Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    Back aches? Stomach sen
sitive? A little cough? No
strength? Tire easily? All
after effects of this dread mal
ady. Yes, they are catarrhal.
Grip is a catarrhal disease.
You can never be well as long
as catarrh remains in your sys
tem, weakening your whole
body with stagnant blood and
unhealthy secretions.
You Need
It's the one tonic for the after
effects of grip, because it is a
catarrhal treatment of proved
excellence. Take it to clear
away all the effects of grip, to
tone the digestion, clear up the
inflammed membranes, regulate the
bowels, and set you on the highway
to complete recovery.
Perhaps one or more of your
friends have found it valuable.
Thousands of people in every state
have, and have told us of it. Many
thousands more have been helped
at critical times by this reliable
family medicine.
Prepared *U« ia tablet f.rm fir yoir coirnincc.
TtiePinutCompinr, Columbia*, Obio
Stole Friend's Bridal
Gifts to Please Wife
Portland, Ore., April —When he
•was brought here from Oregon City
to face a charge of robbing the home
of H. E. Hobbs, Lester Butler blamed
his bride of less than a month. Butler
said that hla wife vu one of the
bridesmaids at the wedding of Mr. anrl
Mrs. Hobbs. The Hobbs' wedding was
in January. February 8 Butler mar
ried Anna M. Mills.
It was right afterward, Butler said,
that his bride told him about the
Hobbs' wedding presents, and pointed
out. how lunch superior thev were to
the Butler's own meager gifts. Right
there the burglary ploi was planned,
which Butler successfully curried out.
he said. Mrs. Butler was arrested
Save your hair! Double its beauty
in a few moments.
Try this!
Hair stops coming out and every
particle of dandruff
Try as you will, after an applica
tion of Danderine, you cannot And a
single trace of dandruff or falling hair
and your scalp will not itch, but what
will please you most, will be after a
few weeks' use, when you see new
hair. fine and downy at first—yes—but
really new hair—growing all over the
A little Danderine immediately
doubles the beauty of your hair. Xo
difference how dull, faded, brittle and
scraggy, just moisten a cloth with
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. The effect is imme
diate and amazing—your hair will be
light, fluffy and wavy, and have an ap
pearance of abundance; an incompar
able luster, softness and luxuriance,
the beauty and shimmer of true hair
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or
toilet counter, and prove that your
hair is as pretty and soft as any—-that
it has been neglected or injured by
careless treatment-—that's all.
Danderine is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro
ducing properties cause the hair to
grow long, strong and beautiful.—Ad
Says Backache is sure sign you
have been eating too
much meat.
Uric Acid in meat clogs Kidneys
and irritates the
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clog
ged and need a flushing occasionally,
else we have backache and dull mis
ery in the kidney region, severe head
aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver,
acid stomach, sleeplessness and all
sorts of bladder disorders.
Tou simply must keep your kid- |
ne.vs active and clean and the moment!
you feel an ache or pain in the kidney
reglon, get about four ounces of Jail
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of I
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine, i
L This famous salts is made from the I
r acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia and is harmless to!
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity, it also
neutralizes the acids in the urine so •
it no longer irritates, thus ending
bladder disorders,
Jad Salts is harmless; Inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithla
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who be- !i
lieve in overcoming kidney trouble;
while it is only trouble.—Advertise-
Engineering and Contracting
Operations Amounts to
Harrisburg shared extensively In j
the total sum ot 134,663,000 that was
1 expended during the first quarter of
;IS 16 for building and engineering:}
operations in Kastern Pennsylvania, j
Southern New Jersey, Maryland, I
Delaware, District of Columbia and i
Virginia, as compiled by the F. W. |
' Dodge Company. Incidentally the I
three months just closed represented !
the largest expenditure for a similar!
lime in more than seven years. Since J
19t0 no quarterly total has ap-!
proached it with the possible excep-j
Hon of 1912 when the outlay amount-!
Ed to $32,244,000. In the first quarter i
of 1915 $20,883,000 was spent; in;
1914 $21,023,000; in 1913 $20,030.-
000; in 1911 $23,479,000 and in 1910 j
In the larger field that includes 1
New England, the Middle Atlantic and
a portion of the Middle Western States, ]
the same increase for the open- j
ing quarter of 1916 is noticeable ex
cept the outlay has been on a much
larger scale. Here are the figures: j
1916, $223,645,000; 1915, $167,687,-
300; 1914, $149,032,000; 1913, $196,-
788.000; 1912, $154,413,500; 1911,
$1 73,904,313, and 1910, $172,922,809.
City Pays $42,000
of Improvement Bill
According to Oves
More than $42,000 was expended'
by the city during March for the re-;
demption of public improvement
bonds, payment of interest, etc., ac- '
cording to the monthly report which'
was submitted to Council to-day by
City Treasurer Harry F. Oves. The
receipts were $21,149.18, the expendi
tures $104,082.40 so that the balance
April 1 was s2l 7,048.47. .lust $14,000'
was paid out in the redemption of;
bonds and $28,810.25 in interest
, coupons.
The funds were distributed among
1 the various banks of the city as fol
lows: Allison Hill Trust, Central
j Trust, Citizens. Commercial, and Se-
I curtty Trust Companies. $5,000 each;
Commonwealth Trust. $20,000; East
End. $10,000; Harrisburg National.
$13,000; Merchants. $20,000; Me
chanics. $25,000; Sixth Street. $lO.-:
000; Union Trust, $30,000; First Na
jtional, $39,395.70. and Harrisburg I
Trust. $20,000. The cash balance of
$2,452.77 was kept In the office.
New Contracting Firm
Enters Field For City
Street Paving Jobs
Harrlsburg's newest contracting firm.
Stucker Hrothers & Walter, competed
to-day for the first time In bidding for
city contracts when the new company j
submitted proposals to pare Second '•
street. Emerald to Seneca, and Reel |
street. Seneca to Schuylkill streets. ]
Bids were opened at noon by City Com
missioner W. H. Lynch, superintendent
of streets and public improvements.
In addition to Stucker Brothers &
Walter the only other bidder was the
Central Construction and Supply Com- '
pany. The figures submitted applied
to both sections of street.
I The Central company hid *1.85 for
j Trinidad asphalt and $1.70 for Mexi
can oil asphalt, per yard, 80 cents for
| granite curh. 39 cents for granolithic
and 30 cents for steel-bound grano
| Iftlilc. Snicker Rrothers & Walter bid
j $1.83 for Trinidad asphalt,-90 cents
i for granite curb, 49 cents for grano
lithic. Both bid 20 cents for resetting
■ curb.
Th<> new firm consists of Charles D.
I and George B. Stucker, of the Stucker
Brothers Construction Company, and
Alderman Charles P. Walter, former
slreet repairing contractor.
William E. Orth Takes
Out Permit For Great
LauHry, Costing $50,000
The biggest single huilding permit
of the year was issued to-day to Wil
liam B. Orth. proprietor of the City
j Star Baundry. for the erection of a
modern eoncrete-and-steel five-story
! structure on Sixth stret at the south
cast corner of Herr. The permit calls
for a building to cost $50,000.
Mr. Orth planned some months ago
| to build bis new laundry building when
• it become pretty definitely understood
j that his present property on State
| street had been taken over by the
Capitol Park Extension Commission.
Cranford & Stephenson is the con
tracting firm which will erect the
structure and work will he started
I upon the excavations at once, it is j
j understood.
To-day's realty transfers in city and
county included the following:
Susan P. Kaufman to William H.
Mount. Steelton, $1,200; William Ram
say to A. B. Pritchard. Williamstown,
$2,000; Mary E. Zeiders to Charles T.
Glace, Halifax township, $;!:,0: H. W.
Schreffier to J. C. Stronn, Elizabeth
vllle, $5,925; William F. Mumtua to
P.. C. Shadle, Washington township,
$2,500; J. M. Baker's executor to A.
Heisey, Derry township, $1,600; J. A.
Ebersole to William Cassel, Penbrook,
$225; Mary Alleman to I). E. Shope,
Hummelstown, $1,100; William Gor
don. executor, to D. C. Swone, Derry,
$1,100: E. Hoffman to H. Wetheroff
Penbrook. $700: M. Daniel's adminis
trator. to Augusta Strohecker, B.vkens,
$2,254; S. Reitinger to George W.
Myers. Eykens. $2,600; J. 11. Risser's
assignee to Longenecker and Mailman,
Derry township. S6O; D. Shadel to H.
R. Wetberow. Bower Paxton, $6,000;
H. A. Sherk to George W. Remine,
1719 Boas street, $5,000; Emma
Knlsely to William J. Keane, 2239
North Second street. $1; R. R. Rhoads
to Charles A. Beer, 2127 Penn street
A meeting of the newly-elected
board of directors of the University
flub of Harrlsburg. will he held on
Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock in
the Telegraph Building. Notices have
been sent to the twelve directors by
the secretary, Mark T. Milnor, and
It Is expected that at this meeting
organization plans will be completed
and propositions submitted for the
building up of the club.
Bids for the construction of a new
•ewer in Rriggs street from Fifteenth
lo ten feet west of May street, will
be opened by City Commissioner W.
11. Lynch, superintendent of streets
ind public improvements, within the
next week or two. The ordinance au
thorizing the placing the rain was
passed by council to-day.
|Tomorrow, The Great Underselling Event Fresenls Wonderful Wednesday Attractions
ClO Cakes of Ivory Soap ' JUST ARRIVED
C For O e Jr IaOAIIII\AIVS 15 lioy New Frilled Ruching I
J WIN i V 4 44 • Wl\ a ♦Silt. of Plain and Swiss embroidery, Geor
\l 1L ° T ur Great p^."Pa^e . r u n d « rse,iin .g Event Continues § \ Your EASTER HAT Is Surely Here i
i| lomorrow With Choice New Arnvas of Women s S : : ». r , n c .
i|i and Misses* Easter Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts I a * re-taster tvent having i
% O /> \ kv- If the savings which this Underselling Kvenl provides for you were based on the X■! A 1
# £ / (I WiMi'n'W'iit-daj' value of the Suits, Coats, Skirts and Drosses offered, they would amount D \ _3|Br "" '! f
% 2 / J ■fto considerable more than we advertised. Shrewdness. foresiglitedness in buying mid O '■ . •, J
M o J V ,Pono,art agreements made with the foremost New York makers months before tile § a K
advance began, brings this Important opportunity to you. Take advantage or it. New •' 1 Zjifb .tsj !' J
'ft V arrivals go on sale to-morrow. Every garment exceptional in style, cx<-cptlonnl in X■' I jgjSffi ,» K
|I g M A Quality and exceptional in prloe and sites for all figures, including those of stout pro 6'! WBMH " \ "x,/<\ ' T.-'y/' % \
■ M JaU®? Women's and Misses' New ®1 *? "7C Women's and Misses* fir" nrj g!■ f lT fflte* }■/ 1 !■ \
lo II \ Smartest new models in men's wear Gabardine, fine poplins. imported OJ* IT tit J g
I fit / 1 \>\ serge, all wool poplins and shepherd serges, silk and wool combinations and Y \\ X~ / \•IJ \\ J ? K
, 5 I . \ \ U checks - Al ' colors and sizes. checks. Not a desirable color or combl- 9 ? »\ N/ 1 ' \\y 5 #
j l l / I . \ Kz.?.TS.r a —S»-53 »•»"'''«•'* | r v rrf irnS ■ > I
,0/1 1 A U CHy ' l at 1 • Extra Size SI'ITS For Women, at Si? And in a style most becoming to your particular type of face. Hun- «J g
,Ol \ 1 1 \ J A " "izes and extra sizes. Suits you d t Q Cft to d?0/l TC A■" dreds of the seasmi's newest creations go on sale to-morrow at liauf- m
V-"4 111 ¥ J ,? ve l ' aJ * * 3O to "5 anywhere. <sl J.OU «pZ4, /1) S •' man's i'amuus Vnderselling Prices. V »
#2 1 1; I • hoose from Smart Velour Checks, Silk Hard-to-tlt women are easily fitted X'! „ „ w
m o and Wool Poplins. Taffefa Silks, Im- here; try us anil be convinced. Special 0 d? A A (ft* *y f\i\ A C\ A i. - Af\ '■ J
■ 5 Mix ported Gabardines and Poplins and Com- large assortment of different styles in O jS /_WI B \JI| JHfcf. VJIJ TO jHI / Vll !' C
CO JV V blnaflon Kffects. All newest models and your size on hand; newest models and 9 • Sr ' * V ST" 1 %
O I colors. colors. v ,• i
■ n '• I'urbitns, Tricornes, Mushrooms and Sailors, flower and ribbon 1
9 O Women s Newest tC nf) Women s and Misses' QC Women's and Misses' tfie AA X '■ trimmed. NO TWO ALIKE, Some trimmed with the new Goura. *.
Corduroy Coats r«>r. .. . ""il.ww Sliepher«l Check Coats. EASTEH COATS JIO.UU q , >, ,
# Box and belted models and all Newest flared, belted and box A wonderful variety. All the O i TT . „ , TT . , TT , '■
% A the new striped effects. AH col- models; copies of imported mod- newest fabrics and colors Flared 0 ■! Unlldren S riatS OalOre Untnmmed Hats by the .*
Is """" , " r g j $ |to $4.!1.") Hundreds }'
C S Pure Wool Serge and Check Q / to suit childish faces, in a he- 4 »FC, to Jp I .1.1 !■ I
■ft Skirts, $2.50 tf? f QC s "» "oplin Dresses for tty QC Taffeta Silk Dresses for CIO flO 0 •" coming hat here; there are so 771 •
values; all sizes. Women and Misses nP # .«7«J Women and Misses. . . wIU.UU o / many, many different styles that Every new color, every new
Ig Extra Sine Skirts, values SIO.OO Values $15,011 Values 2 \ It's impissible to miss it. Scores shape, every new straw effect. ? »
# » $3,1) t0 $7.50, for ' These are unusually charming: Variety of attractive styles and X S of fascinating little hats, in all Qualities unmatchable, ready for ■,
Ui»> Q % fri »!!•; l\\ two models; one with plain full colors; also black, natty new crea- 5 S colors and new shapes; daintily flower, ribbon trimming. Your "■
Mo skirt effect, the other with pointed tions of the most desirable uuali- v r trimmed. particular style is surely here. 5
K o v tunic—all newest colors and sizes. ties; all sizes. O ■' v 1 V- ,"
J KA JI M VV^' :< o^''',m>^ FHOX _ I^ 00^^000000 C>Ki lIVI. II..11 it; 1
Thousands of Girls' White and Colored WASH T Bargain Basement wt j |j. , 1 n , n mI .1
If DRESSES, at Astonishing underselling Prices f £ J ull Ro ™ Siz ( e $3.39 Underselling the Best Boys tlothes
# i It's the largest collection of attractive, high class, new Easter 1 W . or , .. ' , _ . _ _ \
% V Dresses r°r Girls ever assembled at one store in tills city; furthermore, X ' :,. r ! , qu S!', e Ru K»' B°od de- i Rl/r of ilia Dt*a C I>AM i g
M cxcry garment Is offered at a big underselling price that means a tre- 3 so tn t»i qualities— £||lF Q| |jJP tVGflt K
\ f mentions saving, If parents buy now. Hundreds of New White Con- 9 $2 - 6 » va| Me; size 6x9 ft.; special. 8 ,wululv vl 1,, v ,IVUWJIWI
m f Urination Dresses a feature. See these wonderful values to-morrow, f •••••" •• ....... $1.59 n p > r , C •. T _ t
II Girls' White Conlirmation Dresses, J each V. . **. * BP S 25» " Uy *OUr DOyS Easter Suit TomOrrOW & J
f> , , Va Ma^e t of s li , ne o Voiles; MarquiseUes and Nain'sook. I ,5^ # c^ ft,U * ! " Save FrOlll $2 tO $3 Oil Every Purchase S
I f vwv with n r' spr,,,K xo,r ° ik sr,Ts - $3.00 I
# l Junior tiirls' CONFIRMATION DKESSES I / l— *' ,' ', , , , . jfk I
C < \ in a bewildering array of beautiful models; all f Linoleums at Rio Savinac I H'utd.some material well made an.l perfect fW\ L
sizes of fine white voiles and marquisettes 1 at Big bavings li ting. home with two pairs of Knickers. R r
M 4 Ui»> i tifu tin s New Process Linoleums, in Sizes t> to 1 . years. 5 / k |
! i •>-..».) to 9 torn- good Patterns 2 yards Hoys' Navy lllue Sun-Proof All $0 on V( II
k <>r K«ndie. \oile, Net and Silk Confirmation Dresses 1 n- e Wool SKKCtK si'ITS at yflf7\ B )
Exquisitely trimmed with lawn and embroidery I Special Underselling OQp , ' ' nr ', \L' 1 r \ C
f double ruffle and embroidered coHt effects; all I , r ( f- f- V( '- u '.uL '!,1" of ,,? n v' V
1 aSSn \sizes; ffdfth nearly double Iheir prices S Irintcd (ork l.inolcums; OQ hirH .15 ' y be V/ I, ,
unpSjiCM \ \ tii'i tk "J , .» on 0«< - sq. yd. value; sq. y(l. 's*' c hard to replace, sizes sto li years. Jl IJ 1| I
\ 10 'P I ••**' yards \vide, in remnant Boys' Spring Norfolk Suits; Ad M I V »■.
C 1 Girls' White and Colored Ae < lengths; enough of each pattern «to 17 Years at wa>4" I A ( \
c JiLIJt&StjKK I WASH DRESSES nt «p 1 •T'O ' or any room. ~ .. . I //I I I
I tifan 6 J3 hat Co^iflrmatfoiTdresse < ' Q, """ V these good, Norfolk suUs" | , LJm
'■ colored dresses for every occasion. You'll want square yard TiJK, e Offer Boys' Norfolk SUITS, /I qq J I
f to inspect this collection before deciding 6to i , yards vvltle; 69c sq. yd. at iMttJB
I (\ \ 14-year sizes. value, in five splendid kitchen These Suits are all wool the Panto n„ Q ,j 1 cfl IVI 1
I MB \ \ „ t ™M ren ' s Wh . ,t ? aml Coloretl DRESSES £I. and bathroom designs. the coats sewed with silk;'the materials are 11 Jl 1 A
I MH 1\ \ 1, years dainty models of colored ging- 3 2T77 r ; ' blue serges, fine cassimeres and worsteds- the \
a* p\ 1 hams, reps, white organdie and voiles, lace and I * 3 - 50 ,^? p . an^ se l Matting Hugs— models the very newest. We offer in this lot T*T
f f\l embroidery trimmed I heautiful designs and quality; Suits for boys 7to 18 years. mis lot
I [Z\ I to $2.95 1 e 9X11.8; special S '.-'O I
I . | P^j7GlrU'Colored WASH DRESSES; Qfi f f 6xlß-inch Rubber Stair Treads; "| S^Hal,'!!'^to S, ''' inK «1 QC «je on
i jcfgpss ■=» Sizes fl to 11 Years, at yOC II each 10c II h Years."at $1.95 I S ' 7cs Bto 18 Years «J>0.017 H %
C «i\n ? 8 that can tb ? matched for less than I 9xlß-inch Rubber Stair Treads; Splendid Shepherd plaid nnd A loo,< at these Handsome |
] Sizrxsr ,
gsi/i'v. <; lo it rnr. 1 24c 1
$2.95| | |J |]JJ !
Tenth Ward Independent
League Officers Chosen
Members of the Tenth Ward Inde
pendent League, recently organized,
met last night in the offices of George
W. MacWllliams, for the election of
officers and directors.
Plans have been started to obtain a
large hall In which meetings can be
held the first Monday night of each
' month.
The officers elected were Rufus A.
I Hart man, president; G. W. MacWil-1
I Hants, first vice-president; George A.t
| Werner, second vice-president; H. O. |
Cook, secretary; 11. H. McMeen, assist-j
'ant secretary; J. W. Dennis, treasurer.)
The directors are: J. T. Trego, chair- ;
man: Charles A. Johnson. George A. |
Werner. Jr., D. E. Brightbill, W. E.
E. Lauver. Frank Einzig, C. S. Shelley,
W. A. Swonger, Thomas M. Richards;
| and E. A. Wallower.
j Officers of the ilarrisburg Rifle As
sociation, recently organized with a !
charter membership of 28, were elect-1
led last night at a meeting in tliei
W.veth building. Application for I
i membership in the National Rifle As
sociation of America will be made im-
I mediately. Officers elected were:
H. A. Douglas, president; H. B.
Kirk, vice-president; Charles S. Ban-]
I dis, secretary: H. H. McKess, treasur-j
er, and G. \Y. Thompson, executive j
The association will be open to any'
Harrisburger 16 years of age or over, j
and at least 60 members are expected j
to join in a short time.
Girardville, Pa.. April 4.—While Jo
-1 seph and John McDonald. Clement and
I Myrtle Rurchill and Thomas Cook, j
ranging in age from nine to twelve \
[ years, were playing in the street yes- j
terday one of them found a dynamite
cap and rolled a heavy barrel over It [
on the paved street. A loud explosion j
The barrel was blown to fragments,
the ground torn up and the children
hurled in all directions. All were cut 1
by flying debris and bruised, but none ;
was injured fatally.
j The marriage of Grant Roy Barn- I
! liart and Miss Marilla Wilson Rose, ]
both of Altoona, is announced. The cere- !
i inony was performed by the Rev. H. C. I
Pardee, of I larrisbuig, on March 30. An
prror In names occurred In a previous
j announcement.
| John Walkage. aged 25. 1122 North
Sixth street, fireman on the Phlladel
| nhia Division, of th<> Pennsylvania I
Railroad, fell down the steps at liU
l home, fracturing his right arm.
Daniels Mum on What
Rank Navy Should Hold
Special to the Telegraph
Washington, April 4. The House |
Xaval Committee brought to an end
I yesterday its prolonged hearings on
the 1917 naval appropriation bill, j
Secretary Daniels closed a three-day |
(Statement before the committee with ;
a final appeal in support of the ad-i
ministration's five-year building pro
gram. A subcommittee immediately]
will begin framing the bill.
Mr. Daniels parried all efforts to j
; get from him a statement as to what j
j relative place among naval powers the
United plates should occupy. He said!
the five-year program he had mapped
| out would not put the country in sec-!
ond place, in his judgment.
Admiral Strauss was summoned
later and read the letter, which it j
i was believed would show that United!
States specifications had been given j
; Krupps. it was a reply to an offer j
made before the war by the Krupp
company to supply 14-inoh guns for
(he United States Navy. The ordnance I
| bureau answered that if guns to meet
the requirements outlined in the offer,'
j could be provided, the company's bid,
j would have attention.
Canal Will Be Reopened
April 15 For Ever, Belief
Special to the Telegraph
Panama, April 4. Gen. Goethals,
governor of the canal zone made an
examination of the slide area in the
j Gaillard cut to satisfy himself regard
ing conditions. He said afterward
'that the situation looked even more
favorable to him than he had ex-j
1 pected. and that April 15 would re
main unchanged as the date for re
* opening the waterway.
General Goethals expressed the be
lief that the canal would not again be '
'closed to traffic on account of slides
I in the cut.
i Among those who filed petitions for
Republican committee nominations!
to-day were the following:
For city committee—William Dock
ens, Randolph Edward Burrs, sec
ond precinct. Seventh ward: John I
Fin ley. second of the Sixth: Frank H.
, Hoy. Jr., and Preston Seldel, second j
, precinct. Fifth; William Washington,
Mxth precinct. Seventh ward: cohntvl
committer Daniel Williams, aecoud
!precinct, Sixth ward; T.ewis Holly, sec
ond precinct, Fifth ward, and Harry
Smith, Gratz.
P 5
/JA 1916 Will Be A Fisk Non-Skid Year
Like 1915—Will You Be A Fisk User?
The unprecedented demand for this quality
tire at low prices continues. It still costs
less than the smooth tread tires of many v y s / '
other standard makes.
With Fi»k Free Service in more than 100 Fisk ////
Branches it is the greatest tire buy of the year.
IvA Compare These Fisk Prices
//J \M(fAvR Grey Non-Skid Casings and Tubes V/^
3 S *" 3o • • 1( 5*40 . . 2.60 r//
XWm 3J x3O . . 13.40 . . 2.95 t//'
\vArVlft 4x 33 . . 22.00 . . 4.25
\\aUa\ 4J x 35 . . 31.20 . . 5.55
\VoGin x 36 . . 31.55 . . 5.70 Yy^.
uV \
\\\ V Fisk Tires For Sale By All Dealers X
>. General Officei: Chicopee Falls, Mai*. gjjfyjp /
I Harrisburg Branch, 19 So. Third St. El*VMs;
I ® et * Market and Chestnut
/ " eJ Mark
APRIL 4, 1916.
I The wedding of William Epbriam
Duncan and Miss Margaret Evelyn
Burd, both of Mlfflintown, is announced.
I The ceremony wa* performed by tlio
I Rev. H. C. Pardoe, nf this city, on March
I 15. An error In date appeared in a
previous notice.