6 OUR EGG DECORATORS NAME EGGS FREE DtVGSf PoTYI&TOQ & StdOOft [ SEE ADDITIONAL EASTER HEWS ON PAGE 14 a Silk Hosiery Is the Correct Foundation 1 ® f& / for Women who Would be Well Dressed \ / YoUr suit ° r s ° wn niay carr y ever y earmark of quality, and yet if you adopt a g-ar ■ \ M M 8 j ment of that kind and at the same time lose sight of the important part your hosiery plays Vffipp \ ■— our a PP earance > ie whole effectiveness of your attire will be negligible. Silk hosiery is of two kinds. In the one class is to be found the type that appeals to the eye; the ' c " d Delightfully 1 TOS ll (Cotton other llas a niore intrinsic value, and makes its appeal to the woman who demands the best that can g Blouses 111 Si C'Omplote It is the latter class of hosiery only that finds entrance into our stock-—it is quality hosiery moder- p p O 1 A cccvmKlQrtP Fancy stripe silk thread hose; high spliced Thread silk hose; in colors to match-the new _ wlj It/ /A.OOCIIIIJIdgC/ heels; in assorted colors, shoes SI.OO r rOOtWPflf .. SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.75 Thread silk hose; in all silk or with lisle garter J-ZdOlVyl vvl W vOI Handkerchief Linen, Voile Novelty Weaves «ii, «,!♦». tops; fashioned feet; high spliced heels .. SI.OO . . u * i r *l. u j Thread s.lk outsize hose with fashioned feet; rhrcad silk hose wit jf lis £ garter t in * black We're told that shoes of the better grades are the So many new ideas have been developed in cot- in black and white SI.OO and $1.50 ail( j w hite hardest things in the world to procure at this time, so ton blouses this season that it would be difficult to ade- Thread silk liose with high spliced heels; jn Thread silk boot hose; in black, white and col- we are probably very fortunate in being able to an quately describe all of the pretty little touches that black, white and colors $1.50 ors 500 nounce so comprehensive a showing in time for Easter have been employed to effect a pleasing design. Dlvaß, Pomer °y & ■tewart, stre et Floor. buying activities. Scores of new arrivals, among them charming ~~~ ~~ ~ Women's shoes and pumps were never prettier adaptations of garments that have recently come to Ampriffi'c lVfo0 Persian lawn, voile and organdie waists, trimmed with capo collar unapproachable brand of shoes, so we will take the men in our own community—men who are active , . Ha . va »T h b w!£.h seamlcss Bpat pump * made on narro^ 4 t so or frill; some of them are in tailored style with organdie panels and } n a ]J that goes toward making for the big tilings in life. ,last ana nign '""voi'il'iinon-embroideredbatiste 'waists; Vrimmed'wi'th deep Harrisburg's men of affairs will usually be found during the day time in company with Banister lth ß h 7JlVrLnc P h U: tongUe: made °. n TmSm collar $1.95 and 52.50 shoes. ' g or .!!?.. it'm ßanister shoes cost just a little bit more than ordinary shoes at the outset, but in the long run they ««• 'V!"'. k '. a *" d .'I"*.?!!?.. r »"« . , . represent a very moderate cost. This is partly due to the fact that they hold their shapeliness until thev , . ..... Silk Underwear; Gowns, Chemise are read y for the discard; and besides they give a luxurious feeling of comfort. narr^Pialn' vampYw?and^high he™™ . B .T.™ .f. .f S7.M W~q Crepe de Chine camisoles, with . th . e . ?. a . rU .°. n tW .° J l ™*™!'*" .*?. whlte high cut ,ace b °° U ' wUh WhUe S ° leS Wg ss.oo«d SI.OO * ribbon or lace shoulder Strap, in Dives ' Pom «oy & Stewart-street Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart-Street Floor, Rear. f" (\ white or pink 50k CWt SJ'A Ii) ' r ■' jy j finished with hemstitching or lace 'Tm wWxL fG sft Ife#"' i'lll r ' I I vnk-p «1 0.-i It —~-i 'Organdie, net, chiffon and Georgette— IfcJ f r & VI each vies with the other in loveliness of style "t*. i■'■ ■■ r. *'| Crepe de Chine gowns, trimmed and variety of colors. There are combi- a r I -1 I -1 j. <•-« +t-» A rvi / Wgeric With hemstitching or ribbon, gctii°er b^maste? 1 ! a J i e d ° harmingly put to " A C .OfpS OI I >0 to $7..)5 biaek°and"colora' maline and in The confections of chocolate and cream that are to be found in this wonderfully complete Easter InfflnK' pnrl J ' Georgette 0 crepe' coiiarsi' in' flat" 'shapes' ' i " > ° display will set your mouth to watering the instant you approach the candy section in the basement. 6 i iaio auu wato m-, , soc to $1.50 Decorators of eggs will have a busy day of it to-morrow, so if you are interested in distribution ~,, Georgette crepe collar and cuff sets, 50c to $2.50 c t c, j c i , , i infants carriage hats a nd ooats _ \\ L Georgette crepe vestees SI.OO to $3.50 of eggs for Sunday Schools, please come early. C.ips of lawn organdie or dotted Swiss .............. 2*>c to 53.05 \\l A Oriental lace vestees .. • 50c to S' 1 50 Carriage hats of lawn, organdie, dotted Swiss or allover embroidery ]' A I Organdie vestees 25c to $•" 50 Eggs lc Cocoanut cream eggs 10c dozen to 75c each T , „ , SI.OO to $2.05 » Organdie collars and collar and cuff sets ' Jelly eggs, lb 10c One pound box 50c San Mano chocolates 33c infants dresses in Bishop, Empire or Gretchen styles, with lace or 25c to $1.50 Marshmellow eggs, dozen 10c One pound box 600 Hershey kisses 3»o embroidery insertion 50c to $7.95 New Windsor ties, in plain colors~and striped Assorted chocolate covered animals lc to 50c Ona pound box 60c Jordon almonds 330 ■■ effects 25c and 50c Whipped cream bitter sweet chocolat« coated eggs One pound box Martinique assorted chocolates... 330 3 for 5c and 6c One pound box assorted chocolate nut candies.... 330 TA •1 I f . 1 f— > • , Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Dive* Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. Kibbons or the rinost # ; Qualities For Hair Bows, Special Values in Coats For Girls Shoes For Misses Children SI 1 *1 1 Cirls coats in shepherd checks with patch pockets and black velvet collar, finished with green Including Educator and ashes and Olrdles broadcloth. S. Z es 6to 14 years $ 4.05 & T ,-i , , , , t? . (tills coats in shepherd checks, with collar and cuffs of green silk poplin and wide belt with set-in .t!/« Kibbons play as important a factor in the taster ward- pockets 7^ robe of the little girl as a new suit or a charming frock plays to . " * Patent colt, tan calf, gun metal calf and white Nu-buck; the grown-up feminine world. Girls' coats made of silk poplin trimmed with fancy buttons and having wide flaring skirts; colors oa k leather welted soles — Printed warp ribbons in light and dark grounds in floral arc nav - v ' Copenhagen a olive • * $7.75 Sizes sto 8 are $1.75 and $2.00 design; 5 inches to 12 inches wide. Yard, * r.vio' c r 1 i .• •„ ~ , , Sizes 9> l /t to 11 are $53.00 and $2.50 25«% 35?, 500 to $2.50 Copenhagen bengahne silk with box plaited skirts and large cape collar .. $15.00 Sizes \\ l / 2 to 2 are $2.50 and $3.00 Moire taffeta ribbons, 5 inches wide. Yard, 19 "Within the past week an instance I came to the notice of the Department 1 where a Pennsylvania man had re ceived a thousand eggs for hatching |of a certain variety from Michigan, \ paying $4.86 express charges, when ! this man could have bought the same CRRS, at a less price within twenty miles and from very much better s*ock. If ho gets a Rood hatch from tl.ese eggs he will be more than lucky for on account of the long haul the air cells of the eggs all showed i "creepy" under the tester. At twenty ; miles distant it would have been pos -1 siblo to keep these eggs out of the j hands of the express people and best 1 of all the man could have seen exactly i what he was buying and the slock 5 from which It came, j ! From reports received by the Penn sylvania Department of Agriculture ! there were, up to the middle of April i an unusually small number of young chicks hatched and living. It would seem that the' eggs laid during the extremely mild weather of January, that were set, hatched well and gave good strong chicks. Quite a number were hatched, but unfortunately most of these chickens have since died, mostly of leg weakness. One woman poultry raiser reports having three hundred that had reached tho weight of nearly one-half pound each, and losing all but two with what she terms as "rheumatism," but which Is. nothing but leg weakness. The Department poultry adviser, W. Theo. Wittman advises that it is a disease for which there is practically no cure, but that, on the other hand it is a disease that can very easily be prevented. This preventive is merely letting the chicks have the run of out-doors not later than four weeks old. The cause is dry board or cement floors. 1 Pretty Teeth Add to the Natural 1 Beauty of All Faces .. " T« r aaabl v . which It la »«aalble ta *lva my patleata. fc Ft ' »g fi 5 aatlafaetary work. I do my work abaolntely palnlraa. My IP rJns\ wPMLw aaalataata are deatlata, who kave had a vaat amount of eiiari* jre -j ffm_' ■fijfe:therefore are able ta reader the very beat of aervlcea. Ep ' dentl* try *" "" aaodrrn appllaacee la erder to It t* iji «V JiAW'wk Heara, SiSMI A. M. te Br. K. Cloaed aa Baadaya & t • V k> Opca Moa., Wed, aad Bat. Bveaiaga Uatll BP. M. te DR. Dentist | OTER HUB. Bell Pheaa. Braaeh Offlceai Philadelphia aad Reallas. Beraaa Spoken je< LADY ASSISTANT. . THE TUXTO BAND I On the range beyond the river, On a green and sunny slope, There's a band of pinto ponies That have never felt the rope. We have run them, we have trapped them, We have made them stand at bay, We have worked our very hardest. But they always got away. Now I'm glad those pinto ponies Still are out there on the hills: And I hope they'll ne'er be corralled And made to feel the ills That fall to other horses When man's greedy ruthless hand Steals the free steeds from their ranges. And their comrade's happy band. In the cool sweet nights of autumn I can seem to hear them scream; I can hear them splash and clatter | t As they ford the rocky stream. Once again I grip the saddle, And the boys are at my side. And I'm back In old Montana On the range I used to ride. —Walter S. Weeks, In National Maga zine for April. I For Chronic Constipation You Should Take tascaßAyalPilli vmhhhhmEZEI3k!Q33BMHHMHMI I and Purify the Blood. I Stimulate the .Liver K