Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 02, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Pounded it3l
Published evenings except Sunday by
Telegraph Building:. Federal Square.
E. J. STACK POLE. Pres't and Editor-in-Cliief
F. R. OYSTER, Business Manager.
OUS M. SHEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
« Member American
llshers' Associa-
Bureau of Circu
lation and Penn
sylvania Associat-
Eastern «ffloe, Has-
Brooks, Fifth Ave
nue Building, New
Entered at the Post Office In Harris
burg, Pa., as second class matter.
By carriers, six cents a
week; by mail, $3.00
a year in advance.
■ nvora dally everaice circulation for the
three montiia ending April 30, 1010,
* 22,341
These fignrea arc net. All rcturnc*.
unsold and damaged copies deducted.
Ko man's fortune can be an end
worthy of his being, —FRANCIS BACON,
THOUSANDS of people have al
ready shown their appreciation
of the River Front parks by
crowding the benches and promenad
ing along the upper and lower walks.
There is no finer bit of scenery in the
world than that which is now present
ed by the Susquehanna river and the
hills which surround the city, especial- J
ly the view along the West Shore. {
It is little wonder that the progres-1
sive citizens now getting together for!
community effort in a West Shore j
league are realizing more than ever
before the advantages which they en-j
joy in the neighborhood relation
subsisting between Harrisburg and
the community across the river. We j
shall be greatly surprised if the efforts
now being put forth along the farther j
shore do not result in a wonderfully 1
improved shore line and roadway be- j
tween New Cumberland and the Sus- j
quehanna Gap at Marysville.
Time was when the river basin lack- j
ed appreciation and was regarded |
merely as something that had hap
pened by chance and was good enough !
in its way, but without real benefit to i
those who live upon its shores. Re-1
cently all this has been swallowed in '
the admiration of most of our people |
for a beautiful river and surroundings I
in harmony with the picturesque i
stream. Harrisburg has done well in :
starting the work of improving the
river front; much is yet to be done, 1
but the spirit is willing and the offl- j
cials in charge will be encouraged to |
go forward until the best treatment of
the shore line and the embankment
shall have been accomplished.
Many a city would give millions for !
the river basin and its surroundings.
We as a community have been greatly
blessed in the fact that John Harris]
determined upon this site as the loca-;
tion for his town. He had a great vis
ion and it is due the founder and all i
who have followed after him to con- I
tribute generation after generation to
the making of a still better Harris- !
SUNBURY people the other night
saw "a strange light in the sky"
and straightway the energetic cor
respondents rushed to their trusty
typewriters and battered out a dis
patch for the "city papers" quoting
nameless but "prominent" citizens to
the effect that It was feared the oc
currence might mean that a German
Zeppelin was hanging over the town.
Now with all due respect to the impor
tance of Sunbury on the map of Penh
aylvanla, why should the Kaiser desire
to smash it in preferance to some
—town engaged in the manufacture of
munitions for the Allies, and if he
did so desire, how could he bring a
Zeppelin to bear upon it?
The truth is that we are rather silly
sometimes and our newspapers occa
sionally encourage us in our foolish
ness by repeating for the public the
nonsense in which we indulge in pri
vate conversation. Very few Sunbury
people believe the Zeppelin story and
nobody else does. Yet It finds place
in otherwise serious journals. We
have made a great bugaboo of Ger
many. We have accredited the im
perial government with everything but
omnipotence, and we haven't stopped
so very far short of that. Germany Is
to the eastern States what Japan is to
the west, and both must smile at the
furore into which they have thrown us
without so much as raising a hand
against us.
THE clouds of work-a-day school
life begin to lift. There is a
. rainbow in the sky. The golden,
sunshiny days are just ahead. June
1 -will bring with it "half-session" and
the long vacation begins Just seventeen
days later.
Do you still understand what all
that means, you school boys of yester
years? Can you cast back to those
May days tn school when your heart
and 'mind were far away along the
streams and in the fields and the
Oh, those were the golden yester
days when the tonic of Spring was In
the blood and anticipation ran eager
ly ahead to days of romping and of
rest, of following fancy whither she
called, free of restraint and with
meal-time as your only care.
How bright the sun shone through
the school windows and what lazily
moving kaleidoscopic traceries the
tree leaf shadows made on the floor as
the gentle wind stirred the newly
leaved branches of the trees just out
You knew where the big black
suckers lay waiting your hook in the
quiet eddies of the Spring swollen
streams, where the biggest frogs had
their homes, where the turtles were
most plentiful, where and when the
violets bloomed, and the arbutus and
the -wild honeysuckle and the colum
bine. And you gloated over the pros
pects of the freedom of all outdoors
just around the corner.
It was Spring and you were young;
and if your memory is good "and the
blood still stirs for "half sessions"
don't be afraid to yield to the call,
and cut work for a time, even as you
played "hookey" occasionally in those
early days. The man of years who has
youth in his arteries Is to be envied.
He has not lost his god-given power to
play and to dream, and to dream as
he plays. His mind Is vigorous. He
is young, and this is a young man's
world. Go forth when youth and
Spring knock together at your door,
lest, like opportunity, they grow weary
and knock no more.
A MONO the numerous subjects
upon which President Wilson
has manifested a change of
mind is that of executive domination
over Congress. After having changed
his mind on the subject of prepared
ness, he declared that It would not
be proper for him to say to a com
mittee of Congress what legislation it
should recommend on that subject,
but when the rivers and harbor bill
was before the House committee he in
formed the chairman of the commit
tee that if any new projects were in
corporated in the bill it would receive
his veto.
Shortly thereafter influential men in
New York city brought pressure to
bear upon the President in favor of im
provement of the East river, as a result
of which the President asked that this
new item, amounting to $700,000, be
Included In the bill.
It can be readily Imagined the trou
ble this made for the rivers and har
bers committee, for the members had
been turning down various projects
upon the explanation that no new
project would receive the President's
By Insisting that the East river pro
ject be placed in the bill, the President
put the members of the committee in
bad with people all over the United
States who had received their explan
ation as to why new projects had
been turned down.
TWO brothers in a Cumberland
Valley town have stopped speak
ing to each other after a quarrel
over who wrote Shakespeare.
It's odd how the symptoms do
differ. Some men think they are glass
pitchers, others that they are million
aires and still others have to be locked
up in padded cells. But the disease
is the same.
WE are in the midst of an epoch
making primary campaign. The
leaders of Democracy and Re
publicanism alike are lined up for the
fray in Pennsylvania. The lie has
been passed. The issues have been
sharply drawn. The clarion call to
public duty has been sounded, and
re-sounded. The electors have been
told their duties and resonsibilities.
In two weeks the hotly-waged contest
will be decided at the polls. Men, are
you ready? Voters, are you prepared?
By the way, can anybody give us
off-hand a list of the candidates and
some idea of their platforms? What's
all the excitement about, anyway?
ONE of the organizations growing
out of the present national cam
paign is located in New York
unde- the general title of "The Busi
ness Men's Presidential League." Its
purpose is to create sentiment In
favor of a businessman for President
and its platform is briefly stated thus:
For President—A man who does
big things in a big way; not a man
who talks big words in a Joud voice
—therefore a businessman!
This organization is pointing out In
its literature from time to time just
how recklessly and extravagantly our
government is conducted. It alleges
that a billion dollars is expended
every year to run the government of
the United States and that experts
agree that $300,000,000, nearly one
third,ls wasted in inefficiency, red tape,
loose organization and political cater
ing. A late report of the Secretary of
the Treasury shows that the per capita
cost of the government in 1915 was 72
per cent, greater than that of 1886.
There is no doubt that businessmen
the country over are awakening to the
efficiency of administration in every
direction. For that reason there is a
growing feeling that business interests
must take a hand in the selection of
candidates for public office. Legisla
tion for several years has been drastic
in its character and in many cases a
direct onslaught upon legitimate busi
From the presidency down more
deference Is shown the political dema
gogue than the level-headed business
man to whose energy and initiative is
due the prosperity of the country. As
an outgrowth of this feeling employ
ers and employes are getting together
for the benefit of both and the politi
cal boss who prefers to cater to the
noisemaker Instead of the business
man will find himself out of a job
within the next few years.
Theoretical statesmen are now in
control in high places and these have
made a pretty mess of the best inter
ests of the country. No wonder that
the American businessman is ready to
Join hands with his employes in find
ing a remedy and sending to the rear
the Incompetents and theorists who
have been thrown to the surface in the
political upheaval of recent years.
By the Ex-Committecman
While Governor Brumbaugh and
Senator Penrose and their supporters
were making ready for speeches to
be delivered to-night which are ex
pected to really start the delegate
campaign on its way with a bang the
headquarters of the Brumbaugh cam
paign committee to-day issued an in
teresting statement regarding the
alignment of forces. At the same time
the Palmer and Llebel wings of the
Democratic party put out some mate
rial about each other, the burden of
the Palmer diatribe being that Liebel
is no Democrat and the charge of
Liebel being that Palmer is a boss.
The statement or the BruiAbaugh
campaign committee is in part as fol
"A movement was announced to
day which will result in recruiting for
Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh in the
campaign for a reunited Republican
party, the army of 112,000 Republi
cans in this State who supported J.
Benjamin Dimmick, of Scranton,
against Boies Penrose in 1914, in the
fight for the Republican nomination
for United States Senator when Pen
rose was branded as a "moral issue"
throughout the counties of Pennsylva
nia. Representative citizens from all
parts of the State, who were enlisted
In rolling up 112,000 votes for Dim
mick two years ago, have now enlisted
behind Governor Brumbaugh and will
use effective means for bringing into
the movement for a reunited Repub
licanism the strong Dimmick element.
In Allegheny, Lawrence, Philadelphia,
Westmoreland, Blair and Franklin
counties, and in Lackawanna, the
home county of Mr. Dimmick, the sen
timent is already being crystallized for
Governor Brumbaugh. The move
ment has spread over one-half the
counties of the State, and ultimately
will embrace the sixty-seven counties.
"Dimmick followers, who have en
rolled in the movement, declare that
the issue remains the same to-day as
it was two years ago. Those who have
enlisted in the State-wide campaign
to recruit the Dimmick men come
l'rom the populous counties, among
them: Philadelphia, Allegheny,
Lackawanna, Franklin, Indiana, Mer
cer, Snyder, Northampton, Warren,
Lycoming, Butler. Blair, Clarion. Sus
quehanna, Northumberland, West
moreland, Montgomery. Lawrence,
Jefferson, Washington, Wayne, Somer
set, Huntingdon. The representa
tives of the Dimmick sentiment
throughout the State joined in a call
to the men who backed Mr. Dimmick
in 1914 to rally behind the Brum
baugh standard for a reunited Re
publicanism in Pennsylvania.
Behind this call are the following
representative citizens, who were Dim
mick leaders in their respective sec
tions two years ago: David H. Ran
kin, Westmoreland: E. R. W. Searle,
Susquehanna: William A. Culbertson,
Franklin; H. C. Jackson, Wayne;:
George L. Maitland, Philadelphia; D.
J. Thomas, Lackawanna; Thomas W.
Jones, Allegheny; J. S. *Heisler, North
ampton; C. M. Smith, Warren; L.
Mayne Jones, Jefferson; W. R. Johns
ton, Allegheny; L. S. McJunkin, But
ler; C. B. Latshaw, Franklin; George
A. Mitchell, Butler; Joseph Upperman,
Franklin; Ira McJunkin, Butler; E. J.
Kummel, Northumberland; George M.
Bridgman, Philadelphia; Alexander!
L. McVicker, Washington; S. A. Sny
der, Snyder; Charles J. Harrison, Som
erset; I. P. Patch. Blair; J. T. Rimer,
Clarion; George J. Colledge, Snyder;
W. E. Schnee, Lycoming; Edward H.
Cloud, Montgomery; David Rhine,
Huntingdon; C. C. Benscotter, Jeffer
son; D. B. Forsyth, Allegheny; Robert
L. Wallace, Lawrence; J. B. Morrow,
Mercer; R. E. McClure, Indiana.
—John R. Halsey, former Repub
lican chairman of Luzerne and well
known to many here, is a candidate
for Republican national delegate in
that county and is making a lively
contest. Joseph Fleilz, brother of the
Lackawanna leader, is opposing him.
—Factional feeling is running pretty
high in Philadelphia* over the regis
tration frauds. The latest move has
been to attempt, to show that Senator
Salus does not live in the Fourth ward
at all. but that he lives in German
—Speaker Ambler last night de
clared that the charges made against
him by the Citizens Republican
League were lies and asserted that if
George D. Porter was behind them he
would take him into court. The
Speaker was very angry at the state
ments made concerning him.
—Mayor Smith, of Philadelphia, is
showing some signs of being a philoso
pher. Yesterday he commented upon
the rows in Philadelphia and said in
the course of his conversation: "This
is a political scrap and that is all there
is to it, and I am not going to get
mixed up in it any more than I can
help. I will take cognizance of charges
of police, firemen and officeholders be
ing too active in politics and inter
fering with people when these charges
are made by responsible people. But
when you have men riding around
town in automobiles, without any
visible means of support, spending
money freely and being paid for at
tacking people, why of course this is
simply a political scrap and f cannot
pay any attention to these people."
—Judge Baldwin, in Beaver county,
fixed 8 to 8 as the hours for bars and
banned treating.
—Pennsylvania Bryanltes are tak
ing comfort because the lecturer will
be a Nebraska alternate.
—Efforts are being made to get Geo.
W. Allen, former member, to with
draw from the senatorial contest in
Allegheny county. Allen refuses to
say what he will do.
—Factory Inspector Gibney, of
Reading, who is in charge of the
Brumbaugh headquarters in Berks,
has been sending some very encourag
ing reports to this city. The Brum
baugh people count on a good showing
in Beading.
—Mayor Smith is out with a call for
all ward leaders in Philadelphia to
support the loan bill.
—Headquarters will be opened to
day by the Republican committee that
wlil have charge of the fight in Alle
gheny county for the unpledged dele
gates to the Republican national con
vention. Chairman Samuel C. Jami
son yesterday announced the names of
the committeemen, one from each
legislative district. These, with the
three officers, make a committee of
Justice Hughes is doing his best to
preserve the dignity of the Supreme
Court and the possibility of a. Presi
dential nomination at. one and the same
time.—Chicago Herald.
The action of the I'nited States Sen
ate in approving vocational training for
the soldiers of the I'nlted States army
soerrs a trifle superfluous at this time.
—New York Evening Sun.
On the basis of the published state
ments of tiie cost of the war. the sf>oo,-
000 donated to the war fund by King
George will pay for thirty minutes of
fighting.—Nashville Southern Lumber
Being no nature- faker, the Colonel
objects to an elephant's pussyfooting'.—
Chicago Daily News.
m *y*~ t*. ® n
When a Feller Needs a Friend . B >- BRIGG£
'-a* >L ]j \ COMESJ j l'LL\ 6M /me J
— 4 £ ( A W(CE
[ FOOT- trs A J J V ' J .
tn. -shame T3 JO rr/ <327 *
,2 "
jP 77 V^i®
—Whaf has become of that Adams
county correspondent who used to write
about the peach crop being frozen?
—lf this thing keeps up the average
man will have to give a note in bank
every time he buys a gallon of gaso
—The Colonel's family may be in a
heroic mood, but It's hard to picture
Nick Longworth in that frame of
—There are indications that Bryan
won't be able to boast this time that
he nominated Wilson.
—There's one thing about old John
L. Sullivan—he vroves that the value
of extensive advertising is not lost
with the issue of the newspaper that
carries it.
—Now that there isn't going to be a
coal strike the consumers are about to
be struck.
Keep 'Em Short
Say, woman, lovely woman, would you
hide that picture hat?
Ah. not for untold dollars would you do
a thing like that.
And have the tout ensemble of your
costume fall down fiat.
I guess not!
Shall the autocratic edict of some
scheming French galoots
Materially lengthen out the skirts of
coming suits.
And thus cause obscuration of those
millinery boots?
Keep 'em short!
Oh woman, charming woms.n, would
you screen that "peek-a-boo"
Of so many stylish patterns—of such
variegated hue—
With a somber outside wrapper that
allowed no peeking through?
You would not!
Shall the badge of female freedom, the
abbreviated skirt,
Be gradually lengthened till It traileth
in the dirt.
And with the festive microbe most in
dustriously flirt?
Keep 'em short!
Oh the shorter skirts are youthful—
they turn back the hand of time,
And they help to clothe the figure
with a daintiness sublime—
To return then to the bondage of long
skirts would be a crime,
Would It not?
Shall they change this pretty fashion
when it's hardly at its start,
And veil these proud creations of de
signers' dainty art?
Let these long and lovely booties have
a chance to play their part—
Keep 'em short!
So send forth your ultimatum—most
emphatic and complete, .
That you will not sweep the sidewalk as
you promenade the street,
And tljey sha'n't ring down the curtain
on your pretty little feet—
Hold the fort!
Let the dressmakers in Paris hang out
signals of distress.
Before they tack on Inches to milady's
future dress.
And inform them most politely they
have got another guess—
Keep 'em short!
—Arthur W. Hall, the Boot and Shoe
think women
woman "sits
verdict he
hands in when JBtiaL
he alts on «. 11
Jury, I know.
/ a GRUB.
LvJ* Grocer:
, F~T What can I do
/I \ * or you * mum 7
jfuiAil/j \ W Lady (doing
/£?■!/' 1 her " rHt mar "
/£ r- ke 11 n g): I
I H \ "W' j 1 hardly know;
J 9 w \l what are they
• V eating thla
--- winterl
By Frederic J. Haskin
THE European demand, which
used to take most of our radium
away from us, is largely cut off
by the war, and for the first time
American scientists and physicians
have a considerable supply of this
most precious and interesting of all
substances. A hospital in Baltimore
lias tlio largest quantity of radium in
the United States, and a New York in
stitution has the next largest amount.
Many physicians are taking advantage
of the opportunity to obtain a supply
for their own use.
A center for the measurement of
radium in America is the government
Bureau of Standards at Washington.
Many purchases of the substance are
sent there to be tested, as are also
numerous devices for the production
and use of radio-active waters.
Handling and testing radium are
among (he most delicate and difficult
of scientific processes. Radium is so
incredibly valuable in proportion to
its bulk that a million dollars' worth
of it might easily fall through a very
small crack. A glass tube of radium
that looks like a bit of fine straw,
shorter than a pin, and containing
about one-half a grain of radium, is
worth $4,000 at the current price of
$l2O per milligram.
It requires great care to test these
tiny tubes containing material that is
a hundred times more precious in pro
portion to its weight than diamonds.
When received they are stowed in
safes which are carefully guarded.
Each glass tube of radium is enclosed
in a silver tube, which is enclosed in
a lead tube, which is put in a leather
case. All of these coverings are neces
sary, not only to prevent the loss of
the radium, but to guard whatever
comes in contact with the package
from the pentrating energy of the
radium radiations. One of the gov
ernment experts on radium handles
these little tubes, when they are ex
posed, with tiny tongs made for the
purpose. About two years ago he held
one of them for a few minutes in his
bare fingers. He felt nothing at the
time, nor for more than a week after
ward. Then the peculiar radium
burns began to make their appearance.
The skin cracked and sloughed off,
and the wound required over three
months to heal.
The amount of radium in a tube is
determined by means of an appara
tus of fairy delicacy, known as an
electroscope. The tube of radium to
be measured is placed at a suitable
distance from the instrument and the
rate of motion of a sensitive bit of
gold foil, as observed through a mi
croscope, is determined by means of a
stop-watch. Then this radium is re
moved and a radium standard of the
bureau is put in its place and the
rate of fall of the gold foil is again
determined. From these measure
ments the amount of radium in the
tube under test is calculated, the
amount in the standard being known.
The radium standard of the bureau
is a small glass tube containing pure
radium chloride. Through the cour
tesy of the Austrian government this
was prepared especially for the Unit
ed States from pitchblende mined at
Roosevelt's Epigrams
The Colonel's Chicago address bris
tled with Rooseveltlan epigrams, some
of which follow:
"Americans won't follow 'those who
would make right helpless before
might,' who would put a pigtail on
Uncle Sam and turn the Goddess of
liberty into a pacifist female huckster,
clutching a bag of dollars which she
has not the courage to guard against
"America will fall If turned into a
polyglot boarding house, where dollar
hunters of twenty different nationali
ties scramble for gain."
"The politico-racial hyphen is a
breeder of moral treason."
"There is just one way to be a good
citizen of the United States, and that
is to lie an American and nothing else."
"The minute tbe effort is made to
turn a battleship into an ambulatory
schoolhouse we spoil the battleship
without getting the schooltinuse."
"Tbe Monroe Doctrine will be never
one particle stronger than the navy."
MAY 2, 1916.
St. Joachinsthal in Austria. This
standard has been compared directly
with the radium standard at Vienna
and with the International Radium
Standard at Paris. This standard con
tains 15.44 milligrams of radium, and
cost the bureau approximately $2,000.
In this way radium applicators
which are intended to be used in the
cure of cancer, may easily be tested
and the purchaser given an accurate
statement of the amounts of radium
contained in them. A far more per
plexing problem is presented to the
bureau in the numerous radio-active
pharmaceutical preparations, which
are submitted to them for testing.
Many manufacturers are taking ad
vantage of the popular interest in the
new substance to put forward all sorts
of medicines and devices containing
the magic word, "radium."
Typical of the mechanical devices
offered is a radio-glove, which is in
tended to cure rheumatism of the
hand. It consists of three comparts,
two of which are filled with reddish
earth which is believed to be a ra
dium ore. The radiations from this
material enters the hand when the
glove is worn. Cans of "Radio-earth"
which are to be made into plasters
for outside application have also been
sent in. Some of these devices contain
very appreciable amounts of radium,
others contain a mere trace.
The bureau of standards can only
test these preparations and devices
and report upon their radio-activity.
It is not within its jurisdiction to ex
press an opinion of their therapeutic
value. Most of them contain at least
a small amount of radium and show
some radio-activity. It is believed,
however, that many of them have not
enough radio-activity to be of real
value, and that they have done a great
deal to destroy faith in the really re
markable powers of radium.
The demand for radium waters has
also called forth an abundant supply
of devices for making them in the
house. These have come before the
bureau. One of these is a jar contain
ing radium, which imparts the de
sired quality to the water, that is, it
gives up a small amount of radium
emanation; another jar contains a
minute quantity of radium enclosed in
a crystal cell. Although the quanti
ty of emanation given oft to the water
is exceedingly small, so that the ra
dium within will last a very long time,
it is nevertheless much greater than
is found in actual mineral waters.
Mineral waters supposed to have ra
dio-activity also are sometimes sent
to the Bureau to be tested. This
branch of the work is not encouraged
because most of the waters will have
lost most of their activity before they
arrive. In most cases their strengths
decrease one-half In four days.
Radium is a metal, a chemical ele
ment, belonging to a remarkable class
of substances which have the quality
of distintegratlng atomlcally to form
new substances. To the lay mind,
this seems almost a realization of the
alchemist's dream. To the scientist
it is a simple and comprehensible
process, consisting in the disintegra
tion of the atoms, and the reaggrcga
tion of their paits In new forms.
More Prosperity Signs
Confidence in the fundamental
soundness of financial, industrial and
trade conditions in the United States
was reflected last week in a vigorous
rebound in the New York stock mar
kets, following the preceding week's
declines precipitated by the President's
ultimatum to Germany and the dissen
sion over the punitive expedition of
American soldiers into Mexico. The
rally last week carried the average
level of railroad stocks up about 3
points, and of Industrials about
6 points. Unofficial though authentic
information from Germany that the
emperor would not permit a break in
diplomatic relations with the United
States was the Immediate cause of the
rally, but underlying the general
strength of the market Is the growing
optimism of the country over present
and prospective domestic conditions.
A Soft Answer
A soft answer turneth away wrath,
but grievous words stir up anger.—
Proverbs, 15; 1,
EtenUtg (Ehat
The banker and the farmer will
have to be linked up closer if agricul
ture in Pennsylvania is going: to lie
advanced according to views which
are expressed at the Capitol, where
more attention is being given to agri
cultural matters now than for a ions?
time. Judging from the reports
which are heard here many farmers
say that they find raising steers and
sheep does not pay and that they
would be glad to try intensive farming
and even experiments if they could
gel the encouragement which they say
the banking interests give to manu
facturing. Industrial incubators,
commercial organizations and busi- g
nessmen's committees are known all
over the State for the promotion of
Industries and every town wants to
have payrolls, contend these men, but
aside from the railroads, which are
naturally after freight, precious little
attention is being given to the stimil
lation of agriculture and its allied
branches. In some counties bankers
have aided in the formation of corn
clubs and in some limited ways shown
Inclination to help along farming and
stock raising and fruit raising, but to
be frank about it, the State reports
do not show general Interest In farm
ing. Yet prices for farm produce have
gone up along with everything else
and the prices received by some farth
ers the last ten months ought to make
Investments attractive. The demands
for food are going to grow wltli
population and yet Pennsylvania Is
raising fewer steers for market than
ten years ago. If information received
here, is correct. Working out of a
plan for financing the food supply
raised at home Is said to be one of the
matters under consideration at the
♦ * •
Major Charles Young, who is figur
ing in the work of the Tenth cavalry
In the Mexican campaign, is a West.
Point graduate and is well known to
a number of Harrlsburgers as he
commanded the Ninth Ohio regiment,
at Camp Meade during the Spanish
war. This regiment was composed of
colored men and was one of the best,
drilled in the Second army corps. It
was the headquarters guard during
the command of Major General Gra
• • •
Quite a number of compliments
were given for the work of the Har
ri&burg Public Library especially In
regard to the reference questions and
the expansion of the Library's work
among school children at the Library
Conference held a few days ago at.
Carlisle. The meeting was held under
auspices of the State Free Library
Commission, and Miss Fornev of tho
Harrisburg Library staff, told'how the
Library had been making a specialty
of answering questions of all sorts
telephoned to the Library by business
men, students and others, including
newspapers. The statement of the
school library work attracted general
| attention.
When two intrepid youths who ven
tured out onto th© swollen Susquehan
na Saturday afternoon and subse
quently did the expected, capsized and
were rescued in thrilling fashion they
centered considerable attention upon
a thin wire cable that, crosses from
"Hardscrabble" to Independence Is
land. It was this wire, now just sub
merged in the flood, which caused the
accident and later saved one of the
boy's life by supporting him until
aid arrived. In summertime this wire
is some fifteen or more feet above a
canoeist's head and is used by many
to judge their speed when drifting
down stream towards the boat liver
ies. Sometimes this wire, originally
intended and still used for pulling !j»
ferryboat across the stream, is useo*
as an anchor by lazy canoeists. It's an
easy matter for some canoeist who
wishes to take a sunbath to toss a light
rope over the wire strand, make the
ends fast to his canoe and then lay
back and doze. This plan beats an an
•chor a dozen ways, canoeists say—so
long as the proprietor of the ferry
doesn't catch you!
* • *
Many inquiries are. being made
about the corn and farm exhibition
which is to be held here next January
under State auspices and it will at
tract attention not only because of
the exhibits, but because an apple
show in the middle of winter is some
thing new. The plans are to have the
best of the corn and apples shown at
the fairs throughout the State ex
hibited with classifications which will
injure the widest competition and to
have the apples placed in cold storage
after they are shown this year. This
idea has been generally favored by
men familiar with such produce.
• • »
Dr. James A. Dale, of York, who
was here yesterday to attend a meet
ing of the Meade Memorial Commis
sion, is a former legislator and is
active in banking and business affairs
in York. He was formerly on th«
State Fisheries Commission.
—William West, Philadelphia
banker, is home from a trip to Cali
—James T. Reber. prominent Mont,
gomery banker, celebrated his eighty
second birthday. He is still active in
—Alba B. Johnson used a small
iron gavel and anvil the day he pre
sided at the sessions of the American
Academy of Social and Political
Science. Previous meetings wen
pretty lively. _ ,
—Senator William C. Sproul hai
added to his model farms in Dela
ware county.
—Henry Budd, Philadelphia lawyei
well known here, is chancellor of th«
Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
C. S. Hubbard, director of safetj
in Pittsburgh, has arranged for c<v
operation with Boy Scouts in Clean,
up week.
That llarrislnirg iron is used ti
make tank cars?
This city's site was a hunting
ground disputed by the Nanticokel
and Susquehannocks for yeacs befori
Harris came here.
"Reader Confidence"
There, Mr. Manufacturer, Is a
term to remember in consider
ing advertising.
The daily Intimacy of the
newspapers with its readers be
gets the confidence of frlend-
h neople get mad at their^news
paper, but they believe in it.
They believe In its advertis
That is one reason newspaper
advertising pays. There are
others which the Bureau of Ad- ;
vertislng, American Newspaper 1
Publishers Association, 808 World
Building, New York, will gladly
give tr> any Interested manufac
-1 *■