; frame house with all improve
ments; lot 20x120; drive alley on rear;
side entrance. Fdr sale on easy terms.
Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
BRICK HOUSE with six rooms and
bath for sale; owner leaving town; gas,
electric light, steam heat; porch front;
lot 16x100. 1815 Rudy street. Bell
Realt-- Co.. Bergner Building.
prices ranging from $1,600 to $3,300;
some with large lots near trolley. Let
us show you these properties. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
433 HARRIS STREET—Three-story
brick house for sale; nine rooms, bath,
gas, furnace. This property can be
bought at a reasonable price. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
rooms and bath, gas, hotwuter heat, lot
luxlOti feet. Price $2,350. H. G. Ped-
I low, 110 South Thirteenth street.
FARM of 30 acres, Cumberland coun
ty; good buildings, large orchard, run
ning water. Good place for chicken
raising. Price SI,BOO. H. G. Pedlow,
110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE Attractive frame house
—roomy—well located—cheap for cash.
Camp Hill Realty Co., 905 Kunkel Build
FOR SALE No. 1814 Park street,
modern brick house, with porch and
Hide entrance. Ijot 110 ft. to public
street. Price, $3,200. J. E. Gipple, 1251
Market street.
FOR SALE Walnut street. No. 1313,
modern 3-story brick and frame dwell
ing. A very desirable home at a mod
erate price. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market
PAXTANG For salf one of the
nicest homes; close to cars: large lot.
Price. $4,600. Apply., Dr. E. K. Lawson,
Penbrook, Pa.
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
Real Estate For Sale
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk
wood, New Cumberland 5O ft.
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas—electricity.
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
FOK BALS The Board of Commis
sioners of Public Grounds and Build
ings will offer at Public Hale In front
of State Capitol Building, at entrance.
Fourth and Stale street, Harrisburg.
Pa., at 10 o'clock a. m., May 20th, IHI6,
the following buildings and structures
upon the premises within the boundar
ies of the proposed extension of Capitol
Park in Llghtli ward, City of Harris
Property situate between North and
State streets, and west of Pennsylvania
K&llroad, formerly occupied by the W.
O. Hickok Manufacturing Company to
be offered In groups, and as a whole, as
(■roup V
Building No. 1, Machine Shop. Build
ing No. lA, Storage. Building No. 2,
Storage. Building No. 3. Blacksmith
Group II
Building No. J, Core Oven. Building
No. 5, Iron Foundry. Building No. 6,
Pattern Storage. Building No. 7, Motor
House. Building No. 8. Storage Shed.
Building No. BA, Storage Shed.
Group t
Building No. !•, Dust House. Build
ing No. 10, Dry Kiln. Building No. 11,
Brass Foundry. Building No. 12, Core
Kooni. Building No. 13, Scrap House.
Building XSo. 14, Boiler House.
Group I)
Building No. 2ti, Brick and Frame
Storage Sheds and fence along State
Group K
Building No. 27. Storage. Building
No. 28, Storage. Building No. 29, Stor
Group K
Building No. 16, Office Building.
Building No. 17, Office Building. Build
ing No. 18, Garage.
(<r«up G
Building No. 20, Lumber Shed. Build
ing No. 21, Lumber Shed. Building No.
22, Barn and fence around Group G.
The purchaser shall pay to the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, through
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburg.
Pa., by certified check or United States
currency, the amount at which the said
building or buildings and structures are
awarded to them, as follows: A cash
payment of 25 per cent, shall be made
on day of sale and the balance before
entering upon the property to remove
tlie material purchased.
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied, possession will be given the
purchaser Immediately. Where the
premises are tenanted, possession will
be given Immediately at'ter the prem
ises are vacated. The Commonwealth
will not be responsible for any damage
to property atter possession is given.
Purchasers shall state at time of their
offer the time required to remove the
buildings and material after being
given possession by the Common
wealth. which in no case shall be longer
than 60 days. All bulidins' refuse shall
be carted away from the premises by
the purchaser. All foundation walls
must be taken down and removed at
least three feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds anil Buildings reserves the
right to accept or reject any or all bids.
The work of removal shall be performed
under the direction of and to the satis
faction of the Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings.
NOTE: The sidewalks and street
p.ivements are not to be removed by
purchaser of buildings or structures
under the schedule.
By order of the Board.
Superintendent. I
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT A very pleasant house
wish all Improvements at 2807 Caniby
street, Pcnbrook, ior $14.00. A. W.
Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street.
EOR RENT—Two first-class
new houses, steam heat and up
to-date houses. Twentieth and
Market. Rent $25.00. Inquire
J. E. Dare, coal office, Seven
teenth and Chestnut sreets.
FOR RENT La Rue cottage at Cove
station, for the season, fttrnisiied. In
quire at 1908 North Sixth street.
No. 1713 Revere Street and gar
age $25.00
No. 1500 Walnut Street 26.00
1532 Naudain Street 20.00
1251 Market Street
Real Estate For Sale or Rent
room house, with electric light, along
Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable for
summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box 67,
Grantham, Pa.
One to five- acre plots; Charleton Sta
tion, on Linglestown trolley line; gar
den soil. Purchase now and raise your
own poultry, vegetables and tlowers.
Price only S2OO to S4OO per acre.
Care's Grocery, Linglestown. . ascrip
tion at 409 Market street. Harrlsburg.
Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT A suite of six rooms
and bath, in Riverside Apartments, 1909
North Front street, immediate posses
sijn. Apply, Commonwealth Trust
FOR RENT Furnished house for
the summer, centrally located; all con
veniences; rent reasonable. Address
Y., 1071. care of Telegraph.
apartment. Second and Walnut streets,
second lloor, Tauslg Apartment build
ing, 4 rooms and bath all fronting on
Second or Walnut streets, bay windows
on both streets. Refrigerator, gas
stove. Ruud water heater. Rent in
cludes city steam. Immediate posses
sion. Apply, Jacob Tausig's Sons, Jew
elers, 420 Market street.
FOR RENT Four-room apartment
In Dauphin. Electric lights, bath, front
and back porch. Garage in connection.
Address. P. t). Box 35. Dauphin, Pa.
N. SECOND ST., 34 The Young
apartments for adults only. Six rooms,
bath, kitchen. Bay window facing
Second street; third floor; $35. Apply
to A. C. Young, 26 North Third street.
Bell 713-J.
FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms
with use of bath, large porch, electric
and gas. Inquire. 1906 North Sixth
FOR RENT One newly furnished
apartment with all conveniences for
light housekeeping. Call at 210 North
Third street. second floor—Green's
dressmaking parlor.
able apartment, five rooms, pantrv and
bath. Rent reasonable. Sigler Build
ing, 30 a 4. Second street.
FOR RENT Four room apartment:
bath; electric light; city vapor heat;
porch in rear; central location. Inquire
222 Federal Square (dwelling).
Rooms For Rent
TWO nicely furnlßhed rooms. Gen
tlemen preferred. All conveniences.
Use of bath and phone. Call Bell
IRIS-M, or inquire 1610 Derr.v street.
DESIRABLE furnished room, with or
without private bath; city steam; elec
tric lighting; stationery washstand;
reference required. 218 Pine street.
Rooms For Rent
Large second floor front room, de
sirable location; very cool; two bath
rooms, use of phone. Splendid for man
and wife. 117 Pine street.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room,
on third floor, city heat, gas, use of
bath, rent reasonable. Apply 308 North
Second street.
nished With all modern Improvements,
Roslvn Apartments, 2o» Walnut street.
Inquire, 226 North Third street, Milli
nery store.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
for light housekeeping; balcony, elec
tric lights, corner house, also use of
Rhone and front porch. Apply, 625
orth Fifteenth street.
ONE OR TWO furnished rooms; suit
able for gentlemen or young married
couple. All conveniences. Use of phone.
1924 North Second street.
FOR RENT Large, well-furnished
second floor front room; gentlemen
only; all conveniences and use of phone.
Apply 813 North Sec&nd street.
FURNISHED ROOMS for light house
keeping: every convenience. Apply,
1814 Green street.
FOR RENT 3 second floor rooms
and bath, suitable for lie-lit house
keeping. located at 1544 Derry street.
Rent $13.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market
FOR RENT—Three newly furnished
rooms, singly or ensuite, second floor,
facing park, large and airy. 5-minute
walk from station, all conveniences,
phone, rent reasonable. 406 North
FOR RENT Two completely fur
nished rooms, for light housekeeping;
also nicely furnished room for lady or
gentleman. Call Tromblno Bros., No. 4
South Fourth. Room No. 1.
RENT FREE To elderly man and
wife, private communicating sleeping
room and kitchen, with improvements;
electric lights and phone. Inquire No.
431 Broad street.
FOR RENY Parlor and adjoining
bedroom, furnished complete, for two
fentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address
19 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms,
all conveniences. Including; use of Bell
phone. Apply 1015 North Front street.
Board and Rooms
SPECIAL Try our special Sunday
Chicken Dinner, 35c. The best in the
city. Come to see us this Sunday. THE
ond street.
rates and good board; all conveniences.
Board in advance. 141 South Front
street, Steelton, Pa.
WANTED To buy second-hand roll
top desk. Address, M-4117 Care Tele
WANTED slll,OOO on real estate
valued at $ IS,000; privilege of paying off
SI,OOO per year. Address, M. 11. C., 4015,
care Telegraph.
WANTED—Second hand metal gar
age, 10 or 13 by 15. Must be cheap.
Address P. O. Box 331.
WANTED One set of O.
Henry's works. Must be a bar
gain and in fairly good condition.
Address, Box A-4104, care Tele
gggk '
WANTED Boarders, either by
week for month. Gentlemen preferred
Prices reasonable. Apply, 373 Hamil
ton street.
WANTED Small general* store;
suburban location. Walter H. Cum
mings, 905 Kunkel Building.
For Sale —Miscellaneous
FOK SALE 3 pool tables 4',£x9
Brunswick Balke make; good condition.
Will sell cheap. Call or phone, Hive
wire Exchange, 1008 North Third street.
FOR SALE 1914 model; Metz road
ster; good condition, tires practically
new. Will sell reasonable. Call,
72-W-2 United phone, Mechanicsburg
PUBLIC SAHE of large lot of tine
household goods at 113 South Front
street, Tuesday, May 9th, at 1.30 p. m.
C. I''ry, auctioneer.
FOR SALE Perfection Blue Flame
3-burner oil stove, only used three
months, $5.00. Oak bed, $2.50; spring,
75c. .ripply, 346 South Thirteenth street,
or phone Beil 1111-R.
new, has been used only four weeks.
Willing to sell at low figure to quick
buyer. Can be seen any time. A«ply,
Box F-4212, care Telegraph.
FOR SALE Soda fountain, twelve
feet marble counter and marble draft;
three soda spigots; one ice water; elec
tric globe on top; good condition. Ap
ply 1025 North Seventh street. Bell
ANY QUANTITY of Mazda Lamps, 25
and 40 watts, 20c each. Address. <'. 11.
Motter, 211 Chestnut street. Grocery
FOR SALE Racine skiff, complete
with oars, sail and rudder. Cheap to a
quick buyer. Address, "Racine," P. O.
iSo.'c 61 a, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE Bed, spring and mat
tress, one parlor suite, one walnut mar
ble-top buffet and marble-top table, and
six chairs. South Seventeenth
TWIN-INDIAN 2 speed motorcycle;
overhauled, fine condition. Price $125.
Inquire at 627 Dauphin street. Can be
seen at West End Cycle Electric Co.
Brooder house 16x45, 9 ft. sections; hen
house 12x40, solid. Can be used for
storage or other purposes, $125.00 takus
both; cost new $400.00. W. E. Murray,
end of car line Creek Bridge, New Cum
berland, Pa.
AND RETAIL The new "Velvet Rub
ber" in these tires Hives them more
toughness, elasticity and long-wearing
<inalltles than were ever known In tiles
before. Special Discounts. HARRIS
FOR SALE—One Real Apollo
kitchen range. In excellent con
dition. Address, Box C. 4021,
care Telegraph. *
FOR SALE Three-quarter iron bed
complete; 3-burner oil stove; spinning
wheel chair; child's high chair; one
sulky and one folding go-cart. Call or
address. 1216 Berryhill street.
FOR SALE 3 girls' bicycles, new
paint, tires, etc. Prices, SB, $lO, sl2.
See these bargains to-day. Dayton
Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell
phone 385-R.
Remington. $15.00; Smith Premier,
$15.00; Underwood, Remington. No. 10,
at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson,
211 Locust street.
FOR SALE Hardwood »tall posts,
iron stall guards, iron troughs and car
t-lag* elevator. Good condition. Apply
Ober's Old Livery Stand, "ourt and
Cranberry streets.
FOR SALE All the counters, shelv
partment Stora, SOB Market street. Na
tional Cash Register and mirrors,
Bought by 8. Me'tzer, 613 Walnut
street. Bell phone 382 J.
MAY 6, 1916.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South
Second street, Lawn Fence. Field Fence,
Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard
ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board,
Compo-Board. Doors, Sash, Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc.
secured at the Telegraph Business
AT GABLE'B. 111. US and 11? South
Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme maka
AT GABLES. 111-117 South Second
sfeet, 6,000 sets new sash. Bxl6. 13 L.
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set.
Also othor sizes. Also doors and shut
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
For Rent —Miscellaneous
for piano store, confectionery, furniture
or any other kind of a large store; rea
sonable. Apply, 1101 North Sixth street.
FOR RENT Desirable office in
Telegraph Building, size 14x19. Inquire,
Superintendent, Room 100.
FOR RENT—Desk room In a desir
able office in the Telegraph Building,
Harrisburg's largest and best office
building. Inquire Superintendent, Room
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
FOR RENT Storeroom,
Hamilton street, near Third
street business block. Rent sl2.
Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third
Business Opportunities
OIL SIO.OO invested with us has
made others S3OO in less tliun six
months. Let us send you our magazine,
"Profitable investments," six mouths
free, which tells how to make your
money make you independent. The
Hoffman Company, .407 Fannin street,
Houston, Texas.
1 POSSESS the material for a big
money making business half share of
fered to man with good credentials and
$3,000 to $5,000. Apply, C-4120, care
WANTKD TO borrow 25 per cent,
to 60 per cent, of value of lease notes
on short time loans. Will assign lease,
notes, etc., and pay 8 per cent, interest.
Address, Box A- 1204, care Telegraph.
WANTKD—Assistant with from SSOO
to SI,OOO capital. Will guarantee 10
per cent, on short investments and can
arrange your own security. Permanent
position to right party: must possess,
salesmanship ability and be able to take
care of accounts and collections. Lib
eral salary to right party. Address,
S-4213, care Telegraph.
Hustling young man of good
social standing with few thous
and dollars, to handle in Harris
lnirg and vicinity one of the best
selling automobiles on the mar
ket. Address 8., 4115, care Tele
FOR SAMS Candy, ice cream and
cigar store; B-cent fare limit, .from
Market Square: income was over $27 on
last 'Sunday, April 30; priced right;
good buy. Walter H. Cummings, 905
lvtinkel Building.
ANY intelligent person can earn -food
Incomv corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port. N. Y-
Business Personals
B. J. Campbell,
Tenth and Paxton Streets.
Court street. Hair cut. 2oc; shave, 10c;
massage, 25c. Halrcuttlng given special
attention. Everything thoroughly
sterilized. P. D Rlchwlne, Prop.
NEW and second-hand furniture
bought and sold; we pay the highest
cash prices and sell ;.t reasonable
prices. S Gold. 1014 Market street. Bell
phone iOBSJ.
Bale It—don't burn it! An ECONOMY
all-steel, fireproof baler will pay for
itself over and over. Every business
place needs one. Different styles at
different prices. Consult me about your
requirements. E. R. Seldel, 210!) Green
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
White Detective Agency
Trustee Building, 8 N. Market Square.
All lines of detective work handled.
Bell phone 127 W.
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
146. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth
FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at
highest cash prices aim sold at rea
sonable prices. Phone and we will call.
Max Smelts:, 1016 Market street.
leather traveling bags ana suitcases
(drummers' samples) positively at the
lowest prices in tho city. Call and be
convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goods
at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable
Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, prepared bv Gross, Drug
gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street,
Harrisburg. Telephone orders given
prompt attention. Bell 1960.
R. A. HARTMAN, Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co, Movers of
F'lanos, safes, boilers and general haul
ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R.
Livestock and Poultry
Barron strain S. C. W. Leghorn hatch
ing eggs from free range trap nested
birds: $3.00 per 100. 75 yearling hens
for sale at 75c each. Glen Dale Poultry
Farm, Wellsville, Pa.
HATCHING l5 for SI,OO. delivered.
Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar
anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box
123. Loysvllle, Pa.
$25.00 TALKING MACHfNE and
$39.00 worth of records for $30.00 to
quick buyer. R-4106, care Telegraph.
with reliable parties—use of piano for
storage, or would sacrifice to quick
buyers to make room for new shipment.
M 4105, care Telegraph.
$1.(0 Bail 14$
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St.
WE) BUY any kind of talking ma
chine! and recorde, or trade them In on
new up-to-date hiaehlaa. 116 Broad
rooms (or household goods, |2 per
month and up. We Invite Inspection.
Low Insurance. 427-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to |2. Wagons. 76 cants
§er month. Apply D. Cooper A Co.. 411
road street.
Money to Loan
MONEY advanced to housekeepers at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner
Building, 9 North Market Square.
J'MTS I cured my daughter bv sim
ple discovery; particulars free. Z.
FOR SALE Real automobile bar
gain. IMI Buick live-passenger in
good condition. 30 H. Apply, I3ti North
Hanover street. C. O. Miunich, Carlisle,
FOR SALE One two-lon Mack
truck, practically new. less than hnif
price; one Ford fancy delivery car, in
good condition; one Ford runabout; one
1912 Regal 30, ftvc-passenger. like new.
Cars must be sold by the 15th. Apply,
35 South Summit street.
FOR SALE Ford touring car; five
{passenger Pullman, self-starter, elec
tric lights, top, wind shield, extra shoe
and tools; also Clarke runabout; French
baby runabout Inter-State; must be
sold at sacrifice, SIOO.OO up. Call, Auto
Transportation, Exchange Dept., 25-27
North Cameron street.
MAXWELL 2-cylinder roadster; new
paint and tires; good top; windshield,
tools; best running order; need room
for new car; price $125. llorst, Jr., Route
4. Rarrisburg, Pa.
NOTICE Letters of administration
on the estate of Augustus W. Herr
mann, late of Harrlsburg, Dauphin
county. Pa., deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned residing in
Harrlsburg. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make im
mediate payment, and those having
claims will present them for settlement.
E. Naomi Herrmann, executrix.
Legal Notices
; Board of Commissioners of Public
Grounds and Buildings,
Harrlsburg, Pa.
A. W. POWELL, Auditor General.
I R. K. YOUNG, State Treasurer.
: IN compliance with the Constitution
land the Laws of the Commorwealth ot
| Pennsylvania, the Board of Conmits
j sioners of Public Grounds and Build
ings invites sealed proposals, in dupli
cate, for contracts for furnishing such
| supplies for the Executive Mansion, the
| Legislature, and the several depart
ments. boards and commissions of the
State Government as described, and be
low such maximum prices as fixed in
the schedules for the yeur ending the
31st day of May, A. D. 1917:
Schedule A: Paper and envelopes.
Schedule B; Typewriters, adding, ad
dressing. and duplicat
ing machines.
Schedule C: General stationery, ma
hogany, oak, ancj metal
lic furniture, and gen
eral office supplies.
•Schedule D: Engineering instruments
blue print paper, and
laboratory supplies.
Schedule E: Miscellaneous books.
Schedule F: Brushes, towels, toilet
soaps, glassware, mops,
brooms, buckets, rugs,
fuel. uniforms, rubber
goods. and cleaning
1 Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen
ter. upholstering, paint
ing, and hardware sup
[Schedule H: Conservatory and narden
ers' supplies.
Schedule I: Lumber, general repairs,
and removal of dirt and
Schedule J: Ught. beat, and plumbing
As the various classifications of the
Schedule will be pound in pamphlet
j form for the convenience of bidders
i it is therefore desired that in requests
for pamphlets the bidder Indicate the
.sections desired by using the letters as
j set forth above.
No proposal will be considered un
less such proposal be accompanied by
a certified check to the order of the
State Treasurer, or by a bond In such
form and amount as may be prescribed
by the Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings. (For form
of bond see schedule Instructions to
Proposals must be delivered to the
Superintendent of Public Grounds and
Buildings on or before twelve (12)
o'clock, meridian. Tuesday, the ninth
day of May, A. D. 1916, at which time
proposals will be opened and published
In the Reception Room of the Execu
tive Department at Harrisburg, ana
contracts awarded as soon therer'ter
as practicable.
Blank bonds and schedules contain
ing all necessary information may be
obtained by communicating with Samuel
B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa.
By order of the Board.
NOTICE is hereby given that an ap
plication will be made to the Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia. on the 24th day of July, A. D. 1916,
by Wm. B. Bennett, Trustee; Augustus
Lutz and A. H. Fraim, under the pro
visions of an Act of the General As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, approved May 13, 1876, en
titled, "An Act for the incorporation
and regulations of banks and discount
and deposit" and the supplements and
amendments thereto, for a charter for
an Intended corporation to be called
KEYSTONE BANK to be located In
Harrisburg, Pa., for the purpose of car
rying on the business of banking under
the provisions of the Act aforesaid and
the supplements and amendments
thereto. The amount of the capital
stock shall be fifty thousand dollars, to
be divided into one thousand shares of
the par value of fifty dollars each.
» Solicitor.
Harrisburg, Pa., April 22, 1916.
Prospect Hill Cemetery
This cemetery Is soon to be en
larged and beautified under plane
prepared by Warren H. Manning.
Lots will be sold with the per
petual care provision.
Prospect Hill Cemetery Go.
Hermaa P. UlUtc, President
Wa lend money 1» from
$6.00 to $300.00 and arrange pay
ments to suit borrowers' con
venience. Business confidential.
Lowest rate In city. Lleeosed. bond
ed and Incorpbrated.
MS Walnat St.
■■■■■ mmm
Try Telegraph Want Ads