Roll Is Bros., 409 Market, confection cry. » Romberger Sons & Co., 655 S. Tenth, tallow. Ream. J. H„ 1272 Market, wall paper. Rlckert, A. M., 98 N. Eighteenth, drugs. Reed, S. C.. 1154 Market, cigars. Uewart, \\>. 1323 Market, cigars, itewart, W„ 1323 Market, pool, jtapf, Mrs. Margaret, 35 N. Four teenth. notions. Savercool, J. W., 1104 Market, pool, lavercool, J. W., 1104 Market, confec tionery. Jtchriver, H. 11., 1258 Market, cigars, fkhriver. H. H.. 1256 Market, pool. Ichell. Waller. 1307 Market, seeds. Bchell. Waiter. 1307 Market, wholesale seeds. Ktephens, C. C„ 1030 Market, cigars. •Stephens. C. C„ 1031 Market, restau rant. Stephens. C. C.. 1031 Market, pool. Steese. IT. M„ 127 S. Cameron, produce. Sprenlile. C. R.. Fourteenth and Mar ket, oysters. Suavely, 11. W., 1206 Derry, groceries. Springer. Mrs. Emma, 1347 Vernon, groceries. Sehrlver, Mrs. S. E„ 1428 Regina, bo logna. „ Schoffer. J. E„ 4 S. Thirteenth, coffee and peanuts. Schoffer, J. K.. 4 S. Thirteenth, whole sale coffee. Sherman. Harry, 1228 Bailey, grocer ies. Strathers. C„ 432 South, cigars. Smith, H. F„ 1801 Market, drugs. Spotls. A. r.. 1317 Market, wail papei. Stonesifer. C. D., 1303 Bailey, oysters and fruit. Smith. R. L. & Co., 412 Market, dry eoods. . Slitzer. Andrew, 1020 Market, grocer ies. Shepherd & Myers. 407 Market, shoes. Swigard, John, 1250 Perry, dry goods. Slble, E. M.. 1301 Market, dept. store. Smith & Kelter. 432 Market, wholesale tobacco. Seigman, G. W„ 135 S. Fourteenth, groceries. Shriver. Mrs. S. E., 1 428 Rcgina. wholesale bologna. Seebold. M. & K.. 1312 Market, shoes. Stergiakls, D„ 8 N. Fourth, restau rant. The Star Garage, S. Thirteenth. ti'"»s. Tolhelni, Horace, 1238 Mulberry, gro ceries. Tauslg Sons, 420 Market, broker. Tauslg Sons, 420 Market, jeweler. 2 in 1 Store, Fourteenth and Reglna, groceries. Thomas. W. TV 1267 Walnut, meats. Union News Co., P. R. R. Station, pa pers. Union News Co., P. & R. Station, pa pers. United Cigar Store >Co., 411 Market, cigars. Voele, Mrs. E. J., 33 S. Sixteenth, gro ceries. Von I loffe. H. E.. 512 Market, fruit. Wertz. Joseph, 1310 N. Cameron, con fectionery. Wallace Coal Co., 7 S. Fourth, coal. W«Riier, A. E„ 32'J S. Cameron, sup plies. Webber, J. N.. 160 Sylvan Terrace, wholesale medicines. Weast, G. 8., 1018 Market, hardware. Willis, C. F.. 1500 Market, groceries. Weis Pure Food Store. 1313 Market, groceries. Wertz. H. ,T., 3A S. Thirteenth, cigars. Winter & Co.. 23 N. Fourth, pianos. Whitcomb, Geo., 6S N. Fourteenth, produce. Whitmoyer, H. E., 63 N. Thirteenth, pool. Whitmoyer, H. E.. 63 N. Thirteenth, cigars. Wolf. J. C„ 1423 Shoop. milk. Woolworth & Co., 404 Market, 5c and 10c goods. V.'olfshon. J.. 18 Cowden. groceries. Witman Bros., 40 N. Tenth, wholesale groceries. Witman Swarz «S- Co., 618 Walnut, wholesale groceries. Wise. H. G.. 34 S. Thirteenth, cigars. Veager. Mrs. F. C„ 1638 Market, meats. Zeiders, E. E.. 31 N. Eighteenth, gro ceries. Zeiders. W. W. & Son, 1136 Derry, stoves. Zarker, F., 26 N. Nineteenth, groceries. TENTH W'AIID Atlantic Ref. Co., N. Seventh, oil. Atlantic Ref. Co., N. Seventh, whole sale oil. Bates, E. F., Jr., 2210 N. Sixth, pro duce. Bates. E. F„ Jr., 2210 N. Sixth, whole sale produce. Basohore. J. W., 526 Seneca, produce. Bitting, Mrs. M. F. 600 Macjay, no tions. Bitting. Mrs. M. F.. 638 Macl»y, no tions. Brenner, M. & Sons, 232 Emerald, gro ceries. Bratton, T,andis, 2252 Green, groceries. Bender. Henry, Seventh and Mahan tongo, produce. Barns. R. E.. 301 Edward, groceries. Charles & Co., 412 Woodbine, gro ceries. Brashears, Wm. 8., 2539 N. Sixth, groceries. Dettling, Clayton, 528 Emerald, oys ters and milk. Friedman, Samuel, 217 Peffer, real estate. Fisher, Clarence, 2126 N. Sixth, cigars. Fisher, Clarence, 2120 N. Sixth, pool. Guyer. R. C., 2148 N. Seventh, gro ceries. Harrlsburg Auto Co., 1703 Susquehan na, supplies. Ifoke Bros., 1217 N. Sixth, groceries. Harris, D. C., 2351 N. Sixth, groceries. Iloffman, B. F., 2169 N. Seventh, ice. Ingram. Daniel, 611 Mahantongo, gro ceries. Jenkins, B. H„ 2300 N. Sixth; drugs. Jones, Ambrose, 560 Woodbine, con fectionery. Ivoons, Morris. 1630 Fulton, cigars. Keener. E. F., 2541 N. Sixth, tobacco. Keene, Mrs. A., 524 Maclay, groceries. Kennig, A., Sixth and Maclay, cigars. Kenslnger, Sam, Fourth and Wood bine. groceries. Kramer, J. H., Sixth and Forrest, wholesale produce. Kramer J. H., Sixth and Forrest, pro duce. I.ath, Mrs. H. W., 513 Woodbine, gro ceries. Lauver, W. E. & E„ 2230 N. Sixth, gas llxtures. Levison Philip, 2134 N. Sixth, confec tionery. 1,1 pman, Geo., 632 Mahantongo, meats. Mock & Hartman, Seventh and Em erald. wholesale feed. Mock & tlartman, Seventh and Em erald, feed and grain. Marzolf, A. E., Sixth and Emerald, groceries. Orr, L. G., Bros., 564 Camp, groceries. Orris, G. W.. 2226 N. Sixth, groceries. Patterson, K. G., 622 Emerald, meats, l'enna. Milk Prod. Co., 212 Atlas, wholesale milk. Itoades, A. & Son, 1647 N. Sixth, gro ceries. Reese, Harry, 220 N. Sixth, groceries. Iteif, J. Fulmer, 565 Woodbine, gro ceries. Reed. Mrs. A. V., 622 Maclay, restaur ant. Sehoebauer, W. J., Front and Reels l,ane, produce. Schreckengost, S. A.. 615 Schuylkill, groceries. Smith Bros., 612 Wiconlsco, groceries. smith, A. C., Fourth and Reels Lane, Produce, Spangler, A. E., 2112 N. Sixth, pianos. Sterrick, L. A., 2250 Jefferson, milk. Umberger, H„ 637 Mahantongo, pro duce. Ilhler, W. H., 2417 N. Sixth, groceries. Union News Co., Maclay St. Station, papers. Wittenmyer Lumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill, wholesale lumber. Wittenmyer Lumber Co., Seventh and Schuylkill, lumber. Wilt. J. M„ 616 Schuylkill, groceries. West End Electric and Cycle Co., 234 Maclay, supplies and cycles. White, R. A., 2301 N. Sixth, pool. White, R. A., 2301 N. Sixth, cigars. Wagoner, Mrs. W. S., 633 Woodbine, groceries. F.I.EVEXTH WARD Althouse, H. 8.. 1840 N. Third, drugs. Bowman, D. W., ISIO N. Fourth, candy. Burns Bros., 1507 N. Sixth, supplies. Brunner, S. A., Fifth and Kelker, gro ceries. ."Irrillo, G., 1630 N. Sixth, supplies. f'otteral, J. W., 1800 N. Sixth, drugs. Dlfalog, J.. 1709 N. Seventh, groceries. I'lfalog, Jos., 1709 N. Seventh, res taurant. • 1 >'iffenderfer, W. H., 1846 Green, con fectionery. ">eliart. Elmer E., 224 Peffer, gro ceries. ">»vls H. S., 306 Muench, produce. flicker, G. E. 1930 N. Sixth, leweler. Kee/.er, G. C., 1821 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Porn wait, H. J., 1807 N. Third, dry goods. Praln, A. H„ 2032 N. Sixth, dry goods. liable, Mrs. 8.. 1925 N. Seventh, gro ceries. Gable, Mrs. 8., 1925 N. Seventh, res taurant. Gibbs, W. H„ 210 Muench, grocery. Gordon. Harry, 1918 N. Sixth, shoes. Garland, S. H., Fifth and Peffer, groceries. Mutton, J. N., 1839 X. Fourth, cigars. Harris. S. IT.. 1913 N. Sixth, groceries. Hoover, E., 1901 N. Third, cigars. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Heller, Jacob, 343 Peffer, groceries. Hefkin, Gillian, 2020 N. Fifth, gro ceries. Hoffman & McFali, 18j8 N. Third, groceries. Harrisburg Broker Co., 1908 N. Second, broker. Kirkland, J. A., 236 Peffer, groceries. Kulp, Mrs. W. A.. 1826 N. Sixth, con fectionery. Kell, Mrs. E. J., 1744 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Lehman. D. C., 1934 N. Fourth, oys ters. Lappiey, John, 1800 N. Fourth, shoes. Lontz, W. L., 1948 N. Sixth, groceries. Landis, C. F„ 1813 N. Third, fruit. Mehring & Conover, 1717 N. Fourth, Groceries. McAlister, J. C., 1336 N. Second, drugs. Moyer, C. V.. 1911 N. Sixth, pool. Moyer, C. V., 1911 N. Sixth, cigars. Mehring, C. A., Fourth and Peffer, drugs. MeFadden, Elizabeth, 1732 N. Third, meats. Neff, A. C., 1820 N. Sixth, produce. Nye, E. M., 500 Kelker, groceries. Oyster. G. H., 1717 N. Sixth, sup plies. Olewine, 8., 1820 N. Fifth, groceries. Rex Auto Garage 1917 N. Third, sup plies and oil. Sanitary Coffee Co., 256 Hamilton, coffee. Eatl, Tony, 2082 N. Sixth, notions. Seibert, llouier, 1902 N. Sixth, Jeweler. Snook, W. If.. "34 Kelker, stoves. Strlne & Kiss, 1802 Susquehanna, pro duce. Schuster, Mrs. Clayton, 344 Muench, groceries. Smith C. W„ JBO6 N. Third .milk. 2 in 1 Store, 1518 N. Sixth, groceries. Wilson, W. A.. 1738 N. Fifth, station ery. Weiser, J. M.. 347 Muench. Groceries. Whitman. Wm., 1945 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Weakley, C. S„ 1821 N. Fourth, meats. TWELFTH WARD Acme Tea Co., 2298 N. Sixth, gro ceries. Bon Ton Shoe Shop, 1529 N. Third, shoes. Bates & Son, 1724 N. Fifth, gro ceries. Blair. G. M., 319 Hamilton, groceries. Bueler, J. E. 1701 N. Sixth, candy. Balser, L., & Son, 1700 N. Sixth, real estate. Beshore T., 352 Harris, produce. Beshore, T„ 352 Harris, wholesale produce. Conover, C. L„ 1729 N: Fourth, gro ceries. Crownshleld, H. E., 1332 N. Sixth, gro ceries. Devor H. 1724 N. Third, groceries. Elliot, J. G., 2357 N. Sixth, supplies. Frantz, J., 1701 N. Third, groceries. Fortenbaugh, 1613 N. Third, restaur ant. El wood Poultry & Supply Co., 1702 N. Third, wholesale supplies. Garret, S. S., 621 Wiconisco, groceries. Good. G., 1722 X. Fourth, notions. Gordon, J., 1633 N. Third, shoes. Handshaw, O. 10., 1541 N. Third, coal. Hull Bros.. 1718 N. Third, meats. Hess. E H„ 1530 N. Sixth, drugs. Jeffries, W. A„ 324 Harris, groceries. Johnson S. N., 1838 N. Sixth, oysters. Koons, H. C., 1629 Penn, meats. Kuntz, 11. C., 1535 N. Third candy. Lodge, G. H., 1622 N. Fourth, gro ceries. McCormick, W. M.. 1628 N. Sixth, jewelry. Miller, J. F., 1732 N. Sixth, hardware. Martin, L. G„ 1726 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Maloney, J. H., 1619 Green, real es tate. Parfet, J. A., 1541 N. Fourth, candy. Ralston, M.. 1701 N. Fourth, groceries. Redmond, A., 1520 N. Third, autos. Sciiindler, A. J., 2163 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Snyder, J. H., 1700 N. Third, candy. Sneeringcr, J. R„ 221 Hamilton, gro ceries. Sllbert, L„ 1512 N. Sixth, candy. Smith. L. 8., 268 Delaware, milk. Sellenberger, S. J.. 1538 N. Fourth, groceries. Sherman, D. 501 Hamilton, shoes. Tripner, G. C., 1610 N. Fifth, groceries. Wolford, H. J. 1603 N. Third, whole sale supplies. Wei ford, J. H„ 1603 N. Third, gas mantles. Wagner, J. H., 1639 N. Third,'cigars. 'West Knd Pharmacy, 1601 N. Third, drugs. Weigle, W. H., 1601 N. Fourth, gro ceries. Lappley, John, 1800 N. Fourth, gro ceries. THIRTEENTH WARD Aumiller, Mr 4. A. E., 1848 North, oysters. Acme Tea Co., 1847 Derry, groceries. Bo.ver Bros., 762 S. Nineteenth, ice. Beliney, T„ 1849 Derry, groceries. Hrunner, G. A., 2328 Derry, groceries. Chriswell, A. W., 1438 Derry, gro ceries. * Cap. Tea Co., 1535 Berryhlll, tea anil coffee. Carl. D. B„ 918 S. Twenty-first, wholesale confectionery. Ensmlnger Lumber Co., Derry, whole sale lumber. Ensmlnger Lumber Co., Derry, lum ber. Hursh, IX 0., Nineteenth and Belview, groceries. Hollands, Mrs. Ella, 1919- Derry, candy. Hollands. Mrs. Klla, 1919 Derry, res taurant. Kobler & Sallade, 1915 Derry, cigars. Hess, S. E., 1926 Kensington, gro ceries. Kise, Aaron, 1954 Kensington, gro ceries. Gable, W. A., 2022 Derry, groceries. Goodyear, W. 8., Nineteenth and Derry, drugs. Holland. Mrs. W., 1917 Derry, pool. Holland, Mrs. W., 191" Derry, cigars. Ltitz, .1. S. & Sons, 1852 Derry, gro ceries. Levy S., 962 S. Twenty-first, groceries. Lewis, E. W., 1903 Derry, groceries. Mot tor, H. S., 1925 Derry, tiros. McAllker, A. M., 1909 Holly, groceries Myers & Albaugh. 1847% Derry, con feclioner.v. Raffensberger, R. A., 1945 Swatara, milk. Seegers, G. A., 1936 Derry, cigars. Khaner, E. 8,, 1938 Derry, wall paper. Smyth, G. C. & Co., 21QJ Derry, gro ceries. Smith, J., 1948 Swatara, groceries. Stlne, Aaron 977 S. Twenty-first, gro ceries. Wealand, John, 1847 Derry, restuur ant, COUNTY UKRRVSHIIU; BOnOUUH Bowman, \V„ H., cigars. D'lebler, P. P., produce. Foster, H. G., merchandise. Hartman Bros., feed. Hoover Bros., furniture. Howe, Henry, produce. Kambel, J. A., cigars. Kebaugli, C. E., produce. Keboch, Isaac, produce. Matter, H. H., cigars. Miller, W. 11., saddlery. Motter, \V. C., general store. Romberger, J. F., general store. Snyder, Minnie, Millinery. DAUPHIN BOROUGH Barnhart, B. 8., mlllt. Coble, A. C., drugs. Conrad, Jacob, jewelry. Cooper, C. H., general store. Crouse, W. K., meats. Gerberlch, W. G., general store. Gayman, M. C., flsli. Long, I. L.. merchandise. Maleliorn. J. D., cigars. Malehorn, J. D„ pool. Mauss, L. H., coal. Porter, J. L„ confectionery. Reed, W. P., general store. Seiler, D. F„ flsh. Sellers, C. \V., cigars. Shoop, G. W., shoes. Swtizer, T. G., groceries. Strickler, W. G., groceries. GUXABETHVIUG HOIIOUCH Hauder, W. A., groceries. Rufflngton, 1. T., furniture. Collier A. 8., electric supplies. Deibler, C. E., merchandise. Ueltrich, A. S., jewelry. Unbendorf, John. oil. Eagle Tanning Co., hld<<s. Eby, Chas., wholesale confections. 10by, Mrs. E. E., groceries. Elizabethville Milling Co., feed. Ellzabcthvllle Milling Co., wholesale feed. Flckinger, Jacob, medicines. Forney, C. A., post cards. Gottschall, H. H„ groceries. Hoke, Ira M„ hardware. Hoke, Ira M., star Theater. Hol'.e, James M. &' Son, plaster. Hoke, A. W., <'lgars. Hoke, A. W'„ restaurant. Hoke, A. W„ pool. Hurwltz, clothing. Kerstetter, G. N T „ groceries. Kefer, C.. cigars. Lenkcr, W. I'., produce. Lenker, F. M.. millinery. Lentz, T. G., llsh. Luffer, J. L., jewelry. Matter, W. E., meats. Messersmith, G, A., wall paper and paint. Na.vlor, M. A., notions. Romberger. A. M., general store. Raker, *P. W. G. coal and feed. Raker. P. W. G.. wholesale feed. Romberger. C. T., auto supplies. Romberger, Josiah, medicines and soap. Romberger, D. W., harness. Romberger. D. W„ wholesale hides. Sadewitz, gam., supplies. Sheetz, Mrs. Jesse, millinery. Sheetz, Mrs. John, shoes. SchaefTer, C. K., Agt., furniture. Smith, F. N., teas and coffees. Snyder, C. T„ cigars. Seever, J. C.. drugs. Stine. D. M., clothing. Uhler & Co., general Btore. Watson G. S., cigars. W r atson, G. S., pool. Watson, G. S., restaurant. Weaver. Fred & Son. supplies. Zeigler, 1,. H. & Son, stoves. Zeigler, Mrs. F. A„ millinery. k GHAT/. BOKOVGH Adams, G. C„ auto supplies. Bufl'ington, j. J., saddlery. Bufflngton, H. G.. produce. Coleman, E. H., produce. Daniel, J. k., groceries. Daniel, J. E., restaurant. Gross, Abe. merchandise. Hartman. F. IS., merchandise. Helper. G. E., produce. Klinger, M. E., produce. Koppenhafer. L. E„ produce. Kratzer, C. U. merchandise. MoCter, John 8., fish. Miller & Bros., merchandise. Ritzman, A. 8., papers. Ritzman, F. N., cigars. Ritzman, F. N„ pool. Ritzman. F. N., restaurant. Rothermel, Ira, merchandise. Rogers, W. 0., cigars. Shiro, Jacob, twine. Smith Harry, moving pictures. ' Smith, Harry, pool. Smith, Harry, cigars. Smith, Harry, restaurant. Thomas, J. F., produce. Umholtz. H. H„ produce. Willier, J. A., produce. Zeriing, James, hardware. HALIFAX BOROUGH Albert John, pool. Albert, John, cigars. Bogar, John D. & Sons, lumber. Bowman. G. W.. meats. Baker, C. C., furniture. Bltterman, W. P., plaster board. Cooper. O. J., wholesale feed. Cooper, O. J., feed. Enders, Mrs. A. F„ millinery. Fetterhoff Bros., general store. Heisler, W. C., groceries. Koppenheffer, C., stoves. Grover, A. W., general store. Lodge Bros., restaurant. Lebo, J. H., general store. Nace. Mrs. W. 8., drugs. Nelson, J. M., cigars. , Nelson. J. M-. restaurant. Rlchter C. M„ cigars. Royal Theater Co., moving pictures. Smith, A. M., general store. Smith, A. M., wholesale feed. Sweigard, Amos, groceries. Slioop, H. R., Imj>lemen Is. Wert, G. L.. general store. Zimmerman, H. 1., wholesale produce. HIGHSPIRE BOROUGH Beschler, Mrs. G., cigars and confec tions. Bodmer Ed., cigars. Cover, C. A., meats. Durborow H. R., hardware. Fox, M. M., confectionery. Green, O. P.. cigars. Gruber, T. L„ cigars, timber, T. L., restaurant. Gruber, T. L.. pool. Hocker, .1. C„ general store. Hoke. A. J., coal. Keefer, J. 15., meats. Leidig, C.. E., general store. McDanel, H., drugs. Palmer. J. M., groceries. Sides, G. E., groceries. Shelly, C. 8., cigars. Shelly, C. 8., restaurant. Shelly, C. 8.. pool. Sides M. 0., meats. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., general store. Walmer, J. 11., milk. Wolf, G. A., groceries. Diffenderfer, C. A., news agency, Wolcott, H., feed. HLMMEL9TOWN BOROUGH Blessing, F. D., general store. Bordner, J. P., cigars. Brinser, D.. meatß. Brightbill, J. M„ lumber. Brantner, Mrs. F., confectionery. Brownstone Store Co., general store. Burkholder, Jos., feed. Carender, L., supplies. Earnest, R. 8.. real estate. Kbersole, H. G„ bread. Emrick, L. 11., meats. Etter, E. Z., groceries. Engle, J. S., & Sons, groceries. Kngle, M., groceries. Freese, Ralph, milk. Froum, G., milk, Gebhart, H. T.. meats. Gravestine & Co., milk. Graupner, F. 8., cigars. Goodman Millinery, millinery. Hocker, A. C., confectionery. Holler. Chas., coal. Hoover, A. D., restaurant. Hoover, A. D., cigars. Holler, C. 1., restaurant. Holler, C. 1., cigars. Hummel, L. G., general store. Hummel, F. L.. saddler. Hummel Ward. milk. Imhoden, A. H„ ice. Karmany & Kramer, moving pictures. Karmany, W„ furniture. Kilmer. J. U., jeweler. Kilmer, J. L.. confectionery. Mensch & Herheln, cigars. Mensch & Herheln, pool. Miller, Cyrus, real estate. Miller, M. T., cakes. Nye & Conrad, general store. Nissley, M. P., general store. Peiffer, H. P., groceries. Reigel, D. N., sewing machines. Ruff, J. J., drugs. Shenk, J. R„ cigars. ITrich. J. A., supplies. Thompson, 11., meats. Walton, R. J., produce. Walter, J. 11., implements. Wagner, Morris, real estate. Wolf. Sam, merchandise. Wolaver, H„ stoves. Wise, A. W., shoes. Zeller, G. A., pool. < , Zeller, G. A., cigars. Zerfos, S. B„ plumbing supplies. Ziters, Sam, groceries. LIKENS nOROI'GH Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil. Atlantic Refining Co., oil. Arnold. A. C., cigars. Adamink, groceries. Adamiak, cigars. Barret Electric Co., supplies. Bosehler. H„ merchandise. Boeckler, C., cigars. Bowman, H., hieats. Budd, G. W„ pool. Budd, G. W„ tobacco. Budd, R. J., moving pictures. Cooper, W. H„ coal. Cook, A., groceries. Coble & Sons, merchandise. Crewlevick Co., groceries. Delaney, J. F., groceries. Eby, Geo. W., wholesale confection- ery. Eby, J. H„ cigai-s. Fritz, Albert, cigars. Fritz, Albert, moving pictures. Fisher, J. F., merchandise. Goldberger, R. J„ merchandise. Grow, E. H., confectionery. Hawk, E. 0., groceries. Hensel T. A., clothing. Keckler, Wm, cigars. Hoffman, Andy, cigars. Hoffman, Lewis, Sr., cigars. Hoffman, Lewis, A., Jr., Candies. Hoff, C. A., hardware. Koppenhaver & Son, meats. Krobath. J„ cigars. Lykens Motor Car Co., supplies. Lykens Mercantile Co., wholesale groceries. Lebo, Edw., hardware. Lykens Supply Mfg. Co., wholesale building material. Lykens Supply & Mfg. Co., building material. Marti!, J. E., cigars. Miller, J. E., Est., merchandise. Miller, J. M„ groceries. Miller, J. M„ real estate. Mimmlcli, R. H. M„ confectionery. Myers, .1. F„ confectionery. Manhattan Supply Co., tea's. Parfet, G. W., carpets. Reiff & Helt Furniture Co., furniture. Reidinger, S. A., cigars. Reldinger, S. A., pool. Rudislll, A. A., groceries. Smith, J. W\, clothing. Smith. W. G„ drugs. Schoffstall, L, Building supplies. St. Clair, C. \V„ groceries. Sheesley, H. E., groceries. Shamino, I. D„ cigars. Sholley, F'. .1., groceries. Sliolley, I'. .)., pool. Seal H. W„ cigars. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Stein, C. M., merchandise. Schoffstall, A. P., cigars. Snyder, N. E„ jewelry. Smith, K. G., millinery. Susquehanna Coal Co., supplies. Treon, W. A., meats and groceries. Turner. Grace, millinery. Uhler, W. 11., drugs. Vurnakls, Prox., confectionery. Willi, S. A., 6c and 10c goods. Williamstown Gas Co., fixtures. Wynn, Frank, stationery. Wallis, S. P., shoes. Wiggins, C. H„ Jewelry. Wltmer, C. cigars. Zclgler, O. G., dry goods. Wltmer, J. W., saddlery. MIDDM2TOWX HOHOI'UH Adams, F., 239 W. Ann, groceries. Ackerman, J. N., 278 Pine, meats. Antrim, T. J., 320 S. Union, restau rant. Antrim, T. J., 320 S Union, confec tionery. Arndt, A. P., Water and Catherine, groceries. Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil. Atlantic Rellning Co., oil. Banks Bros., Union, notions. Bedger, W. H., 248 W. Main, supplies. Been. F. W., Spring ana Water, no tions. Barbusli, P., Union, cigars. Bowder, C. 8., feed. Baumbach, V., 220 S. Union, shoes. Beard, C. P., 2!) E.. Main, groceries. Berman, M., Union, clothing. Blecher, S., milk. Brubaker & Espenshade, feed. BMunson, D„ 336 Rausllwer, grocer ies. Blumson, J„ merchandise. Brlnzer Milling Co., feed. Brady, J., meats. Brinser, S. C. Est., Mill, feed. Brlnser, 1. 8., 227 H. Main, meats. Cain, L, 333 Wood, groceries. Castilla, E., Union, groceries. Christian, 11. T„ milk. Cohere Mary, 2S;i E. Water, groceries- Cline, W. \V„ S. Union, cigars. Croll, A. 8., 11 W. Main, paint. Crick, A. 8., 31 Catherine, pool. Click, A. 8., 31 Catherine, restau rant. Click, A. 8., 31 Catherine, cigars. Deekard, Mrs. J. 8., feed. Derrick, H. E„ Laurence and Wilson, confectionery. Detwiler, H. R., 34 E. Emaus, meats. Detwiler, Bros., Union, confectionery. Delmler, J. E. Mrs., Spring and Union, green groceries. Deimler, H. E., 141 Emaus, groceries. Doutricn, 1. 11., Union, clothing. Dupes, J., 38 Union, cigars. Ebersole, M. D., West Main, machin ery. Enterprise Grocery, 60 E. Emaus, groceries. lOrlsman, C. B. t 243 Ann, meats. Espenshade, E., 221 E. Main, grocer ies. Espenshade, 1., 291 E. Main, cigars. Espenshade, 1., 291 E. Main, restau rant. Etnoyer, C. C., Union, cigars. Etter, Mrs. Mary, 332 Wilson, grocer ies. Few, C. S., 205 S. Vernon, drugs. Follinger, J., Wood and Market, cigars. Freldman, R„ 209 S. Union, merchan dise. Gingeiich, S. 8., 156 W. Ann, restau- rant. Hippie, J. Y., 302 S Union, candy. Ilarrisburg Gas Co., Union, fixtures. Hartman. E. P., 104 Ann, groceries. Hartman, 10. P., 104 Ann, wholesale groceries. Hendriekson, A. K„ bread. Herwitz & Zug, 236 Main, wholesale meats. Hill, 10., cigars. Hill, 10., restaurant. Hippie, J. 11., 352 S. Wood, coal. Hippie, R. D., Union, coal. Hoffman, Mrs. J. 10., millinery. Huntzbcrger, 1,. N„ groceries. Johnson, 11. J., confectionery. Kaln, J. R., Mgr., 135 Ann, groceries. Klahr, 10. H„ 2u S. Union, jewelry. Klawnsky, A., 150 Ann, dry goods. Klawnsky, S., junk. Kovachek, A., 210 S. Union, jewelry. Krause Bros., Union and Emaus, cloth ing. I\ repps, J., 202 Wood, groceries. Kupp, A., 11 Mill, cigars. Lindemuth, W., S. Union, confection ery. I,andis, J. C., R. P. D. No. 2, meats. Laverty, E., E. Main, drugs. Leggore, W'. M„ produce. Ijcnhart H„ S. Union, merchandise. Lewis, J. K., 724 Catherine, groceries. Long, Carson, Catiierine and Wilson, coal. Ijong, O. E., Catherine, groceries. Longsdorf, Harry, 457 Spring, to bacco. Longenecker, C. E., restaurant. Longenecker, C. E., S. Union, con fectionery. McCleary, XV. W., 214 S. Union, cigars. Martin, A. C„ 318 E. Main, groceries. Mattls, Edw., 206 Union, tobacco. Manfred Bros., moving pictures. Middletown Furniture Co., Emaus, furniture. Myers, 11. W„ lumber. Ober, C., hardware. Orth, C., groceries. Parthemore, F. A., cigars. Payne, Samuel, notions. Peters, J. G., Union and Ann, mer chandise. Peters and Weller, Einaus and Cath erine, coal. Povlansky, J„ junk. Prouser, A., junk. Prouser, S., junk. Bank, J. W., 67 W. Union, cigars. Itaymond, R. P., Union, liardware. Ileltzel, W. W., 224 S. Union, gro ceries. Heltzel, W. W., 224 S. Union, whole sale groceries. Uodfong, Mrs. N. E., 2 Center Square, notions. Rodgers, J. P., Emaus, cigars. Rodgers, J. P., Emaus, restaurant. Rodgers, J. I'., Emaus, pool Rodgers, J. P., Emaus, moving pic tures. Roop, J. S., 288 10. Main, groceries. Roth, H. S., 29 S. Union, furniture. Sauder, J., 503 Swatara, notions. Slnegar, C., 267 10. Main, milk. Slier, W. M„ 23 N. Emaus, pool. Slier, W. M., 23 N. Einaus, cigars. Stipe & Cain, 19 UTrton, pool, stipe & Cain 19 Union, cigars. Snyder, J. H., Swatara and Mud pike, cigars. Sehultz, P., 163 Catherine, meats. Scliadt, G. 11., 141 S. Union, stationery. Schuetz, 106 S. Union, shoes. Hitlers, D. N., 38 JO. Water, butterine. Siders, 10. W., 302 W. Union, groceries. Selser, S. S., 161 E. M:>in, stoves. Seltzer, C. A., 237 N. Union, saddlery. Sliellenberger, 11. H., 60 Emaus, sad dlery. Shirman, E. L., Mill, coal. Shirman, J. P., 132 E. Main, cigars. Smith, T. E., groceries. Suavely, E. M.. Mill, auto supplies. Snyder, M., 103 E. Main, cigars. Silverman Bros., coal. Silverman Bros., wholesale coal and junk. Stouffer, 11. W., sewing machines. Tritt, P. W., 635 S. Wood, groceries. 20th Century Shoe Co., 7 S. Union, shoes. Wagner, J. P., 167 Ar.n, meats. Wagner, W., 246 Water, groceries. Whitman & Son, Union, drugs. Wise, E„ groceries. Wilson, A. A., 209 Market, cigars. Wilson, B. H., 259 Market, cigars, Wilson, B. H., restaurant. Wilson. B. H., pool. Yoffe, M., clothing. Young, Leah, millinery. Zelnek, George, Cameron, supplies 2 in 1 Store, groceries. MlLl.F.ltsni RG UOItOUGII Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil. Atlantic Refining Co., oil. Barnhardt, merchandise. Barnhardt, J. F., restaurant. Barnhardt, J. F„ pool. Bowman, J. E., supplies. Boyer, F. G., coal. Boyer, F. G., feed. Bair, A. Z. & Son, groceries. Bowman, R. F., stoves. Carmany, H. A., general store. / Campbell, P. A., stoves. Coldren, E. B. & Son, general store. Cohen Israel, wholesale Junk. Chubb. J. M., jewelry. Dribeibis, J. W. & Sons, meats. Douden Planing Mill, lumber. Ditty, .1. F., cigars. Ditty, J. F., pool. Kslienour, Geo. E., confectionery. Kshenour, Geo. E., restaurant. Kttlnger, G. W., oil. Fatrcnlld, H. M„ furniture. Frank, J. E. & Sons, furniture. Frank, J. M., general store, Forney, Harry, jewelry. Gernert, J. A., cigars. Fairchlld, T. i,., cigars. Fairchild. T. l» f restaurant. Gilbert, H, S., cigars. Hoffman, 11., notions. ' Heckert, Mrs. W. W., supplies. Hoy. H. H., general store. Heckert, .1. H., cigars. Herrold, W. M., real estate. Ilerroid, Rebecca, groceries. Hetherlngton, T., drugs. Kawell, S. N. & Co., general store. Kepner. C. I. & Co.. meats. K linger, F. A., produce. Kirk. F. S., supplies. Krausn, S. A., moving pictures. Kopenhaver, H. 0., cigar 3. Knoufr, P. L, restaurant. Knouflf, F. L, cigars. Krause, Bros., Clothing. Kepner, 11. T., milk. Lightner, A. 8.. millinery. Lebo, J. W., produce. I'tinsr, T. J„ hardware. Lenlter, G. M., fish. Mlllersburg Fifth Wheel Co., coal. Meek, J. E. & Sons, shoes. Mattenas, J. 11., produce. Mattls, M. \{., wholesale hides. Mattls, J. A., restaurant. Mattls, .T. A., cigars. Mattls, J. A., pooh Mlllersburg Mfg. Co., lumber. Novinger, R. 0., furniture. Novinger, F. B. & Bros., merchan dise. Neagley, K. E„ general store. Orndorf, H. A., notions. Pick, S. S., clothing. Poffenberger, Oracf. millinery. Rowe, J. H. & Son. redl estate. Rutter, P. F. A., clothing. Richard, Elmer, millinery. Romberger, T. O. & Son, cigars. Roinberger, T. O. & Son, restaurant. Seal, J. 8., stationery. Smith, L. K„ cigars. Smith, L. E., restaurant. Shriner, J., clotliing. Starr, J. W., drugs. Snyder, C. .1., coal. Seller, J. A., produce. Shetron, C. 0., general store. Sausser, K. A., saddlery. Snyder, Mrs. C. E„ millinery. Tyson, W. 1I„ auto tires. Troutman, J. 8., feed. Uhler, C. 10., general store. Voss, Mary A., merchandise. Watts, O. IT., jewelry. Wolf, W. W., cigars. Wolf, W. W„ pool. Wert, C. E., general store. Williamson, A. N., cigars. Wert, W. C., supplies. PE\ BItOOK UOIIOtGII Booser, J. L., groceries. Bruehl, O. E„ restaurant. Bruehl, O. E., confectionery. Davis, A. 8.. pro'duce. Ebersole, O. S„ feed. Ebersole. o. S., wholesale feed. Fishburn, S. A., coal. Flshburn, S. A., general store. Fishburn, S. A., feed. Garverlcli, R. G., cigars. Garverich, R. G., pool. Frederick, J., meats. Garverlcji, R. G., restaurant. Heinly, G. H., supplies. Hartman, M.> H., general store. Hassler, C. 8., milk. Haverstlck, G. H„ iiardware. Heckert, P. P., real estate. Hicks, J. W., shoes. Hoak, C. A., milk. Hock, H. 0., real estate. Kishman, J., cigars. Kißhman, J., restaurant. Le Van, C. D„ milk. Ludwlclt, E. S.. groceries. Martin, J. M„ jewelry. McElhenny, Alex., meats. Mumma, J. E„ milk. Packer, J. C., milk. Penbrook Garage, auto supplies. Relchert, J. C., confectionery. Relchert, J. C., restaurant. Reichert, J. C., pool. Sheaffer, ,1., groceries. Sheaffer, M. J., real estate. Slienk, J. E., tinware. Siders, J. H., milk. Small, C. L, groceries. 2 in 1 Store Co., groceries. Wagner, R. N. & Son, supplies. Walborn, E- N., milk. Walmer, H. 0., coffees. Walmer, H. 0., wholesale coffee. Weaver, G. H.. milk. Wirt, C. L., saddlery. White, A. P., groceries Wirt, Wm.. real estate. Zimmerman, J. S., supplies. lIOYAI.TOX BOROUGH Boughter, .1. S., junk. Davise, Mrs. A. E., notions. Gore, .1. R., poultry. Granger, 11. S„ cigars. Hatfield, W. S., supplies. Houck, S. K., groceries. Halland, T. H. Est., groceries. Landis, S. 8., groceries. Landis, 11. P., groceries. Leggore, 11. 8., cigars. Ilutherfordi, J. M., general merchan dise. Wolf, W. H„ milk. AVeirich, Mrs. Jacob, supplies. STEELTON BOROUGH Abrashoff, M., 486 Myers, meats. Abrashoff, M., 486 Myers, pool. Armstrong. Frank, 195 S. Frdnt, candy. Albright, Mrs. W„ 605 N. Front, cigars. Broadus, J. W., 141 Adams, cigars. Blaekwell, P. S., 116 Adams, cigars. Baer, M. M., 157 N. Front, florist. Bailey, F. E., 7 S. Front, jewelry. Baker, J. A., 101 S. Front, cigars. Baker. J. A., 101 S. Front, restau rant. Baker, D. P., 544 S. Third, general merchandise. Baker, D. P., 544 S. Third, shoes. Barisch, A., 730 S. Third, dry goods. Beidel, Chas. H., 45 S. Front, cigars. Beldel, J. W., 28 S. Fourth, groceries. Bosnyak, Prank, 532 S. Third, mil linery. Brandt, Gertrude, 373 S. Front, cigars. Bratino, P., 519 S. Second, groceries. Brinser, C. L & Son, 140 N. Front, Hardware. Budnick, D., 701 S. Second, groceries. Burgots, Mrs. G., 628 S. Third, gro ceries. Cohen, Harry M., 29 N. Front, jew elry. Cohen, John. 21 I Frederick, groceries. CoulTer, S. S„ 223 N. Front, pool. Cohen, Samuel, '364 Christian, con fectionery. CoulTer, S. S v 223 N. Front, cigars. Coleman, H. P., 28 S. Front, cigars. Coufl'er, C. M„ 152 N. Front, flsli oil. Copffer & Sulzberger, 258 N. Front, coal and feed. Cramer, H. J., 266 N, Front, tinware. Cramer, E. G., 28 N. Fourth, grocer. Craddock, R. C., 401 S. Front, sup plies. Davios, W. 11., 152 Lincoln, gro ceries. Daylor, W. J., 267 N. Front, cigars. Day lor, W. ,1., 267 N. Front, restau rant. Detwiler Bros.. 40 S. Front, coal. Deluca, R„ 200 S. Front, cigars. Dlmltroff, 8„ 143 Main, notions. Dimitao, Cordes, 702 S. Third, grocer ies. Donatel, J., 820 S. Second, groceries. Duffln, W. F., 371 S. Front, cigars. Duflin, W. P., 371 S. Pront. restau rant. Dundoff, J., 502 Myers, groceries. Dundoff, 438 Main, groceries. Evans, \V. 15., 170 N. Front, cigars. Eckels, 1,., 328 N. Front, meats. Evans, W. 8., 170 N. Front, pool. Eckels Bros., 14S S. Front, meats. ' Fabian, .1., 201. Christian, groceries. Frank Berkley, 51 N. Front, pool. Frank Berkley, 51 N. Front, cigars. Fabian, .T„ 201 Christian, pool. Farina, Mrs. Mary, 681 S. Second, gro ceries. Fairlamb, R. V„ 8 S. Front, station ery. Fairlamb, R. V., 3 S. Pront, cigars. Failor, A., 101 Locust, wholesale pro duce. Fencil, N. S., 46 N. Front, stoves and tinware. Finkelstein, S., 441 Myers, groceries. Fisher, J., 251 Myers, groceries. Fletcher, A., 119 S. Front, cigars. Fortney, H, Front, pool Fortney, H„ Front, cigars. Fortney, H., Front, restaurant. Frazier, R., Adams, groceries. Prey, Ross, M„ 19 N. Front, shoes. Frumin, Max, 371 N. Front, jeweler. Furi, Peter, 247 S. Front, groceries. Furcich. S., 16 S. Front, cigars. Gallagher, Mrs., 683 S. Front, gro ceries. Garonzlk, M., 377 S. Front, furniture. Garonzlk, S. P., 341 S. Front, general merchandise. Gerdes .1. H., 349 N. Front, cigars. Gerber, 8., 310 Lincoln, groceries. Gittlln, 1., 571 S. Third, groceries. Good, C. M., 301 S. Front, confection ery. Glttlin, 1., 571 S. Third, meats. Glttlin, 1., 73 S. Third, cigars. Glad, Adam, 865 S. Third, milk. Geistwhlte, E. E., 333 S. Front, notions. Harlan, M. P., 165 S. Front, groceries. Hariambus Bros., 175 N. Front, pool. Hbg. Light & Power, 49 N. Front sup plies. Hetzel, J. J., 263 N. Front, pool, lletzl, J. J., 265 N. Front, cigars. Howard, K. H„ office, HofTer Flour Mill, wholesale grain, llarlambus Bros.. 175 N. Front, cigars. Hartman, Geo. N., 307 Myers, cigars. Horwath, James, 600 S. Second, genl. merchandise. Hbg. Gas Co., 14 S. Market Sq., Hbg. gas stoves, lleile, 1,. 8., 109 S. Front, flowers, llershey, H. L., Est., 168 Lincoln, grocer. Herman, IS. E. & Bro., 141 S. Front, cigars. Herman, E. E. & Bro., HI S. Front, wholesale cigars. Hess, .1., 400 N. Front, coal. Heller. Chas., 823 N. Front, fruits. Holler, Win., 539 N. Front, wall paper. UiofC, AK.\u., :iio Franklin, pool. APRIL 5, 1916. lliofT, Alexa., 203 Franklin, groceries. Isroelit, Benj., 587 S. Third, groceries. Jackson, Wm., 139 Adams, groceries. •Ilra.», J. Est., 263 S. Front, cigars. Jones, H. E., 638 S. Second, confec tionery. Karmatz, M.. 480 Myers, groceries. Katzen, Lewis, 186 S. Front, furniture. Roister, Wm. A. & Son, 187 N. Front, groceries. Keim, J. L., 361 S. Front, groceries. Kelm, I/. C„ N. Front, cigars. Kclm, C. E., 37!> S. Front, groceries. Kofalt, Marko, 841 S. Second, groceries. Kancar, Steve, 662 S. Third, cigars. Kancar, Steve, 662 S. Third, pool. Lantz, J., 143 N. Front, cigars. Lau, C. C., 106 Trewlcki confectionery. Laborwltz, Louis, 2 S. Front, clothing. Lacob, S. W., r.55 N. Second, groceries. Low, R. V., 383 Main, supplies. Lacob, S. W„ llarrlsburg, groceries. Lescanec, L, 701 S. Second, supplies. Llpshitz, M., 759 S. Third, cigars. Llnas, A., 202 N. Front, produce. Levitz, M„ 40 N. Front, produce. Levitz, M., 40 N. Front, wholesale pro duce. Levitan, I. J., 159 S. Front, jewelery. Lehrman, A. J., 37 S. Front, clothing. Lehrman, Lewis, 300 S. Second, groceries. Llpsic, Sarah, 651 S. Third, clothing. Levlne, R. .1., 389 S. Front, groceries. Levlne, R. J., 389 S. Front, restaurant. Levlne. Max, 506 S. Third, groceries. Levitan, L. & Sons, 670 S. Third, no tions. Lehrman, S., 865 S. Front, groceries.. Levin. Jacob, S. Front, jewelry. Lipsitz, 1., 453 Myers, produce. Lipshitz, Nathan. 586 S. Third, fruit. Long. G. M., 27 N. Front, general store. Loncalro, Mary, 622 S. Third, groceries. Mandi, Geo., 387 S. Front, cigars. Malegoff, Tony, 261 Frederick, cigars. Ma leg-off, Tony, 261 Frederick, pool. Margolis, Nathan, 274 Frederick, groceries. Mumma, Mark, 15 N. Front, real estate. Martz, W. If., 55 N. Front, Drugs. NleNear, B. F., Jr.. 301 Main, groceries. Marcus, L„ 259 Christian, groceries. Marcus, Abe, 317 Trewick, groceries. Marcus, Abe, 327 Francis, general store. Monech. Elia., 626 S. Third, pool. Maginnis, W. F., 13 N. Front, hard v are. Marsico, F., 121 li. Front, fruits. Marsico, J., 355 S. Second, groceries. Markley, A. A. & Son, 346 S. Front, meats. Mars. Mrs. A., 3S S. Front, millinery. Matjasic, M. M., 556 S. Third, grocer ies. McCurdy, J. A., 9 N. Front, drugs. Minoff, Binko, 481 Myers, meats. Melman, A., 67 Conestoga, confection ery. Nelly, T. J., 947 S. Front, cigars. Ney, P. M., 184 N. Front, moving pic tures. Newkam,, P., 12 Mohn, oigars. Nauss, G. R., 37 N. Front, notions. Obercash, M. A., 243 Main, cigars. Orth, J. G., 11 S. Front, confectionery. Povell, H. L., 50% N. Front, clothing. Porr, J. R„ 147 N. Front, drugs. Parks, G. W., 177 S. Front, sewing ma chines. Ramano. J., 332 S. Third, cigars. Peters, B. A. Est., 189 S. Front, drugs. Pilsitz, Alike, 422 Myers, meats. Polleck, D„ 109 N. Front, groceries. Polston, Lloyd. 120 Adam, pool. Popp, Steve 639 S. Front, groceries. Prowell, Wm., 204 N. Front, groceries. Prowell, T„ 385 S. Front, drugs. Rashinsky, Sarah, 302 Conestoga, clothing. Rashinsky, T„ 102 N. Front, clothing. Rakas, D'., 608 S. Third, general store. Restak, L., 244 Main, general store. Rheam, J. H„ 663 N. Front, groceries. Robin, J., 357 S. Front, clothing. Rodcn Grocery, Hbg. & Ridge, grocer ies. Romberger, E., 311 Bessemer, gro ceries. Reehling Bros., 302 Myers, merchan dise. Salvatori, P., 551 S. Second, cigars. Sostar, M. A., 526 S. Second, meats. Seltino & Santarma Bros., 23 S. Front, Orpheum Theater. Sellers, H. L, 201 N. Front, Strand Theater. Servic, A., 606 S. Second, cigars. Shott, L. E., 857 S. Front, cigars. Sliott, L. R., 837 S. Front, pool. Shupp, J. E., Front &- Mohn, cigars. Shupp, J. E„ Front & Mohn, pool. Shelly, J. P., ISS N. Front, cigars. Shelly, J. P., 185 N. Front, pool. Shelly, J. P., 185 N. Front, restaurant. Shelly, Kirk, 1"1 S. Front, cigars. Shelly, Kirk, 131 S. Front, pool. Sharosky, M., 635 S. Third, merchan dise. Sharosky, M. & Son, 220 Main, gro ceries. Sharosky, M., 151 S. Front, groceries. Sharovsky, Jennie, 202 Frederick, groceries. Sherman, S., 41!) S. Front, candy. Silver, J., 709 S. Second, groceries. Silver, L., 714 S. Third, merchandise. Singer, IX, 317 S. Front, furniture. Solvinac, J., 231 Main, meats & gro cery. Smith, J., 642 S. Third, cigars. Smith, D., 382 Myers, groceries. Smith, D„ 227 Christian, groceries. Snavely, Mrs. E. M., 2553 S. Third, groceries. Sobel, 8., 634 S. Third, groceries. Sprovierl, G., 529 S. Second, cigars, A., 512 S. Third, meats. Steelton News Agency, 152 N. Front, papers. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., Front & Lo cust, wholesale feed. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., Front & Lo cust, coal & wood. Steelton Store "Co., Ltd., Front & Lo cust. tobacco. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., Front & Lo cust, groceries & meats. Steelton Store Co., Ltd., Front & Lo cust, dry goods. Starasinic, M., 596 S. Third, groceries. Stojin, v., 602 S. Third, tobacco. Stojin, V., 602 S. Third, pool. Toperson, S., 537 Mohn, merchandise. Tomasic, C., 241 Frederick, groceries. Toran, John, 475 S. Second, cigars. Ulrich. O. M., 158 S. Front, oils. Ulrich, J. A., 239 Lincoln, milk. United Ice & Coal Co., Conestoga & Frederick, coal & wood. Vorbos, Katie, 538 S. Third, groceries. Wolf, 13. F., 171 S. Front, cigars. VVeigel, R., 105 S. Front, saddlery. Wolf, B. F., 171 S. Front, restaurant. Weiger, F„ 327 N. Front, groceries. Whitebread, W. 11., 159 N. Front. con fectionery. Wilts, 11. & Sons, 50 S. Front, 'furni ture. Woolworth, F. N. & Co., 21 N. Front 5 & 10c goods. Wolf, M. A.. 126 N. Front, clothing. Yoselwitz. Theo., 868 S. Second, mer chandise. Young, C. J., 201 S. Second, groceries. Yovanovich, V., 60S S. Third, gro ceries. Yoffe, M., 170 N. Front, 2d hand store. Zacks, J.. 25 S. Front, clothing. Zorger, M. M., 317 S. Front, furniture. Zimmerman, J. M„ 35 S. Second, con fectionery. Zimmerman, A. E., 41 S. Second, gro ceries. 2 in 1 Store Co., 8 S. Frcnt, groceries. IMO.VI'OWX BOROUGH Blngaman, J. H.. tinware. Boliner, H. M., feed. Bohner, Wm. H„ meats & produce. Boyer, Levi & Son, feed. Boyer, Wm. M„ furniture. Dockey, Elmer E., general store. Gessner, E. K.. general store. Koppenhave, C. M., general store. Kocher, H., agr. implements. Lalir, E. E„ tobacco. Lahr, E. E., restaurant. I.atslia, Geo, cigars & confectionery. I.atsha, Geo., restaurant. Noblet, J. S„ saddlery. Paul, O. C„ cigars. Snyder, Lyda, merchandise. Spotts, Dav., produce. Weist, S. T., meats. W11,1,1 A M STOWX BC) HO I* OH Academy of Music, moving pictures. Adams, R., groceries. Adams, C. M., supplies. Blaming Hardware Co., hardware. Blannlng. J. R„ stationery. Berry, Edw„ cigars. Berry, Edw., art store. Budd, Chris., cigars. Budd, Chris., pool. Batdorf, Chas., building supplies. Baddorf, Arthur, groceries. Buggy, M. E., groceries. Baird, Robert & Co., carpets. Bordner, Wm. C., groceries. Boyer, Wm. H„ wall paper. Cohen, Lewis, general merchandise. Chester, Mrs. li. A., merchandise. Cooper, M. IT., .leweler. Condell, J., cigars. Condell, J., pool. Day. R. W., furniture. Darby, J. 1.. cigars. Durbin, J. W. & Son, general store. 10by, A. N., jeweler. Kdward, 1., cigars. Fowler. J. 1., supplies. Fit/.patrick. E„ millinery. Fickinger, S. T., feed & coal. Flckingcr. S. F„ wholesale feed. Frledburg, 11. 8.. ciothintr. Uriui, Clark, Calldy. 11 Graham. T. W., cigars. niace, Cjas., candies. Gross. Barney, shoes. Gross, Barney, Junlt. Griffiths John, clears. Gelst, J. E., clears. Griffiths, .). W., grocer. I loffman, Mrs. M. M.. produce. Hancock, J. it., general merchandise Hass, C. .!., hardware. Ifarner, J. R„ drugs. Hall, W. T„ cigars. Hummel, Mrs. C. E.. groceries. Hlggins, Lizzie, candy. Hushes. ,1. T., groceries. Hughes. W. 15.. groceries. Jenkins. H„ groceries. Jenkins, H„ pool. K linger, L. S., confectionery. Kingston, S., shoes. Klinger, TT„ wholesale confectionery. Kllnger, L. S., restaurant. Kapp, John. meat. Lester. J. L., music store. I.ykens Valley Light Co., supplies. Meehan, Michael, drugs. Meehan, J. L, cigars. Morris, Lizzie, groceries. Morgen, C., groceries. Miller, 11. B„ groceries. Miller, E. C., wholesale groceries. Mace, J. L., meats. Maiden, A., cigars & confectionery. Mover, J. It., groceries. Miller, L., meats. Mullen, SI. J., pool. Mullen, M. J„ cigars. Mayer, A. A., confectionery. New Area Cash Store, mdse. Newton. J., grocer. « Nace, Daniel C., milk. ' Nash. C.. groceries. Phira, C., cigars. Prltchard, F. E., millinery. Ralph, Allen, cigars. Row, Allen, pool. Ralph, Aaron, furnlturs, ltow, Allen, cigars. Row. W. P., meats. Itowland, J., supplies. How, Kd. S„ stoves & tinware. Hoherts, Mary, cigars. Stokes. Wm. G., wholesale cigars. Stadnar, J., cigars. • Stokes, Wm. G., cigars. Shuttleworth, Jennie, 5 & 10c goods. Stokes. Wm. G., pool. Schwalm, N., news agency. Susq. Coal Co.. coal. Thompson, D. L., clothing. Thompson, J. C., genl. mdse. Thomas, I). J., supplies. Williams, E., groceries. Walkinshaw, A., Jr., groceries. Walkinshaw, M„ notions. Welsh, H. T.. cigars. Welsh. R. T., pool. Wm. Valley Amusement, theater . Wrenn, Mrs. G. R., notions. Williams, B. W.. cigars. Williams, Wm. G., cigars. Williard, B. W., groceries. Whittle, J. H.. genl. mdse. Williams. J. T.. groceries. Zimmerman, J. F., cigars. Zukoviskl, A., cigars. Zukoviski, A., pool. CONEWAGO TOWNSHIP Buck, W. J„ groceries. Foltz, C. M.. genl. mdse. Grantz, A. L„ feed. Herr, John C., produce. Tschudy, 1. S., saddlery. DERBY TOWNSHIP Balsbaugh, S. S., produce. Bilotta, F., groceries. Buchignam, A., cigars. Brown Stone Store Co.. genl. mdse. Bonfantl, Frank, groceries. Brandaw, J. M„ sec. cigars & candj Brandaw, J. M., sec. restaurant. Ciolfi, Metrllo. groceries. Curry, J, B. Est., coal & feed. Curry, J. B. Est., wholesale feed. Curry, K. Curry, groceries. Den ate, G., groceries. Erb, W. C., mdse. Fico, Nicco, grocer. Gruber, J. E., supplier Hershey, A. E„ feed. Ilershey Store Co., feed. Hershey Store Co., genl. mdse. Hershey Store Co., restaurant. Ilershey Store Co.. pool. Hershey Park Restaurant, restaurairt Hershey Men's Club, cigars. Hershey Men's Club, restauVant. Ladalia, Mary, general stor4. , Matrlio, groceries. Mefail, D. supplies. Moyer, J. C., tobacco. Miller, Josiah H., general stor<* Moyer, J. C., restaurant. Page. Jacob, cigars. Rasp John, groceries. Schaflfer, If. D.. saddlery, Trionackino, cigars. Vitanga, G., groceries. Wagoner, Clayton, meats. Weltmer, Ulrich, wholesale produce. Weitmer, Ulrich, produce. Wit man. F. S., carpets. Wolfe. C. J., milk. Ytngst, G. W., groceries. EAST HANOVER TOWNSHIP Boyer, John A., merchandise. Boyer, C. S„ cigars. Boyer, 11. A., furniture. Castle, J. H„ wholesale hides. Hess, Edwin, produce. Hess Bros., furniture. Hummer, G. J., meats. Keifer, J. 8., feed. Kuntz, J. H„ merchandise. Ludermilch, Mrs. Henry, groceries. Llngie, 1. 17., cigars. Lingle, T. M., stoves. Lingie, J. 8., feed. Moyer. M. K„ produce. Moonshine, Joseph, merchandise. Rhoads, E. N., merchandise. Runkle, Irvin P., feed. Shertzer, B. F., saddlery. Wright, Walter, feed. HAI.IFAX TOWNSHIP. Bowman, Cornelius, merchandise. Bowman, Cornelius, wholesale produc* Bower, S. M., groceries. Glace, Chas. 1., merchandise. Hoffman, Geo. R., wholesale produce. Kitchen, Frank, milk. Meredith, J. E., confectionery and ta bacco. Meredith. D. F., merchandise. Rutter. H. W., wholesale produce. Sponsler, 11. M., produce. Sweigard, C. C., wholesale produce. Tobias. .lames, wholesale meats. Wolfang. F. E., wholesale produce. .IKF KEB SO N TOWNSHIP. Bordner, Jacob, merchandise. Enders, R. E., merchandise and pro duce. Paulus, G. D„ produce. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Boddorf. If. F., meats. Bixier, .1. C... merchandise. Bowerman, C. M.. general store. Bowman, S. I''., wholesale meats. Enders, C. C„ merchandise. File, Oliver M., merchandise. Enders, Thomas F., wholesale produc* Harman, J. M., feed. Helt, Ira M.. repairs. Miller, E. W., meats. Keefer, L. N. Marsh. C. A., cigars. Trawltz, Simon, oil. Wertz, Chas., meats. Wise. William, teas and coffees. Zearlng, Sam'l, confectionery. LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP. Barnhart, A. H„ cigars. Ebersoie, S. S., groceries I,YKENS TOWNSHIP. Buflington, I. M., feed. Daniel, A. E„ oil. Gundermijn, Frank, produce. Keller, Howard H„ produce. Hoover, Chas. A., produce. Hoover, Edmund, produce. Keesler, C. H., merchandise. Kocher, Chas. H„ produce. Reigel, John H.. produce. Troutman, D. H.. produce. Walker, G. A., produce. LOWER SWATABA TOWNSHff. Mumma, I. N., milk. Nlssley, A. 1-1., milk, Nlssley, J. L. milk. Zimmerman, S. A., nitlk. LOWER PAXTON TOWNSHII\ Care, C. B„ general merchandise. Care, Brook, real estate. Cassel, J. I*, meats. Dare, E. J., produce. Flshhurn, S. A., feed. Hassler, C. C., milk. Hocker, L. A., milk. La/.zarinc, David, cigars. Lecse, O. 8., general store. Mcngel. Emanuel, feed.- Mixel. F„ cigars. Mlxel, F„ restaurant. Mlxel, F., pool. Keith, Carl, cigars. Rudy. D. K., oil. Sample, Anna V., notions. Selbert, F. R., produce. Seltzer, Ellas, stoves. Sheosley, B. P., feed. Continued on Next Page,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers