4 Will You Miss This Opportunity to Save a Substantial Sum on a New Piano or Player-Piano Such an opportunity comes but seldom and means much. If you want to take advantage, take it to-day. Remember, the prices on these fine new pianos are reduced only because the styles have been slow to sell. We had but fifteen to 1 li; r-i begin with and three of them were taken No More at These after remaining twelve are sold. Glaoce over the list printed below—then come at once—we have but one of each. Full guar- hj j Jys\. antee, of course, and sold on terms to suit 2b[ /J ' \ S3OO Weser Bros. . . . $195 SSOO Bush and Lane . . S3BO $325 Fayette Cable . . $2lO SSOO Hardman $390 $350 Sterling $245 $550 Air-o-Player . . . $4lO $375 Merrill S2BO $650 Autotone $435 S4OO Estey $3lO $550 Chickering .... $475 $450 Poole $360 SBOO Emerson-Angelus . $675 • V.WASVJV."ASSSW.V.' • \ ew Victor R ecor ds For I \ May on Sale Today! ■; jjjj Every kind of music and entertainment you > \ , can think of. Come and hear the complete list, \ !; or if your time is limited, ask to hear our choice I; < of these new records. ?, • ■.V.'. , ,VAW.V.%V.V.V.WiV.W.W.SV.VVAVW.S , .W. , V.%"A5W.V.V.%V.V.V.".V.i J. H. TROUP Music House Troup Building 15 So. Market Square Standing of the Crews HAIUUSBI RG SIDE Philadelphia Division —lls crew first to go after 4 p. m.: 132. 125. 11 i, l-i, 131 122, 110. 116, 114, 123, 106, 102, 12S, 129. 112. 101. Engineers for 102. 111. 1-8. Firemen for Jl4. 131. Conductors for 102, 122. Flarman for .116. Brakemen for 102 (two), 106, 111, 116, 123. 125, 128 (two). 131. Engineers up: Ford, Baldwin, Shock er, Bissinger, llutiler, Keane, Albright. S. K. Steffy, AViker, Martin, Brooke. DANGEROUS VARICOSE VEINS CAN BE REDUCED If you or any relative or friend Is •worried because of varicose veins, or bunches, the best advice that anyone in this world can give is to get a pre scription that many physicians are now prescribing. Ask your druggist for an original two-ounce bottle of Emerald Oil (full strength) and apply night and morn ing to the swollen, enlarged veins. Soon you will notice that they are growing smaller and the treatment should be continued until the veins are of normal size. So penetrating and powerful is Emerald Oil that it dissolves goitre and wer.s and causes them to disappear. It can always be secured at all drug gists.—Advertisement. Is. s. POMEROY! eu go Market Square Grocer 1 H jjijg String Beans, x / 2 peck 70# j§] ran Fresh Peas, y 2 peck 00DI,K, J. H. TONUE. U. P. A.