Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 28, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Spring Millinery for Girls
Scores of Styles in School and
Dress Hats--$1.49 to $7.50
As usual our showing of trimmed hats for giris is
notable for its great variety of styles designed specially
for young faces. For the little girls are dainty mush
room shapes all bright and gay with pretty ribbons
and flowers, and for their older sisters arc shapes of
every girlish type daintily trimmed. The display is
made up of school hats, dress hats, panamas and Sport
Dainty little mushroom hats of hemp straw in white, light
blue and old rose, trimmed with black velvet ribbon and tiny
pearl buckles $1.49
Little poke shapes of yellow braid and pink ribbon with
wreath of small flowers around crown $1.95
Pokes of tasal straw in blue and corn, trimmed with old
rose ribbon and small rosebuds sl.4©
Small turndown hats in brown and corn with brim rolled
on left side and trimmed with narrow ribbon S2.SO
Medium size drooping hat of pink, braid trimmed with
black velvet and pink roses faced with pink messnline. .$2.50
Mushroom hat of white braid trimmed with tiny cord of
blue silk, blue flowers and long ends of black velvet ribbon
T-.arsre drooping hat of leghorn and yellow braid combined,
facing and trimming of old rose $3.95
Small panamas with rolling brim $3.95
Larger panamas with ribbon bands . '..... $6.50
Handsome leghorns trimmed In old rose 57.50
Split straw hats in brown, rolled at side, velvet ribbon band
and bow $6.50
Fine black milan drooping hat trimmed with broad red
velvet ribbon and wild flowers $7.50
New Rawak Shapes
From Rawak's have come the smartest dress shapes
in silver grey, navy and black in many exclusive styles.
These shapes are made of soft straw braid and have
brims of varying size turned, rolled and twisted into
the most unusual effects. No two are alike.
Price, $6.50.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Front.
Spring Underwear and
Hosiery for Men &_> Boys
Low in Price
Spring weight lisle thread union suits, in white or
Egyptian $1.50
Spring weight Egyptian cotton ribbed shirts and
drawers; each 500
Spring weight Egyptian balbriggan shirts and draw
ers, regular and stout lengths; each 50^
Men's fiber silk seamless socks; black, navy grey
and white 250
Silk lisle seamless socks; double soles; in black, grey,
navy and white 25<i
Boys' heavy ribbed fast black cotton hose. 1
Children's fine ribbed fast black lisle hose; fashioned
feet .* 190
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Spring Blouses of
Sheerest Linen
Irish or handkerchief linen blouses in white with
colored collar and cuffs or colored blouses with white
collar and cuffs $1.95
Handkerchief linen blouses in colored stripes or
solid colors, in rose, Copenhagen, light blue, pink,
green and apricot; white collar and cuffs ... $.'{.95
New Spring Petticoats
Taffeta petticoats in colors and changeable effects,
circular flounces trimmed with plaitings, narrow ruf
fles or scalloped flounces, $3.50, $5.00, $5.95 to
White wash silk petticoats, circular flounces trim
med with ruffle or scalloped edge, $2.95, s.'{.so and
Cotton petticoats in 1 Icathcrbloom, Halcyon cloth
and satinc, circular and plaited flounces; black and
colors, SI.OO, $1.50, $1.95 to $2.95.
Veteran Postal Clerk
Dies While on Trail
John S. nippey, aged 70 year.", rail
way postal clerk between Canadaigu:
N". Y.. and AVilliamsport. died this morn
ins: while on duty. His home is a
Canadnigua, where he leaves a familj
They Gently Clean the Liver and Bowels, and Stop Headache,
Colds, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath.
Enjoy Life! Take Cascarets and Wake Up Feeling Fit
and Fine —Best Laxative for Men, Women,
Children—Harmless—Never Gripe.
Cascarets are a treat! They liven
your liver, clean your thirty feet of
bowels and sweeten your stomach. You
eat one or two Cascarets like candy
before going to ted and in the morning
your head is clear, tongue is clean,
stomach sweet, breath right, cold gone
and you feel grand. ,
Get a 10 or 25-cent box at any drug
| Death was due to sorosis of the arter
ies. Me had been ailing for tonne time.
j_ | The body was taken from the train at
j Alba, Pa., and will be siiipped home
I this evening,
il- Clerk nippey was in the postal ser
la> vice for thirty years. lie was well
known in Harrisburg. beiiiK a part of
n " the foree under Jacob C. Kurkholder.
at superintendent of the Railway Postal
ly Service, of this city.
store and enjoy the nicest, gentlest
liver and bowel cleansing you ever ex
perienced. Stop sick headaches, bilious
spells, indigestion, furred tongue, of
fensive breath and constipation. Moth
ers should give cross, peevish, fever
ish, bilious children a whole Cascaret
anytime. They are harmless and
never gripe or sicken.
APre-Easter Showing
of Suit Fashions
Emb racing Original as Well as Adaptations of French Styles
That Are Strictly Exclusive: Interestingly Priced
Youthful, practical and smart, and decidedly moderate in price, arc the hundreds of new Spring suits that have
arrived within the last two or three days for the pre-Easter season. Each garment in this notable showing possesses a
touch of individuality which is distinctly personal.
We don't remember a season when there seemed to be so infinite a variety of acceptable styles. One's suit may be
strictly plain or it may combine silk and cloth or braided and embroidered trimming in such a manner as to give a tone
of fancifulness.
Authentic Modes Featuring the Latest Style Tendencies
Tailored and Dressy Models, reproducing new ideas in French fashions in a broad range of desirable cloths. In
the lower price groups are poplin, serge and gabardine of excellent quality.
Navy, Mack and Copenhagen poplin suits in belted effect, trim- p °P» n suits in tan, Belßlan blue and black: coat Dlaiterl i»
med with bullet buttons and white pique collar $16..>0 back with trimming of small buttons; embroidered collar n«.
Poplin suits in navy, Copenhagen and black; lie coat is a Tan. Belgian blue and navy fine gabardine suits- box eAaf iifn
belted model with flare hips and finished with silk collar and white serge collar and trimmed with white pearl buttons S:toin»
check, navy and black suits; belted model; Faille over hip, lined Vuh'"fine 'peaude " "fene™™.".'. b^| ted with bos iJ' la ' t
silk collar and cuffs and trimmed with metal bullet buttons. .922.50 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart —-Second Floor.
Management of Majestic Ac
cepts; "The Fashion Girls"
Here For 3 Days More
"The Fashion Girls." who are glid
ing gracefully about the Majestic stage
the better part of an hour nnd a half
every day for the benefit of the femi
nine contingent of Harrisburg who aup
interested in what milady will wear on
every occasion, have created much in
terest among those who appreciate
something novel in the form of amuse
In connection with the appearance
of these attractive models the first half
of the week comes the announcement
that Bowman & Co.. confident in the
belief that home industries cannot be
outdone by foreign concerns, have
issued a challenge to Manager Hop
kins, of the Majestic Theater, daring
him to keel) the girls in the city for the
latter half of the week so that they
might wear some of Bowman's gowns
and give the people of Harrisburg a
fair opportunity to judge by compari
son as to the soundness of the "shop
at home" policy.
In reply to the bristling challenge
of the big store, Manager Hopkins re
plies with the following ultimatum,
declaring his willingness to accept the
challenge. The die has been cast and
on Thursday the contest between home
and foreign products will begin. The
letter follows:
Harrisburg, Penna., March 28, 1916.
Bowman & Co.,
Harrisburg, Penna.:
Gentlemen —Beg to acknowledge re
ceipt of your communication of yes
terday's date challenging the Majestic
Theater to retain Miss Catherine Craw
ford and her twelve Fashion Girls for
tlie entire week, allowing you the
privilege of presenting your own style
show on the Majestic stage the last
three days of the week, using Miss
Crawford's models.
The challenge is accepted.
Miss Crawford has consented to lay
away her $20,000 worth of lingerie
and gowns after Wednesday night and
use your apparel exclusively the latter
half of the week.
Nearly 4.000 persons saw Miss Craw
ford's Fashion Girls yesterday, and it
is likely that between 8.000 and 10,000
will see the display between now and
Wednesday night. In all probability
fully as many will see your style show
at the Mujestic the last half of the
Therefore, we will lei tlie audiences
J lircc More Trolley Cars
Wrecked and Crews
By Associated Press
Wilkes- Barre, Pa., March 2?. —j
There was more disorder in this city!
to-day in connection with the street
car strike. ■ Early in the day a car!
was attacked and damaged in the j
Georgetown section of the city and J
the crew driven away. Later three;
guards alleged to be employed by the i
Wilkes-Barre Itailway Company, en- j
countered a crowd In another part of 1
the city and fired several shots. The j
guards escaped in an automobile.
Mayor John V. Kosek and Sheriff j
George Buss are expected to swear in j
more deputies. They said there is no 1
necessity for State police within the
city limits, nor for the calling of other j
aid from the State at the present
Yesterday two trolley cars on the I
Grove and Brown division of the
Wilkes- Barre railway company were!
attacked. Both were battered to
pieces and the crews were taken from |
their places and beaten severely. One j
of the men suffered two fractured!
ribs, a badly cut face and, a bruised i
State Troopers Injured
by Striking Farnacemen
Washington, Pa., March 28.—State!
Trooper Charles Ferich is in a serious
condition from injuries received yes-1
terday at the hands of a mob of 400 i
striking furnacemen at the New
Langcloth plant of the American Zinc
and Chemical company.
Ferich and another trooper, Joseph,
M. Jordan, endeavored to disperse the
rioters, who were destroying company i
properly, and were attacked.
judge which is the best fashion show
—yours or ours.
Yours very trulv,
Per C. F. Hopkins, j
Blaze Between Wife No. 1 and
Wife No. 2 Quenched by
Jail Threat
Glassbrenner yes
? terday afternoon In
March desertion
E''j" 010 ' 1 ' ce water on
"* Glassbrenner was
haled into court for
failing to support his child who is in
the custody of his divorced wife, ap
peared at the bar with very lovely
hot-eyed Wife No. 1 flanking his right
and equally pretty Wife No. 2 staunch
ly supporting him on the left?
Glassbrenner eventually was order
ed to resume payments of the court
order for maintenance of the child
but before the judge made that de
cision, Nos. 1 and 2 wives tried to
publicly swapp opinions of each
other. Wife No. 1 started the tire
coldly remarking that Glassbrenner
had evidently seen fit to neglect his
child for his second wife.
"I beg your pardon, that isn't
true " began No. 2 furiously.
"Re-a-lly," drawled No. 1.
"Now, listen," suddenly cut in Presi
dent Judge Kunkel. "This isn't a po
lice court. Only this morning we had to
send a man to jail for contempt, and
if you two persist in settling your dif
ferences of opinion in this court we
will send you both to jail."
No. 1 smiled sweetly, aggraratingly;
No. 2's dark eyes only flashed fire.
Krect Bulletin Board. To avoid
promiscuous pasting of sales bills on
the walls and doors of the courthouse
Courthouse Custodian Charles Peters
yesterday erected a new portable bill
board in the corridor.
Must Make Pipe Changes. Sixty
days' notice to make all necessary
water, steam, sewer and gas plp< con
nections and changes incident to the
proposed paving of Second street from
Emerald to Seneca and Reel, from
Seneca to Schuylkill, lias been given
to abutting property owners by City
Engineer jr. B. Cowden.
Richard Wertz, charged with enter
ing a store In North Cameron street,
and stealing a pall- of gum bootx a
pair of gloves and a razor, was ftrrost
ed last night and held for a hearing to
day J
Dives, Pomeroy
Women's Kid Gloves
For Easter
Irresistible Qualities : $1.75 and $2.25
Made in the Trefousse glove house in France
by skilled French hands, of the finest real kid
One of the most notable qualities for Easter
is the Tres Bon, a glove with two pearl clasps
and P. K. stitching; in black with white or
white with black. This grade is ...... $2.25
Timely gloves fresh from France for Easter.
Trefousse La France two pearl clasp, best quality real kid
gloves in black with white; pair 92.25
Trefousse Sans Pnrell real kid gloves with P. K. and over
seam stitching In black with white; pair $2.00
Two-clasp kid gloves in black, white and colors; pair
$1.25 to $1.75
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor.
New House Dresses
For Women
Shown in Scores of Styles in the
New Basement '"Department
There's a brand new showing of wonderfully fetch
ing house dress styles now on sale in the Basement —
and you'll be so captivated if you spend five minutes
in a review of these new styles that you'll not stop at
owning one dress.
Values are remarkable in the face of constantly ris
ing prices.
House dresses in plain colored chambray with high neck
and long sleeves; tucks and patch pockets trim front of
waists $1.25 and $1.75
Ginghar house dresses In plain colors and stripes, with low
neck and short sleeves $1.25
Madras houes dresses in stripes and checks with white
pique collars and cuffs $1.25
Gingham house dresses in grey and white and blue and
white stripes; collar and cuffs of plain colored chambray,
finished with embroidery edging $1.75
Black soisette house dresses, with high neck and long
sleeves; finished with white lawn hemstitched collar and cuffs
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement.
New Style Ideas For
Men in Negligee Shirts
and Pajamas
Satin self stripe poplin negligee shirts with French cuffs;
in plain pink, grey and blue SI.OO
New plaid and chick negligee shirts with French cuffs, SI.OO
Fast color coat style percale shirts, in hair line and cluster
stripes; sizes 14 to 18. Special value 50c
Percale shirts with laundered cuffs; with fine pearl buttons;
sizes 14 to 19; each 59c
SI.OO Panama rep and Hydegrade satine negligee shirts, 79c
Boys' new negligee shirts with separate soft collar to match
and French cuffs 50c, 75c and SI.OO
Boys' negligee shirts in white madras; French and laun
dered cufTs 50c, 75c and SI.OO
Boys' blue chambray shirts, military or flat collar; sixes
12 to 14 39c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store. •
Groceries Wednesday
10 pounds granulated sugar for 100 with SI.OO worth
of groceries.
3 lbs. Beans 25c : Five-pound Corn Meal .. 17c
3 lbs. Lima Beans 25c 3 cans Campbell's Soup .. 25c
3 lbs. Rice * 25c ? lbs. Dried Peas J7e
can table Peaches 10c J'°a f Fresh Bread 5c
Half pound box Cocoa ... lSc J® °? S ,-? W U I ,? a R
3 cans Succotash 25c ?« ca , " D- :.F - , & S. fcoap, 27c
3 cans Corn 25c 10 cakes white Laundry Soap,
3 cans Peas 25c 1 , a „ 3 ® c
Bottle ketchup Uc - ® al<es Sand Soap .., 5c
Bottle Oliveß »c % boxes Snow Boy Powder. »c
Two iars Chow Chow .... 17c - boxes Soapine_ .......... »c
Two .tars Mixed Pickles ..17c - boxes Light House Cleanser.
Two jars Syrup ISc
Four lbs. Peaclies 2."> c .
Five-pound bag Flour 20c ,'rch Bnkcd
1214-pound bag Gold Medal ..
Flour 4lie Sunshine Raster
12',4-pound bag Ceresota 3 flavors, dozen 10c I
Flour 40c V J
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
In spite of the vigorous efforts of
city Solicitor D. S. Seitz to argue the
legal question raised by "Hardscrab
ble" property owners against the
awards for condemnation, the hearing
was postponed this morning to a date
to be mutually agreed upon by coun
Definite action by the city in pro
ceeding with the razing of the dwell
ings was recently held up my City
Council until after the ulleged illegal
ity of the proceedings could be thresh
ed out in argument court. Mr. Seitz
A 10 Days Flesh Building Test
For Thin Men and Women
Who want to Increase Weight
Report Gains At Rate Of Three To Fire
Pounds A Week In Many
Instances. Full Dlrectlona
Most thin, rundown men and women
would probably be glad to increase
their weight with ten to twenty-flve
pounds of good, firm, solid, healthy
stay there flesh and fat If they believ
ed It possible to accomplish such result
by merely making the flesh making
materials In their dally meals do a lit
tle more work than they are doing now.
This is said to be the chief reason
why most thin people do stay under
weight. They are so constituted that
they fall to fully assimilate the nour
ishment of their food, a great deal of
which passes from the body as waste.
Increase assimilation to normal and
normal weight follows as a matter of
If you are ten pounds or more under
weight and believe this can't be done
in your case, here Is a simple Inexpen
sive and really harmless test that Is
well worth trying.
First weigh yourself. Then with
each meal, for ten days and each night
as you go to bed take a single Sargol
tablet. Then weigh yourself again and
let the scales tell the story.
Sarjrol may not Increase your weight
as much as one pound a day but with
whatever Increase in your weight may
be shown you can decide what its con
tinued use for a few weeks further may
be able to do for you. Sargol does not
of itself make fat, but consisting of a
was ready to proceed in February but
j because of the short time for prepar
ation counsel for the objecting "llard-
J scrabblers" obtained postponement
until to-day. Mr. Seitz this morning
| again came inta court fully equipped
]to carry on the city's side of (he ar
gument, but Senator E. E. Heidleman,
j one of the attorneys for several of af
j fected owners, asked once more for
continuance. Janies Scarlet is asso
ciated with him he explained and Mr.
Scarlet could not attend court at this
time. H. Frank Nead, of N'ead and
Nead, John O. Nissley, William 1..
Loeser and George Ft. Harnett, repre
senting other owners joined in tho
plea on the ground that their clients'
interests were identical.
"We are ready and eager and anx
ious to argue this matter, now, to
day," objected Mr. Seitz vigorously.
"Local counsel have had ample time
to prepare. There Is no reason to my;
mind, why there should be any fur
ther delay. The question is an im
portant, a very important, one to tho
city, and we believe the argument
should be proceeded with."
splendidly balanced combination of as
similative aids and flesh-bulldlngf
agents It mixes with your meals for
the purpose of making It easier for your
blood to accept their strength, flesh,
and fat-making nourishment and turn
It into strength, flesh and fat upon your
A great many people have gladly told
that It succeeds. There are many • re
ports like the following: "I have in
creased 18 pounds in less than a.
month," wrote a man from Colorado.
Another man who said he had been los
ing over a pound a week and was under
IGii pounds, gained two pounds the first
week taking Sargol and "been gaining
over since." report over 170
pounds. Better than 15 pound gain. A.
lady from St. Louis wrote. "Have gained
IB pounds and am still gaining." Sar
gol as a rule should be taken 30 days
or more where results like above are
The tablets are small, easily swallow
ed. produce no disagreeable effects, con
tain no habit drugs, are harmless and
not at all expensive as compared with
results said to be obtained.
NOTE —Sargol, referred to above, is
well known as a flesh builder to G. A.
Gorgas as well as many other of the
leading local druggists who further
more sell It on the positive guarantee,
as found in each large package, of sat
isfactory weight increase or money
back. In view of this liberal offer and
the harmless nature of the remedy, It
would seem that all who desire increas
ed weight should he glad tn give thi»
method a trial. —Advertisement,