Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 04, 1916, Page 14, Image 14
14 E. M. Hershey Will Sell EAST 1 11 One Big Sale I FrL XHARRISBURG ADDITION T Sat LOCATED ALONG THE CITY LIMITS ON 29TH ST., FRONTING ON DERRY STREET AND PARK DRIVEWAY. APPROVED BY THE CITY I AmounfDown Secures Your Location Pay £, *tSSTiiwh Pays For It | " * " f - r t- "M I pj. " 10 Ft. Sidewalks ■ Than 40 Feet 15 Ft. Building Line Purchaser on • ■ . -~- ■ A View of Part of East Harrisburg Addition All Prices of Unsold Lots Advanced 10 Per Cent After Final Closing Sale A Paxtang or Hummelstown Car Will Take You to the Ground I\irvf Approved by the City Planning Commission. Along the city limits. 5c carfare limit. 15 and 7 minute car service. Gas, water and elec - x - B * » j ows an( j residences. M m. J. Soliland* fok INFORMATION, PRICES AND APPOINTMENTS CALL E. M. Hershey MANAGER 3688J OWNER CLASTER'S The Logical Store FOR Graduation Gifts This is the logical store for Graduation Gifts. Every year we make special preparations for the com mencement. This year we have surpassed all former efforts. No other store specializes so strongly on merchandise j j ' especially adapted for useful and lasting gifts. Our new stock includes hundreds of beautiful articles j | that will delight the hearts of girl and boy graduates. The stock is so large and varied you can find something especially pleasing for the price you wish to pay. We have provided for all tastes and purses. 1 You not only have the advantage of our immense stock in making selections, but you have the further advantage of our big BANKRUPT SALE of the Jos. D. Brenfter stock of Jewelry which also includes | hundreds of pretty articles suitable for gifts, which we offer At 50c and Less On the Dollar There is such an overwhelming showing here thai yon will not do justice to those for whom you are buying unless you call and see what we have to offer. W'c particularly desire to call your attention to our special bargains in DIAMOND RINGS For Ladies and Gentlemen Beautiful, sparkling, full cut Diamonds mounted in Tiffany and other fashionable settings. sls. S2O, $25, $35, SSO and up Newest Style Wrist Watches $?.50 up Bracelets, s£.oo up Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watches for ladies and gentlemen at vefy low prices and hundreds of other articles at SPECIAL PRICE CONCESSIONS H. C. CLASTER Gems—Jewels —Silverware 302 MARKET ST. No. 1 N. THIRD ST. Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads THURSDAY EVENING, GERMAN REPLY IS EXPECTED TODAY [Continued From First Page] man government hoped it would be re ceived favorably. Chairman Stone, of the Senate for eign relations committee, called on Secretary Lansing and briefly discussed the German and Mexican situations. "Judging from the newspapers, the tensity of the situation with Germany U very much less than it was," said Senator Stone. "It also appears that they have reached some agreement on the border." Senator Stone said there was no occasion for congressional action as the situation now stands. Believe British Will Order Release of Men Taken Off American Steamer By Associated Press London, May 3.—The belief is ex pressed in neutral diplomatic circles that the British foreign office not only will order the release of the Austrians and Germans seized on board the American steamer China while on ner way from Shanghai to San Francisco, on February 19 last, but also will riis a\ow the action of the captain of the auxiliary cruiser Laurentic In making the seizure. Although the latest American note refuses to discuss the actual move ments of the seized passengers or their plottings, it is known that the atten tion of the British authorities has been called to the fact that those arrested, although en route to Manila, could not have reached that port on board the China, but would have been compelled to have transshipped at Nagasaki, where they would have been within the jurisdiction of Japan, England's ally; and that therefore the seizure not only was unjxtstifiable, but unneces sary. The United States government takes the attitude that the seizure was an exact parallel to the case of the Trent. Maternity! The Word of Words It Is written into life's expectations that motherhood is the one sublime accom the this relieves the strain on ligaments, natural expansion takes place without undue effect [ upon the nerves. And as the time ap proaches, the mind has rone through a pe riod of repose, of gentle expectancy, and this has an unquestioned influence upon the future child. That this is true is evidenced by the fact that three generations .pf mothers have used and recommended "Mother's Friend." Ask your nearest druggist for a bottle of this splendid remedy. He will get it for you. And then write to Bradfleld Reg ulator Co., 407 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., for a most Interesting book of Information tn prospective mothers. It Is mailed free. L Write today. _ ltj£_a toik am gUUalflg. ' HARRIFBURG frfSjjftg TELEGRAPH Storming: the trendies, a tremendous I scene in D. W. Griffith's gigantic spec tacle. "The Birth of a Nation," cbming I FRENCH CONTINUE COUNTER DRIVE [Continued From First Pagej ments are reported from the western front but there has been grenade' fighting In the Avocourt wood, south west of Dead Man's Hill and heavy | artillery bombardments elsewhere in i the district west of the Meuse and in the Vaux region, northeast of the fortress. It has been definitely established that three and not four leaders of the Irish rebellion have been found guilty and executed. The men ncondemned and shot were Patrick H. Pearse, the president of the provisional govern ment; Thomas MacDonagh and Thos. J. Clark. James Connolly, at first re ported as also having been executed, j is in prison wounded. The confusion arose, according to London advices, from the somewhat ambiguous an nouncement of the executions made by Premier Asquith in the House of Commons. Additional Russian troops have been landed in France for service on the Western Front. The fifth con tingent to arrive at Marseilles peached that port to-day. Wrecked Airship One of Squad of Five Raiders London, May 4.—The Zeppelin L-20, which was wrecked in falling at Hafso Firth, Norway, belonged to a squadron of five airships which attacked the east coasts of England and Scotland Tuesday night, according to a member i of her crew, says a Copenhagen dis- | patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com- i pany. Of the sixteen men on board ' the Zeppelin, all were rescued md j interned by the Norwegian authorities. ' One of the crew said the Zeppelins ; were forced by gun fire and adverse weather to cut short their attacks and that, owing to a lack of benzine, the L-20 was unable to keep in company with the other raiders, and was driven » J I to the Orpheum for a return engage ment three nights beginning Monday, I May 8. Daily matinee at 2 p. m. i ! eastward by a strong wind and hurled against the mountainside. The L-20 was commanded by Cap tain Stabberg. L-20 Is Brought Down by Lack of Gasoline By Associated Press Stavanger, Norway. May 4. The j wrecked Zeppelin L-29 is lying on the shore of the west side of Hafso Firth, where it was anchored, and is watched by the military. The crew of sixteen The Real Secret of Rejuvenating the Face | She holds the true secret of facial re- i juvenatlon who has learned how to re- I ! move the dead skin particles as fast as , they appear. It's a secret anyone may possess. The aged, faded, or discol ored surface skin may be gradually ' absorbed, in an entirely safe and raj tlonal manner, by the nightly applica- j tion of ordinary mercolized wax. I Within a week or two the underlying I skin, youthful and beautiful to behold ! has taken the place of the discarded I cuticle. So little of the old skin is j absorbed each day there's no incon- j venience at all, and no one suspects you | are putting anything on your face, j The mercolized wax, procurable at any I ! drugstore (an ounce is sufficient), is ! | applied like cold cream. In the morn ! ing it is erased with soap and water, i I It - the best thing known for freckles, | blackheads, pimples, moth patches, j liver spots and fine surface wrinkles. For the deeper wrinkles, an excellent I recipe is: Powdered saxolite, 1 oz„ j dissolved in H pt. witch hazel. Bath- | Ing the face In the solution produces auick and wonderful results.—Adver sement. Legal Notices ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP _ Notice is hereby given that the part ! nership heretofore existing between J. j Arthur Shanaman, Luther A. Shana- I I man and Francis O. Critchley, trading and doing business under the name or J. S. Shanaman A Son, has this day ' been dissolved by mutual agreement of the parties. J. ARTHUR SHANAMAN, LUTHER A. SHANAMAN. FRANCIS O. CRITCHLEY. Harrisbur*, Pa., May 3, 1916. j MAY 4, 1916. ! were all captured. One was wounded, j I another had a broken leg and a third a ! broken arm. The disaster was probably due to a shortage of gasoline. Three men who remained aboard the Zeppelin until the last moment threw overboard the most important parts of the ma chinery. Strong Fortress of Metz Being Evacuated, Report London, May 4.—Reuter's Amster dam correspondent telegraphs that in formation which is regarded as trust worthy has been received there that Metz is being evacuated by the civil population. Metz, the capital of Lorraine and a city of about 60,000, is rated as one of the strongest fortresses of the world. It is about 15 miles north of the fighting line and 40 miles east of Verdun. Legal Notices PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. (MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH. Governor. ! A. W. POWELL. Auditor General. ' R. K. YOUNG. State Treasurer. I IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis- I sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings invites sealed proposals, in duplt- I cate, for contracts for furnishing such supplies for the Executive Mansion, the ; legislature, and the several depart ments. boards and commissions of the 1 State Government as described, and be low such maximum prices as fixed In j the schedules for the year ending; the 31st day of May. A. D. 1917: | Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. Schedule B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing and duplicat ing machines. I Schedule O: General stationery, ma hogany. oak. and metal lic furniture, and gen eral office supplies. I Schedule D: Engineering Instruments, blue print paper, and laboratory supplies. I Schedule E: Miscellaneous books. Schedule P: Brushes, towels, toilet soaps, glassware, mops, brooms, buckets, rugs fuel, uniforms, rubber goods, and cleaning supplies. Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen ter, upholstering, paint ing, and hardware sup plies. H: Conservatory and Harden ers' supplies. Schedule I: Lumber, general repairs and removal of dirt and refuse. i Schedule J: Light, heat, and plumbing suplles. I As the various classifications of the ! Schedule'will be Oound In pamphlet form for the convenience of bidders | It is therefore desired that in requests for pamphlets the bidder Indicate the S sections desired by using the letters as ! set forth above. ! No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be arcompamled by | a certified check to the order of the ! State Treasurer, or by a bond In such ! form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings. (For form iof bond see schedule Instructions to ' bidders). Proposals must be delivered to the i Superintendent of Public Grounds and 1 Buildings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the ninth day of May. A. D. 1918, at which time proposals will be opened and published I In the Reception Room of the Execu ! tlve Department at Harrisburg, ana contracts awarded as scon there-"ter as practicable. Blank bonds and schedules contain ing all necessary Information may be obtained by communicating with Samuel i 1 8. Rambo. Superintendent of Public ' Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. | By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. ! LW. MITCHELL. J Secretary. , Colorado Is Great For the Children Turn the children loose in Colorado and watch them romp and play and get a healthy tan. Beet of all, watch them eat —for that's one of the many good things that Colorado does—it develops the appetite. You are literally care-free out there. If you want to gii on a long "hike," you go; if you want to ride horseback, you ride; or if you prefer to Just out-and out "loaf," why there's no one to stop you from drinking in all the sky, scenery and ozone in the whole State of Colorado; and with all this you are go ing to do some real sleeping—the kind that makes you start the new day right, and sends you back from Color ado feeling fit for any task—feeling aa you haven't felt in years—and no won* der, you've had Nature's very own tonic. The best part of it all is that it is so inexpensive to live out there. I have nil the information about the country in ray oftiee and it is at your disposal without charge. If you can drop in wo will talk it over, or if you write a pos tal I will send you a mighty interesting folder on Colorado, with maps and pic tures, and full details about the new low-price excursion tickets. Wm. Austin, general passenger depts.. C., B. and Q. It. R. Co., SO6 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.—Advertisement. / "\ Window Boxes Filled New Cumberland Floral Co. New Cumberland, Pa. SMALL LOANS We lend money 10 Amounts from *5.00 to 1300.00 and arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venience. Business confidential. Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond ed and Incorporated. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 13? Walnut St. "Why To Buy Public Utility Bonds?" We have prepared a booklet on this sub ject which is avail able to investors. Free Upon Request Liggett, Hichborn & Co., Inc. 61 Broadway* 105 Devonshire St., NEW YORK BOSTON Camp Hill The Suburb of Natural Beauty; go out with us and Inspect our new addition, "Cooper Heights," with Its concrete walk, electric lights, water and gas. with Its fine build ing and bungalow sites. We will help you select a lot and build you a home. One hundred bungalow designs and plans to select from. , West Shore Realty Co. Ha or & Hi co Ijcmnyne Trust Co. Building liemojnc, Pa. Bell Phone 315H.1 - Try Telegraph Want Ads