| HUNDREDS WAIT TO Hll fOUR WANTS-TILL IT THRU A WANT AD| I IDeatbs ( OTTKHEI. On May 2. 1916, James Knight Cotterel. at his home in Pax tang last evening after a lingering illness, aged 57 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon at I o'clock from the home. Swan avenue and Derry streets. Paxtang, the l ; ev. J. D. \\ . Deavor, officiating. Burial in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. — 1j HAM)sm\v —On Monday, May 1, 1016, at his late residence. No. ! A Pine street, Harry J. Handsnaw. Funeral services on Thursday * or ®" 1 noon, at 10 o'clock, at the above aa dress. Funeral and burial private. Lost and Found LOST Saturday night, pocketbook containing considerable amount of i money, in central part of city. Reward if returned to 125 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. LOST School pass, between 29 N. Cameron street and Pomeroy's; finder please return to Harrisburg Shorthand School, or Marguerite Glass. Marysville, Pa. IF the person who picked up the box containing silverware from vestibule at 20$ North Third street, will return same lo C. L. Miller. Mechanics Trust Com pany, a liberal reward will be paid, and no questions asked. LOST Three finger rings, on Sun day evening, on Trindle Road or C. V. trolley. Market Square, Chestnut street | or Mulberry street viaduct. One ring i diamond—valued for friendship .sake— other rings not valuable. Can 111 afford j to lose them. Reward if returned to j this oiflce. | LOST Gold watch. Elgin move- ! mcnt, crescent shape hunting case, at- - tached to leather fob with Masonic em- | blem, Lodge 429, Harrisburg. Reward if returned to this office. LUST Endorsed P. & R. check for $7:1.63. between P. & R. Station and Hill. ' liberal reward if returned to Telegraph ! Office. Help Wanted —Male WANTED First-class painters. Ap- j ply. C. A. Slbbett, 922 Capital street at 7 j a. ni. or 5 p. m. WANTED A good boy between 16 and 18 years of age for store work; ; must furnish reference. Appl>, Grand i Union Tea Company, 208 North Second street. WANTED Energetic boy over 16 years to assist in shipping department. Good chance for good boy. $4.00 to start. Give name and address of last employer, in own handwriting. Ad dress. 0-4111, care Telegraph. WANTED Several boys over 16 years of age for rolling pretzels. Apply , at once, Harrisburg: Pretzel Co., Third and Seneca streets. PRESSER WANTED Good wages 1 and steady work to right party. Apply, j Kinkelstein Cleaning and Dyeing' Works, 1322 North Sixth street. WANTED Experienced pipe fitter, , steady work. Inquire. W. fc. Farner, i Harrisburg Gas Works. WANTED Laborers for concrete and pick and shovel work. Wages 22'4c per hour. Apply to Robert! Grace Contracting Co., Milton, Pa. WANTED Bright young man over I 16 years of age, who is willing to start on moderate salary, with opportunity for quick advancement. Address, en- | closing references, Box A-4102, care ; Telegraph. BOY over 16 years of age to run er rands and learn optical business; good opening for sood boy. Apply at 27 South Third street. tf WANTED Experienced assistant Superintendent. Reference and bond re- ' quired. Salary. S2O and bonus. Apply j Luieka Life Insurance Company, 15 to | 17, Cameron Building, Second and Wal nut streets. WANTED DAY LABORERS. Will I also employ man by the month. Apply 1700 North Second street. WANTED Bright boy, with some education, for office; large company, , good chance to get aneaa; state age, schooling, experience and wages ex- j pected. Address J., 4070, care of Tele- ) graph. | ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES ' MEN WANTED Able bodied, unmar- ! ried men between ages of 18 and 35; j citizens of United States, of good char- i acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English | language. For Information apply to ! Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, I 3d & Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Painters wanted at once. \ Apply to Gohl and Bruaw, 310 Straw - ' berrj street. BOY WANTED over 16 years of age, to work in dental laboratory. Chance to learn good trade, loom 410 Trustee Building. WANTED A salesman to sell and deliver bread, caVes and pies. Apply ; to K., 4026, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two boys, 17 or 18 years of age. to learn trade of hosiery ma- i chine fixing. Must be clean. Industrious and serious. Parents' must guarantee j ihem permanent. Moorehead Knitting | WANTED A young man for travel ing salesman by an established manu facturing concern manufacturing a < ommodity sold to retail and wholesale hardware and mill, mine, railroad and contractor's supply trade. Territory Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West i Virginia and New York. Ability to se cure business is more essential than I experience. Applications must give ' age. lines handled and salary required to receive consideration. Address Box I H„ 1108, care of Telegraph. WANTED Fireman, at once. Ex l»< rlmce. Steady work and good pay. Apply Hershey Employment Bureau, Hershey, Pa. | FOR RENT 1 .' 1332 S. 13th St.. 2% s. f„ 7 r r 2048 Swatara St., 3 s. b.. 7 r. & h »I 4? «' 1500 S. 12th St., 2»4 s. b„ 7 r. b.. «!«■' CT535 S. 13th St.. 2% s. b., 7r. b.. FlO? % «22 Relly St., store room «!«• ',194 4 Green St., 3 s. b., 9 r. b.. . . «"«•' ■ t 'J2lS N. 2nd St., 2*4 s. b., 8 r. b., Sl.', 1 ! % 204 Locust St.. 13 I'., 3 b >75". %2«9 S. Front St., 3 s. b.. 10 r„ ." * ■7-,'. 5 911 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b , 14 r., 2 b„. .SlOU'i Chestnut St., (furnished) .. fiirsS '! APARTMENTS / jn N. 4th St., 3 r. & b jtaoi J204 Locust St., 5 rooms and bath S3r>iJ 5 rooms and two baths S4O? [■ SUBURBAN \ Cove Station bungalow sls!' Halnlyn (Aldlnger Cottage) ... suoj< f,annton 214-story frame 10? ,r> rooms—bath—hot water heat ? 5 stable—lot 100x220 ft *35,' j, Slimmer dale 2-story frame cot? tage (partly furnished) «2<j ' •.ftrnnthmn ( r. A l«. Ry.) _ 4-roonii / furnished cottage garage arid! acres of ground. For sea-S son . •••••#•»»«,,, ■' ' §^a '"hovf Knoln)—2 s. f 5 j» 3 r. A: b.. use of phone f2»5 £ MISCELLANEOUS jji larage, 1218 Mulberry St m) (PlOth & State Sts., storage bldg *"o,* ."offices ft store rooms. 219 Walnut .• > Si-acre farm. Perry Co *Bo*s § MILLER BROTHERS & CO j •J REAL ESTATE t /Insurance Surety Bonds'! i] Locust and Court Streets aj WEDNESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male j WANTED —4O able-bodied ; men between 21 and 40 years oi : age for piece work. White ot colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED YOUNG MEN to learn to become practical chauffeurs. We give our unlimited course for SSO, easy , payments, and guarantee 30c per hour ,as soon as competent. We have 30 cars to overhaul during the Spring. AUTO ! TRANSPORTATION SCHOOL 25-27-29 | North Cameron street. Help Wanted —Female EXPERIENCED SALESI.ADIES ALSO ALTERATION HANDS Apply to Robinson's Woman Shop, 20 N. 4th Street. WANTED Nice, neat girl about 16 years of age, to assist with housework. Apply 1610 Market street. j WANTED—Two young ladles to put ! out coupons, house to house. Come ready for work. Call Thursday morn ; ing at 8 o'clock, 1234 Derry street. j 2 LADIES for canvassing work. We I have exclusive territory for E. X. Wash !& Irn-A-Lac. Your territory protected, Permanent work. P. O. Box 339, City. Do not write unless you mean business. WANTED Girl for general house work in family of three. Good home. Apply 215 Pine street. WANTED Waitresses, experienced ; for dining hall in the cbuntry; good wages and steady work. Apply at once [at Hershey Employment Bureau. Her- I shey, Pa. WANTED Girls for mangle work. | Apply, Sanitary Family Washing Com pany, Sixteenth and Elm streets. WANTED Competent lady book keeper and stenographer; permanent position. Apply Box 4101, care of Tele graph. WANTED Experienced stenograph er and typist familiar with Remington. Please state full particulars as to ex perience. last employment and very lowest salary. Address S., 4107, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girl for general house work; small family. Apply 263 Hum mel avenue, Lemoyne. Phone call 3078 R. WANTED Someone to do general ; housework In family or two. Settled woman preferred. Reference required. Apply 1848 Market street. WANTED Housekeeper in small family; no -.-ashing; good wages. Apply 2133 North Second street. WANTED A girl for general house work. Call Bell phone 948 M. WANTED A housekeeper in a family of two: good home and good wages; reference required. Apply W. G. W„ 4028, care of Telegraph. ASSISTANT !n my Corset and Lingerie business. Part outside work. Good pay. Must have large circle of acquaintances. Address A., 4032, care of Telegraph. STATE MANAGER Capable lady able to engage. Instruct local agents; also take orders personally, ladies' gar ments. Permanent, profitable contract. Address H„ 4025, care of Telegraph. TROUSERM AK ERS WANTED. AT ONCE—S. Freedman, 1529 North Third street. STENOGRAPHER WANTED, AT ONCE Must understand something about bookkeeping. Beginner prefer red. Apply Auto Transportation Co., Exchange Dept., 29 North Cameron street. W ANTED Experienced sewing-machine operators, trim mers and learners, to work on women's and children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, 414-416 State street, rear entrance. WANTED Girls experienced on power sewing machines. Apply Har risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrisburg, Pa. capable lady to sell Corsets and Lingerie from her home. Verv profitable work. Also one in each nearby town. Address M., 4020, care of Telegraph. WANTED Girls over 16 to strip tobacco. Also experienced Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. Help Wanted— Male and Female i WANTED—We have openings for 1 2 more bright girls and boys. | Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. Agents Wanted ! LARGE manufacturer will establish , representative of good address and abil ity in profitable business in home town. Congenial outdoor employment. | *60.00 to $ 100.00 per month. Experi | ence unnecessary. All or part time, fan establish valuable trade. For par ticulars address Parker Co., 2750 North 1 Twelfth street, Philadelphia. Pa. Situations Wanted—Male ] WANTED Young man 19 years of i age desires work in store or restaurant. Address. '.'o3 Myers street, Steelton. . RELIABLE sober young man wishes work of anv kind, familiar with ma chinery, willing to go out of town. Ad dress, Harry Roat. V. M. C. A., City. WANTED Work for boy 15 years of age in grocery store. Apply, 1827 Briggs street, or phone 2355 W. WANTED Young man, 18. desires work in store or restaurant; no experi ence. but willin - to learn; restaurant I preferred. Address 823 Susquehanna , street, City. j i Situations Wanted—Female ! WANTED Washing to do at home. Call or write, 1529 Ixigan avenue. WANTED Middle-aged house keeper wants position. Address M. ■4029, care of Telegraph. Housekeeper wants position. Ad dress Box O 4110, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work by the day. Ap pl*- to 108 Marys street. WANTED Work as second girl, by young woman; can furnish best of ref erence. Inquire 1736 Wallace. Real Estate For Sale DESIRABLE CAMP HILL LOTS— Priced right low. Camp Hill Realty Co.. 905 K mi kill Bulldlnic. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE 2373 Canby street. Pen ! brook, 2H-story frame single dwelling:, j i rooms and attic, gas. front and rear I porches, granolithic walks, stable: lot j •ox2oo, Price, $2,600.00, or will trade for property on Allison Hill. Brlnton- I Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. i FOR SALE 2-story bungalow lo- I cated on Bowman avenue. Camp Hill, I containing 7 rooms and batli, cemented cellar, mission finish, gas and electric ligh. open fire place, large porches, i furnace heat; lot 40x140. Price to quick | purchaser. $3,500.00. Brinton-Paeker Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Corner Dale Ave. and Market street, Washington Heights, frame house, eight rooms, bath, elec tric lights, hot water heat, gas kitchen, lot 60 feet front; garage. Inquire J. M. Tritt, on rremises. FOR SALE Beautiful, new two and-a-half-Btorv brick residence in one of the finest locations In the city. 1001 North Seventeenth street. Corner lot, Soxl2o feet. Eight rooms and attic. Hall through center. All improvements. Fine lawn and shrubbery. Sold on easy terms. Inquire of J. A_ Singmaster, Gettysburg, Pa. CAMP HILL LOTS Corner Church and Berkley streets, size, 100x100 feet— sßso. Market street, size, 45x200. Price, 81,000. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE Five-room house, with basement; also cottage, 18x24 feet; chlckenhouse; good well water; apples, cherries, peaches, quinces, apricots, grapes and berries; along river; 5-cent car fare from Square; all-night ser vice; 10 minutes' walk from car line; good fishing and bathing; fine location for summer home. Price. $1,300; S3OO cash, balance to suit purchaser. Frank J. Harro, Bell phone 3192 R. FOR SALE Plot of ground on Derry street, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets. Streets on four sides. Also plot of ground 100 feet on Melrose street —runs through to Twenty-eighth street. "Old Orchard." A. C. Mead. Eighth Floor Union Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa. 1612 FORSTER STREET Three story, brick and stucco. Beautiful neighborhood. Lot, 26x110. Price, in cluding fitted screens, storm windows, hot water coil, cabinet gas range, shades, $3,800, Apply on premises. THE NEW BUNGALOW An entirely new type of Bungalow Houses now being built on Fifth street. This particular type of house has never been built in this city and offers many new advantages in Bun galow architecture in Ideal Houses. Semi-brick and Kellastone construction; slate roofs; tile porches t English ); dust proof cellars, laundry, parquet floors; new system of plumbing; scien tific lighting; using only solid brass and silver fixtures; quar tered oak and African Circa sian walnut Sterling laminated Hush doors I the finest made door in the world). Houses Fully Equipped Built Under Personal Supervision. Price, $5,500.00. MacWILLI AMS CONSTRUCTION CO., Designers and Builders. 2105 N. sth Street. Harrl^Jiurg. 1 340-42 VERNON ST. On a lot 50x 115 feet, drive alley in rear; rental, $24. Price, $3,150. H. CJ. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. CAMP HILL Very desirable home; 4 large rooms first floor; second floor, 4 bedrooms and bath. Brick, slate roof; location North Bowman avenue. Price. $1,800.00 net. Camp Hill Realty Com pany, 905 Kunkel Building, Harrisburg. FOR SALE Attractive frame house —roomy—well located—cheap for cash. Camp Hill Realty Co.. 905 Kunkel Build ing. PROGRESS LOTS FOR SALE 220- ft. plots; high location, near school house. Also 86 ft. on Raysor street, near trolley. Apply to John L. Ream, Twenty-seventh and Boas streets, Pen brook. PAXTANG For sale one of the nicest homes; close to cars: large lot. Price, $4,600. Apply., Dr. E. K. Penbrook, Pa. FOUR ACRES of land within one quarter mile of railroad, at Anderson Station and frame house thereon for t..le at $525 —also chlckenhouse and other bu'idlngs. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 240 N. FIFTEENTH STREET FOR SALE 3-story brick 8 rooms bath gas furnace porch cor ner property suitable for garage. Bell Realty Co., Bergner B-Udlng. THREE Sixth Street properties for sale—Nos. 1829-2122 and 2352. Inspect them and get particulars from us—also get our revised list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SUBURBAN property for sale—with in 5c car fare one square from trol ley new steam heat gas—elec tric light porches lot. 25x125. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. front up to one-half acre plots sewer water gas —electricity. S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c trolley. Keeney & Simmons, Agents. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT Houston summer home. Inquire A. J. Houston. Median icsburg, Pa. FOR RENT No. 1713 Revere Street and gar age $25.00 No. 1500 Walnut Street 25.00 1532 Naudain Street 20.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market Street. FOR RENT Furnished house, for three or four months of the summer; centrally located; all conveniences. Call Bell phone 852 J. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT A good slx room house, with electric light, along Philadelphia and Reading. Suitable for summer outing. Inquire P. O. Box 67, Grantham, Pa. Farms VAUGHN One to five- acre plots; Charleton Sta tion, on Llnglestown trolley line; gar den soil. Purchase now and raise your own poultry, vegetables and flowers. Price only 1200 to S4OO per acre. C. B. CARE. Care's Grocery, Llnglestown. . inscrip tion at 409 Market street. Harrisburg. Apartments For Rent APARTMENT, 1118 North Sixth street, 5 rooms and hath, all modern conveniences. Apply. First Floor Apart ment. SECOND FLOOR, near center of city. Three rooms and bath. Suitable for bachelor apartments or an agency. Ad dress Box R„ 4019, care of Telegraph. APARTMENT, llTs North Isixth street, 5 rooms and hath, all modern conveniences. Apply First Floor Apart ment. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Apartments For Rent FOR RENT 927 North Third street, second floor; lfvlngroom, two bedrooms, diningroom. reception hall, bath and kitchen. Third floor, three rooms, bath and kitchenette. All conveniences, in cluding city steam heat. Apply 931 North Third street. FOR RENT Six-room apart ment, with hall and conveniences; electric lights, steam "heat pro vided ; ground for garden. Apply George A. Rice, Washington Heights. FOR RENT Four room apartment; bath; electric light: city vapor heat; Forch in rear; central location. Inquire 22 Federal Square (dwelling). FOR RENT From April l, apart ment in the Sixth Street Bank Building Apply at Bank. ttlxth and Maclay streets. Rooms For Rent ONE large second floor front room, suitable for two gentlemen, $2.00 per week; private family; also third floor back room, $1.25 per week. 1628 Fifth street. FOR RENT One large storeroom. 224 Chestnut street; also three large rooms for colored people only. 1130 North Front street. Apply, 226 Chest nut street. FOR RENT—Three newly furnished rooms, singly or ensuite, second floor, facing park, large and airy, 5-mlnute walk from station, all conveniences, phone, rent reasonable. 406 North street. FOR RE»>T—Two unfurnished rooms and kitchen with range; also with use of bath; rent $10; first floor. Apply to HI2 North Third street, or Bell phone 385 R. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms with use of bath; second floor; rent $lO per month. Apply, 912 North Third street, or Bell phone 385 R. FOR RENT Comfortable front room; use of bath; with refined family on Hill: no children. $1.75 per week single, $2.50 double. Address. Roomer. P. O. Box 3, City. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, neatly furnished, with porch and views overlooking river. All conveniences. Very cool. Especially adapted for gen tleman. 800 North Second street. City. FOR RENT Two completely fur nished rooms, for light housekeeping: also nicely furnished room for lady or gentleman. Call Trombino Bros., No. 4 South Fourth, Room No. 1. RENT FREE To elderly man and wife, private communicating sleeping room and kitchen, with improvements; electric lights and phone. Inquire No. 431 Broad street. FOR RENT Two communicating second floor front rooms, furnished or unfurnished; suitable for office or llv- Ingroom and bedroom; all conveniences; between Pine an 4 State. Box K„ 4053, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Large, well-furnlshed second floor front room: gentlemen only: all conveniences and use of phone. Apply 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply before 6 P. M. at 621 North Second street, after 6 P. M. at 1101 North Sixth street. Bell phone. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with all conveniences. Apply 9 Nc-» Front street. 1733 NORTH SIXTH ST. Store room. with cellar; also garage or stable, and large room, suitable for workshop or storage. Apply Fitzgerald. 317 Wal nut. ' FOR RENV Parlor and adjoining bedroom, furnished complete, for two gentlemen; use of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. STOREROOM FOR RENT Fine large room. 231 North Seond street In quire 217 North Second. FOR RENT Very desirable rooms, beautifully furnished, some with hot and cold running water in room. Terms reasonable. Apply 801 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, all conveniences. Including use of Bell phone. Apply 1015 North Front street. Board and Rooms WANTED We want the people of Harrlsburg to know that we are serv ing tho best 25r DINNER in the city. The HOME DININGROOM, 123 South Second street. BOARDERS WANTED Reasonable rates and good board; all conveniences. Board in advance. HI South Front street, Sieelton, Pa. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED Small general store; suburban location. Walter H. Cum mings. 905 Kunkel Building. WANTED SIO,OOO at 5 per cent, on real estate valued at *18,000; privilege of paying off (1,000 per year. Address, M. n. C.. 4015, care Telegraph. PROTESTANT gentleman, making Uarrisburg his headquarters, absent from city about two-thirds of time, wishes to get room and board with private family; references furnished. Address A., 4030,, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by couple with two-year-old child or room and board with private family. State price and fuW particulars, references. Address K., 402" care of Telegraph. WANTED, TO RENT Furnished cotla"-~ for summer, ai'<ng river not too far from city. Price and location in first communication. Address A., 4u69, tare of Telegraph. SADDLE WANTED, Mexican or Mc- Clellan, with bridle. Give lowest cash price. Address S.. 4024, care of Tele graph. For Sale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE —One square piano with $250 player attachment and 24 rolls music—s2s complete. Address, William A. Glenny, R. F. D. No. 5, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Motorcycle, 1915 In dian, electric equipped; one electric coffer grinder: all practically new. Ap ply 1512 North streei. FOR SAl..E—Three lots at Edgemont on Highland avenue. One oak bed room suit, spring and mattress. One refrigerator. 36 North Nineteenth street. DIAMOND TIKES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Tile new "Velvet Rub ber" in these tires gives them more toughness, elasticity and long-wearing finalities than were ever known in tires before. Special Discounts. HARRIS BURO HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SEC OND AND CHESTNUT. GOOD watch bull dog. Will make good doK for out of city. Will sell cheap. Call nights between 6:30 and 9 at 2403 Herr street. FOR RENT Typewriters bought, sold or rented. Harrlsburg Typewriter ani Supply Co., 40 North Court street. FOR SALE Four sets double, three sets single harness, double and single wagons and good horse. Weaver Ex press. Steelton, Fa. FOR SALE—One Real Apollo kitchen range. In excellent con dition. Address, Box C. 4021, care Telegraph For Sale—Miscellaneous PLANING MII.L AND LUMBER YARD FOR SALE A busy planing mill, niodernly equip ped. and retail lumber yard am' Ijuild ing supplies electric light plant a number of building lots two dwellings profits, $5,000 to SIO,OOO per year. Business call be doubled. A rare opportunity for an individual or company to buy a growing business— no competition near. Ask for full par ticulars. Frank R. Peckman, Sole Agent. Gettysburg. Pa. For Rent —Miscellaneous PUBLIC SALE—The following house hold goods of Buck Benford, Tom Murphy and Don Miller will be sold at Public Sale, Mf 11, at 1 P. M., f r stor age, unless redeemed before the above date. COOPER S STORAGE HOUSE. 421 Broad Street. City. FOR SALE One No. SM> Aultman stono crusher outfit, complete, 15-11.-p. engine; International make crusutr, elevator, new belting and tools, nearly new. All In good running oder. Will load on car for *auo. W. L Roberts, Marysville, Pa. CIGARS Why pay two prices for your Cigars? Give cur Cre-Malta a trial at 75c per 50, postpaid. Snell & Co.. Red Lion, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS Remington. $15.00; Smith Premier, $15.00; Underwood, Remington, No. 10, at attractive prices. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street. FOR SALE Hardwood stall posts, Iron stall guards, iron troughs and car riage elevator. Good condition. Apply Ober's Old Livery Stand, Court and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE Nine-piece diningroom suit—in excellent eonilitlon. Call 1313 Susquehanna street. FOR SALE All the counters, shelv lngs, stools and tables from Cook's De partment Store, 308 Market street, Na tional Cash Register and mirrors. Bought by S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. Bell phone 282 J. FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, etc. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 113. 116 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT Nine-room dwelling with nil conveniences, in Steelton, at 52 North Front street. Apply 52 North Front street. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. FOR RENT Storeroom, Hamilton street, near Third street business block. Rent sl2. Clias. Adler, 1002 North Third street. Business Opportunities FOR SALE Candy, Ice cream and cigar store; 5-cent fare limit from Market Square; income was over $27 on last Sunday. Apply 30; priced right; good buy. Walter 11. Cummings, 905 Kunkel Building. I WILL SELL 10 shares of Cummings Realty Co. common stock for $65 per share. Address C-4103, care Telegraph. FOR SALE Meat market equipped with the latest fixtures and appliances; gross business about $2,200 per month. This proposition is located in a subur ban town. Price $1,050. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. ANY Intelligent person can tarn -rood Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 795. Lock port. N. T. Business Personals CASH PAID for good cast-off Ladles' and Men's Clothing. Shoes, Furniture and Carpets. Please give description of goods. SEND POSTAL TO 636 HERR STREET. ARCADE BARBER SHOP. 36 North Court street. Hair cut, 25c; shave, 10c; massage, 26c. Haircutting given special attention. Everything thoroughly sterilized. P. D Rlchwlne, Prop. NEW and second-hand furniture bought and sold; we pay the highest cash prices and sell :.t reasonable prices. S. Gold, 1014 Market street. Bell phone 4085 J. WASTE PAPER BRINGS HIGH PRICES Bale it—don l burn it! An economy all-steel, fireproof baler will pay for itself over and over. Every business l>lace needs one. Different styles at different prices. Consult me about your requirements. E. R. Seidel, 2109 Green street, Harrlsburg, Pa. White Detective Ageßcy Trustee Building, 8 N. Markot Square. All lines of detective work handled. Bell phone 127 VV. MOVING WE move pianos carefully. Bell 146. Winter Piano Co., 23 .North Fourth street. FURNITURE, second-hand, bought at highest cash prices and sold at rea sonable prices. Phone and we will call. Max Sineltz, 1016 Market street. Leather traveling bags ana suitcases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and oportlng goods at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at subway. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTMAN. Boarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of f ilanos. safes, boilers and general haul ng. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone Na 2603 R. Musical FOR SALE 5325 upright, piano'. Used eight months. Will sell for !"'ls, if sold at once. Address H. G. 8., care of Telegraph. PLAYER PIANO, with 30 rolls, in good condition for 3190.00 to uulck buyer. Address S., 4018, care of Tele graph. EXPERT PIANO TUNING 11.60 Bell 14« Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St i WE BUY any kind of talking ma chines and records, or trade them In on new up-to-date machine. 315 Broad •treet MAY 3, 1916. PRICES HARDEN; MARKET ACTIVE Encouraging Statement From Berlin Chief Factor; Many Gains By Associated Press New York, May 3.—Prices hardened and activity Increased later. Intima tions of an early and encouraging statement from Berlin being the chief factor. Gains of 2 to 4 points were numerous, the rise being attended by extensive short covering. Mexicans continued strong despite reports of further confiscation of for eign-owned concessions. Coppers re sponded favorably to the extra divi dend on Smelting and the remarkable annual statement of Anaconda. United Slates Steel was in better demand than recently and Reading and Norfolk and Western were among the firm rails. Minor but general recessions occurred before noon, the market showing apathy. Bonds were irregular. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square. Har risburg: 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia: 3 4 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, May 3. Open. Clos. Alaska Gold Mines 19% 19% Allis-Chalmers 25% 26% American Beet Sugar ... 69% 68% American Can 56 54% American C&■ P 60% 59% American Cotton Oil 53% 53 American Locomotive .. 69 67% American Smelting .... 98% 97% American T & T 128 127% Anaconda 84% 84% Atchison 101% 101% Baldwin locomotive ... 87 87% Baltimore & Ohio 86 85% Bethlehem Steel 445 459 R F Goodrich 76 76% Butte Copper 90% 91 California Petroleum ... 22% 22 Central Leather ' 53% 53 Chesapeake & Ohio .... 61 61% C. M & St P 94 94 Chicago. H1 &- Pacific.. 16% 17% Chino Con Copper 53% 53 Colorado F& T 41 % 41 % Consolidated Gas 134 134 Corn Products 19% 19 Crucible Steel 80% 80% Musical NEW UPRIGHT PIANO (S3SCM>O value) for $225.00. Ten year guaran tee. stool and scarf. We are allowed to sell only a few at this price to get 1 them Introduced. Big reduction for | cash. 315 Broad street. Money to Loan MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Scaring Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Financial MONET TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any I terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. j Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE?! Private i rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite Inspection. > Low Insurance. 427-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company STORAGE in 3-storv brick building, rear 408 Market street. ' Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to I P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. 1 STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, (1 to |3. Wagons. 76 cjnta ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 road street. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE S. C. W. Leghorn [Chicks, 10 cents each. Heavy laving strain. J. Nelson Yost, corner Race and Water street. Middletown, Pa. S. C. W. LEGHORN EGGS FOR HATCHING l5 for SI,OO, delivered. Good laying strain. Satisfaction guar anteed. West End Poultry Yards, Box 123, Loysville, Pa. EGGS S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs from selected breeders, $5.00 per 100. Breed ing stocK for sale. Also three Cypher incubators, cheap. Locust Grove Farm. Mar'sviUe. United phone. Automobiles MAXWELL 2-cylinder roadster: new paint and tires: good top; windshield, tools; best running order; need room for new car; price $125. Horst, Jr.. Route 4, Harrisburg, Pa. 1 FOR SALE Five-passenger auto mobile; foredoor; presto lights; good running condition. Apply Dr. Hazen, 211 Locusi street, City. FORD TOURING CAR FOR SALE 1915 model. Price, $275.00. Apply 921 Grand street. WANTED A Ford runabout or touring car. at once. Will pay cash money, ("all 29 North Cameron street. Phone 1710. BUICIi RUNABOUT Good condi tion. Price reduced to $l5O for quick sale. Mt. Pleasant Garage, near Four teenth and Derr. Ask for Mr. Haw thorne. One 1913 Ford touring, $185.00. One Ford touring, $220.00. One Ford delivery $85.00 One 1913 Ford, like new, at a snap. One 1913 Oakland touring, 5- passenger $350.00 1000-lb. capacity delivery truck, '5190.00 I All cars guaranteed to be in igood running order. At Mehring's Garage, Boas and Rose streets. ' Notice NOTICE is hereby «lven that appli cation for a pardon has been made by Thomas J. .Joyce Hnd will be heard on May 17. 1916, before the Board of Par dons. at HarrisbnrK. William J. Brady, Attorney for Petitioner. Legal Notices Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., No. 502 September i Term 191 R. i matrimonii, Esther Martin Stahl va. Harry H. Stahl. The subpena and alias ! subpena in the above-stated esse have been returned "non est Inventus." You, Marry H. Stahl, are therefore directed lo appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the fourth Monday of May, A. D. 191 R. to answer the complaint therein flled. W. TV. CAL.DWEIJ* Sheriff. Harrlaburg, Fa., Arril 12, 1816, 15 Distilling Securities .... 51 50V4 Erie 35% 35 Erie Ist pfd 51 51 % General Electric 164 164 Great Northern pfd .... 119% 119% Great Northern Ore subs 39 39 i 2 Inspiration Copper 45 44 >3 Interboro-Met 16% 16% Konnecott 56% 56% Kansas City Southern .. 24% 24% Lackawanna Steel 69% 69 % Lehigh Volley 76% 76% Maxwell Motors 77 76% Merc. Mar. ctfs 26% 24% Merc. Mar. ctfs. pfd. ... 92 87% Mex. Petroleum 98 98 Miami Copper 36% 36% Missouri Pacific 4 4 National Lead 66% 65% New York Central 104% 104% N. Y., N. H. and H. .. . 59% 59 N. Y. O. and W 26% 26% N. and W 123% 123% Northern Pacific 111% 111 Pacific Mail 26% 25% Pa. Rail 55% 55% Pittsburgh Coal 27 27 Press Steel Car 46% 47% Railway Steel Spg 38% 38% Ray Con Copper 22% 22% Reading 87% 86% Republic Iron and Steel 46% 46% Southern Pacific 96% 96% Southern Ry 20% 20% Studebaker 128% 126% Tennessee Copper 48% 46 Third Ave 61% 60 Union Pacific 132% 132% USI Alcohol 146 149% U S Rubber 53% 53% U g Steel 82% 82% U S Steel pfd 115% 115 Utah Copper 80% 81 Virginia-Carolina Chem. 42 41 % West Union Telegraph.. 91% 90 Westinghouse Alfg 57% 56% Texas Oil 184 184 PHII.AniSI.PHIA produce: By Associated Press Philadelphia. May 3. Wheat Market steady; No. 2, red, spot and May, $1,180)1.21% No. 2 southern, red, $1.16(3) 1.19. Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local. 84®84'ac steamer. No. 2, yellow, local. 82®83c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white. 51%® 52c; No. S, white, 49®50c. Bran The market Is firm; city mills, winter, per ton. $26.50; west ern, winter, per ton, $26.50;; Spring, per com. »23.50®-'4.00. Refined Sugars Market firm; powdered, 7.50@7.60; flne granulated, 7.40®7.50; confectioners' A. 7.30®7.40c. Butter Market firmer; western creamerv, extras, 34@35c; nearby prints fancy. 37c. Eggs The market is firm; Peuiibvlvanl~ «nd nine, neaiuy ft 1 free cases, $6.90 per case; do., current receipts, tree cases, $6.(0 per case, western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.78 fer 1 jss; western, firsts, free cases. 6.60 per case. Livo Poultry—The market Is steady: fowls, 19®20c; roosters, 12®13c; Spring chickens. 14®21c; do., broilers, 30®38c; ducks, 18®20c; geese, 17@19c; turkeys. 20® 22c. Dressed Poutry The market is quiet; fowls are lower; turkeys, fancy. 31c. do.. gonu 1 choice, 27® 30c; do., fair to good, 25® 26c; .in oi<l lot"-, Jic low i«m> 21',4®22e; do..good to choice,2ola ®2lc; do., small sizes, 17®20c; old roosters, 16c; broiling chickens, nearby, 35® 55c; do., western, 22@24c; roasting chickens, wdstern. choice to fancy. 19® 22c; do., fair lo good. IG®18c: Spring ducks, nearby, 28®30c; do., western, 12 ®18c; geese, nearby. 15®20c; do., west ern. 15® 17c. Potatoes—Market quiet; Pennsylva nia. white, per bushel. $1.15® 1.20; New York, per bushel, $1.05@1.10; western, per bushel, $1.05®1.10; Florida. No. 1. per barrel. $5.75(86.00; do., No. 2, per barrel, $4.50®4.60; Jersey No. 1, per basket, 65®75c; do.. No. 2. 30@40c. basket. 65®'75c: do.. Flour Market nominal; winter straights, $5.15®5.50; do., patents, $5.60 ®5.80; Spring firsts, clear, $5.35®5.73; do., straights, $5.75®5.90; do., patents, $5.90®6.20; do., favorite brands, $6.50(i» 6,75. Hay Market firm: No. 1, large bales, $25.50; No. 1, medium bales. $25.50: No. 2, do., $23.00@24.00; No. 3. do., $19.00®20.00. Clover mixed, light mixed. $23.00® 23.50: No. 1, do., $22.00®22."0; No. 2, do., $19.00® 20.00. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET By Associated Press Chicago. May 3.—Hogs—Receipts, 37,- 000; slow. Bulk, $9.70®9.80; light, $9.30 ®9.90; mixed, $9.45®9.85; heavy, 9.30® 9.85; rough, $3.30® 9.45; pigs, $7.30® 8.90. Cattle Receipt*, 14,000; Arm. Na tive beef steers, stockers j and feeders. $5.00(5 8.65; cows and heif ers, calves. $6.25 (?D 9.25. ! Sheep—Receipts, 15,000; steady. Weth ers lambs, $7.70^11.80. Question of Price Maintenance Before Commerce Chamber A membership meeting of the Har risburg Chamber of Commerce will be held in Fahnestock Hall at S o'clock this evening for the purpose of hearing a discussion of "Price Maintenance on Trade Marked Merchandise." Two men of national reputation and sizing up to the high standard set by other speakers before the Chamber will address the meeting. The first speaker j will be Charles H. Tngersoll, a partner [ of the firm of llobert H. Ingersoll and Brother, manufacturers of the famous dollar watch and also president of the | American Fair Trade League. Mr. In- 4 x gersoll is a firm believer In price rnain i tenance and a forceful and eloquent speaker on the subject. The views of those who are opposed to price maintenance, which embraces a share of the largest merchandising interests in the country, will be. pre sented by E. L. Howe, secretary Nation al Retail Dry Goods Association. Charles W. Burtnett. the chairman of the Chamber's special committee hand ling the matter will preside at to night's meeting. SILVER TOXOPAH MINING I Our analysis of the 14th Annual Re port of this great dividend payer, is ready for distribution. TONOI'AH EXTENSION I Present silver prices very nearly dou ble this Company's earnings. TOXOPAH UEI.MONTi Increased dividend distribution can confidently be expected by the Bel mont stockholders. JIM BIITLKKI Rumors of another 10c dividend are curront. WEST E\l> C'ONSi A big mine, and about to declare an other dividend. RESCUE Ell.A: A newcomer among the producing mines of the Tonopah Camp. We would not be surprised to see this stock quickly sell at |1 or higher. NORTH STAR i Moves In sympathy with Rescue Eula. MI7.PAH EXTENSION: Its annual meeting has been post poned until early in June In order to give Tonopah Mining Company a chance to act on its option. MIDWAY! MONTANA i Favorite Issues among the Tonopahs. selling below their real worth. Investors and speculators who will buy the silver stocks NOW should du plicate the profits made in the Copper Issues. We have just issued a Special Letter covering the silver situation, which will be sent free on request. HawAMARPavTG, Land Title Buildinf Philadelphia TdephMf* i sssr
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