Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 21, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    I Chocolate Eggs] H^^Mt WonderfulEasterCandySpedals!
Decorated Free qn J T lt {; n . I ' -•'■■§ ■. A *.
UCVUIdICU rice an d I Blips Av / ! I 11S hf i'laWliV II 1 fk\ Chocolate Rabbits and Egg, I P , :l f ,'.V S a.v-
Prirp Sr Iflr tn 7Sr **!'.* I Pure Jell - V Eess - pound . .....
riICC DC* llfC 10 Lv C I9c .J I.'A f«.cJ fjill|jfflm|§ dU Ijr i. Easter Baskets, fine assortment ."»<•, lOc and I ."»<•
y o H nmlMrr .MifiHiH B .»««.«*
v ' ' - -J ililiiLliiillii■i.ili!...... ,ii ■■•!! l..iii<[ j.it ;i,.tiiiillliii.iiiiil!iu
Saturday Is Children's Day w w »» ~ "
h^shoe store |tiundreds of New Easter Hats For Last Minute Shoppers! LjlJj °[ es
I : 'W'l i Fresh New Creations From the Talented Designing of Our Own Workrooms Go on Sale Tomorrow at | n
J ifipps2.9o, $3.90, $4.90, SS.QO to NwC§ \TS
The last day before Easter find the Kaufman Millinery Department splendidly ready to take care of the "Put- j | |
Just n few of the extraordinary offered to-morrow at the low prices quoted above. No need for you to do without your Easter Hat when such a \ \ ]\\ «
UniiersoiViVi's 'siloo 'store*pro- T 4\. j\ vast variety of lovely new models awaits you here. Every one different—making it easy for you to select a becom- j \ j® | \ J I| ) 0 • t"£ S
sides the day before Kaster. 1 moc * d ' anc * ever y hat at a lower price than similar qualities can be bought for elsewhere. \ V /' J> ) assort-
Children's White i v ~\\ _ UNTRIMMED HATS—in all of 1 lis season's newest I CHILDREN'S HATS APLENTY and at Kaufman's \J.. j I smartest style*,* J
Linen Duck Shoes j ° \ B ' ,a P es an< l colors—.Milan, Hemps and Novelty Straws Underselling prices the most marvelous bargains—hun- J i [I / ' l< u < Ti I \:u'oi!m" < *'
Ti w 79c ,0 51.49 ,$1.95 ,0 55.95 —™ f U %SP
' |>arctilK imii<ilii- I
1 y -T- '■/ -T- ▼-r-y -r ■»' ?T f y V V V' VV* *V y 1-v-yyvT>' T▼ ■f T'T T TVVTV V"V T *?" V ▼ "v" V' "T" W 'f V V. ' nV«l''ii Sv'llii'i" '
Genuine White Pro-Buck „ 0 , \\n • l wr *r« _ } riin.imi:\s coats, qe i
; Tomorrow Is the Turn, Kaufman s the Store 2mS Easier Suit, Coat, j
and remain soft— ► '
: Dress or Skirt and Be Sure of Getting It In Time For Easter \
i*f„ „«. . ( i ~ I lllliK »II r*l IS, ill l 111CKS anil lIIIX- |
pp'ces!" 1 .'J' ' " s"ii - [ SPECIAL NOTICE—We Will Alter and Deliver in Time For Easter Any Suit or Coat Bought Here Tomorrow ' at I "^ , . R !*. s f. . c .'... 53.95 I
FIRS I]• LOOR Rear v 111 ' - 1...... 1. . •• .. 1 . ' Are exceptionally hand some moil- |
1 * >»!?&> t els, in all sizes and scores of new- |
f \ L J t v We've made ample preparations to accommodate all last-minute shoppers. Hundreds of New t. l 1, '^s'• -'i!
1,000 More Guaranteed „ /\ !, Coats, hundreds of New Suits and Dresses have just arrived for to-morrow's selling. All are de- 1 SB -'" >M^ «'ik' |
New Rings in a Special > /v. - J handsome, new and attractively smart. You'll make no mistake by selecting your Suit to ~ £v' s \ »''!•■ i'l i.u I .'"'' 1
Saturday Sale and y J * , morrow. Variety of new models were never larger or prices so moderate. L ' -——— —s
Demonstration, , L- S w I E4STER JEWELRY' §
I \lk °L lF¥ M. r A CXI? D 1 here never was such a fas- TT A CTTTT? I lie smartest stvles for / , \ _ V ' * 5
# ' > Li, U#AoIJI#XL cinating lot. You look at J!»AbIILK street or dress wear. Ilun- f| 0 ' \ EXTRA SPECIAL
OQ_ I&T&W CITITC«» e a "d tl.ink n.eyVe pA *TP clr«ls of new models j«»t atj (' \ !V \ f „SS?£\S3:S:S!
6" C . un/ l\3fe OUI 1 Oj'O most altract.ve ever. 8,,t f
r ■■■ —'{ t the next is even more so. half belted effects. 1 rue to • . • / ? aii special to-morrow, 1 a'\
sterling siver and gold Ailed; all V l. All the Newest Materials—Shepherd Checks the latest dictates of Fashion. See them! U ; >? fl h i ;VA < at •";•••••; ; l^c \
fu,t« an^v P U rv dr t"i ds of ,iiffor f llt set- ► (/ !1 \ and Mixtures, Serges, Poplins, Gabardines and All the most wanted fabrics—Yelour Checks, ?//>'/ i o^ 1 ' 'au.i Ja'o rl, l
utmost service rinK ►'/' ; ji \ Silk, blacks, blues, green s, tans, Copenhagen, Shepherd Checks, Serges, Poplins, Gabardines, ij I , 4 Bohemian styles. c C l
Ir nRST FLOOR— jeweirj- store ►/P * I \\ v etc -! regular and extra large sizes. Mixtures and Silk Colored Checks, black and j[ '■, | 4 wifh Koi!i e catch^ e . <k . la^ eß ' $1.95 ■
' j \\ \ \ \ 17VERY new fashion idea is worked into hit e, n<i\\, tan and ( openhngen; also a splen- j ; stern,n«r. silver an.i itoiied Gold j
Give Her a Mercerized I' \ j \ \ them with a deftness that makes them dif- sl . <K x . I,U o,lts - . 1 < Bracelets, complete' nk 49c i
Silk Sweater For Easter » \ ( I—- ferent.'Dressy or plain tailored models. Regit- 1( ' '[; la 11 °. K " f Easte r ( oats that will / , /l m d i
Handsome new .tyies in the I J- |l J ' lar and extra sizes for women and misses. meet the popular demand for a Jaslnonable ffMk &Rfa |{ | ferent styles i<3C Joe f
most popular new colors and color t >v.\ tf»|Oi-yr iC o*4o A 4 (t O A "7C wrap for Spring and Suiumer wear. Women's . Easter Perfumes and
► r For $i6.50, $22.50, $25.00 to $35.00 values $5, ?>5.95,17.95,510,115 t0524.75 . 1 S
evenings; aii sizes ► J All alterations made and delivered in ample For Coats, values from $7.50 to $35.00 , miT Uk "
54.95, $5.95 to $,.60 f t ime for Easter. , SECOND LOR ] etc Z at V.-y
IHCHST PLiOOR « in«*4ud a I dins \e£etal CI ,
* : ».
iYour Easter Gloves MadameSJ S to-morrow aATURDAv ; tStnnniiiir Easter Drewsl
| Are Here in Great Varieties of New Effects at Prices | j |l|'Y i llOllSailds of BeaUtlflll NfiW j | 1)1 JBalU |o L? 3 |
| •». pnlw «. JW. m*M-M manj aMI man Mm*| •p. EASXER % ES ° | Fof UfflS 610 I*4 I SdiTS f
l Ladies' KID GLOVES Thousands of Pairs of i; ' ? V„i vn : I No Matter How Mu ch or How Little jglk |
? For Easter Kayser SILK GLOVES f J '/1 j I ' D a tXtraOrdinary'taster bale : A You Pay—At Each Price You fPli f
I Black, white and gray, in various I I Y Uy A special purchase involving the :hoicest new styles in Georgette t f . NTr , 0 VVff
I A " the ,atest b,nck ' whlte popula o r m thanLirk- I ♦ KtlWCj} Cre P e de Chines and Striped Tub Silks. if GCt ValUe Su P reme X
A colors and color combinations. son and no better assortment of? t g""l \T 1! . (ft* A A /!> r% AP* !JL l.ovely New Wi.itc K.VSTKIt DRKSSKS <M QC £■
|.yi.«K»..i;i.s«>andsi P r. 1 | Values up to $5.00 53.95 :f f
I Beautiful New f: f Values UD to $3.00 SI 95 "^WWi
I Easter Neckwear ..F° r s .r°S„ 98c ] : 1 * 1 ; $2.35 |
A 1 °HHVk ,, wVrit» < nn/i'mnAv'«Aw ~r.- ♦ Women's and Misses' Crepe de Chine Tub Women's and Misses' Georgette Crepe and J I A,so a 'pt of other styles of tine Marquisettes / : 1 iT il 1
< Attractive Embroidered Vestees, OlTe ' ( ., s . t , v „ ,„ior . i.inl,(nation T J Silk BLOUSES; $3.00 to $4.00 £jh > H *** Crepe de Chine BLOUSES • d» O ' AP" ♦ i » nd v "» e s, in scores of new daintily trimmed Lu> \\ f
I (.heniisettes of fine sheer lawns an<l and stripes, reinforced heels and J « Hft. 1 tj) J \ ' ace or embroidery effects; prices ran go from fya vi A 1
f Swiss, lovely new Georgette Crepe l«>cs: all sizes. 1 « values '** $5.00 to $6.00 values V »t/ J 1 $2.»3 to $7.»0. fry J! (
1 Collars anrl nf naw wi J lire Hosiery .'!/ 1 OO , ... . ... , , , . i I " r H 1 jrw' &
3 ,„„ c. , , ''or Women, at w1,40 » Leaiitilul stripes and plain colors, in a lie- Every new color, eve'rv new style, every I La Aast Variety of \cw SII,K and fl»/l op s»
« and Cuff Sets, made of fine white ro v «i„» * , • , . . , . . ' . . * « NET DIII'SSKS I'oe <;irl* «t «p4,!?3 \ I /
| lawns and daintily embroidered; all Tn black iin'd white with an un- J < wintering array of tins seasons newest mod- blouse entirely new, fresh, beautiful and un- f ' 1 W
( Pleated C aa* hcc ' and toc; i I els ' Allsizes - You'll want one for Easter, usually attractive. Simply too exquisite for j J efrcJu'ln U 'VoHw' B ami°tLrX!uL S, 'Tawnl" n Mar- M j
k yard . . 48c :m '" K; ' v ser silk ji en<? j Here's you chance to receive a wonderful description. All sizes and truly wonderful ♦ K quisettes and Nainsooks; smart new models; every §4 St
FIRST FLOOR ,I< SII ''^FmST - FLOOR * | J Value. values. t ll,^ss a beauty. Can't help but find the styles you V\r^
- * ~ t 01" I I Villi s|.;ro\|) m i( hiiiM|Wm«WH^
High School Classes Will
Visit Washington, D. C.
New Cumberland, Pa., April 20.
Die Senior class of the Now Cumber
swl High School, accompanied by L..
rvou i III) • I
Have v, ?
Trouble SC^C|S
mt & , |t| to I' -y ti' W!N
JBL ■ ■■.,*& I
correct all tendency to liver trouble, I
relieve the most advanced cases, and restore the tone ?
of the whole system —more than 79 years the specific ?
for liver and stomach disorders—wholly vegetable, j
they are mild and gentle in action—and because
they follow nature's methods, they are agreeable to fl
the most delicate. E
DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, Philadelphia
D. Crnnkleton, principal, will leave i
next Thursday for a three days' trip
!to Washington, D. C. Tlie Senior
! class of the West Fairview High
school and the Senior class of the
; 1 Ugh school of Littlestown, will join
j the party which will consist of about
fifty persons.
Marysvllle, I'a., April 21. .Mr. and
Mrs. Meivin Wolf, of South Main
; street, announce the birth of a daugh-
ter on Tuesday, April IS, 191 G. Mrs. I
Wolf was Miss Sarah Sliue, of Rye
township before her marriage.
Social and Personal News
of Towns Along West Shore
Miss Ruth Bong of New Cumberland
went to Washington, D. C., to visit
Jliss Elizabeth Books, of Steelton. j
spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. |
Ross Sweeney, at New Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Boose, of'
• Wormleysburg, have gone to West- |
minster, Mil., to attend the funeral of |
| a sister of Mr. Boose.
Special Easter Services at
New Cumberland Churches
New Cumberland, Pa., April 21. —
j Special services will be held in Trinity
| 1 'lilted Brethren Church on Sunday.
I Sunday school, 9 a. m.; preaching by
j the pastor, the Rev. A. It. Ayres, at
I 1.030 a. in.; senior Endeavor, fi p. in.
I At 7 o'clock in the evening an Easier
cantata will be given bv the church
dhoir, composed of thirty-five voices,
entitled "From Cross to Crown," under
the leadership of Professor Charles
At Baughman Memorial Methodist
Church the services for Sunday will be
a:: follows: At 9.30 a. in., short scs
i sion of Sunday school; at 10.30, the
enlire Sunday school will go into the
auditorium, where a special program
will lie rendered, in which the Sunday
school will take part. At 7.30 p. ni. a
cantata, entitled "Easter Angels," un
der the leadership of H. W. iiuttorff,
will be given.
Wllilj ASK S 10.000 I.OAX
Enola, Pa.. April 21. At a meet
ing of the school directors of Easi
Pc.nnsboro township last evening it
was decided to submit the question of
n. loan of $40,000 to the voters of tliej
1 township. An effort will bo made
to centralize the High School and
erect a now buildinging near Manns'
Woods, and also a school building at
lOnola to take the place ol' the one
burned on Tuesday. The election will
probably be held tho latter part ol"!
next month.
Depositors Were His
Friends, Lonnier Says
Special to the Telegraph
i Chicago, 111., April 21. Ninety-five
l>er cem. of tlie depositors of the l.a.Salle
; .street Trust anu savings t>ank were
political supporters and personal
irienUs of VViulam Horinter, according
' to testimony lie gave at ins trial yes
terday on cnargos of conspiracy in con
neetion with the bank's failure.
"My friends were tlie ones who were
j hurt, ' lie testified, '"f'aey stood behind
iae and kept tile nank going."
Mr. l.oiirnur said ne spent every cent
Ihe could get in Ins ngnt to retain his:
I seat in tne United hiates Senate anu I
as a result l'oiinu himself deeply in
debt, even as to minor household ex-
S penses.
■ The former Senator said lie paid a j
milk bill 01 sso2.t>S niily alter bank-I
I ruptcy proceedings bad been threatened
against him. He asserted he still owed
Household accounts of live } ears' stanu
| ing.
I At the anual in. eiing of the Olivet
| Presbyterian Chyrch reports of woriti
| during the last year were given. The'
itev. William B. Cooke, minister in
i barge, presided, and reports were
; made by ibe following: George Glelm,
secretary of the board of trustees; A.
|B. Shartzcr. Russell Gleim, secretary
of the Sunday school; Miss VVooley and
| Miss Uuth Braaselman, of the Indies'
Aid and Woman's Missionary societies;
1 Miss Miriam Ilijnes, of the Christian
| Kudeavor, Four new trustees were
elected, the board Including the foliow
-1 ing: President, J. C. Gates; secretary,
I George Glelm; treasurer. J. Harry
■Ueele; A. B. Shartzer, Charles F. Glass,
Harry W. Shoemaker, H. G. Kendall.;
The present deacons are; A. B. Shartz
er, William Palmer, Charles H. Cox. J. j
| 1-1. McAllister, Kd ward Askins, John/ 1
Harlackei and A. 11. Blough. jl
House Hill Provides 17,000 In
crease, Munition Plant and
New Officers' Grade
Special to the Telegraph
Washington, April 21. Substantial
i increases in the fighting personnel of
the navy are made in the naval appro
priation bill as determined upon by the
naval House subcommittee. The full
committee will meet next Thursday to
take up the 1)111 as now drafted anrl to
| pass on the building program. The
i bill Increases tho enlisted force by be
tween 13,000 and 14,000 and the marines
by 3,000.
A new provision is Incorporated for
i a medical corps of 2,500 to 3,000 men
and for n general reorganization of the
marine corps, with one major-general
commanding and three brigade-gen
erals anil for a marine reserve. There
is a considerable Increase in the num
ber of generals, with thirty-five or forty
gunnery sergeants! 1 Civilians are au
thorized to be appointed from technical
schools for service as engineers, as
recommended by the Secretary of the
An appropriation of $1,500,000 is made
for erection of a naval munitions plant,
i expected by the committee to cost ul
timately between $3,000,000 and $4,000,-
000. This is distinct from the general
army factory project. Some commit
tee members declare they will support
all provisions that will help put the
United States navy In the world's sec
ond rank. Advocates of such a navy
hold Congress should act Immediately,J
as naval experts say that under the |
I present circumstances the navy is like-i
Ily to drop Into fourth place hy 19L'o. ;
Special to the Telegraph
i Lancaster, Pa., April 21. The New j
I Process Steel Company, employing sev- |
oral hundred men, yesterday announced
an increase of 10 per cent. In wages to
I all its employes, to be effective May l.pi
Against Substitutes
MffeHHl ll^lf'C
<5" CA UTIO LI M\C A ;.•' .IT "ABE LIL A*K *•#*
IflXs¥ W&ade in the largest, best equipped and
|jr' /'.' fianitary Waited 1V915K p!c*:nt in the world
| . 0 do not make "av. Ik products"—
Skim Milk » Condci icd Milk, etc.
| I \g^-'n/iNPIf?AV£LZRS y y Mad© from clean, full-cream milk
and the extract of select malted drain,
reJucc t to powder form, soluble in
<o® water. Best Food-Drink for All A£cu
P'o(frviALTEOMlL*to. uaed Cor over a Quarter Century
V; . lW ciNr:,w,s.,u.3.A. . Unless you say "NORISGICS' O
>• —yau may got a Substitute*
JW 2"s&e a Package Homo
Dr. Webster IJ. POX, a noted surgeon
| of Philadelphia, who was to speak hers
before the Harrisburj? Academy or
Medicine next Friday night, announced
last night that he will be unable to
make an address before Friday even
in" May S. The regular meeting ot
the Academy of Medicine haja been
>ostponed until that date.