r /I y,UM J"' I—the tooth paste J that protect! your teeth. Us« it hrice daily. W See your dentist twice yearly and keep your teeth in perfect condition Get a tube today, read the folder about the most general disease In the world. Start the Senreco treatment tonight. 25c at yotir druggists. For sample send 4c. stamps or coin, to The Sentanel Remediei Co» Cincinnati. Ohio. DENTISTS FORMULA CLEARS AWAY RASH, HEALS PIMPLY SKIN Intlneptlc I'ranol Quickly nnd Safely Remotes All Skin Trouble* If you are. troubled with pimples. Hotchv skin. rash, itching eczema, or iny other skin eruption, you don't want o wait forever to jcet rid of these tngry disfigurements. Next week you nay want to go somewhere and would »e ashamed to take these unsightly ilrmishee with you. Get rid of them »asily and safely—right now—by using intiseptlc Vcanol. This wonderful ointment is soothing, lealing. antiseptic and stops all itching listantlv. Ucanol speeds tip nature in he formation of clean new tissue, is ilways dependable, clean and safe to ise. and absolutely harmless to even Sie tender, sensitive skin of infants. A large 50-eent box will last a lonsr lime. H. C. Kennedy sells lots of Jcanol and will guarantee it to vou. Advertisement. DIAMOND TIRES MADE OF SEW Velvet Rubber FOR SALE BY li Harrisburg Harness & Supply Co. >JfH I>D CHESTNUT UTS. A Coal Strike ft is hoped, will be avoided by the miners and operators reaching an agreement. But if a strike should tome there will be a rush for coal. Why delay and run the chance of paying a higher price? You will need just as much coal next winter as you burned last R-inter. Remember the experiences of the last great strike. Phone Kelley !or your coal. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 North Third Street Troth and State Streeta £$ Ambulance Service Prompt and efficient nervier mil for the traa.portatfon of pntlrat* to and from tinmen. ■H hospital*, or the R. R. atatlona. JkAif With aprrlal eare. experienced attendanta and no ml■ a I L'harc», Emergency Ambulance Serrice 1745 X. SIXTH ST. Bell Phone 2423 United 272-W ~HARRY" M. HOFFMAN (Sarcemor to J. J Ogeliby) UNDERTAKER 810 Xorth Bfr««d Street Try Telegraph Want Ads WEDNESDAY EVENING, HOW YOUR FOOD G TROUBLE IS EXPLAINED BY EXPERT CHAmB 53. Heart dlsnmr, now on the constuit Increase In the United States, runs parallel with our modern oonunerotal ■ usiom of refining and demlneralliln* the chief brcndstuffs of the people. Next to tuberculosis the most com monly talked of infirmity of human j flesh is the disorder popularly de- j scribed as "heart disease." Heart dis ease Is constantly increasing in the United States. It is indeed strange and significant that in all cases of mineral starvation brought about by a prolonged diet of refined food examination of the heart shows physical signs of dilatation. The heart is always enlarged in these cases. Malnutrition and en largement of the heart can almost be said to be synonymous. In the dis ease which some commentators call beri-beri the heart is always involved. In the same disease whit h other com mentators call acidosis, pellagra, ede ma. neuritis, or genera! breakdown the heart is always involved, and in j the same manner. It is peculiarly noteworthy that the recorded increase in heart disease runs parallel with the system of mill ing introduced in the I'nited States about ISSO. Numerous instances, some of which we shall examine, ars on record indicating that a deficiency of iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and the ether mineral salts, colloids and vitamines of vegetable origin leads to numerous forms of physical disorder in which "heart disease" in one of the constant factors. Many cases are on record to prove that where offsetting foods are entire ly missing from a refined food diet the heart becomes involved in from forty to sixty days. Many other in stances are on record to show that where offsetting foods are consumed to an extent sufficient to retard the. progress of mineral starvation the de velopment of the disease is delayed accordingly. It is certain that where refined or demineralized foods make up a con siderable portion of the diet the dis ease may not develop for years, and then may be described as merely a mild or unrecognizable disorder, ac companied by little more than a few unpleasant symptoms which do not as a rule cause their victim to become overanxious or unduly alarmed about his health. Where the diet is abundant and in cludes a wide variety, as is the case in the restaurant experience of the averaee businessman who partakes of a more or less pretentious noonday meal, the body seems capable of ad justing itself toa considerable abuse of acid forming: foods over a long period. After the fortieth year, however, the effects of mineral deficiency begin I to manifest themselves, as we have seen, in "heart disease." I'ntil 1913 the medical profession in the I'nited States was generally ot the opinion that the disease called beri-beri was confined to the tropics. For this reason it was rarely sus pected that the "heart disease" of the United States and the "beri-beri" of the orient might, in some manner, be related to each other or at least SOME PROFITABLE HOBBIES By Frederic J. Haskin [Continued From Editorial Page] breeders, who are constantly trying to produce new color combinations. "The Lion-head Celestial'' is another recently added to creation. It i,as a fringe about its neck which gives it a fancied resemblance to a lion. The increasing popularity of fish STOMACH TROUBLES Digestion _is largely a mechanical process. When there are stomach troubles there is usually a weakness of the muscles upon which digestion so largely depends. To strengthen these muscles and overcome stomach troubles our druggists. George A. Gorgas. Druggist. Kennedy s Medicine Store. 321 Market St.. C. F. Kramer, Third & Broad Sts.. Kitzmillers Pharmacy, 1325 Derrv St.. Harrisburg. Pa., guarantee VinoU a reliable non secret remedy, which contains iron to purify and enrich the blood, the medicinal extractives of fresh cod livers without oil, and the nourishing properties of beef peptone, ail com bined in a delicious native wine. If you are suffering from stomach trouble, it will pay you to try It. P. S.—:n your own town, wherever you live, there is a Vlnol Drug Store. Look for the sigm.—Advertisement. PARALYSIS?, DR. CHASE'S Special Blood and Nerve Tablets Write for Proof and Booklet Dr.Chw.M4 N. loth St. Philadelphia, nil/vfl 80-BAN-KO'S PII.E REMEDY urm Gives instant relief In Itchinir. Bleeding or Protrjdin* Piles. sfle The Dr.DoatßkoCo. Philadelphia, Pa* $3.00 TO Baltimore OR Washington AND RETURN Via Philadelphia & Reading Rai road SUNDAY -J A MAY SPECIAL TRAIN From I-v.A.M. Harrisburg 2.40 HiimmeUtofrn 2.57 Swatara 3.02 II c r«hcy 3.0.% Palmyra 3.12 Annvllle 3.21 Cleonn 3-S Lebanon 3^2 Baltimore i Camden Station arrive) 8.05 Wanhtnicton Union Station arrive I 9.05 Returning* Special Train tvIII leave Washington « Colon Station) 0.10 P. M.. leave Baltimore (Camden Station) 7.10 I*. M. name date for phoif fttntionn. Ticket* good only on dnte of ex cursion on nbove Special Train In eacb direction. Children between 5 and 12 fare. I'. *. Capitol, ConarcMslonal l ibrary. Corcoran art Ciallery and new Sia tlonal Museum will he open. 1 .due to causes which, while dissimilar !in Intensity, were nevertheless, the j same in character. November 6. 1913. Dr. Herman D. Parker of the United States Public j Health Service was detailed to Eliz abeth. N. J., to Investigate an epide j mlc described as "Jail edema." which ; had broken out in the county jail. In this Jail, as in many others, the food was extremely meager nnd of the typical refined type, consisting chiefly of white breadstuff?, polished rice. ■ boiled potatoes, beef clods, and coffee. Its prisoners were confined only i while awaiting trial or serving a sen tence of one year or less. For fifteen years prtor to the inves tigation of Dr. Parker there had been a history of periodical epidemics of the "same jail edema." • Dr. I.iwngood. the jail physician., had made a record for three years of the mysterious disorder and had noted that SO per cent, of all the prisoners serving more than ninety days con tracted the disease, which the govern-j i ment official finally described as "beri-beri," but which, as we shall see j later on, has been described by other groups of federal scientists as "pel lagra." 'ln Dr. Parker's public health re port of the Elizabeth investigation he staled: "The fact that the disease existed so long without recognition in one locality leads to the supposi-: tlon that it probably exists under simi lar circumstances in other localities." "Dilated heart." "heart dilation."' "heart enlarged." are some of the of ficial phrases used in discrihing physical condition of the heart in all the cases examined. The fact that in every one of these Elizabeth county jail cases involv ment of the heart was noted as one •>f the chief symptoms and the fur ther fact that a demineralized diet! was finally admitted to be the cause of the disease are peculiarly signifi cant when it is considered that in "pellagra" and "beri-beri" the heart is always involved in the same way. This significance is still further em phasized when it is considered that the same character of "heart disease'' is on a constant increase in the United States. Thus as we advance in our study of the laws of nutrition we are forced to conclude that the character of food consumed by man does affect his health for good or evil, and that be- | hind this influence, which is direct and positive, fixed and inexorable laws are operating. In our exploration of the field con trolled by these laws we have thus' far done little more than beat a path to the foothills, but we have already beheld sufficient on our brief journey to justify the assertion that many dis eases exist only by reason of man's anarchy with respect to the simplest , of all laws—the laws of nutrition. We are now prepared to review some of the poison squad experiments which confirm the truth of this as sertion. and at the same time con found the complicated and attenuated theories which seek an explanation for the commonest of disorders under n 'list of pretentious I.atin names or semi-scientific phrases. shows, where the pets are judged by fixed standards, like dogs and cats, and medals, ribbons and cash prizes awarded, has brought into being a class of champion fishes with consid erable reputations. Thus the gold fish Prince Kusa is known to every fancier in the country. He is a Japa nese broadtail, and his mother who had been mated with a famous fish, brought a record-breaking price. Prince Kusa and his brothers and sis ters are a remarkable family. They have brought their owner several hun dred dollars In cash prizes and a num ber of ribbons and medals. The form and color of the gold fish may be changed with an ease that suggests magic, and likewise, if neg lected. he will revert quickly to his primitive type, though perhaps re taining here and there a freak char acteristic. This was illustrated by the collection of a retired Chinese mer chant in New York, who built a home on Kong Island, with a splendid fish pond in the yard. Breeding gold fish was his hobby and he spent his de clining years producing a marvelous collection of fringe tails, broads and telescopes of dainty proportions and flower-like tints. Then he died and his fish pond was forgotten. A short time ago some one stumbled upon it. It contained nearly a thousand fish of the common carp type. Some of them retained the brilliant golden color, while others had lost even that. . Many of them had one "tele scope" eye. and the other normal. There were not five good gold fish specimens in the lot. It was an Im pressive illustration of the tendency of nature to breed back to the nor mal, the average, as soon as the guid ing and selective hand of man is re moved. This growth in the popularity of the gold fish has naturally provided a great many persons with a profit able occupation. Women have been very successful at the work, and United States Fish Commissioner Hugh Smith regards it as an excellent hobhv for them. If you go in for gold fish, it pays to buy the very best stock you can afTord: for their life time seems almost unlimited. There are gold fish in various parts of the world that are known to have lived more than a hundred years. Further more, the value of a high grade fish increases with ' his size, while a "cheap" fish never improves. Fish in aquariums have frequently become so taine that they will swim into the hollow of the hand quite readily, and allow themselves to be lifted out of the water for a moment. The gold fish seems at a glance to be about the most useless creature on earth, and for a long time he was bred solely for his ornamental value. Recently, however, a very practical use has been found for gold fish in the destruction of the mosquito. For the gold fish rapidly destroys the lar vae which the mosquitoes deposit in fountains, ponds and other still bodies of fresh water. This fact has given rise to a great demand for gold fish on the part of municipalities, corpora tions and individuals, and the United States Fish Commission will distribute many gold fish fry this year. SURE WAY TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS There is one simple, safe and sure way that never fails to Ret rid of black heads and that is to dissolve them. To do this get about two ounces of 1 plain powdered neroxin from any drug store—sprinkle a little on a hot, wet sponge—rub over the blackheads brisk ly—wash the parts and you will be surprised how the blackheads have dis appeared. Bid blackheads. Utile black heads. 110 matter where they are. .-imply dissolve ahd disappear, leaving the parts without any mark whatever Blackheads are simply a mixture of dust and dirt and secretions from the body that form in the pores of the skin—pinching and squeezing only cause irritation, make large pores, and do not get them out after thev become hard. The powdered neroxin and the water simply dissolve the blackheads so thev wash right out. leaving the pores free and clean and in their natural condition. Anybody troubled with these (unsightly blemishes should certainly tr> i ibis cimyle welUvd.—Advertisement. " i HARRISBURG t£g£sfi. TELEGRAPH clean with *oap and water. Many Do It Right the First Time ( 1 ou wont have to do it over again in a hurry. I ' \ V/ |L Paint for the years to come. Use quality paint—Lucas Paint. I ! That's the real secret of Paint thrift and satisfaction. It can't be argued out I T w£L ..'' l —k~fj any other way. You've got to figure in Permanency—years of wear—Covering Power, Appear- W | i ance, Protection, Money Saved by not having to Repaint. \[ myyiy\ From every one of these standpoints, Lucas Paint proves * If l|||W||}l' i ts rea l saving- Our new free bulletin, "Save Money on Paint" tells why \*tw Wlll [[' « gives startling facts and photographs of actual service-tests of different paints. Mailed, with other Mr i valuable painting helps, on request. Refiniih and beautify jour furniture, Insist on Lasting Beauty Lucas-Paint Your Home Home Help* PoU A beautiful home with shabby paint is like a —and you'll have one that proclaims your standing iihet, Enamels. pretty girl with a grimy face. in the community your standing with yourself. A The beauty may show through— in spots. The home that proves your good, sound business judgment. V cee ec lyiimc nsist on Lucas Paint and, like the man in Home —its the cbeerfullest word in the diction- the picture, you can think back and congratulate yourself #rj ' yOUW3nt 8 ome tllat ' <,9 * ,tlle cheer Ma/ 'sin it. ir ajttr years. Mhwemrn PmiMt Purposely Made for Every Purpose f lOf Lure of "Bargain" Paint The honest goodness of Lucas Paint Most everybody is tempted, some- !?5f ins with the selection of ran- materials. time or another, to "economize" by using "bar- e > e pr ° L ' n ,- v P, Cr e , ct , " iacfl,ncs to vel gain" paint. DON'T! The price-cut talk ° b y expert chem listens convincing. But it's hollow as a bass f , r "T 10 ' 1 1 s ° thoroughly united LUCAS>Paint your Vehicle* and Im» . that there tan be no cracking or peeling, plement*. Double their life —preterre arum. _ their look*. The truth is that cheap paint is the ihe remarkable elasticity life —of -as at *ji ,| „ —costliest you can use. And \our regrets mul- Lucas Paint proves in covering power and dur tiply with time. . . ability. "It weathers the weather" r^T-—1 i Lucas Paint will last twice as long as i &ir " Thp I,Hra« Stnniliirr) Whether your house, barn, walls, v /ILJv llie Lucas atanaara _ floors, vehicles or implements, let us show you is the result of 67 years of painstaking paint- how you can save money by using the right HENRY GILBERT & SON, 219 Market Street Crazed Chinese Policeman Kills Four and Wounds 14 Before Being Shot By Associated Press Shaighui. May 3. A policeman named Chapel, armed with a rifle and seized with a mania to commit mur der, began last night to chase and shoot people in the North Sze-Chuan road extension, which is within the international settlement, but runs through Chinese territory. The madman killed a young Chinese woman, a Chinese postman, a Portu i guese clerk and a Japanese merchant and wounded fourteen others, Includ j ing four women. The crazed police i man tired upon Charles H. Williams, | marshal of the American consulate, ■ but missed him, the bullet slightly wounding a lady whom Mr. Williams was endeavoring to protect. Even tually an English sergeant shot and I seriously wounded the madman, who i then was taken to a hospital jail. | SNAKE MAN OF UNIQUE "AD" METHODS HERE TOMORROW About a year ago a genial traveler who got off a fastbound western train, casually dropped his suitcase on the floor of the Union station wait ingroom—and four or five ghastly snakes wiggled out from a crevice in the grip. That night the Technical i high school auditorium was pretty well crowded when, under the man agement of the Natural History so ciety of Harrlsburg, M. B. Foster, of : Cold Springs, lectured on "Snakee." Now Mr. Foster is coming back for a ! return ' engagement. He's due to talk under Natural History society auspices tomorrow evening at 8:15 ; o'clock in the Technical high school. His subject will be "My Forest Folk in Virgin Valley." MRS. I.EWIS C. FADER DIES Sfecial to the Telegraph Carlisle, Pa.. May 3. Following ! a protracted illness, Mrs. I>ewls C. Faber died at her home here on Mon day night. She was one of the oldest residents of the town, being 84. and having resided here for al>out "0 years. She was born in Fogingen, Prussia, Germany. Mr.- a.nd Mrs. Faber recently celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. Her husband and six children survive. They are 1 John Ij., Trenton. N. J.; 1-ewis, Jr., Carlisle; Charles, Carlisle; Barry F., and William, Altoona, and Sarah C., I at hvme. KING GEORCiE USES REMC TO CONFER KNIGHTHOOD By Associated Prist London, May 3.—King George used a sword procured from among the WHY MANY MEN FAIL IN BUSINESS AND WOMEN FAIL SOCIALLY CgTJb extent to make them perform as you would have , T| j CADOMENE TABLETS represent a scien- tific combination of the most vital elements for 2\» y* IK \ lEK building and strengthening cell and tissue. M W IPA VV'NMi.Cadomene Tablets produce buoyancy of spirit, ia regaining of vitality and endurance, renewed IZm efficiency of body and mind. Amazing and last- M ing improvement results from Cadomene Tablets in chronic or recent cases of Nervousness or YAa (M So if you are a victim of overwork, worry, \ disease, excesses or dissipation of the mental ' an <i physical forces—if you feel tired, weak, ' . nervous, trembling, and suffer with headaches, melancholy, pain in spine and back of head, cold IVttmiTlil Bil'tm extremities, dreadful dreams of direful disasters, a feeling of timidity and a general inability to It is the Bright, Active, Clear-eyed, Healthy act naturally at all times, if you have "the blues" individual who meets success, at work or at play, and the pjeasures of life are no longer enjoyable, socially or financially. then you need Cadomene Tablets to brace and build you up—to put new ambition, energy and CADOMENE TABLETS Mean Health to Men strength into your system and reinforce and nourish the bodily structures. Cadomene Tablets Health is Life, Strength, Vitality, Ambition, are sold on a money-back-if-not-satisfied-guar the ability, the desire to live, to enjoy, to ac- antee, and if you are not pleased with results complish. Without health and strength in fullest you get every cent of your money back. It he measure you may not hope to enjoy the fullest longs to you and we want you to have it. measure of success in any undertaking. You Cadomene Tablets help men out of the rut of cannot make the best of conditions and oppor- nervous discontent and ill-health, and restore to tunities. If your mind, your power of reasoning them the capacity of more complete enjoyment and concentration are dulled or inactive, to any of the pleasures of life. All druggists sell 3- extent, naturally you are less capable to the same grain Cadomene Tablets in sealed tubes. MAY 3. 1016. propertle of the Drury Lane Theater in conferring knighthood upon F. R. Benson, the Shakespearean actor-man ager, in that historic playhouse last night. Summoning Benson to the royal box, the king made him a knight by striking him on the shoulder with the theatrical sword. Mr. Benson was I lie organizer of the Shakespearea'n ter centenary in which all of the promi nent British artists participated. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers