Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 25, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Ephrata Assured of Big Build
ing Boom During Coming
High School Students Chosen'
For Debating Team in
Coming Contest
Ephrata, Pa.. March 25. A pretty }
wedding took place on Saturday morn
ing last in Trlnitj Lutlifran church i
when Agnew Miller of Lincoln, and
Miss Ellen Landis, eldest daughter of I
Mr. and Mrs. .T. C. Landis, of Ephrata. 1
were united in marriage by the Rev. '
J. W. Smith, of the Lutheran church.
They were attended by Miss Alma
Landis, a sister of the bride and ,
Samuel Wilhelm. of Oregon, Lancas
ter county. They will live at Ephrata
where both are emploves of the
Ephrata Silk Mill. Ephrata will
experience quite a building boom
during- the coming season, there being
contracts already signed for the erec
tion of at least forty dwellings, most i
of them of brick with all of a sub- 1
stantial character. Birthday sur- j
prise parties were tendered on Mon- !
day evening in honor of Miss Lena;
llartz and Mrs. Rudy M. Wolf, both,
of Ephrata, at their respective homes.
Both affairs were largely attended and
a general good time was enjoyed.
The debaters chosen from the Ephrata
High School pupils for the inter
scholastic debate to be held in Har
risburg in the near future are Miles j
Fry, Solomon Hagg, Anna Bucher
and Helen Spangler. Elam B. j
Stoner has returned home from Cali- j
fornia, where he spent several months.
I. G. Wentzer and Adam Martin
and their families spent Sunday with
Terre Hill relatives. Mrs. C. R.
Sheaffer, of Philadelphia, is visiting
her parents, Joseph Miller and wife
and other relatives in Ephrata.
Mctli- * Take
iiiis Advice.
Franklin, Pa.—"l have had a good
experience with Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. One
( when I had over
worked from nurs
'■ in? small children
llir " 11? ' 1 scarlet
• <'(irried up and
~ " *1 n stairs. I
was led to tiso
vi2L>- -5? 'Favorite Pre
serlptioii* and by
keeping it u? for some time got well
mid stronsr At other times I
used 'Favoritfe Prescription' for the
troubles prec ptling childbirth. I used j
It a number <tf times for this purpose
and always vdth the best results.'' —
Mbs. E. E. StUcke, 1212 Otter St.
When a girl (»econies a woman, when
a woman beco.Hes a mother, when a
woman passes .through the changes of
middle life, aru the three periods of '
life when health and strength are most
needed to withstand the pain and dis
tress often caujte*' by severe organic
At these critical times women are i
best fortified b.v t ihe use of Dr. Pierce's j
Favorite Prescrii»tk>u, an old remedy |
Of proved worth I bat keeps the entire j
female system peitjeetiy regulated and
in excellent, conditCbn.
If you need help .pet Dr. Pierce's Fa- ,
vorlte Prescription in liquid or tablet
form froru any medicine dealer to-day.
Address Doctor Piot»'e, Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y., and g£t confidential med
ical advice entirely iree, also book.on
womanr's diseases.
The loodern improvement in pills—
Doctor Herce's Pleasant- Pellote. They
help Nat.jrp, instead of fighting with |
ber. Sick ar.d nervous headache, bili
ousness c v-tiveness, and all derange- j
ments of the liver, stomach and bowels
are prevent* tl, relieved, cured.
I\ fi Ask The
Jilfr Merchants
f°r Whom
II w We Work
We will gladly furnish you
with the list, but here's a
good plan: Notice the clean
est windows—
Harrisburg Window
Cleaning Co.
Bell Phone 631-J
to jrttainiMßiiiiiimMß—— w :
Touring Car
Electric light and starter: tires like new.
Thoroughly overhauled and repainted. Good
top. windshield, speedometer and all equip
ment. Cost $1325. Will close out at $450.
T !'e Overland Harrisburg Co.
212 North Second Street j
'President of North Japan College at Sendai Delivers Address
at Thanksgiving Service
By Special Correspondence
| Amiville, Pa., March 2S.—The Rev.
!D. B. Schneder, D. D., president of
! North Japan College, at Sendai, Ja
, pan, was the special speaker at a
thanksgiving service held by the mis-'
jsionory society of Christ Reformed 1
! Church Sunday evening. The Rev. 1
j Dr. Schneder has been in Japan as a j
j missionary for the past twenty-five j
I years and the college of which he is
1 at the head is the leading educational;
| institution of Japan.—Miss Josephine I
: Urich, daughter of Assemblyman Dr. j
I. K. Urich of West Main street, has :
I returned to her home for the Spring i
j vacation. She is a student at Welles- i
I ley College. Wellesley, Mass.—Roger
B. Saylor. a teacher in the boys' high I
'school, of Reading, is confined to his
j home in East Main street with scar- |
! let fever.—The 6-year-old child of,
Schooljirl Has Perfect
Record For Seven Years
By Special Correspondence
Thonipsontown. Pa., March 25. •—i
Mr. and Mrs. Max Thompson were re- j
cent guests of their parents, Mr. and
j Mrs. William Thompson recently. • —j
Miss Mary Kauffman of near Mitllin- j
j town, spent the week-end in town. — i
; Moyer Meiser, a student at Mercers- |
; burg Academy, is spending a vacation j
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
! Meiser. George Suree, of Harris- J
burg, spent several days with Mr. and j
Mrs. W. R. Bong. The borough
schools closed Tuesday. Miss Anna j
i Cameron has not missed a day at
school for seven consecutive years, or ]
since she started to attend the public'
schools. Misses Verna and Kathleen
Books of near Mexico, were guests'
! of Simon Cameron's family. Miss j
| Esther Patton of Lewistown, spent l
I the week-end wth her aunt. Miss j
Annie Patton. Miss Bertha Kearns
is visiitng friends in Mifflin county, j
; John C. Tennis, of New York, spent
Sunday at the Tennis home. Mrs. j
J. Edward Haldeman and little son,
[John, of Middleburg, spent part of i
| the week with Mrs. J. G. Haldeman. i
I Miss Irene Brown of Cocalamus,;
spent the week-end with her sister, j
I Mrs. B. H. Branthoffer. Miss Harris
of near McAlisterville, is spending
some time with Mrs. B. H. Harris.
Roughest March Weather in
50 Years at Lewistown
I,e wis town, Pa., March 25. —March |
has brought the roughest weather of ;
any March in 50 years in this place.— •
Calvin Schell has been a juror for two
weeks at the United States court at
Scranton. A chicken and waffle
supper by the Henderson Fire Com
pany Thursday night drew a big
j crowd. Harry Calahan went to Red
Oak, lowa, to visit a brother. Miss <
Helen Got tscha I k has recovered from;
an attack of appendicities. Dr. and
Mrs. J. A. C. Clarkson have returned
: from a visit to Philadelphia. Mrs. !
Jno. Jones and Mrs. Chas. Williams'
j have returned from a trip to Pliila- ;
1 delphla. Clarence Dalby, a former
Lewistown boy, is at present running j
!an auto line in Honolulu. Mrs. j
Thomas Reed will return to her home
; in New York City after a number of;
weeks spent here with her mother. i
t Harry Ridcn found a black pearl in;
Jan oyster and has had It mounted in
a ring.
j Berryshtirg, Pa., March 25.-—Mrs. j
Charles l.eho is at Philadelphia where!
I she will remain with her daughter
who is in the hospital. Miss Minnie,
Snyder left for the city to buy heri
[Spring and summer millinery stock. — i
Mrs. M. S. Daniel returned from Har-I
! risburg, where she had been ill two!
! weeks, accompanied by her son. C. J.
Daniel of Philadelphia, who spent a i
day under the parental roof. Com- I
tnunlon services will be held and the j
farewell sermon of the Rev. Derr will '
be preached in the Lutheran Church J
to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. The'
Rev. Derr and Ills family will move i
'to Hampstead from which place they!
| came here. Misses Hazel Deibler :
jand Naomi Derr were visitors at Gratz. [
—Witnesses in the Hassinger and Mc-J
Coy case were called to 1-larrlsburg:
! Thursday for a hearing..—Mr. and;
Mrs. Homer Hoke moved into a house!
on Main street. Rev. and Mrs. Wal- i
ter Campbell and sister-in-law of New j
York State, visited his father, John
Campbell, for several days. The Rev. i
Campbell occupied the United Breth- j
ren pulpit on Sunday evening.
i To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism,
I whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, '
I lumbagas. backache, pains in the kidneys or
! neuralgia pains, to Trriie to her for a home
j treatment which has repeatedly cured all of
„hese tortures. She feels it her duty to send
it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself j
at home as thousands will tostifv—no chanA '
of climate being necessary. 'This simpTs !
discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, '
loosens the stiffened joints,puritiei the blood i
j and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and I
tone to the whole system. If the above
mterests you, for proof address Mrs. U.
aommets. Bos R, Notre Dame. lad.
E. 7J. GROSS. 11,1 Market St.,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry lienning was
taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital
where she has been successfully op
erated upon.—The P. O. S. of A. glee
club under the direction of T. M.
Werner, will give a concert at the
\ dedicatory services of the new United
Brethren Church at Mt. Nebo.—The
stockyards of Harry G. Longnecker,
| which were destroyed by fire last Fall,
will be rebuilt.—Mrs. Mary K. Mills
'and Miss Granger have returned to
I their home in East Main street after
(spending some time in Western Penn
sylvania towns.—Mrs. Gideon R.
Kreider, Jr., and Miss Louise Kreider
i have left for New York city and New
Haven, Conn., where they will visit
i friends. While at New Haven they
I will be the guest of Dr. D. Albert
Kreider. professor of physics at Yale
] University.
Duncannon Young Men Are
With Gen. Pershing in Mexico
Hy Special Correspondence
Dunraniion, Pa., March 25. Mrs.
i William Roush of Marysville, is the
j guest of her daughter. Mrs C. Allen
; DePugh. Mr. and Mrs. John Rudy
jand little daughter visited friends at
Harrisburg and Steelton. Mrs. Myr
j tie Ruisner. accompanied by her son
| Florian and daughter Miss Ruth,
| were week-end visitors at Philadel
phia. Mrs. Margaret Dressier has
| returned to Altoona after a visit to
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob John
ston. Duncan & Wills shipped sev
-1 eral carloads of railroad ties during
i tlie week. Mrs. K. B. Dunkel spent
TuesdVy at Harrisburg. Miss Jlar
|tha Fritz and Miss Beulah Ream
were guests of the former's brother,
Harry Fritz at Bebanon. Mrs. Wil
liam Mozingo of Duncansville, is visit
; ing her sister. Miss Sue Stewart.
The Sunshine band of the Methodist
! Episcopal Church. Airs. Charles K.
Johnston, teacher, was entertained by
Miss Ruth Ralsner at her home on
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jerome
Bowers and daughter. Miss Mabel of
Harrisburg, were guests of Mrs. Bow
ers' daughter, Mrs. William E. Ben
der on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Parsons, of Harrisburg, spent Sun
day with the former's mother, Mrs.
Beah Parsons. Mrs. Boyd Harring
|ton, of Harrisburg was the guest of
her parents. Air. and Mrs. P. F. Bun
can over Eunday.—Miss Martha Rife,
a member of the faculty of the Hnr
rlsburg Academy, is spending her va
cation at her home here. Mrs. Karl
Phillips has returned to her home at
Kennet Square, Pa., after a visit to
her parents, Air. and Mrs. James E.
Wilson. Charles and Clayton Alax
well, the former a son of Clovd Alax
i well and the latter a son of William IT.
Maxwell, of this place, enlisted in the
I United States army two years ago and
j were assigned to the same company,
Battery F, Sixth United States Field
, Artillery, which is part of General
: Pershing's expedition which is chasing
through Alexico in search of Villa, the
Mexican bandit.
Camp Fire Girls in
| "Fascinating Fanny Brown"
By Special Correspondence
I Mi Hers town. Pa., March 25. —J. O.
Charles was a visitor at Philadelphia
Saturday. Robert Slienk, employed
at Harrisburg, spent the week-end
Iwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Shenk. Airs. Samuel Orwig who
I had spent a couple of weeks at the
i Ward House, returned to her home at
i Harrisburg on Alonday. Gilbert
I Rickabaugh was the guest of his
! brother, G. Beaver Rickabaugh, at
j Alouut Holly Springs on Monday and
Tuesday. Aiiss Grace Light was a
; visitor at New Blooinfield Tuesday.
, Airs. Ella Wagner and Allss. Kathr\ n
| Rickabaugh were guests of Air. and
i Airs. Gilbert Frank at Newport on
! Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester
! Afenghes of Harrisburg were guests
| of the former's parents. Air. and Airs.
| Edward Alenghes on Sunday. Airs,
j Burton Allen and daughter" Gracella,
j of Wormleysburg, spent the week-end
with her sister. Miss Ella Tyson.
I Air. and Airs. Warren Sellers of Al
j toona, visited Air. Seller's sister, Airs.
Charles Hoffman over Sunday. —i
i Airs. Mary Allen who had been visit
ing her son, Charles Allen and family
Jat .Middleburg for several weeks re
it urned home Tuesday. Nelson
I Rounsley, a student at BucUnell Uni
versity, Lewisburg, is spending his
vacation with his mother, Airs. Samuel
Rounsley. Airs. Charles Alitchel is
visiting her son, Frank Alitchel, at
j I larrisburg. Kennett Ulsh of Dick
inson College, Carlisle, is spending his
[vacation with bis parents. Air. and
| Airs. Addison Ulsh. Airs. v Robert
j Crane of Harrisburg spent Saturday
with Air. and Airs. John \Yard. The
] Rev. C. F. Hunes who had been at
tending the Al. E. conference in Al-
I toona and Airs. Hunes and son, Ken
; nett, who had been visiting her par-
I onts, at Thompson, returned home on
| Sunday evening. Dr. Gearliart and
John Wood were at Philadelphia this
I week. Air. and Airs. Elmer Heck-!
; ert of Harrisburg, visited Air. and
1 AI rs. William Alarshall on Tuesday.
The drama, "The Fascinating Fanny
! Brown" will be presented this evening
i by the Camp Fire Girls in the school
| house. Elmer Wolfgang, a profes
| sional reader, will give several selec- 1
| lions.
By Special Correspondence
Endors, Pa., Alarch 25. Dr. J. \V.
Xet'f was a business caller at Harris
burg on Alonday.—The chicken corn
.soup supper held by the pupils and
patrons of the school on Friday even
ing was well attended and «19!o« was
: realized, which will be applied to t' o
purchase of recitation seats and charts
I for the school room.—Harry M. Swei
! gf>rt, of Harrisburg, was the guest of
bis parent." over the week-end. Da
vid Koons moved from Lykens to the '
farm he purchased last Fall. Hen
ry Swab will next week move on the
small farm which he purchased from
James Klinger. Aiillard F. lenders
left for Hamburg after attending the
funeral of his father, Jacob Enders.
Sore Throat Prudence.
No family medicine chest is well stocked
without a bottle of TONSILINE, for yon
don't know what moment it may be needed
to relieve a sudden case of Sore Throat.
Relieving Sore Throat is TONSILINE'S
ipecial mission. It is made for that ad
vertised for that—sold for that one purpose.
rONSILINE is the one and only Sore
l'hroat Remedy which is sold over a large
part of the United States. You'll /x—
--need TONSILINE one of these
days, or some niffht when the drug 111
store is closed better have a bottle /J?
ready at home when vou need it >1
most. 25c. and 50c. Hospital Size
111.00. All Druggists. W
Spring Schedule Phins Pleasant
and Profitable Work in
*E very Department
Larger Boys Employed in
Mechanical Shop, Which Is
Model of Its Kind
Ilrraltry, Pa.. March 23.—Tlie Spring
j schedule of the Hershey Industrial
i SchooK went Into effect this week and
! until June 15 there will be few Idle
! iiours for the sixty boys who are be
ing educated in this unique Institution.
The plans provided for every day and
many evenings to be devoted to pleas
ant and profitable work and play. Five
days a woek are given to the three
It's and to manual training- On Satur
day the larger boys work half a day in
I the mechanical shop, a model of its
kind. There are lectures on history
and travel on Friday evenings. Wil
i liam I", it. Murrie,, president of the
llershey Chocolate Company, addressed
the Philadelphia Jobbing Confectionery
Association at its annual dinner this
week. The Hew C. \Y. Shelander,
missionary from India, attending the
meeting of the Christian and Mission
ary Alliance at Harrisburg:, is holding
services this a'iernoon in the P. O. S.
, if A. Hall, at Hershey. The official
. days for tile beginning of Spring nnd of
autumn are the birthdays of Joseph
|and Dorothy Hills, the popular chil
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hills.
Joseph Hills, Jr., celebrated his tenth
anniversary this week. Frank B.
Saylor is confined to his room by ton
i silitis. Mrs. Al. Kraft and two chil
| dren visited relatives at Lancaster.
Air. and Mrs. James Millard and son,
Paul, moved from tlie cottage on Clov
: erdale Farm into the new house at
Homestead avenue and Abreba street
A. S. Willey and P. S. Joseph have
come from Boston to take charge of
| ihe Cloverdale herds. Devi Zimmer
man. the veteran of Deny Church, Is
Miss Belle Kauffman, a junior
at \\ est Chester State Normal School
is spending the week with her sister,'
Mrs. Stacy E. Peters. Mrs. Sarah
3himm el of Harrisburg. Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. M. L. llershey. Edward
loster spent two days at Harrisburg
i <-*• W. Fralich has an at
tack of appendicitis. Dr. Harry M
.w S .'.'f'.. of Darrisbtirg. lectured on
I Health at the Young Women's Chris
tian Association on Thursday evening.
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
Newton Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs
H. S. Gearhart, of Bellwood, were
visitors liere on Thursday. Miss
Edna Bratton of Ryde, was a. recent
vistor at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Samuel Harditie. Mrs. Dillian
Opple. of Mt. Union, was a visitor at
the home of Frank Briggs. Miss
Margaretta Smelke, a teacher In ilie
schools of Lewistown, was n week-end
\ isitor at the home of her parents
here. Mr. and Mrs. Don Price and
daughter, moved into the home re
cently Dullto by Frank Harvey. Wil
liam McGarvey of Mt. Union was a
visitor in town on Saturday.
Plketown. Mrs. C. H. Mcgonnell
and Miss Rebecca Weaver were re
cent guests of Mrs. Calvin Nichols at
West Fail-view. The Rev. Jonas
Martin attended the Ministerial As
sociation Meeting of the Churches of
God at Harrisburg on Monday. Miss
Minnie Shive of Harrisburg was Ihe
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs
Fred Shrive this week. Mr. and
Mrs. Jf. B. Slrohm visited in Harris
burg on Saturday. Mrs. Emanuel
Mumma of Fishing Creek Valley on
Monday visited Mrs. IT. M. Wilt.
Miss I.uclla Runkle spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Wade at
Penbrook. John Ramsey, Jr.. of
Harrisburg: spent the week-end witli
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1,. Ram
Wlcxmisco. Miss Mary Howell
and her niece, Ruth Potlicher, have
returned home after visiting relatives
at Morristown and Philadelphia.
Edward Steever was a recent guest of
his son, Dr. Ernest Steever at Eliza
bethville. Mrs. Francis Lewis of
Pottstown is spending several days
with her sister. George Byerly was
at Reading on Saturday. Mrs. I. A.
Keiter returned from Philadelphia on
Thursday. George Kerr, of Dickin
son College, Carlisle, is spending his
Spring vacation at the home of his
parents Air. and Mrs. George S. J.
Kerr. James Rrookmire of Dickin
son College spent Sunday at the home
of the T'ev. George G. S. Kerr.
Florence Keen of Millersville is spend
ing her Spring vacation at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clay Keen. Mrs.
Charles Kurtis of Tower City spent
Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Mark. Anthony Williams is j
spending a week with his sister, Car- j
rie at Wilkes-Barre. lra Bordner
spent Monday with his brother, Wil
liam. at Millersburg. Marian Keen
is spending some time at Harrisburg.
—Roy Keen spent a day at Harris
Rife.—Miss Crate Longabach, a stu
dent at Millersville State Normal
School, is visiting her parents here for
several days. Mrs. Kate Spotts call- ;
ed at the home of S. A. Holtzman. on I
Saturday. John Henninger and fam- 1
lly, of Curtin, called at the home of
Aaron Paul, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs
Frank Smeltzer are calling at the
home of the latter's parents for several 1
days. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Donga- I
bach expect to move to Armstrong Val- j
ley In the Spring. Byron and Verna !
Forney called at the home of Levi j
Schaeffer. on Sunday. Rubin Wen
rich expects to move 'to Harrisburg,
where he lc employed.
>ew If too nit! elil. Misses Corrine
Ramsey nnd Catherine Johnston, of
Wilson College. Chambersburg, are
spending their vacation at their homes,
here. Miss Frances Moore came home 1
from Wellesie.v, on Tuesday, tn spent!
the Easter vacation.—Kenneth Priceler
nine home from Sliippensburg Normal
School to spend the Easter vacation i
Charles Harris, of Steelton, is spending
the week with friends here. Miss
Theresa Miller is visiting relatives at
Baltimore this week. Charles Bar
nett, Jr., of Great Harrington, Mass., Is
visiting his home here. Damont M
Swart* .of Toledo, Ohio, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Swartz.
Theodore K. Dong, of Chicago, presi
dent of the New Bloomtield Academy
was here on Tuesday. Ed M Smith
was a juror this week in the Unlteu
States Court at Scranton.
Dillsburg. Pa., March Harry
Icken, of Carrol township, having sold
his farm in Carrol township nnd dis
posed of his farm stock, has removed
lo Hartman. Col.—William Weaver,
of South Baltimore street, who was
injured some time ago by falling from
a barn door :it the Coover farm, is now
Improving. —ratnes 11. Floyd, who re
cently sold his farm in Carrol town
ship, will remove to Dillsburg April I
nnd occupy the Logan house on Welty
avenue.—M. P. Denrdorff leased the
Amelia Bender home in South Balti
more street which will be vacated by
C. K. Bushe.v. —John Wiley continues
seriously 111 al his home in West York
Members in C.oslume Hold "Mother Goose"Social Vor Church
of God Christian Endeavor Society
By Special Correspondence
Mocliniiicsburg, r#., March 25.
The Rev. J. J. Resh. pastor of tho
Methodist Episcopal Church was re
turned to his charge in this place by
the conference recently in session in
Altoona. Members of this congrega
tion and friends welcome Ills reap
pointment. A reception in his honor
was held in the lecture room of the
church on Thursday evening.—A
pleasant session of the Ladles' Aid So
ciety of the Presbyterian Church was
held yesterday afternoon in tho
church lecture room.—Airs. H. C. Alc-
Common, of Altoona, accompanied by
her small niece, Boulse Soost, of
Pittsburgh, spent part of the week
in Alechanicsburg and Carlisle. —Airs.
E. E. Strominger and Airs. S. Aliller
left to-day for Jenkintown to spend
'a week with Mr. and Airs. S. Carroll
'Aliller.—The social committee of tho
I Church of God Christian Endeavor
held a "Alother Goose" | social on
Alonday evening. Dressed to repre
sent characters, members recited the
old time rh.vnles. Refreshments were
served. To-morrow morning the
Spring rally of the First United
Brethren Sunday school will be held
with a special program of music, read
ings and an address. Mrs. E. E.
Services in Linglestown's
Three Churches Tomorrow
By Special Correspondence
Unglestown, Pa., March 25.
Church services will be held in the
United Brethren church to-morrow
evening by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde
Lynch in the Church of God in the
morning by the pastor, the Rev. Whtt
aker and in Wen rich's church in the
morning by the Reformed pastor, the
Rev. Lewis Reiter. Mrs. Elizabeth
Balthaaer of Palmyra spent Saturday
i and Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs.
I John Buck and daughter, Ruth of
1 Harrisburg, were the week-end guests
|of Mrs. Annie Buck. Mr. and Mrs.
IShelton Walker of Ilarrisburg were
I guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Lutz
!on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Lynch and daughter, Eleanor of 11 ar
ris burg, spent Sunday as the guests o£
I Miss Jessie Lenker. Mrs. Henry
Spa.ngler. of Pleasant View, was a re
! cent guest of her sister. Mrs. John
: Hetrick. Miss Annie Schaner spent
J several days with Mr. and Mrs. John
Geyer at Mlddletown. Air. and Mrs.
| Cloyd Holland and Miss Holland of
Harrisburg spent Sunday as guests of
•Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hicks. Miss
! Salome Feeser of Harrisburg. was the
< guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bolton
on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Kraemer
and Miss May Sciler of Ilarrisburg
I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Zimmerman Sunday. Eugene Strite
'of New Cumberland, spent Sunday as
11lie guest of Mr. and Mrs. (J. W.
I Shreiner. Harry Feeser of Harris
burg, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
iG. C. Feeser on Sunday. Charles
Hepford of Ilarrisburg was a recent
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Zimmer
man. J. H. Mcllhenny, of Harris
, burg, and S. S. Miller, of Penbrook.
! were visitors here Monday. Winfield
McGarvey of Springfield, Ohio, was
I a recent guest ot' Mr. and Airs. Clias.
McGarvey. Mrs. Charles Koons, son
I Charles, Mrs. William Koons and
Miss Mary Sherk visited Air. and Airs.
Miles Backenstoe at Mount Joy.
Henry Ferber, a student of the Ilar
risburg Academy was the week - end
! guest of his parents, Air. and Airs.
John Ferber. Mr. and Airs. Charles
! George announce the birth of a son,
: Thursday, Alarch 23. Miss Bess
! Early, of Paxtang, visited friends
(here on Thursday.
Pupils Taken to Iron Works
in Explanation of Lecture
By Special Correspondence
Lykens, Pa., March 23. On Alon
day evening the Ladies' Aid Society
of the Alethodist Church held a mas
querade social at the home of Ed
ward Beadle. Air. and Airs. Claude
Bailey of Philadelphia, spent several
days with the parents of the former,
Air. and Airs. James Bailey. Airs.
Howard Bltterman' and Airs. William
B. Primm spent Sunday with Mrs.
Hannah Reigle near Gratz. Solo
mon Rcttinger, of Ilarrisburg. spent
several days here. ll. E. Buffington
spent several days at York and other
cities on business. Air. and Airs.
Harry Seager and Mrs. Sarah Seager
of Donaldson, were here for the fu
neral of George A. AtcCoy. S. E.
Blyler, proprietor of the Glen House,
spent some time at Ilarrisburg.
William Homines of Lansford, for
mer superintendent of the Prudential j
branch here, spent Sunday in town I
with his family. Galen Ulsh spent j
some time, at Harrisburg. Prof. H. I
E. Hendricks, of the Grammar School)
has been giving some illustrated lec
tures to the pupils of the higher
grades. He gave one recently on
"Iron." and to make the lecture more'
emphatic a number of the pupils;
were taken to the Eagle Iron works
to see iron being made. Charles j
Bender, of Bloonisburg, spent some!
time in town with his wife's mother,
Airs. Renr.v Feindt. Air. Bender has
accepted a position In Sunbury and i
will move his family there In the near |
By Special Correspondence
Xewville, Pa.. Alarch >25. Air.
and Airs. Charles Shaner of Ilarris
burg, spent Sunday with the latter's
sisters, Alisses Jean and Alargaret
Bower. Dr. C. D. Ashmore has re- j
turned from a trip to Washington. —I
Mrs. Belle Swope and sister. Miss
Jane Hayes attended the funeral of
Colonel Stewart at Chambersburg on !
Tuesday. Air. and Airs. Bruce
Elliott and son of llagerstown, spent
Sunday with the former's parents,
Mr. and Airs. Sam Elliott. Dr. G.
M. Reed Is spending several days at |
Philadelphia. Aliss Edith Bentz
spent several days at New Cumber-1
land. Mr. and Airs. C. K. Over, of
Winchester, Va., Air. and Mrs. John
Over of Lehmaster, Pa., and Ed. j
Hutton and so'n, Paul, of Carlisle,
spent Sunday at the U. B. Over j
home. Aliss Ella Hursh and Airs, i
William Oyler are on a visit to the
latter's daughters. Airs. Charles Mar- |
gesson at Brooklyn, N. Y.. and Airs, j
Thomas Brereton at Philadelphia. —I
Airs. Wm. Jessop has returned from a
ten days' visit with Mrs. John Y. Boyd
at Southern Pines. Aliss Eleanor,
Woodburn spent Monday at Ilarris
burg. Aliss Bertha James of Scot
land spent Saturday at her home
here - Airs. Robert. Graham and sis
ter. Miss Rena Maxwell attended the
funeral of an aunt, at Harrisburg on
Monday. Aliss Gertrude Borst of
Washington, D. C., is visiting her
mother. Airs. Henrietta Borst. Miss
Charlotte Dougherty entertained sev
eral friends at a St. Patrick's Day
party on Friday evening at her home
in South High street. Postmaster
T. A. Deriek has purchased the
vacant lot known as the Rlckabaugh i
lot In South High street and will erect j
a dwellinghouse.
| Ayres, of Crozer Seminary, Chester,
| visited her father, John AI. Under
wood.—Aliss Helen Owen, of York,
was the guest of her aunt. Airs. E. 10.
! Strominger this week.—Airs. A. IT.
| Ege and Mrs. Guy AI. Eberly were
I elected delegates from the local mis
sionary society of the Alethodist
; Episcopal Church to the Philadelphia
branch meeting to oe held on Wed
nesday, April 5, in the Grßce Aleth
j odist Church at Harrisburg. Airs,
i! Charles Umberger and Miss Oliva Tay
i ■ lor were elected alternates.—Last eve-
I ning Aliss Lulu Coover was hostess for
j the Woman's Club at the regular
' | meeting. The speakers include Mrs.
AI. L. Dick, Miss Coover, Aliss ICath
i arino Wheelock and Aliss Alargaret
' j Blackburn.—Charles Neiswanger, of
j Osborne, Kansas, spent several days
j In town, where he was a former resi
-11 dent.—John J. Ringwalt received con
•: gratulations on the anniversary of his
seventy-seventh birthday on Tuesday.
| "How the Story Grew." is the sub
-11 Ject of a sketch which was given in
11 the First United Brethren Church on
Thursday evening by the Alite Society,
j—Aiiss Alary Clerulenin, who Is engag
ied in setlement work in Wilmington,
| Del., is at her home in West Alain
Church Members Oppose
Change in Their Charge
By Special Correspondence
Tower City, Pa., March 25. Miss
; Florence Lewis, of Harrisburg Is
• | visiting: friends in town. Mr. and
■ Mrs. E. B. Jenkyns and children, of
s | Harrisburg, were called to town by
the death of Mrs. Jenkyns' mother.—
I s Phyllis Ulsh of Schuylkill Haven,
• visited her mother during the week.
11 — Mr. und Sirs. Robert Schrope en
! joyed a day at Tremont with relatives.
. j Harper Bressler returned to Phila
' dclphia after a pleasant visit to his
i i parents. Russel Thompson spent a
. j day at Lakeside. Mr. and Airs.
• iJohn Dando and son spent Sunday at
i | Wiconisco. Charles Barry of Wil
. liamstown spent a day with friends
[ here. A joint meeting of the Library
[ and executive committees of the
• Alumni Association was called by the
. | president, Dr. Ray Bressler and was
i held in his office on Wednesday eve
: I ning It was decided at this meeting;
i! that the alumni donate sls to the
.[fund for playground apparatus and
r that a home talent play be rendered
• in the near future to raise funds for
i library purposes. The Rev. \V. F.
. Heil, presiding: elder of the Harris-
I I burg district of the East Pennsylvania
•j conference of the United Evangelical
: churches was called to town bv mem
i bers of the United Evangelical church,
. to see if a change can be made at
( this time in the charges of the Rev.
, Kut/., now pastor of Williamstown and
. Tower City. The majority of the mem
. bers have decided that they prefer
; Tower City and Muir as before and
: are willing to pay more salary in order
. to have it so.
I ! By Special Correspondence
' I.ewislierry, Pa., March 25. Miss
• | Anna Updegraff of York, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Updegraff of
I I Camden. N. .T., spent Sunday with her
jaunt, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Laird and
daughter. Miss Ethel Laird. Roy
' W. Miller's horse died from lockjaw
1 1 resulting from a kick by another
horse. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. C.
MS. Messner and two children spent
; I several days at the home of Mr. and
> j Mrs. S. E. Millard. The Rev. Mr.
» Messner preached Sunday evening in
ithe United Evangelical church. He
was assisted by the former pastor, the
Rev. M. E. Bartholomew. Dean it.
Hudson, of Harrisburg, was a guest
I at Meadowbrook farm over Sunday,
'l— Mrs. M. E. Bartholomew and
daughter. Irene left Monday for their
I new home at Philadelphia. The for
| mer's mother left the same day for
•'her home at Williamsport, after
spending a week at the United
1 Evangelical parsonage. Miss Lu
jelnda Hutton is confined to her home
with sickness. The Rev. Edward
| Jackson, former pastor of the Meth
! odist Episcopal church has been
,; moved to McConnellsburg, and the
] Rev. L. E. Wilson sent here by the
M. E. conference. Miss Bessie
Kunkel will" lead the Senior League!
service in the M. E. Church on Sun
day evening. Miss Carrie Cline i
spent, the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Sipe at New Cumber- j
land. Mrs. Nesblt, who is confined
|to the house with sickness Is re
j ported to be improving in condition.
Mrs. George Ottmyer of York, was
I a recent guest at the home of her
j mother, Mrs. Rebeca Frankeberger.
By Special Correspondence
New (■crmantown, Pa„ March 25.
Miss Luella S. M. McLauglin attended
the Methodist Episcopal conference at
i Altoona and visited her sister, Mrs.
| Emma Smith, of that city. Kurtz
\ Burkett has gone to live with John C.
Shearer near Ickesburg. Frank P.
; Sanderson of Beaman. lowa, who had
! been visiting his brother, John San
j derson, of Roxbury, and friends at
Doylesburg, Franklin county, aceom
i panied by Frank Barclay of Roxburv,
are visiting friends here. Mr. San
derson will leave for his western home
jin a few days. J. Wesley Smith, of
Harrisburg, lectured in the Methodist,
i Episcopal church, his subject being
"The Boy and Girl Problem,"—H. NT.'
Hart was at Harrisburg on Saturday. |
—Mrs. Charles Couch, of Philadel-1
phia. visited her mother, Mrs. Lila!
: Anderson. A basket surprise birth- j
| day party was held at Mrs. Frank |
i College's home. Harry Sanderson
; and Robert Swart'/, have gone to
| Harrisburg to seek employment.
James O'Donnel, Jr., visited his grand
father, Wilson lfoontz. and uncle.
Harry M. Koontz, at Harrisburg.
Blain Stephens, who is employed at
j Steelton, spent several days with his
i mother, Mrs. Oliver Stephens. Mrs.
I David S. Beaston and son Oris, spent I
several days with Mr. and Mrs. John!
: If. Gibbons and Mrs. Annie Gutshall.!
of Jackson township. Conductor i
Walter E. Morr'.ion and son Eugene
jof New Bloomfield, spent two davs
I with the Morrow brothers and Mr. and
i Mrs. Wilson W. Morrison.
An Effective Laxativi ■
Purely Vegetable ■
i Constipation, |
j Indigestion, Biliousness,««. |
I QOR Q Q, t Night Q
I unfit relieved
Oliooolate-Coated or mam |
. ■"'IWJH ——
Economical Experience
Thoroughfare Shows Wis
dom of Investment
Will Improve Remaining High
ways of Town as Funds
Become Available
By Special Correspondenct
I Selinsjjrove, Pa., March 25. Mrs.
! John Grubb was called to Clinton
; county this week on account of the
i sickness of her sister. After being
; confined to his home by illness, Harry
J arret t is able to he about. Fran
! Cis Miller is building an addition I<>
his home which will be occupied by
| his daughter, Mrs. Warren Reed. • —•
jR. M. Coleman and family save a
j dinner Sunday in honor of Florence
i Luck's birthday. Born: To Mr. and
: Mrs. Francis Gemberling, a son.
j Selinsgrove borough council Is con
i sjderlng- the paving of Pine street.
I Since Market street here has been
paved and has practically required no
j repairs during the past live years, the
| borough councilmen argue that It will
I be wise to pave the remaining street*
| in town as funds become available.—■
Mrs. J. M. Maurer and daughter,
Almedia, visited friends at Kreamer
recently. lsaac G. Seiler, State
ltoad Supervisor for Northumberland
j county, who lives here, is getting ready
j for the annual Spring cleanup.
"The Golden Gulch"
Given For Gratz Band
By Special Correspondence
j Gratz, Pa., March 23. Clarencs
Miller and Gordon Scliminky spent
j Sunday at llegins. Hoy Coleman
i of Millersville is spending a vacation
; with his parents. Miss Dorothy
| Fidler is visiting at Lucknow. Miss
Hattie Zimmerman, principal cf Grats
selioos, spent several days at her
I home at Selinsgrove. William
Sessaman has resumed duties at
! Jersey Shore where he is employed.—
j Stanley Buffing-ton will leave for
j Millersville next Tuesday where ha
J will enter Millersville State Normal
| school for the Spring term. lrvin
Herb of Hegins visited friende h ei'»
recently. ('. P. Moyer has wm-Ti+i
| from northern Pennsylvania where n«
I was treated for cancer. Mr. Moyer is
in a critical condition. The play,
j "The Golden Gulch," given two eve
j nings by the Gratz Dramatic Club was
j well attended. The Gratz band, rcceni
i ly organized made its first public ap
pearance furnishing music for thu
play both evenings. One of tha
main fealures of the musical part ot
(he program was a cornet solo by tin
leader, Milton Umholtz, who is well
known throughout Lykens Valley for
his musical talent. The play nn
given for the benefit of the Gfu
Union Deposit, Pa., March -s.—Mr.
and Mrs. Harry S. Keiffer and daugh
ter Kathryn spent Sunday at Palmyrj
visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. 11. Deeds.- Harry Kaylor spent
Monday at Harrishurg.— Preachivur
services will be held in the United
Brethren Church to-morrow morn inn
at 10.30 o'clock by the pastor, the
Rev. George W. Hallman. Sterling
Peift'er and' sister Ruth spent Monday
at Harrishurg. Miss Rosa Swope of
Hummelstown visited Miss Mary
Rambler on Sunday. Mrs. Harry
Kaylor spent Saturla.v at Newport.- -
| Mrs. Joseph Etter and daughter Sarah
spent Sunday near Sand Beach visit
ing her son John Etter. Miss Ada
Glaub and sister. Miss Elizabeth Dick
son, of Altoona, were the guests of
their aunt, Mrs. Ella Spotts, on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Keiffer
spent Sunday at Annville with the lat
ter's mother, Mrs. Whitmoyer.—Frank
Spotts spent a day at Harrishurg.— A
party was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Peiffer, the evening wai
spent in games and music by the fol
lowing: Miss Eeo Reager, Miss Bea.
I trice Gingrich, Miss Martha Peiffer,
j Theodore Boyer, John llansliue, Frank
Snyder. Stanley Peiffer, Paul Bong,
Niles Bong, Mrs. Herman Gingrich,
'Mrs. Harry Kaylor and Mr. and Mrs.
j Edward Peiffer.
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The finest cough remedy in the
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Frederick Dotdale, M. D,, 172 Boylltoa
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Cumberland Valley Railroat)
In Effect June 27. 191K
TRAINS leave I-larrlsburg
For Winchester and Martlnsburr aM
6:03, *7:52 a. m . *3:40 p. m.
For Hagerstawn. Chambersbur*, Car
lisle. Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate
stations at *n:HB, *7:62, *11:63 a. m..
•3:40. 5:37. *7:45. *11:00 p. m.
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. m., 2:16, 3:2#,
(:30. 9:35 p. in.
For Dlllsburg at 5:03, *7:62 anil
*11:53 a. in., 2:16, *3:40, 6:37 and <:3ll
p. m.
•Bally. All other trains dally except
Sunday. H. RIDDLE.
J. H. TONGE. 0, P. X. |