Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1916, Page 11, Image 11
Spring Opening and Discount Sale Do not fail to visit oar store Saturday and Monday. Wo have our Spring stock for Men, Women and Children ready for your inspection. All die very latest styles, best of quality, lowest price and we give you the most liberal terms. No fed tape at this store. Pick out what you want and say charge it- Wear the clothing while paying far it a little each week. We defy competition. WHY? We own and operate stores in au the principal cities in the United States, as well as manufacturing most of the clothing we sell, sanding the middle man's profit, and we give you the benefit of It. Don't be deceived, visit oar store, get prioas and terms and see what you get for your money. »> > YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD < «< LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Ladies' DRESSES in Cloth and Silk In colore. Shepherd plaids, Cop- jj J. Ml In all the n»w shades and styles, nnhaeren blue, navy blue, green and 4'4k Prices: $9-98? $13.48, $1 g.48, I $7 ' 48 ' $1 6 ' 98 sl9-98, $22 A J?p i I We carry a full line of Party LADIES' SPRING COATS jßf? | LADIES' SILK AND LACE WAISTS In chinchillas, cordurcys, serges (■* MM L:*>§ \R . 1 and poplins. In all the new 'Jf/® if Si I V f i". r.hades. Price.: \Y*IIL if I .'J c^ ln# ' PU-TJwlJtaw taffeta, Oeorg . U W. «,"$ f f'JJ stte crepe and Iwm Prk-esi $4.98, $0.48, $9.98, Jjm J $3-98, s£.4B, $0.98 *I2M w a tip LADIES' SKIRTS | FANCY PETTICOATS Plains. corduroys, stripea. Plain ft *1 ljlfv | n silka and heth«r<bloom.s. colors In sergre, poplin and taffeta, |j\ ft Uw Prices; Prl^: I 'i\ Qfic, $9-98, ST9B ani> VP || MILLINERY LADIES' WASH WAISTS fcfl fev ,JS S3Z h^t* UP £i£: # Un * ° f Cotton voile and lawns. Prices; t 1 ! qo no *M qo 69 c TO $1 98 1| ' MEN'S FANCY MIXED MEN'S ODD PANTS AND SERGE SUITS *(S PF* R Strips and sergee. Prices: In all the new styles for old and ■ 1 sl-48 w $4.98 younfr men In plaids, pin stripes. ■ II TP PT/ - A IX) *T SQ.9B, sl4-987 slg 98 JL p BOYS SUITS anu t' 1 Clothes the Family $l~ 9B, $2 ,98 > $3 98 vp" MEN'S TOP COATS MEN'S SOFT AND STIFF HATS $7.98, SQ.9B, $1 2-98 BOYS ' KNEE PANTS Prtoes^ 10 newest • hapoe * nd " ty,es VKHY NEWEST Price 39 C TO 98 c 1 98 c > *1 98 **■> *2 98 Do not overlook this place when you want to drew up your family. Our price* are as low as any cash store and you can have all the credit you want. ASKIN & MARINE CREDIT CLOTHIERS 36 IN. Second St., Corner Walnut Open Saturday Nights Till 10:30 SUICIDE AT LEBANON Annville, Pa., April 7. James Bradley, aged 39 year, hung himself to a bedpost with the aid of a torn sheet and strangled to death at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. D. Sh uter. at Lebanon last night. Hrad ley had brooded over family troubles the past week, although he had given no intimation of committing suicide, j He is survived by a wife and a twen ty-year-old daughter. Safe Home Treatment For Objectionable Hairs (Boudoir Secrets) The electric needle is not required for the removal of hair or fuzz, for with the use of plain delatone tlie most stubborn growth can be quickly banished. A paste is made with water and a little of the powder, then spread over the hairy surface. In about 2 minutes It is rubbed off and the skin washed. This simple treat- : ment not only removes the hair, but i leaves the skin free from blemish. Be sure you get genuine delatone. t Pretty Teeth Add to the Natural Beauty of All Faces «hrm^^«^ n <^., VweU ,n u W FREK , o" , CHARGB."' "*" AVLll:™:! '—«•»« pr«ctlve .nd .'tu/y do'*? " d dentlat uuit have I* order to ■mi!?!!?/? 7 -. w^l k - ' ••• "» work ■ ••■olutely patalii!. My therefll?" ' Ji h " vr h «"> ■ vn "« ■»M«t of <x»trl m, .J2 "Metiw are able te reidrr (he very beat ef aer^-lcea. v,Hh •" <h «** , - Hours, 8:80 A. M. to « P. M. Cloaed on Sunday* Open MOB., W>4. and Sat. E»fl»g» liitll > P. M. DR. PHILLIPS, Painless Dentist l*ry U2O MARKKT ST. ■®&» ■'"' OVF.R HUB. Hell Phone. Branch Olfleeai Philadelphia and Rendlnc. Otraia Spokra LADY ASSIST.* NT. FRIDAY EVENING, « HARRISBURG f Jllftl TELEGRAP D APRIL 7, 191<x Little Belgian Actress Tells of Adventures in War Zone Mile. Philippine Artois, the attrac tive Belgian actress who gave an' illustrated lecture on Belgium and j Germany at the Technical High School auditorium last evening, is doing her best to be fair to both countries which she discusses in her travelogue. This is her second tour of the United States and naturally she has been criticised by many whose sympathies are with this or that country. It is a difficult position, that of the little actress, who is doing her best to refrain from showing the natural prejudice that a Belgian at this time would have against the Germans, tier lecture was very interesting and the receipts are to be equally divided between the lted Cross of this city and the general lied Cross Fund. During two hours Mile. Artois told of the invasion of the Germans into Belgium, how the buildings were destroyed and peasants cut down in large numbers. Many Incidents were recounted of her trip through Ger- I many under German escort and the flatteringly close attention that she re- I ceived at their hands, as does anybody j who enters that country during war i times. The size of the audience last night was not much of an inspiration to the little lecturer, but those who attended were very much repaid. WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN New York, April 7.—A1l world s rec ords in foreign trade were broken by | the port of New York in February, when more than $220,000,000 in ex ! ports were shown by the statement for the month. The largest previous amount was reported last November, when total shipments aejrreKated 1 $188,000,000. The great business in terests of the country are fully aware that their prosperity is largely due to | the European war and there is an anx | iet.v among most of them to provide 1 some way to meet conditions which i ] eventually must be faced when the i j conflict ends. KNOW ANYTHING I OF JOE GARNER? Brother Will Writes to Recor der Lentz About Long Lost One i For more than J/*/ )t ]}j seventeen year! Will Garner hasn't ! | JP seen or heard a . word of his brother strenuous efforts to jSjjgggSlW learn something- of Recorder James E. j The recorder got the letter yesterday. In It Garner ex j plained that some seventeen years ago It he family was a mighty happy one in | St. Mary's county, Maryland, and | then the boys scattered into the world and Joe's whereabouts has never been learned. Garner doesn't believe Joe . is dead—but he doesn't know. During the last few weeks Garner j J has had a tip that Joe is, or was, in either Steetton or Harrisburg while | working at one of the big manu | facturing plants. So he has written j for Mr. Lentz's assistance in running ; down the clue. Now then if you know or have heard of Joe Garner pass the tip along to ! Recorder Lentz at the courthouse. Orphan's Court Sale. Sale of No. 31i» Maclay street, owned bv the estate of I„evan Stephenson, will be Isold at executor's sale at lu o'clock, I Tuesday morning; April IS on the courthouse steps. The sale will be conducted by Attorney \V. 1,. Looser, 1 counsel for John D. Stephenson, the executor. Assessors All Paid. County assesorss have all been paid off for their work on the litlti county books and the duplicates will nc . be made up preparatory to sending out the books to the county tax collectors.! I The city collectors will get theirs i some time in May; those in the county ! (some time in June. Wants $2,850 For House. At 10 | o'clock, Monday, April 24, F. It. Bushey, administrator for the estate lof Annie M. Blocher, will offer for \ sale No. 2140 Penn street, in accord ance with permission of the Dauphin j county courts. The court has allowed i $2,850 to be fixed as the price. lAtmiaeMemsl' THEATRICAL DIRECTORY lORPHEUM—To-night, Combined Musi -1 cal Clubs of Pennsylvania State Col [ lege; Monday and Tuesday. April JO I I and 11. "Pollyanna;" Wednesday night. Maud Adams in "The Little j I Minister." .Motion Picture House* i 'OI.I >.\'l ,\li—"Bullets and Brown Eyes."! REGENT—"The Shrine of Happiness." VICTORIA—"The Supreme Sacrifice," j PI,A VN V*IJ PI,A VERS ! The Erie Herald prints an article in j a recent issue telling of a mass meet- i j ing which was held in the Pitt Thea ter, Pittsburgh, under the auspices of the Screen Club, of that city. The high I iiglit in the meeting was the expres- j sion of the sentiment that the people are the best censors and the only right j and competent judges, and that "one of ' , the principal reasons why censorship must fail is because it is a menace to i this big industry." Is it? j "Bare-legged but decorous" is the de- i I seription which the New York Sun ap [ plies to the recent performance of "I'ne i Nuit de Cleopatre," by the Ballet Russe in the metropolis. "The story." con i timies the critic for that newspaper, "is one of Gautier's masterpieces and Mile. Revalles, in her Cleopatra costume and make-up and her coldly sensual face, ' basiillc eyes, and Egyptian poses are I studies in the finest resources of j graphic stage art." | The night watchman at the h'amous Players studio led a very commonplace | life until Marguerite Clark began work i i on the adaptation of "Molly-Make-Be lieve," a forthcoming Paramount Pic ture. There is a barnyard scene in 1 which the little star is seen among her pets, which include a rooster. So it I cannot be wondered at that the watch man nearly fell all the way downstairs when a vociferous cnanticleer greeted the approaching dawn with a lusty ' crow just as the studio guardian was | making his rounds. { Marie Empress. Balboa's leading wo- ! I man, has a bit of u dog. It weighs ! I scarcely a pound and responds to the j name of "Hercules." The most ltercu : lean feature about the mite Is the at- I | tention it comes in for. Recently, the ; ! dog was to be used in a Balboa picture, \ \ but it is so small that It failed to reg- t ister. I .OC AI. THEATERS Tonight j Not only is the president of State j College, Dr. E. E. Sparks among the ' notables attending the concert of the combined clubs of State College at the I Orpheum Theater to-night, but the! ' Governor of the State, Martin G. Brum j baugh, is also numbered among the many al tending. Others occupying | boxes include. Mr. and Mrs. John Price Jackson and C. C. Robinson, the com poser. Pre-eminently the college event ! of the season is the first appearance of any College Musical Clubs at the thea ! ter in a great many years. "Pollyanna" Not in years has so much genuine heart interest centered in an American book or play as is now directed toward "Pollyanna." which comes to the Or pheum on Monday and Tuesday with the original cast assembled by Klaw and Erlanger and George Tyler. The "Polly anna" stories, which have enormous circulation In many lands, were writ ten by Eleanor 11. Porter, of Boston. "Pollyanna" was dramatized by Cathe rine Chlsholm ensiling, the author of "A Widow by Proxy," "The Real Thing," ivitty MacKay" and Billie Burke's "Jerry." The comedy is in every sense one of fascinating Interest, and Its urgent appeal is to those who have ben through the mill of experience. It does not deal with sex problems, nor morbid themes and Is for the many who seek the theater for real dlver- Electro-Plating Nickel Plating Silver Plating Polishing EXPERT PLATERS and POUSHERS Keystone Door Check Co. 114-6 So. River St. Harrisburg, - Pa. A STRICH'S J- MARKET AND FOURT J STS. If not —now is the time to buy. Hundreds of up-to-date liveware models—sls.oo —522.50 —525.00 suits. Other models from $12.98 to $52.50. Come in to morrow and see them. We carry the most extensive assortment of dresses, coats, blouses, skirts and petticoats. All styles—one price only and that one low. sinn, for harmless merriment and ap pealing sentiment. Minnie Admits There are many delightful episodes ! in Air. Barrie's comedy, "The Little Minister," in which Maime .idains is to i lie seen at the Orpheum, Wednesday evening. As Lady Babbie, clad in ) gypsy dress, comes singing through < aodani Wnod she is introduced to tlio> audience. Then for tile acts which fol- j low one is under the spell of tins young woman's varying moous, some winsome, . some gay, some artless, some gym pa- I thetic and all with tile light of lvin ill iier eyes. It is small wonder iliat Gavin liishart. tile sturdy young min ister of the church in Thrums, could not resist the allurements of her pretty ways. To-day's presentation at the Regent is "The Shrine of Happiness," a I'athe Gold Rooster | Jackie Saunders flay, featuring at Resent in "The Jackie Saunders Shrine of tlHppiiien" and I'itul Gil more. have Scott, a wealthy mine owner, is killed. His daughter, Marie, goes to her father's old mend, Richard Clark, i knowing thai he will taUp care of her . interests. Clark and ills grown son, Ted, become attached to Marie. Inno- j cent in manner, she sees no necessity ' for concealing her preference for the elder Clark. In time, Ted's attachment culminates in a proposal which is re jected. Ted accuses his father of stand ing in his way. and the father makes Marie promise that she will accept Ted. Animated cartoons of Mutt and Jeff, ( by Bud Fisher, and Pathe News will j also be shown. .... , To-morrow only. Jane Gall, favorite star of moving pictures and famous as j a stage celebrity in many great dramas, will be the ijtieen Flavia In "Kupert of I 1 lentzau." Henry Ainley, a popular I leading man. will be her principal sup- ! port, playing the dual role, of Rudolf i Kassendyll and King Rudolf V of Rurl- ! tania. When the new array of Keitli hits came to the Majestic Theater yester- I day. there was a. very l.eoun l.aniar welcome lieadliner re- I Retained at tallied in the wonder \lajeNtle ful little woman. Le- , ona Lamar, for another : three-dav engagement. Miss Luinar 1 will continue her mystifying feats the ; rest of the week, and that she will ' prove just as popular, goes without I saying. Chief of the new features is ; a Keith attraction that deserves head- ( line mention, that of the Beatrice Mor rell Sextet, a musical and vocal aggre- ; gatlon, that has played in some of the country's foremost vaudeville theaters. The six voung women who present the ; act make attractive appearances), and , the company comprises: Beatrice Mor- | rell, contralto: Mine. Louise Arnolda, soprano; Genevieve' Joy, second so prano: Annette Ford, first alto; Grace Livingston, violinist, and Alice Ess, i harpiste. The otlier Keith hits of the ] bill include: Coakley. Harvey and Dui.- levy, the happy minstrel boys; Edward Barnes and Mabel Robinson, clever couple in comedy and patter, and j "Dream of Art," beautiful posing act,] with Mile. Blanchette. Bessie Barriscale. the star whose j screen triumphs have brought her to the front rank of fllin | lle»«ie B. In artists within the past ••Bullets mid year, is presented by llrgivD Ej-en" Thomas IT. Ince for tlie j fourth time on the Tri angle program in an absorbing war ro- | mance from the pen of J. G. Hawks, | entitled, "Bullets and Brown Eyes." j This production, which Is said to be en- j tirelv different from anything in which I Miss' Barriscale heretofore has appear- , ed, will be presented at the Colonial i Theater to-day and to-morrow. "Bui- | lets and Brown Eyes" Is the tale of a ( Prince's wooing and winning of a Countess. Its scenes are laid in the mythical countries of Bothalia and Marsow while they arc at war, and are renlete with thrilling battles. To the , role of Countess Olga Miss Barrisrale is said to contribute all the charm that : has helped to make her a nation-wide favorite. Her vivacity, as well as her I dramatic ability, find ready outlet in j the part. The Keystone comedy for I these two days, "The Village Vampire," j is described as a srreat farce, starring I Kreu Mace. The feature on the program of the Victoria Theater to-day will be Robert Warwick, the popular •The Supreme World Film star, In a Sacrifice" nt new. realistic photo the Victoria drama of city life, en titled "The Supreme Sacrifice." The picture furnishes the noted voun* star with one of the most striking roles iti which he has yet ap peared on the screen. The story revolves around the sacri fice made by the hero for the sake of his dead friend's reputation. He. faces trial, conviction and punishment rather than betray his knowledge of his late friend's guilt, and on his return to the world, fights a mighty battle against odds to win his way back into a place of honor and respect. In support of .Mr. Warwick appear a number of well-known players, includ ing: Vernon Steele. Christian Mayo, Anna Q. N'ilsson. Robert l'ors"th, Jes sie Lewis and Pion Tithe rage Pearl White, in "The Iron Claw," Is an additional feature on to-day's bill. BURXED AT BRUSH FIRE llagerstown, Md., April 7. Mrs. Samuel Reed, wife of a farmer living (near Indian Springs, this county, was 1 probably fatally burned yesterday aft ernoon by her clothing igniting at a [ brush lire. Nearly all Airs. Reed's j clothing; were burned off and she was saved from being burned to death by ! her husband. Mrs. Reed was brought Ifo the hospital and is in a precarious : condition. FIGHTING DANGEROUS FIRE Special to the Telegraph llagerstown. Md., April 7. Yes terday the plant of the llagerstown i Spray Company opposite the baseball I park in this city was destroyed by tire, causing a loss of $7,000, partly coveted by insurance. The explosion DROPSY TREATED FREE ll.v Dr. Ullrx. (he Grral S|ieclnll«», Wlio sciulh a f3.7S Trial Treatment Free, Mirny Report Cured After Others b'nll<'<| j At first no disease is apparently more j harmless than dropsy; a little swelling 'of tlie eyelids, hands, feet, ankles or abdomen, l/itially there is great short ness of breath, cough, faint spells, sometimes nausea and vomiting, even •bursting of the limbs and a lingering and wretched death if the dropsy is not removed. I Dr. Miles has been known as a leail j ing specialist in these diseases for ;>0 years. His liberal offer of a $3.75 Treat ment flee to all sufferers, is certainly 1 worthy of serious consideration. You may never again have such an oppor ! tunity. j The Grand Dropsy Treatment con sists of four dropsy remedies in one, also Tonic Tablets and Pura-Laxa for ' removing the water. This treatment jis specially prepared for each patient and is much more successful than that |of most physicians. It usually relieves I the first day, and removes swelling in six days in most cases. Delay is dangerous. Send I'or lleninrknble Testimonials. All afflicted readers may have Book, Examination Chart. Advice, and a Two -1 Pound Trial Treatment tree. Write at i once. Describe your case. Address, Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. DA., 5'J5 to | i>3s, Main Street, Elkhart, Ind. When Itching Stops V \ There is one safe, dependable treat | inent that relieves itching torture in stantly and that cleanses and soothes i the skin. i Ask any druggist for a 25e bottle of fzenio and apply it as directed. Soon j you will find that pimples, black heads, eczema, ringworm and similar skin j troubles will disappear. A little zemo, the pent rating, satis -1 fying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes all skin cruutions and makes the skin soft, smooth and j healthy. Zemo, Cleveland. FUNERAL. DIRECTOR HARRY M. HOFFMAN (SnroMßnr to J. J Ogrlnky) UNDERTAKER 310 North Second Street ORPH E U M TO-NIGHT AT 8.15 APRIL 10-11 rril g-y I « I KI.AW & KKLAMfER AND 1 116 Combined GEORGE TYI.BR BRING THE GLAD PI.AY, Mu r,'°. ub ' POLLYANNA 6? Men-COLLEGE-60 Men WITH ™» COMPANY. PDIPF<; as® TO »a.oa. SEATS, 25c TO *I.OO * IMV/CO SEATS NOW. Wednesday, April 12, In J. M. n VRRIE'S COMEDY • ■ i | TriF 1 KO " r Acl " MAUDt THE LITTLE MINISTER /\ I 1 #% jVB V SEAT SAI.E OPENS MONDAY r\LJr\klAkJ PHICES—SOc TO *2.00 MAll. ORDER* NOW. of a quantity of dynamite raps stored in the building prevented (he firemen from getting close enough to fight the flames. A carload of sulphur was burned. *MI SKMENTS To-day mihl To-morrow IIKSSIK UAHKISCAIiE In ''Bullets and Brown Eyes" A iToiiilerfnl II vi'-roe I drama of Ihvi* mill adventure, personally di ri'i'lril by 'I'HON, H. lure. FRED MACK in "THIS VIIJ.AtiK VASIIMHK," ii lie.vNloiie Comedy, II li ii liiukli for every foot of film. —J r To-ilny only, JACKIE SAI \ I)Kit S In ••TilK SllltlNK Or IHIM'IMW Ml TT A JEFF CARTOONS by llml ruber, mill PATHK .\E\VS. 'l'o-morrou. JAM) «AII. In ••It I PKRT OF HE .VrXAtV . _... J MAJESTIC If you enjoy |£oo<l iiiumlc, don't iiilmm the Morrell Sextette Thin »* ••wealed f|iieNlloir' «lny. Write your <|iioMtionM nt borne nml bring; it In the theater In n Mealed envelope. Leona Lamar will aiiNuer It. Mat. Nt 2..'10, 10c nn<l ISoi Kve. 7.30 to 10.30, lOe, 15c, lißo. Speelal Thin Afternoon Varsity Quartet i x B2HH3 S f C£?s-» #ifARE BOOKED THROUGH ## COMPANYOrPHILA.r mm HEARTHE S2SOOO mm HOPE*JONES UNIT PIPE ORCAN Mm EQUAL OF 50 PIECE ORCHESTRA MM To-«ln> Only am ROBERT W ARWICK Mm The nereen idol of mil fff lloiim In n five-net photo m draiiin pnr excellent. W "THE PR BUI K f SA( RIFIC E" \ Imo | PR \ R I, WHITE In "The ■ Iron Claw" and M Sh Hopklnn*' 11