Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    FOUNDED 1871 fijtnirmanX - TOMORROW 9A.M.T09 P. M. JSjoarnianH BELL—I99I—UNITED
Father invites his business associate to "my house" to dine; A • Jk
Fownes' and Kayser's Mother asks her sewing circle to "my house" to tea; Bobby tells Jt\.L tllC I FICCS
JSIIK vjIOVCS beau to spend the evening at "my house"—a family proprietorship. yy OHfl.Cn S Ol KXC-PH-
A Department of Every Wanted Style Gives Out This Timely It is thus that we would like to have you feel toward „ *
Information "YOUR STORE." tlOnal Merit
16 and 20-btitton lengths for evening wear, at SI.OO to #2.00. XT i -
2-clasp in all the newest novelties including the "Queen Eliza- Now as the large number ot women who form the second
bcth" with the dainty frill, at #I.OO. jLI C ° r - PS 0t S P nn S Suit Buyers—the after-Easter detachment —i>
Heavy silk with contrasting stitching and embroidered tops, at ' '/ ; swinging into action, a bit of information awaits each individual
SKI.OO. pleasing to behold.
Heavv silk with contrasting embroidery and wrist strap, at #1.2.» Tt ,
and#l..W. e po P lllar pnees:
B ,ri P idS. s « stripcd ™ ff ond " ,ack """ white i I
#i.oo. a i„ s,a| " c gl °7 in whi,c ' black;u " co,ors - *' wt ' m a " d A Big Demand For Sport Hats Is -win how forth»new standard
Lisle gloves, at "D * IV H a. \k.T* II * mer *t —hi quality of fabric; in SCjs*
BOWMANS— Main Floor. | - >*^B^
Numbers era! appearance. JISMIS
Blouses Are Growing Prettier In g VER growing; am , „ „ nc _ said _ half sighing; halt 'li purchase i^RiIUW
Both Lingerie and Silks ", v ;: " KU " ,hc c " , " rs ™ r ,ting brigh,cr :", ™ l d e ITOE
© 1 hat s just it! Every new assortment brings some new Iml- &uuu, UcbirdUie Sllll value , Icll /J\ 1 \
Changing styles have brought the prettiest blouses that we liancy in color and color combination. removed from sensation. / |lf"li|y\
have c\ci shown. Aitistic designci s ha\e lavished thcii ability in And a stock as large or larger than vou'll iind anvwhere 'he season s favored models in 1
making beautiful neck and sleeve effects, smart frills, and mate- awaits you. ' * the season's choice of fabrics, color- HK||||g|
rials have been given the most intelligent consideration. Newest arc: ings and trimmings.
Just now we are showing groups especially designed to add AFFTA WFNT THOW T?TTRRFPT7TTn To-morrow, we will be prepared
charm to the new suits, among which are: ivAr rIA W JUN LriUVV K.U orSrjKlZjildJ t0 S ] IOVV a complete assortment. W'*)\ IA
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
A new showing of extremely pretty pi r l p I • x -i *•
m frilled blouses of the better sort New thoughts in banded Sailors which carry the much desired
mmm m. With Georgette so popular, de- are here in N
■HjMr v 1 £B s '£ ners arc reserving no ideas —————————————^———— iiv-w
. . whate\ci which can be effected to New Thoughts in Women's NecklVear Satin Taffeta; superior quality; Will O'VVhisp, in camelion; 4C
'ill! £h\W\ III'! 1 1! ' in 'i' '' P r °duce more striking creations. 1 36 inches wide; yard, #1.."50. inches wide; yard, #2.50.
Px Particularly true of tile popular Maline Ruffs, in black, brow Mi. gray, navy, white, and black and Chiffon Taffeta; very fine qual- Indestructible and Pierrette Silk
• imr' - white combinations; to $1..>0. ity; in navy and Belgium; 36 inches Voiles; best shades; 40 inches wide:
tOfl \i cidedly different manner than here- Ostrich Ruffs, #1.9.1 to #4.73. wide; yard $1.39. yard, #2 00.
f, iAm : m t' \ 1 tnfnre Large assortment of plaitings in organdie, net and Georgette; 2.»<* . i atteta, chiffon finish, 36 Sport Stripe Rajah Silk; 26 inches
t? . - • , to #I.OO vd. & inches wide: yard, #1.33, #1.30, wide; yard, #1.29.
' H i incs '' icoigcttc 11 epe has BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. #l. <5 and #2. Sport Stripe Pongee Silks; 36 in
'jflyl Ij been used; ooccisioncllly touched lllack 1 affeta, cliiffon finish; 40in- clies wide \ yard, $1 ,t"SO,
l ] with color. ~ 0 r ches wide; yard. #1.50 and #1.75. Skinner piaid Satin Suiting; 36 in-
' $5.00 to $15.00 bmart olimnicry root wear Xovelty Taffetas: stripes, oyer- ches wide, yard, #2.00.
A -|-s i 3 . • 1 \ki plaids, two-tone stripes and plaids; Corduroy for sport suits; all
An extensive assortment of Lower Price Lingeries will be found in rOr I articular W OfflCfl 36 inches wide: yard, #l, #1.25, shades; 31 inches wide; yard, 98^.
voiles and batistes, at F W rv rlav hrin»s more charminsr new shoes from the verv #l.soto#.{. BOWMAN-S— Mam Floor
1».»S 1 bcst makcrs i„ the land. .
bowman Third , Flowcrßulbs Soap Specials
l'mcst kul and calfskin high cut boots. \ f 1 " \
bMoROIDERIES suitable weight for all summer wear, in j* /' Special Saturday cakes I'. & G. Naptha
white, grav, ivorv. champagne, mouse and JH S oa])
Wc know "whereot we speak" when we tell you that our C° ( JlS )i i , ® tio " , i t L ot | n and wl,ite dl,ck - E Tuberose bulbs, dozen. 15f. 10 cakes Pels'Nap'tlVa Soap,
stocks and values are not to be equaled in Harrisburg. Pair. #.», #0..»0 and #<.oO. \- f/ f \ 0} Canna bulbs, assorted colors, :iSe
n,, a lftv in^L em S roidCred batiste floUncing; cydet and b,ind work; excellent , Low Shoes dozen.
quality, yd. ' ,eni hmest turns and welts in pumps and lo- V8B&, \\' IHHr© t\. i. n . i , , * , ' ,
40-inch voile flouncing- fine quality neat cmhrn 1 -o j lonials, in black, white, champagne and ivory . >aiua us, to/en, .»f. -cans Id Dutch Cleanser,
Swiss and hatUtP pri, , . oiden ; .>.)<» yd. kidskin. Beautifully made and finished. Caladium or Elephant Ear j 15^
collars and cuffs; very sheer and'* , l<* vd° n S d,eSses OI u '" nia l<e fine Pair, #Ji.OO, #:».."»(). #4.00, #S.(H) and bulbs, large size, 10<*. j Xo phone orders sent C. O. D.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. #O.«>o. BOWMAN'S —Basement BOWMAN'S—Basement
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. [
Delightful Things In Rugs With the Stamp of America's Suppose You Do Want
Summerv DraDeries Best Makers Distinctive Furniture!
**v;o Room Sizes ' ** must none the less sturdy and of long-time service.
There is a great deal of comfort in the <v l a With all the distinctiveness, exclusiveness and originality of
lighl. airv draperies ( " <l ' ) ' Haiance ol Among the several well-known grades—Sloans, Smith, San- Bowman furniture, you may depend upon superior workmanship
1 | fords and the famous W.hittall—you'll find the particular grade and substantial build.
Our Drapery Department is showing a ere-it •••»-• best suited to your needs. New arrivals in Summer Furniture are taking their places on
neuest floral hgures, cretonnes, madras, etc., in soft Froni tl,c ,owest to thc highest, each grade is worthily tie- tIK v Umnicr c,anda
toi cui tains, turniture coverings and draperies. ! pendable. Notaseme Refrigerators
pamr„1 n vard° i'o' ,C ; white, crea,,, S SJ'K WSSWtfcflfaft"** i4r «
Cretonne with dtintv tt t- to $, 0 °- «*• Bod n y ln ßru r s , , A U H K riu*"-'Vi«.» S . flxil Not a seani is in tl,e stone linin &> as a breeding place for
cretonne, with dainty patterns •y ,m J-urtains, white or ecru; pr„ ! x ?„wi't°n Rugs,* tVjt. Axmi^{or B Ru' l ß %°ifl^o , ru , «"V. s «. irerms
and colorings for summer haivino*. to #.».<)<), «Vxi2 \*m!p r n,?J» Bl ' U9se,s rtu ss. *-7.n.-«. N .
b l, ' \ | Iv i Kufes. llH.oii. .ixl„ \\ i I ton Uutf*. |t«ts to 9hn, . . I lip st<)iit k lininiT tfvif»|i In c rniinHpfl rnrnpi*c
l urniture covers and porch pillows- Marquisette curtains; white or . 11 ' 3!t i 2 ™ r ,V,®" ,n tapestry, velvet. Axmins- in ilstlt lias lounaccl coi nei s.
yard 12V>t to »0f ccru; pr '- * lls to #7.00. pfain veiv e^Tu ' K '! fi3.80. w " ton; * ,r '- *- r ' to All parts are easily removable, allowing lor frequent and
* Clunv lacp t*iirfoinc . « 5.3x10.6 Tapestry Rugs, SIO.OB to 913.50. 11.3x15 Tapestry Rues S«0 tHoroUP'll flpfl tl 1110"
Scrims with woven borders white bohSt \ ' MOUNTED 011 I.I«IM v.i«t W »r* 12x15 Rufe! Sjo. tnorougn Cleaning.
"7 = ><"t «0T .0 35,. - Wh " C " Any of the above come in flora,. aHover, n,edal,ion and Orien- von JSSC " " Pr ° ot
edi wh?t" ,S or eeru : iard! frtogidln'"aroTd" sSd s ri'o s: "T'T w ' th suarantced colors - SI.OO Makes You a Member of the Club and Delivers
bowman's—F«urth Fi.or ' ' Sma rugs to match m man y patterns. One to Your Home.
BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
Announcement of Examination
Plans by the Department of
Labor and Industry
Undergraduate college students may
be obtained for summer employment
#in agricultural, mechanical, chemical, I
civil engineering or mining engineer- J
ins work through the Bureau of Km- I
ployment of the Department of Eabor I
and Industry, according to an an- '
nouncement made to-day by Commis
sioner John Price Jackson.
Students from many colleges have
applied to Director Jacob Lightner, of |
the employment bureau, for work
aiong the lines of their college courses
and manufacturers and heads of in
dustrial plunts may be able to obtain ,
help by communicating with the near- I
est offices of the bureau of employ- '
_ I
jTrrentr The Pennsylvania Otale College I
j provides many students for summer
I work and many of thein are applying
I to the Labor Department for infor-
I m ™, ion re s a raing summer positions.
1 he offices of the bureau of employ-
I inent are located in the Masonic Tem
ple, liarrisburg; Hannan building.
Johnstown; 1519 Arch street, Phila
delpliia; Hartjc building', Pittsburgh, (
; and Chamber of Commerce building, ! ]
t c ' o " t i""e<l From First Page. ]
| Reservoir. Two or three bridges and !
j some cutting, filling and rolling are vet '
to be done, however, before the high- 1
I way will be in shape for traffic.
Inspect New Roadway
| Die section was inspected yesterday'
b;. Park Commissioner Gross, Assistant
Superintendent Korrer, Mayor E S
■ Meals and Sheriff W. W. Caldwell, a
I former city highway commissioner.
They were the first visitors to officially
roll over the roadway yesterday.
The long stretch which' winds
| through the pretty valley just west of;
Pax tang is one of the wonder spote
along the great wooded circle that en- |
| closes the city; it is just a litile more
beautiful, if this be possible, than
Cameron's extension.
Letters, more or less caustic in char
acter have been exchanged recently I
between the park authorities and rail
road company relative to the subway.
The park authorities had been re
quested lo prepare plans for the im
provement; this was done. The railroad
company's engineers, however, didn't
approve and returned them for re
vision. This was done. Still the com- I
pany isn't satisfied. Urgent action has
been requested by the park officials,
and this was one of the problems'
threshed out this afternoon at the in
formal meeting of the members of,
former park commissions with Com
missioner Gross and Assistant Forrer.
Ex-Park Officials Confer
John T. Brady, resident counsel for
the Philadelphia and Reading; Wil
liam E. Bailey. J. Horace McFarland, I
H. E. llershey and Samuel Kunkel are
among the former park commissioners
who had been invited to meet this
afternoon to assist Park Commissioner
Gross in an advisory capacity in the
handling of the park work. The old
officers will simply act as an advisory
board, however.
Messrs. Brady. Bailey, McFarland.
. llershey and Charles A. Disbrow
| formed the park commission which
-Avaa instrumental } n bringing about
the present park system.
River Front Slope Treatment
In addition to discussing: the subway
| problem the ex-commissionerstlireshed
I out the river front slope question to
some extent. That the slopes leading
from the ramps will be rtprapped with
limestone taken from the city parkway
"cuts" beyond the almshouse is cer
tain. Killing and planting will be
necessary and the effects of the recent
high water s ravages will be repaired
as speedily and as satisfactorily as
| possible. The now flights of steps iead
| ing from the river park to the wall,
jit was decided last evening, will lie
i placed at Tine, South and Korster
Acquirement of the Prospect Hill
| Cfcmetery tract, one of the uncon
j nected links in the parkway drive over
! which the park authorities have been
I working for several years, was another
| problem that was discussed at this
I afternoon's conference.
[Continued, From First I'age] j
net the employes a 10 per cent, in
crease recently having been placed in
fcrce by the old manmomtni.
The orders announcing the new In
crease were posted shortly after noon <
to-day and were signed by General 1
Manager Quincy Bent. They read as J
Effective May 1, there will be n '
general wage readjustment in all ' |
departments. The rate for com- |
mon laborers will be 20 cents per \ <
liour. In other departments the i
increase will be equitably propor
News of the increase, which was |
unexpected, spread rapidly In the bor
ough. It. Is taken by many in Steelton
to be in line with the Bethlehem Steel ;
Company's policy of sharing profits !
with employes and paying good wages i
whenever the output of the plant will j
permit. While it has been generally
Absolutely Removes
| Indigestion. One package
j proves it. 25c at all druggists, i
expected in Steelton that some method I
of souring better feltnf? among the J
men would be found by the Schwab in
terests, it was believed that the famous
Stock Transfer Ledger
Th« Pennsylvania Stock Transfer Tar Law (Act ef Jmm
4, 1»15) which is now In effect requires all corporations In the State,
no matter how large they may be to keep a Stock Transfer Ledger.
We are prepared to supply theee Ledgers promptly at a very nominal
! price. ;
a& 1
j| The Telegraph Printing Co
Printing—Binding—Designing—Photo Kngrartng
1! 1 nirrrr"irirfl-iTTi¥>nMi
| Schwab bonus system would be lntro-
J duced here. The flat Increase cornea
as a complete surprise to the thou
sands of men affected.