Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 22, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Music in City Churches Will Feature Triumphant Festival of
Christian (.hnrch; Altars Massed in Flowers
Easter will be celebrated to-morrow
Jn the churches of Harrisburg and vl
sinity probably more elaborately than
sver before. Music will be the big
feature with early morning services
added to the program for the day.
Cantatas, some of them never be
fore sung in Harrisburg, anthems,
quartets, duets and solos, together
with appropriate organ selections have
been included in the many programs
arranged by choir directors, and the
pong services are expected to far sur
pass any of former years.
Choristers in these churches have
to make Raster this year a memor
able one in the history of city
churches. Pastors in practically every
church have prepared special ser
mons on "the Resurrection of Christ,"
and its meaning to the world, and in
many instances, special sermon series
on the Eastertide, will be concluded
to-morrow evening.
Floral decorations will be profuse
and great care has been taken in ar
ranging elaborate decorations in pul
pit. and pew. Hyacinths, azalias. tu- !
lips and many other Spring blossoms
will predominate in the decorative
schemes. To-morrow the chimes in
Zion Lutheran church will be played, '
as is customary, and a trombone quar- i
tet will play in St. John's Reformed I
church at 5-40 o'clock.
Elaborate Musical
Program at Market Square
The program of Eastertide music '
which will be given on Easter evening
at Market Square Presbyterian Church
promises to be one of unusual interest
and beauty. There will be Kaster car
ols, ancient and modern, and the choir
will have the assistance of Miss Mar
garet M. Vaughn, harpist. Dr. John C. \
Reed, violinist, and Samuel W. Brad
shaw, violinist, of the Madrigal Club, j
who will assist in the men's chorus.
The service, which will begin at 7.30
will be preceded by a fifteen-minute or
gan recital when Mrs. Henry, the or
ganist. will play the Rargo maestoso
and Allegro movements from the First
Sonata for the Organ by Guilmant and ]
"Spring Song," by Beebe. The follow
ing is the program In detail: ' "Saviour
of Men" from "The Redemprtlon" by
Gounod; hymn. "In the Cross of Christ
I Glory"; Old Testament lcssnn; "Kas
ter Morn." Mrs. Harris with violin ob
llgato by Dr. Reed: New Testament
lesson: "Hark, the Kaster Bells Are
Ringing." Borch, women** chorus:
"Now Christ the Lord Is Rlr>en Today," 1
XVII Century; prayer; <"».'erfcory, "Panls
Angellcus," Franck, harp and
organ; "VounK Men and MSOds," XVII
Century, double chorus; adclress, "The
Soul at Heaven's Gate," old sacred folk
song, XVI Century. Miss Mitidaugh and
Mr. Watkins with violins, harp and
organ: "Cherubic Hymn," Gretchani
nofT; hymn. "Jesus Christ Is Risen To
day"; prayer; "Praise to Our God,"
Vulpius: benediction; benediction carol,
"At Dawn When They Sought With
Weeping," XV Century; postllude, March
in F, Guilmant.
At the morning service the choir
will sing "Come, See the Plaoe Where
Jesus Ray," by Horatio Packer; Mr.
AVatkins will sing "The Trumjiet Shall
Sound" from "The Messiah," Handel,
and the men's chorus will sinß- the Kas
ter carol, "Jubilate, by Shelley. The
organ numbers will be as follows;
Prelude, "The Death and Resurrection
of Christ," by Mailing, (a) Gethsem
ane. (b) Golgotha. (.:) Easter Morning;
offertory, "Spring Song," bji Macfar
lane; postlude. "Hallelujah Chorus,''
from "The Mount of Olives,*' by Bee
The choir is under the direction of
Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris with. 'Mrs. John
R. Heniry as organist.
Double Quartet to Sing
at Pine Street Church
At Pine Street Presbyterian church
the Easter aervices will be h&id to
morrow mor|iing at 10:30 o'clock.
The pastor. 114e Rev. Dr. L. S. Mudge,
will preach thip Easter sermon on Acts
3:24, "The Impossible and the. Resur
rection." The musical program fol
lows: Prelude, "Resurrection Horn,"
Edward F. Johvson; offertory,i "Eas
ter Morning." OUo Mailing: poiitlude,
"Ai'iegro vivace (Sonata II)" Guil
mant; anthem, "Awake Thou That
Sleepest," Maker: anthem, "Yo Sons
and Daughters of the King,"
A. Burdett; anthem, "The Three
Holy Women," Gaul.
The Easter Musical service will be
held on Sunday evening at 7:3®. The.
church organist. Frank A. MicClarrell
will give an organ recital at 7:15. The
topic of the sermon will be "The
Sayings of The Sttvlous,' John 2:22.
At this service the Easter oantata,
"The Resurrection" by Manney will be
j" •': . j
Easter Sunday, April 23
Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor
■'j 10:30 A.M.
"The Impossible and The Resurrection"
Acts 2: 24
1.30 P. M. 1,40 P. M.
Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes
7:30 P. M.
"The Sayings of The Saviour"
John 2; 22
Tliese Easter Services will he enriched with
1 ICaater Music by a Double Quartet. At the Evcn
i lug Service, "The Resurrection," a Cantata by
; Mimney, will lie rendered. ,
H A Cordial Welcome at All These Services
Is Offered to You.
sung. The regular quartet of the
church will be enlarged and a double
quartet will sing at both the Easter
services. Music will be in charge of
the church organist, Mr. McCarrell.
Special Services to Be
Held in Christ Church
The usual interesting services for!
Easter will again be realized at Christ
Lutheran Church, Sunday. The large
attendance at the Passion Week serv
ices indicate unusually large audiences
for the communion and services of
song:. The membership of the church
Is so large thai it is again necessary
to hold the first service at 6:30
o'clock in the morning. This service!
will be followed by other services at!
10 o'clock in the morning and at 7:30 1
o clock in the evening. New mem- !
bers will be received and the com- j
munion administered at all services. ,
In the evening. Dr. Helsch will preach i
on 'Alive Forevermore," and a large 1
catechetical class will be confirmed. I
Dr. Reed to Conduct
Grace M. E. Services
Owing to the illness of the Rev. i
John D. Fox, D. D., pastor of'
Grace Methodist Church, all regular;
services will be conducted by the Rev.'
George Edward Reed, D. D., I,R, D.,
as temporary pastor, and on next Sun- !
■lay evening, April 30. will begin a
series of sermons to young people on
"The Prodigal and His Brother."
Subjects: April 30. "A Discontented
Son' : May 6. "The Riotous Rife and
What Came of It"; May 13, "In
Bankruptcy and Want"; May 20,
"Coming to Himself"; Mav 27, "The
Return and the Welcome"; June 3,
"The Elder Brother," or "The Dis
sentiment to the Common Joy."
A large augmented choir directed
by Robert C. Smith with ,T. Stewart
Black as accompanist, will present j
Massanet's "Mary Magdalen" next;
Thursday evening in the Westminster
Presbyterian church at 8 o'clock.
Following arc the members of Ihe
Soprano: Misses Anna Bockvs, |
Claire Dyer, Edna Forrer, Kathryn
Germer. Ella Wilson, Mary Swindells,
Anna Hummelbaugh, Margaret John
son, Kathryn Johnson, Sue Beitman,
Marie Putt. Ruth Daugherty, Rynthia
Beitman, Elizabeth Gause. Alice M.!
Straub. Ethel Dissinger, Bessie Rayso, |
Mrs. Etta Raysor, Mrs. C. C. Holland,)
Mrs. S. R. Harris, Mrs. W. E. Randal, j
Mrs. R. R. Romberger, Mrs. J. W.
Alto: Misses Dorothy Dyer. May me
Sellers, Ella Bockus, Elizabeth Albert,
Luella Lehman, Goldie Gallagher,
Martha Tritle, Mrs. A. J. Rlghtner, W. j
G. Roeschlaub, Mrs. Harvey Rinde
muth, Mrs. E. H. McCoy and Mrs. D. I
C. Hawley.
Tenor: Earl Rates, W. F. Schread-1
ley, Ira Behney, E. H. McCoy, S. R,;
Harris, Albert Moyer, X. E. Huber and]
Carl Sarvis.
Bass Gwylm Watkins, C. C. Holland. !
James McCabe, Wm. Boyer, A. J: I
Rlghtner, Russel Ehrhart, Roy Shrein- j
er, Jacob Schnader and W. T. Trull- j ■
Morning Organ prelude,
Song," Mendelssohn; anthem, "This j
is the Day," Cooke: soprano solo, "The
King Triumphant," Wilson, Miss Sara j 1
Jlae Harr: anthem, "My Redeemer
Lives," Williams: offertory, "Easter]!
Morning," Mailing; duet. "We, Too,
Shall Rise," Rorenz, Roy E. Walborn, j 1
J. W. Neidhainer; organ postlude, Alle- 1
lula in E Flat, Roret. *
Evening—Organ prelude, "Hosanna," \
Waclis; hymn; prayer; offertory, Can
zonetta. Scammcll. Plaster cantata,
"The Easter Angels," by J. S. Fearis:
Introduction, Professor R. 1. Evans;
baritone solo and chorus, "Angel I
Guards." Chester C. Bratten and worn- i
en's voices; mezzo soprano solo and
chorus. Miss Sara Mao Harr and choir; !
chorus and sopranco solo, "The Won- j
dering Angels," Miss Mary E. Neeter I
and choir: tenor solo, "Forgive Them," |
Roy E. Walborn; alto and baritone
duet, "Rock of Ages." Miss Jennie j
Horting and C. C. Bratten; tenor solo i
and chorus, "The Angels of the Resur
rection." Roy E. Walborn and choir;
chorus, "The Victory Is Won," choir: !
baritone solo and chorus, "Thou Art ;
Gone Up On High," Chester C. Brat
ten and choir: baritone solo and worn- [
en's chorus, "Joy in the Mansion of I
Light," Chester C. Bratten and choir: ;
soprano solo. Miss Belle Pancake: llnal j
'chorus, "Worthy is the Lamb," choir; i
organ postlude, "Hallelujah," Handel.
,■ . ■
VrcSHNpjlp ,
Court**?' of Edniril n. nlnt'k, nrl atorr,
Professor L. I. Evans, organist and [
Morning: Organ, The Death and
Resurrection of Christ, Op. 54, Mall- |
ing, (a) Gethsemane; (b) Golgotha; j
(cp Easter Morning; quartet, Ye Bells'
of Easter Day, Dressier; organ, Tone
Poc.ni, "Among the Lilies," I.orenz; j
anthem, Hallelujah," Lambillotte; !
on. an. Hosanna, Wachs.
Evening: (Organ Recital at 7:20); i
evening service (musical) 7:30; organ.
The Seven Words From the Cross, i
Op. 81, Mailing; (a) The March to |
Golgotha; (b) It is Finished; (c) |
Epilogue, "The Darkness"; offertory, I
Ancient Easter Carol, ;'0 Filu, et j
! Filae," I.oret; cantata, The Cross.
Harker; solo, quartet and chorus of i
twenty-five; chorus, Inflammatusj
! (When lie Cometh) Rosslno; solo by I
| Mary Buttorff; solo. The Kesurrection, I
Shelley; Vanla Former ; chorus.
Hallelujah! This is the Day, Lam-
I billotte; organ, offertoire in D minor, j
jNason; chorus, The Heavens Are;
Telling (Creation) Haydn; Trio by j
Mary Buttorff, John b. Fisher and!
■ Boss Harman; organ, Toccato and !
I Fugue in D minor, T. S. Bach. The |
church quartet: Mary Buttorff, so
! prano; Sue B. Dugan-Fager, con
jtralto; John W. Phillips, tenor; Wm.
S. Hoover, baritone; Wm. R. Stone
jslfer, organist; John W. Phillips, di
The following music will be sung
Easter Day in St. Stephen's Episcopal
Church by the choir of 35 boys and
| men under direction of Alfred C.
| Kucshwa. organist and choirmaster;
11 o'clock —Processional Hymn, "Wel
come Happy Morning," Calkin; an
them, "Christ Our Passover," Tours;
i To Deum in D, Field; Jubilate in D,,
I Field; lntroit Anthem, "They Shall)
i Keign Forever," Bishop Darlington:
Kyric, Gloria Tibi, Sursum Corda,
Sanctus, all in D, Clough-L.eighter;
anthem, "As It Began to Dawn,"
Foster; Agnus Dei, and Gloria In Ex
celsis, Loveday; recessional hymn,
"Christ, is Risen," Sullivan.
Service at 4 o'clock: Processional
Hymn, "Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day,"
Magnificat. Barn by; Nunc Dinilttls,
Barnby; solo, "J am the Resurrection"
Torrance, (Master Harry Etter); an
them. "Break Forth Into Jo.v," Barn- I
by; recessional, "The Day of Rcsur- j
rection," Tours.
Easter morning at 6:30 o'clock, in
the Stevens Memorial Methodist
Church, a sunrise praise service will
be held by the Epworth League. The
girls' chorus will sing Easter carols.
Following this service, at 10:30 o'clock
Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will
preach and receive a large adult class
into church membership. In the aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock, the Sunday School
service will he open to children of all
ages. At the Easter evening closing
service, at 7:30 o'clock, the church
choir and the male chorus will give
special music. Dr. Smucker will j
preach on "Jesus, the Poet."
The Stevens Memorial Church choir
will sing special Easter music. The !
choir includes; Soprano—Miss Hazel i
Fraim, Miss Irene llohrer, Mrs. 11. G. :
I Pedlew, Miss Matilda Hitter, Mrs. j
H. A. Boyer, Miss Violet Champion;
j alto. Miss Helen Rohrei*. Mrs. Wil
! Ham S. Meek, Mrs. h. H. Smith, Miss
i Nonnu Barker, Miss Heleu Appleby, i
They crucified the King! His head fell low
And from the tortured body fled the soul
While nature mourned, convulsed, and darkness fell.
Three days the sealed tomb! Men did not know
That countless ages worked toward this goal,
That life and heaven follow after hell.
Yet so it is in God's unfathomcd law;
Deeper the night, the brighter dawns the day
And all things equalize at final test.
Although the world is brutalized by war
And universal peace seems far away,
The Easter promise holds. HIS ways arc best!
Written For the Telegraph,
Miss Anna Kelter; tenor, Charles M.
Storev. William S. Meek, L. H. Smith.
W. St Okie; bass, E. B. Luigard, Carl
I lleefner, John C. Gltt, Howard Fraim,
Gordon D. Berkstresser.
( H. W. Petrie's cantata "The Great
est Love," will be sung Sunday eve
ning at 7:30 at Messiah Lutheran
Church, by a chorus of thirty voices
and the following soloists: Mrs. Wm.
K. Bumbaugh. soprano; Mrs. Wm.
Witlierow, contralto; Dr. Byron S.
! Behney, tenor, and A. W. llartman,
This cantata was never sung any
where before the present Blaster sea
son. Following is the musical pro
gram for the day:
Morning: Prelude (a) "Largo Can
tablle in F. Sharp," Handel; (b)
"Communion In E" Devred; offertory,
"Intermezzo" Mildenberg; postlude,
"Recessional," Dubois.
Evening: (Twenty-minute organ re
cital); postlude (a) "Offertory, St.
Cecelia in F. min." Batiste; (b) "Cap
, ricclo," Lemaigre: (c) "Pilgrim's
| Chorus" (Tannliauser) Wagner; an
them, "Behold, Ye Despisers," Parker;
offertory. "Berceuse," Kinder; an
them, "Hearken Unto Me," Manney;
cantata, "The Greatest Love," Petrie;
postlude, "Easter March," Batiste;
; Miss Emma Hoffman, organist; A. W.
i llartman, director.
I . In the morning, communion serv-
I ine and in the evening the cantata.
"The Day of Resurrection" will be
ai\en by nn augmented choir. H. F.
Bronson, organist and Director.
Morning: Prelude, Antantino in D
Flat, Lemare; offertory, Communion,
j Batiste; postlude. llosnnna. Wachs.
I Evening: Prelude, Hallelujah
I Chorus, Handel: Spring Song, Men
[delssohn; offertory, Allegro Aloderato,
Cantata: Part 1, Becltative, Chorus
|and solo. "O Sacred Head"; recitative,
; "The Veil of the Temple," alto solo,
"Sealed is the Silent Tomb," chorus,
"Seek Not the Living."
Part 11: Recitative anc chorus, "If
We Believe," Solo and chorus, "Alelula
i to the Kins," chorus, "isow Is Christ
Risen," postlude, Triumphal March
ftom "iXaaman," Costa. •
An Easter cantata of story and song
entitled "Judith" will be given on Sun
day evening in the Reformed Church,
The characters are: Judith, daugh
ter of Joseph of Arimathea; Miriam,
her foster-mother; Lois, a Friend of
Judith; Joseph of Arimathea; Reuben,
the gardener; a soldier; two lads, sons
of Reuben.
The musical numbers are: Instru-.
mental, meditation, "In the Garden;"
"Garden fair," chorus; "The Naza
rene," solo; "O Wondrous Words,"
duet; "Calvary," trio; "Son of Man
Yet Son of God." chorus; "The Sha
dows Dark are Veiling," chorus; "O
Morn of Resurrection," chorus; "Sol
dier's Song," solo; "He Liveth," clos
ing chorus.
The participants are: Soprano, Mißs
Anna Plshburn, Miss Margaret Plank,
Mrs. H. O. Smith, Miss Viola Witmor,
Mrs. Charles A. Plank, Miss Ruth
Packer, Miss Mary Rhone, Mrs. J. E.
Rohland, Mrs. W. H. Calaman, Mrs.
J. E. Mumma; alto. Miss Violette
Stoner, Miss Caroline Fishburn, • Mrs.
Philip D. Moyer, Miss Belle Spangler,
Mrs. G. W. Mumma; tenor. Ralph
Packer, G. W. Mumma, Karl Plank,
W. H. Calaman; bass, J. E. Mumma,
Isaac O. Heckert, Samuel O. McEl
heny; reader, Miss Mae J. LcVan;
chorister, Philip D. Moyer; pianist,
Miss Charlotte Mae Zeiglcr.
The Easter praise service of Zlon
Lutheran Church, "the church with the
chimes," Fourth street below Market,
the Itev. S. VV. Herman, pastor, will be
given Sunday evening, 7.80 o'clock;
The program Is as follows, under the
direction of E. .T. Decevee, organist
and choirmaster; the chimes, E. A. Kep
ner; organ prelude. Grand CThorus, Ba
tiste, Mr. Decevee; evening service
book of worship; anthem, "O, Swing
the Gates Wide Open," Berwald. inci
dental solo. Mr. Alien; Scripture lesson,
hymn No. 261, "Christ the Lord Is Bisen
i To-day," Alleliua; prayer; nivthem, "Be
| hold the Biyen King," Dressier, soprnno
solo. Miss June Kinzer, violin obliguta.
Bishop Shanahcin Once Expressed Opinion, 'Tis Said, That
Many Imposing Edifices Would Grace Broad Thoroughfare *
Will State street, some time 1n years
to come, become Harrisburg's "street of
churches T" «
Determination of St. Lawrence Ger
man Catholic parish to erect its new
church, parochial school and parish
house in that street has revived that
discussion of the dTeam of some archi
tects and church folks—the Idea often
urged by the Rt. Rev. John W. Shana
han, late bishop of the Catholic dio
cese of Harrisburg, according to friends
of the dead bishop.
When St. Lawrence congregation waj
considering a new site for its home
after the State had negotiated for the \
purchase of the property in Walnut
and Short streets, a location at Front
and Boas was talked of and the plan,
it is said, even progressed so far as
the taking of an option.
Bishop Shanahan, however, preferred)
State street, it is said.
William Meyers; address, "An Easter
Message," the Rev. S. W. Herman; of
(fertory, "Ave Maria," Schubert, JMr.
Decevee; anthem, "I Heard a Great
Voice," H. Bartlett, incidental solos,
Mr. Carson, Mr. Alle<t; announcements;
hymn No. 263. "The Day of Resurrec
tion"; benediction; organ postlude,
"Hallelujah Chorus," Handel, Mr. De
Morning Prelude, (a) "Easter
Morning," Mailing, Op. 54, No. 3; (b)
"Easter Dawn," Olaussmann; solo,
"The Easter Sunshine Breaks Again,"
Mietzke, Mrs. S. R. Harris; offertory,
Prayer, Loret; anthem, "Welcome,
Easter Day," Hall; solo, "Hail! Glori
ous Morn," Geibel. Mrs. C. C. Holland:
sextet, "Nearer,* My God, to Thee,"
Gabriel; postlude, Solemn March,
Evening—Organ recital: (a) Ele
vation, Faulkes, (b) Springtime
Sketch, Brewer, (c) Offertoire,
Faulkes; anthem, "O Wherefore Come
Ye?" Geibel: offertory, Religloso, Gol
termann; anthem, "Unbar, O Morn,
Thy Gates of Glory;" postlude, Easter
March, Merkel.
Mrs. R. R. Burd, organist; Mrs. R.
P. McGaum, director.
Morning Prelude, (a) "Easter
Dawn" (Claussman), (b) "Easter
Morning" (Mailing); anthem, "Fling
Wide the Gates" (Stainer) (The Cruci
fixion); offertory, "Easter Day" (flo
ret): anthem,, "And the Glory of the
Lord" (Handel) (The Messiah): post
lude, "Alleluia" (Loret).
Evening—Prelude, "Alleluia" (Ot
tenwalder); anthem, "Unfold, Ye Por
tals" (Gounod) (The Redemption):
violin solo,, "Legende" (WieniawslU),
Miss Sara Lemer; offertory, "Easter
Offertory" (Deshayes); anthem, "Ye
Bells of Easter Day" (Dressier); vio
lin .obligato. Miss Lemer; postlude,
"March Trlumphale" (Callaerts).
Miss Violette Cassel, organist;
Thompson Martin, director.
Morning Prelude, (a) "Easter
Morning." Mailing, (b) Romance, Le
mare; offertoire, Impromptu, Lesche
tizky; anthem, "Awake, Glad Soul,
Awake," Bridge; postlude, Alleluia,
Evening—Prelude, (a) Sonata No. 2,
Grave Adagio, Mendelssohn, (b) "Re
surrection Morn," Johnson; song by
male chorus; anthem by choir, "Break
Forth Into Joy," Barnby; offertoire,
"In Moonlight," Kinder: song by male
chorus; anthem by choir, "Christ the
Lord is Risen To-day," Gilbert: post
lude, Scherzo Symplionique, Guilmant.
Miss Ruth Kraybill, organist; George
W. Sweigert, director of male chorus;
Ross K. Bergstresser, director of choir.
Passion Week services held in Park
Street United Evanjrellcal Church last
week were well attended. "The Day
of Victory" will be the subject at the
10:45 services to-morrow, the
theme to be "The Message of the
Empty Tomb." An early Easter
prayer meeting will be held at 6
o'clock. In the evening the augmented
choir, under the direction of Mrs.
Swengel, will sing an Easter cantata,
entitled, "The Easter Alleluia," by
Heyser. In the Sunday School and
other services the self-denial offering
for frontier missions will be received.
The choir of Inimanuel Presbyterian
church will render the beautiful can
tata, "The Greatest Love," by Petrie,
to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock.
The soloists: Soprano, Mrs. George
Vint; contralto. Miss Elizabeth Work
man: tenor, John Gibson; basso, Mer
vln Sterringer. They will be sustained
by a chorus of twenty-five voices and
accompanied by Dr. Strausbaugh,
cello; Dr. Campbell and Arlington
Strausbaugh, violinists: Miss Lucretia
I. Boyd, pianist; Harry D. Hammond,
The following is the program for
the Easter Sunday services in St. John's
Refo' med Church:
5.45, matins; trombone chorus from
church belfry: "The Lord of Life Is
Risen," "Angels Roll the Rock Away,"
"Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day." "Re
joice. the Lord Is King, etc. 6.15, holy
communion; anthem. "The Lord Is
Risen Indeed," E. K. Heyser. 9.15,
Sunday school. 10.30, confirmation
and communion: solo, Mrs. George W.
Giede, "My Redeemer and My Ix>rd,"
Dudley Buck: anthem, "An Easter
Hymn of Gladness," Lorenz. 3, bap
tismal services. sermon and holy
communion: anthem. "Calvary," Rod
ney; solo. Mrs. H. W. Keitel. 6.30,
Christian Endeavor.
Morning Prelude, "Easter Glad
ness," E. Ashford; anthem, "The
Prince of Life." Lorenz, choir; solo,
"Sabbath Morning," Fearls; duet, "Joy
bells of Easter," Judhun; offertory,
"Spring Flowers," Wilson; postlude,
Easter Processional, Wilson.
Evening—Prelude, "Christ is Risen,"
Horspool: choir, "Praise the Lord,"
Lorenz, "Seek Ye the Saviour," Hall,
"Have Ye Heard the Easter Story?"
Hall; offertory, "Jerusalem the
Golden," Spark; postlude, Postlude
in F, Baptiste.
Morning: Prelude, Easter Day,
Lorep: offertory. Good Friday Spell,
Vretblad; anthem, female chorus.
"Christ the Lord Is Risen," Shelley;
postlude, Easter Alleluia, Otten
Evening: Prelude, Stabat Mater
Dolorosa. Lemaigre: anthem, female
Ichofus, As It Began to Dawn. Marker:
offertory, prayer. Lorep: anthem, fe
i male chorus, He is lliscn, l'arkcr;
"State street between Front and Third
might well bo the logical home of all
Harrisburg churches." the bishop was
quoted by his friends as saying one
time. To-day Grace Methodist and St
Michael's German Lutheran Church and
St. Patrick's cathedral grace the city's
broadest thoroughfare and tills nu
cleus with the Imposing Capitol build
ings in the background was the basis
of the Bishop's dream.
Practical realty men endorse the plan
from another viewpoint. "The old
churches In the central section of the
city are so situated that their sites are
in ever growing deirand by the com
mercial interests," said one. "That
means that It shouldn't be a matter
°" very man y tn°re years until the.v
will want to move into another quai
ter. And when that comes, why
wouldn t State street bo a mighty tine
p i? c t. to center the city's houses of wor
rectlnlT' choruß - The Kesur
rhln,.' M clley: postlude, Hosannah.
chorus Magnus, Hartmann.
Com",. S ay ,. eVen, "K th ® Ch °' r Of
P rti " Memorial M. E. Church,
BuMer *m dl « Ction ot ' Mlss Sa,ah E -
Butler, with Mrs. Clara B. Lackev as
hv e "s!.h W L sonK " The Risen King-
Mi S» mec i£ er - T he soloists will be
Miss Mary Taylor, soprano; Miss Ruth
,??i J U Hoar<l ' contralto. The
choir will have the assistance of Mr.
\N lnana. tenor.
At the morning service Mrs. Lackev
mv £ / a " a Prelude "l Know That
My Redeemer Llveth," Handel. The
Rninn u i so " s " He is Risen" by
Bruno Hulin; (solo by Miss Ennis).
Atthe morning service in charge of
? ev \. E ' Wei K'<?. £>. D„ there
win be baptism, confirmation, acces
sion of members and the holy com
munion. The evening service will in
clude Easter music, with the follow
ing program:
Anthem. "God Hath Sent His An
gels, E. S. Hosmer; quartet. "The
Message of the Bells," Lillian T. Shel
don; ladles' chorus, "Hosanna " J.
Grantor; anthem, "Now Is Christ
Risen," F. C. Maker.
Morning—Prelude. Communion in G,
Guilmant: chorus. "When It Was Yet
Dark," Woodman: offertory. Chant do
Bonheur, Lemere; postlude, Easter
March, Merkel.
Prelude Andante from Unfinished
Symphony, Schubert; chorus, *"'io
sanna," Grainer; offertory, Para
disium, Schubert; solo, "Easter Dawn,"
Woodman, Mrs. Bressler; postlude,
'Alleluia," Loret.
Miss Cromleigh, organist; Mrs. Hull,
The choir of Capital Street Presby
terian church, under the direction o#
A. H. DufTan, choirmaster, and Mis?
Ar.na Imes, organist, will sing "The
Easter Alleluliah" cantata by E. II
Heyser nl 7:30 o'clock. Miss Inn*
will render a fifteen-minute organ re
cital preceeding the cantata.
Morning: Easter cantata. "The Lord
of Light and Love," by Julian Ed
wards. will be sung by the choir;
Easter Canticle, Gloria in Excelsis,
Seraphic Hymn.
Evening: Anthem, "The Strife is
On" by Rogers; Mrs. Edwin C. Thomp
son, organist and director.
Additional Churches on Opjiosite Page
People's TLJappy
opular -LJ-our
QJunday Oweet
Services Oinging
A Welcome Smile.
Friendly Hand Clasp.
Comfortable Seat.
Cheery Come Again.
Stevens Memorial Church
Thirteenth and Vernon Streets
10.30 A. M. and 7.30 P. M.
Dr. Clayton Albert Smuckcr,
j! Now is the time to book your *!
ji Sunday School Picnic at J«
Beautiful Hershey {
;! Park %
■ ! where every convenience is pro- «l
% vided without charge. Free zoo. V
!> Free playground and 100% serv- Ji
? Ice for available dates. Write J
'if Manager of Hershey Park, ?
| "! Hershey, Pa. «'