Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 20, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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You'll Want to Look Your
Very Best On Easter Sunday
TF you are a man who values good clothes
* and also values a certain exclusiveness in 1
cut—in style—in pattern —
The Globe Should Be Your Store 4
IF you arc indifferent don't care —in-
clined to slouchiness —then any old store
What we ar« trying to impress upon
you is—that GLOBE CLOTHES have a dis* M
tinctive character and air about thorn that places
thorn far above any others —the kind you'll see on
Fifth Avenue —on the Boardwalk or wherever fash- pft \ )
ionable folks promenade—the attractive kind you'll ISm I|\
turn around to get a second glance at. 4
But don't get the idea that because GLOBE 1 ;f\ t
CLOTHES are so exclusive in design and make, that ,
their price is beyond your reach no, JUST THE <*' <
Despite the unusual conditions GLOBE CLOTHES i Lj,
are no higher in price than a year ago—in many V i it,
cases the values are EVEN BETTER, due to our I | ;
foresight in providing for your wants so far ahead—■
and this is the reason for our unusual values at v£\
*ls s 2O $ 25 S 3O $ 35 # •
Just Arrived-—A Big Shipment of The <o*l C
Globe Special Belt-On Norfolk Suits at
A model exclusively our own and different from any shown elsewhere. Beautiful mixed
Scotchy Tweeds, fancy Cheviots, mixed Worsteds and plain Flannels in every color.
t- ■"■■■ - -■■■ 1 - - ■■■
A Word On Globe Store Service —
Last week we had the biggest business in the history of this "Big, Live, Progressive
Store." Extra salespeople—extra delivery service—extra alteration hands were kept as
busy as bees. The pleasing result—NOT A CUSTOMER WAS DISAPPOINTED.
WE PROMISE to deliver every suit desired for Easter and have made extraordinary (
preparations to that en'd. But you'll help us and help yourself if you come as early as
you can.
- - - . . .. —.— ... „ , ■ _>
Boys! Get a Watch Fras With Your Eastar Suit
At this wide-awake Boys' Store you'll find a far greater variety of models
and fabrics for selection than you can hope to find in any other store.
AND REMEMBER we give a WATCH FREE with every Boys' Suit at
$5.00 and over.
The Globe "Dubbel- Right=Posture SC 50 tn Si R Blue Serge Suits
Hedder" Suits at . w Health Suits at o—lU IJ at $5 to $12.50
These are tlic two pants suits What is of greater value than The old reliable suits for JSoys
that have made a "hit" with boys Health? A patented construction in —Blue Serges—absolutely "I'ade-
*« the back of a Right-Posture coat tells , , , ,
and parents ahke. Made of your boy fo Qut his chest _ fill proof always look dressy
sturdy wear-resisting fabrics liis lungp and grow up straight and models including the new
snappy styles—all sizes. strong. and popular Belt-on Norfolk style.
THE GLOBE "The 'Big Friendly Store"
□■□■□■□■■□■□■a ininanu
j Yes Indeed! We'll Get
I Your Suit Ready For Easter
YOUR suit—the suit that
in fabric, model, shade and
jSL. P rice will fit your figure
| JS? and y° ur fancy—is here in
X our extensive collection of
1,,, A Worthy
n 1 iff 'ill ~ m Clothes
) WmW sls, S2O, $25
i/mMi Himl 111 Come in to-morrow—pick
MII oU *—we'll have it
J a The Popular NU-BACK
with hack pleats and belt is to
"/I be had in «" fabrics, including
stripes, checks and plain colors,
starting at sls.
14 North Third Street s .or.
IHUKSDAY evening,
Begin Monday to Sue
For Back School Tax
Monday, April 24, O. M. Copelin, ex
city treasurer and collector of 1915
delinquent school and city taxes, will
begin suits to ret-over the one dollar
personal school taxes.
Thirteen cases will he placed in the
hands of the thirteen aldermen of the
city as preliminary cases. The names
of the luckless subjects for the actions
will be drawn by lot, one from each
In addition to the school tax prose
cutions, Mr. Copelin will also bring
suit for the recovery of delinquent
property taxes. About 4.000 unpaid
1915 personal school tax bills are still
Dr. L. Webster Fox, of Philadel
phia. and brother of ex-Senator John
F Fox, of this city, and professor of
ophthalmology at Medico-Chirurgical
College, will speak at the Harrisburg
Academy of Medicine next Friday
night on "Ocular Diseases Resulting
From Dental Lesions." The Dauphin
County Dental Society, has been in
vited to be present at this meeting.
Pittsburgh, April 20. Harry K.
Thaw was set free from his wife, Eve
lyn Nesbit Thaw, by decree of Judge
Cohen, after he had gone over the re
port of Attorney John W. Thomas, the
master appointed to take testimony in
the case. Infidelity was the grounds.
Jack Francis, of New York, being
Demand Its Soothing, Comfort
ing, Healing Influence.
If your skin itches and any erup
tlunal disorder is present, do not allow
it to cause you restless nights or dis
comfort during the performance of
your daily tasks. Apply Poslam, the
supreme remedy for ailing skin, which
should stop itching and remove an
noyance so promptly that the trouble
may soon be forgotten. Continue the
use of Poslam until the disorder is re
moved and use also, to aid the work
and for the protection of the skin gen
erally. Poslam Soap, which is medicated
with Poslam nnd which completes a
treatment effective, rational, safe, in
expensive and pleasant.
For sample, send 4c stamps to Kmer
gency laboratories, 32 West 25th .St.,
New York City. Sold by all druggists.
Service Commission Closes
Consideration at 1 O'clock
This Morning
■""TT"! The Public Ser-
V\ \ # //J vice Commission at
\\\ Q ■//, 1 o'clock this morn
\N\N\ A lng closed its con
f slderation of the
pßy proposed new
schedule of rates of
lvJtl999Gc : the Philadelphia
iJfßHnraktv Electr,c company.
" le biggest case
that ever came be- I
fore It and one
which has occupied
over a year and a half.
The commissioners spent most of
; yesterday considering the subject, the
differences of opinion which had been
i rumored not being apparent when the
1 decision was announced. The action
1 of the commission was to approve the
j municipal contract under which the
| city of Philadelphia will save J150,-
000 this year and afso obtain a re
fund of $150,000 for 1915 and to per
mit the company to tile a new sched
; ule of commercial and domestic rates
! which it is stipulated will be effective
, us of April 1 and which it is estimated
by the experts will save the consumers
$900,000 this year and probably sl,-
250,000 next year as against the for
j mer rates.
The case has involved the expendi
ture of thousands of dollars and at
tracted national attention.
Members of the commission declin
ed to discuss the matter to-day and
no further statement was made beyond
the order.
Track Approved. The Public
Service Commission has approved the
additional track for the Pennsylvania
railroad over Ilerr street subway.
Itabies Quarantines. —The State live
stock Sanitary Board to-day estab
lished quarantines for rabies in Erie
and Easton,- cities, and North Girard,
I borough.
Attended Anniversary. Adjutant
[ General Stewart attended the First
| Regiment celebration in Philadelphia
j last night.
! Good Peach Crop. —The State Dc
; partment of Agriculture bulletin an-
I nounces that there are signs of an ex-
J (-client peach crop In the eastern part
i of the Stale.
Member Here. —Representative P. E.
| Geiser, of Easton, was at the Capitol
| in a Pardon Board case.
Agreement Made. Referee E. K.
i Sayior, of the Workmen's Compen
sation Bureau, has been notilied by the
i insurance carrier of the Schmidt Buk
i ins Company, of Harrislnirg, that an
agreement, under the terms of the
compensation act, has been made with
Henry Parsons, of 346 South Cameron
»< reet, who Hied a claim petition for
compensation as a result of an injury
received while at work. Compensation
is being paid Parsons and consequently
| the hearing, scheduled for this after
i noon, in the Workmen's Compensation
i Board rooms, Masonic Temple, will
I not be held.
Big Hearing Fixed.—The Industrial
Board of the Department of Labor and
Industry will hold a public hearing In
1 the House caucus room at the Capitol
: on Tuesday morning, May 2, for the
I consideration of questions relating to
j the operation of the boiler code, re
j cently adopted and effective July 1.
| Many inquiries have been received by
i the Industrial Board from casualty in
i surance companies and manufacturers
] of boilers of various types on certain
! regulations of the code. It is expected
that representatives of boiler plants
; from all sections of the State will at
| tend the hearing.
Ex-Member Here. Representa
i live W. F. Blair, of Greensburg, was
j at the State Capitol to-day.
Cases Go Over. The Public serv
ice commission has continued the
South Mountain electric railway case
again and the Perry county jitney
1 case. The members adjourned to-day
j until Monday.
Mr. Williamson Here. Attorney
R. W. Williamson, of Huntingdon, a
I canddate for Congress in the Seven
teenth district, was at the Capitol to-
I day.
Early Pcristion. Representa
i tives of the Trainmen were at the
Capitol to-day to ask an early decision
in the tull crew cases. Argument was
hoard Tuesday.
Respite Granted.—Governor Brum
baugh to-day granted a respite of the
executive of Gaspar Marturana and
Thomas Chickarelli, Cambria, until
the week of May 29. The men were
under sentence of death this week,
but their cases were held over by the
Board of Pardons yesterday.
Protests Filed.—The Wllkes-Barre
Railways Company to-day filed pro-
Usts against issuance of certificates of
public convenience to every operator
of a jitney who has Hied an applica
tion with the Public Service Commis
sion. The commission has listed 38
applications from Luzerne and Lacka
wanna counties for hearing next week.
The complaints against jitneys oper
ating illegally will be herd later.
D. A. R. Balloting on
Editor of Magazine
By Associated Press
"Washington, April 20. —' The twen
ty-fifth continental Congress of the
Daughters of tne American Revolu
tion balloted again to-day for an hon
orary vice-president-general and an
editor of the D. A. R. magazine. A
reballot was made necessary by a fail
ure of choice yesterday. Other offi
cers were elected.
The contest for editor is between
Miss Eliza O. Dennison, of Pennsylva
nia, and Mrs. Amos G. Draper, of the
District of Columbia, and that for
honorary vice-president-general be
tween Mrs. John Newman Carev, of
Indiana, and Mrs. James Ross Mellen,
of Pennsylvania.
All the information, including dates,
rates and other data, that any citizen
will require relative to county, city
and school taxes, assessments, etc., has
bt»en compiled Into an attractively
tiound little booklet by City Treasurer
Harry F. Oves. The books can be had
by application at the city treasury.
Assistant City Clerk R. R, Seaman as
sisted in the preparation of the book
City Council will meet behind closed
doors this evening to consider the
seven bids that have been received for
auditing the books and accounts of
the city treasury for the ten years
prior to January 1, 1916, and to sug
gest a new method of bookkeeping.
The proposals will all be carefully
considered so the recommendation as
to the award may be submitted to
Council at its regular meeting next
The city treasury and all the other
city and county offices In the court
house will be closed to-morrow in ob
servance of Good Friday.
I The Boys— 1
Have Been Fairly Jumping I
Over Themselves m* I
■ This Week I
They Enow There Is I
"Something Doing" at I
This "Live Store" I
(Yes there always is) at If If
"The Live" Store I
Glad to Come
Tell your mother we ij I
are giving a watch FREE with ji
Every Boy's Suit. ■: I
Remember, no matter;! I
what price suit you buy here, ;i I
you get the watch FREE. ji I
Market St. j j Pfnna. I
Actioß Started Against Town
ships and County to Recover
Nearly $16,000
Suit was begun
! to-day by the State
JLj ) 111 to recover nearly
■■ * 16.000 from Great
j&7 Bend township,
Susquehanna coun
county, and Wash-
TillhH ME|jgH ington county for
fluifVifw shares of the cost
-"tsSssSSESP* of road building in
these districts by
the State.
Two demands are made upon Wil
liam Newman, J. A. MaVo and William
Bend, one for $6,553, another for $4,-
650; one is against Rush Quick, M. B.
Conway and George N. Wltherite, sup
ervisors of Snow Shoe, for $4,059, and
the remaining action is against Wash
ington county to recover $686. The
State built sections of road through
these districts with the usual under
standing that the county pay a quar
ter and the townships pay a quarter of
the expenses. In Center and Susque
hanna counties the shares have been
paid but the township declined to pay;
in Washington county, the commis
sioners refused to pay while the town
ships have paid their shares.
To-day Petitions. Tuesday, April
25, is the las., day for filing commit
teemen nomination petitions for the
Spring primaries with the county com
missioners. To-day's filings Include:
City committeemen, Republican, John
E. Peters, J. W. McMuilen and Elam
L. Banks, third precinct, Eighth ward;
H. G. Morton, Thomas Louriner and
Craig G. Stewart, third precinct, Sixth
ward; county committee. Charles W.
James, second precinct, Third ward,
Steelton; Milton C. White, third pre
cinct, Eighth ward, city.
Argue Kotur Case Monday. Mon
day, April 24, has been fixed by the
Dauphin county courts for hearing
argument for a new trial for Nlkolo
Kotur, condemned at November quar
ter sessions for murder.
Ask New Trial. Application was
made to-day by the Charles McCaul
Constructing company, contractors on
the Mechanics Trust company build
ing, for a new trial. A common jtleas
To Absorb Freckles
And Other Blemishes
Bvery Spring numerous inquiries are
made by girls seeking some reliable
recipe for removing freckles. Last
year very favorable reports were re
ceived from many who had used mer
colized wax during the freckling sea
son. The wax seems to possess un
usual properties which completely ab
sorb the freckles, with no harmful ef
fect. The complexion improves won
derfully, becoming as soft as a rose
petal, and as delicately tinted. Get an
ounce of mercollzed wax at any drug
gist's. spread a thin layer of it over
the entire face every night for a while,
washing this off In the morning. For
rough, spotty akin, sallowness, black
heads, pimples, and all cutaneous blem
ishes. this treatment is superior to any
Springtime also brings wrinkles to
many sensitive skins that are much ex
posed to winds and changing tempera
tures. To a half pint witch hazel add
an ounce of powdered saxollte. which
iiulcklv dissolves. Bathe the face in
this; the effect on a wrinkled skin is
remarkable. —Advertisement
APRIL 20, 1916.
jury last week awarded Anast Belehas
ei verdict of |586 in his suit against
the McCaul Company for damages to
his shoeshinlng shop by the toppling of
some materials upon his roof from the
bank building. The McCaul company
takes exceptions to the charge of
Judge Glllan.
Sir! Your Easter Hat
<5 Whether you have in mind one of the
swagger soft shapes in the new Tropi
cal Tan and other shades— J
<1 The always stylish and dressy $
derby— ( . 4 §f"
Or the ultra smart silk hat— I J f
You may choose here from the most
extensive stock of models that possess
the exclusiveness in style for which this f
store is noted. & f „
Popular prices prevail.
\ / Hatmaker Furrier
j 17 North Third Street
" . i
For My Lady $ Corsage
Butterfly Sweet Peas, The Bachelor Button, |
Orchids, Golden Anemones, Rare Odelias, i
! Camellias, Violets, Gardenias and Valley Lilies. ji
Uttley s
319-321 Walnut St.
I i i
3 From Pen to Farview. Sheriff
t William W. Caldwell to-uay too*
) 11am Daniels, confined in the Eastern
f penitentiary since January, 1914, for
s sodomy, to Farview. Wayne county,
where he will be confined at the court's
C order in the State asylum for the
criminal Insane.