24 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart... a, Uta. Cotton Blouses of True Elegance in Many Styles Spring's Most Important Clearance of the Real Keynote of This May Sale of White Women's&Misses' Suits Brings Values Cascade frills are aii important style factor in the new showing of lingerie blouses for T7\ fTI \T J_ TT 4- J? 1 A thc summer months, and in addition to this feature there arc scores of other style features OF -L OffIOXTOW JN Ol Xl6rGlolor6 UITGrGCI | 1 ia ' a,e an inesistible attacti\eness. | [| le nios t sweeping sale of the entire season will be in progress to-mor- ji ™-j 4? \ row «n t' lo Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart outer apparel section when several N Hundreds of new arrivals from manufacturers who look to Paris for their inspirations Hundred fine quality suits will go on sale at extraordinary price reductions. k — y Ldr . • i i i . e i Among the garments that show exceptional value are these— v 0 AdMrv\ v' have just been unpacked and everv one of them is as fresh as a Mav-dav flower. ~s . n „ . r , . r~'4v»l [ \ VA \ /t~V * • • 518.50 poplin suits in Copenhagen and the bottom of the coat, on both sides of - \V» _ I K L<S 1. . .. . i j.. i .. navy; full blouse and yoke effect with the fh>nt and In the back. The style Is iXA i / i . >r lingerie blouses of voile, batiste, novelty voile, dotted All white handkerchief linen waists in semi-tailored _ ■■ • .. > . ~ . \ V Swiss, embroidery voile and organdie, with cascade frill stvles sailor collar; buttoned to throat; satin embellished by a cut-out effect on either ,V W^lJJ|j\\\ - trimmed with lace edge, or in plain styles. Imported mate- , girdle. Annual May Clear- tf>l C Of) side of the hips extending to the waist rials w »th imported lace and collars sl.#s to SIO.OO Madras wa.lsts in semi-tailored styles, with turnover nnce Prk ' e IJ,UU line; the vest and deep collar Is of tan » FMI l\ Handkerchief linen waists, in semi-tailored styles: white collar; sleeve trimmed with turnback cuffs SI.OO $20.00 shepherd check suits in fitted colored I'aille silk. Annual tQO 00 I I I I with colored collar and cuffs $3.95 to $5.00 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. model with flare skirt and bound in May i learance Price • white silk braid; lined with a fancy rji,.u nn tan ■. ... floral Faille silk. Annual «1 CHH SoO.OO tan gabardine suit <T T 1 TT 1 1* Ox 1 • i 1 A 1 n r mi May Clearance Price broad levers and full sweeping lines be- Lovely Undermuslin Styles in the Annual May Sale <«.«„», .„ d vssss xktjs.'Js jSKBaB/L .. , , it- i i- , shepiierd check in green and navy; tai- May Clearance OO Cf> .No enort has been spared to make tins annual occasion an event of genuine interest to the hundreds of women who look to i ior*d model with flare skirt and piped price ns and depend upon our resources to provide them with undergarments of true distinctiveness. 'J 1 ,aff p<a- butt " n trimmed. slfi.so 0 „, rn „.. ui , , . , , . I. • j j , , fi • 1 * ... , . , . Annual May Clearance Price *" * **o**\r $37.60 and $39.50 navy blue and lan And this new showing does not depend for its supremacy,on garments of high prices—in tact in thc sections devoted to gar- serge suits in modes designed for women mcnts of lower price will be found a stvle collection that is satisfying in every sense of the word. ( h *25.00 gabardine suits in tan, Copen- who cling to the fancier types of suits. 1 - J s J liagen; trimmed in metal buttons; box Urte of these styles is made with a full Nightgowns In flesh color, with lace or trimmed with touches of j White batiste gowns, trimmed with colored voke and bias bands plaited back with plaited peplum and plaited effect below the hips with a path or frill trimmed with colored edges ' $1 50 to $8 95 1 l,elted effect. Annual U1 fi GJO p,efl ,ilk belt extendi "« Into an inverted -ssttsraf embroidery #I.OO to $1.50 ! Crepe de Chine gowns *3 95 SSOO to Sl'so I May Clearance Price tP X u.ou V-shape in the center of the back; a \ \ ~ broad tie of silk and individual imported J The Professional Nurse, Conducting a Demonstration on Van ta Goods Thi, Week, Closes Her Work »^S t^st"3&tVn h US:'. 1 Inrnma' c.„, o< ~w„. OT „n d „ o, «U-<.v,r Spring Underwear For Richard&Brennan Shoes for sS 1 TTT -| •i -| LjjmPm M- I' 1 B rose ; sixes «<« 14 years $1.25 tie; sizes fi to 12 years $1,98 Women and Children YounffMenAreStvW,padpr<? yEac..4M .ft^?s^jsrs!As.3sa UilU V V -L VJU-llg C- OtV 1C -LiCdU-CI O fwmm an,i full kilted skirt and white skirt; large white pique hemstitched White lisle union suits: knee lencth and lace trimmed or liaht » Sgßj* - rep collars: sizes Sto 14 years... $1.25 surplice collar nrtd finished with wide. fitting knee 50c I hese hijjh-gradc shoes are made over lasts designed /Jes!xW, G J rl& combination middy dresses, belt: sizes 6to 14 years $1.75 While lisle sleeveless union suits; lace trimmed or lighl fitting o^ne.-iall v fnt vnnno- men anrl di knee: extra sizes 75c to *1.25 espetiaiix lot young men and at &4.UU and arc shoes of V ealatea skirt and white collar and box plaited style, with solid color hand White cotton t'umfv «'ut union suits; lace trimmed and knee Style character second to none. Shown in tan Russia calfskin F eulTs: sizes «to 14 years $1.25 embroidered collar and cuffs: finished length: regular and extra sizes 50c a)u J black dllll calfskin Wk'M 7 i ■ ". \y . middy dresses In white gala- with wide belt *2.98 White lisle union suits; fancy la. e yokes and sleeveless; lace trim- ».«wi»mii. Hf / ! WBjHrlp\\f \ <e«: front of blouse trimmed with two Misses' striped gincham midov med and knee length: regular sizes. 50r: extra sizes 75c /~\ l'j_ Ol T~» <u w-i tx * \\ ro ' vs °f enibroidered shirring: sepa- dresses; skirt has under waist at t'hildren's white cotton rlhbed waist union suits; sleeveless and V/lISIITV H OY" KOVS 1 JP+ rate planed skirt; sizes fi to 14 tached middy with two pockets: wide knee length 25c and 50c UIiUCO I UI UKjy O jMjJy/ , ; • ••• • -$1.75 belt with tabs buttoned to pockets ind Children's white cotton ribbed union suits; short sleeves and knee Dark tan English shoes with soles to heel. Goodvear stitched — Girls gingham dresses in fancy white Swiss embroidery collar; sizes •ength Soc blind eyelets *3.00 Sizes »,o 13* ... »2.00 HfMTBf \M ***' * * 12a "" M Children's white cotton ribbed vests: low neck and sleeveless: (>un metal calf Knglish shoes Sizes 1 to fi Sii.so .■> L sizes 20 to 30, each 10<- ami 12VjC with hlind eyelets, low heels. $2.50 sizPß fi to 11 .... »n.oo • f V WnmPtt'll Hontfi nttA Mnrnina /)■•««(»•• HnnAvoA, nt St via. Oun metal calf and patent colt s.out shoes in tan elkskln with J VjT W omen * " 00 »« <""* /WOmiHg UreSSeS. Hundreds Ot btyUi JL "V VV Ullltril o UIU VCo Scout or baseball shoes in tan sizes ito * % With a Quality StamD nnd black e _''" k ' n i * wo f . u " elk l «•«*• s to 11 fs:no IS Attractive styles at verv inexpensive prices, beginning at Sl.'i."). / Vl' WU<4iay OLdTirp iJives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. ' Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart-Basement. / |K j|i >lll It il V l-'ownes and Kaysers silk gloves: ——— S l\\m in two-ciasp style, with double # _ 4' AMii \ Outing Hats That Harmonize With May Day Neckwear of I i r £ l-'ownes and Kaysers silk gloves: # I Jf tfjk j 1 Fashions in Sweaters and Sport Coats georgette and Dainty \ X Ili I : ... 1 Organdies: New To-day 1 I i u' i ii' ihl r! i°°riov S 'f j s a season of stylish sport hats. I here are models Oeorgette crepe collars, in plain and embroidered patterns, ■HI j; Washable niui Kcai Kid Glomes of /•.; N attractive awning stripes, nulan, silkv split straw, linen, ! 50e to $1.50 Alßßk / Two-c,asp cious of real kid: in ?ilk ™h. Panama. W enchow straw, Bangkok straw, Lisere, (,eorKeUe crep ' collar cufr se,s; p,ain anfi S. ,nwM;fEsßßbs. / black with white and white with A \ \\ ratine, silk and numerous Other straws and Summery fabrics, Georgette crepe vestees, plain and embroidered stvles ' * V,/l Wj Ww ii;™.;in■'.*«" , % T t" c !'r,"', n l,cach "»< •y"' 1 '- Thc "« l,as ««"««'«<*•>>• '»""«'?» S white and colors. Pair. /// J A \\\ \s hltc Celluloid rings and is lined with rubber. Embroidered org-andie collars 25e t<i SI 5(1 mi IK it 1 T . a $1.50 to $2.00 1,1 { \ A Mushroom hat of awnlnn l,ar K e Wenchow Sport Hats Embroidered organdie collar and cuff sets 25c to $1.50 ThpManampLvra re^'^?.' n " m t r"' , if W } -tripe Bilk in gold and rose. flared at beck, lwo-tone<i nar- Organdie vestees in trimmed and embroidered designs,. 1 Rloves. in black with —- —-y. $(195 row silk trimmine colored silk 25c to $2 110 m . „ , TA T White and white with black. Pail-, L . 4 Bangkok hat. lined with nil- facing, white green', French blue Oriental lace and net vestees In beautiful effects in white and Ihe Corset lJe JLUXe u . O ~o hi „ nnr , U/y lan - embroidered ribbon band I and old rose ~*IO.OO etru jj! " ' Vu'' "• j '1 i y* :• Me to SB.OO cashable Me-elasp kid gloves. |! ! *7.50 I r»i d rose pongee mushroom Middy ties for the middy blouses In red, black and navy. Exquisite from an artistic view- '.'l r»of. and pea/l lU v ( colored silk crash $S.9n | hat. with maline edge and em- ri . „ 50e to $1.25 point and substantially construct-! - and *1.»5 broidered flowers *12.00 Di\ea, Pomeroy & Stewart, Btreet Floor. Ed emphasizing the best lines of Trefousse the feminine form and giving thej , i J a »P bef " n«alit> real kid prloves. U \V /VrX- silk bands,... *«.»5 and $4.05. ! blue braid facine 53.95 IVTon 'c TnfpVWnVOn '"lnrlfC in Pr»lr»vc* wearer a feeling of lieing uncon- • a ". r ' over f ear ! l .. sew . l ?: , ] ! W , IfJ Rrown Split Straw, faced „ . iVieil S lllLei WOVen oOCKS lH v_/010rS. ZOC L 0 OUC seiously corseted. ] " hl,e wnrt white with black, j L with white milan $4.05 TRIMMED HAT'S REDUCED > Interwoven toe and heel fiber silk socks; in black, white, sand * .... nn » '" ' " " j \\ AS il I! // // Wenchow Mushrooms with SIO.OO and *12.00 colored and taupe it.. der the direction of an expert cor- K and \\ J /j* embroidered figures appllqued Sprin K Pattern Hats, spc-ial at Interwoven toe and heel thread silk socks; black,' white."grey. in .irntrri»«>i for h , , , , J*." Nij. f /H /j? around erown. shown in cit- | $4.05 castor, khaki, champagne and purple ««.. the past week. This demonstration |and - o,rt row Rn<J '" ar /"j,?"' 50 hats, I Interwoven toe and heel silk lisle socks; black, white, navy, .late SSKC" more .K Te'a? Dives. Pomeroy ' Floor. ' " DU St'ewari/ Street Fioor. this quality garment, we should be p k. stitching; in black with I —= glad to have you step in to-mor- tth jte and white with black. Pair, ; # # ___ # ~Kr» ,!i, The Man Who Cares Is Critical With F °H^^= ive Regard to the Clothes He Buys Thread silk hose; fashioned feet and lisie garter tops; black ami J the man who wants the lit most in stvle distinction, our new English sacks and the popular Pinch -11 ™ lP i a ' l " Bilk ' lo?e ' ' is ' e " ne<^; K a " er 1 " nd fashioned - ) Riack cotton extra elastic ribbed tops; seamless and high spliced | fection of fit and finished tailoring, these fine suits are in the front ranks of quality clothes. Wk BKi| White silk lisle hose with double soles 87>4c r _; 4 ' ,i • .. :n ._i .i fx tv I / y' / f Dives, pomeroy & stewart. street Floor. Critical inspection will make you appreciate these facts. ii /j "U T) 1 Pinch-Back Suits at $2 50 ' $12.50 $15.00 SIB.OO ®p7,) < 1 ma™ S 'reed "scat Shown in styles that are one-eiglith, one-fourth and half lined with patch, slashed and regular pockets. A wide variety jm ' an porch k chairs and rockers in « ue scrKes nnd . nanneU I f ,MKlp ' rioub, ° " ntl tr * l ' st , rlpcd WOPBle<ls M" j f m^ r/ - 'Tiiiflffini # .u't i r i; ■ win silver grey cassi meres Grey, and tan flannels tli ,m* 1 \ It ||l \hd " la 'r| | een J Fancy mixtures, ovori>lalds and checks I (irocn Scotch mixtures and t\»ce<ls 1 |4|| English Sack Suits at $lO, $12.50, sls, $lB, S2O and $25 'ISPP Cotton Felt Mattresses One, two and three-button sacks in English, medium and conservative models. Long soft rolling lapels; —— Of/ These cotton felt mattresses patch and regular pockets; fancy cuffs, mohair linings in many instances matching materials of suits. under the present market value Value Is the Thing That Counts in Boys' Suits I W at the special price of #8.95 „ , m J Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Third Floor. BOyS $4.00 and $4.50 SUItS at $2.95 / 4S ' Men's and Boys' Shirts That Show Boys'ss.oo Suits at $3.75 i A l tt i tt I i j . Boys $6.00 Suits at $4.95 V UliU.oli.cil V diUc dt J-iOW UOSb Every suit brand new and from regular stock. These prices represent actual savings—and that is the attraction all fl tmn 'il ' Satin stripe madras and percale shirts, with French or launder- I parents arc interested in. I ed cufYs; sizes to 18. Each SI DO I \ .'® 1 j f Silk stripe madras shirts in cluster or single stripes; French cufTs D mre > <f>A <£A KA «re> and l.rown mixed «*Mlmer«i .. I SI.OO Panama rep negligee shirts; French cyffs; sizes 14 to ' 79,. 0 • i d*n AC Tan s< *° , '' h overpiaid worsteds _ _ . x-v Tub silk shirts in neat and high colored stripes ... »2.»8 to $5.00 OUItS. T> 1 (T*r f\f\ O *l. »h4 Hi) I i" (£/„ Eagle "Silkcloth" fiber silk shirts $2.50 to »5.50 (JUIVO, BOVS S5 00 SUILS \ J** BOYS" AM) YOUTHS' SHIRTS Sixes of suits from 7to 18 years: from «7 *r • ' Sixes Bto 18 years. ">, . i* jl j_ S'W K^B^ s3fcy ' / '' v Percale shirts with separate collar and soft reversible cuffs; sizes regular stock. C? 0 7C f;re> Srolrh mixtures >. " 12 10 „.1 2 .'. at •••••••••••• •••••••• 50c Fancy grey casslmeres and worsteds I O Scotch tweeds /'/» •.1 f /S" "V Ct/ , X » White madras negligee shirt«; French cuffs and separate soft col- vi.0h.... „ ..... /\//f ~'*r I _ I Vt /, _ ' lar 50c and SI.OO s,r| P«« < assimcres Sl/.es Bto 18 years c;rcy homespuns . .• X / f / Satin stripe madras negligee shirts; sizes 12 to 14; reversible soft «*re.v pin head check worsteds Tan Scotch mixtures nnd grey Scotch Grey over pi a ids J /~/T • ,'j i colll, r •••••• •••• •• ; • SI.OO «rey overpiaid worsteds tweeds <ircy pin head check ca«lmercs ,U' IL/.* i I v >3 V-UvJ, 12 to^l«! e at' 1 m .'' M . neß geeß . ' separata .oft collar; £izes Scotch mixtures and tweeds Full lined trousers, weited senna. Hlnck and wWte chock worsted. ' t A % Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart; Street Fioor. Hives. Pomeroy * Stewart-Clothing, Second Floor. Rear. J FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 5, 1916
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