Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1916, Page 8, Image 8
8 NEEDS SUPPORT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN Marjorie Stcrrctt Is Indefatig able in Her Efforts to Stimulate Interest Contributions to the Marjorie Ster- j rett battleship fund are still coming j in. with somewhat diminished speed, I but no less regularity. Like the in- j coming tide, the tutal is creeping up- | ward and upward, and whether the | amount needed for the building of an ! American battleship is ever reached or | not matters little; the important thing j Is that the splendid patriotic spirit of the youngsters who will someday do | the big things of city, State and coun try are the ones who are giving of i their dimes and quarters in order to further the ideu of preparedness for peace which in recent months has be- j come the leading thought in the minds ; of Americans. Obey that impulse! Don't put off giving your share! Ten cents worth of patriotism doesn't seem like a great big bit. but it is the spirit and not the concrete evidence of that spirit that is most important. If not a single cent more should accrue for the bat tleship fund through the contributions to thi.s newspaper as Marjorie's agent, we would be satisfied, for it has as- I Misted and all the boys and girls 1 who contribute have assisted in j spreading and promulgating that American spirit of Independence and j ability to stand by oneself, which has bean one of the predominating char acteristics of Americans from the be- j ginning. But it is not enough. Every \ school giri and boy surely wants to have a share in the building of "The America." and the quicker the amount ! needed is raised the better. Send along 1 your dimj; or if you haven't the i change, send a dollar. Nothing is j too small or too large. Harrisburg must keep well in the van in this wave of patriotism which is spread- j Ing all over the country, carrying on ' its crest hundreds of thousands'of peo- I pie. •Miss Mae Bair, of Newport, deserves honorable mention this week for hav ing collected $3.70 from the citizens of Newport. Previously acknowledged .... $225.23 -ohn M. AicCullough .25 Nancy McCullough .25 , Dorothy Klaine Basom .25 Delia McNally .10 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mills .... .20 Wlliam Mills, Jr JO j Collected by Mae Bair, New port ($3.70) as follows: Mae Bair, 25; Marjorie Bair, 15; Eva Tucker. 10: Sarah Adams, 10; Elsie Hoke, 10; Margaret Craig, 10; Sirs. Samuel Light, 10; Mary ! Davis, 10; Jessie Smith, 10; Anna Smith, 10; Mrs. Wil liam Flickinger, 10; John Eby, 25; John Leiby, 10; Ira Meminger, 10; Charles Smith, 10; Dr. Lenus Carl, 10; Fred Wright, 10; David Schreffler, 10; Edgar Leiby, 10; Kenneth Kepner. 10; Harry Schlomer, 10; James Jletherin»?ton, 3d, 10; Wil liam Gilnett, 10; Herbert Flickinger, 10; Leslie Markle, 10; Dr. Henry Mc culloch, 10; Fremont Stephens. 10; C. E. F. Keim, 10; Rev. William Ney, 10; John Baker, 25; William Soule. 10; Edgar Noll, 10. Isabella Whitmoyer and Evelyn ' Whitmoyer were not credited among | the contributors from the State Ar senal in last report. Richard A. Fox .30 Substations J. B. C 25 1 Harriet G. Fornwalt .10 1 May V. Fornwalt jo l\ O. L. Holienshilt *lO Robert Wilson Adams .10!, Rorothy Rankin - Mary Pebbles .10 Mrs. A. L. Clemson *25 11 Friend .25 \ I R. E. Beltz ,'i o I Timothy Conway, Wormleys burg .10 ! Dorothy Hansen .10' Kenneth Snyder [lo| Kind Friend ,05 Edward 11. Sclileisner .10 j Total $232.28 i* HEAT FLASHES, ' DIZZY, NERVOUS Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Helped Her During Change of Life. Richmond, Va. "After taking ■even bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's : I IIHIIIIH Vegetable Com- 1 PUMM pound I feel like a new woman. I al •tI yfii ways had a headache during the Change of Life and was also < . ***_ JjLvj troubled with other ! bad feelings com , nnon at that time— J -Jl dizzy spelte, nervous t £ 'J ' feelings ar:d heat ' ' flashes. Now lam 1 in better health j than I ever was and recommend your ! remedies to all my friends.Mrs.LENA J' WYNN, 2812 E. 0 Street, Richmond, Va. J While Change of Life is a most crit- ■ ical period of a woman's existence, the I annoying symptoms which accompany j it may be controlled, and normal health j restored by the timely use of Lydia E. i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 Such warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of Impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation < of the heart, sparks before the eyes, ! irregularities, constipation, variable ap- i petite, weakness and inquietude, and s dizziness. * For these abnormal conditions do not , fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- \ table Compound. ~ > FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TEI.EGRAFH APRIL 7, 1916 APRIL MOVING SALE LARGE EASY ROCKER Furniture ana Floor Coverings to 45 Ptfi'^l f Moving day always makes some need in the furnishing of the home—floor coverings (j= mm don t fit in the new house—a room needs a new piece to give it a comfortable touch. In keeping with the progressive spirit of this store, to give you every buying advantage we shall, Paymcnts 50c Weekl y during this sale of ten days, offer you special values throughout the big store in floor cover- g r2SS itaffiSS ings, furniture for parlor, living and bed room. The savings will be worth while. r- • •1 1 • , , , , 0 , tremely comfortable and BB hvery price will impress upon you the policy of this store, "the best for the least." / The patterns will especially appeal to you, as they embrace the best of the new sonns ,14 and y you'n appreciate the 1. 1 | | I - -r 1 1 " o bargain this is. designs, and rarely have we shown so many beautiful and distinctive patterns. Timp in Prpnarp Anainct . . , SEE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES She Floor Coverings Will Never inbabvvkh.clhs Be So Cheap, Again The Stroller (f Our Cedar Chests Are Constructed of Karnak wilton si „ 9x „ BrusseU ® 9x J0 I Tennessee Red Cedar Which Makes the best rug you can buy.. S7O v o rie ntai design $13.50 The ne ™ Bt thln « Jn bat, y Them Moth Proof. 'T. 90c v„v« Rug, $16<50 W " _ Brusse,s Carpet, all-wool <t 1 1 C beaot,fol patterns WbSsML/ -- eaatV ' neSt M.15 Axm.nster Rugs23.so gt A p/k Heavy Colonial posts Brussels Carpet, extra <l* "1 unusual designs, 11 and feet, well finished, quality «P 1 Body Brussels, size 10.6x8.3, Jm B g U I? " /) fll H lar e esize Velvet Carpet, very serv- J J dur *. ble $29 50 x V —j Wilton Carpet, best qual- 1 ££ Special Axminster Rug, size I ity in handsome designs, *P A »00 I 9x12, handsome effects I ' Ingrain Car P et - all-wool fill- OC c Wilton Rug, size 9x12; a Cedar Chest _ '"" m extra c marges for hftndles, medium si r.e ' ' 110 00 Wo wood bodv, handsomely finished, ' . Period Dining Room Suit . . /if rubb "^- d Wgfflj WMm _ A tnagniticent \alue and one of the big attractions of the April Moving finish continuous posts, attractive m ® e ' . lc . sult ,s . 0011 ect tlcsign of the King Charles period with twisted leers. design; you'll pay considerable M "> s 'nade or genuine quartered oak. fhe buffet has mirror with cane panel on more for this bed (t* A ?° 81 ; fl , 01 closet "itches and is very roomy. The table is of new later on «P • *OU Including cushion, fin- design with heavy center post. l j ished in a soft shade of a \ v brown. The chair is W ■' _ i£& I L,X Z1 hll | C r/ a 28-30-32 S. Second Street b W 1 • Cash or Easy Payment Plan NEW FICTION AT CITY'S LIBRARY Announcement Made Today That New Titles Have Been Placed on the Shelves Seventy-volumes of the new fiction have been added lo the Harrisburg ] Public Library in the last few days. These books have been selected in re sponse to the demand for books. The list is as follows: Hell. "Wee Macgreegor Enlists;" Benson. "I Pose;" Birmingham, "Gos samer;" Bryant, "Felicity Crofton;" Buchan, "Thirty-nine Steps;" Buck, "Destiny;" Burroughs, "Beasts of Tar zan;" Chamberlain, "John Bogardus;" Chambers, "Better Man;" Cooper, "Prusilla with a Million;" Curwood, "Hunted Woman;" Danby, "Story Be hind the Verdict;" Davis, "Nothing a Year;" Forman, "Twin Sisters;" Fos ter, "Rich Man, Poor Man;" Gibbs, "Yellow Dove;" Gray, "Desire of the Moth;" Hunt & Hueffer, "Zeppelin Night;" King, "Side of the Angels;" Lewis, "Those About Trench;" Locke, "Samaritan Mary;" McCarthy, "Glori ous Rascal;" McFarlane, "Behind the Bolted Door;" McHarg, "Blind Man's Eyes;" McLaren. "Heir of Duncaron;" Maonamara, "Drifting Waters;" Maher, "Shepherd of the North;" Martin, "Her Husband's Purse;" Porter, "Just Da vid;" Prouty, "Fifth Wheel;" Ralne, "Steve Yeager;" "Rita," "Iron Stair;" Robins, "Man's Reach;" Sidgwick, "Accolade;" Stringer, "Prairie Wife;" Sterrett, "Mary Rose of Mifflin;" Tar kinßton, "Seventeen;" Watts. "The Rudder;" White, "God's Prophets;" Wodeliouse, "Something New" and "Uneasy Money;" Wolf, "Fulfillment." ■ 1). GRANT MORI.TZ DIES Newport. Pa., Aprli 7.—On Wednes day night D. Grant Moretz died at bis home in Oliver street from paralysis after an illness of two days. lie was 4 8 years old and is survived by his wife and one son. He was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Modern Woodmen of America and I. O. O. F. His paslor, the Rev. William C. Key, will have charge of the funeral serv ice. to I>e held Saturday afternoon at ,2 o'clock. Burial in Newport Cemetery. | 1 BROKEN IiEG CAUSES DEATH Special to the Telegraph r Hummelstown, Pa., April 7. Jirs. j Sophia Bear, widow of Da' id Benr, I , who lived south of this place on the I j Bear homestead, died last night as j 1 r j the result of a broken leg sustained | | about four weeks ago. when she fell. I j Mrs. Bear was 92 years old. 'i I Has Winter Left You Run Down? II Are you weakened and debilitated from the long and trying winter? Have you suffered from the sudden changes of weather? Do you feel the need of something to renew your strength, and put your blood in order ? Then you surely need the friendly help of BEECHAM'S I PILLS | During winter's cold, the body does Beecham's Pills will soon make you not expel the impurities from the feel like your self again. They system, as it does in warm weather, purify the blood, tone the stomach, I hey accumulate, remain in the and aid the organs of elimination, stomach, liver, kidneys and blood, They cleanse the system —regulate making you feel sluggish, headachy, the bile and bowels, strengthen under the weather" and grouchy, the bodily functions and help to LSyjld Up Rohncf Tilth I "The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the At All Druggist*, 10e., 25c. xKBP Lhrmction* of tpucialvalue to womunarmwith mrybox IHVJ.VG COLLEGE REOPENS Special to the Telegraph Mechanicsburg, Pa., April 7. Yesterday Irving College and Music Conservatory reopened after the Spring vacation and the students re turned in large numbers. Miss Clara Evelyn Campbell, the president's daughter, is home on a vacation from her work in the Children's Library, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS CON DEMN HIGH COST OK GASOLINE [ Pittsburgh, Pa., April 7. The Automobile Dealers' Association of 5 Pittsburgh at a meeting last night - adopted resolutions condemning the i high cost of gasoline in Pittsburgh. 3 The association plans to buy gasoline i from companies outside the city and , distribute it among local dealers at cost price. Just Enough Heat The morning may be chilly, but the days comfortable at this time of year. You can have heat at low cost to exactly suit weather conditions with a Gas Heating Stove. Gas heat is the most economical heat for the early morning's or during the even ings. It will save you the expense and trou ble of running the house heating plant. Sec the heating stoves at our store or have us send a representative. Easy payments. ; Harrisburg Gas Co. Bell —2028 Cumberland Valley—7s2 14 S. SECOND, STREET 4 A A A A A A A A A A a AAA A-A^Awfc^ Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads