Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 27, 1916, Page 14, Image 14
14 (T ~ Dives,-Pomerop There IsNo News More InterestingThanTheseFridaySpecials N F irtav Sne- Umbrellas Children's Underwear Men's Coat Shirts Men's Shoes Men's Negligee Shirts Stamped Goods Or y J-* American tafteta umbrcl- Children s muslin gowns, Mens 50c percale coat 250 pair men's tan and Men's soft negligee shirts, 25c scarfs and centers, i o las for men and women, low neck and short sleeves, shirts, black and colored black button and lace shoes, broken lines of SI.OO and stamped ready to embroider. CialS oeni slight imperfections in the embroidery edge trims neck stripes: sizes 14 to 17. Fri-. $4.00 to $5.00 values. Fridav $1.50 garments; sizes 14 to Friday onlv .* 1214? weave, /oc and sl.oovalues. and sleeves. Friday only, dav onlv tts? only $2.45 17. Fridav only 65? Dr»r IVmil Of Friday onlv 59? 25? ' " 25c laundry bags, stamped U1 iVXdll . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. to embroider Fridav nnlv Dlves Pomerov ft Stewart, Children S niltslin drawers, Men'j Store. I Street Floor. Front. Men s Store. cuiuroiacr. I naav oni), I lIWII trimmed. Friday only, 10? t / \ / f \ Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart. - p°"»*roy & stewart. Women's Union Suits Women's Pumps Children s v "'' r(i X Second Floor. O-A * Satin taffeta ribbons, as- * Women's 50c white lisle - 0 pair women s pumps Handkerchiefs . sorted colors: Ito IV 2 inches / \ union suits: low neck, an( l oxfords in gun metal, . , f , , Rlarlc DrA<« Hnn/fe r \\i » Cl* wide: 5c values. Fridav Muslin sleeveless, lace trimmed; ' >atcn I jL c ?i t a,u ' te can " , rcn s \ c ? ' lan ,1 Women S Slippers onlv vard knee length; small sizes; vas> $3.50 to S4OO values. kcrclnets, I eddybear, 85c black serge; 42 inches s'oo black slip- " • 40 27-inch unbleached none exchanged Friday Friday only $2.45 "Buster Brown." Friday w jd e . Fridav only, vard, pers,' some with straps, hand- Plain and fancy ribbons; 3 muslin. Friday only, yard onlv 25c Dives. Pomeroy * stewart. only, 2 for 5? ' " " fi9? turned leather soles with to 4 inches wide. Lie values. H . Street Floor, Front. Dive,. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. 85c black wool and non- Friday only. Friday only, yard .... 10? 6j*c 36-incl, bleached DUes " & r °F.o A orf tewart ' . Men« store. , in FriHav nnlv var H *1 (M> muslin. Fridav onlv, yard, V ——J _ . . J J • ' r C 1 __ , ... hnudnir ' 8S o Fi*or? tewart '5;/ 2 ? Trimmed Hats —7 V $1.50 black serge; 54 in suc <• sl s ' 20c 45-inch bleached pil- f M , „ n ■* y ot Q f car l v Sorinc Hats Neckwear ches wide. Friday only, yard, sizes. Friday TTTT' low case tubing. Friday Men's Knee Drawers tha tw« s3*s Boys'and mens French . " V 1.19 n l v si.oo Embroideries onlv \ard 16? Mens Porosknit knee and $4.95. 1-riday only, and reversible four-in-hand $1.50 black Panama, 54 in- Batiste embroidery flounc- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. drawers. Friday only, 29? SI.OO ties, plain and fancy colors. ches wide. Friday onlv, Di% Street Ol Floor, Rear. hlg : 45 inches wide, beauti- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy *• Stewart, l - ridav Only, 9?, Or 3 for 2i>? >31(1 $1.19 * fal lacy patterns. $1.25 vah_ie """ J DI,„. . $1.75 blaek senre: 56 in. — I'riday only, yard .... *•>sßleached Sheets , ' cl.es wide. Inlay only. Women s ilioes Embroidered organdie g;c 81 x ! )_'-incli bleached ' r„l„r«,l II,T„„J. ' Basement Specials , . vard $1.49 Black kidskin and patent flouncing; 40 inches wide; sheets, hemstitched ... 79? uress uooas I Women's Handkerchiefs Dives. Pomerov & stewart leather, button stvles with scalloped edges. Friday * $1 00 wool crenc •41 in- y ' c O Cedar triangle dust Women S nanQKercnieiS street "Floor. a "- stitched soles. Friday only only, yard 59? Dlves - P Sen & t. Slewart> ches'wide: 10 giod shades. ? nd t P°'^ h with ad- Hemstitched cotton hand- $1.39 «• * T.v;,ioar . -.?•! justable handles. hnday kerchiefs with one corner _ Cambric corset cover em- ZZ=ZZ=Z: "day onlj, yard >9? onJy - 9(h embroidere d. same with a * D 1 Rear? wart * broiderj .17 inches wide, Cotton Dress Goods 75c shepherd checks; 42 25c O'Cedar dust cloths. touch of color. Values to Lining - Fridav only 19* 12><c. Friday only, 3 for 20c satine; 36 inches wide; , - Naicl 25c madras shirting: white day only, yard 55? Qg c sct ' D f Mrs. Pott's black and co ' ors - Friday Bovs' Scout Shoes DK X 3, p . o '"7 o >' & Stewart, ground with colored stripes. . nickel olnted irons Fridnv Sill< crc P c de chine hand- only, yard l(i? ' k " ,w " street Floor, Hear. Yarf j 12'> Sjc wool serge; 42 inches nickel piateu irons, l ritiav kerchiefs embroidered mllpd . $2.00 tan leather scout _ wide: shades navy. Friday only O.)? et ]<r e in liink blue lavender 10 sat^ n ® >36 in shoes with elkskin standard 50c silk stripe corduroy, only, vard 09<* 85c white enameled bread Yi'T ',i ' KrjJaJ C I ICS wide. Friday only, . fastened soles, sizes Ito 5. Veilings 36 inches wide. Yard. 25? . ? . boxes. l ; riday only .. 59? only' * S 12! / >? y ar d 29? l ridaJ on ' ! • Sl ' 4 '" > Veilings in assorted styles gingham; 32 inches ches'wideTbelTlJiades.Fril , ' ,sc , Gl S b . c . cri 'T W S!'; 75c black Fanner's satin; ""ttJWSSr.tsr m davon v vkrd ' £ wide; neat stripes. Yard. day only, yard WX> l r,day only . . , < 32 inches wide. Friday only. J - oni > yam _ sl.lO galvanized garbage yard 55? __________________ Dives, Pomerov & stewart. ->- $1.25 cream serge; r0 in- cans and cover. Friday only, ' u • * ' M , r 77 Floor. f c P<>pl " . solid shades chcs wjd j l>id j yd - Hosiery Oives, Pomeroy; 4. Stewart, Mpn s C.nnprftss Shoes V self color stripe. ard. 14<* . - T - . . . «. 00r . " KU Bvu 5 wm.w r r 9n<* 19c steel garden hoes. Fri- Children s 1/c black cot- v ' $3.00 brown kidskin Con- Lace# S' n S' lam > neat stripes. $1.50 dark navv serge: 54 day only 10? ton hose, seamless. Friday gress shoes, plain toe lasts Yard inches wide. Friday only, $7.08 100-piece decorated only 1 - ' Mpn'<t ovfnrfl« with Goodvcar welted soles. Cotton cluny laces, - to var j l l<i Hinn<>r Krirlav nnlv _ _ , raCn 8 UXiOrOS Fridav onlv $1.89 3Y2 inches wide, in white and plain crepe; solid * d»;» Mens 8c and 10c cotion 300 pair men's black and Dives, Pomeroy a stewart, ccru - Frida - V only, yard shades. Yard 4*? $1.75 navv serge; 56 in- 51 . 50 7 iccc '^f;j; sortcd Culors " tan oxfords $3.50 values. . f . ,0 ? 12'/,c creoe gingham; wide. I nday only } -d china cake sets. Friday only, da> ° nl> hr,day only $',>.45 . \ alenciennes lace edges fancy plaid. Yard .... 9? -„ ~ • * * 98? Women's SI.OO tan color- Dives. Pomeroy & stewart, t " ™ and insertions, sc value. Fri- _ silk and wool stripe; Colonial table tumblers. Ed silk hose: fashioned feet. . street Floor, Front. Corset Covers day only, yard 3? crepe phsse. 30 inches -10 inches wide. Friday Fridav onlv 2? Fridav onlv 50? rnrcpt mvp r« nainsonW r»„.. r>» c. . wide, neat and fancy figures. onlv, vard ". ~ ' ' _ - n ' Yard ... . Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, ' T LI I* embroidery trimming, rOc fetreet flooi. a ™ IT Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Basement. Street Floor. 1 able Linen value, l nday only ... 39? lsc imitation linen suit- V street Floor. 35c mercerized table da- r Second 'Floor. Toilet Goods I I ,n ?» plam shades. \aid. I j Calendars and Playing I j Groceries | l liask - l ndav only, yard. I —wmmmmmmw—mmm~mmm—wmm—J lIOUSCIIOId I'll bl">e T JjIOVCS, 0d (1 n 1 1/\ 11 . J.l C large size. Friday only, pair. Dives. Pomeroy stewart. , . . Cards *' n s3.ao round scalloped linen Nainsook Gowns l.">e v , ?}a) toW.-« ««M pairs 1916 Calendars, values to SIOO »orth of groceries c i oths , 70x/0 inches, new nainsook uowns 25c Austins sponge car- , ' """""" ma<ras ' 50c. Iridav „nl» .If S SSJ patterns. Fnday onlv Nainsook gowns, low ri^t _i w t n A and Nottingham lace. 8 lbs. kidney beans 25c s<-£•!«> neck, kimono sleeves, em- bottle Caner " 11 a * V °JV' KllgS Friday only. .500 to $1.75 25c Playing cards. Friday I {{JJ; prunes 8 .!.'!!.".!!!!!!!! itZ 25c hemstitched scarfs. broidery edge trims neck and ' $2.00 velvet rugs. 27x54 Dives, Pomerov s stewart, only, 2 for 30? | |bs. - Friday only IT? Sleeves. Friday only . .35? 50c white back hair inches. Friday onlv. $1.59 . T " inl ' Dive., Pomeroy ft Stewart. ' Dive.. Pomeroy A Stewart Dives Pomeroy it- Stewart brushes. Friday onlv, 15? $1.2.1 rag rugs. 27x04 in- Third Floor. J B-lb. baK flour''.".*.". 2«c L Street Floor. Rear. Second "Floor. ches. Fridav onlv 98? / > V 4 boxes Corn Flakes 21c V -Z Kill blip- PV- T T - . * r l ' n J / . 2 boxes Cream of Barley .... 2.V - terminator Friday only, W4 X* TrlZ- White Goods ! SKi - TT"t i Muslin Drawers ™ 2,c to 20c plain white and "'*77. . iiSS: a Bath Towels T _ , V" ecru scrini and marquisette; 17c seed \ one, 2/ inches. 2 cans aaimon S3c 1:. TnrkUli Tnwpls fanrv Muslin drawers, cambric 50c large wool sponges Hassocks. Friday 35 inches wide, in odd Friday only, yard .... 10? 1 SS/tomatw,,lVc colored borders. Friday ruffle with hemstitched hem. for auto cleaning. Friday ix lengths. Friday onlv, vard, r . c ,- t lo !„ bott J ,? s ln *?, ra \ e ■•: '«* nn i v 19^ Friday onlv 15? only l<)? 60c linoleum, short ' lengths. Friday onlv .. 43? niches. I ridav onlv .. 451? 1 can ripe olives ltc Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. 15c Purs liquid Soap. Fri- /ic lubber dnnr niatc Fri Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, " " Camembert cheese box ...... aSe Street Floor. Rear. Second Floor. , . , ' 1 1 j, 1 . ltlDDer aoor mats, rri- Third Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Imported towiss Cheese, lb. .. S«c ' uay only, bottle >? daj r only 49? — J Street Floor, Rear. Sliced liam. lb 25c / ?0c Armour s I-uxor mas- 20c rubber treads, 18x9 in- whole ham, ib io<« Corsets I - ac:e cream - Frida >' onl - v - ches - Friday onlv .... 15? ' T" . p .. ' M , c ] Br7<rrheeTe, Tb. "S: Sunshine Fig Bars Coutil corset, - Guimpes and Braids Men S Suspenders gf„TvXt e lStteV b ;ib.'.\-:::: Two pounds fresh baked bust regular ami 7 ; r val - C ' Tlll | K '' , v " c^. a S" n soap, ches. I riday only I*>? Fancy guimpes and braids. Men's 19c heavy police Sunshine fig bars and 5c ucs I'riHav nnlv -to* assorted odors. I-riday onlv, -10 c door mats. Fridav values to 12! ic. Friday suspenders. solid leather ur«ia."'""f N sehmidrl' «ke« »"nd package Sunshine graham i • omy lJe 4 for 25? only '»;{? only, yard *2? ends. Friday only .. 12/,? XSSX' " d S '"" crackers. Friday only, 25? Second°'Floon te " art ' D^t e reef°F?o?l? y TVnn» eWart " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stawart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, V i rlooi, I i ont. Third Floor. Street Vloor. Men s Store. Basement. Basement. v.Vw J v *- ' v ' * . Experience Meeting HeM by Missionary Conference Washington, D. C., April 27. —The r>;uional Missionary Conference of tUfe l-avmen's Missionary Movement, in pension here, to-day resolved itself into nn "experience meeting." The speak ers illustrated the possibilities of mis sionary achievements by giving details of results accomplished in parishes, in Bringing Up Father ss<s>#s By McManus | | ' I y tJ f W >-z~Ar- I f "T OH! Mlbt> JONES' i.;I '*l NFVFft minh P OH" LISTEN W~ A m. ro LOVE TO HEAR j I n . u , !I1 TOM 4 MERC'S, j . V 3-: XOU THE J | | \ LITTUE SONC 1 U U * J MOCKIMC •• THE KEX (*9 \ / -v L PIANO: y— —mot JESS-' iPS'I. 1 S FOR Y oo: —pn ! i E>IRDI: TO the I J J /\\ THURSDAY EVENING, groups of parishes and in entire com-1 mi;nities. : The speakers included John M. I . Moore, secretary, department of mis sionary education of the Northern Bap tist I 'nn vpniiftq; Charles A. Rowland, chairman of the Uymen's Missionary" Movement of the Presbyterian Church in the United States: A. E. Corv, secre tary of the Men and Millions Move ment of the Disciples of Christ, for merly missionary in China; J. J,. Clark I 1 ' one of the most prominent laymen of | | the Lutheran Church, member of the! 'general committee of the Laymen's Missionary Movement; W. P. "Sehell. one of the secretaries of the Presby- I .or.a'i mestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and George Heber Jones, editorial sec retary of the Board of Foreign Mis sions of the Methodist Episcopal HARRISBUBG TELEGRAPH I - j ; Church. President Wilson was to re- ! eeive tlie delegates at the White House J I late in the day. Lost Trousers Leg Delays Marriage After a Fight Lewistown, Pa. The caiithumpian horde was responsible for a 'delay in the wedding of Herman Kussell Xlateer and Margaret Catherine Kritzer here "J I ! last night, when the leg was torn from j the best man's trousers and he was compelled to visit his tailor before the ceremony could proceed, j The wedding party was on the way i to Trinity Kvangelical Church when at tacked by a mob with conkshclls, cow heils and other implements. The pas tnr. the lte v. i». i*henk, defended the party as best he could with a broom stick. but in the melee a leg was torn from Miller Pready's trousers. I APRIL 27, 1916. "Successor" Raises a Novel Legal Issue Special to the Tilegraph | Hazleton. Pa.—Demand has been made for the letter received from Eng laiid~adtlregsed to Attorney Jabca Al sover, who died In Hassleton thirty eight years ago, by W. F. Yarrington, of llauch Chunk, husband of Alsover'i widow. Tile missive when it was forwarde< here was turned over to C. W. Kline who succeeded to Alsover s law tice in 1878. It on legal matters to which Kline is attending, and h< will not surrender the letter. It wai addvcßgad—to Alsover "or his succeg' sors" so that Kline feels he has tltl< to it.