2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NEWS WOMAN STRICKEN IN CEMETERY Mrs. David Hummel in Serious Condition at Her Home in Hummclstown Special to the Telegraph Hummelstown. Pa., May 3.—Mrs. Da vid Hummel was stricken with paraly sis yesterday In the Hummelstown Cemetery, where she had gone to fix the family plot. She was discovered lying in the cemetery by Jacob Gaus »nd Mrs. Fetterman, who had also gone there for the same purpose. An auto mobile was procured and was re moved to her home, where she is under the care of Dr. Baker. She is entire ly deprived of the use of her body and voice. Mrs. Hummel is a sister of Mrs. Thomas McCall and Alfred Sutcliffe, both of Hummelstown. I You hear Caruso's living §§j voice when you hear him on the Victrola When you listen to one of the beautiful Caruso records played with a Victor Needle or Tungs-tone Stylus on a Victor or Victrola, you get the complete combination which produces the pure and life-like voice of Caruso. You can secure this in no other way. Caruso himself chose the Victor as the one instrument able to reproduce his matchless voice with absolute EgeM] Caruso makes Victor Records only. 111 So also do Alda, Amato, Bori, Braslau, Butt, Calve, Culp, de Gogorza, de Pachmann, Destinn, Eames, Elman, Farrar, Gadski, Gluck, Hamlin, I lempei, Homer, Jadlowker, Kreisler, Kubelik, Martinelli, McCormack, Melba, Michailowa, Ober, Paderewski, Patti, Powell, Ruffo, Schumann-Heink, Scotti, Sembrich, Terry, Tet razzini, Whitehill, Williams, and Zimbalist. Only on the Victor and Victrola can you hear them Sin your own home at their best —as they would have you Why not enjoy the daily pleasure and inspiration which a Victrola will bring into your home? Any Victor dealer will gladly show you the various styles of Victors and Victrolas—slo to S4O0 —and play for you any music you want to hear. Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. New Victor Records demonstrated at ell dealers on the 28th of each month flip- n I Victrola | The 1 ■ \ Ober Bros. Livery In New Location Moved from their old location to their new building with larger quarters, No. 37 North Cameron Street. Bell Phone 2418 WEDNESDAY EVENING, Parade of Sunday School Workers at Blain Convention Special to the Telegraph Blain, Pa., May 3.—Arrangements have been completed for the forty eighth annual Sunday School con vention to be held here to-day and Thursday in Zion Reformed Churoh. One hundred delegates from all over the county have sent notices of their intention of coming. The first ses sion opened this afternoon at 2 o'clock. A parade of Sunday School workers will take place on Thursday evening at 6.30 o'clock, headed by the Blain Band. David S. Fry, president of the Sunday Schools of the county, will preside over the meetings. KNT>S TJTE UNDER TRAIN Special to the Telegraph York, Pa., May 3. Hiram A. Stover, aged 35, of Spring Grove, was ground to pieces on the Pennsylvania Railroad near his home yesterday. It is supposed to be a suicide for his position on the railroad Indicated that he had placed himself there and was apparently waiting for the train to run over him. Stover had been acting strangely of late. Mass Meeting to Consider Paving of Annville Street Special to the Telegraph Annville, Pa., May 3.—Arrangements are being completed whereby a canvass will be made of the citizens to ascer tain whether Annville shall have the main street through the town paved. Agitation for this work has been stirr ing the people during the past five years and at a recent meeting of citi zens many arguments were brought before it in favor of paving. At a meet ing on Friday evening it was shown that the town annually spends about tl.ooo for oiling Main street, this cost being borne by the residents along the thoroughfare. President Rank of the township commissioners stated that the subject will be placed before the voters of the town next year for action. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Special to the Telegraph Annville, Pa., May 3. A birthday surprise party was given in honor of Master C. Alfred Shenk on his eighth birthday anniversary yesterday from five in the afternoon until seven. The guests were school friends of the young boy. TIME TABLE Cumberland Valley Railroad In Effect June if, 1916. TRAINS leave Harrlsburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 5:03, *7:52 a. m., *3.40 p. m. For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate stations at *5:03, *7:52, »11.53 a. m.. •3:40, 5:37, *7:45, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. in.. 2:16, 8:26, 6:30, 9.35 p. m. For Dillsburg at 5:03, *7:52 and •11:53 a. m.. 2:16, *3:40, 6:37 and 6:30 p. m. •Daily. All other trains dally except | Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONQE. a. P. A. Try Telegraph Want Ads HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Fred Z. Ployer President Mechanicsburg Fire Co. Mechanicsburg. Pa.. May 3. The following officers have been elected by the Citien Fire Company, No. 2: Presi dent, Fred Z. Ployer; vice-president, Russell N. Stambaugh; recording secretary, George M. Wertz; financial secretary, Miller J. Coover; treasurer, A. O. Sample; foreman, George B. Hoover; assistant foreman, Guy H. Lucas; engineer, W. H. Weber; as sistant engineer, John P. Brindle; second assistant, Ira Bear; fireman, Harry T. Bender; first assistant, George H. Derrick; second assistant. H. W. Shearer; chauffeur, George M. Wertz; first assistant, W. J. Stam baugh; second assistant, J. M. Bru baker; directors for three years, A. S. Hertzler, George W. Hershman and J. M. Brubaker; delegate to State Con vention in Scranton, George M. Wertz; alternate, A. S. Hertzler; host, L. W. Kintz. House Cat Sets Record For Killing Copperheads Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., May 3. —A house cat belonging to Charles Shultz, an em ! Ploye of the Carlisle Indian School, | has set a record for snake catching. The cat came to the home, which is located near the government reserva tion, several weeks ago and was made a pet. About one week ago he came to the door of the house and deposited I a live copperhead snake about 15 inches in length on the porch. When it lie reptile was killed by a member of the family, the feline lunched from choice portions. Three others were secured in three days and on Sunday the cat worked overtime and secured two. The animal hunts in a section about the Indian School and Letort Spring and is said to be fast freeing the region of the pests. CARLISLE TAX RATE RAISED Special to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa., May 3.—Owing to ad ditional expenses caused by the open ing of a continuation school and the increase In the cost of supplies for the coming year due to the increased! cost of paper, the Carlisle School Board has decided to raise the tax rate for 1916 to eight mills, an ad vance of one mill over the former assessment. GIRL ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Special to the Telegraph Bloomsburg, Pa., May 3. Miss Martha Miller, aged 17 years attempt ed suicide at her home here yester day. following a quarrel with her mother. She is in the Bloomsburg hospital. TWENTY-ONE GRADUATE Special to the Telegraph Marietta, Pa., May 3. Class day ; exercises of the Maytown High School | were held yesterday In the Maytown ) band hall. Twenty-one were gradu ated. ENTERTAINS SOCIETY Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., May 3. The Mitel Society of the Presbyterian church, j was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- j liam Fisher at their home In Krie street. INFORMAL DINNER PARTY Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., May 3. A delight fully Informal dinner party was given last evening; by Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Minsker at their home at Red Bxidge. The guests Included Miss Anna Houck, Miss Carrie E. Gerber- Ich, Miss Eleanore Emmert, Miss Mary Gailor, Miss Marian Walters and Prof. Miles C. Hummer. WON DERLY FUNERAL Mechanicsburg. Pa., May 3. Fu neral service for William H. Wonderly will be held this evening, the Rev. J. J. Belsh officiating. The body will be taken to Wichita, Kas., for burial. Mr. Wonderly was a member of the Meth odist Episcopal church for a period of 60 years. MISS POFFEXBERGER BURIED Special to the Telegraph Dauphin, Pa., May 3. Funeral services for Miss Margaret Poffen berger were held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Miss Sarah Sponsler, in South Erie street. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Special to the Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 3. On Monday evening the twelfth birthday of little Miss Elizabeth Martin, daughter of Mr. qnd Mrs. R. M. Mar tin, South York street, was celebrated in form of a May Day Fete, with a host of merry children in attendance. MINISTERS AGAINST LIQUOR Lewis town, Pa., May 3.—The Inter- Church Federation of Mifflin county has adopted resolutions against the practice of dispensing liquor by clubs in the county. The Federation dis claims any hostility to the clubs as far as the fraternal idea is concerned. The paper is signed by fifteen minis ters, and seven leaders in church af fairs. I. C. S. REPORT SHOWS GROWTH Scranton, Pa., May B.—The board of directors of the International Text book Company, which owns and op erates the International Correspond ence Schools, 'made public to-day a report on the business done by the International Corresdondence Schools during the past six months which in dicates that the schools have enjoyed a steady growth since the new manage ment took charge of the institution in August last. From August 12, 1915, to March 6, 1916, 44,473 new students were enrolled and 9,694 former stu dents resumed active study. That the business of the schools is growing steadily is shown by the fact that In October last an average of 229 new students were enrolled each day, in November 240, in December 251, In January 252 and in February 286. FIVE KINDS OF APPLES Special te the Telegraph Annville, Pa., May 3.— Thomas S. Stein, a well-known educator and nat uralist. of Annville, has succeeded In grafting five varieties of apples to a tree in his orchard. The -warmth of the sun caused blossoms of the fol lowing: to appear: Smokehouse, Early Harvest, Baldwin, York Imperial and Beauty of Rome. PRIZE FOR SLOGAN Special to the Telegraph Annville, Pa., May 3.—At a meet ing of the members of the newly-or ganized Board of Trade on Monday evening, it was decided to offer a prize for the best slogan received by the Board. C. E. Shenk, secretary, will present the winner with a five dollar gold piece for the slogan adopted by the organization. MRS. SARAH DEMJIXGER DIES Mount Joy. Pa., May 3. Mrs. Sarah A. Dellinger, wife of Deputy Coroner BenJamn S. Dellinger. of Mt. Joy, died at her home on Monday after an illness of more than a year. The deceased was In the sixty-first year of her life and was the step daughter of the late Captain Levi D. Gallagher. Besides her husband she is survived by three sons, Charles, Levi and William, all of Mt. Joy. The funeral will take place from her late residence to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. . 28-30-32 N. 3rd. St. Special Sale of Blouses THURSDAY and FRIDAY Reflecting fashion's latest creation —Stripes, Plaids and novelty fabrics, frills, jabots, novelty collars and cuffs, hemstitching and fancy buttons—all these tell the story of the newest Blouses. Plaid Will o' Wisp Crepe, in unusual A novelty Voile Blouse, white ground color combinations, fashions a lovely with two-tone stiipe to harmonize . , ~ Wlt h tailored suits, white hand em blouse with a double full, deep collai broidered linen collar and cuffs, mili and cuffs have picot edge, newest as- tary gilt button trimmed— sorted colorings— Special, 5.00 Special, 1.75 I / Morning Blouses Many excellent values in morning blouses too numerous too mention. Sport shirt of luster silk in white, Georgette Blouses in delicate shades, flesh and maize, smart collar and oicit, Joffie blue, rose, white and jade , , , _ c green; some ot these models have turned back cuffs— Special, 1.4 o doublc fril , S( some have sai]or co „ ar edged with frill—cuffs to correspond; , . . tiny pearl buttons add a smart Lustrous quality Crepe de Chine, in finish— Special, 5.00 white and flesh, fashions this charm ing model with a graceful double Washable Cotton Ciepe Blouses, in 0 (| „ white, flesh, maize, rose and green , Special, -.Jo w jj| | ie season ' s very simple styles— Special, 1.95 Black lace over flesh colored chiffon Other beautifully made Blouses in makes another stunning model, lace individual designs are to be had of . . , . , . , i ... batiste, organdie or Georgette crepe joined in front to reveal a Georgette at from & g t0 00,50 waist coat — Special, 5.00 A miscellaneous lot of Tailored and Dressy Blouses of extra heavy Geor- Blouses specially adapted for sport gette or tine quality crepe de chine; wear of wide satin striped crepe de some with exquisite hand embroidery, . . , 1- . I- others tailored models, finely hem chine, extra heavy quality in all new st i tc hed and ruffled, slightly soiled; colorings— Special, 3.95 values to 6.95 Special, 2.95 ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Special to the Telegraph Duneannon, Pa., May 3.—Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Flickinger, Jr., of Altoona, announce the birth of a daughter, Helen Louise Flickinger, Saturday, April 29. 1916. Previous to marriage, Mrs. Flickinger was Miss Helen Dressier, of Duneannon. LECTURE BY MRS. BOYD Special to the Telegraph Newvllle, Pa., May 3.—Mrs. John Y. Boyd, of Harrisburg, will give an [ Big Spring Presbyterian church to- j morrow evening at 8 o'clock. CIGARETTE | REMEMBER —Turkish tobacco b the /" " world's most famous tobacco for cigarettes j tyjfj jUj jjT% who was proud of his Who knew them, believed N »■ in them, delighted in selling That's how we feel about |H MURAD ■ eENTS THE Turkish Cigarette Because we know it is the supreme Turk ish 15 Cent cigarette value in the whole world. Made of tobacco never used by any other manufacturer in a cigarette selling /> for less than 25 cents. x)^n(VUyi^LCd MAY 3, 1916. HOFFMAN FAMILY MEETING Halifax, Pa., May B.—Officers of the Hoffman Family Reunion gath ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hoffman here and wound up the business of the year. Plans were made for this year's reunion wheh will he held Saturday. August 19, in Buffalo Park, above town. SOLD CIGAR BUSINESS Newvllle, Pa., May 3. W. W. Get ter has sold his cigar and tobacco business to Bruce Bowman of this place. The new proprietor took charge on May 1. DIES FROM TYPHOID Mt. Joy, May 3. John G. Kramer, I son of Borough Constable Joseph | Kramer, of Mount Joy, died Monday i afternoon at the General Hospital, | Lancaster, from typhoid pneumonia, after being at the hospital for one day. AIT) SOCIETY SOCIAL Dillsburg, Pa., May 3.—To-morrow evening the Ladies' Aid Society of the Dillsburg Lutheran church will give a social in the basement of the Lutheran church to which all mem bers and their families are invited.