Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 31, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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    livery Woman and Child Can Afford a New Easter Outfit at Kaufman's Amazing Underselling Prices'
Jeweliy Stow
o DAY PKE-eweb^lt
colors and color combinations, sash . 'it) "T T A A • TCTI 1 25c and 50c Coral Bead Necklaces
o r UllflCfSClllllO IJJVGTIT 'ft -mPi££iix
more desirable for Spring wear. XW\Jr\/X JmnA ▼ JL V w Pin Sets 21c
r 2S ?»?°!?. r .'' o "! .**. s "":.°'. ! h is
Big Underselling Event of Easter Suits, Coats and Dresses:! YOUR EASTER HAT, MADAM, IS HERE
Tremendous Money-Savin? Opportunities For All Women and Misses!: a Bi & Pre-Easter Underselling Price
.J We undersell the Choicest New Millinery as well as in other lines. Don't forget that fact and
SIOOO Handsome Easter SUITS, 500 Newest Easter COATSi and becomingness at any price, and prices now are extremely "small. V' y | J
{Hundreds of Beautiful Easter Dresses and Hundreds of Smart New Skirts? Hundreds of Lovely Untrimmed Hats
% , j II Ready for a pretty ribbon or
. r Women's and Misses' New Easter The New Corduroy Coats For *' N PW Factor Hate flower. Scores of new shapes, new
!■ k«\^^§|suits; Values to $16.50. Pre-Easter Women and Misses; tf? C AA ggiiigK |! colors, new novelty straws. Every I
:■ (jjl O 7C Values up to $7.50, for *P D. UU *i&mSS D J T t new style brought out for this sea
lv WH|Price IplZwi) In all the newest colors and striped of- Keady 1 OmOrrOW at tAV ?ow" Z™' ***** *** y ° U to " m ° r '
W o m en , s a°d Misses' Easter Suits; Popular Shepherd Check Coats For Qfl Qfl jM "70C tfl
to $22.50, Pre-Easter Women and Misses; Values up to '« ' f >'«'*» »" *pi. t ty
' L "K '■ mn Underselling d»"l CAA $8.50. Pre-Easter (t* r* O C /7J ft \ t ,v
■! / Price *P 1 OoUU Event tpDot/D /( (| \ I' _ J <£A QH Charminp- Trimmed Hats
/ N>»™t belted and flared effects: nil Flared and bplte(l o(Terts , amal , t me . (A \ ;I aTICI
tilUMffiSßi * M 1 * beßt co,orß and tr,nHn,ns effectß: nU diutn and large checks; all sizes. ItHwV>TTIU I*l IH \ S ■ /> <- \ For Children
fi slzes " t rt , 4dllk" I J Smart Turbans. Mushrooms and >11,,,../ jfi, , /• S.\
MWomen's and Misses' Easter Suits; Latest Serge, Poplin and Gabardine i
llllTv/fll// *■ Sailors, as well as a vast new as- ////(/' / r)> -\ r rf* rt rf ijij
"I "f;T Value. Pre-Easter Coats For Women and Misses; jIIHV, /I ]/ \\\ / sortm'ent of sport Hats; ail the / f Y.UJ to Z .UJ
> OA C\f\ Values U P to $15.00. ff| A A lir /If ' ULi. i rage tllis season and as usual to Vv xJUI !
;■ - "^V" L lprice Pre-Easter Event, X iyeV/i/ I / ' / \ S be had at Kaufmans in unlimited jfflfl I h Daint > r - hecoming, new creations
,■ dtenHl y 1 ..... Mr 7 / / J / \ Yif 1 S varieties. Choice of all the latest \ \yjvjßi !I/ Hof fine straws and flowers or ribbon
:■ wi:^^v r / M Scores of clever new models, in tlie Wonderful variety; all now; all latest / / I / \ )Al 1 *« i * ~n . r «r« V » \ 'lfm/r II III! ( / t/U . , ,
,■ season's most desirable fabrics and col- colors; unlined. lined and half lined mod- 111 I \t> vf % colors, in Milan, Hemp and Msere /\*/ vttrLllf //// / fI/>' trimmed; all extremely pretty and
■J T ors * s^: —B extra largre sizes. els; all sizes; other styles as low as / / / / /|W\\ 5 Braids; trimmed with ribbons, V/ w^^x////// j/ 7 pleasing effects.
J' Women's and Misses' Easter Suits; NEW SPRING COATS For \ flower " an<l ROUra - %'/ f IJrsllllJl yi SECOND FLOOR
!; Underselling 7 at $24» 7 t?9i '• \
\ Z„Z:JS ..™W» a Sr.ftS^WMniffljl m I THOUSANDS of NEW SPRING § Pre-Easter
5 "".'"i-M. '.'"w. „n!l ZJSt SZ&-. •
,■ sizes; wide variety of different models. l'ects; all sizes.
_aSl ■' § S Underselling
•' ij -i ' - t \ —— I "I O Thousands of |»nirs of this season's most popular, desirable stvles o r -
Extra I arp-p Size Women's and Misses' Newest Spring
J Jsysi-to-nt b,ark f and°navy P wuef ki '3 § Kayser's New Washable Chamoisette GLOVES, pair f ot rUg Dundrics
/! women and carry a very large assortment of new - models 0X.5/D / q rl *""V« O i9c Houeshold Rubber Gloves. 25e
•J W k the most stylish extra size Suits produced. Pure Wool Poplin Skirts, valued at $4.00: | IV. 5 v d"\' and 4 Offi Remmer's 10c Peroxide Bath Soap
.J" I] Stylish Stout and Stubby Stout Suits in h 'a-ck and navy; latest C«o qc II i| v Spring's latest styles, in black, white and natural. Splendid wash- $ 8,;
i A „ Spring styles *J \ y a)) | e gra ,i ei j n a n s j zes . in d new novelty effects. Literally hundreds of X Tercen '! 10e Violet filveerine Soan
■' C 1 Q Cf| 1. - 90 Cfi Extra size Skirts of pure wool serge, valued / / !■ O different, styles. Better buy now; no telling when we'll be able to dupli- 5 '
■I tf tPU.JU 10 at CO QC A J 5 cate this offer. 3 ' 41
j I I < a ' °. j? I; | ■"] Kayser's Famous Silk Gloves For Women % <%?■?'&
ii Charming Easter Dresses at Amazing Underselling Prices NOW \ g I
NSilk Dresses; an attractive style as- Value SIO.OO, at ••• f•%J XJ Values $7.50 at - Vv«i7 KJ AHpratinnc T7T?T?T7 '■ A — Olfij 9 4 »>\ and O Williams' 8c Barber's Bar Soap
J*sfirtrnpnt in tho Tuittlfiit «nw mndcl'? ' * " **llcratlOliS *
.«TS «" ™o*"- nav y.Expert Fitters a, Your J f Kid Gloves For Wome. and Mi,..,, pair $1.25 to $2.00 § ,* co™. B„„. r .... Z
t eia eionn tic 4">A J tt» ic tunic; all the new Spring colors and tan> £ re *n. Belgium and wistaria; c pr ,,;•« X All the best shades and new Spring styles; latest color combinations. X 25c Eradeline 20c
■; •MB,
;..V...% V .V.S W .VS- A . W . WWWkWW !f UFMAN «- # ECONI) FI.OOR. VWWWVWW.,'
QWIr^VI/"«' —■VI/*"—Vb"" W" /■ \ r *
(More of Those Popular 9 Inch High Shoes For Women! THE a N s STION SALE
AT A I Li " J traordlnarlly r«"".i: a " ie,arec " This Big Pre-Easter Underselling Event Extremely Cheap
yfik • / I 5c gold eye needles, paper Ic •■■ 9 Tin v r* • rxr t
Just another demonstration of our ability to undersell. Here are ||| i# M | ,lk dwnV w«Vk or « 4 nd //x"- Values to $4.00 Colored Wash
I Sizes «<° l4 95c <ft%\
the newest, most stylish 9-inch high Boots all the rage; styles which ?am • \&.9 *"* ° % " 400 <fcO DRESSES values that cant '>«
everybody seems to want and can't get for less than $6.00 to SIO.OO. %T -^"'^ >ne do -'"' n - to / Mn(le of" nne voiles, CM AC »i?Bo! ,e il« cHsp.'^ew'coi- 7rf\
<* On sale here at .$4.9.5. Get a pair to-morrow and save money. llpr /| i ni.'."b"U. -te'Vpooit h/\\ g®ok? U newe« spring m a od- V A»4O I scores of lovely new styles. Wo|
' Women's White Pro- frA Q[- Women's Gray Kid High &A QC W /A 1 ,lwn *" 'Stat'^and*Germ™n d Val! va A , u W e on that 0L PirW
6 Buck Lace Boots Top Boots - VT ° irls Wash
' . ASfflSiiS? jf ////ii 1 15° middy lacers; red, green cated an y - F)T?ESSES
[ REGULAR SO.OO VAI.I'K . REGULAR Sfi.oo VALUE £ and wjhite, each #e Tunior Girls' I o,an r ».' or con * Gf<:W I .<. -- „ T?f 11
These are the popular 9-inch tops, made q i nc h t „ D , with centiine b-»nrl I sewing needles, -•> in pack f Irmation /T Sl/.es oto 14 S1 .45
. with white ivory soles and heels and new tops Mth genuine hanfl- /mMmwr, » for... ...... 4o ConhrmatlOn dresle s and// \ cars, for X .**»J
'S iiti'dium long vamp; all sizes and widths and turned soles, covered Spanish heels, / « 5c \ictoria spool silk, In black, DRFSSF 1 ? colored dress-// $3.00 won't buy you as 1
c an't he duplicated for less than $6.00 any- latest lace models; all sizes and widths / " \ white and colors, 3c a spool, or \ ~ p « for every oc- good a value elsewhere;' \"
i ' MS
i Eight-inch Top Button STYLISH DURABLE SHOES For - aU nut »- y ruarqulset,es deciding be n°to V>» rhambray in et'e. I ; n a big lot yA
Shoe. For Wow.; SpecUl | -H2.95 to $8.90 J " ff\
Opening Feature, at type of foot, and all at prices that «c guarantee will save you money. I 25c° Kl'cinm's square's',' 21c n^„orlr i-
See these special values to-morrow. A 4, 5 and 6 quarter tubular shoe _H VOlie, Girls Wash
OQ CHILDREN'S SOLID LEATHER AA 5c celluloid thimbles; white, pink I I
Net and Silk Children's White DRESSES tfl
SHOES, For SIZEB 6 AXD 8. . . 111I A 3 16, ?andTlnch scisso'rs'for'.'pr.; DRESSES Sizes 6to II $2.95 jJ£
REGI'LAR $2.95 VALVE qt/ , << tL.. IA w . 10c Queen Stocking Darners 8c JJxxliooiliO * cars, at inJOw^ff
Thc „ h „,, r>,. ' 2 11-year size JT»1.1:) wlf li nQir C 5c 10 °-- vd - snool Siikatine, all col- AS/ JiP E\ouisit»Tr trimmed 2to 6 years; dainty mod- A bewildering array of
lhese can be had in Patent Colt ... VV V 0311 | ors. white and black Ic with and embroTdery els of organdie and voiles. choice new styles. Too Wh
and Glace KM Skins with Spanish H/2 to Z-year Size 5t»1.4.» • # 5c large spools carpet and button jn double ruffle and em- ' aoe ar| d embroidery trim- many to describe. Enough
heels, light weight soles and new .... I ,„ th , r , Gad ' s, . )001 4c *¥7 broidered coat effects; all m ed to say that you can't help WTI
foxed vamns \ eennine S" Q-> shno 1-iltie Hoys SHOES, \alues to .$1.50. pair 1Q J 10c Peter Thompson lacers 5c U) sizes- worth nearlv double '' ut make a pleasing --WVV
an stes 3 Widths Made for hard service, of extra good leather; all sizes. 51.19 5 15c six-yard middy braid, bolt. 10c ft ™ prkes ift/- in, OQ l ' Binghams. reps, 17%.
.hi si..es ana wtdtns. _____K oc to l° c ' { ld curlers, dozen Jl<J\ Ui'i OX * (I>|o OA 4-vLi Til inZ, 7»I etc.; lace and embroidery ■.
~,„ ( . Mlon , , ", «■■ .-"0 c| , "' —»Q. ..'.r'"
Girls Newest The Season's Handsomest Waists and Blouses F' INFANTS' WEAR in This Beautiful New Muslinwear and New
• 11 " Coats at Pre-Easter Underselling Prices qg c Pink Underwear at c
at Low Pre-Easter UlerlUjr hllndreds of the choicest ?Sh- D r . r . O •
oe„ models m arked at prices ,ha. m Pre-Easter Event Savings
KKraff'araSSS /fM AnLes. PreSent " daymark " The Newest S"%S. i r TS ' $1.95 MUSLIN DRAWERS LADIES'NIGHT GOWNS ;
t , « / Y J I fj -&A NEW VOILE WAISTS AO _ lIIC WeWCM « m !w rV„,i« .na 25c Vahie, lor 50c Value, for
, , Afe/i' M f ;r aoe Easter Neckwear 15c 39c
che'i l„ ,l'"» y 2 SiSn ! K.SS U!1" K l '.Xc'S Ld! > lC ' "CLKWedr „ , , P , K»l«»lv. V.rlrt,..a (
Children's COATS, (to I 1.1 Jy%jL »«tln stripes and plain white trimmed with Handsome new style Collar and vp \\ ci»ifi Vf r\ PVV Vn h its Made of good muslin with low styles, embroidery trimmed.
Worth to $3.50 ~... "94.43 WV H \ A' I embro!dery or lacP AII sizes. Cuffs of organdie, embroidery and Olili. <CI A" hemstitched ruffles. All sizes. |
n«™nl? h ff an b S COl 2 ln t* m \JjLrtttffeiW / Wash Silk BLOUSES <t» -« f\ I- lace trimmed effects; nA- . -4? tO , PYTD . QT 7T? IWTTTCT TMWFAP A ,
novelty effects, in checks and / tnnt n tsnn v i Ti I M I soecial at Z4C V / EXTRA SIZE MUSLINWEAR A
mixtures: all sizesC to 14 vears. \ I \2K If;'
Children's COATS CO QC \J('t Iv These watst » will sell latTat »2 30 ami \ t)FHUAL 1-bAIUKh f \
For Easter, at .... • MH * Jfr'i'nori :. , L- se, ; vice . a ! lle Women's Dainty Easter Nec kwear Women's and Children's I I Extra size in every detail and splendid propor-ll \ I
Checks newest rC shade«. C ' , All 48c Hosiery at Pre-Easter tione | xtra Blze corset covers J /m)
and Novelty Mixtures: good coi- Event Saving Kxtra siae Petticoats 59c to 98c /"N f Jf 1
ors: sizes 2to 14 years. Pussy Willow Taffeta SILK Women's rnmhin,*; OTT v New Gold and Silver Collar and Women's Cotton i 1 l/„- Extra size Drawers 21c to 98c \ *'
Other new styles of SUk Moire BLOUSES <R4 Art -- mnnc ™ K Cuff Sets, neat embroidered de- Ribbed Stockings, pr. * A /2C . M T\\
$3.95 tO Values, for ... $2.95 Values, for' .... $3.95 ami S voile! f LACE and SILK CAMISOLES, c J
PI nnn new crepo de chines aror- , . \\ei o ni. 75c VSiUCS. lOr jtllla / y \ /'M/
1 I'OOR geous lace effects and nets, including Combination of Georgette Silk and some lace trimmed and separate Boot Silk Hosiery ?4./» T-i ,I j t•• ' '" / &.. TOi
, Georgette crepes, in various color washable Satins or Crepe de Chine collars of Georgette crepe, organ- Kor Women Mesh atlu WnltCall Sizes.
NFW Copies of Imnorted SIT K ""I Georfrette Crepe; scores of Other die and crepe de chine silk in flesh and Inoveltyhetffectasnd l novelty h e t ffect a s nd a " COl ° rß '
Mt-W LUKbhii) ot imported SILK styles; plain. Shades or striped; all and white; host of new stylos; all SILK HOSE For AO T \T t A
*| Z< ' R I sizes. First Floor I I Women; pair. 48c J I lI6W FiSSU \ ~ I I
'crep "(S J —j DERWEAR I