22 OUR SALES RECORD 79 LOTS I SAT. MAY 6th All Day CLOSING SALE IN East Harrisburg Addition ~^2 Q th and Derry Streets _ T T A J tTT* HTT T XT* 17* • Take a Paxtang or Hummelstown car, II V JVV !\ J vJ IL 1 _L IIrJ Wr J . tell the conductor to leave you off at I ==== : ===== = 32nd and Derry Streets. | REMEMBER: All Unsold Lots Advanced 10% After Final Closing Sale 1 As To The Merit of Our Proposition, Ask Those Who Bought or Go | Out and Convince Yourself. 1 Mm. J. Sohland, BELL PHONE 3688J M. Hershey I MANAGER J OWNER If Threatened With Tuberculosis you must pay proper attention to diet and living conditions, and get plenty of rest and fresh ail and good food. ' Many a life claimed by this alTection might have been saved by timely at- i tention of these matters. In many cases, however, a rundown system needs assistance. Under these circum stances, try Eckman's Alterative, a lime treatment which has the unique quality of being easily assimilated by the average person. Give Nature every chance, but strengthen your own chances by us ing this preparation, which often has effected beneficial results. No undue claims/are made for it, but it has helped in many cases. And it is safe to try, for It contains no opi ates, narcotics or habit-forming drugs, From your druggist. Krkmnn Laboratory, Plilladelpliia. GOOD ROADS DAY - ! BOOST BY BERKS County Highway Enthusiasts Take Steps to Got People Out on the Roads Berks county'* circular calling on citizens to volunteer for "State-wide flood Roads Day' contains this strik ing sentence, "By no means should liquor be brought out in any form by jiny Good Roads booster. Booze and Good Roads Day can never be pro ductive of any good as a combina tion." The counties surrounding Alle gheny County have all organized for "State-wide Good Roads Day" and enthusiasm indicates that this year's j results will go tar ahead of those of! 1315. Up to the present time there has been no organized effort directed ; Resinol SH stops itching and burning | y° u * rc suffering with eczema, ringworm, f as h or other tormenting skin-eruption, try Res- Vi \ \ ,no ' Ointment and Resinol Soap. You will be sur- I \ ' Prised how quickly the itching and burning stop 1 3 S^n k eCoTnes clear and healthy again \ v Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soup \ \ \ J vJlfisL h *ve been prescribed by physicians for V A / J pver twenty years. Sold by all drug- V J? J »**». for free trial size of each write to % 3 Dept. 12-R, ResinoJ, Baltimore, Md. % Kruno I Shaving Stick makes daily AV shaving easy for tender-faced men. » FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG ffgjftg TELEGRAPH MAY 5, 1916. In Allegheny county but it is said that plans are under way for the forma tion of an organization to direct the work on that day. Last year the re sults obtained were fairly satisfactory ami it is hoped that Allegheny county will not fall behind 1915's record in 1916. The Good Road,s Day Commit!ee of Butler county has reorganized for "State-wide Good Roads Day," 1916, with this motto: "Beat last year." This is commendable, as In 1915 But ler county turned out 6,000 men and 1,200 teams to work on the highways that day. The Chambers of Commerce at Clearfield, Dußoia and Mahaffey, Clearfield county, are acting as boost ers for "State-wide Good Roads Day" in their towns. The County Superin tendent of Schools has made an ap peal to the school teachers in Clear field county to assist in the move ment. The Ladies' Club of Clearfield has decided to hire several automobiles on "State-wide Good Roads Day" to go over the roads in the vicinity of Clearfield and to furnish luncheon to the men at work. "State-wide Good Roads Day" boosters in Cumberland county are planning to have considerable work done on t hat day on a piece of road in Mt. Holly Springs borough at the foot of the mountain on the way to Gettysburg. A meeting will be held in the Court House at Uniontown on May IS to perfect plans for the proper observ ance of "State-wide Good Roads Day" in Fayette county. Lloyd Still wagon, of Connellsville township, president of the Fayette County As sociation of Township Supervisors, is arranging the meeting. He says that indications point to a greater day on the roads than last year when Fayette county was among the leaders in the "State-wide Good Roads Day" move ment. The officials of the Automobile Clubs of Fayette county have promised to co-operate in making "State-wide Good Roads Day" successful this year. The Automobile Clubs of Uniontown and Connellsville are taking a leading part in arranging this. E. E. C. Gibbs of Huntingdon, sec retary of the Good Roads Day Asso ciation of Huntingdon county, has formulated a plan of campaign to get BUT THIS IS HOW HE DID IT Y*o AN OUD A \ 'P ON HOW *l6 WKE SOME MONEY. BtJY UP ALLTfiE HAY i NOW 'CAUSE GOING t> SO UP PRICE IN ONE im> OF HAY AFTER BUT TO ITp in touch with all supervisors, motor clubs, individuals and corporations to solicit their aid and co-operation for "State-wide Good Roads Day." A. B. Ross, Secretaryy of the Chamber St Commerce of Huntingdon, is assist ing him in this campaign. A series of double postcards have been pre pared and sent to all interested parties, j setting; forth what each may do, or I contribute, to aid on "State-wide Good , Roads Day." R. H. Bell, county agriculturist of Lycoming county, has taken the lead in forming an association to boom "State-wide Good Roads Day." The Schuylkill County Motor Club, at a meeting held in Pottsvllle, ap pointed George Geanslen, of Miners ville, and William Pugh and John Youngtlesh of Pottsville, a committee ! to arrange for the observance of ' "State-wide Good Roads Day" in | Schuylkill county. Says the Oil City Derrick, in dis cussing "State-wide Good Roads •Day" in its issue of April 25: "It is a pleasure to note that the committees in charge of the Good Roads Day campaign in ihls county, which Is in tended for the betterment of the l township highways, on May 25, are finding that the results of last year's efforts add zest to the enterprise, and that the success of the first attempt j in this county to materially improve i roads that have not been taken over by the State has turned those who were out and out antagonists of the to be its warm supporters." MILLIONS FIGURE IN SEMET APPEAL Question of "Intangible Assets" Raised in Slate Tax Case by Steelton Firm J An appeal to the JJ*J Li]} Dauphin county cour,s from im 3j! position of State —corporation taxes which will be far- Sj§ |effect in t h;U it will H" iiliin involve millions of 'tllH SnBPRSB' ,axab ' e property, wS trrifflljUyi ift was ma<3e vester - day by the Semet- Solvay Coke Com pany in Commonwealth court. The grounds upon which the action was based is unique in the history of tax appeal arguments in that the question of the right of the State of Pennsyl vania to levy a tax upon the "in tangible assets." of corporations which do business In other States, was put up to Dauphin's judges. The appeal ing company has a branch plant at Steelton. Xh.e Company's ftft-, peal Involves taxes amounting to! about $6,000 and represents the State's j levy on something more than $1,100,- 000. The comnany declares that tax-1 ation has been Imposed on bills re- [ ceivable, deposits, etc., in banks in j other States which is used for manu- i facturing purposes in those States.! These have been termed "intangible I assets." The State however, contends | that these moneys are taxable as they cannot be taxed by the other States as; foreign corporation funds. Elevator Repaired. The front elevator in the courthouse rotunda has been repaired and is now in serv ice with new cables, safety appliances, etc. Can't Use Mail Chute. ln a for mal notification yesterday to the county commissioners, Postmaster Frank Sites stated that an inspection of the new office mail chute in the courthouse had been made by the postal authorities and that because it is not a standard chute, Uncle Sam won't permit it to be used as a mail receptacle. Sewer In Bellevue Bids will be i opened at noon May 17, by City Com-j missioner W. H. I.ynch for the con struction of a sewer in Bellevue Road j from Pentwater Road to a point 200 feet east of Twenty-second street. One Pound Baby Saved by Soapbox Incubator New York, May s.—So small, says the Brooklyn Eagle, that a 12-inch ruler looks large beside it, but with a pair of lungs that bespeak well for Its fu ture. a tiny little bit of humanity was born to Mrs. William Davis, of 104 Twelfth street, College Point. La. 1., Monday night. The baby was so small "TIZ ' A JOY TO SORE, TIRED FEET Use "Tiz" for aching, burning puffed-up feet and corns or callouses. W? "Sure! I uta TIZ* tat 11 »Terjr time for any \ trouble." Good-bye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, tender feet, tired feet. Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight ness. no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "Tiz" is magical, acts right off. "Tiz" draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet. Use "Tiz" and wear smaller shoes. Use "Tiz" and forget your foot misery. Ah! how comfort able your feet feel. Get a 26-cent box of "Tiz" now at any drugflst or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded.—Ad vertisement. ( that Dr. Biffar, the attending physician, j rapidly improvised an incubator. The incubator was made of a soap j box, cotton batting, and a sheet ni j class over the top. In this unique crib the little fellow sleeps peacefully, and when lie gets hungry he calls loudly for j his dinner, which is fed to him through | the agency of a medicine dropper. Legal Notices PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public j Grounds and Buildings, Jlarrisburg, Pa. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, Governor. A. W. POWELL, Auditor General. R. K. YOUNG, State Treasurer. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings invites sealed proposals, in dupli cate, for contracts for furnishing such i supplies for the Executive Mansion, the Legislature, and the several depart ments, boards and commissions of the State Government as described, and be low such maximum prices as fixed in the schedules for the year ending the 31st day of May, A. D. 1917: Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. Schedule B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing. and duplicat ing machines. Schedule O: General stationery, ma- ! hogany. oak, and metal lic furniture, and gen eral office supplies. Schedule D: Engineering instruments I blue print paper, and I laboratory supplies. Schedule E: Miscellaneous books. Schedule F: Brushes, towels, toilet i soaps, glassware, mops, ! brooms, buckets, ruga, fuel, uniforms, rubber I goods, and cleaning | supplies. Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen ter, upholstering, paint- I lnp, and hardware sup- Schedule H: Conservatory and Harden ers' supplies. Schedule I: Lumber, general repairs, and removal of dirt and refuse.. Schedule J: Light, heat, and plumbing suplles. As the various classifications of the Schedule will be bound In pamphlet form for the convenience of bidders it is therefore desired that in requests for pamphlets the bidder Indicate the sections desired by using the letters as set forth above. No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be accompanied bv a certified check to the order of the State Treasurer, or by a bond in such form and amount sb may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings. (For form of bond see schedule instructions to bidders). Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (1») o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the ninth day of May, A D. 1916, at which time proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of the Execu tive Department at Harrisburg. ano contracts awarded as soon there--tar as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necessary information mav be obtained by communicating with Samuel B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisbur* Pa. By order of the Board, SAMUEL B. RAMBO, , ™ r Superintendent. L W. MITCHELL Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR THE SALE oi> WASTE PAPER—OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS A?JD BUILDINGS HARRISBURG. PENNSYLVANIA SEALED PROPOSALS for the sale of waste paper, for the year ending Mav SI, 1917. will be received by the Super intendent of Public Grounds and Build ings at his office In the State Capitol Building, Harrisburg. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 9th. 1916 at which time the proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrisburg. Bidding blanks, and all necessary In formation can be obtained at this office SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and L. U W. MITCHELL, •Secretary- SMALL LOANS We lend money in amount* from {6.00 to $300.00 and urr&uga pay ments to suit borrowers con venience. Business confidential. Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond ed and Incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA IA VEST MR NT CO. 132 Walnut St. » Fruit Trees at Public Sale Broad Street Market, Saturday, May 6tli, al 8 A. M. A fine lot of large size Trees, true to name. Adams County Nursery H. 6. BAUGHEB, Prop. Bendcrsvillc Station Aspers Post Office Aspers, Pa. ' Insurance Real Estate North American Fire, Fidelity Casualty Co. of N. Y. Full line. Including: Fire, Lia bility, Plate Glass, Automobile, Burglary, Health and Accident In surance. West Shore Realty Co. Baer & Rice Ijcmoyne Trust Co. Building Lcmoyiie, Pa. 801 l Phone 3108.1 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND where to get them Artificial Limbs and Trussea Braces for all deformities, abdomlna; supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co., 412 Market St. Bell Phone. Dressmaking and Needlework Moderate prices for everybody. Mlsi Q M Green. 210 N. Third St. French Cleaning and Dyeing Admin's. tailoring and repatrtngTai; o-iiaranteed. Call and deliver. BeL phone 3.96, 1306* W. Sixth St Fire Insurance and Real Eatate 1 E Glpple—Fire Insurance—Real t ite—Rent Collecting. 1251 Market St Bell phone. Photographer Daughten Studios—Portrait and Com mercial Photography. 210 N. Third St Bell 3583. Tailors George F. Shope Hill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring. Cleaning, Pressing Ladles work a specialty. Steve Wugreneo 207 Locust. Signs and Enamel Letters Poulton, 307 Market street. Bell phona Prompt and efficient service. Upholsterer—Furniture Repairer Simon N. Cluck, 320-321 Woodbine St. Sail Phone 1317 J*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers