Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1916, Page 23, Image 23

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    Honsc-Honting Seasei Is on—lt's the Wait Ad's Business t® Rent lenses
andkhson April «. 191«. Man- A.
Anderson, widow of the late illlain
W. Anderson, in her 72d year, at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. H. t.
ilaum. Seventeenth and Park streets.
Funeral services will be held at the
above address on Monday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock, to which relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
further notice. Burial. Harrisburg
Cemetery. j
MARSHALL On April 6, 1916. Helen,
wife of John Marshall, aged 21 years.
• Funeral on Monday, at - o clock,
from her late residence, 1208 Bartine
avenue. The relatives anil friends
arc invited to attend without furtner
notice burial at Camp Hill Ceme
tery. j
STOTTS Mrs. Emma Stottd. on April ,
7, 1916, In her 5-d year, at her late 1
home. SOS Broad street,
l'uneral private on Tuesday a '* e s" i
noon, at 2 o'clock, from the above aa- I
dress. Burial private. Paxtang Ceme- :
TOWKEJt On April 7, 1916. Edward \
C. Towsen, suddenly, at his home.
130S South Twelfth street, aged 4S
years. , „,
Services on Tuesday morning, at s •>«'
o'clock, at the home. Further services
will be held at » o'clock at ..ie Sacred
Heart Catholic Church, to which
friends are invited. Burial in Mt.
Calvary Cemetery. Friends may call
Monday evening.
HlMvI.E— On Thursday morning. April
t>. 1916. Jonn 1.. Hlnkle. aged 3; years, |
6 months and 15 days.
Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, from the residence of his ,
uncle, Geo. W. Glvler, State Road, j
West Enola. Cumberland county. Pa.
Relatives and friends are invited to j
attend without further notice.
KBARKS—Joseph E„ died on April 5,
1916. at his late residence. 28 South
Third street, in his 64«h year.
Funeral Monday morning, at 8:30,
from above address. Services at St.
Patrick's Cathedral, at 9 o'clock, to
which relatives and friends are in
vited. Burial. Mt. Calvary Cemetery. ,
Note—Friends may call Sunday even- I
Lost and Found
I>OST Odometer. from motor |
truck, either on Market street, between ,
Eleventh and Front, or on the road to j
Camp Hill via Market street bridge.
J inder please return to the Atlantic
Refining Company and receive reward.
LOST On Muench street, or on
Third, a lady's pocketbook with two j
one-dollar bills and a laundry check.
\\ ill give reward If returned to Har- i
rishurg Telegraph Office.
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED Young man to assist at
soda fountain. Apply Forney's Drug
Store. SI North Second street.
DRAFTSMEN With experience on
electrical apparatus motors genera
tors switchboards transformers
controllers, etc. Address Chief Clerk.
Engineering Department. Westingiiouse
Electric & Mfg. Co.. East Pittsburgh, 1
Highest wages. Steady work guaran
teed. H. A. Bodmer. Sl3 North Third
WAKTED, AT ONCE Experienced
hangers. Apply A. B. Tack, 1216
North Third street.
MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar
ried men between ages of lb and 35; !
cltlsens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can i
speak, read and write the English
language. For information apply to
Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building,
Market Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED 5O laborers at Second
and Mulberry streets. Rates. 2vc per
WANTED Jack hammer, air drill
runners; $2.00 to $2.50 per day, piece
work; also handy men around crushing
piant. No phone calls or letters
.answered. Applv to Superintendent at
uhe Quarries of the Conewago Trap
tock Company, near P. R. R. Station,
WANTED White or colored chauf
•ur; roust be reliable and make hlm
i»lf useful around business place. Call
Jell phone 3151. I
E , 8774. care of Telegraph.
R j
WANTED A presser, at once. Call
at Eggert's Cleaning and Dyeing
Works. 1245 Market.
WANTED Painters and laborers.
Apply to Master Mechanic's office, Cen
tral Iron and Steei Company.
WANTED Experienced clothing
salesman for Saturday. Apply Collins
Company, 29 North Second street.
WANTED Experienced waiter
< white). Apply at once. Vanderous'
Restaurant, Chambersburg, Pa.
WANTED Twelve carpenters
wanted on Tenth Ward school building.
Apply J. F. Barnhart, Tenth Ward
School. Harrisburg. Pa.
WANTED Two men to help repair
autos. Chance to learn. No salary.
Auto Trans. School, 29 North Eleventh
nilil or lathe hands, who can work
frcm blue prints; also tool maJiers. Ad.
dress, or apply. Employment Depart
ment. Westlnghouse Electric & Mfg.
Co.. East Pittsburgh. Pa.
WANTED Bright, young man
wanted aa advertising demonstrator.
Introduce new patented heatless trouser
prcser. Sella for 50c. Make $4 a day.
Write Box 6. Hill Station.
TURN your spare time Into money.
Take orders for new patented heatless
tiouser presser. Easy seller at 50c.
Fxperienee unnecessary. Write Box 6,
Hill Station.
• SALE i
• T
Live Where You
Can Turn About
I f (imp Hill l.ot i
• 50x160 ft., southwest corner Oys-I
iter's Point Avenue and Logan street,»
{(plan of Belvoiri. two squares fronii
• trolley. Low cash price Is ... *4oo«
! fovea lien l.ola •
| For quick sale a plot of 400 ft.? '
• i frontage) by 140 ft., located near?
j * lie Railroad Station and fronting?
lon the Slate Road. Will sell In 1001
i ft. lots. Price, per ft
. Edgewater I.Ota '
j These lots are located on the westl ,
fide of the River—on Front and Sec-i
? %»d streets—2sxlso ft. Prices. •
ISOO and
Old Orchard Home
i Just one square north of Derryf j
j street in Old Orchard at Twenty-i ;
ieighth and Greenwood streets aj !
i2'»-story frame with S rooms—bath - i
i —furnace and porches. The location 1
ils delightful, and the property will!
it.r sold with plot 60x90 ft., or plot!
1 35x90 ft. I j
i Insurance Surety Honda;
• l ocust and Court Streets i
i J i
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED Bright, young man,
about 17 years of age. to learn seed
business. Apply Schell's Seed Store,
ISO 7-9 Market street.
WANTED A boy. about 16 years of
age. to assist at Soda fountain in even
ings. Apply to Rose's, Second and Wal
nut streets.
Life. Accident and Health. Salary and
i commission. Address Box A.. 3506, care
' of Telegraph.
WANTED Young mon for locomo
tive tlremen. Experience unnecessary.
! Give age. Address Fireman, care of
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men between 21 and 40 years of
age for piece work. White or
i colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Help Wanted —Female
WANTED Middle-aged woman for |
general housework; small family; good
home for right person; reference requir
ed. Phone, or call, Mrs. B. F. Snavely,
Gromor Farms. Hummelstown, Pa.
WANTED White, housekeeper cap- '
able of taking full charge of house. No |
children. Mrs. W. J. Brennan. 22 South
Seventeenth street.
j >
WANTED Lady to demonstrate
i coffee in local grocery stores. Address
Vescor, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Middle-aged white lady
for general housework; give reference;
1 must be rook. Call 229 Emerald, or ,
phone 3293 J. 1
WANTED Girls over 16 years old !
to work in laundry: good wages to right I
party. Sanitary Family Washing Co.,
; Sixteenth and Elm streets.
WAN'Tti., Ladv demonstrator, for
house-to-house work; middle-aged pre
| ferred. Life-long job for right person.
Salary or commission. Call In evenings,
1356 > ernon street.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Btinchmakers, Packers, l
Filler and Binder Strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany. £OO Race street.
WANTED Alteration help. Apply
< Collins Co.. 29 North Second street.
GIRL WANTED —. No cooking or
ironing. Apply Miss Gold, 240 Hamil
ton street.
WANTED Young lady, clean and
tidy, to serve In ice i ream parlor. Ap- j
ply Sixteenth and Walnut. Russ Bros.
WANTED A bright, steady girl to !
mark and sort; one who has had ex
perience preferred. Apply Troy Laundry, j
i 1520-26 Fulton street.
WANTED Girl to assist with gen
eral housework; must sleep home. Call!
at 2215 Penn stret.
WANTED Experienced
'sewing-machine operators, trim- j
mers and learners, to work on
women's and children's wear.
; Harrisburg Apparel Co., over;
j City Star Laundry, 414-416 State;
street, rear entrance.
WANTED Girl at the Keystone I
Laundry. Harris and Wallace streets.
WANTED Good housekeeper for j
cooking and general housework. Apply 1
2005 North Third street, or call Bell 1
phone 3349.
WANTED Experienced saleslady.
Apply Collins Co., 29 Nort.x Second t
WANTED Experienced white wo- ,
man, 25 to 40 years of age, for general
l housework: $5 per week. Apply at
2115 North Third street.
WANTED Lady cook at Duncan
! non, Wister's mansion, no washing or
ironing plain cooking only for 20 or
25 men. Apply to E. S. Harrison, Dun- ]
cannon. Pa.
GIRL WANTED For general house
work in Paxtang; experience unneces- '
sary. Call Bell phone 2171W for par
WANTED Girl for general house- I
work in boardinghouse; good wages.
' Apply 111 South Front street, Steelton,
WANTED—Operators good
pay experienced on power sew- j
ing machines. Jennings Mfg. Co.,
414 State street.
Help Wanted—
Male and Female
WANTED Married couple for the
country. Man to look after lawn and !
• garden, ami woman to do housework. 1
Not over middle-age. Address "B. K. [
J., care of Telegraph.
WANTED—We have openings
for 12 more bright girls and boys.
Apply, Silk Mill, Corner North i
and Second streets.
Salesmen Wanted ,
TURN spare time Into cash. Increase I
your income s;'.o to $.lO monthly with- j
out intrfering with your regular work.
No selling. Investment or experience re
quired. Don't answer unless employed.
Crown Mfg. Co., 20 W. Lake, Chicago. ;
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED Young, married man. 24 '
years old, Tech High graduate, with
six years' clerical and draughting ex
perience, wishes permanent position;
nest reference. Address A. M., 3775,
J care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young man desires po- :
sltion as stenographer and general
office work; reference. Address W. F.
| G.. 1415 Liberty street.
i WANTED Work by young, colored i
I boy between school hours. Address 150
Balm street, or Bell phone 40W.
WANTED Place to work on stock
farm by young, colored man. Address j
832 Brlggs street.
WANTED Chef desires position.
In or out of this city; can furnish best 1
of reference. Call, or write. James IS. '
Bitting, 1158 South Eleventh street, I
, City.
WANTED Chauffeur would like po-
I sltion driving truck or private car. Call
! 405 Reily street.
I Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED Middle-aged, colored wo
man wishes work by day of any kind, I
•or washing and ironing. Apply 1730 !
North Seventh street.
i WANTED Colored woman wishes
work by day or week of any kind. Ad
j dress N0.4 Sherman's Row. City.
WANTED Dishwashing or day'a I
work. Apply 651 Calder street.
WANTED Young, white woman
desires position for general housework I
|or housekeeping, address J., 37SS. care
of Telegraph.
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED A position in an ice
| cream parlor by a young ladv; the best 1
lof reference furnished. Address Box j
113. Paxtang. Pa.
V, 'ANTED Colored woman, reliable, j
j desires to have day's work of any kind. I
or housecleaning by th> day. Apply, or j
! write. 1424 Marion street.
! WANTED Woman desire" washtng >
to do at home. Call at 2146 North Sev- I
enth street. Harrisburg.
: WANTED Housecleaning by the
| day; also maternity nursing. Apply I
j 1112 H North Seventh street.
i WANTED Colored woman wants
! washing and ironing to do at home.
343 Muench street. !
Real Estate For Sale
LOTS—Levi Brandt Est., Elk-:
j wood, New Cumberland 5O ft. i
front up to one-half acre plots
sewer water gas—electricity.'
S2OO up. Easy payments. 5c
! trolley. Keeney & Simmons,
, Agents.
] room houses, built three years; bath; j
steam heat: gas; electric lights, vacant
I lot: $;>,500.00 If sold before April 15. i
I Bell 1692-J3.
doing a good business. Price, about I
i $5,000. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thlr-j
teen street.
2-story brick and stucco house; 7
rooms and bath; hardwood lloors: all
conveniences; on Twenty-seventh
street, tirst house from Derry; excellent ;
1 opportunity for anyone interested in
i small suburban property. Call on
| premises or phone 130 R.
! PENBROOK—*2.7OO will buy a Pen
brook property: frame house, electric
light, plot 75x150; also other suburban
properties at reasonable prices. Bell
Realty Co.. Begner Building.
TWELFTH ST.. N.. 43—Brick house I
for sale, at $2,200; seven rooms, bath,
gas. furnace, porch front; cemented eel- !
lar. Inspect it. Bell Realty Co.. Berg
ner Building.
! FRAME HOUSE. new. eight rooms, j
I bath. gas. electric light, steam heat, ce
: mented cellar; lot, 25x125. For sale at ,
$3,000. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build- '
| WALLACE ST.. 1317 For sale. 1
' frame house, seven rooms. If the price
Is not right we will make it right. Get
our list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner ;
Building. |
$525 WILL Bl" i a desirable cottage
at Mt. Gretna close to the auditorium—'
frontage of plot is 50 feet. Price is re- i
duced tor quick sale. Bell Realty Co.,
Bt-rgner Building.
FOR SALE One three-storv brick
'building. 30x60. Calder and Marlon
'streets, suitable for factory or lodge
j rooms. Also three-story brick dwelling.
{ with front porch, at 431 Hamilton
j street. Also one two-story frame, with
side yard, at 433 Hamilton street, ln
' quire at 431 Hamilton street.
i A BIG BARGAIN 33 Evergreen
i street; 9 rooms; bath: electric light:
1 hardwood floors. Reduced more than
SI,OOO. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thlr-!
j tenth street.
Two houses for sale; very attractive,
two-story bungalows; seven rooms and
bath: all Improvements; $2,000; on easv
terms. Apply Wittenmyer Lumber
I Company, Seventh and Schuylkill,
j streets.
FOR SALE—Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
i blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
Cumberland County—4 acre*,
near Hunters Run. Station and
Meyers' Store; fronting on State
Road: Carlisle to Gettysburg;
new-bungalow, 8 rooms, large
porches, new stable, vegetables,
poultry or summer house. Price
only $1,500.
3, V. acres—Good seven-room
house, good barn, hog barn,
large, modern chicken house,
other buildings; fruit; good
fences; school on the farm;
telephone, mail delivered. Price,
One to Ave plots at Vaughn,
along the "L" trolley; very j
productive soil; beautiful and
healthful location. The price
with all conditions is very low.
All above. Immediate posses
Care's Grocery, Linglestown,
Pa. Description at 409 Market
| Street. Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE—Riverside, new pressed
brick houses; slate roof: front and back
porch; balcony: steam; gas; electric;
hedge fence. D. E. Lucas. 303 Lewis
I street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at
i public sale in front of State Capitol
i Building, at entrance, Fourth and State
i streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at
I 10 o'clock, a. m., April S, 1916, the fol
lowing buildings and structures upon
j the premises within the boundaries of
i the proposed extension of Capitol Park
| la Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg:
Fifth street, 506,
, Filbert street. 409,
j Fourth street, 109, 111, 115; stable in
rear No. 115 and Market House
near State street.
South street, 433, 434,
. South Avenue. 431. 433,
State street, 437, 439,
Walnut street, 514.
The purchaser shall pay to the Com
-1 monwealth of Pennsylvania througil I
the office of the Superintendent of Pub
lic Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg.
Pennsylvania, by certified check or
United States currency, the amount at
which the said building or buildings
and structures are awarded to them as
follows; A cash payment of 25 per cent.
) shall be made on day of sale and the
balance before entering upon the prop
erty to remove the material purchased.
In all cases where the premises are
unoccupied possession will be givejn the
purchaser immediately. Where the •
| premises are tenanted possession will
i be given immediately after the premises
( are vacated. The Commonwealth will |
i not be responsible for any damage to
I property after possession Is given. Pur
j chaser shall state at time of their of
fer the time required to remove the i
j buildings and material after being j
given possession by the Commonwealth, >
which in no case shall be longer than i
160 days. All building refuse shall be |
carted away from the premises by the j
I purchaser. All foundation wall must t
be taken down and removed at least I
| three feet below level of street.
The Board of Commissioners of Pub
; lie Grounds and Buildings reserves the :
! right to accept or reject any or all bids. I
The work of removal shall be perform- I
ed under the direction of and to the
satisfaction of the Superintendent of j
Public Grounds and Buildings.
) NOTE: The sidewalks and street
pavements are not to be removed by
| purchaser of buildings or structures
under this schedule.
I By Order of the Board;
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE Single two-story frame
! bungalow: all Improvements; lot. 70x
I 200; location, Camp Hill, Bowman ave- ,
nue; paved street. Price; *3,800.00.
| West Shore Realty Co.. Baer & Rlc», ,
i Lemoyne Trust Building, Lemoyne. Pa.
! Bell phone 3198 J.
FOR SALEJ, at Rockvllle, 2H -story!
! frame dwelling, 7 rooms and sun parlor.
I large porches; lot. 60x110; two squares
from station. Price, $2,200.00. Brln
! ton-Packer Co.. Secoii.. .tnd Walnut j
1 - 1
LOGAN STREET, above Emerald.
Plot of ground fronting on Logan
street 120 feet and extending 119
to Orange avenue. One of the finest
residential sections in the city. We aro
| instructed to olTer this ground at a:
greatly reduced price in order to make j
| a quick sale. Let us quote you the rig- j
ures. Backenstoss Bros., Ruse Bulla- !
! SWATARA STREET. 1951. Corner
property; SH-story frame; 7 rooms;
j oath; hot and cold water; front and side :
! porch; lot. 40x100; suitable for garage
lin rear. Price. 52.900.00. Backenstoss
Bros., Russ Building.
! ground fronting on Second street 80x
107, including u dwelling thereon. It
| yor areu Interested see us about price.
I which has been greatly reduced. Back- i
enstoss Bros., Russ Building.
I on Park Avenue. Camp Hill, for sale.
All modern improvements, including !
piping for stationarv vacuum cleaner. <
| Lot, 60x143 feet to alley. These proper- j
■ ties are most complete and will be sold
on liberal terms. Come and look them
! over.
222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa.
ft. plots; high location, near school
house. Also 86 ft. on Raysor street,
near trolley. Apply to John L Ream,
Twenty-seventh and Boas streets. Pen
FOR SALE Beautiful, new two
and-a-half-storv brick residence in one
i of the finest locations in the city. 1001
North Seventeenth street. Corner lot,
60x120 feet. Eight rooms and attic.
Hall through center. All improvements.
I Fine lawn and shrubbery, sold on easy I
terms. Inquire of J. A. Singmaster, I
Gettysburg, Pa.
story brick; 7 rooms; bath; cement eel- !
. lar: laundry; gas and electricity; lot. j
! 18.7x120; terrace; granolithic walks; ;
built in pairs. Pi-ice. $2,800.00. Back- I
enstoss Bros., Russ Building.
FOR SALE Single two-story frame
house; all improvements; location,
j North Lemoyne. Price. J2.400.00. West
| Shore Realty Co.. Baer & Rice, Lemoyne
Trust Building, Lemoyne, Pa. Bell
phone 319SJ.
2460 North Sixth street—3-story
brick dwelling. 8 rooms, bath and fur
nace. front and rear porches. Lot 15xi
115. Inquire for our price. Brinton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
WALNUT STREET. 1554. 2<4-story
frame dwelling, 5 rooms, attick; bath;
range; electricity; cement cellar; slate
roof; newly papered and painted; front
and side porch; lot 26x132;
barn in rear; taxes $25.00; rents $20.50;
street car service front and rear; Res
ervoir Park on opposite side of street.
Price. $2,400.00. Backenstoss 8r05.,,
Russ Bunding.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT 1844 Derrv street; 7
rooms and bath; hot water heat and all |
conveniences. Apply of G. E. Sheffer, •
, 220 Seneca street. Phone 877 M.
FOR RENT Summer home. at
Dauphin, furnished; rive rooms, bath,
and garage. For particulars apply to
H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth
FOR RENT Two storerooms anil
five rooms, with bath, at the corner of
Sixth and Kelker streets. Inquire at
| 1342 North Sixth street, L Lilbert.
FOR RENT 230 Peffer street.
! three-story brick house; nine rooms i
and bath; all improvements; good con-'
I dition. Rent. $22.50. C. S. Weakley, 1815 i
North Second street.
203 Harris St., 3-st. br.; 9 r. & b„
$30.00, plus water.
560 Woodbine St., 3-st. br. dwg. &
bakery. Including electric mixer, com
plete and ready for business, $45.00.
Market St. & Park Ave., 2%-st. br.;
S r. & b„ $40.00, plus water.
Market St., near Heyd St.. fr.. '
S. Bowman Ave., 2-st. fr. bungalow;
S r. & b.. $25.00.
N. Bowman Ave., fr. semi-bungalow;
7 r. & b., $25.00.
Park Ave., br. bungalow, $25.00.
Page St., 2',4-st. fr.; 8 r. & b„ $20.00.
Ross Ave., 8 r. & 2 dwgs., each
Walnut St.. 2H-st. br. bungalow; 7
i r. & b„ $25.00.
107 S. Front St., 2d floor front & rear,
j 2 & 3 rooms, also kitchens & baths,
i complete for housekeeping.
I 110 N. Second St., 2d &3d floor front,
2 & 3 rooms & bath; also unfurnished
separate rear rooms.
100S N. Third St.. size 18x40, $35.00.
Second and Walnut Sts.
FOR RENT House; city steam;
hardwood floors; newly painted inside
and out; newly papered. Call at 113
South Front street, or Dr. Park, 32
North Second street.
WANT TO RENT Small, country j
place near Harrisburg, Pa., with small ;
amount of ground. Possession during
April. Bell phone 385R, or address S.,
3670, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT 207 South Front
street, from April 1; also three rooms
on third floor of No. 9 South Market
Square. Apply to 232 North Second
FOR RENT Two-ltory warehouse. !
3 Cowden street, near Market. Eleva- ■
tor. P. R. R. siding. Possession at
once. Bell phone 899 M. C. F. Gobi,
: 1003 North Second street.
FOR RENT —Large, new double
brick house at Oyster Point, Camp Hill.
Rents, S2O and s2l per month. All •
modern improvements. Two minutes'
walk to street car line. Will be ready
about April 1. West Shore Realty Co..
Baer & Itice, Lemoyne Trust Building,
Lemoyne, Pa. Bell phone 3198 J.
fine, rich soil; farmed In potatoes, on
shares; excellent chance for good pa- i
tato farmer. Elmer Zimmerman, 1435 i
_ I
Wanted —Miscellaneous
WANTED One second-hand double
top. flat desk; also one seccnd-hand
drafting desk. Phone 3978. Write A.
B. & W. Co., 216 South Second.
WANTED Two or three furnished
rooms, light housekeeping. State price.
Address M.. 3786, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Suite of two or three |
furnished rooms, bath, near Pine street.
State terms, etc. Address G„ 3785, care
of Telegraph.
[ I>EK POST. NO. 31. will hold an Oyster
I Supper at G. A. R. Hall, 26 North "third |
street, Friday Evening, April 7th, 4 to 1
j S P. M. Tickets, fifteen cents.
WANTED Small business proposi- j
; tlon. centrally located: moving picture. ;
j cigar store or pool room preferred. Ad
uress J., 3777. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Vlctrolas. Phonograph* '
and Records wanted for cash. Bell
j nhone 3RSR. Address Victrola Exchange, i
care of Telegraph.
Wanted—Miscellaneous i
WANTED Good second-hand Fur- I
nlture, Pianos. Vlctrolas. Phonographs,
Rugs, etc., for highest cash prices. Ad
dres Box 3617, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Crescent Laun- 1
dry Company shares. State price I
and where the seller can be seen.j
Address, A 384*5, care the Tele-;
graph. j
NEW Dressmaking Establishment, I
New Cumberland. Seventh and Market. I
offers to public from 7th on, every sev- ,
enth dress made free of charge. Phone
3002 R. Limited time.
! WANTED Small apartment or sev- !
eral unfurnished rooms, with or with- i
| out board, on Hill. Address W„ 3771, ,
| care of Telegraph.
WANTED Old Machinery, Boilers,
Engines, Motors. Automobiles unfit for ;
repair. Highest prices for large lots
Copper. Brass, Lead. Zinc and all old
materials. F. R. Laverty. Bell pl.cne
761 W. Harrisburg. Pa. i
Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT House In good location, I
and splendidly furnished. Will rent to
reliable party Immediately. References ,
! required. Address J., 5772. care of i
: Telegraph.
j FOR RENT Second and third floor
apartments, four rooms and bath, cen
i trally located. Apply H. W. Miller, Bell
iphone 81R.
FOR RENT Large, furnished :
apartment, centrally located. Will rent
, for limited period, with privilege of re
taining one furnished room indefinitely.
; Address Post Office Box 452, Harris
FOR RENT From April 1, apart
ment in the Sixth Street Bank Building.
Apply at Bank. Sixth and Maclay
Medium, low-priced corner apart
ment; three large rooms. plenty of
light and well ventilated; running
water, range and cabinet in kitchen;
handy to works, railroad and market.
Inquire, 1323 Wallace street, first floor.
ond floor housekeeping apartments,
; containing 2 or 3 rooms with baths
and kitchens. Possession April 1. Ap
! ply to Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut streets.
WALNUT ST., 204 An apartment 1
with six roomr and bathroom, balcony
in the rear with dumb waiter and
clothes drier. Terms reasonable. City
steam. E. Mather.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Two rooms for light
housekeeping; all conveniences; fur
nished or unfurnished. Applv 1253 Derrv
str« City.
FOR RENT Second story, bay
window front room, furnished or unfur
nished. 261 Peffer street.
FOR RENT Two large, light
rootns and kitchen; suitable for dlning
' rooms. Apply 125 Pine street.
110 N. Second Street.
2 Rooms and bath—3d floor front, $25
" " —3d " rear, 15
! 3 " " "
1 Large room—2d floor 15
Brinton-Packer Co-
Second and Walnut Sts.
i FOR RENT Newly-furnished room
] for one or two gentlemen, in private
family; all conveniences, including use
!of telephone 4064 R. Apply 426 North
I street.
FOR RENT Three newly-furnished
first floor rooms; front and side en
trance; back yard. Rent, $15.00. Call
after 7:30 evenings, 1229 Bailey.
FOR RENT Second floor front
. room of corner house: all improve
ments. Apply No. 501 Cumberland
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
room, with use of and bath; gen
tlemen preferred. Applv 904 Capital
i si'.-cet.
j FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
on second floor, next to bath, private
family. Call, or address, 142 Sylvan
FOR RENT Large, second floor
furnished room, central location, eigh
teen dollars. Address Post Office Box
4 52, Harrisburg.
FOR RENT—Chestnut St., XO7, splen
did furnished rooms; also two adjoin
ing rooms; all conveniences; desirable
location: centrally located; private fam
ily; rent reasonable. Apply Mrs. J. A.
Durand. above address.
FOR RENT Two large, attractive,
second floor front rooms for rent; all
conveniences and use of phone; gentle
men only. Apply 813 North Second
large room. 231 North Seond street In
quire 217 North Second.
Board and Rooms
References exchanged. Apply at 929
North Third street.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Must be sold quickly. !
Ford Touring Car; slip covers; new
tires: paint like new. Miller Auto Co.,
68 South Cameron street. Bell, 4118 J.
, —— i
FOR SALE Pope twin motorcycle.
Inquire Mr. Alexander, care Front-
Market Supply Co.
WE have purchased the stationery
i stock of McCullough & Linn, Carlisle,
! Pa., consisting of Ledgers, Day, Cash
and Memoranda Books, Ink, Mucilage,
; etc., and will be placed on sale at
Scheffer's Old Book Store, 21 South Sec
ond Street. Open from 9 A. M. to 8
P. M. We buy, sell or exchange any
thing of value. List your goods with
us for sale and let us know your wants.
Nothing too large or small. Package
Sale Saturday. Safe and Shelving for
FOR SALE Pool Room and Cigar
Store doing good business. Bargain. 265
North Front street, Steelton, Pa.
CIGARS—Smoke Cre-Malta 5c Cigars,
trial 50 postpaid, 75c, or 12 Old-Rve,
1 12 Little Havana?, and 25 Cre-Malta, sl.
Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston
Terrier, female puppy, :;mall breed.
Price, $15.00. Inquire 1248 (store) Mar
ket street. Phone 612 R.
I suit your pocketbook. Open a charge
1 account. Pay a little each week. Day
| ton Cycle C 912 North Third street.
! FOR SALE Lie-lit 1915 Indian mo
torcycle; three speed; fully equipped,
with sidecar; used only very little. Bar- 1
gain for quick buyer. Dr. Lawrence.
204 Market street.
FOR SALE One dlnlngroont suit,
six marble-top Ice crtam tables and
stools, and electric fan. Applv Philip 1
Levenson. 2134 North Sixth street.
FOR SALE One Weywood reed go- '
; cart for sale. Apply 245 Woodbine
' street.
FOR SALE A few slightlv used in- i
cubators. Apply W. 11. Wolfe. 1951
j Boas street.
$785.00 STIEFF Player Piano, per- I
j feet condition. 111) rolls of music, can
!be bought for $350.00. Came to me in
I settlement of an account. D. P. Jerauld,
I 14 Evergreen street.
FOR SALE Three-piece porch set. '
wicker furniture, good ss new, for !
512.00 ca»h. Can be seen at 2036 Fulton 1
FOR PALE Horse, wagon and h»r- i
nes. Harrisburg Hardware Co., 5 North i
, Second street. 1
! For Sale—Miscellaneous |
FOR SALE Two bedroom suits, j
sideboard, stove?, carpets, etc. No deal- I
ers. 279 Calder street.
i Tables, good condition. Will sell at a
. sacrifice. Am going out of pool busl
| ness. Apply George B. Hess. 416 Mar
' ket street. City.
! FOR SALE A reed baby coach, in
! good condition. Apply 334 Crescent
I street.
SIO.OO up. Remington, Underwood and
S. C. Smiths, rebuilt like new, at at- I
; tractive prlcea. Gao. P. Tlllotson. 11l
: Locust.
FOR RFNT Typewriters bought,
sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter
i *n.l Supply Co., 40 North Court atreet.
| FOR SALE—Hot air furnace, best
| condition. Also gas fixtures. Will sell |
| cheap. Address, 40 North Tenth street, j
Harrisburg, Pa.
FOR SALE An all-steel fireproof 1
paper baler, making bales 80 to 125 i
I pounds. Address "Baler," care of Tele
-1 graph.
AT GABLE'SL 111. 116 and 117 eouth :
I Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
j FOR SALE "Owen" Davenport
1 Bed, seven feet long, springs and mat- I
j tress, little used. Bargain to quick;
buyer. Can be seen at »J. M. Zelgler's
I Store, 110 South Second street.
secured at the Telegraph Business
Office. !
AT GABLES. 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L.
primed and glazed, at $1.30 ptr set I
Also other sixes.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the i
telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE Scratch Pads new
supply—6o for 25c while they last. Ap
ply Job Printing Department The Tele- '
graph Printing Company.
For Rent—Miscellaneous
ion second floor front; large bayi
! window; corner room ; splendid j
j location for a dentist, oculist, 1
! doctor or other purpose;?. At pres-1
ent occupied by Dr. Eppley, Den-'
tist. Inquire at 1945 North Sixth!
street. .
FOR RENT Storeroom, 252
Hamilton street, rent sl2. Chas.
Adler, Real Estate and Insurance,!
1002 North Third street.
TOR RENT Desirable office, 14x19
■ feet, in the Telegraph Building. Don't
delay if you want your office In the
city's largest and best office building,
inquire Superintendent.
FOR SALE Household goods at
i reasonable figures; also one bicycle 1
and double heater. Apply to Mrs. Wm. !
I Little. 6 South Fifteenth street.
FOR RENT First-class soda. Ice
cream and confectionery store, with
up-to-date fixtures, with an established
trade, doing a nice business. Good rea
sons for renting. Inquire, or write, to
I L. Sllbart, corner Sixth and Harris
, streets.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
, for a doctor or dentist or general
, purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
at Inventory and fixtures at a reason
able price; also another opportunity
for a similar business: rent for. house
and store. S3O per month. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
able for man or woman, in the retail
| business. Address A., 3776. care of i
WOULD like to interview people
willing to invest $600.00 to help manu
j facture and sell new article. All men I
use dally. Pleasing particulars at in
terview. Write A.. 3850, care of Tele
i FOR SALE Restaurant In good
suburban town, near Harrisburg. on
I one of the best business streets,
room, fully equipped with stock of
J cigars, tobacco and confectionery. Price
for all, $375.00. Brlnton-Packer Co
I Second and Walnut streets.
j DEAR SIR Good proposition, pay - i
ing. Will sell cheap on account of sick- I
ness. Easy handled. Apply 332 Broad I
j street, M. C. Lucas, second floor.
ANY intelligent person can earn iood
j incomv corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
Business Personals
$1.50 Bell 14«
Winter Piano Co., 23 N. Fourth St.
WE move pianos carefully. Bell
1 146. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth
CASH PAID for good
' , and Men's Clothing, Shoes, Furniture
and Carpets. Please give description
of goods you want to sell. Send postal
: to 636 Herr street.
PRACTICAL men, with years of ex
perience. Motor trucks that are good
. and dependable. Reasonable rates.
Apply Ensminger Motor Co.. Green and
! Cuir jerland. Hell 3515.
Business Personals
WE have a preparation that shaves
I a man without a razor, strop or soap
I 25c coin will bring receipt and particu
lars of fifteen quick-selling household 1
1 specialties. Agents wanted. The Alma
I Specialty Co., 38 East Market street
I York, Pa.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine
Hair Tonic, picpared by Gross, the!
Druggist and Apothecary, lift Market
i street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone
( orders gtven prompt attention. Bell
i 1960.
R. A. HARTM AN. Boarding Stable
and National Transfer Co. Movers ot
pianos, safes, boilers and genera! haul
ing. H. W. Lathe, Manage), Fifth and
i Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
' j
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
I security In any amounts and upon any !
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
1 Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection. !
I Low insurance. 427-445 South Second
| street. Harrisburg Storage Company
IN 8-story brick building, rear 408
! Market street.
Household goods in clean, private !
' rooms Reasonable rates. Applv to I
; P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for!
household goods and merchandise. Prl
j vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cjnta ,
! per month. Apply D. Cooper ft Co.. 411 I
'Broad street
j FOR SALE 1915 Model Studehaker.
[good as new; 1 extra tire, good set of
tools. Demonstration on request. Call
|at Salesroom. 68 South Cameron.
\ WE have a Marathon Roadster in A 1
I condition. Cheap to quick buyer. Also
several touring cars and one half-ton
| truck. Auto Sales and Distributing
Company, 125 South Eleventh street.
1915 Ford delivery: good,
j 1913 Michigan Touring; very good; elee
| trie light, starter; cheap,
j 1911 Hudson 20, Runabout; good.
; 1913 Overland Touring; good; cheap.
1913 Ford Touring; good.
Hudson Sales Agency 11S9 Mulberry
street. Bell phone J396.
FOR SALE Maxwell Mascotte
touring car. Model 1912. Good running
condition. Apply City Garage.
i FOR SALE Two 1915 Ford touring
i cars, first class condition. Will dem
i onstrate. Price reasonable. C. D.
I Houck, 11th and Maclay . or Ehling's
j Auto Repair Shop. Mulberry and Prune
! avenue. Bell phone 928.
i FOR SALE Locomobile touring car.
In tlrst-class condition, with full elec
itrical equipment. Will sell very cheap.
I Addres i ost Office Box 452, llarrls-
I burg.
I FOR SALE One 1913 Cadillac, in
l first-class condition. Apply Bell phone
j 1499 R.
FOR SALE One 1912 Crawford
; Touring Car; four door; new top; new
ly painted; Presto Light. Call for dem
onstration. Comstock's Garage, Me
j chanicsburg. Pa.
A REBUILT Packard chassis for sale
I cheap. Will make first-class truck,
j Can be seen at Rex Garage.
I BRETZ BROS.. "Everything In Hard
| ware." from 109-111 Market street to
l 105 North Second street.
Livestock and Poultry
• EGGS —S.C. W. Leghorn Eggs from
'selected breeders. $5.00 per 100. Breed
ing stocK Tor sale. Also three Cypher
Incubators, cheap. Locust Grove Farm,
Mai' sville. United phone.
least; Jacob Lehr farm; 27 acres; all
under cultivation; 9-room dwelling Just
; built costing $1,800.00; barn which will
i house 12 head of stock; all necessary
outbuildings; running water; fruit;
suitable for poultry; good reason for
selling. Price, $1,300.00. Backonstoss
Bros.. Russ Building.
Legal Notices
| NOTICE Is hereby given that the
, partnership between Wm. Mc. Felton,
Camaro W. Ilargleroad and Geo. 11.
'Shaffer, trading as Auto Transportation
Co.. was dissolved on the 6th day of
; April. 1916, by mutual consent, so' far
as relates to the said Geo. H. Shaffer. All
; debts due to said partnership are to he
[paid and those due from same discharg
ed at 25 North Cameron Street, Harrts
| burg. Pa., where the business under the
| same name will be conducted by Wm.
! Mc. Felton. Cainaro W. Hargleroad and
J. A. Felton.
NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
the Estate of Regina Gardner, late of
Harrisburg. Daupnln County. Pa., de
ceased. having been granted to the un
| dersigned located in Harrisburg, Pa.,
! all persons indebted to said Estate are
i requested to make immediate payment.
, and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Estate of Rt. Rev. John W. Shanahan,
late of the City of Harrisburg. Coun
ty of Dauphin, deceased.
above estate having been granted to the
t undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make pay
; ment, and those having claims to pre
sent the same without delay, to
Hanover, Pa.:
Danville. Pa.,
: Or to their attorney.
Harrisburg, Pa.
, NOTICE Letters Testamentary on
j the Estate of Howard S. Robeson, late
| of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de
! ceased, having been granted to the un
: dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa.,
all persons indebted to said Estate are
! requested to make Immediate payment,
and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
No. 1628 Green Street,
i Or to Executrix.
NOTICE is hereby given mat applica
tion will be made to the Court of Quar
| ter Sessions of Dauphin County by Eu
gene Barbush for a transfer to him of
the Retail Liquor License now held by
Albert Wilson for the "Loyd House," at
the southeast corner of Market and
Wood Streets, in the First Ward of the
Borough of Mlddletown, Pennsylvania,
on Friday, the 14th day of April, A. D.
1916, at 10 o'clock A. M„ or as soon
thereafter as the said Court may be in
Attorney for Transferee.
NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap
j plication will be made to the Board of
'Pardons of the Commonwealth of Penn-
I sylvania. on Wednesday, April 19, 1916,
i for a pardon for Newton H. Miller.
| who was convicted to No. 45. June Sea
i sions. 1915, In the Court of Quarter
| Session of Dauphin County, and now
confined in the penitentiary at Phila
The entire coat of
121.00 for 4 months is $2.60
$31.00 for 4 months is $3.36
s4l-00 for 4 months Is $4.12
$52.00 for 4 months Is $5.92
! Room 7. Spooner Bldg., 9 N. Mlct. Sq.
' State Banking Dept. License No. 24.
| For Sale ;;
;; Lot 60x60 ft.—Corner • ■
;; Thirteenth and Kitta- ;■
;; tinny streets.
| I The location is exceptionally J J
|j | good for an apartment house or ■'
' ■ for dwelling houses. Make me ■ ■
!< ■ an offer, • .
:: M.A. Fought ij
:: 272 North St. ;;
H I I !♦»»■ •