Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 21, 1916, Page 14, Image 14
14 WEAR SOMETHING NEW FOR EASTER DtV6S f P OTYIQTO'Q | SEE ADDITIONAL A Great Variety of Easter Hats In the Promenade of Easter Outerapparel Ti l e Style Service of Our Millinery Be Found a Notable Gathering of These Individual Styles bection Offers an Incomparable ) Showing of Modes For This Silk Suits in New Shades of Grey $30.00 to $39.50 i 1 Important Outfitting Oc- An important group of recent suit developments in cloth and silk goes into a special sale beginning to-nior- Jgrv?r jilv . nrt row morning, at very attractive price ranges. The materials include gabardine, poplin, fine quality serge and caston lomorrow i velour checks as well as silk taffeta and silk poplin. Fresn shipment of Those Some of the styles in this new showing have been designed along youthful lines for youthful figures, while Good Looking Large Sailors at $6 50 many Others have been created with a view to pleasing the woman of quiet taste. Prices from $18.50 to $37.50 j The Saturday before Easter is always a busy day in millinery and we are aftV and Evening Frocks of Silk \ J I pleased to announce one of the best displays of trimmed hats that have been „ . , . . ... " \ £-—n.Yjfa J shown this season. Exquisite creations of soiree silk and tatteta goes to make up an attractive assemblage of evening and party / V;%* r / Our famous lines of trimmed hats at $4.95, $.">.95 and jf?G.."»O offer the frocks, now on display at low prices. The new shades include sunset, geranium, watermelon and Dresden blue. widest possible choice of correct styles in large, medium and small hats in Prices are from $32.50 to $39.50 / . all the wanted colors. { The Latest Sailor Styles at $6.50 Easter Blouses of Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe s' i 1 ' ' IC?C afC • t ' lC s . marte . s l- ta '| effects we have ever shown. The hats I Single and double frill styles in Georgette crepe and Crepe de Chine in delightful shades of flesh, sky blue and maize with \ / " V", J arc large, chiefly with stilt brims and include hemps m black and colors j frills of contrasting shades or of white. There are hundreds of styles to choose from and the most quality of materials that we \ \ / and fine leghorns daintily trimmed in pink, blue and other shades. Some | iavc ever shown at any time this season. Prices are ' '. .*.... $3.50 to s<>.oo \ = ="vOiO / styles have velvet crowns. Narrow ribbons, sihei ornaments and ostrich i Striped Crepe de Chine tub silk waists in striking designs are shown in all sizes from 36 to 46 at $3.50 to $5.50 x-, f arc the dominant trimmings. Jfff Ostrich Trimmed Hats at $5.95 Easter Dresses For Girls: Styles That Are Irresistible , R,uc ; h,a s k ' rOSe - a " d brown . - a duplicate lot of the ostrich trimmed hats Dainty organdie dresses with a full skirt finished with two wide ruffles and a \ that went out so quickly a week ago. Glad to have received this reorder in J broad silk taffeta girdle. The waist is made in a bolero style with an edging of lace \ t,mc tor -atunlaj. Av an(l embroidery trimming in colors. Size s Bto 14 s(>.so A ,rv \ What Stunning Pattern Hats A ASSJ White imported pique dresses In suspender ; Confirmation and graduation dresses of fine , -Ji j j TVsZX V | j 6f\/ 'Istyle1 style with a separate gulmpe of white batiste quality net In styles that are berlbboned on 'jivT TifV^ 1/ y I Exquisite is the word that best characterizes the appearance of these JX W X w,th R front ° r hand embroidered shirring. waist ""J 1 sk,rt ° ne Bt A f,e , that ia especially // | V L hi i\ I Frenchy creations that are exclusive and more wearable than pattern hats \r}' £\l Two individual pockets in long-pointed designs. net is bound 4 ln°t"vo row" U ribbon ' |/u JggA I\/I, i] J have ever been. I I J\KSA.' / : ' Th ® ' ront of this frock Is trimmed with small $12.50 \ Wy l'.\ V'r'/ / Smart Croft turbans at $15.00 ::n- S?" l>earl buttons nnd a row of hlind embroidery. Taffeta silk Junior dresses in pastel shades. HI / Rawak Rtirs?esser Phinns Cnnid Vanitv- and ntlipi- f-i«;liintiahle n-p- ! » ?F< Sizes 10 to 14 * 5 - 50 rose, green, Copenhagen, black and white and JJ ' ations at $0..»0, $7..>0, SB.OO, $9.00. SIO.OO to $16.50. Dives, Pomerov & Stewart, art. Street Floor. j £.JK HHA £ jacket ' boUnd With green '"essallne. Sizes 14 $18.50 and $20.00 V I and 16 $7.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Second Floor. All Front Lace Corsets Must Be Judged These Gloves Will MakeY our ' ] By "La Camille"—The Standard Line Frock All the More At- \ / Oeffering the finest materials, perfect fit, splendid workmanship and great- • . \ est figure improvement: cut on lines which arc anatomically correct. OH tyQ.St"GI" ( l| \ These corsets have the Yentilo back, which makes them the more com- , . . I \ !• xortable. La Camille has no steel up and down the back to grate on the spinous statement that is as true as quality itself if looked at from the viewpoint ji I I S processes. A similar device in front permits greater range of adjustment and *' le woman who exercises discrimination in matters pertaining to her dress. £ l / I prevents the lacer from scoring the flesh. Months ago, while French makers were still in a thoroughly organized s\/ \ M || Tn flesh and white, plain or brocade weaves ranging from $2.50 to $lO. condition, we made the selections that have become so important a part of this |! /4(/ [Jk 'I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor supreme glove showing for Easter. Each pair of gloves speaks for itself, so J mt \mi / i far as quality of skins and shapeliness is concerned. ,j /\ !' , t1 —i j j . Therefore, if you would be well dressed in your Easter promenade, we be -1 /On tJP ijf\ StF?r i or* l ieve J* ou make your selection from this little group— \ y r Tres Bon best quality real kid Kloves with P. K. stitching and pearl clasps; •! * « * w . J> Vniif V nimrtcfar X ULt 1 JL vj dllyO itx 1 I France best quality real kid Kloves, P. K. and overseam with pearl f AAA '•11V-' iTlvll O « f clasps in black with white or white with black; pair $2.25 / % Children's white lisle hose: of fine ribbed varn and seamless - si/es (S tr> Oix L mG&iU Sans Pareil real kid with P. K. or overseam; in black with white ■! T T 111 07/ ■! Pair ~-i' or white with b.ack; pair $ 2 .00 % tlaberdasfiery Ohop '• r* f-11 • -ii 1* i i * it i i , . # .* r W/a2cH Heal kid Kloves with two clasps, in overseam stitching: in black with white *L %/ L. _■ Children s silk lisle fine ribbed seamless hose; in black, white, tan, blue and ■ or white with biacl?; pair $1.75 £ v -n r j 1 *iif i i ■' pink . S HM Kid Kloves in black, white and colors; pair $1.25 to $1.75 5 . OU VVIII find the Same skillful Selection Infants' fine ribbed cotton seamless hose; in black, pink, white, tan blue / / JBr white washable chamoisettc gloves; pair 7#o j! it) neckwear and shirts as you yourself exer- !; and red Silk Kloves with double finger ends; in black, white, grey, tan and pongee, 5 cise in tile choice of a new Sllit !■ Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. -elf or contrasting embroidery; pair 50c to $1.50 the first olaCe wehave Studied this < r I Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. 5 IHC iirSL pia.CC, Wc na\C SIUQICQ inlS 'j branch of our business with particularity, and !; i • we believe that the showing of Easter furnish- I; t* yT 9 1 I—,1 —, j ings is more complete than vou will ordinarily !■ , Ste P m the Easter Parade j Easter ' j ' * 0' St M 1 i O 4 T , T {AI j 1 !• Men's ombre and magadore stripes, large spot designs, e P In to INew Clothes \l a *?' W '■TO i New bat wings in seamless and cut silks; panel stripes, !■ 5 1 I ICI nßi And ° nlg ° ne Dag . iSp/pp/infl Df n JKloiil ■! Hundreds of new arrivals in plaids, ombre and cluster !• ri 1 wUH m WS'J u l U iVerU/ un 5 stripes, novelty patterns and rich solid color four-in-hands, at i ~ 1 iLL, —1 M m A Most Inviting Display of the New Pinch-Back Suits j ri , ~ .... . . , . . < H I I W//I P § l«i For Young Men Is Shown at $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 ci ub a„d bat ~es «„p«, figures, d„t, ami S o.,d color,. 5 1 M 1 ia t-1 8 PSJ and a Host of Styles in English and Conservative Sack ) A NEW SHOWING OP SHIRTS IS SH>k. WOVKS MADRAS J ' l - m -* Suits For Men at SIO.OO, $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 i, All silk shirts !jt2.08, 5.1.."»0, s;s.oß and $5.00 J djtfffi-Tjj fpr?| J High grade madras shirts; French and laundered cuffs % . Most m t e . n to appear Easter in new Spring clothes. Those who do not delay such J Flbre Bilk shlr(s . French cu(Tg ln new combl *iifon important things until the last minute are readv to step out and join the throng of well-dressed / „ , $2.50 and $3.50 C ,,„ ,1 „.. i-i 11 1 . j •. -11,1. rr .i 1 . i Percale and madras shirts in hair line and cluster stripes; sizes r ffirlina nffe n oundav. J nose who nave neglected it are reminded that to-morrow offers the last chance / i3Vi to is, at si.oo ■! .0 buy new clothes for Easte. j; Mrn's Gloves; Silk and Kid \ Young Men Will Be Interested in These New j! I | 1 Grev silk gloves with self or black J Pinch-Back Suits at $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00 \ j Slliiilsl IV \ V GREY AND TAN HOMESPUNS. BLUE AND BLACK UNFINISHED WOR- J -- "'". VCS ''• ••'••• < " | ' | <l l '' \ V/ SCOTCH TWEEDS. STEDS. •. tan kid gloves. Vl.uo and *l.lO j, | —SILVER GREY AND DARK GREY FLAN- LIGHT GREY FANCY MIXED CASSIMERES J l/j Boys grCy an<l ta " k g ,oves ' 5 W NELS. AND WORSTEDS. ? 1 1 SI.OO J M BLUE SERGES AND FLANNELS. GREY CARLTON CHECKS. 5 BOYS' WHITE BIXJCSE WAISTS 5 o) DARK GREY OVERPLAID CASSIMERES. LIGHT GREY OVERPLAID CASSIMERES. '! White madras blouse waists with separate collar or with collar at- J WmfflM i I BLACK AND WHITE CHECK CASSIMERES. WHITE STRIPED BLACK WORSTEDS. J tach White Mo, collar' attached or in' band style V.7.7. $ s«lc PfjKa' \; U'i \ J . r ■ , .. , _ _ __ > MEN'S SOCKS—THE KIND THAT GIVES SERVICE IHrll qf A Profusion of Worthy Styles in Sack Suits For :::::::::::::::g? t. i \l\ ill H L) e/ e/ % 1 hread silk seamless socks, in black and colors 80c \ /ttUlll * w 4 A «« r~r\ S Thread silk clocked socks; fashioned feet; in black and white, SI.OO ■, L\\|r Men of All Tastes at $lO, sls, S2O and $25 j _ ) IfHlnf \H\\* ' ' lCre arc t ' lc sacks with the snug-fiting shoulders and the hint of form defining at waist—there > . ' ill/Iff lUihl ar ° more conservatively cut sacks in the finest examples of expert tailoring. These sacks are shown in A.O ///iff/1 WlWft a rcat varict y °f patterns in mixtures, stripes and overplaids in worsteds, cheviots and cassimeres—also *— A I Ut? UC/lllililV/11l HIM \l\\\ flamielS a " d SCIgCS AH S ' ZeS f ° r 311 bUildS ° f mCn 5n thiS gr ° at EaStCr Cl ° thing assemb]a^e - It's the spirit of the thing that counts; not the cost / IJI / u\\\\\\ "P \ QTP I? CI TT r I'C \\\\\\u 1 jZ/IY OV/1 1 Or V/K DU I w for distribution among those who count most to you means 1111 l WWW* . - .... , „ after all that you attach a little sentiment to the things that I Suits at S3 95 and $5 00 With Two Pair Knickers you do. f Hill yU. JU clllv-l SUBS « TO IS YEARS Easter cards are 10<£ a dozen; and the better grades fltlfgai F«T '•rey S<-otoh mixtures Fancy shadow stripe cassimeres and I5la«-k and white check worsteds run as high as you care to pay. Ii M l Hark lirowu ovcrplaid rassinirres nnd worsteds Carlton and tartan check cassimeres Die Stamped cards, envelopes to match, each, to 15# U ** !:K «X?J£S£U engraved cove,- and die stamped insert, Fine blue serges worsteds <irey check cassimeres to 20$ -■ UJI - L Dive*, Pomeroy A- Stewart, Men's .Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor. " ; • " ' -r— FRIDAY EVENING, HARRTSBURG &&&&£> TELEGRAP I APRIL 21,.1910.