4 Tomorrow's the Big Day For Men and Boys at Kaufman's A Free Watch or Ever-Ready Safety Razor For Men, With Every Suit BW A Free Guaranteed Watch For Ihe Boy With His Suit ~W| And you don't have to buy any particular kind of suit or pay any special price to receive one of these .% splendid and useful Easter Gifts. Neither do you pay any more for your suit. Prices are as low as al- Wftf ways, in fact lower, and that makes the offer doubly attractive. Hundreds of new arrivals on sale to morrow. All sizes for lean men, big men, little men, stout men and in-between. Cl 1 7CF° r Men ' s an( l Veung Men's* Men's and Young Men's Newsl O 7C / M * '''EASTER SUITS BELTERS, siß Values,s * '*> i jrfC ftSßss£*' fj v Values to SIB.OO This season's most popular model. A new line just arrived, JffSa,; V ■aMJ'i' £4 These Suits come in Rood variety of those popular new Eng- goes on snle to-morrow at $12.75; made of the latest English I ; | 1 lish Mixtures, Blue Serges, Worsteds and Casslmeres. All the Mixtures, Blue Serges and Flannels, Homespuns, Worsteds and E VtV' c ?JKii Trl season's newest models, colors and all sizes and a watch or Cassimere; all sizes. An Ever-Ready Safety Razor or Watch AJ Ever-Ready Safety Razor FREE. Y*L. MM-? it'l \ [Popular Dressy Blue Serge tfn 7C| [Men's and Young Men's (tjlyfl 7c \ SUITS For Men ..... New Easter Suits $ 11 /<';! 515.00 Values These are all high grade, handsomely tailored, distinctive < ■'i' 3f\'"iin '* n ' rre P roac hahle offer. These Suits can not he duplicated models which the most particular dresser would he glad to have Ester , 35 'I W,4 J1 f° r less than $15.00 anywhere e ' s c. Made of a Sun-Proof, fcade- j n wardrobe. All the latest all wool materials, colors and kJ: '■ ©■} i'.'iJ Proof Blue Serge and All Wool Worsteds and Casslmeres, in a _ „ " u Sg b host of very handsome patterns; all sizes; choice of a watch or styles. Choice of a Watch or Ever-Ready Safety Razor FREE I'' Ever-Ready Safety Razor FREE with each Suit. j MEN 'S sl-50 PANTS, 90c MEN S s2 ' so PANTS ' 49 MEN'S $3.00 PANTS, <|» jgg 1 JbsV Good, strong worsteds and casslmeres, fin- _ .. , ~. _ . Wiv' tl if Good, strong Cassimere Pants, made with | S hed with belt loops and side buckles; 30 Just 50 P» lr s of these fine worsted Pants Hsu! M JPMBfi, V?' belt loops and side buckles; sizes 32 to 42. to 44. ' n sizes 32 to 46. ®te l Kl?S® : 1% "D A "DT7TVTTC I You'll Save Money if Your BOY'S EASTER SUIT W* WiMmk ' AIVJLIN XOl IS BOUGHT AT KAUFMAN'S ■ftl 11 fy Maw V Not only that, but you'll secure a much better garment than the price you expect to /■ IflKv' pay will buy you anywhere else. Kaufman's Boys' Suits are the best in the world and M • All ' Kaufman's Underselling Prices are always lower than quoted anywhere else. I Alterations Guaranteed Watch With Every Boy's $2.95 Suit or Better I Required Handsome Norfolk Suits dJO QC Kovs' Newest tfO QQ Boys' Smart