STEELTON AND NEARBY TOWNS MEMBERS OF CUSS WILL JOIN TRINITY LUTHERAN - . V, - £::=>- " ' - ... --.l- §jf MBBI Igjr *JK *HHH lEj&dsk-'JWB mJ ''~wr W |K -«, Reading from left to right, in the above photograph, are: Standing, Fr ed Tessemer, Anna Schmick, Schoene "Wulf, Fred Sohukfokt, Minnie Baker, Rose Wargo and Otto Miller; sttt lng, Marie Baughman, the Rev. C. F. Tiemann and Susan Fisher. CLASS TO JOIN [ TRINITY CHURCH The Rev. C. F. Ticmann Will Administer First Cominun- i ion Easter Morning i With elaborate exercises Sunday, a class of nine catechumens will be ad mitted into membership in Trinity German Lutheran Church, South Sec ond street. I Preparatory services were hold !n ] the church this morning: and the .first communion will be administered to members of the class Easter morning:, by the Rev. c. F. Tiemann, the pas tor. Special musical programs have been arranged fur all the Easter services , and the church will be decorated with ' plants and flowers appropriate to the season. OBSERVE GOOD FRIDAY Good Friday was generally observed as a holiday in the borough to-day. Special services will be held this even ing: in many of the churches and the post office and banks all observed holi day hours. Services were held this afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock in St. John's Lutheran Church and serv ices are in progress in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Front and Franklin ! streets. AT MAIN STREET CIII'KCII Under the direction of a committee i composed of Mrs. Thomas Donely, Miss Bessie Fowler and Mrs. Fred Tupta noski, a special Easter program will be presented at the Main Street Church ; of God Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. The choir will be under the direction o'" B. F. McXear. Jr. RAISE MONEY FOR CHARITIES A plan to raise money for carrying on the work of the Steelton Associated Charities will be formulated at a meeting of a committee from the as sociation at McCurdy's drugstore this evening. The meeting is called for 8 o'clock and all the men in the association are members of the committee. The As sociated Charities has almost ex hausted its funds during the past win ter and it is the plan to renew the fund during the present summer when demands upon the treasury are com paratively light. 51RS. WALTER EBY Mrs. Nellie Eby, wife of Walter Eby, died at her home in Lemoyne. She was aged 24. Funeral arrange ments are not completed. GEORGE IGNTA DIES George Ignia, 307 Franklin street, | died from pneumonia yesterday. Fu neral services were held at 10 o'clock this morning in the Bulgarian-Ortho dox Church, with the Rev. Father David Nakoff officiating. Burial was made in Baldwin Cemetery. MEASLES CAUSE DEATH Pneumonia, contracted during a case of measles, was fatal to John, the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. 107 Christian street, last even ing. Funeral services were held this afternoon with the Rev. Father Gladek officiating. Burial was made in Mt. j Calvary Cemetery. DIES AT HIGHSPIRE Roy J. Eckenrode, aged 24, died at his home in llighspire yesterday after noon. Funeral services will be held in St. Mary's Catholic Church. Middle- j town. Monday morning at 1Q o'clock, j The Rev. Father Harris will officiate. ST EE I.TON PERSONALS James Smith, of Lehigh University, I is the guest of his parents here during thp Easter vacation. Pat Regan, of Villa Nova, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius! Regan. North Third street. John E. Paxton, of Eastman Busi i "ss College, is spending the Easter' vacation at his home here. Miss Sarah Cohen, Baltimore, is. the guest of Mrs. Theodore Yoselowitz, South Second street. Clarence Shutter and Arthur Clem ens, of Gettysburg College, are home for the Eajter vacation. Woods Receives a High Academic Honor Secretary of the Commonwealth Cy rus E. Woods was to-day invited to de liver the address at the April meeting of the American Academy of Social and Political Science at Philadelphia on the 29th of this month. This acad emy Is composed of some of the fore most men in the country, its speakers being the prominent officials, pro lessors and economists. President Wil son has been among the speakers in recent years. Secretary Woods was the Phi Beta Kappa orator at Lafayettte College hist summer. VISITS PARENTS Harold R.-Robisorf, of Philadelphia, is spending the Easter vacation with Ittrs parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Robl toii, Commercial Apartments. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 21, Steelton Snapshots j Cleaning Lights.—The Harrisburg j Light and Power Company has a force j of men at work cleaning and polishing [ the street lighting electric globes in j Steelton. The Front street section was gone over to-day. To Initiate Class.—Steelton Camp. r 5659, Modern Woodmen of America, ■ will initiative a class of candidatesj this evening. At First Reformed.—Preparatory j services will be held in the First Re formed Church this evening. The choir will rehearse following the service. -MIDDLETOWiN- \ Middletown Firemen Make Plans For Big Convention i At a meeti.ig of the firemen's con- 1 vention committee last evening the ' badge committee submitted samples s and the executive board authorized the ( purchase of 250 delegate badges, 1 ' president's badge and 12 executive 1 niittee badges. The lights and privileges on the j j streets and elsewhere during the con- ' vention, July 3, 4 aftd 5, will be sold 1 to the highest bidder. A special meet- ' inp of the committee will be held this ' evening in the Rambler building at 8 o'clock. » EASTER AT CHURCHES Special musical programs in the morning and elaborate exercises in the , . evening wil mark the celebration of Easter Sunday by the churches of the borough. All of the various edifices will be appropriately decorated with potted plants and flowers. QUICK FIRE DRILL A fire drill was held yesterday at the high school building, in Water street. In one minute and a half after the signal was given the entire build ing was emptied of teachers and scholars. WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS The Woman's Club met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fuller Cergstresser. An interesting program, i I consisting of selections from the works Of William Shakespeare, was pre- 1 sented. MIDDLETOWN NOTES Edward Hershey. nephew of Chris tian Hershey, of Water street, died Tuesday at his home in Windber, Pa. The choir of the Ann Street Meth- j odist Church will sing an Easter can- ! tata entitled "Cross and Crown" Tues- j day, April 25, in the church. The fifth annual concert of the Mid dletown Choral Society will be given in the Realty Theater Thursday even ' ing. May 25. The Riverside Drum Corps will hold a social In the Central Market House i to-morrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleland enter- j talned in honor of the latter's brother, | Charles Eichelberger. of Vicksburg, Ariz. A musical program was given ; and was followed by light refresh- | ments. Oberlin Salem Sunday School Will Present Easter Program The Sunday school of Salem Luth- j eran church, Oberlin, will present an! Easter entertainment entitled "Jubi-j late" Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, j Tiie program: Processional, "Hail the Risen King," school; invocation. Scripture lesson;! Gloria Patri, Easter greeting, Walter Swartz; carol, "Bring the Easter j ! Flowers." primary department; Lily! Greeting, six girls; motion song, "Lily: Belis," six tiny girls; recitation, "The! Easter Story," Hebert Reigle; chorus, ! "Glad Easter Day," school; recitation, Edward Kelly; exercise, "Easter; : Flowers," four girls; carol, "Merry; Easter Church Bells," primary depart ment; recitation, Mark Brehm; duet, "All Hail to Thee," Mary Alice Cham- j bers and Luther Brehm; exercise, • "Planting the Seeds," seven small I girls; carol, "Down From the Heavens'' j school; motion song, "Smiling and Singing," class of girls; recitation, "The Reason." Grace Rupley; duet.; "All Hail Glad Day," Violet and Evelyn Fessler; mixed quartet, "Why ; Weepest Thou." Misses Rupley and Brehm and Messrs. Jefferies and | Kohllas: carol, "Jubilate,'* school;! | benediction. MILLER FUNERAI. Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth ! Miller were held this afternoon at the Enhaut Church of God. Burial was made in the cemetery at Oberlin. Mrs. I i Miller was a daughter of Jacob K. j Kline, Enhaut. TO PLAY STATE HIGHWAY The Harrisburg Academy baseball j , team will play the State Highway nine j to-morrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock on' the Academy field. LANDIS AT CENTERVILLE i Fred Landis, well konwn here as a! i magician, gave, a return entertain menl at CentervUle, lust night. ' STREET LIGHTS FOR HIGHSPIRE Ten Years of Agitation Will Come to Head Tuesday; Plan Is Favored After ten years of agitation and ef fort oil the part of leading citizens, the borough of Highspire will obtain lighted streets within the next few months. This, at least. Is the predic tion of a prominent councilman. A call has been issued for a special meeting of the "borough fathers" next Tuesday evening when the plans for lighting the borough streets with elec tricity will be considered. It is likely that about forty lamps will be in stalled at the various street intersec tions, if the plans are adopted, and that the lamps will be of the same type now used In Steelton. During the past ten years increas ing sentiment favoring lighted streets has caused the borough council to' make several attempts to solve the question. A municipally-owned plant was considered and turned down. Later a plan similar to the one in operation at Royalton, where a dis tributing station is owned by the i borough and current is supplied by j the York Haven Power Co., was dis : cussed and finally an offer was made I by the Harrisburg Light and Power Company and it is likely that this company, w'hicli lights the streets of Steelton, will be given the contract to light Highspire's streets. William Ralph, Widely Known Resident, Dies William Ralph, aged (17, widely known resident of Steelton and em i ployed for many years as a machinist at the Pennsylvania Steel Company, died suddenly early this morning at his home, from heart failure. Mr. Ralph was born In England, coming ; to this country when quite young. He settled in Steelton. entering the em ploy of the Steel Company, and was ! advanced until he became a fore man. which position he held for a j number of years. Later he went to Roanoke, Va., where he resided a short time, returning to Oberlin where he has been living a retired life for i several years. Mr. Ralph is survived by his wife. Mrs. Amanda Ralph, two sons, Thomas Ralph of Gary. Ind., and William Kalpli, of Portsmouth. Ohio; also a brother and a sister, living in Bar row-In-Furness. England. Funeral arrangements have not been com pleted. ACCEPT RESIGNATION At a special meeting of the school ) board last evening the resignation of W. S. Bellows, engineer at the high j school building, was accepted and ap pointment of his successor placed in the hands of the building committee. Legal Notices OFFICIAL BALLOT. SHALL THE 'BOSHED IN DEBTEDNESS OF THE BOROUGH —— OF STEELTON BE ! INCREASED *25,- leS i 000.00 FOR THE i Pt'RPOSE OF PURCHASING AUTOMOBILE No FIRE APPA- " RATUS AND MO- _j TOR TRUCKS i FOR HAULING ! GARBAGE? Enacted into an ordinance this 10th i l day of April, A. D. 1916. J. V. W. REYNDERS, President of Council. I i Attest:—CHAS. P. FEIDT, Secretary. Approved this 13th day of April. A D. 1916. , FRED WIGFIELD. Burgess. ! NOTICE OF ELECTION ! The corporate authorities of The i Borough of Steelton, in the County of D_uphln and State of Pennsylvania, i having, by their ordinance duly enact ed. sienified their desire to increase the | indebtedness thereof, notice is hereby j given to the qualified electors of the ! several election precincts of the elec- i tion district comprising The Borough . of Steelton. that an election shall be j , ibeld at the plares of holding the general , public municipal election of the borough I .'officers, on the 16th day of May, A. D. 1916. between the hours of seven' ; , o'Hock A. M. and seven o'clock P. M„ at I I which the question of increasing the ! indebtedness of said borough will he. ! submitted to the electors for their as sent as provided by the ordinance printed immediately above. Th 2 following statement Is submitted as provided In the Act of Ist May, 1903, : P. L. 320: , I The last preceding assessed : valuation of taxable 1 property In said bor ough was $5,750,990.00 i The amount of the exist i ing debt of the borousrh is $276,024.75 | The amount of the propos - 11 ed increase of lndebt ! edness Is $25,000.00 11 The per ccntage of the pro posed increase of indebt edness is .00435- The purpose of said increase of in debtedness is for the purchase of auto l' mobile fire apparatus and motor trucks I for hauling garbage. " FRED WIGFIELD. burgess. | | "Only the Wicked Shall Suffer" This is the edict which Mona and Mary, two attractive young women, have set forth in their campaign against unscrupulous and unprincipled men. They have sworn to avenge the wrongs of their sex by completely turning the tables and retaliating in their own way by preying upon the human leeches and society parasites, which neither the judgment of law nor public opinion seems adequate to reach. WlUtm You may not always ap- W ht.i i mere rr tß.n prove of their methods but thinks himself SO you will certainly be fasri- satisfied with the re- I i suits in the campaign I nating that he is these two irls have absolutely iires- planned and put into .1 i i , ii. execution. sible, he had bet^ uaani-J ten as I The adventures of these two remarkable girls form the subject of a wonderful ser- I ies of stories entitled "The Social Pirates." Each week's story is separate and complete in itself. If you miss one you can start in again with the next, but after you have read the first you will not want to miss any. The plots for these stories have been conceived by that most capable of dramatists, George Bronson Howard, and the stories have been novelized by the well known novelist, Hugh C Weir. The works of the above playwright and author are known to every reader and theater-goer in the United States. ■ - I Read this remarkable series of stories, each one complete in itself, which will appear in this paper, and see the big KALEM PHOTOPLAYS of "THE SOCIAL PIRATES" at your FAVORITE MOVING PICTURE THEATER. Legal Notices '! AX ORDINANCE i SIGNIFYING THE DESIRE OF THE I , CORPORATE AUTHORITIES OF . THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON TO INCREASE THE INDEBTEDNESS OF j , i SAID BOROUGH IN THE SUM OF FIFTY THOUSAND ($50.000.00) DOL LARS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAV ING THE BOROUGH S SHARE OF THE COSTS OF PAVING STREETS j lnnER THE PROVISION OF THE! ACT OF MAY 14. 1915. P. L 312. AU THORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF THE QUESTION OF SAID INCREASE ; ! OF INDEBTEDNESS TO THE I QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH AND FIXING THE TIME 1 FOB HOLDING AN ELECTION FOlt THAT PURPOSE IN ACCOK. -NCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE COM MONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA! i COVERING THE INCREASE OF IN- I DEBTEDNESS OF MUNICIPALITIES. SECTION 1. THE BOROUGH COUN CIL OF STEELTON HEREBY SIGNI FIES THE DESIRE; of the corporate ! i authorities of snid borough to increase j the Indebtedness of The Borough of I | Steelton in the sum of $50,000.00 to pay | ; the borough's share of the costs of pav- ; ing streets tinder the provision of the i Act of May 14. 1915, P L. 312. SECTION 2. That for the purpose of : obtaining the absent of the electors of 1 The Borough of Steelton to such in crease of indebtedness, and. it appear ing that more than ninety days elapse between the date of this ordinance, or vote, desiring such increase, and the j day nf holding the municipal or general | election, an election shall be held at the , places of holding the municipal elec- I ! tions in said borough on Tuesday, May II •». 1916, between the hours of seven; o'clock in the forenoon and seven j o'clock In the afternoon; that the cor porate authorities of said borough shall give notice during at least thirty days I prior thereto, by weekly advertisements ! in the newspapers, not exceeding three t in said borough, of said election to be I held at the places of holding the mu nicipal elections In said borough on i I said date, as required by law. said no- i ! tlce shall contain a statement of the ! amoimt of the last assessed valuation 1 of taxable property In said borough, of I | the amount of the existing debt, ol the I amount and percentage of the proposed increase, and for the purpose for which the indebtedness is to be increased, and it shall be the duty of the proper au thorities having charge of the prepara tion of the necessary ballots for said election to have the ques- J tion of said increase of In debtedness printed upon said bal lots in brief form and followed by the words "yes" or "no," as provided by the Act of General Assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, approved ; the 29th day of April, A D. 1903, and ■ the amendments and supplements there- I to, in such a manner as to afford the electors an opportunity to vote for or ! against said proposed Increase of In- j debtedness of said borough, as stated in Section 1, herein, as follows, to wit: on tne outside of said ballot shall be j printed the words: INCREASE OF THE INDEBTEDNESS ! OF THE BOROUGH OF STEELTON. OFFICIAL BALLOT On the inside of said ballot shall be ! printed: OFFICIAL BALLOT. SHALL THE BONDED 1N ; DEBTEDNESSOF THE BOROUGH I O F ST EE LTON BE INCREASED $50,- ! 000.00 FOR THE Vp