14 tin cani only. W ever «o!d in bulk. It's Worth Remembering That Highest-Grade Coffee, Which "White House" certainly is. ami always properly aired and roasted just right, contains in a proper proportion the elements essen tial to the true coffee-flavor and aroma that have made it a distinctive brand the whole country over. ITS THE KIXD YOt OUGHT TO X SE. Witman-Schwarz Company, Harrisburg, Pa. Wholesale Distributing Agents *"•*» SSV»*«V«%%*.V«SS%V.V B W B %%SSV.%S% :■ Before You :j Start Housecleaning £ Get your whole family^ s *^^^ o^ J singing this chorus. I S J Tis mighty for housecleaning season, £ 5 Try SAYE-A-CENT —there is a reason. j One single bar costs four bronze men I; q Yet does more work than powders at ten. !; jj It cleans the hands, yet does not hurt 1| J The mighty FOUR-CENT punch at dirt, J 2 We're going to try It on our "His-master's-volceola." 5 J> Wednesday Yours trooly, SAM SHORT. V \ SAVE-A-CENT ,• " ' (j\ Soft Scouring Compound ■; J I J J is the best hand soap you ever tised. «j •I » / »S\j A r>oes everything any scouring powder J« W does. does ft more easily and lasts as N lone as any three 10c cans, because It £ fTK /I rlops not wa *te. it costs only 4e, ■| J \ I while cans of scouring powder cost % \ "" •VJSXJi?'-"" AT ALL GOOD GROCERS jj • -."■■■■■•.vv.-.v.-. v«u'.VNWWMWWA w.v.» I | AMONG OTHER THINGS | : | KING OSCAR | <: 5c CIGAR !> Means to You, Mr. Smoker 11 !j 1 Quality | 2 Regularity | 3 Satisfaction f Y#u Take NoChances When You Smoke j: •: This 25 Year Old Quality Brand !John C. Herman & Co. ;! Harrisburg, Pa. I SCRIPPS-BOOTH ' Luxurious light cars which in their first reason have round the way into America s and Europe's most re stands out as the most attractive | motorcar In the roadster class. A ICT • —' fort heretofore unknown in a f — —~motorcar. Roadster $825. Mjgi Special—One Roadster for sale exceptionally reasonable; used Universal IVlotor Car Co. E A VI'KH X 111 STH IB I TOIIS 1745 NORTH SIXTH STRUCT BOTH I'HONES V — J —nminmuunj Stock Transfer Ledger The Pennsylvania Stock Transfer Tax Law (Act of June | ] I i, 191B) which Is now in effect requires all corporations In the State. ] I no matter how large they may be to keep a Stock Transfer Ledger! We are prepared to aupply the## Ledgers promptly at a very nominal ! ! price. | && &£ \ i ( |i The Telegraph Printing Co i Printing—Binding*—Designing—Photo Engraving j | HARRISBURG, PA. : iiM«rMiriTKTiiwi'iinii>iiimnini>i WEDNESDAY EVENING, He ' Socisl'fimtes Story No. 3 THE PARASITE PW by Gsorg* Bronaon Howard. Noveliration by Hugh C. Weir. Copyright Kalem Company. Mary Burnett watched the pretty notel maid as she finished performing the trifling service for which Mona Kartley, Mary's chum, had summoned her. "Thank you." said Mona. "Here—" "Oh. thank you. Mla»," said the girl rushing with pleasure as she received her tip. „ The maid went out, and Mary, sit ting hack In the deep chair that was •° placed that she could look out, without moving, and see the park with Its ever chaging panorama, laughed. 'Mona:" she said. "Will you tell me why you sent for that girl to do a , j silly things for you. which would have made you Indignant had anyone even offered to do them for you a few weeks ago?" "I did It Just because I like to he luxurious!" said Mona. She stretched out her arms, and took a step or two. ' Mary—don't you love It, too? Here we are, you and I! Some people would say we ought to be hunted fugitives, flying around the country under as sumed names—and Instead, we're liv ing here, right within sight of the scene of our exploits in the most ex pensive hotel In town!" - i'i « u PP°se we're a pair of scamps," said Mona. But I don't feel a bit sorry for our two worthy (?) victims. Theys thought I was rich—and easv. But It was mighty funny to see the "way they shied If I happened to mention cas ually that any girl I knew was mar rled." "We did get their money with out plan, said Mary, "and I may be all wrong, but I haven't any scrupples about them, either. It will be all right to collect the expenses for our campaign If we always take care to present the bill to someone who de serves what he gets as richly as those two men did!" Speaking: of that/' said Mona, "we've 5? • i ep °. ur eyea °P en - Mary minel nn e re living: in the very lap of luxury Just now, but if we don't watch out we 11 allde off on the floor. We've eot to be forehanded, you and I. We can't wait till the wolf Is at the door—we want to turn him away before he re -1 members to start looking for us" "You're right," said Mary. "I'm keen enough when we've once started. Mona —you 11 admit I did my part In th» other matters! But It's a pond thins? I ve got a partner like you, or I neven would get started." ;} V w re n ° l started yet, you know." sa d Mona, dryly. "I've not the slight est idea of what to do next. Have vout My mind s empty. I just want to 'etas here forever and bask In the luxury of this place'." "Oh. something will turn up." said. Mary, confidently. "But—l like tha luxury of all this Just as much as you do Mona. Still—l wish we had iom( friends! "'Fend friends!;" said Mona. In mocft alarm. We can't afford that luxurv, my dear—and it's about the only on» we cant, too! Not until we've made and saved enough to give us a nice In come, and I think we've quite a long road to travel before that time comes' les—because, after all, we have gof some scruples! We don't break th« 111* . stick to that agreement, J think. "Yes—we'll only bend It, like the bia corporations. It's silly to break thi law—it's so easy to get around It! Poi us all we have to do Is to select out victims from among those who aro breaking the law themselves. Then we re safe. By the way—talking abouj the law, consider me and my doings! I ve made a—well, not a friend, but as acquaintance, here!" "In the hotel. Mona? Who?" "The house detective, no less!" said Mona, proudly. "For Heaven's sake!" said Mary, with a laugh . "Why—and how?" "Oh. I don't know—lt Just seemed to me he might be useful! He's an Inter esting- person, really—and he likes me ever so much. He tells me about all the trouble women make for him here —the things they lose, and all sort of thing! It's quite entertaining. Come on down—l'll introdftce vou to him." So. In a few minutes, they went down to the luxurious lobbv of the hotel But Mary had to wait for her Introduc tion. "There he Is," said Mona. "But he's busy. Mary—l don't believe that worn an s just lost a ring or something! She looks as if she were In deadly trouble!" It was true, A woman whose face bore signs of a storm of emotion was pleading with the man. "We'll have to find out why," said Mona. Mona and Mary had not long to wait before the woman, greatly dejected, left the detective and went to the ele vator. Her manner made It plain that he had not been able to comfort her. The detective, seeing Mona. brightened a little, and came over toward her. "Miss Burnett—Mr. Clyde," eaid Mona. "Miss Burnet lives with me, Mr. Clyde. Now—you're going to be nice to us. aren't you? We're dying with curiosity! What was the matter with that poor soul you were talking with Just now? I'm sure she's in some sort of real trouble!" "I should say she was!" ejaculated Clyde, angrily. "Of course. It's her own fault, In a way—and yet, when I think of a man who Is scoundrel enough to take advantage of a wom an's mistake —!" "You've simply got to tell us mors than that, said Mona, determination plain in her voice and In every line of her features. "Well—l don't know," eaid Clvds, doubtfully. "I get lots of information In confidence that I'm not at liberty to pass on—" CTo lie Coattaned T OMr'tw,) 2-Year Fight For Girl Ends in Her Death Kane, Pa.—After waiting two years to get possession of his three chil dren, only to have death rob him of j one child before it was in his pos session twenty-four hours, was the j experience of Samuel Nichols. Nichols and his wife separated two pears ago in Chicago. The mother ( and the children went to Buffalo, lyater the mother placed the children in charge of her mother, Mrs! C. Cuney, of Warren. A few days ago Nichols demanded his children and ! (,-ot them. They were taken to the home of Frank Nichols, of Warren, k. brother of Samuel Nichols. With jin eighteen'hours after the children I were returned to the father, Caroline, three years old, died of diphtheria. Star Boarder Ousted, Divorcees Remarried Mt. ''lemens, Mich. —August Algoet and his divorced wife, Mattie, were tetnarried, ailer Mattie conceded a point and ousted the "objectionable I boarder." The Algoets were first married Aug. 1, 1903. and lived happily in their home in Smith street for many years. The trouble started when the family took in boarders, and last Jan. 17 .Mrs, Algoet filed suit for divorce, al leging that she had been driven from the house in her nlghtclothes. The decree was granted by Judge Tucker, j March 23, and today County Clerk Dankers issued the license for the re marriage. In his answer to the bill of complaint Algoet named a boarder in the house as the source of all the trouble. . HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH BUT THIS IS HO ( OH YES,I met QOITE a hit AT THE\ ! seashore:- why. every t(mb i went" > \IN SWIMMING I ATTRACTED EVERYBODY;? BUT THIS HOW HE DID iT Gains 4 Pounds in 3 Hours to Be a Soldier I Milwaukee, Wis. —Raymond Tilton, ! ,twenty-one, performed the unusual feat of gaining four pounds of weight j in less than three hours in order to j become a soldier in the United States | army. Tilton. whose parents live at Rich- ; mond. K>\, desired to join the infan- i try, and he tipped the scale at 123 pounds, being three pounds shy. He was notified that the government was 1 strict in regard to this matter, and | was told to return when he acquired : the necessary avoirdupois. Tilton ! invested in a 35-cent meal and im- I bibed freely of water. Then it was j found he had gained four pounds, one ' more than the government required, j He was accepted. Legal Notices PROPOSALS FOR THE SAMS <)|V H'ASTK PAPER—OFFICE OF THF L!L)\LLL> OF COMMISSIONERS OF PI ui.it' <;Rorxns \M» ID II.DI.\US II VIIHI SHI U<i. IM:\\ SYI,Y AMA | SEALED PROPOSALS for the sale of waste paper, for the year ending May 31. 1917. will bp received by the Super intendent of Public Grounds and Build ings at his office in the State Capitol Building. Harrisbursr. Pa., until 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 9th. 19lfi at which time the proposals will be opened and published in the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Ha rrisburg. Bidding blanks, and all necessary in formation can be obtained at this office SAMI EI, B. RAMBO. Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. L. \V. MITCHELL Secretary. 32 Reservations of Lots Made Thus Far I East Harrisburg Addition Located along the City Limits on 29th and Derry Streets and Park Drive Way —A REMARKABLE RECORD— Your Last Call and Chance to Select and Reserve a Good Location Thurs.,May 4f 1.30 P.M. Sharp THE SALE OPENS I —BE ON TIME— If will pay you to take a half-a-day off and select the plot for your future home. You won't regret it. REMEMBER We Can Only Serve 140 Pur chasers More and the Entire Plot Is Sold Out. Be One of Them. For Information, Reservation and Appointments Call 3688J Bell IWM. J. SOHLAND OFFICE: SHEARER BLDG. Manager. 204 Market St. Room 7 WATCH TO-MORROW'S PAPERS FOR PARTICULARS Legal Notices XOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the I IStli day of April, A. I>., 1916. the Inde pendent Real Estate Company, filed in ' the Court <>f Common Pleas for Dau | phin County, its Petition praying for a Decree of Dissolution, and that a hear j ing upon said application for dissolu tion has been fixed by said Court for the lath day of May, A. D„ 1916, at ten j o'clock A. M., When and where all per ; sons interested may attend and show cause against the granting of the ' prayer of the said Petitioner if they so desire. G. R. & E. R. HEISEY, Solicitors for Petitioner. : IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE MIDDLE I DISTRICT OK PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter of Frank H. Stewart, I Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy, No. 3196. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE j The undersigned Trustee will expose at public sole, in front of the Court- I house, Harrlsburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, May 31. 191fi, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described I real estate: All that certain lot or piece of ground situated on Third I street, in the City of Harrisburg, I County of Dauphin and State of Penn : sylvania, hounded and described as I follows: Beginning on Third street at I the upper division line of Lot 1425, I thence along said division line 9T> feet, more or less to James street, thence ( along said .lames street 19 feet and 6 inches northwardly to the lower divis ion line of division line 94 feet, more or less to Third street, thence along Third street 19 feet 0 inches southwardly to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house with store room, and being known as No. 1127 North Third street. The I above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all encumbrances. Terms: 10 per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. D. W. SOHN, Trustee. MAY 3, 1016. Lejral Notices PROPOSALS FOIt SUPPLIES Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. MARTIN G. lUtUMBAUGII, Governor. I A. W. POWELL. Auditor General. R. K. YOUNG, State Treasurer. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth ot | Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build- ■ inns invites sealed proposals, in dupll- i cate, for contracts for furnishing such supplies for the Executive Mansion, the ! Legislature, and the several depart- > merits, boards nnd commissions of the State Government as described, and be low such maximum prices as tixed in i the schedules for the year ending the "Ist day of May, A. D. 1917: Schedule A: Paper and envelopes. Schedule B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing. and duplicat ing machine:-. Schedule <"!: General stationery, ma hogany. oak, and metal lic furniture, and gen eral office supplies. Schedule D: Engineering instruments. blue print paper, and laboratory supplies. Schedule E: Miscellaneous books. Schedule ri Brushes, towels, toilet ! soaps, glassware, mops, brooms, buckets, rugs fuel, uniforms, rubber goods, and cleaning supplies. Schedule G: Hose and fittings, carpen ter. upholstering, paint ing. and hardware sup plies. Schedule H: Conservatory and carden ers' supplies. Schedule I: Lumber, general repairs and removal of dirt and refuse. Schedule J: Light, heat, and plumbing suplles. As the various classifications of the Schedule will be oound in pamphlet form for the convenience of bidders, i it is therefore desired that in requests for pamphlets the bidder indicate the sections desired by using the letters as sot forth above. No proposal will be considered un less such proposal be accompanied by a certified check to the order of the state Treasurer, or by a bond in such form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners of Pub- i lie Grounds and Buildings. (For form | of bond see schedule instructions to 1 bidders). Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve 1121 1 o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the ninth 1 day of May. A. D. 1916, at which time t proposals will be opened and published In the Reception Room of the Execu tive Department at Harrlsburg. ano contracts awarded as soon therer-ter, as practicable. Blank bonds nnd schedules contain- | ing all necessary information may be i obtained by communicating with Samuel 1 B. Rambo, Superintendent of Public i Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. ' By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL. Secretary. \ Insurance Real Estate North American Fire. Fidelity Casualty Co. of N. Y. Full line, including Fire, Lia bility. Plate Glass. Automobile, Burglary, Health and Accident In surance. West Shore Realty Co. liaer & ltiqe Ix-movne Trust Co. Itiiildinu; f Prospect Hill Cemetery J ? MARKET AND 2BTII STREETS 1 I This cemetery Is soon to be en-f larged and beautified under planr f prepared by Warren 11. Manning. f Lots will be sold with the per-f petual care provision. ( Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. { • Herinnn P. Miller. President I ; LOCUST AND COURT STREETS | BELL PHONE 1B»5 SMALL LOANS > We lend money in amount* from 15.00 to (300.00 ant] arrange pay ments to suit borrowers' con venience. Business confidential. Lowest rate In city. Licensed, bond ed and Incorporated. I'KNMfYLVAKIA IXVESTMKKT CO. 132 Walnut St. V * / United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company Bonds—All Forms Casualty Insurance Prompt mid lilTiclent Service Franklin Suydam General Agent Koom 301 Kunkel Uldif. Harris burg, I'a. *■ For Sale No. 206 Walnut Street Fronting 32 feet 9 inches, ex tending: through the same width to Locust street. Applications For Renting First floor and basement may bo considered. Moor area about 5.272 square feet, including show win dows. APPLY TO Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street I CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND WMHRE TO GET THEM Artificial I.lmh* und Trusaea Braces for all deformities, abdominal supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co lli Market St. Bell Phone. UreaanuikliiK ami Needlework Moderate prices for everybody. Miss G. M. Green, -10 N. Third St. French Cleaning and Dyeing Goodman's, tailoring and repairing, all Guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296, 1306 Vt N. Sixth St. ' Fire luiiurance anil Ileal Estufe J E. Gipple—Fire Insurance—Real Es tate —Kent Collecting. 1251 Market St. Bell phone. Photographer Haught-en Studios—Portrait and Com mercial Photography. 210 N. Third St. Bell 3583. Tailors George F. Shope llill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring. Cleaning, Pressing. Ladies, work a specialty. Steve Wugienee 207 Locust. Signs nnd Knamel l.cttera Poulton, 307 Market street. Bell phone. Prompt and efficient service. llpholaterer—Furniture Repairer | Simon N. Cluck, 330-326 Woodbine St, Bell phone 1317 J.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers